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The Boy and the Worm

One day, a little boy was playing in his backyard near the
artesian well. He watched a worm for a long time. Then he
said, What an ugly thing you are! You have no hair, no legs,
and I dont think you have eyes.
That doesnt matter, said the worm. All worms are like
that and we manage fine, the worm commented as it
watched its composure.
But, do you know how to do anything? said the boy.
The animals run about and the birds fly and sing. You
cannot do any of those things.
True, said the worm. I cannot do those things, the
worm concluded.
I know how to do everything, said the boy. I know how
to read, do my arithmetic, Im very good at division. To a
certain extent, I make decisions like what shirt to wear or
what food to order over the counter. I can do a lot of things
with minor supervision.
I dont need to know how to read and write, said the
worm. But tell me, are you prepared for an invasion? Are
you brave enough to face explosions? Tell me, do you know
how to live in this world all by yourself? Can you feed
yourself and take care of yourself without the help of your
parents? Can you stand an immeasurable cruel regime?
No, but Im still very young, said the boy.
But Im much younger than you are and yet I can feed
myself and take care of myself without any help.
besides, did you ever see a worm that can talk? Am I not a
national treasure?
Adapted from The Boy and the Word
by Cabrina Padilla

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