People v. Smith

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THE CITY COURT OF ROCHESTER, COUNTY OF MONROE NEW YORK THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK CR#17-016257 Misdemeanor Information Vs. leghes! OB 5/9/95, 155 Warren Ave. Brighton. Christopher Redman DOB 12/4/77, 471 Middle Rd. Caledonia~~ + Kyle Leonard DOB 3/3/92, 896 Joylene Dr. Webster ETT) Angela Tona DOB 4/9/95, 48 Rowley St. |, Investigator Charles Burgoon, the complainant here, work at 185 Exchange Bivd, Rochester, New York. | accuse the defendant(s), Cory Smith, Samantha Saversky, Elijah Kosowski, Meghesh Pansari, Christpher Redman, Kyle Leonard and Angela Tona , in this action on the 2st day of January, 2017 at about 1:26 p.m. o'clock, at the premises known as 181 S. Clinton Ave., Rochester, New York, said defendant(s) did intentionally and unlawfully commit the A misdemeanor Inciting to Riot, contrary to the provisions of Section(s) and Sub-Section(s) 240.08 of the Penal Law of the State of New York. THE FACTS ON WHICH. THIS ACCUSATION IS MADE ARE OF MY OWN KNOWLEDGE AS FOLLOWS: Your complainant is a Police Officer for the Rochester Police Department and is assigned to the Special Investigations Section. That on the above date, time, and location, the defendant(s) did intentionally urge ten or more persons to engage in tumultuous and violent conduct of a kind likely to create public alarm, to wit; the defendants where all part of a group of over ten people who most were all dressed in black. Most of the group had their faces covered with either bandanas or ski masks to cover their identity. During a course of two hours your Affiant did observe all of the Defendants walk around and through a large crowd of peaceful protesters while carrying a flag that said Antifascism Society. All of the Defendants did on two different occasions confront people who were carrying Trump Signs and rip them from their hands and get in their faces trying to cause a scene. All of the Defendants along with people who fied from the Police did confront a bystander with a Camera. The Defendant's did block the bystander's way and followed him wherever he went. This led to a confrontation where at least one Defendant knocked the bystander to the ground while the rest of the group shouted obscenities. The facts on which this information is made are of my own knowledge, that being an investigation conducted by your complainant and other members on the Rochester Police Department and New York State Police, NOTICE: FALSE STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO SECTION 210.45 OF THE PENAL LAW OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Nye % ¢ Date: 01/24/17 Complainant. | iSO Inv. Charles Burgoon Rochester Police Dept. (Grime Report Atached [1710.30 Notice Attached CR# 17-016257 {Warrant Appicaton __Schedulad Appearance Dat Physical identification Appearance Ticket # ) ‘ # CITY OF ROCHESTER 1D Woks tentneaton CITY COURT CRIMINAL Victim's Name & Date of Birth MICHAEL HOGAN aaa BRANCH STATE OF NEW YORK (uae COUNTY OF MONROE ROCHESTER CITY COURT ‘THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK (p> “Vs. ELWAH KOSOWSKI First Name Middle initial Last Name Date of Birth 10/26/05 _ (2) BofendtantiRespondent (0%) CORY SMITH 12/10/86 __/ SAMANTHA SAVERSKY 10/80/91 First Name aiaale mile Last Name Date of Birth _ABOiC- BefendtanyRespondent Your complainant, INV. CYTNHIA MURATORE. being duly sworn, deposes and states that | WORK at the promises known as 165 EXCHANGE BLVD. in the City of Rochester, State of New York. That on the 21__day ofJANUARY 2017 _, at approximately 11 AM fil PM at the premises known as 181 S. CLINTON AVENUE/ WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK in the Gity of Rachester, Stato of Now York, | id defendant(s) ELIJAH KOSOWSKI, CORY SMITH, SAMANTHA SAVERSKY _ of intentionally committing the Violation accu of HARASSMENT IN THE SECOND, DEGREE in violation of Section 240.26, subdiviston(s) + of the Penal Law of the State of New York. The factual basis for the above being [_] UPON PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE andlor UPON INFORMATION AND BELIEF, the source of which Is VICTIM /MICHAEL HOGAN as follows: COMPLAINANT STATES THAT ON OR ABOUT THE ABOVE LISTED DATE, TIME AND PLAGE THE DEFENDANT(S) DID: [i]4. Strike, shove, kik or otherwise subject another person to physical contac, or attempted or threatened to do the sam F 2. Folio a person in or about a public place or places; or (3. Engage in a course of conduct or repeatedly commit acts which alarm or seriously annoy another person and which serve no Iegitimate purpose. To wilt, the defendant(s) did: While all parties were engaged in a protestially with over 600 people present, the defendants did surround the victim and his, ‘4 yoa son, while on the city sidewalk. The defendants and others di yell at him to “got the fuck out I"" you aren't wanted here! "you are a fascist pig!" as they also obstructed his path to escape. Defendant SAVERSKY did strike the victim in his chest with a wooden flag pole several mes, Defendant SMITH did sucker punch the victim In his let cheekbone with his fist, tnd Defendant KOSOWSKI also punched the victim in his lft cheek, wth his fist Allthe actions of the defendants, did place the vitim in fear for his safety and that of his son, as well as evince an intent to harass and alarm the victim. ‘That by the above actions, the defendant(s) did evince an intont to harass, annoy or alarm another person. NOTICE: FALSE STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS f\ MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO SECTION 210.45 OF THE NEW YORK STATE PENAL LAW. ‘Subscribed and sworn to before me this21__ day of JANUARY _, 2017 PL. 710.30 NOTICE: Please take notice that the People intend to offer atthe trial of the defendant evidence of statement{s) by the defendant(s) made to a public servant. WITNESS SIGNATURE Testimony identifying the defendant(s) as the person(s) who committed the offense in a: Wishow-up 1 photo array 1 tine-up (1 voice identification RPD 240.26 REV. 02/11 STATE OF NEW YoRK Rochester Police Department ore ft Ol AST ROCHESTER CITY COURT Supporting Deposition pace__| or 27. RPD 1270 IN THE MATTER OF DEFENDANTS/RESPONDENTS LISTED BELOW: + Ellia Kosmasls (on) dd Vist, S-_foth. a DEFENDANT'S/RESPONDENT'S ADDRESS . ow omen ny RE. Mame Ee. DEFENDANT'SIRESPONDENT'S NAME DEFENDANT'S/RESPONDENT'S ADDRESS" + Stonanthe Sauer (2) [4 (2. Mam oF. fy. DEFENDANT'SIRESPONDENT'S NAME DEFENDANT'S/RESPONDENT'S ADDRESS CHARGED WITH ALLEGED OFFENSES, TOWT: HOdoA run A Snectery lo Beat MICHAEL HOGAN 08/29/66 WITHHELD DEPONENT'S NAME DATE OF BIRTH _ DEPONENT'S ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER DEPONENT DEPOSES AND SAYS: MY NAME IS MICHAEL HOGAN. | AM 51 YEARS OLD. ON JANUARY 21, 2017, | TRAVELED TO THE CITY OF ROCHESTER WITH MY 14 YEAR OLD SON. I WANTED TO TAKE HIM TO THE WOMEN'S RIGHTS RALLY THAT WAS TAKING PLACE TODAY IN WASHNGTON SQUARE PARK, AT 181 S. CLINTON AVENUE. WE GOT THERE. ABOUT 11:30 AM. I WANTED HIM TO SEE THE CORRECT WAY PEOPLE CAN ASSEMBLE FOR POLITICAL PURPOSE. | WANTED TO SHOW HIM THAT PEOPLE CAN HAVE DISAGREEMENTS BUT BE CIVIL AND PEACFUL. 11D0 TAKE PHOTOS AS A HOBBY AND WAS TAKING PHOTOS TODAY. AS MY SON AND | WERE WALKING ON. ‘THE CITY PUBLIC SIDEWALK, ALONG WASHINGTON SQUARE PARK, WE WERE APPROACHED BY A MALE. WEARING ALL BLACK AND ALSO WEARING A BLACK FACE MASK. IN A LOUD MANNER, HE TOLD ME THAT | NEED TO ASK FOR CONSENT TO TAKE HIS PHOTOS. | TOLD HIM THAT HE WAS IN PUBLIC AND | DID NOT NEED CONSENT. MY SON AND | WALKED AWAY. A SHORT TIME LATER, WHILE LEAVING THE PARK ABOUT 1: 20 PM, WE WALKED BY THE SAME MALE, WHO WAS NOW ACCOMPANIED BY AT LEAST 6 OTHERS , ALL DRESSED IN BLACK AND MOST WEARING MASKS COVERING THEIR FACES. AT THIS TIME, THEY SURROUNDED ME AND MY SON AND SHOVED A BANNER OF SORTS IN MY FACE, WHILE YELLING ‘OBSENITIES, SUCH AS: GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU AREN'T WANTED HERE | YOU ARE A FASCISIT PIGI, | REPLIED GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME, WE ARE LEAVING. AT THIS POINT, A FEMALE WHITE WEARING ALL BLACK, NOT WEARING A MASK, HOLDING A WOODEN POLE WITH A FLAG, STRUCK ME ACROSS MY CHEST WITH THE POLE. THE FIRST MALE, WEARING ALL BLACK THAT TOLD ME NOT TO TAKE PICTURES WITHOUT CONSENT, DID COME UP ON MY LEFT SIDE AND DID PUNCH IN MY LEFT CHEEKBONE WITH A CLOSED FIST, CAUSING ME TO BEND AT THE WAIST. WHEN I CAME UP, THERE WERE MULTIPLE PEOPLE IN FRONT OF ME, AT LEAST SIX PEOPLE, BLOCKING MY MOVEMENT, AND MULTIPLE PEOPLE BEGAN PUSHING ME. DURING THIS TIME, ANOTHER WHITE PERSON WITH STOCKY BUILD, BLONDE HAIR PROTUDING FROM A BLACK MASK, AND WEARING A SKIRT, PUNCHED ME WITH A CLOSED FIST IN MY LEFT CHEEKBONE AGAIN. ‘THE FEMALE WITH THE FLAGPOLE, STARTED TO STRIKE ME IN THE CHEST AGAIN WITH THE FLAGPOLE, DOWN THE SIDEWALK. THE PERSON WITH BLONDE HAIR, WEARING A SKIRT, WHO HAD JUST HIT ME, TOOK ASTEP TOWARDS ME. | THOUGHT HE WAS GOING TO PUNCH ME AGAIN, AND I PUNCHED HIM FIRST IN THE. FACE, IN SELF DEFENSE. ANOTHER INDIVIDUAL STEPPED IN BETWEEN THE GROUP AND ME IN ORDER TO SEPARATE US. WORDS CONTINUED TO BE EXCHANGED, UNTIL THE POLICE ARRIVED. I STOOD BY WHILE ‘THE POLICE DETAINED THE GROUP AND BEGAN REMOVING THEIR MASKS, AT WHICH TIME 1 SAW THE THE FACES OF THE PEOPLE THAT STRUCK ME. | WAS TRANSPORTED TO THE CENTRAL SECTION OFFICE, WHERE I WAS TREATED BY RURAL METRO AMBULANCE SERVICES, AFTER TREATMENT, I SPOKE WITH INV. MURATORE WHO ASKED ME IF | COULD IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE THAT PUNCHED ME. I TOLD HER | COULD BECAUSE | SAW THEM WITH THEIR MASKS OFF. WHILE | STOOD IN THE FRONT VESTIBULE OF CENTRAL SECTION, THE FIRST PERSON THE POLICE PRESENTED TO ME, | IDENTIFIED AS PERSON THE PERSON THAT ‘STRUCK ME THE 2ND TIME WITH HIS FIST TO MY CHEEKBONE. THE INVESTIGATOR TOLD ME HIS NAME WAS ELIJAH J. KOSOWSKI, WHO ALSO GOES BY ROSE. NOTICE: FALSE STATEMENTS/MADE HEREIN ARE PUNISHABLE AS A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO WITNESS SIGNATURE DATI REV, 02/03, RPO 1270 STATE OF NEW YoRK Rochester Police Department re [ P-/[AV7- ROCHESTER CITY COURT Supporting Deposition PAGE _cA_ oF. RPD 1270 INTHE MATTER OF DEFENDANTS/RESPONDENTS LISTED BELOW: 1 2 __ fd DERENPANT NBENT'S NAME DEFENBANTS/RESPONDENT'S ADDRESS. 2 hd Smith (m2 BL UV. Mam sk tip ANT'SIRESPONDENT'S NAME JANT'SIRESPONDENT'S ADDRESS Sa ) DEFENDANT'S/RESPONDENT'S NAME IDANT'S/RESPONDENT'S ADDRESS cuanoeo wa anteceo orrenses,rowm: (MINQSIW cI th eatiry Ip 7 Mths logan _ %denye bie DEPONENT'S NAME DATE OF BIRTH ~ DEPONENT'S ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER DEPONENT DEPOSES AND SAYS: HE WAS WEARING THE SKIRT WITH THE BLONDE HAIR STICKING OUT FROM HIS MASK. THE SECOND PERSON THE POLICE PRESENTED IN FRONT OF ME, | IDENTIFIED AS THE ORIGINAL MALE THAT CONFRONTED ME ABOUT TAKING PICTURES WITHOUT CONSENT AND THE PERSON THAT PUNCHED ME IN MY FACE THE FIRST TIME, THE INVESTIGATOR TOLD ME HIS NAME WAS CORY SMITH. HE WAS WEARING ALL BLACK CLOTHING AND HAD A BLACK FACE MASK ON, WHEN HIS MASK WAS REMOVED, HE HAD. TATTOOS ALL OVER HIS FACE. THE THIRD PERSON THE POLICE PRESENTED TO ME, WAS A FEMALE WHITE WEARING ALL BLACK CLOTHING WITH LONG BROWN HAIR. | DENTIFIED HER AS THE FEMALE WITH THE FLAGPOLE THAT STRUCK ME IN MY CHEST WITH THE SAME FLAGPOLE. THE INVESTIGATOR TOLD ME HER NAME WAS SAMANTHA SAVERSKY. | WENT TO THE PARK TODAY TO SHOW MY SON WHAT A PEACFUL RALLY SHOULD LOOK LIKE, AND INSTEAD | WAS ASSAULTED BY A GROUP OF MASKED ANGRY ANARCHISTS, ALL BECAUSE | WAS TAKING PHOTOS IN A PUBLIC PLACE. | WANT THEM ARRESTED AND. CHARGED WITH ASSAULTING ME. MY SON DID RECORD THE CRIME AND WE DID PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FOOTAGE. | WAS DEFINITELY IN FEAR FOR MY SAFETY AND THAT OF MY 14 YEAR OLD SON. NOTICE: FALSE STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN ARE PUNISHABLE\\S A CLASS A MISDEMEANOR PURSUANT TO S ae Now) Utne “DEPONENT'S SIGNATURE ta (Wo (Date REV, 02703, PD 1270

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