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Public holidays in Romania

The information is also available within the Oracle Internal Rules and
Regulations document (Regulament de Ordine Interioara) posted bellow on the
same website. You can always refer to this document for additional details.
1. January, 01st and 02nd
2. January 24th , Unification Day
3. Easter, 01st day which is always on a Sunday, the 2nd and the 3rd day
(Monday and Tuesday)
4. 01st day and 02nd days of "Rusalii" (Whitsuntide) 1st day always
celebrated on Sunday, in the 7th week after Easter
5. May 01st , Labor Day
6. June 01st, Childrens Day
7. August 09th, IT Industry Day
8. August 15th, Saint Mary's Day
9. 30th of November, Saint Andrews Day
10. December 01st, Romania's National Day
11. December 25th and 26th - Christmas days
12. 2 days for each of the 3 religious public holidays , declared as such by
the legal religions, other then the christian ones, for the people
pertaining to these religions.

Please be aware that in Romania Public Holidays, when corresponding to a

Saturday or Sunday, are not to be compensated or reported to other working

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