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Senior Capstone Product Proposal Form 2016-2017

Student Name- Fatima Sanchez

Period- 4
Research Topic- Education for students of Immigrant students
Thesis (one sentence) -based on your research, what you believe about your topic
An education gap between parents and children cause a struggle for students because of parents support
and few resources provided.

Research Question ( a question you will attempt to answer and solve on your quest)
How can immigrant parents provide more support to their students even with little education background?
Description of Product (What do you intend to do?):
I intend to bring knowledge to parents who have little or no educational background and stimulate a drive
for higher education. My goal is to inform parents on how their child can succeed in school and help their
children by providing adequate resources and inform parents and students of the programs and special
services available to them.

Form of Final Product (check all that apply)

_______ Video/Documentary (explain below)
_______ Creation (explain below)

_______ Service/Mentorship, etc.

_______ Other (please explain): Tutoring sessions for students and seminar for parents

Describe the connection between your research (annotated bibliography) and your product.
A gap in education forms between parents and students because a family's priorities and focus are shifted
away from pursuing higher education. From the beginning the parents start with little and could only
provide minimal help and students don't receive the support they needed. Families especially parents
should be informed of the opportunities available to them and set a importance for education.

How will you display the entire process in in your digital portfolio?
I plan on vlogging throughout my project and taking pictures to upload on my website.

Estimate the number of hours needed to complete ALL of the items on your to do list (page 2) including
your final product. You must document at least ten (10) fieldwork hours outside of class.

Explain how you will document each and every step for completing your product (journal, blog, video blog,
etc.). This must be a documented (10 entries minimum) that will be uploaded digitally. There will be
checks on this throughout the process.
I plan on vlogging throughout my process.

What do you hope to learn during this process? Remember that this is not a research paper or project
but an experience.
I hope to learn a sense of passion through helping others. I do believe in helping others for the good of the
world but I want to learn if this is what I want to pursue in my future career starting with college.

How will this final product go outside of the realm of simply a benefit to you? How will your knowledge,
experience, creation, etc., benefit others?
By informing parents and students in my community they will have the knowledge that I passed on to
them and they can pass on to others and keep the determination going in their family. I intended to keep
offering tutoring for students and help parents who face a barrier with their children between different
languages and different educational backgrounds.

My To Do List
Below list the steps and timeline you will attempt to follow to complete your product. As you
complete the product, make additions or subtract steps as you go if and when necessary. Even though
you completed this To Do list, it will certainly change. Change it on your Googledocs, as it will be a
part of your digital portfolio.

Approx. Time
Necessary to

1. Prepare a presentation for parents and students

2-3 hours

2. Reach out to parents and students that may be interested by home visits or
phone calls

2-3 hours

3. Seminar to present information

1-2 hours

4. Tutoring for students that are interested and want help

1-2 hours per




Student Signature __________________________________________________ Date _________________

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________
Accepted As-Is___________
Accepted With Modifications ____________

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