2016 Emlyon Business School ICP Brochure

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emlyon business school asian campus


about emlyon business school

Located in Lyon, France and founded in 1872 by entrepreneurs

from the Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, emlyon
business school is a leading European Business School and a
global frontrunner in Entrepreneurial and Leadership Development.
emlyon business school is one of the few Business Schools to
have been fully accredited by the 3 top international organisations
(EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA). Its ranked NO2 among French
business schools by Times in 2015, in terms of the global

Devoted to lifelong learning for entrepreneurial and international

management, emlyon business schools educational project
consists in stimulating the social responsibility of its participants,
thus giving them all the support needed to achieve business
success in the various cultural and economic systems around the
world. Its know-how in training is based both on theory and on dayto-day company management. Its distinctive quality is founded
on teaching innovation and an entrepreneurial approach to
management education.


( EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA ) 2015

about emlyon business school asian campus

From its early presence in China in 1997, emlyon business school

has developed a large number of programmes, partnerships and
activities in Asia managed from its regional campus in Shanghai.
The mission of the emlyon business school Asian campus is to
serve both individuals and businesses in Asia through a broad
range of programmes and learning opportunities for the current
and future generations of leaders and entrepreneurs.


The Asian Campus will establish an international-class faculty. It

will also develop a Research Center of Social Responsibility and a
Cluster of Lifestyle and Consumption.
The Asian Campus also develops exchange and cooperation with
top universities in China. emlyon business school has exchange
programmes with Cheung Kong Business School, Jiaotong
University and Tongji University. Cooperation and/or joint
programmes with other universities, such as Lingnan (University)
College of Sun Yat-sen University, Zhejiang University, East China
Normal University, Fudan University and Beijing University of
Post and Telecommunication, have been developed or are in
In 2016, emlyon business school business school and East China
Normal University have jointly created Asia Europe Business
School (AEBS). Located in Shanghai, AEBS is the unique
business school that crafts cross-disciplinary talents. AEBS has
the ambition to build the future global business leaders and
ambassadors of the new Silk Road, combining Eastern and
Western wisdom, best management practices, and a high level of
social responsibility.


emlyon business school established its Asian Campus in Shanghai in 2007 and launched a 14-week semester for emlyon business
school masters students. Operated by the emlyon business school Asian Campus programmes office, this semester is fully integrated
into the Masters programmes offered on European Campus in Lyon, France. It brings together Masters students from emlyon business
school, from ECNU, our partner university in Shanghai, and from other partner institutions, for a full multi-cultural experience in China.
Each year, around 600 Masters students will pursue management studies here in Shanghai, either during the Summer (from April
to July) or the Fall semester (from September to December). The students come from different programmes, especially during the
Summer semester: MSc in Management (Grande Ecole Program), MSc in Luxury Management & Marketing, MSc in Sport Industry
Management, MSc in International Hospitality Management, etc.
2007 ( )
( ) ( ) 600 (
) ()

On the Asian Campus, the semester provides students with relevant

courses and an opportunity to experience and understand essential
aspects of the Chinese / Asian business environment, particularly in
the form of the In-Company Project (ICP).
A large number of Chinese and international companies are faced
with issues they need advice on, plans or projects which need to
take on a more tangible form, or even problems and challenges that
need to be resolved. Such companies may lack the necessary inhouse resources (time, people, etc.) to pursue them. Each semester,
the emlyon business school Asian Campus can offer multi-cultural
groups of students to work on these very real projects anad come
up with real proposals and real recommendations at the end of the
Each team of students can draw on solid general management
knowledge, the specific learning contents of the semester in
Shanghai, and their diversified backgrounds in order to analyse
and resolve the particular issues while coming up with tangible
outputs for the future development of the company, as amply
demonstrated in the previous semesters.



what types of project?

Many types of issues can be covered in the

framework of the ICP:
a marketing plan for a new line of products
a communication or positioning strategy
a competitive benchmarking analysis
reorientation of HR and remuneration policies
internal performance improvement research etc.

working with our students?

The In-Company Project lasts the whole semester (14 weeks),

either during the Summer semester (April to July) or during
the Fall semester (September to December). Each week, the
Wednesday is free of courses and thus specifically set aside for
work on the project (meetings, online documentary research,
conducting questionnaires and interviews, brainstorming
sessions, etc., whether inside or outside of the company) on top
of the spare time within the programme schedule. Each team is
composed of Masters students from emlyon business school
and Chinese student from our partner universities in Shanghai.

ICP (14) () (
emlyon business school

The company needs to appoint a supervisor to guide and

supervise each team it has provided a project to. The teams will
also be able to call on a pool of expert tutors who will provide
the necessary methodological advice as they steer their way
through the different stages of this consultancy project.

4 stages:





Definition of the project

and its scope

Collection of data
and information

Analysis, reflection,
scenario creation

Selection of options and



Final report and

final presentation

Beginning of Semester

Kick-off Meeting

Methodology report

Mid-term report

First Monday
of semester

First Wednesday
of Semester

Approx. 2 weeks
after kick-off meeting


End of semester


The students will hand in a final report (20-30 pages) and carry
out a final presentation in front of the company supervisor and
the programme board (composed of faculty and tutors).

( 20-30 )

some examples :

Mass Consumer Distribution

Lean management

A famous jewellery brand

Brand positioning and marketing plan in mainland China

A famous skin care brand

Synthesis of the competition analysis and recommendation
on the brand's future marketing strategy.

A dairy products brand

consumer behaviour research and recommendation on the
category management

Clean technology consulting

Market study and business plan for green building products

advantages of icp for participating companies

Recommendations on real issues

Access to a group of talented students and resources
Possibility to tailor student profiles to project needs
Student creativity / thinking out of box + excellent academic
Professional and academic supervision by emlyon business

Opportunity to identify / test future new hires

key elements for designing a successful project

A clear definition of the scope of the project: a real issue confronting

the company
Commitment of the supervisor, regular exchange of meetings
Access to internal resources (confidential agreement available)



The group of students: generally composed of 4 emlyon

business school masters students and 1 Chinese student
from our partner universities. The company cannot choose
the students but can submit their requirements of students
profiles (for example: engineering background, experience in
marketing or in finance, etc.)
The company, which is represented by the company
supervisor. The supervisor defines the framework of the
assignment, follows the consultants work and assesses their
final results. His/her commitment is the key element for the
success of the project.

Since 2008, weve worked with around 340 companies

on around 600 projects, including:

ADEN Services, Accor, Adidas, ADECCO, Agatha,

Andros, ARKEMA, AUCHAN, Bureau Veritas,
Carrefour, Cartier, BAYER, Decathlon, Kering,
LENOVO, L'Oreal, Louis Vuitton, Michelin, Miumiu,
Ralph Lauren, Saint-Gobain, Salomon, Sodexo,
Solvay, PayPal, Roger Dubuis, Philips, Puma,
Salomon, Socit Gnrale, TOTAL, Veolia
And many SME.

The pool of academic tutors, which represents a resource

accessible to students. The pool of tutors will comprise a
number of academic experts from different business fields and
will offer suggestions and advice concerning methodology,
action plans, sources of information, etc.,
The ICP board is made of several professional and academic
experts, who will assess the overall quality of the final project
once accomplished with the company supervisor.
emlyon business school

The following companies have offered projects for

two consecutive semesters or more:

ADECCO, ADEN, Agatha, ARKEMA, Auchan, Andros,

Bureau Veritas, ClubMed, Decathlon, Gaggenau,
L'Oreal, Oakley, PayPal, Puma, Ralph Lauren, Roger
Dubuis, Saint-Gobain, Salomon, Sodexo, Socit
Gnrale, Total, Veolia...


Congratulations to the whole team for the good

management, output and presentation of Kiri project. It
is good team work from the assignment of each team
member, understanding the project, designing the
methodology, analyses to good presentation skills.


- Groupe Bel

your contact

We are happy to say that the team brought us a very

helpful and wide understranding of the current market.
Based on their analyses and results we can totally agree
to the conclusions made.

- Arvato
CHEN Liqing

Director of Marketing & Corporate Relations

I have been very impressed by the professionalism

of the reports content and the pertinence of the
conclusions drawn. We at Agatha will certainly take
into account your remarks and comments.

021 6260 8160ext. 803

- Agatha

emlyon business school


East China Normal University
Global Education Center
3663, Zhongshan Rd North
51 cours Fauriel
CS 80029
42009 Saint-Etienne cedex 2 - FRANCE
Marina de Casablanca
20000 Casablanca - MOROCCO
15 boulevard Diderot
75012 Paris - FRANCE

emlyon business school - 2016 - Non-contractual document - All trademarks are registered - Design : JoinSAI

23 avenue Guy de Collongue
CS 40203
69134 Ecully cedex - FRANCE

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