Chapter 5 Stats Project

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Chapter 5 Stats Project

1. Rolling one die and flipping one coin

2. Sample Space

3. Start by identifying a simple event A related to your scenario (just 1 die, coin, card, etc.)
A = Heads
a. Find P(A) 50%
b. What does P(A) tell you? Probability of flipping heads or tails
c. Ac = tails
d. Find P(Ac) 50%
e. What is true about P(A) and P(Ac)? If you add both P(A) and P(Ac)
it equals 100%
4. Now identify another simple event B (the 2nd die, coin, spin, card, etc.)
a. B = 3
b. Find P(B) 16%
c. What does P(B) tell you? Probability of rolling a 1,2,3,4,5,6
d. Bc = 1,2,4,5,6
e. Find P(Bc) 83%
f. What is true about P(B) and P(Bc)? If you add both 16% and 83%
you get 100%
5. Now consider events A and B together as a compound event.
g. What does it mean for 2 events to be independent? Dependent?

When two events are said to be independent of each other, what this means is that
the probability that one event occurs in no way affects the probability of the other event
occurring. An example of two independent events is as follows; say you rolled a die
and flipped a coin. The outcome of choosing the first card has affected the outcome of
choosing the second card, making these events dependent.
h. Are your two events independent or dependent of each other?
These two events are independent because the probability that one event occurs in no way
affects the probability of the other event occurring.


How do you know?

The probability that one event occurs in no way affects the probability of the other event
j. Find P(A and B)= 24.3%
k. How did you decide which probability formula to use?
We used the formula P(A) x P(B) because the two events were independent.
l. What does this value mean in terms of your original scenario?
This means the probability of rolling a Head and a 3 is 8.3% and the probability of rolling a 3
was 16%. Add the two to get 24.3%
m. If your events were dependent, explain what is meant by P(B|A)
or P(A|B).
Our events were independent
6. Next consider events A or B together as a compound event.
a. What does it mean for 2 events to be mutually exclusive?

Two events are mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time. Another
word that means mutually exclusive is disjoint. If two events are disjoint, then the
probability of them both occurring at the same time is 0.
b. Are your two events mutually exclusive?
Yes because they cannot occur at the same time.
c. How do you know?
There is no overlap in the events A and B.
d. Find P(A or B)= 12.5%
e. How did you decide which probability formula to use?
We used the formula for mutually exclusive because our two events could not occur at the same
P(A or B)= P(A)+P(B)
f. What does this value mean in terms of your original scenario?
12.5% is the probability of flipping a coin and getting heads, and rolling a dice and getting a
g. If the events were not mutually exclusive, what is the significance
of P(A and B)?
IF they were dependent on each other that would mean you could flip or roll a Head or tails, or a
1,2,3,4,5,6 more than once

Part 2
The Multiplication Rule of Counting
What is it?

In combinatorics, the rule of product or multiplication principle is a basic counting

principle (a.k.a. the fundamental principle of counting). Stated simply, it is the idea

that if there are a ways of doing something and b ways of doing another thing, then
there are a. b ways of performing both actions.
What is it used for?
The multiplication rule is used for to figure out the number of possible outcomes.
Provide an example of how it might be used,
complete with an explanation and solution
For example, En where n is the number of possible outcomes for event E1, n2 is the number of
possible outcomes for event E2, and Nm designates the number of possible outcomes for event
Em. Then the product n1 X n2 X ... X nm gives the total number of possible outcomes for the
series of events E1, followed by E2, up through event Em.
What is it?
a way, especially one of several possible variations, in which a set or number of things can be
ordered or arranged.
What makes it different from a combination?
It is very important to make the distinction between permutations and combinations. In
permutations, order matters and in combinations order does not matter.
What is it used for?
A process called permuting. This can be helpful when figuring out how many different ways to
arrange things or events.
What are the different methods for calculating it?
The underscores, (_ _ _) ; Number tree ; factorial
Provide an example of how it might be used,
complete with an explanation, and formulas, and a solution
The method for doing these problems is simple. First, draw a series of underscores, one for
each person or item youre selecting. For example, in both of the above problems, were
selecting 3 dogs, so we draw three slots:



If the question is a permutation, such as the Ugliest Dog example, you start by filling in the
total number of items you have to choose from (in this case, 8,) in the first slot. Then count
down as you fill each slot:
and multiply the numbers:
8 * 7 * 6 = 336 total permutations.


What is it?

A combination is a selection of all or part of a set of objects, without regard to the order
in which objects are selected.
What makes it different from a permutation?
It is very important to make the distinction between permutations and combinations. In
permutations, order matters and in combinations order does not matter.
What is it used for?
Finding the number of combinations available, order does not matter.
What are the different methods for calculating it?
Do it like the permutations, or use the combination formula.
Provide an example of how it might be used,
complete with an explanation, and formulas, and a solution

Combination: Choosing 3 desserts from a menu of 10. C(10,3) = 120.

Chapter 5 Project Essay

Our statistical scenario was the probability of
flipping a coin and rolling a dice. We started by first
finding the sample space so that we could see each
way each thing could happen. It helped to lay it all
out to see how many outcomes there were and
what outcomes there were. We were then asked to
find a simple event A, in which we chose flipping a
coin. Our simple event was the probability of the
coin landing on heads. The probability was 50%
which tells us there is a 50/50 chance of flipping a
coin and having it land on heads. Our simple event

B was finding the probability that when we rolled a

dice it would land on the number 3. We found ,
which equalled 16%. That means when rolling a
dice, you have about a 16% chance of rolling a 3.
These two events are independent because the
probability that one event occurs in no way affects
the probability of the other event occurring. Our
events are also mutually exclusive because each
event is independent. he rule of product or
multiplication principle is a basic counting
principle (a.k.a. the fundamental principle of
counting). Stated simply, it is the idea that if there
are a ways of doing something and b ways of doing
another thing, then there are a. b ways of
performing both actions. The multiplication rule is
used for to figure out the number of possible
outcomes. A permutation is a way, especially one
of several possible variations, in which a set or
number of things can be ordered or arranged. It is
very important to make the distinction between
permutations and combinations. In permutations,
order matters and in combinations order does not
matter. A combination is a selection of all or part
of a set of objects, without regard to the order in
which objects are selected.

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