Halloween Otome Fan Book

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Halloween Otome was initially meant as a short (very short) VN to see how much
we could churn out in a short amount of time after a long period of languishing
over another project. It changed quite a bit from conception to release, but one
thing has remained the same - the two week in-game time limit. A lot of things for
Halloween Otome were thrown in as we thought them up, but in the end we
believe Halloween Otome was better as a result.
Halloween Otome was written as a Romance/Comedy with heavy emphasis on the
comedy part. Some might say too heavy, but we enjoyed it and enjoying the
creation is what allowed us to complete it. Sure, Halloween Otome might be a little
rough around the edges but it has heart. Or at least I think it does.
The characters burrowed their way into our hearts over the production of
Halloween Otome and we hope they found a home in yours as well. The world of
Halloween Otome is one we look forward to revisiting.

Emma Cee
Job Title:

Kitchen Hand and then, later, Chef

Im not sure. I was a baby when the orphanage took me in and
they didnt know either. Mira and I usually celebrate it on the day
we met - January 5th
Favourite Animal: The northern goshawk. What? I saw one on a trip to the
national park. I got to see it hunt. With its red eyes and grey
feathers, its a beautiful but fierce animal!
Favourite Colour: I like red.

Personality and Bio: Having spent her entire life alone until meeting Mira, in her
early teens, shes not always sure how to act in social situations. Still, give her some
time and her personality will shine through.
Given the choice she would rather spend a night in, cooking and eating a good
meal, than going out on dates or to parties. In fact, without Miras influence, shed
probably never go on dates. Even with Miras influence, her main reason for going
on dates is free food. Of course, with her new love interest, the food will no longer
be the highlight of a date - just a sizeable perk. Or so they hope.
She can be single minded to the point of ignoring everything else, which can make
her come across as oblivious. This, coupled with a tendency to not really pay
attention to physical appearances, can sometimes get her in trouble. She once
didnt recognise Mira after Mira cut and dyed her hair. She didnt hear the end of it
for weeks.
Emma has always been lucky, sometimes unbelievably so, even if she doesnt always
notice it. An abnormal amount of luck, plus the ability to take down someone twice
her size in a fight, can make her reckless at times, but shes never come out of it
worse off. In fact, it seems like she may have her own guardian angel looking out for

Creator Comments - Corynth:

Emma was a fun protagonist. Her number one priority is food. Romance isnt even
on her radar until she realises that shes actually falling. Emma doesnt take things
lying down and isnt impressed by money.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

Erik was such a fun character to work with.
He was all flashy and over the top in public
and came up with the craziest ideas. It was
thanks to him that we could put in most of
the crazier stuff. He has more money than
he knows what to do with and so he does
crazy things like remodel his mansion for a

Erik Valdemar
Job Title:
23 October.
Favourite Animal: Kippy! Oh? It has to be a real animal? But Kippy is real! Fine.
Fluffy dogs.
Favourite colour: Purple. Or yellow. Or blue. Or Lets just say I like bright colours.
The brighter, the better.
Personality and Bio: Erik Valdemar is a world famous actor known for his many
diverse roles and eccentric personality. Even just a cameo from him is enough to
ensure the success of a movie.

Hes less known for his charity work. Its mostly seen by others as nothing more than
an attempt at the idle rich throwing money at a problem for publicity. Still, one has
to admit that he does it spectacularly and never fails to raise a sizeable amount.
Having inherited his fathers wealth and company at the tender age of 8, due to the
untimely deaths of his parents, Erik had no need to work. It was pure love for acting
that spurred him into pursuing it as a career.

A huge part of his love for Halloween may stem from the fact that, thanks to their
closeness in date, his parents used to have Halloween themed birthday parties for
him. In fact, the reason his Spooktacular is such a long event is because it started
as a Birthday and Halloween sleepover that he used to have with Landon. Then as
he got more popular in school hed invite more friends. The next thing he knew, he
was a famous actor and everyone wanted to attend his party. Most people arent
even aware of the fact that it doubles as his birthday party and hes quite okay with
Despite his public lifestyle, he does prefer to have some things remain private with
only those that he cares about. On his birthday night, he usually splits his favourite
cake with those closest to him. The small circle may find an addition or two soon.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

The Count was interesting to write because of
his secret. We dropped a lot of hints. In
hindsight, we might have dropped too many
hints, but some of them required perfect choices
to get. Its always interesting to see that for
every person that figured it out - theres another
that didnt. Once you replay though, the clues
are very obvious. His bantering with
Landon was one of my favourite
parts of writing the Count. Also all
those nicknames.

The Count
Job Title:

That would be telling, wouldnt it? Lets just say its in a month
that ends with R.
Favourite Animal: If I had to choose, it would be a puppy. They are loyal and cute.
Favourite Colour: It depends on the occasion. Currently, Im a bit partial to yellow.

Personality and Bio: The Count is an actor whose flirty demeanour belies a sharp wit
and serious mind. He has a tendency to hide behind jokes when the focus is on him
or something makes him uncomfortable.
His favourite pastime seems to be insulting and bantering with Landon just to see
him lose his cool. There seems to be a bit of familiarity between the two and,
despite the insults, The Count does seem to have Landons best interests at heart.
His only influences when it comes to romance have been a stoic father figure and
the many movies he has starred in. As a result a lot of his attempts at romance may
come across as clichd and fake. It doesnt help that he has a tendency to flirt with
people just for a reaction. He is, in fact, something of a romantic and yearns to have
a tender relationship like his parents did. He would love nothing more than to have
a large family with someone that loves him. Failing that, he wants to see the people
in his life happy and giving him nieces and nephews to spoil. He also wants pets,
the fluffier, the better.

A background in theatre, before making the jump to the silver screen, has provided
him with the skill to make quick costume changes as well as think on his feet. It has
also provided him with a bit of a flair for the dramatic. Despite that, he can usually
be counted on to be quite level-headed.

Landon Rivera
Hes had no shortage of women willing to be
with him, whether for his money, his body or
just a shot at the limelight and he has been
more than willing to take a few of them up
on that offer. If both of them enjoy it, then
its win-win, right? As a result, though, he has
no idea how to charm someone that
hes interested in. Hes never had to.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

Most people think Mr Wolf or The
Count were the favourite love
interests, but if Im 100% honest Mr
Bandages was my favourite to write
simply because he was so easy to
write. He seems like such a jerk and
hes completely unapologetic about
it. He has no idea how to deal with
these feelings hes experiencing
and he puts his foot in it all the
time. Hes probably the character
who changed most from concept.
He was supposed to be a cold,
silent stoic, then he opened his
mouth and went in the opposite

Job Title:
31 August.
Favourite Animal: Something regal like a lion or tiger or something. Anything feline
is good. There has to be a reason cats were worshipped way back
Favourite Colour: Dark red and maroon. Things in that range are acceptable.
Personality and Bio: Born the only child of a wealthy businessman and beautiful
model, Landon was graced with both money and good genes. However, thanks to
this privileged upbringing, he developed quite the arrogant personality. After all,
surely someone with as great a pedigree as him is entitled to great things.
His friendship with Erik spawned from a failed attempt to protect the grieving boy
from bullies. Even if he did later claim he only did it because, despite Eriks newly
orphaned status, he was still of high status and those ruffians needed to be
reminded of that. After that event, Erik took every opportunity to befriend the surly
Erik may have grown up since those early days, but there are times when Landon
cant help but look at him only to see that solemn little boy with those teary, sad
eyes. Because of this, hes still quite protective of Erik. Getting him to admit that
would take a herculean feat, though... Or a large enough quantity of alcohol.
Having spent a good part of his early childhood accompanying his mother on
photoshoots, Landon found them fascinating. It wasnt long before he found himself
wanting to be part of that world. From the moment he got his first camera he was in
love. The transition from behind the camera to in front of it was meant to be a one
time thing but before he knew it he had more people requesting his modelling than
his photography.
He took the opportunity to be flown to exotic places to be photographed so that he
in turn could photograph said places. It helped that he honestly didnt mind what he
had to do in a shoot... as long as it didnt involve heights.

Tyler Thompson
Job Title:

Favourite Animal:

Favourite Colour:

17 December. Im a
Christmas baby It usually
just means I only get one gift
for my birthday and
Christmas though.
Dogs, especially the big
affectionate ones. We had a
family dog when I was
I uh Blue. Yeah, blue. A
lighter, somewhat
turquoise-blue? Im not
sure if turquoise is the right

Personality and Bio: As a middle child in a large

family with some financial troubles, Tyler never
really expected to have more than a humble life.
His healthy appetite led to him doing part time
work at restaurants after school just so he could
take the leftovers at the end of the day. He learnt
from an early age that if he wanted anything,
then he needed to work for it.
When he discovered his passion for music, it was
no different. If he wanted to be able to afford
instruments and learn how to play them, he was
going to need to put in the work. There was a
part of him that felt guilty using his hard-earned
money on a frivolous hobby instead of putting it
towards the family, but with his parents
encouragement he soon had a growing collection
of instruments and the skill to use them.

There was just one instrument that seemed to be out of his reach - a grand piano.
He yearned to be able to play on one and it seemed like a dream come true when
he heard of a fancy restaurant that had a grand piano sitting in the corner. When
his application for a job as a kitchen hand was accepted, he was over the moon.
The mere fact that he could admire it on his breaks was breath-taking.
When his supervisor, after catching him gazing longingly at the piano at closing
time, offered him the chance to play, he was sure he would wake up any second.
Instead his supervisor was so impressed that he allowed him to play for the
customers during his breaks and slow times. After all, the piano could use some
It was quite a while later that Tyler was scouted by a music agent. He was ecstatic at
the chance to turn his hobby into a career and signed on immediately. His
excitement was soon dashed by the agents insistence that he completely change
his image to appeal to the media. There was no way a shy country boy was going
to be the next media sensation. He was given flashy wigs, tight, almost see-through
clothes, heeled shoes and a new name - Tyger. Tyler was sceptical, of course, but if
it allowed him to make a living doing what he loved then it would be worth it.

No one was more surprised than him when his first single topped the charts. He
became an overnight sensation and sex symbol. All of the attention was
overwhelming and the only consolation was that none of the women offering him
their underwear (and other things) knew his real name or where he lived.
All of this love for Tyger left Tyler feeling conflicted. As much as he wanted to
believe all of the hype was over his talent, he couldnt ignore the blatant
sexualisation of his onstage persona. It certainly didnt help that attempts at singing
as Tyler hadnt garnered nearly as much attention. It was Tyger, not Tyler, that
people wanted. He tried to make peace with that fact but the knowledge that he
had to become someone else for the world to notice him did nothing to help his
already low self esteem.
Still, the existence of Tyger allowed Tyler to support his family by doing what he
loved. Compared to family and music, everything else was secondary. He would
block out the world and focus on what really mattered.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

Tyler was the hardest character to write simply because the other two love
interests had such big personalities that they overshadowed him. He tended to
melt into the background in group scenes. The biggest example of that was
during the day of the luck game. He was so timid in the argument between The
Count and Mr Bandages that we had to fade him out, because it looked really
bad with a cowering Mr Wolf between them. Still, of all the guys Tyler is the
sweetheart, but also the most removed from the others and it shows with how
hes never let into the loop on Counts secret.

Joshua ???
Job Title:
Valdemar Head Butler
Im afraid I do not recall at this time.
Favourite Animal: One I do not need to pick up after. Failing that, one that serves
a purpose.
Favourite Colour: I have no preference. Ive found that any colour can look good
in the right setting.
Personality and Bio: Not much is known about this man. He is the Head Butler of
the Valdemar Household and was made Eriks legal guardian after the untimely
death of Mr and Mrs Valdemar. He seems to be a very proper and effective butler
who runs the Valdemar Household with a strong guiding hand.
Despite having a full time job as Eriks butler he also doubles as Eriks bodyguard,
often accompanying him on trips no matter how innocent they may seem.
Wherever Erik Valdemar is, Joshua is never far behind. When Joshua is away from
the mansion, his duties are taken care of by a number of senior staff that he has
handpicked to ensure that everything always runs perfectly, even when the Master
is not at home.
In public he patiently puts up with his Masters eccentric tendencies while guiding
subtly to ensure no harm comes to him or the Valdemar name. His takes his duties
very seriously and holds the Valdemar name above all. In private he is more casual
with his interactions with his Master - he did after all, practically raise the boy after
his parents deaths - but still insists on putting some professional distance
between them by referring to him as Master or Sir.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

Ah yes, the Ninja-Butler. That is seriously what we called him for most of the
game. Hes a great foil for Erik because hes so serious and logical. I imagine he
spends quite a large amount of time letting out long-suffering sighs over the
things Erik says and does.

Mira Cosgrove
Job Title:
Fashion Designer
22 September.
Favourite Animal: Penguins are cute. Mother nature even gave them stylish
Favourite Colour: Thats a hard question. They all have their uses. A nice bright
red is a good choice though. Pink too, but I have to be careful
with that or the outfit may come out too cutesy to suit me.
Personality and Bio: Mira is Emmas best friend and has been for over a decade.
Having been born the only daughter of a wealthy couple, she likes the finer things
in life. Meeting Emma, however set her on a track that started innocently enough
with wanting to switch to a public school to spend time with Emma and ended
with deciding to try and make it without her parents help.

She genuinely loves Emma and wants to see her happy. That coupled with the fact
that Mira is a romantic at heart, leads to Mira trying to set Emma up on a regular
basis. The results are usually disastrous. Mira, who is well aware of Emmas luck,
doesnt understand why Emma seems to have no luck with men. Maybe its
because none of them are good enough?
Mira cannot cook to save her life. In fact, shes so bad that Emma is honestly afraid
that Mira will one day go to jail for poisoning someone. They now have an
agreement that either Emma will cook or Mira will get food from a restaurant.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

I really liked Mira. Shes so outgoing and
flirty - not at all like the typical otome
heroine. Its kind of sad that she didnt get
more screen time in Halloween Otome. Still,
she is going to be the protagonist of
Valentines Otome, so theres that.

Mira loves going out to clubs and picking up guys. She tries to drag Emma along
whenever possible, but it isnt really Emmas idea of fun. She usually convinces
Emma to join her with an offer of free food. Mira loves dancing and the feel of
another body against hers. Sure, the romantic in her sometimes yearns for more,
but she is quite content continuing with her current lifestyle and living vicariously
through Emma and fictional characters.
Most people think shes kidding when she says she loves books - or that all she
reads is literotica - but she actually likes plot heavy stories with tragic love
subplots. She also loves reading up on celebrities and the current trends and
gossip. After all, you never know when that kind of information will come in handy.

Creator Comments - Corynth:

Osiria has a lot going on that we couldnt dive into in Halloween Otome simply
because it isnt her story. I know a lot of people who saw her probably thought
she was going to be mean or a spiteful rival, but I prefer it when the girls in an
otome game are supportive instead of catty. Plus, she really isnt interested in
any of the guys (or romance at this point).

Job Title:
University Student
14 March
Favourite Animal: A turtle. They remind me of my best friend. No, not because
theyre slow. Its because they have a shell they can retreat into
and are wise and gentle. They can be graceful but also awkward
at times.
Favourite Colour: Aqua. Just aqua.

Personality and Bio: Osiria Joseph-Sterling is the only child of a very prominent
businessman. Her mother died when she was very young and she doesnt have
many memories of her. Osiria was named after her mothers favourite flower - a
red and white rose. With her mothers looks, her fathers colouring and a head for
business, she is both beautiful and not someone youd want to cross.
Osirias mother was best friends with Landons mother and after her death, Osiria
spent a lot of time in Landons home. He sees her as an annoying younger sister
and she sees him as her idiot big brother, despite there being no actual blood ties.
It was through this that she met Erik. She considers Erik a friend and doesnt like
the way he sacrifices his wants to please others during the games.

She doesnt have much free time these

days, but always clears her schedule for
Eriks Spooktacular because she
knows how much it means to him.
Shes one of the few people that know
the real reason behind the
Spooktacular is to celebrate Eriks
birthday. She also uses the event to
make valuable connections.

She has an odd relationship with her butler and pseudo-bodyguard, Varan. She
enjoys teasing him and watching him overenthusiastically trying to fulfil her whims.
Her father and the Head Butler both want her to get rid of Varan and get a more
competent and less obtrusive butler, but she refuses to bend to their will.
Osiria wants to take over her fathers businesses but he seems to have other ideas.
In fact, it appears that he has already chosen another successor despite training
her for it since before she could walk. She is not pleased and refuses to take it
lying down. No, she intends to prove to her father and the world that she is more
than cut out to be his successor.

Going out with the characters PART 1



Can we get a couple of those huge tubs of popcorn? And maybe

some snacks?
Emma is fine with watching any movie as long as theres enough snacks to last.

Lets not watch one of mine Oh! That new animated Kippy movie
looks good!
Erik doesnt like the idea of watching movies that hes starred in, but hes in so
many (even if its just cameos and bit parts) that in the end all thats left are
animated movies. Not that he minds.

Oh Is that a horror movie...? Its rated PG13 so it shouldnt be that

bad Okay, lets do it!
Tyler gets pretty squeamish when it comes to horror movies and yet he always
chooses them. He is still afraid to look into mirrors for long periods, after the last


You know if I wanted to see Erik, Id have just gone to his place. How is
it that the only one he isnt in is that animated musical? Lets just watch
the racing movie. At least there are good looking cars.
Despite his protests, Landon has still somehow managed to watch every single one
of Eriks movies. According to him they are all alright. He does prefer movies with
action and cars, though.

I cant decide between the romance movie and the movie with all the
hot shirtless guys. Ah hell, lets just watch both.
Mira is a sucker for love stories and tragedies - especially the ones with eye candy.

I suppose the psychological thriller seems the least boring of

Osiria finds going to the movies a waste of valuable time, but can be talked into it.
She prefers more intellectual movies to straight up action or romance, but is likely
to choose a movie based on what will freak Varan out more.
Joshua: Of course.
Joshua tends to sit in the back of the darkened theatres to keep an eye on Erik
without intruding too obviously. As a result he now has all of the songs from the
Kippy movies memorised. Its not something hes proud of.

Going out with the characters PART 2


I hope their kitchen is well-staffed because Im ready to eat!
Emma really likes dinner dates because of the food. Shes fine with anywhere as
long as the food is good and plentiful.


I wonder if this place has any specialty foods. Id love to try something
Erik loves to try different types of food, but will also be happy with his favourites. If
the restaurant allows him to experiment, all the better.
... I wonder if they do buffets.
Tyler has a healthy appetite. Hell be happy so long as the food is plentiful. He
especially loves good simple meals with a home cooked feel.

"... Eat what you want. I can afford it. And one of us should get my
money's worth. I guess.
Landon tends to eat at expensive and fancy restaurants where the price tag has
more to do with the prestige than the taste. His intense focus on his body means
that he usually doesnt eat much but hes more than willing to let Emma order
whatever she wants.
At least I wont need to make the food.
Mira is perfectly fine with going out to eat. She does, however, prefer Emmas
cooking to most restaurants. Still, if the choice is eating out or cooking, shell eat
out every time.
Well, I suppose I have to eat sometime.
Osiria does not usually go out to eat, but can be convinced to do so. She has
particular tastes and will usually be the one to choose the restaurant as a result.
Varan will usually hover nearby until she tells him to sit.
Joshua: Very well.
Joshua will usually wait in the car whilst Erik is on a dinner date. Occasionally he
can be convinced to take a seat at a nearby table and dine himself, but only if he
feels there is significant risk to Erik.

Going out with the characters PART 3



Amusement parks have great snacks. Wheres that cotton candy

Emma finds amusement parks fun as long as their food booths are well stocked.
She has no problems with eating and then getting on rollercoasters. Her food
stays where its supposed to be - in her stomach.

Oh, lets do the love boat~
Erik loves the colourful rides and sweet treats that can be found in amusement
parks. He also loves the idea of doing love themed rides and the haunted mansion
on a date- just like in the movies.
The haunted house? Well, if youre sure...
Take Tyler through the haunted house and hell be clinging to you for dear life.
Take him on a rollercoaster and hell be screaming in excitement. Still, his favourite
part of the night has to be splitting the snacks with you.
Landon: How can you eat that much before a rollercoaster?
Landon may like speed but he absolutely refuses to go on the high rides. Instead
hell choose those closer to the ground or play games that require aiming, if there
are any. His stomach isnt very strong, so he usually wont eat on these dates until
the very end.
I wonder if there are any single dads around here...
Mira doesnt really find amusement parks interesting, unless shes there to people


An amusement park? Very well, but only if we go on all of the

Osiria doesnt usually go to amusement parks. Convincing her to go would require
a bit of effort. Once there, she will generally choose rides guaranteed to make
Varan react.
Joshua: If we must.
Spending a harrowing day following Erik through crowds and on multiple rides to
ensure nothing happens to him only for Erik to decide he wants to do it all over
again (and perhaps build one of his own)? Joshua is not amused.

Outtakes/What could have been PART 1

The following are lines and scenes that we came up with during production but
either decided not to use or wouldnt fit in the timeline (or were just plain crack):
Landon: Were getting married next month.
Emma: ... What?
Landon: You heard me.
Emma: That That is not how you propose.

The Count: So How was the kiss?

Emma: I was too busy falling to my death to notice.

*If you continuously chose to favour The Count in the games, but are pursuing Mr
Landon: Why do you keep choosing that guy?
Emma: Hes nice.
Landon: He insults me all the time.
Emma: Let me rephrase that: hes nice to me.

*If Eriks event had actually been called Halloween Otome in-game:
Landon: Doesnt otome mean girl?
Erik: ... Yes?
Landon: ... Im not attending.
Erik: Why not?!
Landon: Because Im not a girl. Im just prettier than they are.

*Landon gets his drunk habits from his mother. She too is bluntly honest when drunk:
Landons Mother: Its not fair! Im never going to have grandkids!
Landon: Hey, just because I dont want kids now doesnt mean I never-
Landons Mother: Yes, but youre *you* and I love you, son, but what woman in her
right mind would let you father her child?
Landon: Gee, thanks, mom.

Landon: My own mother thinks Im unlovable.
Landons Mother: I dont think youre unlovable. I just think that you're a lot for any
woman to handle and the thought of a miniature you would send them running for
the hills.

Outtakes/What could have been PART 2

*Erik initially wanted to appear on the chandelier in true Phantom of the Opera style
Joshua: Sir, the chandelier will not be able to handle your weight.
*The first time Varan saw Osirias costume for the Halloween Event:
Varan: ... Milady, Im coming with you!
Osiria: You were banned, remember?
Varan: But I need to protect you from pushy suitors!
Osiria: No buts. I can take care of myself.

*When Tyler goes to ask if theres a Miss Archer plush doll:

Tyler: M-Mr Valdemar! Hi...
Erik: Hm? Oh hello, Mr Wolf. Is there anything that I can help you

Tyler: Yeah About todays game...
Erik: I see. Do you also have a complaint about it?
Tyler: No! I Well I was wondering if there was a Miss Archer doll made...
Erik: I believe there was.
Tyler: Really? Can I Can I see it? Please!
Erik: Joshua.
Joshua: Ive already retrieved it, Sir. Here you go, Mr Wolf.
Tyler: Oh wow, its so cute! And soft! This is really good quality!
Erik: If you feel that strongly about it, then consider it yours.
Tyler: I couldnt possibly!
Erik: Please, youll be doing us a favour. Were still trying to figure out what were
going to do with the ones no one wants.

*Erik choosing game names for his players:

Erik: Hmm, Raccoon-boy.

Joshua: Sir, that is a legal adult in a werewolf costume.
Erik: Are you sure? He looks kind of like a teenager in a raccoon outfit.
Joshua: Quite sure, Sir.
Erik Oh. Mr Wolf, then.

Casting Calls - Joshua

*Erik and a mysterious woman sit down at a judging panel.

So the agency has sent over a few images of people that they think
would be ideal to play Joshuas part in this recreation.
Mysterious Woman: I still dont see why he cant do it himself.
You know Joshua. A butler should never be in the spotlight.
Mysterious Woman: Fine. Lets get this over with, then. I do have other duties to
attend to.
~~Photo 1 The Ninja ~~

... When I said he was a ninja butler I did not expect them to choose
an actual ninja.
Mysterious Woman: He certainly looks quite roguish.
Too roguish! No one is going to believe thats a butler!
~~Photo 2 The Handsome Elderly Gentleman ~~
Oh, this guy looks like a handsome gentleman.
Mysterious Woman: ... Too sparkly.
Whats wrong with sparkly?!
Mysterious Woman: Next.
~~Photo 3 The Balding Elderly Gentleman~~
Mysterious Woman: ...
... He looks-

*The mysterious woman abruptly stands up.

Mysterious Woman: I did not sign up for this.
Where are you going?!
Mysterious Woman: To find the perfect Joshua.

*Sadly she did not return in time.



Slide Puzzle

Maze Game

This was the first minigame coded for Halloween Otome and it still gets so many
frustrated responses even now. In actual fact, its extremely easy once you know the
pattern and there is quite a bit of leeway given for it. Plus the dinner scenes you get
if you skip or get less than perfect are different enough from the perfect one to
warrant a somewhat harder minigame.

Where the sliding puzzle gets flack for being too hard, this puzzle gets flack for
being too easy. Each guys variation of the game is a bit different which was pretty
fun to do. This is also the first time you get to see just how bad Mr Bandages is with
directions and navigating. In this game he is programmed to go in a random
direction every time you move. There is even a small scene for if you wait around
long enough for him to reach the exit before you.



Button Game

Luck Game
The number you choose in this game is randomly generated. I know some people
thought there was some significance to the number There isnt. Its 100% random.
This game is rigged in your favour. Theres an extra that explains the in-game
reason for this.

Spot the Difference:

I think the biggest complaint with this game is that we dont show both statues side
by side for the game. Side by side didnt really make sense in terms of story,
though. The other statue is, of course, still where they left it. If Mr Bandages had
been carrying around his camera at the time we could have had a photo to use for
the comparison. Then again that could have been viewed as cheating.

Theres not much to say about this game. Its just repeating the sequence. The
most memorable thing about this game is the servants reaction to you getting it
perfect. He is truly in awe of your skills. Actually I think he might have a crush, but
dont tell Erik.



Fix It!

Hidden Objects

This is actually the only minigame that is scored based on time. The others are
based on number of clicks/misclicks. Because you will automatically lose if you take
too long, we removed the skip button. In an unfortunate twist of events this is also
the puzzle that suffered from a bit of weirdness in the RenPy version used for the
Halloween Otome that made it unsolvable for a couple of people.

Ah yes, the minigame from the 11th day. This minigame had different background
music from the others to fit the mood of the day. I think the object that tripped up
most people was keeper of secrets for the chest, especially because in-game the
chest is partially obscured by the border. As for anyone wondering how all the
objects even fit in a cauldron - its a really huge cauldron. This room is truly the
room that allays most of Emmas doubts about this being one of Eriks tasks.
Everything looks so much more fake (especially the bird. Emma wouldnt put a live
bird into the cauldron!). Emma totally had to stand on the table to reach the

Halloween Otome Extras

These are text versions of the extras from Halloween Otome, some of which were
put on Tumblr. There are still quite a few that havent been posted.

Mira shushed me as she got to work transforming my costume from a regular

archer to an elven archer.
~~~~Hours later~~~~

The Elven Archer

And done.

I did a double take when Mira entered the house carrying a huge box.

I stared at the mirror in awe. It was hard to believe that the figure gazing back at
me was my own reflection. Between Miras skilful application of makeup and the
pointed ears, I looked like Id stepped out of a fantasy novel.



POV: Emma,

Timeline: Pre-Getaway,

Route: All

Whats that?
This is your costume for the getaway. I told you Id take care of it.

She pulled a few articles of clothing from the box and handed them to me.

Go put these on. I want to see if it all fits. Then Ill show you how to put
on the other props.

I eyed the clothing dubiously before heading to do as she said. Once Id tried on
the outfit I headed to Miras room to show her the fit.


Well? What do you think of the outfit?

Why is it so short?
Have you seen most Halloween costumes? Compared to some of them
this is conservative.
That and I didnt have that much green fabric on hand. I figured more
copies of the outfit would be better than a single full coverage outfit
considering youre going to be there for two weeks and we dont know
what the laundry situation will be.
I guess

I looked at my reflection again. It didnt look too bad. I mean, sure it wasnt
something Id wear during my daily life, but it still looked pretty cool.

Now stay still. Ill show you how to apply your ears. Then well cover
your hair and makeup.
My what?


Now, all you have to do is show up looking like this and theyll be
falling over themselves to date you.
Mira, Im not going there to get a man.
I know, but that doesnt mean it cant happen.
Uh huh.
Now, lets get all of this off you and you can practice reapplying it.

I fiddled with the hem of my skirt nervously. I knew Mira wasnt going to like
what I had to say, especially after shed gone through all this trouble. But


I know you worked hard on this but I dont think Ill be able to apply
all this stuff every single day.
It might take a couple tries, but When I tried to do the ears myself they looked cheap and tacky.
Thats just because you dont have experience blending them. Some
practice and youll be doing it like a pro in no time.
Theres no time to practice! Besides, I dont really want to spend
hours every morning getting ready just to impress some people Im
never gonna see again.
You cant really be an elven archer without elf ears though. You
should at least try.
Fine, Ill try, but Im telling you now - if I cant get it right by the first
day of the getaway then Im ditching it.
I guess thats fair.
Same with the makeup and hair.
Oh, come on!

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Mr Wolf,

Timeline: Getaway Day 1,

Route: All

I steeled myself for a moment before swinging the door open to be faced with...
An empty room.
Mr Wolf:

Looks like Im the first one here.

The woman from last night (Miss Archer according to the file) entered the room
not long after I arrived.
Mr Wolf:
Miss Archer:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:

(Right! This is my chance to redeem myself after last nights

embarrassing performance! Quick, I need to say something cool!
Good morning, Mr Wolf.
Er, Miss Archer Good morning.
(... That was not cool. Still at least this time I didnt blush.)

Last night I was caught off guard, but not today. I had spent most of the morning
getting myself emotionally prepared to speak to these strangers who were now my
Miss Archer:

So, any idea where the rest of our teammates are? Or if well be
getting breakfast soon? Im starving!

I had, however, been so engrossed in that, that I neglected to eat anything.

Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:

Miss Archer:

(I did grab that energy bar from my bag...)

(She probably needs it more than me. I mean shes so thin.)
(Maybe shes a model? But arent they usually tall?)
(Better respond quick before she thinks Im a weirdo.)
Im not sure. I havent really met them I, um, I have an energy
bar if you want it?

Before I could hear the rest of her response the door opened to reveal a really tall
and intimidating guy.

Mr Bandages:

What is this?

I nearly jumped as he slammed a page down onto the table.

Mr Wolf:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

(This guy is kinda scary...)

My skill sheet?
Exactly. A skill sheet, except there are no skills. Itd be just like
Erik to put me in a group of useless people.

I cant help but feel indignant at his comment - there is no such thing as a useless
person! - and I was about to respond - really, I was - but someone else beat me to
The Count:

Calm down, mommy. What kind of gentleman refers to a lady as


The Count and Mr Bandages bantered for a while before The Count greeted Miss
Archer. I couldnt help but feel a bit left out. Neither of them had even
acknowledged my presence. Before I could think too much about it, a waiter
arrived wheeling in a breakfast cart.
Mr Wolf:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Wolf:
Miss Archer:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:
The Count:
Mr Bandages:

(Yes, food!)
Food! Yes!
Perfect timing! I was starting to get a bit hungry.
This isnt the time for food!
(Hes going to make us go hungry? Thats just cruel.)
Theres always time for food.
(Shes got the right idea! We cant just let him steamroll over us
- not when food is on the line!)
We do.. need energy...
Youve been outvoted, Mr Grumpy.
... Fine.

I quickly shoved some food into my mouth so he wouldnt see my victorious grin.

Halloween Otome Extras

Skills (Continued)
Mr Bandages:

The first task seems easy enough.

Mr Wolf:

I hastily swallowed before responding - this was my chance to prove that I could
be a valuable team member, after all.

Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:

Mr Wolf:
Mr Bandages:

Mr Wolf:
Miss Archer:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Wolf:

Its finding and opening a door, right?

Yes, but knowing Erik its probably not that simple.

I hadnt actually met Mr Valdemar but I did hear some rumours about how insane
his events could get.
The Count:
Miss Archer:
Mr Wolf:

The task requires three people so, Id say youre right.

What happens to the fourth person?
(I guess she didnt read the page with task.)

The Count explained that the fourth person would sit out the days task.
Mr Bandages:

I dont know why youre telling her this. It was written on the
page with the task.

Mr Bandages seemed really annoyed with how much time we were wasting so I
volunteered to sit the task out to speed things up a bit.
Mr Bandages:
Mr Wolf:
Miss Archer:
Mr Wolf:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Wolf:

Your skills might actually be useful. Its Miss Archer who

apparently has no skills so she should sit out.
(Miss Archers skill sheet did say skills and occupations unknown
but that doesnt mean she doesnt have any)
Hey, I have skills!
(See! Now if only I wasnt afraid to say it to his face...)
Well? What are they?
(To be honest, Im actually really curious about this as well.)

(Theyre probably really cool. Maybe shes an undercover agent

or cop and thats why they put unknown - they didnt want to
give away her secret identity)
(Nah, that type of stuff only happens in movies.)
(Still even if shes not some epic undercover crime fighter - Im
sure she has some skills thatll come in handy.)
(Maybe shes a singer, like me, or a writer, or a-.)
I know how to drive a man crazy.

Miss Archer - 2, Mr Wolfs Composure - 0

Halloween Otome Extras

Exquisite Expressions
POV: The Count,

Timeline: Getaway Day 3,

Route: The Count

I glanced over at Miss Archer yet again as we got off the car. The silence between
us now wasnt nearly as comfortable as the one wed shared in the library.
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
Miss Archer:

Youre being very quiet.

Hmm? Oh Im just thinking...

I clamped down on my immediate reaction to that. It was stupid, but I didnt want
her to think about Erik Valdemar when she was with me. In fact, the best thing to
do would be to discourage it entirely.
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:

Oh? I hear hes very popular with the ladies, but doesnt date
any of the women during the game. If youre looking for
romance from him youre out of luck.
What? No, thats not what I - Doesnt it bother you?
That women like him?
(More than you know.)
No, that he seems to know our every move!

The rush of relief I felt at her words was completely inappropriate. Having her think
that the host of the Spooktacular was a creepy voyeur would not be in my best
interests, after all.
Miss Archer:
The Count:
Miss Archer:

The Count:
Miss Archer:

Does he have cameras everywhere? Does he watch us sleep or

- or shower?! If he does Im going to find him and beat him up!
I dont thinkI may be small, but I pack a mean punch! Ill show him that you
dontIm not debating your physical abilities. I just dont think its like
Then what is it like? Well?!

She probably wouldnt appreciate the sentiment, but I couldnt help finding her
righteous anger adorable. Even as I tried to explain the situation and calm her
down, I found myself enraptured by the play of emotions across her face. Even
with a mask, she was so beautifully expressive. My heart skipped a beat when she
said that the food wasnt the only reason shed come back.
The Count:
Miss Archer:

The library is awesome! Ive never seen so many books in one

It was silly of me to hope that I would have been part of the reason. Wed only
known each other a couple of days. We were no more than acquaintances really. I
knew that to be true so why did the thought make my heart ache?

We bantered for a bit and while I enjoyed the wordplay, I couldnt help but
remember that the reason she joined me on this outing was to visit the bakery.
This time I went in for the treats. I didnt want to risk her getting trampled by the
Miss Archer:

The Count:
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:

- I was hoping to go to the shopping centre to find a gift for a

friend of mine. Would you mind if we ate on the way?
(A friend? Perhaps a boyfriend?)
Not at all. You can tell me about this friend and I could help you
Thats a great idea!
Is this friend male?
No, definitely not. Mira is 100% female.
And I take it that the two of you are close?

The tender look on her face as she described her best friend had my heart
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:

I see Does she love food as much as you do?

No, what Mira loves is making guys squirm.
So shes a dominatrix?
No I dont think so anyway Well there was that time whenYour friend sounds fun.

Id half said that just to see her reaction. Im not ashamed to admit that what Id
hoped for was jealousy or flirting. What I got instead was her enthusiastic
agreement. Still, with her face lit up like that there was no way I could be
disappointed. I was more than happy to keep her company as she searched for the
perfect gift.

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: The Count,

Timeline: Getaway Day 4,

Route: The Count

I looked around to confirm that the hallway was empty before allowing my
shoulders to sag.
The Count:
The Count:

(Its only been four days and the fatigue is already setting in.)
(When did these parties become a chore instead of an
entertaining diversion?)

My head shot up at the sound of the door opening.

The Count:

( Miss Archer.)

I watched her awestruck face for a moment longer - to make sure that she hadnt
noticed me before turning back to my book. Her honest expressions were
refreshing, but not what Id come here looking for. Father probably wouldnt
approve of me ignoring a lady; he always was the consummate gentleman. Just
another thing for him to be disappointed about
Miss Archer:


I drew in a slow breath as her voice broke through my thoughts.

I shook my head, corrected my posture and continued walking.

The Count:

The Count:
The Count:
The Count:

I kept my eyes fixed on the book, but the words no longer registered. I didnt want
to have to act happy. It was rude sure, but I hoped that shed take it for the
dismissal it was.

The Count:

(The last thing I need is anyone asking questions.)

(Ive had enough of empty smiles and thinly veiled comments.)
(Still, I cant exactly tell everyone to just leave me alone without
causing far more trouble than its worth.)
(No, the best bet would be to sequester myself somewhere
where I wont be disturbed.)

I spun on my heel and headed back the way I came. Even my room wouldnt
guarantee me time away from people, but there was one room that could.
The Count:

(Thank goodness the library is never used in these games.)

I flung the doors open and inhaled the scent of the many books. The mansion may
have many rooms but this would always be one of my favourites. I carefully closed
the door behind me to prevent any guests from strolling in out of curiosity. My
fingers danced along the spines of the books as I made my way across the room
and towards the book I knew would be there. I pulled it out gently, my hands
caressing the well-worn leather cover. I carried my prize over to a table near a
window and opened it with the care one might use to caress a baby bird. Even as
my eyes glanced over the words, my mind was drifting into memories. The warmth
of the flames in the fireplace. Fathers deep baritone as he read the story aloud.
Mothers indulgent smile when we tried to get her to join him in making the
The Count:
The Count:
The Count:

(How would they feel if they could see me now?)

(Their little boy almost another year older with nothing of worth
to show for it.)
(Perhaps its better that they didnt -)

Miss Archer:

Miss Archer.

Is that book good?

Of course, I wasnt that lucky.

The Count:

(Good? The book is flawed. The character development leaves

much to be desired and the plot is predictable)

My sentimental love of the book did not blind me to its flaws. Still I wasnt going
to say all of that.
The Count:

Its not the best Ive read, but its not horrible either.

There was a moment of silence and I thought that was the end of it.
Miss Archer:

So you like reading?

I was wrong, of course. Miss Archer had a tendency to surprise me.

The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
The Count:

I like a great many things.

... Are you okay?
(Okay? I feel like Im being ripped into pieces by the unending
demands of I can hardly tell her that. She would probably just
tell me to stop being so melodramatic.)
Why do you ask?

Halloween Otome Extras

Reflections (Continued)
I didnt really care about her response - the question was just to stall without
seeming rude.
Miss Archer:

You seem quieter almost sad.

The concern in her voice had my head lifting. How long has it been since someone
who didnt really know me asked that question and actually wanted to know the
The Count:

Is that how it looks? Quiet does not necessarily equate to sad.

Just look at Mr Wolf.

I couldnt help but want to wipe that look off her face and see her smile.
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
The Count:
Miss Archer:

(Shes cutest when shes happy.)

Hes shy and youre not.
(I cant really argue with that. I dont have a shy bone in my
I suppose so.
Do you know what cheers me up when Im sad?

The Count:
Miss Archer:

... Alright. Thank you.

Dont mention it. I just hope you feel better soon.

This should have been the natural conclusion of our conversation and I should
have been glad of it. Id be able to continue reading in peace. Instead I found
myself not wanting her to go.
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
Miss Archer:

Enough about me - I assume Im not the reason you came to the

Ah yes! I was looking for a book!
Any particular book?
Just something interesting. Oh maybe something with

She told me her interests and I showed her some of my favourite books. We spent
the rest of the day just reading in companionable silence. I couldnt help but laugh
at the way she immediately sprang to her feet the moment dinner was announced.
Miss Archer:
The Count:

The Count:
Miss Archer:

Thank you.
(Why is she thanking me? If anything, I should be thanking
Why are you thanking me?
I really enjoyed reading here with you.

I didnt even have to think to answer that.

I felt strangely humbled by her statement.

The Count:
Miss Archer:

The Count:
Miss Archer:

... I was going to say chocolate, but I guess it falls under food.
Ive been saving this bar, but you can have it.

I couldnt help but chuckle at the knowledge that I could have the finest chocolate
in the world specially made for me and yet here she was offering me a simple
candy bar. The thought behind the action, however, left me feeling oddly touched.
The Count:
Miss Archer:

Miss Archer, if youve been saving it then Im not going to just

take it. I can justPlease Itll make you feel better.

I couldnt say no, not when she looked so earnest. It would have been like kicking
a puppy.

I had very little to do with that.

Well, Im glad you arent unhappy that I came here - you arent,
are you?

I may not have been ecstatic at her presence when she first arrived, but Im more
grateful than anything else that she did.
The Count:
Miss Archer:
The Count:
The Count:

Why would I be?

It just seemed like you might have wanted to be alone and I (I did want to be alone, but Im glad I wasnt.)
Oh that. Dont worry about it. Having you here was
comforting. I definitely think its something I could get used to.

Halloween Otome Extras

Lucky Number

POV: Third Person,





Timeline: Getaway Day 4,

Route: All

Joshua, theres a change of plans

Sir, does this have anything to with those nuisances that just left?
... Yes.
Very well. What do you wish of me?
I want tomorrows task to be nigh impossible.
Forgive my impertinence, but doesnt that seem a bit like throwing the
baby out with the bathwater? There are those who have not
complained and this will affect them too.
I know. Still it would not do to show favouritism.
Understood. How about scavenger hunts throughout the estate in
which the staff are not allowed to help?
Perfect. Do you think it would be too mean to have an item on every
list that cannot be found?
It would not be very fair, Sir. Not unless it wasnt counted towards the
final points.
You have a point. Okay, you know how people have complained about
getting no points for skipping?
A nonsensical complaint at best.
Yes, well how about we give them what they want?
Sir? What exactly are you planning?
Scare them. Tell them if they skip they may lose the points from the
last task and forfeit any for this task.
... That is the opposite of giving them what they want, Sir.
No, you see, thats the beauty of it. Make the outcome of skipping
dependant on some sort of guess the number thing, only it will
always show the last number said. If they do skip they will definitely get
the full points. But they wont. Theyll be too scared.
That is devious, Sir. Ive taught you well.
You did.
Ill start the preparations for the new task as well as having the device
for skipping made.
Yes, Master Valdemar?
Dont tell the staff the truth about the skipping game device. Let them
think its just a random number generator.
... Very well, Sir.

Halloween Otome Extras

Lady Luck
POV: Third Person,




Timeline: Getaway Day 5,

Route: All

Joshua, regarding todays game We may have a problem if it were to

come out that the skipping game was rigged.
Im aware, Sir. Miss Archer chose to skip.
Did any of the other teams?
Damn. You know how this will look if anyone finds out the truth
regarding The Count.
Indeed. They will assume that team was aware of the trick. The simplest
course of action would be to sweep it under the rug.
I know. Its just I was kind of looking forward to rubbing it in their
faces that even when given what they asked for they were too scared
to take it.
It would be unwise now, Sir. Unless you wish to give them something
else to complain about?
You know I dont.
Then theres nothing to be done.
Youre right. Its funny though, she took away my revenge and a part of
me thinks I should be feeling some sort of animosity for it, but Im not.
If anything Im amused. I can still barely believe she took the chance.
You always did have a fondness for wildcards, Sir.
Indeed Speaking of wildcards Whats the official word on Landons
condition? He looked quite ghastly today.
The doctor says hell be fine in a couple of days as long as he takes his
medication, eats healthily and gets plenty of rest.
... If today was any indication, hes not going to rest as long as theres
a task to do.
Indeed, Sir. What do you wish of me? Should I assign someone to
ensure he follows the doctors orders?
Tempting, but no, that wont be necessary. Cancel the tasks for the next
two days. Hes stubborn, not stupid. Without the competition to worry
about he will focus on his health.
Very well, Master Valdemar.

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Third Person,

The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:

The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:

Timeline: Getaway Day 6,

Route: All

Youre a surprisingly hard man to find.

Osiria. Shouldnt you be outIm not here to complain, if thats what youre worried about.
... What makes you think I was worried?
Right, well Why are you here, if you dont mind me asking?
I wanted to apologise.
I know that members of my team have complained andDont worry about it. They arent the only ones. Sometimes I
wonder why I even bother.
Erik Go put on some normal clothes.
Were going out. Dont argue - its your fault that Im here solo.
Joshua was the one who banned Varan, not me!
And you could have overturned that.
Joshua is quiteWhy are you still arguing with me? You know you wont win. Get
changed and meet me in town.



You certainly took your own sweet time.

Well, Im here now. So where are we going?
You pick.
ButErik, whens the last time you actually had fun during this event?
I Im not sure.
And thats the problem. Stop doing things because you think its
what everyone wants.
As host, I cant just disregard the opinions ofIts your event - whats the point of having it if youre not going
to enjoy it?


If you want to do something outrageous - go for it.

Or dont - its your choice. Still - for today at least, try to have
some fun?
Good. So where do you want to go?,
The bakery! We can buy loads ofYou realise that I didnt mean to eat away your depression,
What are you talking about? I just want to eat all the delicious
sweets~ Plus I heard that the Halloween Cakes are out~
Right, and Im supposed to be the younger one here.
Still - Im not going to say no to Halloween Cakes. Lead the
way, Erik.

Halloween Otome Extras

Food For Thought
POV: Third Person,

The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:

Timeline: Getaway Day 8,

Route: All

Erik - just the man I was looking for.

Youre starting to make a habit out of this. Should I be worried?
Actually I just wanted to say I got your message.
Ah, so you did notice. I wondered if you would.
Advice is like snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon,
and the deeper it sinks into, the mind.. Should I take it to mean
that you took my words to heart?
Yes, you should. Do you approve of my decision?
To make this the last event? Im not going to lie - I will miss it,
but Id rather see you happy.
Speaking of happiness - how are things with you?
Things are well, theyre what youd expect really. Daddys still
overprotective. Varan is still driving the Head Butler crazy. Maias
been busy with university so I havent seen her in a while.
I keep forgetting that youre in university now. Every time I look
at you I remember that little girl whod fight with Landon.
You and my father both.
He loves you.
I know that. I just wish hed realise that his little girl is a
competent businesswoman.
He did give you control of the food chains so he must realise
You and I both know that, of all the ventures he has, the food
chain is the one he cares least about. Hes just trying to placate
Maybe hell change his tune once he sees how well youve been
doing with them?
One can only hope.
Speaking of food - do you have any posts open for chefs?
... Why? Has your Head Chef finally decided that your whims are
too much to put up with?
No, but I recently found someone who could give him a run for
his money.

The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:

The Ice Queen:

The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:
The Ice Queen:
The Phantom:

And why havent you snatched them up?

I tried. They turned me down point blank.
If they werent interested in your job offer, what makes you
think theyd be interested in mine?
Joshua thinks shed be.
Well he does usually have a better grasp of these things than
you do.
May I ask why youre so invested in this?
Like you, she helped me to see that I was hosting this event for
the wrong reasons and making myself, and others, miserable in
the process.
So its a way to thank her?
And you as well. She really does make great food.
Two birds with one stone.
So youll look into it?
Im not promising anything, but yes - Ill look into it. If shes as
good as you seem to think then Ill make an offer.
You wont regret it.
So who is this great cook?
Miss Archer.

Halloween Otome Extras

Tyger in Sheeps Clothing

POV: Tyler,

Timeline: Getaway Day 10,

Route: Mr Wolf

I hesitated in front of Miss Archers table. Id decided earlier that I was going to tell
her who I really was and ask her to spend the free day with me. Now that I was
here however...

My nerves were back in full force.

Still, before I could reconsider shed noticed my presence and offered me a seat.
I sat down stiffly as I tried to muster up the courage to reveal my greatest secret to
Miss Archer:

Whats wrong? You look nervous. Are you hungry?

(No backing down. Come on, Tyler, are you a mouse or a man?)
Um, well Actually, I think I need to tell you something...

Almost on cue, one of my songs started to play. I was so surprised by the

coincidence that I found myself unable to speak.
A Girl:
Another Girl:
A Girl:
Another Girl:
A Girl:
Another Girl:
A Girl:

Oh, turn it up!

I love this song!
Tyger is so dreamy~
And his voice, mmm.
I wonder just how high it can go.
(Well, thats a fair question. The highest note Ive ever held is -)
Or how low~ He definitely sounds like hed have a sexy growl.
Yeah, and those outfits - did you see what he wore to the last

I blushed at the memory of the outfit my manager chose for the last concert.
Another Girl:
A Girl:

That shirt was practically transparent!

And those pants hugged all the right places.

Hearing them discuss me like this had me wanting to run away. I didnt even want
to know what they wanted to do with Tyger.

Miss Archer:
Miss Archer:

Dont think too hard. Fangirls are always like that.

... Are you a fangirl? Of Tyger, I mean...
No. I mean, I like his songs, but thats about it.

I let out a breath of relief.

Miss Archer:
Miss Archer:


(Of course shes too sensible to want Tyger.)

...OMy best friend on the other hand thinks hes really hot and
would love to jump his bones.
(Jump my bones?!)
But you dont need to worry about that So what were you
saying before?
(Okay, its finally time to tell her...)
Oh! Right I- I...

Before I could say anymore, her eyes suddenly widened in comprehension.

Miss Archer:
Miss Archer:

Mr Wolf?!
(She recognised me?! How?! That costume covers everything!)
It is you, isnt it?
(This is the point where I should tell her Im not just Mr Wolf, but
Tyger too...)
... Yeah, it is, Miss Archer.

I couldnt do it. I didnt want to risk having her treat me differently.

Miss Archer:


Why didnt you say something earlier? How did you even
recognis- Oh right - that day with the snowman.
Yeah Thats actually what I wanted to tell you...

I knew I should tell her the truth, but for today For today, I wanted to spend the
day with her as me - not Tyger or Mr Wolf, but plain old Tyler.

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: The Count,

Timeline: Getaway Day 10,

Route: The Count

I pulled the hat off my head the moment the door to my room slammed shut.
The Count:

Stupid. Im so stupid.

What did I think was going to happen? She would kiss me back and wed live
happily ever after?

The Count:
The Count:

(This entire thing has turned into such a mess.)

(I just want it to be over.)

But of course, there were still plenty of days left before the Spooktacular was over.
Plenty of days of needing to act like nothing was amiss around Miss Archer.
The Count:

(... I dont think I can do it.)

Youd think I would have learnt that lesson by now.

How was I supposed to go back to the way things were before? It would have
been one thing to know that she wasnt attracted to me at all, but to know that she

The Count:

The Count:

The Count:

(Life has never been that convenient.)

(Mom, Dad...)

(If I had more time...)

Not for the first time, I wondered what my parents would say about this. Would
they have kind words of advice for me? Or

I shook my head at the silly thought. She didnt want to risk a relationship with me.
Id tried to change her mind and failed. To do anything more would be creepy.
And not the good kind of creepy.

The Count:
The Count:

The Count:

The Count:
The Count:

(Would they think this was justice?)

(How many woman have I flirted with without any intention to
go further?)
(How many woman have I rejected when they wanted
something more?)
(Too many to count.)

Yes, in a way it was poetic justice. It was no more than I deserved. Still, knowing
that didnt make it hurt less. There was a part of me that was grateful for it. The
pain was proof that these feelings were real. They werent merely another mask for
another role.
The Count:

(Landon! I should-)

I was already halfway to the door, before I forced myself to stop. I couldnt seek
Landon out dressed like this. I couldnt seek him out about this at all. Id have to
explain everything to him and I wasnt ready to do that yet.

(I need to cut my losses.)

I was grateful for the memories shed given me and would always hold them close,
but I couldnt ask for more than she was willing to give. I didnt want to cause her
pain. On the contrary, I wanted her to be happy. I wanted to see that infectious
smile of hers aimed at me again...
The Count:

(Its time to put those famed acting skills of yours to work.)

Halloween Otome Extras

Crouching Tyger
POV: Tyler,

Timeline: Getaway Day 10,

Route: Mr Wolf

I was still kicking myself as I followed Miss Archer off the bus.

(So much for proving myself as a reliable guy)

(I cant believe I got so tongue-tied back there. I mean,
brassiering? Really?)
So it says here-

I looked up when she cut herself off. I immediately stepped in front her when I
noticed the men circling us menacingly. A quick count showed too many of them
for me to take on alone, but there was no way I was going to let them hurt her.

Just because I was shy didnt mean I was spineless.

One of the Thugs: Well well, so the blushing brat wants to look good in front of
his girl.
Blushing? Youve been following us!
Another Thug:
Yeah, you guys are from the Valdemar mansion, right?
One of the Thugs: You got out of one of those expensive cars that have been
driving the celebs all over town.
(Theyve been following us since we got out of the car?!)

I berated myself for not noticing them this entire time. My manager had signed me
up for classes on self-defence and dealing stalkers so Id be able to prevent things
like this. Instead Id been so absorbed in my own embarrassment that I failed a
basic spot check.
Another Thug:

Now, unless you want to get hurt I suggest you hand over all
your money. Rich guys like you dont need it.
(If all they want is money we can resolve this without anyone
getting hurt.)

Just when I thought things were looking up, one of the thugs shot Miss Archer a
suggestive look.

Yet Another Thug: Perhaps he can leave the girl too~ I think I like this one.
Hey, Tyler You can fight, right?
(Shes probably scared. In her position I would be too. I might
not be the most reliable guy, but I wont let that creep touch
Yeah, dont worry. Ill prote-

Before I could even finish my sentence, shed darted forward and knocked the
creep out. For a moment I stood there, stunned, but a couple of the thugs
charging at me snapped me back to reality.

(Fight now. Admire her later.)

I knocked out the last of the thugs that had attacked me and was about to help
Miss Archer, but shed already taken out all the rest.

Youre pretty good.

(Shes down to earth, can outeat me AND can kick ass?!)
(... I think Im in love.)

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Mr Bandages,

Timeline: Getaway Day 11,

Route: Mr Bandages

Booth Attendant: So a token and which animal?

Mr Bandages:
(A purple tiger, a bat, a Kippy doll - why am I not surprised? all
these prizes are silly.)
Mr Bandages:
(... Wait Is that what I think it is?)
Mr Bandages:
(Nah, Erik wouldnt give away a doll of himself - hed be too
worried about fangirls defiling the mini-him.)
Mr Bandages:
(If Im seeing him in places like this, Im obviously spending way
too much time with him.)
Miss Archer:
Hmm, Ill take the unicorn.
Mr Bandages:
(A unicorn, huh? Thats probably the girliest of the plushes.)
Booth Attendant: Alright, here you go.
Miss Archer:
Here, Mr Bandages, its for you.

I was caught off guard when she shoved the unicorn into my arms.
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

Mr Bandages:

What the-?! Why would you give me this?! Its not manly at all!
(What am I even supposed to do with something like this?)
Its a stallion~ It suits you perfectly.
(... What is that supposed to mean?)
(Stallion Im aggressive?)
(... Or could it be-)
(Arent stallions known for their size?)
(And unicorns have that big horn - arent horns thought to be
aphrodisiacs in some countries?)
(Is she seriously trying to?)

I looked at her cat mask and cursed the lack of facial features exposed.
Mr Bandages:

(Damn, I cant read her expression if I cant see it.)

She turned away from me and started heading off towards the next booth,
seemingly not interested in my reaction.
Mr Bandages:

(Maybe Im just reading too much into this.)

Halloween Otome Extras

Drunken Honesty
POV: Mr Bandages,

Timeline: Getaway Day 12,

Route: Mr Bandages

I brought the glass to my lips once again as I spied Erik making his way through
the room.
Mr Bandages:

(I hope you know what youre doing, Erik.)

Our earlier conversation with him might have lessened some of my concerns but I
couldnt help worrying about him. After all, I could still remember when he was just
a lonely little boy reeling from the loss of his parents. He tipped his glass at
someone across the room and I couldnt help but look.
I watched her tip her glass back at him with a wry smile. She must have felt me
looking at her because she turned to look straight at me. Her expression told me
that she was as worried about him as I was. She gestured for me to go and talk to
him but I shook my head. The last time I tried to corner him in public he fell down
the stairs trying to save Miss Archer. I took another long sip as I noticed Miss
Archer making her way towards me.
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

(Speak of the devil.)

So wheres The Count? I didnt think hed miss the ball.
(Ah, yes, The Count.)

I thought about mentioning that he currently couldnt speak, but decided against
it. It would be hilarious to see him trying to communicate with her without talking.
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

Just because you cant see him, doesnt mean he isnt around.
This place is huge.
I guess youre right.

The lights suddenly dimmed as a spotlight illuminated a single figure - Erik.

Mr Bandages:

(Joshua rescued him from the girls, no doubt.)

I couldnt stop myself from scowling through Eriks announcement. I might

understand his reasons but that doesnt mean Im not still unhappy with the

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

I never thought Id see the day when hed admit to being too
old for anything.
(If hes getting too old - I must be ancient.)
The two of you are close?

The sudden question caught me off guard.

Mr Bandages: He likes to think so.
Miss Archer: And you?
Mr Bandages: I neither confirm nor deny it.

Usually Id flat out deny it, but whatd be the point? Id probably never see her
after this. I tried to quash the unexpected panic that thought brought me.
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

Well at least you have someone that can put up with you.
(Hes put up with me for over a decade. Not many would.)
Could you?

I hadnt actually meant to ask that out loud, but now that Id said it I wanted to
know the answer.
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

Could I what?
(Shes giving me an out, but I might as well see this through.)
(At least then I wont have to wonder.)
Put up with me?
Ive lasted two weeks, havent I?

My hopes soared.
Mr Bandages:

You did kick me.

I tried for teasing.

Miss Archer:

That was totally your fault.

My hopes fell.
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Maybe, but I dont know any other women who would.

(With her at least Id never have to wonder if she was angry at
So you sneak up on a lot of women, then?
(... Was that a hint of jealousy?)

My hopes soared. Again.

Halloween Otome Extras

Drunken Honesty (Continued)
Mr Bandages:

Hmph - as if. Theyre usually coming after me. Especially now


I abruptly cut myself off as I realised what I was saying.

Mr Bandages:

(Too much info, Landon.)

I glared at the glass in my hand - only one thing could make me that stupidly
honest: alcohol. I hoped she would drop it.
Miss Archer:

Now that?

She didnt, not that I was surprised. I debated not answering, but I did want to
know what her reaction would be - even if I dreaded it.
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

(In for a penny, in for a pound, I guess.)

Now that my parents arent keeping quiet about the fact that
they want me to settle down.
What about you? Do you want to settle down?

I mulled it over for a minute.

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

(Do I want to get married and have a family? In the future with
someone I could be happy with - sure, but right now? Hell, no.)
No and even if I did it wouldnt be just because my parents
wanted me to.
Thats true. It wouldnt last if youre not ready for it or only
doing it because you feel obliged to.
Not to mention you might get killed in a fit of jealousy if you

I couldnt help but get angry at that. I may not be Mr Congeniality like Erik, but I
wouldnt cheat.
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Hey give me some credit! Ive never cheated on anyone!

And have any of your relationships been long enough for it to
be a possibility?
Well no, not really, but thats beside the point! I wouldnt cheat!

Miss Archer:

I guess Ill have to take your word for it. At least Erik wont have
to find a murdered friend one day.

I stiffened. She looks so small and harmless that its easy to forget that this is the
same person who threatened to force a guy to eat his own balls. For some reason
her looking so cute just makes it all the more creepy.
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Youre scary, you know that?

Its part of my charm.
(Theres gotta be something wrong with me.)
(Shes a deceptively cute, short, possibly homicidal black hole.)
(So why do I want to kiss her so badly?)
Im going to get something to eat. You want anything?

I stifled the urge to bang my head against a wall for my cheesy thought.
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

(... Dammit Erik. Get out of my head.)

No, Im fine.
Suit yourself.

I felt a pang as I watched her leave, but forced myself to stay where I was. A part of
me had hoped shed stay. I should have known better. Food has always been her
top priority. I dont know why I expected that to change.
Mr Bandages:

(... I dont believe it. Im jealous of food.)

I glared my displeasure out at the crowd.

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

(Given the choice of devouring a steak or being in a relationship,

shed probably choose the steak.)
(Although if that hunger extended to other things...)

Im not sure how long I spent lost in my thoughts before I shook myself out of
Mr Bandages:

(This is just pathetic. Im not going to get what I want just

daydreaming about it.)

I downed the wine from my inexplicably full wine glass before placing it on a
passing servants tray. Then I headed over to sit next to her.

Halloween Otome Extras

Drunken Honesty (Continued)
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Youre always so happily stuffing your face.

(That came out wrong. Still I dont think Ive ever seen her
happier than when shes eating.)
Did you get hungry?
Is food the only thing you care about?
(Is it that farfetched that I just wanted to spend more time with
Well no, I care about my friends.
(Friends, huh. I wonder if she considers me a friend.)
Friends are good. The right ones anyway.
(True friends. Like Erik. People who care about you for you and
accept you even with your rough edges.)
(True friends are better than lovers.)
Still, is there nothing else here that interests you? Look around youre surrounded by some of the richest and most famous
people in the world, but I havent even seen you blink once.

It was weird to be the one trying to keep the conversation going. Still I figured I
might as well try to fish my chances while I was at it.
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Mr Bandages:

Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Those things dont matter to me. People are still just people. Its
not like Ill see them again so why should it matter?
Still Many of the people here would gladly flirt around to
improve their connections. Heck after the first event, I think Erik
was scarred by just how many people hooked up. I remember
him mumbling about needing to have sheets burned, rugs
replaced and well yeah.
(Way to get off track there, Landon. Still, that memory always
cracks me up. The guy can throw around innuendos and flirt like
its nothing but still freaks out at the thought of people getting
it on in his house.)
I didnt need to know that. Besides, the foods more interesting
than a potential hookup.
(Yep. Still jealous of food.)

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

So theres no one you find attractive?

(Like me, for instance?)
Of course theres attractive people here. I mean - just look at
... You find Erik attractive?
(And now Im jealous of my best friend. Again. Not sure if thats
an improvement over the food.)
Of course hes attractive! Do you think all these people flock to
him just because hes the host?
(My best friend and the girl I?)
(She probably would make him happy.)
(And hed probably treat her like a queen.)
(Maybe it would be better to bow out and let that happen...)
I could probably - nah, nevermind. So anyone else?

I couldnt go through with it.

Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

Mr Wolfs really cute - that crowd of girls just says it all.

(Are you kidding me? Even that timid wolf ranks higher than
... Hes also pretty spineless. Seriously, why do girls go crazy over
Hes sweet and kind. Hes totally the kind of guy you want to
bring home to meet your parents.
Its not like you need to worry about bringing some guy home
to meet the parents.
(Oh God. Tell me I didnt just say that.)
No I guess not...
(Dammit, if being friends with Erik has taught me anything its
that dead parents are not something to joke about.)
Im sorry. I shouldnt have said that. That was insensitive of me
and youd think Id know better consi- I need some food.
(I need to dilute the alcohol in my system before I screw up even
I really need to remember not to have alcohol on an empty
(She looks so dejected. Great going, idiot. Something to cheer
her up Food!)

Halloween Otome Extras

Mr Bandages:

Drunken Honesty (Continued)

Mr Bandages:

Hey, how about some more food? Anything here that you
havent tried yet? Like maybe that?

I pointed towards the monstrosity of a centrepiece that Erik had chosen.

Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Thats the centrepiece.

(Its still edible.)
So itd look weird if we ate it.
Erik didnt have all this food prepared just to be stared at well
okay that may have been part of it, but it was mainly to be

I walked over to it and cut a few chunks off before anyone could say a word. Not
that anyone would.
Mr Bandages:


I couldnt help but find her wary expression, as I handed her a piece, cute.
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

Are you feeling okay?

Im fine.

Mr Bandages:

Mr Bandages:

She shoved the chunk of the centrepiece into my mouth. It was surprisingly good.
And reminded me of yesterday when shed done the same with whatever it was
she bought at that food stall.
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:

The response is automatic.

Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:
Miss Archer:

Are you sure? Youre acting a bit weird.

I may be a tad tipsy but only a little.
(... Maybe more than a little.)
Are you sure youre not just completely drunk?
If I was drunk Id be shouting out my secrets to the entire world.
(And Erik would never let me live it down.)
Im an honest drunk - Erik thinks its because Im too guarded
normally, but really what does he know?
And you dont think this current bout of honesty might be
caused by you being drunk?

(Or it could be that I want you to know more about me in the

hopes that itll improve your opinion of me. Or both. Both is
possible. Theres no way Im admitting that though.)
Of course not. Didnt you hear me? Id be shouting out my
secrets and seeing as Im simply talking and havent said
anything too damning Im fine. Im still sober enough to know
that I should not share certain things.
(For instance, I know better than to just blurt out that Ive been
thinking about our kiss and really want to do it again.)

Mr Bandages:
Mr Bandages:

The honesty is ruining my opinion of you.

(So much for that.)
(I should know better than to get my hopes up when it comes to
I see Well, thanks.
Youre a very talkative drunk, you know that?
(A talkative, emotional and loud drunk. Just like mum.)
Yes, Im well aware of that although the volume does increase
with my alcohol intake as well.
So whyd you let yourself get drunk anyway? Someone could
really take advantage of you like that.
I wouldnt mind you taking adva- wow that sounds so much like
something Count would say. I wasnt really paying attention. I
guess the waiters kept topping up my glass because it really was
only one.
(If Id actually finished the line she might have slapped me. Or
worse. Still, the thought of her taking advantage is-Dammit,
Landon, stop thinking.)
(Wheres a distraction when you need one? Something to stop
me from saying something even more embarrassing. )

Suddenly the lights began to dim and a spotlight shone on Erik.

Mr Bandages: Finally.

Halloween Otome Extras

A New House Guest
POV: Emma,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: All

Mira greeted me at the door as I arrived home from work.




(Thats unusual.)
Did something happen?
My uncle called.
Was it a message for your dad? Those two should just stop with their
feud and talk to each other. Using you to pass messages is just childish.
Theyre both too stubborn - its a family trait. Anyway, that isnt why he
Ive told you about my cousin, Maia, right?
Studious, quiet girl currently attending university on a full scholarship?
Right, well, Uncles been offered a promotion but it requires relocating
and Maia still has the rest of the academic year left, so theyve asked if I
can could maybe take her in. I didnt say yes yet, because I wanted to
check with you first, but shes a good kid.
... Your aunt and uncle trust you with their daughter? Have they met
Ha ha. Very funny. Apparently shes the kind who doesnt leave her
room if she can help it so they figure if any of me rubs off on her it
couldnt hurt. They seemed kinda hopeful of it to be honest.

Mira scooped me into a tight hug before abruptly letting go and grabbing my
wrist to drag me out of the house.

Hey! Where are we going?!

Furniture shopping! Weve got to decorate the guest room!

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Third Person,




Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: Mr Wolf

Man, its good to be back.

How was the getaway?
It was really fun. Ive got some really cool song ideas thanks toSo whats this I hear about you proposing?
Should I take it thats a lie?
Yeah, its a lie.
I thought so. You have a hard enough time talking to women let alone
Now I just wonder why people seem to think you proposed at that
Halloween party.
I didnt propose but...
I did start dating the most amazing the girl. They probably
And everyone saw? And they know it was Tyger?
Yeah We kinda kissed on the stage under the spotlights and I sang
... This is not good.
... Its great?
Kid, part of your appeal is that people want you. If people think youre
taken this could be bad.
... It cant be that bad.
Not to mention your crazy fangirls might actually decide to do
something drastic.
Oh God.
So what do we do?
We tell the press you broke up. Or it was a fling.
I dont know...
Look, you can keep seeing her. Youve just gotta keep it under wraps.

But I dont want to hide it.
Manager: I know, kid, but weve been getting threatening mails since last night
and I really think itll be safer for everyone involved if it was kept secret.
On the bright side they dont know who she is so she should be safe,
but if you guys go public, well...
... Ill talk to her about it. Im not gonna just do this without her
Manager: Alright, kid. I wont do anything without your go ahead.
Manager: Hey, youre my star. Ive gotta look out for you.

Halloween Otome Extras

Mama Mira
POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: Mr Bandages

Mira frowned at the sound of insistent knocking.


You sure as hell had better have a good reason for coming here.
Who the hell are you?
Im Mira.
Right. The best friend. She told me about you.
She told me about you too. I have to say, youre not nearly as
impressive in person.

Oh? And whats that? Or do I need to get you some alcohol first?
I dont need to tell you anything.
Uh huh. I guess you really do want to sit out here all day. I hope you
brought an umbrella because were in for a thunderstorm.

Landon sent a pointed look up at the clear sky.


Keep your pants on!

She opened the door and almost slammed it shut again at the sight of the person
on the other side. Landon Rivera was standing on her doorstep. The same Landon
Rivera that had broken her best friends heart.


Youve never heard about freak thunderstorms? Those clouds gather

so fast youd swear they were on something. But hey, to each their

With that, Mira closed the door and went back inside. It was half an hour later that
she decided to check and see if her uninvited guest had left. She was only half
surprised to see him seated on her porch. He didnt even spare her a glance when
she moved to sit next to him.


I know youre rich, but coming all the way out here for a booty call
seems excessive.
After all, the things you said to Ems made it clear you werent
interested in anything else
I meant the things I said, but not the way they came out.

Mira caught him trying to see around her in the hopes of Emma saving him from



He looked down at a folded up piece of paper that he was clenching. After a few
moments he reluctantly handed it over to Mira. She scanned it with wide eyes.

(Jokes on him. Shes more than capable of kicking his ass.)

Look, can we discuss this inside?
No. You havent earned the privilege of entering this house.
... You know what? Fine. I already threw my pride away by coming all
this way. Ill wait outside all day if thats the only way youll let me see

Mira tried not to let her surprise show. This man didnt quite seem like the prideful
and arrogant Landon Rivera that Emma described.

Actually, shes not home right now.

What are you doing here anyway? Ems doesnt want what youre
She doesnt know what I was selling.

He muttered that line so low that Mira almost didnt catch it.


Is this supposed to be?

Its a translation of what I was trying to say.
Hot damn. Howd you mangle that up so badly? Actually, nevermind.
Just remind me not to let you drink alcohol. If you break her heart
again Ill have to kill you.
Break her heart..?

Mira dusted herself off as she got up.


Lets discuss this more inside.

Landon gazed at her sceptically,


Ive got coffee.

Halloween Otome Extras

Moving Forward
POV: Erik,


Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: All

How are we doing for time?

Theres still plenty of time to get to the airport, Sir.

I had to admit that I was eager to get back to filming now that everything was
sorted out. Still, I couldnt help glancing back at the figure of the mansion getting
smaller in the distance with a pang. While I was gone the builders would return to
remodel the mansion as they did every year.

Yes, Master Erik?
Do you still remember what the mansion used to look like? Before?

Over the years since my parents death, Id made so many changes to the mansion
that it was practically an entirely different building. I couldnt help it. Living in that
house with their memories everywhere had been like living with ghosts. It felt like
the only way I could move on was if the mansion did too.

I could never forget it. My memory of the mansion is as fresh as the

day I first set foot in it. Id wager that you its the same for you.

He was right, of course. Even with my extensive modifications, Id never be able to

forget the home my parents loved. I didnt want to anymore. I used to think
forgetting would make it hurt less, but all I was doing was running away.

I think its time, Joshua.

Time for what, Sir?
Time to raze the building to the ground and start again.

Joshua went quiet at that. He probably thought Id finally lost it. Not that I could
blame him. A small irrational part of me had hoped that if I made enough changes
my parents would get so mad theyd come back and force me to fix it. It was a
stupid, childish hope but for a while it was all I had and Id clung to it stubbornly.


May I ask what you intend to do after the building is destroyed?

I want the old house rebuilt exactly as it was.
Are you sure about this?

Joshua was concerned, of course. He was afraid that I was regressing that I
intended to live in a mausoleum dedicated to my parents. He must have thought
that I was still trying to cling to the past, but that wasnt it at all.

Im sure. Im finally ready to move forward.

I was done running from the truth. They werent coming back. No matter how
much I tried or how much I changed, it wouldnt bring them back. It was time to
accept that.

Such an endeavour will take time. The mansion will not be liveable by
the time this filming is done. Might I suggest making use of one of the
summer homes in the interim?
(Thats Joshua for you ever practical.)
Thats a good idea.

I couldnt recall the last time Id used one of them when I wasnt filming. As a child
the thought of moving had stirred a panic that they wouldnt be able to find me
when they returned. As I got older, I understood that it was silly but still couldnt
bring myself to leave for more than a movie shoot required. After all, no matter
how different the mansion got, it was still home.

Ill get started on the arrangements when we reach the airport.

Thank you, Joshua.
No thanks are needed. This is merely another aspect of my job.
No, they are. Thank you, Joshua. For everything.
Master Valdemar
Ill continue to rely on you in future so please Remain by my side.
Ill remain as I always have, Master Erik.

That confirmation strengthened my convictions. I didnt need to worry my parents

anymore. I didnt have to do this alone.
It was time to finally let their spirits rest.

Halloween Otome Extras


POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: All

Mira was surprised to see Osiria seated at the kitchen table, talking to Emma when
she came down for breakfast.


Osiria. What brings you here so early?
I was in the neighbourhood.
And Varan?
Hes still at JosephS, waiting for the current manager to gather all the
documents we requested. I figured I might as well pop in and spend
some time with my favourite chef in the meantime.
Ooh, the owner of the store coming in to ask for documents. Sounds
Hardly. For the most part its just checking the books to make sure
everything is in order.
Is there a reason you think it might not be?
No, I just like to have all the facts before I make decisions.
What kind of decisions? Youre not thinking of closing it down, are

Mira couldnt help but be alarmed at that thought. Emma loved working at
JosephS and would be really sad to see it go.


Definitely not. My father would never allow it even if it was running at a

loss. After all, this particular restaurant was made as a wedding gift to
my mother.
Oh, so the name JosephS is actually supposed to be like that?
Yes, it was initially going to be Joseph-Sterling, but that sounds more
like a law firm than a restaurant so it became JosephS.
Huh. And here I thought it was just a typo people were too lazy to
Youre not the first to think that.
Well, I think it was a sweet gesture.
Its a pity its not very profitable.



Its not?
No. Since my mothers death, father has allowed it to continue with
pretty much no oversight. Its more of a symbol of his love than a
business venture to him at this point.
Oh. Im not sure if thats sweet or sad.
Either way, while sales have gone up since Emma started working, its
still the worst performing of all the restaurants we own.
So youre looking for a way to make it more profitable??
Exactly. Id be open to any suggestions.

There was silence for a while as they thought of ideas.


Cuter uniforms? That would draw in clientele for sure.

That depends on what you mean by cuter. Its supposed to be a classy
It can be both classy and accessible to appeal to a larger audience.
Its close to Aureast and the university and campuses too, so if we
could encourage them to eat at JosephS, profit should go way up.
Yeah, but students are more likely to go for cheap, convenient food
than classy Unless they are on dates.

Osiria spent a moment in quiet contemplation.



Then how about we do this we offer more caf style foods and
pastries to appeal to students. Well still keep our normal menu to
appeal to existing clients, of course.
That could work, but you still have to convince the students to actually
enter the restaurant.
Student discounts if you bring your student ID?
Student discounts are good, but if they think the food will still be too
pricey they might not bother.
Yeah. From the outside, JosephS looks too fancy. Its intimidating.
Thats true. It looks like one of those places where a meal will cost your
entire salary.
Right?! It turns away the average person.
Understood. Ill have the exterior redesigned to appeal to more people.
Is that really okay? Thats a big move.
Its an investment.

Halloween Otome Extras

Tyler Gets The Talk
POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: Mr Wolf

Miras eyes flickered to her watch when she heard the polite knock on the door.

(Looks like hes punctual.)

She crossed the room and threw the door wide open.


I-er-Am I at the right house? Im looking for Youre at the right house. Shes just running a bit late.
Oh, okay.
So youre Tyger?
Um, yeah When Im on stage, anyway.
Youre shorter than I expected.
I-er-I wear heels on stage. How long did she say she was going to be?
Oh, you know us girls - we take forever to get ready for a date..
Well maybe I should just wa-.
So, Tyger, what are your intentions regarding my best friend?
I dont have any intentions. No, thats not true I dont have any bad
intentions. I really like her and I want to spend time with her and get to
know her.
And thats all you want?
Yes! Well, I mean Im hoping well I I wouldnt say all, but...
I see.
Uh, Im not really sure you do...
So tell me - why her? You have thousands of girls whod throw
themselves at your feet, so why her?
For one shes not as scary as those thousands of girls...
Are you sure were talking about the same person?
And shes the first person Ive met who can eat as much as I can so she
doesnt get freaked out watching me eat.
... In that case you better keep making hits or youll eat yourselves out
of house and home.
I just - I really like spending time with her. Shes really fun to have
Yeah, she is.

Halloween Otome Extras


Family Resemblance
POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: Mr Bandages

Emma fiddled with clothing nervously as Landon rang the doorbell of the
imposing manor. She still couldnt believe hed asked her to come with him to see
his parents. Sure, he said it was just to prove to them that he really was seeing
someone, but meeting the parents was a big deal, right?

Are you sure this is a good idea?

Itll finally get them off my back, so yeah.

Before she could think too much of his response the door was opened by a butler
and they were shown to a room where a tall, beautiful woman and a shorter jovial
man waited.


(These must be his parents Theres absolutely zero resemblance

between him and his dad.)
Mum, Dad, this is Emma. Emma, these are my parents.

A squeal of glee cut through the tension in the room causing Landons father to
shoot a fond glance at his wife.

Mhm, I seem to remember you getting quite embarrassed when you

confessed to me.
Shut up.

A smile broke out across Mr Riveras face at the exchange, but Mrs Riveras
expression did not change.
Mrs Rivera: I see. Landon?
Mrs Rivera: Dont mess this one up.
Why do you assume Ill mess it up?!

Three pairs of accusing eyes turned on him.

I hate all of you.
Mr Rivera: Dont be like that. You know we love you. Were just concerned.
Mrs Rivera: Were being realistic. Landon, you and I dont exactly have the
easiest personalities to put up with.
Mr Rivera: I love your personality.
Mrs Rivera: I know, dear, but youre a rare case.
Right, well now that youve seen that shes real, well be leaving.
Mrs Rivera: Nonsense. Youre staying for dinner at the very least.

Mr Rivera: Honey, you slipped.

A sharp look from his mother had Landon swallowing whatever protest hed been
about to make.

Landons mother gave an embarrassed cough before composing herself and

turned a critical eye on Emma.


Mrs Rivera: Well, youre definitely the real thing. If he was hiring a fake girlfriend,
hed have chosen an elegant model. What exactly is it that interests
you in my son? Is it his money?
Of course not!
Mrs Rivera: No? His fame then? Because I have a hard time imagining that its his
Gee, thanks, Mum.
How can you say that about your own son?! I mean sure hes a jerkLandon:
Gee, thanks, Emma.
- but deep down he has a heart of gold! We might argue a lot, but I
know that I can rely on him to be there for me when I need him. Plus
hes really cute when hes embarrassed.
I dont get embarrassed.

The moment Emma left the room to make the call, Mrs Rivera started to pace.

Alright, fine whatever. Emma?

Let me just call Mira and tell her I wont be home to make dinner.

Mrs Rivera: I need to call the caterers.

Thats probably a good idea. She can eat like you wouldnt believe.
Mrs Rivera: Not for dinner. For the wedding.
Whose wedding?
Mrs Rivera: Yours, of course! You cant let her slip through your fingers!
What the hell?! Im not getting married! Dad, talk some sense into her!
Mr Rivera: Huh, that usually goes the other way around. Let her have her fun
shes adorable when she gets excited.

In the end, Landon barely managed to convince his mother to delay the wedding
plans a little.

Halloween Otome Extras

Finding the One
POV: Third Person,




Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: All

Joshua, aren't these puppies adorable?

They are certainly... fluffy, Sir.
I know! Isn't it just wonderful? They look just like mini-Kippys!
Without the wings and multiple heads, you mean? Although such
things would have made travelling across the country to see them
somewhat more sensible.
Hey, you're the one who's always saying we should get some dogs!
Guard dogs from the breeder in town, yes - not little puffballs.
Just because they're cute doesn't mean they can't be vicious!
Of course not, Sir, but I hardly see one turning into a respectable
protector with you fawning all over it.
But Joshua, I don't need a respectable protector; that's what I have you
Be that as it may Look at this one! He's so cute!
Is that the one yOh look! This one's so adorable! It just rolled over!...No wait!
Rolling over is quite a feat for puffballs like these.
This one has blue eyes!
It can barely keep said eyes open, Sir.
Wow - look at the size of this one's Very impressive, Master Erik, but I fear people will think you're compeJoshua, look! This one looks just like you.
Sir, I look nothing like that puffball and if I did it would be quite
disconcerting to take care oWait is that-!?
Look Joshua! I found one! This one looks just like KIPPY!
The wingless and single-headed version, perhaps - just like all the rest.
No - this one looks a lot more like Kippy than the others!
To be quite frank, Sir, they all look the same to me. Still it is your choice
to makThis one! We're taking this one! I told you I'd find the perfect one!
Very good, Master Erik. I shall pay the breeder so we can be on our

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: General

Tyler could barely suppress his excitement. Not only was he at a gorgeous resort in
the Maldives, but he was also going to see Mr Bandages, Miss Archer and The
Count again after so long! When he entered the restaurant theyd agreed to meet
at, his eyes immediately alighted on a familiar feminine form.

Miss Archer! I-it is you isnt it?

Yep, but you can call me Emma. Hello, Mr Wolf... Or should I say Tyger?
A-actually you can call me Tyler. Thats my real name.
Well, Tyler, its great to officially meet you.

Before Tyler could respond, he felt a towering presence behind him. He turned to
see Mr Bandages, AKA Landon Rivera. Landon was distinctive enough that Tyler
had been able to find out his identity after the games with a bit of research.

Let me guess: Mr Bandages.

Miss Archer.
Mr Bandages, its great to see you again.
Im only here because I have nothing better to do.

An arm slung itself across Landons shoulder, bringing Tylers attention to the
owner of said arm. His jaw nearly dropped at the sight.

What Landon is trying to say is Thank you very much for the invite.,
isnt that right, Lan?
Shut up.
M-Mr Valdemar?! What are you doing here?!

At Tylers exclamation, Erik disentangled himself from Landon and ran his hands
through his hair, pushing it back in a manner reminiscent of The Counts hairstyle.

Oh, right. I knew I was forgetting something. Im The Count.

A sputtering Tyler looked from Erik to a bored Landon and an amused Emma.

W-why am I the only one shocked by this?

I figured it out back then.
And my best friend helped me figure it out when I got home.


Anyway, how about we get some grub? Im starving.

I see some things never change.
Be nice.
This is me being nice.

The four of them found a table and it wasnt long before a waitress came over to
serve them. The moment she mentioned a buffet, Emma was out of her seat and
filling her plate. Almost at once, the waitresss began flirting heavily with the three
men. Tyler heaved a sigh of relief when she finally left with their orders.

Are you okay?

Y-yeah. She was just a bit much.
Wasnt that normal though? Were rich and hot so women want us.
Thats true. Your fans act the same, dont they, Tyler?
I guess, but I dont usually have to deal with them unless Im being
Tyger. Theyre kind of scary.
Women, in general, are scary. Then, when they find out who we are,
they get downright terrifying.
Thats a bit harsh.
You disagree?
Well No.

They lapsed into silence for a moment before Erik spoke again.

There is a woman we know who is too sensible to be swayed by our

fame: Emma.
Shes still scary.
N-no. Emmas not scary. Shes nice...
That would be more convincing without the stutter. Still, I have to
admit youd always know where you stand with her.
And have either of you tasted her cooking? Its divine.
Figures. Of course shes good at culinary tasks with the way she eats.
Emmas amazing

The three men exchanged glances as Emma made her way back to the table with a
mountain of food. A silent understanding passed between them.

So, what did I miss?

We were discussing spending the day at the beach today.
I-if you want to, of course.
Sure, that sounds fun.

(May the best man win.)

Halloween Otome Extras



Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: General

Geez, what took you two so long to change?

Dont look at me. Its the kids fault.
The door to the changing room got jammed. If Landon wasnt there
Id still be stuck inside.
Right, well, lets not keep Emma waiting any longer.
Im surprised you didnt take the opportunity to spend time alone with
Well that would hardly be sporting, would it? I have to give you guys a
fighting chance at least.

The playful banter came to a halt as they turned the corner to see a couple of guys
hitting on a clearly disinterested Emma.

T-this is like one of those harassment scenes in the movies! Weve

gotta help her!
Please, she can take care of herself. Or did you forget that she
threatened to make a guy eat his own balls?
S-still. We should help her
Thats a really clich way to earn points, right Erik?

It was at that moment that it dawned on the two men that Erik was no longer
beside them. While they were discussing what to do, hed crossed the distance
between them and Emma. They watched with varying degrees of displeasure as
Erik embraced Emma from behind.

Sorry for the wait, darling. You look super cute in your swimsuit.

Erik glanced up at the unknown guys as though seeing them for the first time.

We totally lost.
Its not over yet. Come on.

At the sight of Landon and Tyler coming towards them, the guys decided to cut
their losses and scurried off. Landon shot Erik a disgruntled look.

The Fake Boyfriend

POV: Third Person,


Oh? And who are these gentlemen?

Eriks bright smile had the guys shrinking back. Even Landon had to admit that it
was a bit unnerving.

Landon: You comfy over there?

Erik stuck his tongue out at Landon from where he was still holding Emma.

Yep. Jealous?
As if.

Emma just disentangled herself from Erik and shot them a smile.

Thanks for the assist. I was beginning to think Id have to beat some
sense into those creeps if they didnt leave soon.
Now I almost regret coming over. Id have loved to have cheered you
on as you dispensed justice.
Im pretty sure wed have gotten kicked out.
Well, either way, theyre gone now so we can have some fun.

Tyler shot Emma a concerned look.



Are you sure youre okay, Mis- er, Emma?

Seriously, Im fine. Ive had to deal with worse before.
If I could, Id make it so youd never have to deal with another creep
again. Although poor Landon wouldnt be able to see you anymore.

Emma rolled her eyes at them playfully.


Come on guys, times wasting. Itll be lunch time soon and then well
have to wait a whole hour before heading into the water!

Landon, Tyler and Erik exchanged looks as Emma headed toward the water. The
winner of this round was clear.

Round 1: Erik

Halloween Otome Extras

Papa Bear
POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: General

Landon eyed the bright monstrosity that Erik laid on with more than a little

Ugh, I cant believe you brought that towel. Its horrendous.

Its cute.
E-er, its unique?
See? Even he thinks its ugly.
You just have no taste. Emma, what do you-

Erik cut himself off when Emma suddenly scrambled to her feet, staring at the

Whats wrong?
I think that kids drowning.

The three men turned to see the figure waving their arms and bobbing up and
down in the distance.

Shit! Erik, get the life-guard!

Theres no time.

Having said that Emma dove into the water and began swimming steadily toward
the child.

What the Hey!

When he realised what she was doing, Landon paused only long enough to grab a
towel before diving in after her. He soon passed Emma with his strong strokes. The
moment he was close enough to the child, he flung out the towel.

Grab on. Ill tow you to shore.

The panicked kid didnt even seem to hear Landons command.

Landon looked back to see Emma getting nearer and made a snap decision. He
grabbed onto the kid and started swimming back to shore. Staying afloat with the
kid acting on instinct was hard, but not harder than having to save two people.
The moment they were all safely back ashore, Landon knelt before the coughing

Hey look at me. Youre alright. Its alright. Were out of the water.

The kid nodded at Landon even as he started to take in huge gulps of air.

I guess youre more responsible than I thought.

You! What is wrong with you?! You could have died!
Landon, unlike the kid, I can swim.
Yeah but are you a strong enough to swim for two? Do you know that
a drowning persons first instinct is to push you down and get on top
of you? Think before you do something, dammit!

At that moment, Erik and Tyler returned with the lifeguard and the distraught
mother of the child. The mother immediately pulled her son into an embrace
before thanking Emma and Landon profusely.

Actually it was Landon who saved him. I didnt do much.

Thats not true. You saw that he was drowning first.
Y-yeah, we might not have noticed without you.
Then I guess it was a team effort.

Emma shot a bright smile at Landon who looked away huffily.


Whatever. Just dont make me have to do it again. You cant afford to

pay me for the shoots Id miss if I got injured.
You dont really mean that, do you?
Ignore him. Hes just embarrassed at having been caught being human.
Shut up.

Emmas fond smile made one thing clear her estimation of Landon had definitely
gone up.

Round 2: Landon

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Post-Getaway,

Route: General

Erik shot a concerned look at Landon as they took their seats for dinner.

How are you feeling?

Are you sure? You seem a bit stiff...
I just havent had a workout like that in a while. Im fine. If youre going
to worry about someone, worry about Emma.
Im fine. Im not the one who swam someone back to shore.

The conversation was cut short by a man getting onto the stage.


Good evening, Id like to thank you all for dining with us. We have a
special treat tonight - were having a karaoke contest! The winner gets
as much food as their table can eat for free!
Did you hear that? Free food!
This trip is already all expenses paid.
Yeah, but Eriks still paying for that. This is actual free food!
Im more than happy to pay for all of us, Emma.

Tyler took one glance at Emmas conflicted expression and found himself standing

Im gonna enter!

Having said that, he made his way to where the man from earlier was accepting
entries. Landon watched him go before muttering under his breath.

That little shit.

I have to admit it does feel a bit like hes cheating.
Youre one to talk. Its not like you havent used your acting abilities to
get ahead.
And youve used your physical abilities. Maybe were all cheaters?
Whats wrong with using your skills to get ahead? Isnt that why you
have them?

Landon and Erik exchanged glances when they realised Emma had been listening
to their conversation and thanked their lucky stars that they hadnt been more
Tyler returned to their table holding a mic.

Uh, Emma, could you turn your seat around?

Hmm? Like this?
Yeah, thats perfect.

Once he was happy, Tyler gave a signal to the person controlling the karaoke
machine. A slow love ballad started to play. Tylers sweet voice and the way he
seemed to only have eyes for Emma held everyones attention. He was practically
serenading her. Erik took the opportunity to whisper to Landon under the sound of
the music.

Okay, youre right. Thats just plain unfair.

I cant believe I thought he was the honourable one.
At least he isnt using one of his own songs.
Well, yeah, his fans would recognise him immediately if he did.

The onlookers drew in a collective breath as Tyler took Emmas hand and brought
it to his mouth during a lull in the music.

Thats the timid wolf?!

Hes certainly bolder when hes singing.
Hes practically a different person.
Tyler and Tyger are about as different as two people can get. Still this
seems somewhere in the middle.

The moment the song finished it was like a switch had flipped. The seductive
Casanova was gone and in his place was a shyly blushing Tyler staring into Emmas
eyes. It was only the round of applause for his performance that brought him back
to reality. With a muttered excuse, Tyler left to return the mic.

That free food is so ours!

Round 3: Tyler

Halloween Otome Extras

POV: Third Person,

Timeline: Getaway Day 3,

Route: Other

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 1

Miss Archer:
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!
Yellow Jumper:

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
Yes! Take it all off!
All? Im pretty sure Id get arrested for that.

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 5

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 6

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

Miss Archer:

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 2

Miss Archer:
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!

Yellow Jumper:

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

Yellow Jumper:

Yellow Jumper:

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
Burn it! Burn it to the ground!

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 3

Miss Archer:
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!
Yellow Jumper:

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

Miss Archer:

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
You know, if the plan with the glasses and hat was to not to
gather attention that jumper goes in the complete opposite
Oh, youd be surprised at how many people avoid eye contact
when Im wearing this.
... Im not surprised at all.

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 4

Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:
Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:
Miss Archer:

My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
Do you say that to all the girls?
Only the ones who complain about eyestrain~
So all.

My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
Im contemplating it.
... You are?!
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!
... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
Is it just me or is there suddenly a whole crowd of girls
Crap! Run!

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 7

Miss Archer:
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!
Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
... Can I have the jumper?

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Take 8

Miss Archer:
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!
Yellow Jumper: ... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
Miss Archer:
Yellow Jumper:

that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...

... If youre an avid customer of this bakery, Im not sure I want
to see whats under.
So cold.

Halloween Otome, Day 3, Yellow Jumper Scene, Bonus

Miss Archer:
My eyes! Why would you wear something so bright?!
Yellow Jumper:
Miss Archer:

Yellow Jumper:
Miss Archer:
Miss Archer:

... I like bright colours. I can always take it off if it offends you
that much, although Im not wearing a shirt under...
Sure, why not? Its not like my eyes havent been scarred
Ack! What are you doing?! I was joking!
What are you? An exhibitionist?

Im an

No, silly.
One because
he only has one
head and
he looks just like
the Kippy in the
middle of the Keeper
Tech logo

Too scared to see

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