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A Guide to Her Life and

Documentary Sources



Associate Editor

Assistant Editor


1995. Chadwyck-Healey Inc.

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photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission
from Chadwyck-Healey Inc.
First published 1995 by:
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Alexandria, VA 22314
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ISBN 0-89887-084-4


E ditors

Candace Falk, Ph.D.

Editor and Director

Daniel Cornford, Ph.D. Stephen Cole, Ph.D.

Ronald J. Zboray, Ph.D.

Alice Hall, J.D.

Microfilm Editor

Associate Editor,
Government Documents

Associate Editor,
Correspondence Series




A dministrative


Associate Editor

P rogram S taff

Ami Samuels

Susan Wengraf

Administrative Assistant

Sally Thomas

Exhibition Associate


A dministnative Analyst



Jennifer Collins

Steve Masover

Assistant Editor

Administrative Assistant

Administrative. Assistant




R esearch A ssociates

Sarah Crome

Robert Cohen, Ph.D.

Barbara Loomis, Ph.D.




Dennis McEnnerney

Tom Peabody


P roduction E ditors

Kurt Thompson

Jennifer Smith

Ellen Ratcliffe

Michael Katz





E ditorial A ssistants

Brigida Campos

Robert Geraci

Sherry Katz





Colleen Cotter

Susan Grayzel

Maxine Leeds

Raehel Rivera



Oz Frankel

Marilynn Johnson


Christopher Gales



Leigh Anne Jones




Joanne Newman

Kristin Penner


I nternational S earch C oordinators

Brenda Butler

Karen Hansen



Julia Rechter



Franoise Vergs


Jessica Weiss

To those who, inspired by Emma Goldmans ideals, continue to meet the challenges
necessary' to uphold the fragile right o f dissent, to imagine a more just and sane world,
and to devote themselves to the cause o f freedom.

The publication of the microfilm edition and its companion volume, Emma Goldman: A Guide
to Her Life and Documentary Sources, would not have been possible without the unwavering sup
port of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) of the National
Archives. We dedicate the Correspondence series to the N I1PRCs Deputy Director, Roger Bruns;
and the Government Documents series to the memory of Sara Dunlap Jackson, the NHPRCs long
time archivist. With their historical, archival, and administrative guidance combined with goodnatured friendship, we launched the Emma Goldman Papers Project.
The Goldman Writings series, which includes translations of Goldmans work, is dedicated to
the memory of the Projects European and Asian search coordinator, Brenda Butler, who died at the
age of thirty-seven, just after completing five years of work on the Project. Much of the collections
material tracing Goldmans international significance is in tire collection because of Brenda Butlers
persistence and her sensitivity to the distinct cultures and polities of the many contributing archives
and research associates around the world.
The late Sarah Crome, cofounder and first research associate of the Emma Goldman Papers
Project, was an inspiration to all of us for her untiring commitment to the cause of freedom. An
unsung heroine in her own time, Sarah never sought public praise, but The Emma Goldman Papers
would not have been the same without her.

L ist of Illustrations ...................................................................................................................................... xi
F oreword


L eon F. L it w a c k ......................................................................................................................

Part I
Emma Goldman

E ditors Introduction: Reconstructing



D ocumentary H istory

of a

V ibrant L ife

C andace F a l k .........................................................................................................................................

T he W orld


E mma G oldman: A B ibliographical E ssay

C hronology (1869-1940)




S ally T homas, Stephen C ole, and C andace T alk .......................



Stephen C ole

11.LUSTRATIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 117

Part II
The Microfilm Edition

C opyright and P ermissions ........................................................................................................................


E ditorial P rinciples

R onald J. Z boray ...........................................................


C andace F a l k .....................................................................................................


A cknowledgments



P rocedures

C ontributing Institutions



C ontributing S cholars, A rchivists,

G oldman A ssociates


L ibrarians ..............................................................


H eirs .....................................................................................................



Financial S upporters .................................................................................................................

R eel L ist (C ontents


Introductory E ssays

R eel N umber)

to the





R eels ........................................................................................................




C orrespondence ............................................................................................................................................


G oldman W ritings: D rafts, P ublications,

S peeches ...............................................................


P eriodical A r t ic l e s ................................................................


G overnment D ocuments: C ross R eference L ist ................................................................................


G overnmen t D ocuments: K ey to A bbreviations


G oldman W ritings: N ewspaper




N ames In d e x ...............................................

G overnment D ocuments: N a m e ...............................................................................................................


G overnment D ocuments: T itle ..............................................................................................................


G overnment D ocuments: S ubject ..........................................................................................................


E rrata




List o f Illustrations

Goldman, ca. 1910 (Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace) .......................... frontispiece
Family portrait (Emma Goldman Papers, Manuscripts and Archives Section,
New York Public L ibrary).................................................................................................. ......... 118
Goldman at seventeen (International institute of Social H istory)......................................... ......... 118
Goldman as a young activist (Culver P ictures)...................................................................... ......... 118
Die Dreiheit announcement (New York Public Library')....................................................... ........... 119
Baltimore Critic clipping (Library, State Historical Society of W isconsin)....................... ........... 119
1893 mug shot (Department of Records, City Archives of Philadelphia)....................................... 119
Goldman, ca. 1890 (International Institute of Social History)............................................... ........... 120
What Is There in Anarchy for Woman? (courtesy of St. Louis Post-D ispatch).............


Voltairine de Clevre, 1897 (Joseph ishill Papers, University of Florida)


Caricature of Goldman (courtesy of Chicago Daily T rib u n e)...........................................


Chicago Inter Ocean article....................................................................................................


1901 mug shot (Library of C o n g ress)...................................................................................


Portrait of Goldman (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe C o lleg e)...........................................

j 22

Mother E a r th .............................................................................................................................


Letter from Goldman to Alexander Berkman (International Institute of Social History) .


Portrait of Berkman (Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Library).....................


Letter from Goldman to Ben Reitman (University of Illinois at Chicago Library)...........


Letter from New Haven police chief (Record Group 60, U.S. National Archives)...........


Reitman and Anna Baron (Newspaper Enterprise Association/Clcveland Public Library)


1915 lecture handbill (Holzwarth Collection, University of California at Santa Barbara)


Letter from Goldman to Helen Keller (Keller Archives, American Foundation for the Blind). . . 124


Goldman at Union Square rally {International Institute of Social H istory).................................... 124

Goldman and Berkman (UPI/Belimann Newsphotos)...................................................................... 125
Prison letter to Stella Baliantine (International institute of Social H isto ry ).................................. 125
Letter from J. Edgar Hoover (Record Group 60, U.S. National A rchives).................................... 126
Goldman with Harry Weinberger before deportation (UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos)..................... 126
Questions to Lenin (Central Party Archives of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, Moscow). . . 127
Goldman at Peter Kropotkin funeral (courtesy of Paul A v ric h )..................................................... 127
Goldman with Arthur Leonard Ross and Weinberger at Versailles (International Institute of
Social H istory)................................................................................................................................ 128
M. Eleanor Fitzgerald and Pauline Trkei (Box 8, M. Eleanor Fitzgerald Papers, Manuscripts
Collection, Gokla Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).................................. 128
Goldman and Emily Holmes Coleman, St. Tropez (UPI/Bettmann N ew sphotos)....................... 128
Portrait of Goldman, inscribed to Fitzi (Box 8, M. Eleanor Fitzgerald Papers, Manuscripts
Collection, Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).................................. 128
Rudolf Rocker (photograph by Scnya Fleshin, courtesy of William Fishman).............................. 129
Max Neitlau (International Institute of Social H istory).................................................................... 129
Goldman with Modest Stein, Berkman, and Mollie Steimer (photograph by Senya Fleshin,
courtesy of Paul A v ric h )................................................................................... ( ..............


Goldman and Stella Baliantine (AP/'Cleveiand Public L ib ra ry )..................................................... 130

1934 speaking announcement (International institute of Social H istory)...................................... 130
Goldman press conference (UPI/Bettmann Newsphotos) ................................................................ 130
Letter from Goldman to H.G. Wells (Wells Collection, Rare Book Room, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign)................................................................................................................... 'll
Goldman speaking in Hyde Park (courtesy of Jean F a u lk s)........................................................... 13 i
Goldman with Spanish comrades (International Institute of Social H isto ry )................................ 131
1938 speaking announcement (International Instituteof Social H istory)..................................... 131
Goldman's grave s i t e ........................................................................................................................... 132
Memorial announcement (American Civil Liberties Union Archives, Princeton University
L ib ra ry ).......................................................................................................................................... 132


The World o f Emma Goldman:

A Bibliographical Essay

In 1969, nearly sixty years after it first appeared, Dover Publications published a paperback
edition of Emma Goldmans Anarchism and Other Essays. Almost a quarter-century later Dover
still sells fifteen hundred copies annually, and its 1970 paperback edition of her autobiography,
Living My Life (1931), also remains in printtestimony to the continuing interest in Goldmans life
and ideas. With the publication of the microfilm edition of The Emma Goldman Papers, research
ers will be able to supplement these volumes and other collections of Goldmans work with facsimi
les of her correspondence, government surveillance and legal documents, and other published and
unpublished writings on an extraordinary range of issues.
The purpose of this essay is to assist users of the microfilm who are unfamiliar with Goldmans
historical milieu by alerting them to bookssecondary sources identified in the course of the Projects
fourteen years of research that will provide context for the documents in the collection. It is not
intended to be a comprehensive bibliography; it is confined for the most part to books, excluding, for
example, articles in scholarly journals as well as anarchist newspapers and pamphlets. Included,
however, arc accounts by Goldman and her associates of the movements and conflicts in which they
participated that are essential for an appreciation of the flavor of their culture and of the world they
attempted to build. Over the years, many of these sources have been reprinted; others have remained
out of print for decades (for example, Alexander Berkmans Bolshevik Myth). Wherever possible
the fullest publishing history has been provided to aid readers in locating books that, despite occa
sional reprintings, can still be difficult to find.
For more extensive bibliographies, readers should consult Paul Nursey-Bray, Jim Jose, and
Robyn Williams, eds., Anarchist Thinkers and Thought: An Annotated Bibliography (Westport,
Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1992); the unannotated compilation by Robert Goehlert and Claire Herczeg,
Anarchism: A Bibliography (Monticello, 111.: Vance Bibliographies, [1982]); and the catalogue of
the anarchist collection at the Institut Franais d Histoire Sociale, Paris: Janine Gaitlemin, MarieAude Sowerwinc-Mareschal, and Diana Richet, eds., V anarchisme: Catalogue de livres et bro
chures des XIXe et XXe sicles (Paris and Munich: K. G. Saur, 1982), An especially thorough
bibliography can be found in David DeLeon, The American as Anarchist: Reflections on Indig
enous Radicalism (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1978). O f historical interest is one
of the earliest bibliographies of anarchism, compiled by the anarchist historian Max Nettlau, a
frequent correspondent of Goldmans. See Bibliographie de l anarchie (Brussels: Bibliothque des
Temps Nouveaux, 1897; rpt. ed., New York: Burt Franklin, 1968), with a preface by Elise Reclus.
Finally, always valuable are the bibliographies in the books by Paul Avrich (see below).



G oldman's Whitings
The starting point for anyone interested in Goldman is her thousand-page autobiography, Liv
ing My Life, 2 vols. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1931; ipt, ed., Garden City, N.Y.: Garden City
Publishing Company, 1934), which covers her life thoroughly through her departure from Soviet
Russia in 1921 but devotes comparatively little space to her activities during the 1920s. Three years
in the writing, Living My Life did not sell as many copies as Goldman had hoped, a victim of the
depression and the high price of $7.50 for the two volumes. Still, Goldman was buoyed by the
generally favorable reviews of her work. Friends compared the book to Rousseaus Confessions;
reviewers saw her lifes story as an antidote to complacency. The central theme of the book is the
passionate intensity of Goldmans commitment to her beautiful ideal of anarchism and her parallel
quest for love and intimacy. When the book appeared, however, some readers and reviewers were
shocked by Goldmans candor in discussing her personal life, missing its centrality to her political
convictions. Her attempt to reconcile the personal and political, however, found a strong resonance
in the revitalized womens movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Living My Life has been reprinted
many times. A two-volume paperback edition is still in print (New York: Dover Publications, 1970).
Other modern reprints include a two-volume edition, with an introduction by Sheila Rowbotham
(London: Pluto Press, 1986); a one-volume unabridged edition, with an introduction by Candace
Falk and a remembrance by Meridel Le Sueur (Salt Lake City: Gibbs M. Smith, 1982); a facsimile
reprint of the 1931 Knopf edition (New York: Da Capo Press, 1970); and a one-volume abridged
edition that ends with Goldmans deportation from the United States in 1919, edited with an afterword
and bibliographical essay by Richard and Anna Maria Drinnon (New York: New American Library,
1977). The editors of this edition performed an especially useful service by compiling a new and far
more comprehensive index to replace the hopelessly inadequate original.
In addition to its serialization in Yiddish in the Forward in 1931 (see reel 52 of The Emma
Goldman Papers microfilm), Goldmans autobiography has been published in other languages: for
example, in German as Gelebtes Leben, 3 vols., trans. Renate Orywa and Sabine Vetter (Berlin:
Karin Kramer Verlag, 1978-1980); in an abridged French edition, Epopee d u n e anare.hisle: New
York 1886-Moscou 1920, trans. Cathy Berriheim and Annette Levy-Willard (Paris: Hachctte, 1979);
and in Italian, Vivendo la mia vita, 3 vols., trans. Michele Buzzi (Milan: La Salamandra 19801986).
Goldman s monthly magazine, Mother Earth, which she published in New York from March
1906 to August 1917, is an important source for those interested in her ideas and the anarchist

movement of the period. Often the day-to-day operation of the magazine was in the hands of others,
most notably Max Baginski and for many years Alexander Berkman, freeing Goldman to spread
anarchist ideas, build a readership, and raise money for the magazine through nationwide lecture
lours. But Mother Earth bore the stamp of its founder, especially in its melding of art and politics,
in addition to her essays many of them revisions of lectures- -and articles on different aspects of
anarchism, Mother Earth published original poems and short stories; excerpted works by writers
such as Tolstoy, Maxim Gorki, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Oscar Wilde and reprinted poems by Will
iam Morris and Walt Whitman; reported on labor and civil liberties disputes; kept its readers abreast
of developments in the international anarchist and labor movements; and often featured striking
graphics on its cover.



Mother Earth helped to revitalize the anarchist movement in the United States, acting as a hub
for its intellectual life and attracting readers and supporters from beyond the ranks of the movement
by its eclectic contents and especially its unflinching defense of free speech. Its pages provided
countless local groups with a forum to advertise meetings and lectures and for endless fund-raising
appeals. Each issue carried advertisements for books and pamphlets on anarchism and other top
icsadvertisements that are a valuable resource for researchers trying to recover the political and
cultural locus of the movement. Finally, the magazines offices also served as a publishing house:
The Mother Earth Publishing Association published some of the most important anarchist books of
the period, including Goldmans Anarchism and Other Essays and Berkmans Prison Memoirs.
Ail twelve volumes have been reprinted in the Radical Periodicals in the United States, 1890 I960 series (New York: Greenwood Reprint Corporation, 1968). Unaccountably the reprinted
volumes appeared under the title, Mother Earth Bulletin, the name of the journal that succeeded
Mother Earth after the latter was banned from the mails under a provision of the wartime Espionage
Act. Mother Earth Bulletin was published from October 1917 to April 1918, when it met the same
late as its predecessor. After Goldmans imprisonment and the suppression of the Bulletin, Stella
Ball anti nc tried to keep her aunts voice before the public through a mimeographed newsletter with
the wonderfully ironic title, Instead o f a Magazine (recalling Benjamin R. Tuckers In s te a d o f a
Book). The newsletter, however, lasted just one issue (a copy of it can be found on reel 61 of The
Emma Goldman Papers microfilm).
Goldman revised many of her early lectures and essays and collected them in Anarchism and
Other Essays (New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association, 1910). The book includes Anar
chism: What It Realty Stands For, Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty, and The Tragedy of Womans
Emancipation, among other essays, as well as a forty-page biographical sketch of Goldman by
Hippolyte Havel. A reprint of the third revised edition (1917), with a new introduction by Richard
Drinnon, is still in print (New York.: Dover Publications, 1969). Other modern reprints have ap
peared in German as Anarchismus, seine wirkliche Bedeulung, trans. Sabine Wolski and Ulrich
Schwalbe (Berlin: Eibertad Verlag, 1978); and in Italian as Anarchia, femminismo e attri saggi.
Rails. Roberto Massari (Milan: La Salamandra, 1976).
In addition to political topics, trom the early 1900s Goldman wrote and lectured on modern
European drama. Her essays on playwrights such as Henrik Ibsen, August Strindberg, Gerhart
I lauplmann, George Bernard Shaw, and Anton Chekhov were revised and published as The Social
Significance o f the Modern Drama (Boston: Richard G. Badger, 1914), which has been reprinted
(New York: ApplauseTheatre Book Publishers, 1987).
Goldmans accounts of her experiences in Soviet Russia and what she saw as the Bolsheviks
betrayal of the revolution were translated into many languages (see reel 49 of The Emma Goldman
Papers microfilm). When her book, My Disillusionment in Russia (Garden City, N.Y.; Doubleday,
Page & Company, 1923), appeared, Goldman was dismayed that Doublcday, Page & Company had
replaced her title, My Two Years in Russia, without her knowledge. Even worse, the publisher cut
the last twelve chapters of the manuscript, omitting her account of crucial events such as the Kronstadt
rebellion and an afterword in which she reflected on the trajectory of the revolution after the Bolshe
viks seized power. The publisher attempted to rectify the situation by publishing the omitted chap
ters as a separate volume: My Further Disillusionment in Russia (Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday,



Page & Company, 1924). The complete text in one volume, with an introduction by Rebecca West,
appeared the following year: My Disillusionment in Russia (London: C. W. Daniel Company, 1925).
With the resurgence of interest in Goldman in the 1960s and 1970s, a new edition of the complete
text, with Frank Harriss biographical sketch of Goldman from his Contemporary Portraits (see
below), was published (New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, Apollo Editions, 1970).
A useful anthology of Goldmans essays and speeches drawn from the entire span of her career,
arranged topically under Organization of Society, Social Institutions, Violence, and Two
Revolutions and a Summary, is Alix Kates Shulman, ed., Red Emma Speaks: Selected Writings
and Speeches by Emma Goldman (New York: Vintage Books, 1972), which has been reprinted
(New York: Schocken Books, 1982).
Two collections of Goldmans letters from her years in exile from the United Stales have been
published. Richard and Anna Maria Drinnon, eds., Nowhere at Home: Letters from Exile o f Emma
Goldman and Alexander Berkman (New York: Schocken Books, 1975), is an outstanding, often
moving collection of letters. Arranged thematically under Communism and the Intellectuals.
Anarchism and Violence, Women and Men, and Living the Revolutionthe letters are distin
guished by the candor and passion with which their authors engage issues and by the deep bond of
affection between two lifelong comrades. David Porter, ed., Vision on Fire: Emma Goldman on the
Spanish Revolution (New Paltz, N.Y.; Commonground Press, 1983), includes letters on all aspects
of the anarchist struggle in the Spanish civil war. The historical context is established by extensive
introductions and commentaries, and the texts of the letters are thoroughly annotated.

B iographies


G oldman

There are now a number o f scholarly biographies of Goldman. The earliest, Richard Drinnons
Rebe1 in Paradise: A Biography o f Emma Goldman (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1961,
1982), remains indispensable and has been reprinted (Boston: Beacon Press, 1970); and (New York:
Harper & Row, 1976). For full documentation of his sources, see Emma Goldman: A Study in
American Radicalism (Ph.D. diss., University of Minnesota, 1957). Two biographies explore the
intersection of Goldmans public and private lives. Candace Falk, Love, Anarchy, and Emma Gold
man (New' York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1984; rev. ed., New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers Univer
sity Press, 1990), offers a challenging view of the theory and practice of anarchism, and Goldmans
relation to it, through the prism of her personal life. (Published in German as Liebe und Anarchie
dr Emma Goldman: Ein erotischer Briefwechsel; Eine Biographie, trans. Dita Stafski and Helga
Woggon [Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag, 1987].) Alice Wexler, Emma Goldman: An Intimate Life
(New York: Pantheon Rooks, 1984)reprinted as Emma Goldman in America (Boston: Beacon
Press, 1986)which covers Goldmans career through her deportation in 1919, and Wexlers sec
ond volume, Emma Goldman in Exile: From the Russian Revolution to the Spanish Civil War
(Boston: Beacon Press, 1989), concentrate especially on the character of Goldmans anarchism. A
brief survey of Goldmans life focusing on the American years with little attention to her years in
exile is John Chalberg, Emma Goldman: American Individualist (New' York: HarperCollins, 1991).
Martha Solomon, Emma Goldman (Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1987), focuses on Goldman as a
writer and rhetorician. Marian J. Morton, Emma Goldman and the American Left: Nowhere at



Home (New York: Twaync Publishers, 1992), leans heavily on secondary works, intending to place
Goldmans activities in the context of the broader Left during her lifetime. Fuller coverage of
Goldmans work on behalf of the Spanish anarchists during the civil war can be found in a biography
by veteran anarchist and chronicler of the movement Jos Pcirats. See Emma Goldman: Anarquista
de ambos mundos (Madrid: Campo Abierto Ediciones, 1978); reprinted as Emma Goldman: Un
mujer en la tormenta del siglo (Barcelona: Editorial Laia, 1983). An issue o f the journal Itineraire:
Une vie, une pense (no. 8, 1990), published in Chelles, France, is devoted to Goldman and her
circle. Other issues of the same journal have focused on Peter Kropotkin, Rudolf Rocker, and Errico

A lexander B erkman

Anyone interested in Goldman must also consult works by Berkman, her chum of a lifetime.
Their friend and comrade Mollie Steimer described them as inseparable emotionally and spiritually.
Neither of them ever wrote a major article or a book without consulting the other. Berkmans
editorial skills were considerable, as evidenced by his work on Mother Earth and in the substantial
contribution he made to shaping Living My Life. Berkman was also a writer of grace and power, as
his three major works testify-. Regrettably, he never wrote an autobiography, though in the early
1930s he sketched an outline for one through 1919. See Drinnon and Drinnon, eds., Nowhere at
Home, xxv-xxvili.
Writing his first book, Prison Memoirs o f an Anarchist (New York: Mother Earth Publishing
Association, 1912), introduction by Hutchins Hapgood, finally enabled Berkman to slay the ghosts
that had haunted him since his release. It has been reprinted, with a new introduction by Paul
Goodman (New York: Schockeo Books, 1970); and in another edition, with an afterword by Kenneth
Rexroth (Pittsburgh: Frontier Press, 1970). An account of his fourteen-year imprisonment for at
tempting to assassinate Henry Clay Frick, the book is a classic of the genre o f prison writing, chroni
cling the brutality of the prison regime and the evolution of his attitudes toward his fellow prison
ersincluding a sympathetic discussion of homosexualitywith compelling honesty. The book
also appeared in Yiddish: Gefengenen erinerungen fun an anarchist, 2 vols., ed. M. Katz and R.
Frumkin (New York: M. E. Fitzgerald, 1920 -1921).
Berkman loaned Goldman the diary he kept in Russia to help her write My Disillusionment in
Russia, though he always believed that her free use of it detracted considerably from the impact of
his subsequent account of the two years they spent in Russia, published as The Bolshevik Myth
(Diary 1920 -1922) (New York: Boni and Liveright, 1925). The publisher rejected the final chapter
of his manuscript as an anti-climax from a literary standpoint, prompting Berkman to publish it
separately as The Anti-Climax: The Concluding Chapter oj My Russian Diary; The Bolshevik
Myth ([Berlin]: n.p., [1925]). The complete work has recently been republished, with a new intro
duction by Nicolas Walter (London: Pluto Press, 1989). Berkmans earliest essays on Russia were
published in three pamphlets The Russian Tragedy, The Russian Revolution and the Communist
Parly, and The Kronstadt Rebellionin Berlin in 1922. They have been collected and reissued as
The Russian Tragedy (Sanday, Orkney: Cienfuegos Press, 1976), with an introduction by William
G. Nowlin. Jr.


Commissioned by the Jewish Anarchist Federation of New York to prepare a primer on anar
chism that would be accessible to the average reader and help dispel the popular myths surrounding
the topic, Berkman found the book excruciatingly difficult to write (see his letters to Goldman in the
summer and fall of 1927 on reels 18 and 19 of this collection). Nonetheless, Paul Avrich, the leading
historian of anarchism, considers Now and After: The ABC o f Communist Anarchism (New York:
Vanguard Press/Jewish Anarchist Federation, 1929), a classic, ranking with Kropotkins Conquest
o f Bread as the clearest exposition of communist anarchism in English or any other language. A
recent republication, with a new introduction by Avrich and Goldmans preface to the 1937 edition,
appeared under the title What Is Communist Anarchism? (New York: Dover Publications, 1972).
An abridged edition, ABC o f Anarchism, first published in London in 1942 and reprinted many
times, is still available (London: Freedom Press, 1971), with an introduction by Peter E. Newell.
Following the untimely death ofVoltairine de Cleyre in 1912, Berkman edited a collection of her
writings: Selected Works ofVoltairine de Cleyre (New York: Mother Earth Publishing Association,
1914), with a biographical sketch by Hippolyte Havel. The collection has been reprinted (New York:
Revisionist Press, 1972). His relationship with de Cleyre was less conflicted than was Goldmans.
He held her in high esteem as a writer and fellow anarchist. A faithful correspondent while Berkman
was imprisoned, de Cleyre provided emotional and intellectual support after his release and espe
cially while he was writing Prison Memoirs.
Berkmans labor weekly, The Blast, which he edited and published in San Francisco from Janu
ary 191.6 to May 1917 with the assistance of M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, has also been reprinted in the
Radical Periodicals in the United States, 1890-1960 series (New York: Greenwood Reprint Cor
poration, 1968).
Under the auspices of the International Committee for Political Prisoners, Berkman compiled
and edited a valuable collection of material documenting the Bolsheviks proscription of civil liber
ties and persecution of revolutionary groups and parties in the early years of the Soviet state. Com
prising correspondence, testimonies, affidavits, and interviews of political prisoners and exiles, Let
ters from Russian Prisons (New York: Albert & Charles Boni, 1925), has also been reprinted
(Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press, 1977).
A useful selection from Berkmans major works plus letters and articles from The Blast is Gene
Fellner, ed,, Life o f an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader (New York: Four Wails Eight
Windows, 1992). Berkman will finally receive the attention he deserves when Paul Avrich completes
the biography he is currently writing.

A narchism

The best surveys to date of anarchism are James foil, The Anarchists, 2d ed. (Cambridge,
Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1980); George Woodcock, Anarchism: A History o f Libertarian
Ideas and Movements (Cleveland: World Publishing Company, 1962; rpt. ed., Harmondsworth,
England: Penguin Books, 1963); and Peter Marshall, Demanding the Impossible: A History oj
Anarchism (London: HarperCollins, 1992). A useful brief introduction that ranges from Michael
Bakunin to Murray Bookchin and social ecology is Richard D. Sonn, Anarchism (New York: fwayne


Publishers. 1992). For the scope and vital ity of anarchist thought, see the selections in the following
anthologies; Irving Louis Horowitz, ed., The Anarchists (New York: Dell, 1964); Daniel Guerin, ed.,
Ni dieu, ni matre: Anthologie historique du mouvement anarchiste (Paris: Editions de Delphes,
[1965]); Leonard I. Kri merman and Lewis Perry, eds., Patterns o f Anarchy: A Collection o f Writ
ings on the Anarchist Tradition (Garden City, N.Y.: Anchor Books, 1966); Marshal S. Sbatz, cd..
The Essential Works o f Anarchism (New York: Bantam Books, 1971; rpt. cd., New York: Quad
rangle Books, 1972); and George Woodcock, ed., The Anarchist Reader (Atlantic Highlands, N.J.:
Humanities Press, 1977).
Goldman wrote at length in her autobiography about the formative influences on her political
ideas, from the Russian populists and nihilists of her adolescence apotheosized for her in the char
acter of Vera in Nikolai Cherny she vskys novel What Is to Be Done?--to the Haymarket martyrs
and her mentor Johann Most. As important an influence as the Russian anarchist theorists Michael
Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin were, Goldman could also draw upon a native radical tradition in the
United States of communitarianism and resistance to government authoritya tradition that found
political expression in the utopian and abolitionist movements before the Civil War and resonated
especially in the writings of Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman.
The execution of the Haymarket anarchists was the catalyst for Goldman's decision to devote
her life to their ideal of anarchism. The best account of the affair is Paul Avriclrs magisterial The
Haymarket Tragedy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1984). Still useful is Henry David, The
History o f the Haymarket Affair: A Study in the American Social-Revolutionary Tradition, 2d ed.
(New York: Russell and Russell, 1958). Dave Roediger and Franklin Rosemont, eds., Haymarket
Scrapbook (Chicago: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company, 1986), is an excellent compilation of
contemporary accounts of the affair and its aftermath, remembrances, scholarly articles, and illus
trations. On the condemned men themselves, see Philip S. Foner, ed., The Autobiographies o f the
Haymarket Martyrs (New York: Humanities Press, 1969). The diversity of the social and cultural
milieu of anarchism in Chicago is demonstrated in Bruce C. Nelson, Beyond the Martyrs: A Social
History o f Chicago's Anarchists, 1870 -1900 (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1988).
On Johann Most, see Memoiren, Etiebles, Erforschtes und Erdachtes (New York: Seibstverlag
des Vcrfassers, 1903-1907); Rudolf Rocker, Johann Most: Das Leben eines Rebelled (Berlin: tlDer
Syndikalist, Fritz Kaler, 1924); and Frederic TrauUnann, The Voice o f Terror: A Biography of
Johann Most (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1980).
For a survey of American anarchist thought from the earliest years of the Republic through the
mid-twentieth century, see William O. Reichert, Partisans o f Freedom: A Study in American Anar
chism (Bowling Green, Ohio: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1976); Ronald Creagh,
Histoire de l anarchisme aux Etats-Unis d'Amrique: Les origines, 1826-J886 (Grenoble: Editions
La Pense Sauvage, 1981); and Eunice Minette Schuster, Native American Anarchism: A Study o f
Left-Wing American Individualism, Smith College Studies in History, vol. 17 (Northampton, Mass.:
Department of History, Smith College, 1932), which has been reprinted twice (New York: AMS
Press, 1970) and (Port Townsend, Wash.: Loompanics Unlimited, 1983). On individualist anar
chists, sec James .1. Martin, Men Against the State: The Expositors o f Individualist Anarchism in
America, 1827-1908 (DeKalb, 111.: Adrian Allen Associates, 1953; rev. cd., Colorado Springs: Ralph
Myles, 1970); and Michael E. Coughlin, Charles H. Hamilton, and Mark A. Sullivan, eds., Ben
jamin R. Tucker and the Champions o f Liberty: A Centenary Anthology (St. Paul: Michael E.


Coughlin and Mark Sullivan, 1986). David DeLeon advances the bold thesis that, as manifested in
different forms of libertarian radicalism characterized by a hostility to centralized power, anarchism
represents the most significant radical tradition in American history. See DeLeon, American as
The intellectual foundations of communist anarchism were laid in the nineteenth century by the
Russians Michael Bakunin and Peter Kropotkin. Multivolume collections of Bakunins works have
been published in French and German, and most of his major works are available in English transla
tion. Useful anthologies include Sam Dolgoff, ed., Bakunin on Anarchy: Selected Works by the
Activist-Founder o f World Anarchism (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972), which was reprinted as
Bakunin on Anarchism (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1980); and G. P. Maximoff, The Political
Philosophy o f Bakunin: Scientific Anarchism (Glencoe, 111.: Free Press, 1953; rpt. ed., New York:
Free Press, 1964), with an introduction by Rudolf Rocker and biographical sketch by MaxNettlau.
Kropotkins major worksAn Appeal to the Young, Conquest oj Bread, Fields, Factories and
Workshops, Memoirs o f a Revolutionist, and Mutual Aidhave been reprinted numerous times.
The most useful anthologies of Kropotkins writings are Emile Capouva and Kcitha Tompkins, eds.,
The Essential Kropotkin (New York: Liveright, 1975); Martin A. Miller, ed., Selected Writings on
Anarchism and Revolution (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1970); and Roger Baldwin, ed.,
Kropotkins Revolutionary Pamphlets: A Collection o f Writings (New York: Vanguard Press, 1927;
rpt. ed., New York: Dover Publications, 1970). The best biographies of the two are L. H. Carr,
Michael Bakunin (London: Macmillan, 1937; rpt. ed., New York: Vintage Books, 1961); and George
Woodcock and Ivan Avakumovic, The Anarchist Prince: A Biography oj Peter Kropotkin (London:
A ,N .WcYdiVwan, WSVr, YA cW
N oAc YcAockcnWooks,, Yffl Yy V^ccAcnXriAcYmVxodncVon's Vo
caw Vo Vovwd vn We,
dov oved Vo Wevn W Ya\d ktv\0n, Anarchist
P or tvalts (YVmooVow. YTOvooVonVrivNcvvko) Yvcss, Y)YY),
On the dispute in the First International between Marx and Bakunin, see Paul Thomas, Karl
Marx and the Anarchists (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980); and for the reverberations of
that dispute within Russian anarchism as it grappled with Bolshevism, see Anthony D Agostino.
Marxism and the Russian Anarchists (San Francisco: Germinal Press, 1977).

The A merican Years

The period o f Goldmans life in the United States when she was at the peak of her influence is
well documented in autobiographies and reminiscences by other participants in the radical, labor,
and literary movements of the time. Readers should bear in mind, however, that after World War I
the radicals who once had cooperated took different political paths. The accounts they wrote of
earlier years sometimes reflect a changed political orientation; others took the opportunity to settle
old scores. With reference to Goldman, then, the following books should be consulted with care.
William D. Haywood, Bill Haywood's Book: The Autobiography o f William D. Haywood (New
York: International Publishers, 1929), reprinted many times; and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, I Speak
My Own Piece: Autobiography o f The Rebel G irl (New York: Masses & Mainstream, 1955); rev.
ed., The Rebel Girl: An Autobiography; My First Life (1906-1926) (New York: International
Publishers, 1973), cover the lives of two leaders of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) who


occasionally worked closely with Goldman. Maiy Heaton Vorse, A Footnote to Folly: Reminis
cences o f Mary Heaton Vorse (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1935); and Hutchins Hapgood, A
Victorian in (he Modern World (New York: Ilarcourt, Brace and Company, 1939), are excellent
autobiographies by two author/joumalists whose sympathies were with the radicals. Both Margaret
Sanger, My Fight fo r Birth Control (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1931), and Margaret Sanger:
An Autobiography (New York: W. W. Norton, 1938; rpt. ed., New York: Dover Publications, 1971)
slight Goldmans role in publicizing birth control ideas and her influence on Sanger. Max Eastman,
Enjoyment o f Living (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1948); and Floyd Dell, Homecoming: An
Autobiography (New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1933; rpt. cd., Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat
Press, 1969), include reflections on their years on the Masses before World War I. Mabel Dodge
Luhan, Intimate Memories, vol. 3: Movers and Shakers (New York: Ilarcourt, Brace and Com
pany, 1936; rpt. ed., Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1985), is a prolix but irresist
ible memoir by the woman who confected the most memorable Greenwich Village salon of the 1910s.
Margaret Anderson, the founder and editor of the Little Review, includes whimsical blit sometimes
acute observations of Goldman in My Thirty Years' War: An Autobiography (New York: Covici,
Friede, 1930; rpt. ed., Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1971).
The radical movement in the United States of the World War I era has attracted some outstand
ing scholarship. For the anarchists, see Margaret S. Marsh, Anarchist Women, 1870 -1920 (Phila
delphia: Temple University Press, 1981); the relevant chapters in Avrich, Anarchist Portraits: Paul
Avrich, An American Anarchist: The Life o f de Cleyre (Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1978); Paul Avrich, The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United
States (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1980); Paul Avrich, Sacco and Vanzetti: The Anar
chist Background (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1991); the essays in Antonio Donno, ed.,
America anarchica (1850 -1930) (Manduria, Italy: Piero Lacaita Editore, 1990); Roger A. Bruns,
The Damndest Radical: The Life and World o f Ben Reitman (Urbana: University of Illinois Press,
1987); and Dorothy Gallagher, All the Right Enemies: The Life and Murder o f Carlo Tresca (New
Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1988; rpt. ed., New York: Penguin Books, 1989). For
the Jewish anarchist movement from a participants perspective, see the account in Yiddish by Jo
seph Cohen, Diyidish-anarkhistishe bavegung in Amerike (Philadelphia: Radical Library Branch
273, Workmens Circle, 1945).
The best overview of the years immediately preceding World War I is still Henry F. May, The
End o f American Innocence: A Study o f the First Years o f Our Time, 1912-1917 (New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 1959; rpt. ed., Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1964). On the cultural and political radical
ism of Greenwich Village before the war, see Arthur Frank Wertheim, The New York Little Renais
sance: Iconoclasm, Modernism, and Nationalism in American Culture, 1908-1917 (New York:
New York University Press, 1976); Leslie Fishbein, Rebels in Bohemia: The Radicals o f The
Masses, 1911-1917 (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1982); and Rebecca Zurier,
Art for The Masses: A Radical Magazine and Its Graphics, 1911-1917 (Philadelphia: Temple
University Press, 1988), which is an excellent introduction to this literary contemporary of Mother
Earth and covers much more ground than its title and subtitle suggest. Two important books on the
intersection of art and politics in the period are Steve Golin, The Fragile Bridge: Paterson Silk
Strike, 1913 (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988); and Martin Green, New York 1913:
The Armory Show and the Paterson Strike Pageant (New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1988; rpt.
ed., New York: Collier Books, 1989).


For the various strands of the womens movement in this period, see, for example, Nancy Coll,
The Grounding o f Modern Feminism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1987); Mari Jo Buhle,
Women and American Socialism, 1870 -1920 (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1981); Meredith
Tax, The Rising o f the Women; Feminist Solidarity and Class Conflict, 1880 -1917 (New York:
Monthly Review Press, 1980); Rosalyn Fraad Baxandall, Words on Fire: The Life and Writing o f
Elizabeth Gurley Flynn (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1987); Judith Schwarz,
Radical Feminists o f Heterodoxy; Greenwich Village, 1912-1940 (Lebanon, N.I L: New Victoria
Publishers, 1982); Marsh, Anarchist Women; and Avrich, An American Anarchist.
On the birth control movement, see Linda Gordon, Womans Body, Womans Right; A Social
History o f Birth Control in America (New York: Grossman, 1976; rpt. ed., New York: Penguin
Books, 1977); James Reed, From Private Vice to Public Virtue: The Birth Control Movement and
American Society since 1830 (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978); and Ellen Chesler,
Woman o f Valor: Margaret Sanger and the Birth Control Movement in America (New York: Simon
& Schuster, 1992). Goldmans fight for birth control was part of a broader battle she waged for
economic self-determination and for womens right to sexual freedom. See Bonnie Haaland, Emma
Goldman: Sexuality and the Impurity?o f the State (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1993). Goldman
found support for her ideas in the work of European feminists such as Ellen Key. See Ellen Key,
Love and Marriage, trans. Arthur G. Chater, introduction by Havelock Ellis (New York: G. P.
Putnams Sons, 1911; rpt. cd., New York: Source Book Press, 1970); The Woman Movement, trans.
Mamah Bouton Borthwick, introduction by Havelock Ellis (New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1912;
rpt. ed., Westport, Conn.: Hyperion Press, 1976); and The Renaissance o f Motherhood, trans. Anna
E. B. Fries (New York: G. P. Putnams Sons, 1914; rpt. ed., New York: Source Book Press, 1970).
For the historical precursors o f Goldmans work, see Hal D. Sears, The Sex Radicals: Free Love in
High Victorian America (Lawrence: Regents Press of Kansas, 1977); and Sheila Rowbolham and
Jeffrey Weeks, Socialism and the New Life: The Personal and Sexual Politics o f Edward Carpenter
and Havelock Ellis (London: Pluto Press, 1977). The work of Carpenter and Ellis also informed
Goldmans lectures on homosexuality.
On the IWW, see Mclvyn Dubofsky, We Shall Be All: A History o f the Industrial Workers o f
the World (Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969; 2d ed., Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1988);
and Philip S. Foner, History o f the Labor Movement in the United States, vol. 4: The Industrial
Workers o f the World, 1905-1917 (New York: International Publishers, 1965). For the anarchosyndicalist bent of the IWW and its expression in the art and culture of the Wobblies, see Salvatore
Salerno, Red November, Black November: Culture and Community in the Industrial Workers o f the
World (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1989). See also Peter Carlson, Roughneck:
The Life and Times o f Big Bill Haywood (New York: W. W. Norton, 1983); and Joseph R. Conlin,
Big Bill Haywood and the Radical Union Movement (Syracuse, N.Y.: Syracuse University Press,
1969). The spirit of the Wobblies is wonderfully evoked in Joyce L. Kornbluh, Rebel Voices: An
I.WAV. Anthology>(Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1964; rev. ed., Chicago: Charles H,
Kerr Publishing Company, 1988).
Goldman and Berkman opposed U.S. entry into World War I and were convicted in 1917 of
conspiring to obstruct the draft, one of numerous cases prosecuted under a battery of wartime legis
lation designed to crack down on dissent. Fueled by the success of the Bolsheviks in Russia, the
atmosphere of intolerance did not abate after the wars end, and ad hoc groups and emergency



committees formed during the war to protect civil liberties came together in 1920 to found the Ameri
can Civil Liberties Union. On this period, see Paul L. Murphy, World War I and the Origin o f Civil
Liberties in the United States (New York: W. W. Norton, 1979); William Preston, Jr., Aliens and
Dissenters: Federal Suppression o f Radicals, 1903-1933 (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University
Press, 1963); Richard Polenberg, Fighting Faiths: The Abrams Case, the Supreme Court, and Free
Speech (New York: Viking, 1987; rpt. cd., New York: Penguin Books, 1989); and Peggy Lamson,
Roger Baldwin, Founder o f the American Civil Liberties Union: A Portrait (Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1976). After Goldman and Berkman were released from prison in 1919, J. Edgar Hoover
took charge of the deportation case against them. On Hoovers career, see Richard Gid Powers,
Secrecy and Power: The Life o f J. Edgar Hoover (New York: Free Press, 1987); and Athan G.
Theoharis and John Stuart Cox, The Boss: J. Edgar Hoover and the Great American Inquisition
(Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1988).

Russ A
Aside from Goldmans and Berkmans own accounts (cited above), three books by Paul Avrich
are directly relevant to their experience in Russia. The Russian Anarchists (Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1967; rpt. ed,, New York: W. W. Norton, 1978), which includes an excellent
bibliography, traces the intellectual origins of Russian anarchism in the late nineteenth century through
the 1905 revolution to the anarchists role in 1917 and their subsequent suppression by the Bolshe
viks. The Anarchists in the Russian Revolution (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1973), a
collection of documents, includes writings by many of Goldmans comrades who later were part of
the community of Russian anarchist exiles in Germany and France. Kronstadt, 1921 (Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 1970) is the fullest account of the rebellion by sailors in the Gulf of
Finland against the authoritarian and centralizi ng tendencies of the Bolsheviks. For an account of
the most sustained anarchist resistance to both Bolshevik power and anti-Bolshevik forces during the
revolutionary period, see Michael Pali), The Anarchism o f Nestor Makhno, 1918-1921: An Aspect
o f the Ukrainian Revolution (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1976).
Two accounts by anarchist participants in the revolutionary period are G. P. Maximoff, The
Guillotine at Work: Twenty Years o f Terror in Russia (Data and Documents) (Chicago: Chicago
Section of the Alexander Berkman Fund, 1940), reprinted in an abridged edition as The Guillotine
at Work, vol. 1: The Leninist Counter-Revolution (Sanday, Orkney: Cienfuegos Press, 1979); and
Voline [V. M. Eikhenbaum], La rvolution inconnue, 1917-192 J : Documentation indite sur la
Rvolution russe (Paris: Amis de Voline, 1947; rpt. ed., Paris; Editions Pierre Bclfond, 1969), parts
of which were published in English in the mid-1950s, with a biographical introduction by Rudolf
Rocker, by Freedom Press (London) and the Libertarian Book Club (New York). The complete
work was published as The Unknown Revolution, 1917-192!, trans. Holley Cantine (New York:
Free Life Editions, 1974). Angelica Balabanoff, first secretary of the Third International and an
intimate of Lenin, befriended Goldman and Berkman during their years in Russia and remained close
to them after she broke with the Soviet leadership. See her memoirs, My Life as a Rebel (New York:
Harper & Brothers, 1938).


The E xile Years

Goldmans years in Europe and Canada between her departure from Russia and the beginning of
the Spanish civil war were among the most dispiriting of her life, culminating in the death of Berkman
in June 1936. During that period she relied on correspondence to stay in touch with family and
friends in the United States while she renewed contacts with European associates and exiled Russian
comrades and developed new friendships where her work took her.
Friends and family alike among Goldmans American correspondents were connected with the
arts, especially the theater. Her favorite niece, Stella, was married to Teddy Bailanline, an actor and
occasional director with the Provincetown Players. M. Eleanor FitzgeraldGoldmans beloved
Fitzi, who occupied many roles at Mother Earth was the moving force behind the scenes of the
Provincetown Playhouse during the 1920s after it moved to New York City. See Robert Karoly
Saiios, Jig Cook and the Provincetown Players: Theatre in Ferment (Amherst: University of Mas
sachusetts Press, .1982); and Helen Deutsch and Stella Hanau, The Provincetown: A Story o f the
Theatre (1931; New York: Russell & Russell, 1972). Goldmans nephew (Stellas brother) Saxe
Commins had a distinguished career as an editor with Liveright and Random House. His most
important association was with playwright Eugene O Neill, much of whose-early work was first
performed by the Provincetown Players. See Dorothy Commins, What Is an Editor? Saxe Commins
at Work (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978); and Dorothy Commins, ed., Love and
Admiration and Respect: The O Neill-Commins Correspondence (Durham, N.C.: Duke Univer
sity Press, 1986).
Max Nettlau and Rudolf Rocker, two of the most prolific writers in the anarchist movement,
became regular correspondents of Goldman during her years in exile. Nettlau devoted his life to
chronicling the movementRocker described him as the Herodotus of anarchy--amassing a huge
archive of anarchist materials. Rocker combined activismwith the Jews of Londons East End
before World War T, in Germany for the International Working Mens Association (IWMA) during
the 1920swith writing and lecturing. Nettlaus and Rockers works have been reprinted numerous
times in many languages. See especially Rudolf Rocker, Nationalism and Culture, trans. Ray E.
Chase (New York: Covici, Friede, 1937); and Anarcho-Syndicalism (London: Seeker and Warburg,
1938; rpt. ed., London: Pluto Press, 1989). Rockers three-volume autobiography appeared in Yid
dish in 1952; an English translation of the volume covering his years in England was published as
The London Years, trans. Joseph Leftwich (London: Robert Anscombe, 1956). See also Peter Wienand,
Der geborene Rebell: Rudolf RockerLeben und Werk (Berlin: Karin Kramer Verlag, 1981).
Among Netllaus numerous books were biographies of Bakunin and Errico Malatesta and a study of
the First International in Spain, but little of his work has been translated into English. An exception
is Anarchy Through the Times, trans. Scott Johnson (1935; New York: Gordon Press, 1979). Ilis
multivolume history of anarchism is currently being published for the International Institute of So
cial 1Iistory: Geschichte der Anarchie, 5 vols. (Vaduz, Liechtenstein: Topos Verlag, 1981-).
Among Goldmans closest comrades were Mollic Steimer and Senya Fieshin, who also left So
viet Russia after conditions there became intolerable for anarchists. On Steimer, see Marsh, Anar
chist Women; Avrich, Anarchist Portraits; Polenberg, Fighting Faiths', and the pamphlet, Sentenced
to Twenty Years Prison (New York: Political Prisoners Defense & Relief Committee, 1919). See
also the memorial volume edited by Abe Bluestein, Fighters fo r Anarchism: Mollie Steimer and
Senya Fieshin ([New York]: Libertarian Publications Group, 1983).


Goldmans experiences in Britain were especially disheartening. She never warmed to the Brit
ish character, and her message in the 1920s about the Bolsheviks betrayal of the Russian revolution
drew less than enthusiastic responses from her audiences. Only her lectures on drama brought her
any satisfaction. Though her attempt to build support for the Spanish anarchists during the civil war
met with more success, she never had the same sense of belonging among her British comrades that
she had felt in America. Her efforts to reach British workers were for the most part unavailing, and
she gravitated instead toward those who were more appreciative of her international reputation,
especially writers and intellectuals.
On British anarchism, see John Quail, The Slow Burning Fuse: The Lost History o f the British
Anarchists (London: Paladin, 1978); Hermia Oliver, The International Anarchist Movement in Late
Victorian London (London: Croom Helm, 1983); Rocker, London Years; and William J. Fishman,
East End Jewish Radicals, 875-1914 (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1974), published in the United
States as Jewish Radicals: From Czar is t Stef. I to London Ghetto (New York: Pantheon Books,
1975) . Albert Meltzer, The Anarchists in London, 1935-1955 (Sanday, Orkney: Cienfuegos Press,
1976) , includes some background on the efforts to raise money and public support for the anarchist
cause in Spain in the 1930s, as well as highly opinionated observations on British anarchists. Among
Goldmans closest allies in the cause of the Spanish anarchists were art and literary critic Sir Herbert
Read; novelist Ethel Mannin (see below); and Fenner Brockway, leader of the Independent Labour
Party. See Herbert Read, Anarchy and Order: Essays in Politics (London: Faber & Faber, 1954);
and Fenner Brockway, Inside the Left: Thirty Years o f Platform, Press, Prison and Parliament
(London: George Allen & Unwin, 1942).
Goldman had only intermittent contact with the celebrated American expatriates of the 1920s in
France, though for a time she numbered among her friends Peler Neagoe, Laurence Vail, Kay Boyle,
and others associated with the literary magazine, transition. Heiress and patron of the arts Peggy
Guggenheim helped Goldman purchase her cottage, Bon Esprit, i n St. Tropez and lived close by at
Pramousquier. Goldman wrote most of her memoirs at Bon Esprit, where for a year Emily Holmes
Coleman, a young American writer, served as her secretary. Demi, as Coleman was affectionately
known, and Goldman became devoted to one another. See Robert McAlmon and Kay Boyle, Being
Geniuses Together, 1920 -1930 (San Francisco: North Point Press, 1984); and Jacqueline Bograd
Weld, Peggy, the Wayward Guggenheim (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1986). On Emily Floimes Coleman,
see her novel, The Shutter o f Snow (New York: Viking, 930); and the entry in Karen Lane Rood,
ed., Dictionary o f Literary? Biography, vol. 4: American Writers in Paris, 1920 -1939 (Detroit:
Gale Research Company, 1980). Goldman also formed a strong friendship with writer and editor
Frank Harris and bis wife Nellie. See Harriss sketch of Goldman in his Contemporary Portraits,
fourth series (New York: Brentanos, 1923). The influence of Harriss notorious autobiography,'
originally published privately in five volumes, can be delected in Goldmans Living My Life. See
Frank Harris, My Life and Loves, ed. John F. Gallagher (New York: Grove Press, 1963). Although
her connections with the French anarchist movement dated from the 1890s evidenced by her corre
spondence with Augustin Hamon, editor of L Humanit NouvelleGoldman never played an active
role during her residence in France, largely one suspects for fear of expulsion. Nonetheless, she had
contacts with the anarchists, for example, May Picqueray, who for a time also lived in St. Tropez.
See May Picqueray, May le rfractaire ([Paris]: Atelier Marcel Jullian, 1979).


Among Goldmans closest friends in England were Paul and Eslanda Robeson. Later in the
1930s her implacable hostility toward the Communists created an unbridgeable gulfbetween them as
Robeson drew closer to the Party. On Robeson, see Martin Bauml Duberman, Paul Robeson (New
York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988). Visits from old friends and associates from America always fortified
Goldman, but served at the same time as a painful reminder of how much she missed her life there.
Still, she was heartened that the movement retained some vitality and was glad to encourage it from
afar through correspondence. Among her correspondents was anarchist and International Ladies
Garment Workers Union (1LGWLJ) vice-president Rose Pesotta. See Pesottas memoir Bread upon
the Waters, ed. John Nicholas Beffel (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1944), which has been reprinted with
a new introduction by Ann Schofield (Ithaca, N.Y.: 1LR Press, 1987); and Elaine Leeder, The
Gentle General: Rose Pesotta, Anarchist and Labor Organizer (Albany: State University of New
York Press, 1993).
Goldmans influence and bonds of friendship encompassed an extraordinary range of people.
She corresponded with Ba Jin (Pa Chin), a young Chinese student who was deeply influenced by
anarchism. Ba Jin (the nom de plume of Li Fei-kan) later translated Kropotkin and other Western
anarchists into Chinese. But it wras Goldman, whom he described as his spiritual mother, who had
the greatest influence on both his fiction and political ideas. He recalled in the preface to his collec
tion of short stories, The General (1934), which he dedicated to Goldman, that he first encountered
her essays in 1919 when he was just fifteen years old. Later the experience of reading her autobiog
raphy reinvigorated him, and he modeled Hui, the heroine of two of his fictional works, on Goldman.
See Olga Lang, Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth between the Wars (Cambridge, Mass.;
Harvard University Press, 1967). In Russia and Germany Goldman renewed her friendship with
American novelist and journalist Agnes Smedley, for whom Goldmans career had been a model of
courage. By the late 1920s, however, Smedley believed that the Communists offered the best hope to
oppressed peoples, especially in China, and chose to end the friendship. On the Goldman-Smedley
friendship, see Janice R. MacKinnon and Stephen R. MacKinnon, Agnes Smedley: The Life and
Times o f an American Radical (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988). Goldman admired
and was a regular correspondent of Danish novelist Karin Michalis, who explored in her fiction
many of the themes of womens sexuality that interested Goldman. Sec especially her novel, The
Dangerous Age: Letters & Fragments from a Womans Diary, trans. Marcel Prvost (London: John
Lane, 1912). Another intense friendship that rested mostly on correspondence was with American
novelist Evelyn Scott. On Scott, sec D. A. Callard, Pretty Good fo r a Woman: The Enigmas o f
Evelyn Scott (London: Jonathan Cape, 1985).

S pain

The historical literature on the Spanish civil war is enormous. The most thorough general
history of the conflict is Hugh Thomas, The Spanish Civil War, 3d ed. (New York: Harper & Row,
1977). Burnett Bollotens The Spanish Civil War: Revolution and Counterrevolution (Chapel Hill:
University of North Carolina Press, 1991) is an enormously detailed political history of Republican
Spain in the civil war period that treats the contributions of the anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists
more seriously than most standard histories. See also Ronald Frasers evocative Blood o f Spain:
An Oral History o f the Spanish Civil War (New York: Pantheon Books, 1979).



Spain was the only European country where Bakunins disciples gained a strong foothold, and
anarchism attracted followers in rural areas like Andalusia as well as cities like Barcelona and
Valencia. Two important studies of anarchism in a rural context, both of which refute an earlier
millenarian interpretation of anarchism, are Temma Kaplan, Anarchists o f Andalusia, 1868-1903
(Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1977); and Jerome Mintz, The Anarchists o f Casas Viejas
(Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982). On the anarchists and the civil war, sec Gerald
Brenan, The Spanish Labyrinth: An Account o f the Social and Political Background o f the Civil
War, 2ded. (Cambridge: Cambridge Uni versity Press, 1950), reprinted many times; Murray Bookchin,
The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years, 1868-1936 (New York: Free Life Editions, 1977); John
Brademas, Revolution and Social Revolution: A Contribution to the History of the Anarcho-Syndi
calist Movement in Spain, 1930 -1937 (D.Phil. thesis, Oxford University, 1953), which has been
published only in a revised Spanish edition: Anarcosindicalismo y revolucin en Espaa (1930 1937), trans. Joaqun Romero Maura (Barcelona: Editorial Ariel, 1974); and Sam Dolgoff, ed., The
Anarchist Collectives: Workers Self-Management in the Spanish Revolution, 1936-1939 (Montreal:
Black Rose Books, 1990).
Among accounts of the anarchist revolution and the war in Spain written by participants or
sympathizers, see H.-E. Kaminski, Ceux de Barcelona (Paris: Les Editions Denol, 1937), which
describes a 1936 tour Kaminski made with Goldman ; the reports by Augustin Souchy, IWMA vet
eran and director of the CNTs foreign information office in Barcelona, who also accompanied
Goldman on some of her visits to anarchist-controlled areas, in Entre los campesinos de Aragn: El
comunismo libertario en as comarcas liberadas (Barcelona: Ediciones Tierra y Libertad, 1937),
available in English as With the Peasants o f Aragon: Libertarian Communism in the Liberated
Areas, trans. Abe Bluestein (Sanday, Orkney: Cienfuegos Press, 1982), and Beware! Anarchist! A
Life fo r Freedom: An Autobiography, trans. Theo Waldinger, ed. Sam Dolgoff and Richard Ellington
(Chicago: Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company, 1992); two books by Diego Abad de Santilln, an
important figure in the CNT-FAI in Catalonia, El anarquismo y la revolucin en Espaa: Escritos,
1930-38, ed. Antonio Elorza (Madrid: Editorial Ayuso, 1976), and Por qu perdimos la guerra:
Una contribucin a la. historia de la tragedia espaola (1940; Madrid: G. del Toro, 1975); Jos
Peirats, La C.N.T. en la revolucin espaola (Buenos Aires: Ediciones C.N.T., 1955), and Los
anarquistas en la guerra civil espaola (Madrid: Ediciones Jcar, 1976); Sara Bcrenguer, Entre el
sol y la tormenta: Treinta y dos meses de guerra (1936-1939) (Barcelona: Scuba Ediciones, 1988);
Albert Meltzer, ed., A New World in Our Hearts: The Faces ofSpanish Anarchism (Sanday, Orkney:
Cienfuegos Press, 1978); and Juan Gmez Casas, Anarchist Organisation: The History o f the F.A.I.,
trans. Abe Bluestein (Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1986). A classic account of the period is George
Orwell Homage to Catalonia (London: Seeker and Warburg, 1938), reprinted many times.
Goldman had close relations with many anarchist women during the Spanish civil war, espe
cially those associated with the journal Mujeres Libres, which has begun to attract the attention of
scholars. See, for example, Martha A. Ackelsberg, Free Women o f Spain: Anarchism and the
Struggle fo r the Emancipation o f Women (Bloomington; Indiana University Press, 1991); and Mary
Nash,cd., 'Mujeres Libres: Espaa, 1936-1939 (Barcelona: Tusquets, 1975). Sec also Lola Ilurbe,
La mujer en la lucha social y en la guerra civil de Espaa (Mexico City: Editores Mexicanos
Unidos, 1974).



L iterary I nterpretations


G oldman

Among the fictional representations of Goldmans life, three stand out. Ethel Mannin, the Brit
ish novelist and Independent Labour Parly member, worked closely with Goldman in London on
behalf of the CNT-FAI during the Spanish civil war. Her Red Rose: A Novel Based on the Life o f
Emma Goldman ('Red Em m a') (London; Jarrolds, [1941]) is a shrewd portrait of its subject, espe
cially the tensions between Goldman and Alexander Berkmans longtime companion, Emmy Eckstein.
Goldmans life was so full of drama that inevitably it attracted the attention of playwrights and
writers of screenplays. Two outstanding American historians have written plays based on her life.
See Howard Zions Emma (first produced in 1976), in Playbook (Boston: South End Press, 1986);
and Martin Duberman, Mother Earth: An Epic Drama o f Emma Goldman's Life (New York: St.
Martins Press, 1991), a revised version of a script commissioned two decades earlier by the New
York PBS affiliate but never produced. See also Carol Bolts Red Emma (first produced in 1974) in
Playwrights in Profile: Carol Bolt (Toronto: Playwrights Co-op, 1976). Bolts play was filmed by
the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and broadcast in January 1976. Goldman was the inspira
tion also for an off-stage character in a play by Eugene O Neill, whose talent she had recognized
early in his career. See Winifred L. Frazer, E.G. and E,G.0,: Emma Goldman and "The Iceman
Cometh (Gainesville: University Presses of Florida, 1974).

D ocumentar y F ilms

Iwo documentaries by Steve Fischler and Joel Sucher are relevant and worth viewing. Free
Voice o f Labor: The Jewish Anarchists (1980) focuses on the lives and ideas of the Jewish anarchists
associated with the Yiddish-language newspaper, Freie Arbeiter Stimme (1890 -1977). Partici
pants recall labor struggles, especially in the needle trades, the repression o f radicals during the postWorld War I Red scare, and the cooperative ventures they undertook in such areas as housing and
free schools. The film includes interviews with the anarchists, rare newsreel and feature film foot
age, still photographs, Yiddish songs of struggle, and music from the Yiddish theater. Anarchism
in America (1982) weaves together archival footage including a newsreel clip of Goldman on her
return to the United States for a lecture tour in 1934and interviews with participants to tell the
history of anarchism in twentieth-century America. Among those interviewed is Mollie Stcimcr, one
of Goldmans closest friends and comrades. Both films are available on video and distributed by the
Cinema Guild, New York, N.Y. For an understanding of what was at stake for Spanish anarchist
women during the civil war, see Lisa Berger and Carol Mazers . . . de ioda la vida (. . . all our
lives) (1986). In addition to archival footage and stills, this Spanish-language film (with English
subtitles) features extended interviews with women who were rank-and-file CNT members in their
youth as well as with prominent anarchists such as Federiea Montseny and Lola Iturbe. They
spiritedly discuss their paths to anarchism, their work during the civil war, and the role of Mujeres
Fibres. The film is available on video, also distributed by Cinema Guild.
S tfphfn C oi


1 8 6 9 -1 9 4 0

T he chronology was created to assist researchers using the comprehensive collection of The
Emma Goldman Papers and to supplement the introductory essays and indexes to the microfilm
edition. It serves also to fill some of the obvious gaps in the collection, to compensate for the various
government seizures of Goldmans letters and papers during her most active period of political activ
ity in the United States up to her deportationpapers that Goldman herself unsuccessfully tried to
retrieve while she was writing her autobiography. The chronological details of Goldmans public life
in Americathe magnitude of her lecture schedule, the extent of her travels, and the evolution of her
varied and far-reaching political friendships-are a critical complement to her correspondence, lec
ture manuscripts, and government surveillance documents, and together, they constitute a more accu
rate historical representation of Goldmans life work.

The research involved in locating relatively rare source material for tracking and recording a full
list of Goldmans speaking engagements (sometimes numbering over three hundred in a year), and
determining which of her scheduled lectures were barred by the police, was daunting. Tor these, and
other events in her life, the Project editors relied primarily on the sometimes flawed recollections in
Goldmans autobiography, reports from Mother Earth magazine, her chronicle of her experiences in
Russia, letters and government documents in the collection, and various secondary historical sources.
Despite the generally inconsistent reporting in the mainstream press about controversial anarchists,
newspaper accounts of Goldmans lectures were a crucial resource for the identification of dates and
places of, as well as the character of the public response to, Goldmans lectures. Though inevitably
incomplete, the chronology will facilitate effective use of this immense collection.



.June 27
Emma Goldman born to Taube ienowch and
Abraham Goldman in Kovno, Lithuania, a
province of the Russian Empire. Siblings include
step-sisters Helena (b. 1860) and Lena (b. 1862)
Zodikow, and brothers Louis (b. 1870), Herman
(h. 1872), and Morris (b. 1879, identified as
Yegor in Goldmans autobiography. Living My
Life). Goldmans girlhood and adolescence spent
in Kovno, Popelan, Knigsberg, and St.

November 21
Alexander (Sasha) Berkman born in Vilna, Russia.

March 1
Czar Alexander II assassinated by Nihilists in St.




Goldman immigrates to the United States with her
sister Helena; they settle in Rochester, N.Y., with
their sister Lena.

Goldman returns to Rochester where she lives

with her sister Helenas family and works in a sewing
factory. Under pressure, she agrees to remarry
Kersner; alter a brief reconciliation, Goldman is
shunned by her parents and the Jewish community of
Rochester for her insistence on finalizing the divorce.



Goldman finds employment as a garment worker.

On May 1, three hundred thousand workers
throughout the country strike for the eight-hour
workday. On May 4 in Chicagos Haymarkel Square
during a workers protest of police violence the day
before, a bomb is thrown that results in the deaths of
seven police officers. Although the identity of the
bomb-thrower is never determined, prominent
anarchists and organizers of the event are held
responsible and sentenced to death. Goldman
attributes her political awakening to German socialist
Johanna Greies eloquent defense of the innocence of
the Haymarket anarchists at a Rochester lecture
during the Haymarket trial. During this period,
Goldman begins to read anarchist literature on a
regular basis, including German anarchist Johann
Mosts newspaper Freiheit.
The other members of Goldmans family
emigrate from St. Petersburg to Rochester.

Goldman arrives in New' York City on Aug. 15; meets

Johann Most, editor of Freiheit, and Alexander
Berkman; gains employment doing piece work for a
silk waisl factory. Goldmans political activities
include support work at the office of Freiheit, and
help with tire organization of the second anniversary
commemoration of the hanging of the Haymarket
Goldman and Berkman become lovers. She
shares an apartment with Berkman, his cousin Modest
Stein, and their mutual friend Helen Minkin.
Berkman and Goldman contemplate returning to
Russia when they hear about political repression
there, but lack the necessary' financial resources.

Johann Most arranges Goldmans first public lecture
tour to Rochester, Buffalo, and Cleveland to speak on
the limitations of the eight-hour movement, in the
course of her tour, Goldman demonstrates her talents
as an orator and realizes the need to articulate her
political beliefs independently; her growing autonomy
causes tensions with Most.

Marries fellow' factory worker Jacob A. Kcrsner,
gaining U.S. citizenship.

Goldman presents a series of lectures in New' York
City and Newark, N.J., on subjects ranging from the
Paris Commune, 1871, to The Right To Be Lazy,
and on Mosts Pittsburgh Manifesto of 1883, spon
sored primarily by the International Working Peoples
Association, and delivered in German and in Yiddish.
Goldman works tirelessly to recruit women
workers to join the cloakmakers strike, organized by
Jewish labor leader Joseph Barondess that begins in
Goldman becomes ill and is forced to spend
several weeks convalescing. During this period she
has a brief affair with Modest Stein.

November 11
Execution of four Chicago anarchists found guilty in
the Haymarket Square bombing elicits international

Goldman divorces Kersner and leaves Rochester.
Moves to New Haven, Conn., where she works at a
corset factory. Meets many Russian socialists and
anarchists, including Dr. Hillel Solotaroff who, during
visits from New' York, lectures in New Haven.



m i

Island after the Supreme Court rejects the appeal of

bis 1887 conviction for illegal assembly and incite
ment to riot following the Haymarket executions.

Accompanies Johann Most on his two-week

lecture tour of New England.
To earn enough money to return to Russia and
respond to the political repression there, Goldman
moves briefly with comrades, including Berkman, to
New Haven, with plans to start a dressmaking
cooperative. Until they build a clientele, Goldman
works temporarily at the corset factory' where she had
worked in 1888. Berkman gains employment in the
printing trade.
Goldman helps to organize an anarchist educa
tional and social group in New Haven that becomes a
gathering place for German, Russian, and Jewish
immigrants; among their invited speakers are Johann
Most and 1Til lei Solotaroff, a leader of the anarchist
group Pioneers of Liberty.

Winter and Spring
In search of a financial base, Goldman moves to
Massachusettsfirst to Springfield to work in a
photography studio with Modest Stein (Fedya), and
then to Worcester, where, with Alexander Berkman,
Stein and Goldman open their own studio. W'hcn the
photography business fails, they open an ice-cream
parlor with the renewed aim of returning to Russia to
respond to the political repression under Czar
Alexander III.
May 1
Anarchists disrupt the Central Labor Unions May
Day celebration in Union Square, New York. Tn
retaliation, the organizers of the celebration stop
Goldmans speaking by hitching a horse to the open
wagon she is using as a platform and pulling it away.
This speech (given in German) and its disruption
brought Goldman her first front-page coverage in a
major metropolitan daily (77k?New York World).

When the members of Goldmans dressmaking
cooperative fall ill or move away, Goldman and
Berkman move back to New York where they begin
to attend meetings of the Autonomic group, led by
Mosts chief contender, Josef Peukert.
Goldman lectures in Elizabeth, N.J., and Baltimore.
Her two talks in Baltimore arc before the Interna
tional Workingmens Association and the
Workingmens Educational Society. She reaches
both German and Eastern European Jewish immigrant
communities, many of whom participate in a confer
ence of Yiddish anarchist organizations in December.

Goldman, Berkman, and Stein return to New York to
respond to the lockout of employees of the Carnegie
Steel Company in Homestead, Pa. On July 6,
Pinkerton guards hired by plant manager Henry Clay
Frick kill nine striking steel workers; Goldman and
Berkman decide to avenge their deaths.
On July 23, Berkman attempts to assassinate
Frick, but fails. Goldman is suspected of, but not
charged with, complicity; police raid her apartment
and seize her papers. Debate within the labor
movement about the effectiveness of Berkmans
action follows; Johann Most denounces Berkman and
questions bis motives, provoking Goldman to censure
Most in the anarchist press. As public antagonism to
Berkmans act mounts, Goldman temporarily goes
into hiding. In the wake of the Frick assassination
attempt Goldman-because of her prominence in the
anarchist movement and close link to Berkman
attracts press attention and is dubbed Queen of the

March 16
Goldman scheduled to speak at the Great Commune
Celebration sponsored by the International Workers
Association in New Haven.
May 1
Goldman marches with the Working Womens
Society of the United Hebrew Trades in New Yorks
May Day parade.
June 18
Goldman addresses a mass meeting to protest the
second imprisonment of Johann Most at Blackwells




hundred anarchists to Union Square, where, among

many other speakers, she addresses a crowd of the
On Aug. 21, Goldman again leads a march of a
thousand people to Union Square, where, speaking in
German and English, she repeats her belief that
workers have a right to take bread if they are hungry,
and to demonstrate their needs before the palaces of
the rich; about three thousand gather to listen.
Goldmans speech is characterized by the press as
incendiary and, over a week later, cited as the
reason for her arrest.
Goldman lectures in the Brownsville section of
Brooklyn, on Aug. 23, before traveling to Philadel
phia. While in Philadelphia, Goldman meets German
anarchist Max Baginksi and American-born anarchist
Voltairine de Cleyre for the first time.

August 1
Goldman chairs a meeting of over three hundred
anarchists to discuss Berk mails act. Other speakers
include Autonomic group leader Josef Peukert, Dyer
D. Lum, editor of the Alarm, and Italian anarchist
Saverio Merlino, an editor o f Solidarity.
September 19
Berkman found guilty on all counts and sentenced to
twenty-two years in prison; Goldman learns about his
sentence while she is lecturing in Baltimore. An
nouncement prompts audience pandemonium, police
action, and Goldmans consequent arrest.
November 24
Goldman visits Berkman at the Western State
Penitentiary in Pittsburgh.
Goldman appears only occasionally in public to
lecture. Speaks in Manhattan on Dec. 4, denouncing
government anti-immigration legislation; other
speakers at the event include anarchist journalist John
Ldelmann, Spanish anarchist Pedro Esteve, and
Saverio Merlino.
During this period, Goldman meets German
anarchist Robert Reilzei, editor of the Der arme
Attends anarchist meetings, where, in late
December, Goldman meets and falls in love with
Austrian anarchist Edward Brady.

August 31
Scheduled to speak to the unemployed, Goldman is
arrested in Philadelphia on New York warrants
charging her with incitement to riot for her Aug. 21


October 4-9
Goldman tried in court; defended by ex-mayor of
New York A. Oakey Hall. Denies speaking the words
attributed to her by police detectives who monitored
her speech. Jury finds Goldman guilty of aiding and
abetting an unlawful assemblage.

On Sept. 6, a New York Grand Jury indicts Goldman
on three charges. She is returned from Philadelphia
to New York on Sept. 9, where she is placed in
confinement. On Sept. 11, pleads not guilty; released
on bail Sept. 14. Benefit concert on Sept. 23 intended
to raise money for Goldmans defense is a financial

General financial panic deepens into one of the worst

economic depressions in U.S. history.
Goldman returns temporarily to Rochester to recuper
ate from illness.

October 16
Goldman is sentenced to Blackwells Island peniten
tiary for one year. Begins her term on Oct. 18.
In prison, Goldman is initially put in charge of
the sewing shop, but soon trained to serve as a nurse
in the prison hospital. Reads widely while in prison.

June 26
Governor John Peter Altgeld pardons three men found
guilty of the Haymarkct bombing.
The day after a riot of the unemployed on Aug. 17,
Goldman addresses a public meeting, urging those in
need to take bread if they are hungry. The next
evening she helps lead a procession of several

December 16
Benefit concert and ball held in New York City for
Goldman and others imprisoned for speaking at the




Aug. 21 demonstration. Voltairine de Geyre delivers

a speech, uln Defense of Emma Goldman and the
Right of Expropriation.

Scheduled to speak with Charles Mowbray in West
Hoboken, N.J., and Baltimore.



Strike of the Pullman railroad car plant in Chicago
begins on May 11; by July 3, federal troops are called
in to quell the strike.

January 5
Goldman helps organize a benefit ball sponsored by
the joint anarchist groups of New York.
January 24
Goldman lectures on strikes at a meeting in New
York City.

August 17
Goldman released from prison after serving ten
months. She sells a report about her prison experi
ence for $150 to the New York World, which pub
lishes it the day after her release.

Goldman and friends Claus Timmerman and Edward
Brady open an ice-cream parlor in Brownsville,
Brooklyn; within three months, the venture fails and
the shop is closed.

August 19
Large anarchist gathering in New York welcomes
Goldman back. Among the speakers are Voltairine de
Geyre, English anarchist Charles Mowbray, and
Italian anarchist Maria Roda.

Upon investigating the possibility of appealing
Berkmans case before the Supreme Court, Goldman
and others discover there are no grounds for an
appeal, as Berkman made no formal objections to the
judges rulings during the proceedings. Goldman
tries to convince Berkman to appeal to the Pennsylva
nia Board of Pardons to set aside or reduce his prison
sentence and begins to solicit funds for that purpose.

August 21
Goldman scheduled to speak on The Right of Free
Speech at a mass meeting the American
Labor Union in Newark.

Meets with the American journalist and labor rights
advocate John Swinton and his wife Orsena, who had
both visited her at Blackwells Island.
Goldmans interest in reaching more Americanborn citizens grows; resolves to conduct more
propaganda in the English language.
Goldman speaks in Baltimore,
Moves into an apartment with Edward Brady.

Goldman sails to England under the name Mrs. E. G.
Brady fearing that her real identity would limit her
freedom to travel in Europe. Funds for her travel and
a portion of living expenses are provided by Modest
Spends five-and-a-half w'eeks in Great Britain, w'here
she finds a greater amount of pol itical freedom than in
the United States. During her three weeks in England,
she addresses large crow'ds at open-air meetings in
London, and meetings at Hyde Park., Whitechapel,
Canning Town, Barking, and Stratford. Topics
include The Futility of Politics and Its Corrupting
On Sept. 13, Goldman appears among several
other lecturersincl uding James Tochatti of the
British anarchist journal Liberty and French anarchist

Goldman begins a new campaign for the commutation
of Berkmans prison sentence; works as a nurse.

November 11
Goldman speaks at a poorly attended commemoration
of the Ilaymarket martyrs in New' York; other
speakers include Charles Mowbray, German anarchist
and barkeeper Justus Schwab, Voltairine de Geyre,
Max Baginski, and John Edelmann, editor of the
anarchist joumal Solidarity.




Louise Michelat an event in Finsbury. She lectures

on "Political Justice in England and America,
highlighting Berkmans case.
In England, meets anarchist theorists Peter
Kropotkin and Errico Malatesta, among others.
German police authorities monitor Goldmans
movements in London, prepared to arrest her if she
enters Germany.

May 1
At a demonstration in Union Square, Goldman helps
to distribute a May Day anarchist manifesto written
by her and a group of American-born comrades in
New York.
Brady supports Goldman financially so that she can
take a break from nursing to relax and begin prepara
tions for an East Coast winter lecture series. In her
leisure time, Brady tutors Goldmans reading of the
works of the seventeenth-century French dramatists
Racine, Corneille, and Molire, independently, she
studies modem literature, including the novels of
Emile Zola.

On Sept. 14, Goldman travels to Scotland;
delivers successful lectures in Glasgow, Edinburgh,
and Maybole,
By Oct. 1, Goldman travels to Vienna to begin
formal training in nursing and midwifery at Lhe
Allgemeines Krarikenhaus. Keeps a low profile in
Vienna, as political persecution there is known to be
During this period she discovers and devours
works by Friedrich Nietzsche, attends performances
of Wagner operas, sees Eleonora Duse perform, and
attends the lectures of Professor [Karl?] Brhl and
Sigmund Freud.

June 7
Bomb explodes in a religious procession in
Barcelona, killing eleven people; Spanish authorities
imprison over four hundred people, including
anarchists, suspcclcd of involvement in the bombing.
The severity of the punishment sparks international
Goldman is urged to support the free-silver campaign
of presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan; she
declines, considering the free-silver issue and the
presidential campaign diversions from a radical

Goldman completes her medical training in Austria;
travels to Paris where she meets anarchist editor
Augustin Hamon.

October 12
Johann Most, Goldmans former mentor, denounces
her at an event in New York when she solicits funds
for the commemoration of the execution of the
Hay market martyrs.

Back in New York, Goldman resides with Edward
Brady in a German neighborhood on Eleventh Street;
she rebels against Bradys periodic fits of jealousy.
Earns a meager living as a midwife and nurse;
witnesses the plight of many women suffering from
unwanted pregnancies.
Persuades Berkman to appeal to the Pennsylvania
Board of Pardons for his release from prison. Helps
to launch a broad-based campaign for his case;
solicits Voltairine de Cleyres support.
Helps to arrange lectures for the English anar
chist and labor leader John Turner, whose visit gives
Goldman the opportunity to gain experience address
ing English-speaking audiences. Goldman speaks at
Turners concluding lecture in New York on Apr. 30.
Begins to suffer from nervous attacks that are
attributed to an inverted womb; Goldman unwilling to
undergo surgery to resolve the problem.

November 4-8
In Philadelphia, on Nov. 4, Goldman speaks at the
Ladies Liberal League about her Experiences on
Blackwells Island. On Nov. 8, she delivers two
lectures-- one before a mass meeting called by a
Jewish group to honor the Ilavmarket martyrs and to
raise money for Berkman; the second one on
Womans Cause to the Young Mens Liberal
November 11-15
Goldman lectures in Baltimore and raises money for
Berkmans appeal.



November 18-26
Following an appearance in Buffalo, Goldman
lectures to enthusiastic audiences in Pittsburgh,
primarily in German, and continues to raise money
for the Berkman fund. Topics include The Jews in
America, Anarchism in America, and The Effect
of the Recent Election on the Condition of the
Workingmen. Her concluding lecture addresses the
Hay market Affair.


responsible for the bombing in Barcelona the year

before. The torture and inhumane treatment of
several hundred others imprisoned in connection with
the bombing were widely protested throughout
Europe. In New York, Goldman and others
including Italian and Spanish anarchists, and Harry
Kelly, John Edclmann, Justus Schwab, and Edward
Bradyhad organized a demonstration in front of the
Spanish consulate,

April 23-25

August 16
Goldman among several speakers at a meeting of one
thousand people in New York celebrating Canovass
On Aug. 22, in response to criticism from
anarchists that she had glorified Canovass murder,
Goldman defends her position at a small meeting in
New York.

Goldmans lectures in Providence, R.I., include

What Is Anarchism? and Is It Possible to Realize
Anarchism? The audience at an open-air meeting is
reportedly spell-bound by Goldmans message.
When she attempts to speak at another open-air
meeting, however, the police intervene on the grounds
that she doesnt have a permit. Local socialists
disavow any connection to Goldman.

Goldman conducts a lecture tour through eighteen
cities in eastern and midw'cstern states to promote
anarchism and Alexander Berkmans release from
prisonintended topics include Why I am an
Anarchist-Communist, Woman, Marriage, and
Berkmans Unjust Sentence.

March 4
William McKinley inaugurated as president of the
United States.

Goldman speaks in Philadelphia; her lecture on The
Women in the Present and Future is loudly ap
plauded. She is credited with the ability to relate
anarchism to the working people of Philadelphia, thus
helping to boost the movement there.
Returning to New York, Goldman undergoes an
operation on her foot, requiring several months of
May 28
Carl No Id and Henry Bauer, convicted and impris
oned for aiding Berkmans attempt to assassinate
Frick, are released from the Western Slate Peniten
tiary in Pittsburgh.
Goldmans lecture on Marriage is published in the
anarchist journal The Firebrand.
August 8
Anarchist Michel Angioliilo assassinates Antonio
Cnovas del Castillo, premier of Spain, who in Mayhad ordered the execution of five anarchists held

September 3-8
Lectures begin in Providence, R.I.; speaks at two
open-air meetingsattended by thousandswhen the
mayor warns Goldman that she will be arrested if she
speaks in the open-air again. Despite the prohibition,
Goldman continues to lecture in Providence; ad
dresses the assassination of the Spanish premier.
On Sept. 5, she speaks in Boston on Must We
Become Angels to Live in an Anarchist Society? and
collects money for the victims of the Spanish authori
ties in the aftermath of the assassination of the
When she attempts to address another open-air
meeting in Providence on Sept. 7, she is arrested and
jailed overnight. The following day she is given
twenty-four hours to leave town or face three months
Goldman returns to Boston on Sept. 12 where she
lectures on the Sept. 10 killings of immigrant miners
striking in Hazleton, Pa. Travels to New Haven and
New York to speak again on the Hazleton strikers.



Beginning Sept. 15, Goldman delivers four

lectures in Philadelphia before several Englishspeaking organizations, including the Ladies Liberal
League and the Single Tax Society. Her lectures
include Free Love. Before the largest free-thought
organization of Philadelphia, the Friendship Liberal
League, she critiques the freethinkers partial
application of the principles of freedom.

Late October
Traveling for hours by train and wagon to learn about
the plight of farmers, Goldman speaks to wellattended meetings in Caplingcr Mills, Mo., home of
rural anarchist Kate Austin. Her lecture topics
include The Aim of Humanity, Religion, Anar
chy, and Free Love.
Early November
Goldman scheduled to lecture in Kansas City and
Topeka, Kans.
On Nov. 11 in Chicago, Goldman addresses an
assembly in German to commemorate the Hay market

September 17
Portland editor A. J. Pope arrested and jailed for
sending obscene material in the anarchist Firebrand
through the mail. Abe Isaak and Henry Addis, the
oLher Firebrand editors, are arrested within the next
few days on the same charge.

Goldman lectures four times in Detroit, aided by
Robert Reitzel and his paper, Der arme Teufel. On
Nov. 19, Goldman speaks at the Peoples Tabernacle
despite opposition from the congregation; the event is
sensationalized in the press. In response to
Goldmans talk, the deacons and members of the
church request the pastors resignation.

Late September
From Philadelphia, Goldman travels to Washington,
D.C., where she lectures before a German freethought society.
Goldman then travels to Pittsburgh to meet Car!
Nold and Henry Bauer; they inform her that if
Berkmans appeal for pardon is denied, he plans to
attempt an escape from prison.
Goldman speaks before the Turnerverein in
Monaca, Pa.; complies W'ilh their request not to speak
on her proposed topic, Woman, Marriage, and
On Sept. 27, Goldman addresses a labor congress
organized by Eugene Debs in Chicago.

Late November-December
Goldman lectures in Cleveland before several liberal
societies, including the Franklin Club. On Nov. 21,
she iectures on What Anarchy Means and collects
donations for the Firebrand editors.
Goldman delivers several successful lectures in
Buffalowhere she speaks at the Trade and Labor
Council Hall, the Spiritualist Temple, and before
German anarchistsand Rochester, where she visits
her family for the first time since 1894. Considers her
meetings in Rochester, Buffalo, and Detroit to be the
best of her 1897 tour.
Berkmans appeal before the Pennsylvania Board
of Pardons is postponed.
By mid-December, Goldman returns to New

Goldman remains in Chicago to lecture; speaks to the
Lucifer Circle on the theme of Prostitution: Its
Causes and Cure and on Free Love. On Oct. 13
Goldman is among several speakers including Max
Baginski, Lucy Parsons, and Moses Harmanat a
well-attended event to raise money for the imprisoned
editors of the Firebrand.
October 16-23
Tn St. Louis, Goldman speaks to German- and
English-speaking audiences while continuing to raise
money for Berkmans prison fund.
On Oct. 19, the St. Louis House of Delegates
passes a resolution supporting the mayors prohibition
of Goldmans open-air meetings. Goldmans
lectures--including Revolution and Why I Am an
Anarchist and Communistare held in private halls
under police surveillance.

Goldman announces her lecture topics for the year:
Charity, Patriotism, Authority, Majority
Rule, The New Woman, The W'oman Question,
and The Inquisition of Our Postal Service.




twice. Topics include The Absurdity of Nonresistance to Evil, The Basis of Morality, and

Goldmans youngest brother, Moms, moves into

the apartment she shares with Brady in New York
During this period, Goldman is in contact with
Filipino rebels and helps to support their attempts to
gain independence from Spain.

February 23-March 12
After scheduled visits to Baltimore and Washington,
D.C., Goldman is invited to Pittsburgh and coal
mining towns in western Pennsylvania by anarchists
Carl Nold and Henry Bauer in association with the
International Workingmens Association. Though the
Pittsburgh region is heavily populated by Gennans,
most of Goldmans speaking engagements are
purposely conducted in English,
Talks include Patriotism, with specific refer
ence to the miners shot by the police at Hazleton, Pa.,
in September, and the possibility of war between
Spain and the United States. She addresses the
Monaca, Pa., local of the Glass Blowers Union, one
of the most conservative unions in the country.
Lectures in western coal mining towns include
McKeesport, Roscoe, West Newton, and Homestead;
Goldman also scheduled to speak in Beaver Falls,
Carnegie, Duquesne, Charleroi, and Tarentum.
Goldmans engagement in Allegheny is canceled
when the owners of the liberal Northside Turner Hall
refuse to let her speak.
Goldman suffers several nervous attacks from
the strain of continuous lecturing.

January 5
Goldman scheduled to speak on The New Woman
(in German) to the Social Science Club in Brooklyn.
January 21-23
Breaking the agreement she made with Providence
officials, Goldman returns, and lectures on anarchism
in English and Yiddish. She completes her speeches
without interference from the mayor or police;
Goldman assisted by John H. Cook, former president
of the Central Labor Union.
To help cover traveling expenses, Goldman earns
a percentage on sales she makes for Bradys statio
nery business while on tour.
January 24
Lectures on Authority to economics students tn
February 13
Goldman scheduled to speak to the Philosophical
Society in Brooklyn.

March 12
Goldman among several speakers at an international
celebration of the twenty-seventh anniversary of the
Paris Commune in Pittsburgh attended by three
hundred people.

Twelve-state lecture tour: Goldman addresses sixtysix meetings and participates in one debate. Several
reporters note Goldmans improvement as a public
speaker as she develops her command of the English

Goldman delivers three lectures in Cleveland,
including a well-attended meeting of the Franklin.
Just weeks before his death on Mar. 31, Goldman
visits the ailing Robert Reitzel in Detroit.

February 15
The U.S.S. Maine explodes in Havana harbor, killing
2 officers and 258 crew members, and becomes the
spark for the Spanish-American War.

March 20-26
In Chicago, Goldman is aided by Josef Peukert, who
secures for her several speaking engagements before
labor unions. Addresses the Economic Educational
Club (a primarily American-born audience), the
Brewers and Makers Union, the Painters and Decora
tors Union, the Co-operative College of Citizenship,
the Turn-Verein Vorwrts Society, the German group
of the International Workingmens Association, and

February 16-20
Goldmans tour begins in Philadelphia where she
lectures before several well-attended gatherings
sponsored by the Ladies Liberal League, the Single
Tax Society, the Society of Ethical Research, and the
German Anarchist Society. Notes an increasing
interest in anarchism among younger members of the
Friendship Liberal League, to which she lectures




The Basis of Morality noted as her best. Sponsors

include the Denver Educational Club, a largely Jewish

the Bakers and Confectioners Union. Lectures

include 'Trades Unionism, 'Passive Resistance
(both in German), and The New Woman.
While in Chicago, she visits Max Raginski at the
Arb&Uer Zeifung office. Fearing that Baginski had
disapproved of Berkmans attempt to kill Frick, she
had avoided seeing him; she finds, however, that they
share many similar viewpoints. She also meets
Moses Harman, the editor of Lucifer, with whom she
discusses womens emancipation.
Visits Michael Schwab, who served more than
six years in prison for charges relating to the
Hay market affair before he was pardoned. Hospital
ized with tuberculosis, Schwab dies a few months
later, on June 29.

Goldman visits Salt Lake City.
April 24
Spanish-American War begins.

Patriotism is among the five lectures Goldman

presents in St. Louis; encounters no interference by
the mayor or police, Local comrades note an increase
of young women in attendance.

Late April-May
Goldman in San Francisco; opens her engagements
with a lecture on Patriotism, which, following the
outbreak of the Spanish-American War, becomes her
most important and successful lecture. Defying the
jirigoist mood of the American public as it entered
this splendid little war, Goldman condemns the
Spanish American War as a brutal distraction from
class war at home. Her other speechesat least four,
including a talk at a May Day celebration- -are well
attended and receive fair press coverage. Goldman
also debates the German socialist Emil Lies, editor of
the Tageblcitt. Goldman especially impressed with
Abe Isaak, formereditor of the Firebrand and current
editor of Free Society, who had recently settled in San
Francisco with his family. Goldmans San Francisco
activities supported in part by local single-taxers.
While in San Francisco, Goldman meets the
young socialist Anna Strunsky, who will become a
lifelong friend and associate, and through Strunsky,
the writer Jack London.
In San Jose, her lecture on Patriotism is so
controversial that she has difficulty maintaining
control of the platform. From San Jose, she travels
for the first lime to Los Angeles, sponsored by a
wealthy acquaintance from New Mexico. Lectures to
several large audiences. Goldman severs her relation
ship with her sponsor when he proposes marriage; she
continues lecturing among Jewish sympathizers and
organizes a group to conduct ongoing anarchist
activities. Goldman denounced in the for
having alienated workers from anarchism when,
under the direction of her wealthy manager, she
lectured and resided in expensive halls and hotels.
Following Los Angeles, she returns to San
Francisco for additional lectures.

April 13-18
Goldman makes her first visit to Denver, where she is
hosted by a small group of American anarchists. Her
five lectures arc met with surprising enthusiasm

Early June
Goldman delivers three lectures in Portland, Oreg.
Logistical problems cause the cancellation of sched
uled events in Tacoma and Seattle.

March 27-28
Goldman lectures in Cincinnati to a large meeting of
the Ohio Liberal Society.
Brady complains about their separation; she
responds by asserting Iter need for freedom.
March 29-April 2
Goldman returns to Chicago for additional lectures;
speaks before the gymnastic society Gut ITeil in a
Chicago suburb and to residents of a Jewish neighbor
hood in Chicago.
On Mar. 31, Goldman lectures on The Inquisi
tion ot Our Postal Service to the Progressive
Bohemian Labor Organization, addressing recent
censorship cases, including the conviction of the
Firebrand editors. "The organization votes unani
mously to adopt a resolution protesting postal
On Apr. 2, Goldman honored at a farewell
meeting held by the Committee on Agitation of the
Progressive Labor Organizations of Chicago.
April 3-4
Goldman scheduled to speak in Milwaukee.
April 6-10




January 5
Goldman speaks at a large meeting at Cooper Union
to protest the international Anti-Anarchist Conference
in Rome.

June 7
In Chicago, Goldman attends the first convention of
Eugene Debss Social Democracy movement; in her
view it is a fiasco. When she is at first prevented
from speaking at the event, Debs personally invites
Goldman to address the convention.

Late January-Septembcr
Goldman conducts a nine-month lecture tour of
eleven states, beginning in Barre, Vt, where she is
hosted by Salvatore Palavicini. She delivers several
lectures in Barre, including The New Woman and
The Corrupting Influence of Politics on Manthe
first anarchist lectures in English ever presented there.
When she is prevented from delivering her last
lecture, Authority versus Liberty, on Jan. 31,
Goldmans comrades print and distribute five
thousand copies of a manifesto containing the text of
Goldmans barred speech.
While in Barre, Goldman meets Luigi Galleani,
editor of the anarchist journal Cronaca Sovversiva.

Pleased with the success of her lecture tour, Goldman
returns to New York. In association with Salvatore
Palavicini and other Italian anarchists, helps to
support local labor struggles.
September 10
Empress Elizabeth of Austria is stabbed by anarchist
Luigi Leccheni. Goldman considers the act a folly
but refuses to condemn it; her activities are subse
quently monitored by the police and scorned by the
Goldman supports efforts of Berkmans defense
committee to seek a pardon. With Justus Schwab and
Brady, she reluctantly follows the recommendation of
defense attorneys to seek Andrew Carnegies influ
ence in granting a pardon. They approach Benjamin
Tucker, editor of Liberty, to meet with Carnegie, but
reject his suggestion that Berkman be presented as a
penitent sinner. Ail plans to meet with Carnegie
are eventually abandoned.

President William McKinley signs peace treaty with
Spain. United States acquires Puerto Rico, Guam,
and the Philippines; Spain relinquishes its claim to
Insurgent forces begin rebellion against II.S. rule
in the Philippines.
Goldman delivers ten lectures, in German and
English, in Philadelphia; speaks before the Friendship
Liberal League, Ladies Liberal League, the Fellow
ship tor Ethical Research, the Knights of Liberty, and
the Arbeiter Bund.
Goldman helps organize a regional committee of
anarchists from Philadelphia and surrounding areas.

November 24
International Anti-Anarchist Conference, prompted
by the assassination of the Empress of Austria, is
convened by Italian government officials in Rome;
attended by fifty-four delegates representing twentyone countries, including police chiefs from several
European countries and major cities. Conference
marks the development of strategic international
surveillance of and exchange of information about
anarchist activities.

Late February
Goldman addresses two large meetings in Cleveland.
Goldmans lectures in Detroit include The Power of
the Idea and A Criticism of Ethics. Goldman is
offered financial support for her future medical
studies by Herman Miller, a friend of Robert Reitzel
and president of the Cleveland Brewing Company.
Invited by the Ohio Liberal Society to lecture on
trade unionism, Goldman addresses three meetings in
Cincinnati. From Cincinnati, Goldman travels to St.
Louis where she delivers ten lectures, including one
before the conservative Bricklayers Union.

Goldman ends her relationship with Edward Brady.




of meetings in Portland, Oreg., followed by lectures

in the farming community of Scio, Oreg., where use
of the city hall is donated to Goldman by the marshal
of Scio.

Close by, she speaks before two large gatherings

in the mining town of Mount Olive. Her lecture on
The Eight-Hour Struggle and the Condition of the
Miners of the Whole World is especially well

Goldman arrives in San Francisco on June 22, where
she begins a seven-week series of lectures in San
Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, and Stockton. Why I
Am an Anarchist Communist, The Aim of Human
ity, The Development of Trades-Unionism, and
Charity number among her lectures. Socialists are
antagonistic to her on several occasions. Her lecture
on Sex Problems continues to stir debate; some
applaud her courage to speak about this taboo issue.

Goldman spends over a month in Chicago, delivering
about twenty-five lectures. Her efforts to speak
before a wide variety of trade unions, philosophical
and social societies, and womens clubs are aided by
Max Baginski and other German comrades; the
International Workingmens Association helps her
organize English lectures.
Goldman lectures on Trades-Unionism and
What It Should Be and other issues in German and
English before the International Workingmens
Association and trade unions including the Brewers
and Mailers Union, the Painters and Decorators
Union, and the Journeymen Tailors Union.
Goldmans presentation to the conservative Amal
gamated Wood Workers Union is the first to take
place by an anarchist.
Additional lecturesincluding Religion,
Womens Emancipation, Politics and Its Corrupt
ing Influence on Man, The Origin of Evil, and
The Basis of Moralityare delivered to the
Friesinuge Gemeinde, several chapters of tire Turner
Society, the Freethought Society, and the Womens
Sick Benefit Society. Her lecture on Sex Problems
is debated by many of the Chicago comrades who feel
the subject matter is inappropriate for public discus
Before leaving Chicago. Goldman organizes a
social science club so that the local comrades will
continue to organize in her absence.

Mid-Late August
Goldman delivers three lectures in Ouray, Colo.,
followed by several lectures in Denver, including
The Power of an Idea, Education before the
Smellcrmens Union, and an open-air meeting on
At the invitation of Kate Austin, Goldman travels to
the farming community of Caplinger Mills, Mo.,
where she delivers three lectures, including Patrio
September 6
In the mining town of Spring Valley, 111., Goldman
heads a Labor Day procession, which ends with a
meeting in the central market place, a direct violation
of the mayors denial of authorization to do so.
September 23-October 10
Goldman addresses thirteen meetings in Pittsburgh
and surrounding cities, including West Newton,
McDonald, and Roscoe, Pa.

Goldman spends a few days visiting miners in Spring
Valley, ill. By May 20, she arrives in Tacoma,
Wash., where she participates in a debate on Social
ism versus Anarchism. A group of spiritualists lend
her use of their temple free of charge for a series of
lectures, but when she proposes to lecture on Free
Love, they deny her the use of the hall.
Goldman delivers two well-attended lectures in

Goldman arranges for their trusted comrade Eric B.
Morton to begin to dig a tunnel for BerkmatVs escape.
Goldmans lecture tour complete, she returns to New
York City. Under the guise of pursuing a new legal
action in Berkmans case, with Saul Yanofsky of the
Freie Arbeiter Stimme, Goldman raises money to
support the cost of digging Berkmans prison escape
tunnel. If successful, Berkman intends to meet
Goldman in Europe.

Goldman visits an anarchist colony at Lakebay,
Wash. By June 10, she is scheduled to hold a series


November 3
Goldman embarks for Europe to attend the 1900
International Anti-Parliamentary Congress in Paris
and with the intention of studying medicine in Zurich,


Goldman spends the month in London before travel
ing to Paris. On Feb. 20, Goldman speaks out against
the Anglo-Boer War at a meeting of the Freedom
Discussion Group; lectures on The Effect of War on
the Workers. Her activities are credited for provid
ing impetus to the London anarchist movement.
On Feb. 25, Goldman scheduled to deliver her
lecture The Basis of Morality in German. On Feb.
26, she is honored at a farewell concert and ball
where she speaks about the striking Bohemian
miners; other speakers include Peter Kropotkin and
Louise Michel,
Goldman begins debate in the anarchist press
about the importance of developing consistent
propaganda and supporting individual lecturers

November 13-Deceinbcr 9
Goldman arrives in London where she stays with
Harry Kelly and his family and lectures in English
and German. Among her proposed topics are
America: The Land of the Free and the Home of the
Brave, Strikes and Their Effect on the American
Worker, and Marriage, While visiting Peter
Kropotkin at his home in Bromley, she meets the
Russian populist Nicholas Chaikovsky, whom
Goldman greatly admires. She argues heatedly with
Kropotkin about the political significance of the sex
Following one of her German lectures, she meets
the Czechoslovakian refugee I Iippolyte Havel, with
whom she later falls in love.

Accompanied by Hippolyte Havel, Goldman visits
Paris in preparation for the September International
Anti-Parliamentary Congress in Paris. While
immersing herself in French culture, Goldman
becomes acquainted with the leading figures of the
French anarchist movement and other progressive
circles, including Augustin Ilamon and Victor Dave.
Decides against pursuing further medical studies so
that she can concentrate on political activities.
Goldman delivers a statement to (he organizing
committee of the Paris congress about her most recent
lecture tour in the United States, the necessity of
organizing American-born citizens into the anarchist
movement, and the reluctance of some anarchists to
participate in the Paris congress.
U.S. anarchists debate the importance of select
ing American-born delegates to represent their
movement at the Paris congress; it is eventually
decided that Goldman, although an immigrant, will be
a suitable representative. Other representatives are
also selected, Goldman asked by several American
comrades, including Lizzie and William Holmes, Abe
Isaak, and Susan Patton, to present papers at the

December 9
Goldman appears in London among a cast of interna
tional speakers, including Louise Michel and
Kropotkin, at a Grand Meeting and Concert for the
Benefit of the Agitation in Favour of the Political
VicLims in Italy.
December 10-22
Goldman travels to Leeds and Bradford for several
December 23
Goldman returns to London.

Goldman attends a Russian New Year party in
London where she meets notable Russian revolution
ary exiles, including L. B. Goldenberg and V. N.
Goldman travels to Glasgow, Dundee, and
Edinburgh, Scotland to lecture. On Jan. 21 in Dundee
she lectures on Authority versus Liberty and The
Aim of Humanity. In Edinburgh, she meets anar
chist Thomas Bell.

Goldman meets up with some Italian comrades from
the United States, including Salvatore Palavicini.
Reunites with Max Baginski when he arrives in Paris.




Goldman had, under an assumed name, rented a hall

on Dec. 11 for a mass meeting of the Social Science
Club. Goldman the principal speaker; statement
favoring the assassination of King Umberto attributed
to her.
Goldman scheduled to speak to the Italian group
of New London, Conn., on Dec. 23.

June 14
French intelligence notes presence of Goldman and
Havel at a womens congress in Paris.
duly 16
The tunnel being dug for Berkmans escape is
discovered. Although prison officials cannot verify
who is responsible, Berkman is placed in solitary
confinement. Eric B. Morton, sick from the physical
hardship of digging the tunnel, sails to France where
he is nursed back to health by Goldman.

Goldman supports herself by working as a nurse in
New York City; helps to arrange a U.S. tour for Peter
Kropotkin in March and April.
Goldman reestablishes friendship with her former
lover Edward Brady.

July 29
King Umberto of Italy is killed by Gaetano Bresci, an
Italian anarchist Goldman had met in Paterson, N.J.
Meets Oscar Panizza, whose writings she had read in
the Der arme Teufel. Discusses issues of sexuality,
including homosexuality, with Dr. Eugene Schmidt.

Goldman lecture tour begins with a free-speech battle
in Philadelphia when she is prevented from speaking
before the Shirt Makers Union. Goldman and the
organizations that sponsor her talks, including the
Single l ax Society, defy police orders; Goldman
speaks in public on at least two occasions. On April
14, she speaks at an event sponsored by the Social
Science Club; other speakers include Voltairine de
Cleyre. Despite die Social Science Clubs opposition
to Goldmans anarchist views, it passes a resolution
protesting the violation of her right to free speech.
Speaks in Lynn, Mass., Boston, Pittsburgh,
Cleveland, St. Louis, Chicago, and Spring Valley, 111.,
on such topics as Anarchism and Trade Unionism,
The Causes of Vice, and Cooperation a Factor in
the Industrial Struggle,

September 18
The International Anti'Parliamentary Congress,
scheduled to begin the following day, is prohibited by
the French Council of Ministers. Protest meeling
called for that evening is prevented by the police.
Though some of the scheduled meetings are canceled,
others take place in secret locations.
Goldmans The Sex Question is one of eight
anarchist lectures scheduled to be presented on Sept.
21-..although some French comrades were opposed to
this topic being addressed in public for fear drat it
would lead to further misconceptions of anarchism.
During this period, Goldman also attends the
Neo-Malthusian Congress in Paris, which holds its
meetings in secret because of a French law prohibit
ing organized attempts to limit offspring. Goldman
obtains birth control literature and contraceptives to
take back to the United States.

July 15-August 15
Goldman spends a month with her sister Helena, in
Rochester, N.Y., traveling briefly to Niagara Falls and
to Buffalo, N.Y., to visit the Pan-American Exposi

Late September-November
Following the Paris congress, Goldman earns her
living as a boarding room cook and as an American
tour guide at the Paris Exposition.

Early September
Goldman visits Alexander Berkman at the peniten
tiary in Allegheny, Pa., the first time she has seen him
in nine years.

Goldman returns to New York with Hippolyte Havel
and Eric B. Morton. Newspaper reports claim that

September 6
President William McKinley shot by self-proclaimed
anarchist Leon Czolgosz in Buffalo, N.Y., at the PanAmerican Exposition. Police claim that Czolgosz


was inspired by one of Goldmans lectures. She is in
St. Louis when she learns about the assassination and
recollects that she first met Czolgosz at her May 5
lecture on The Modem Phase of Anarchy before the
Franklin Liberal Club in Cleveland.


Conducts lecture tour to raise funds for the

students and peasants under attack in Russia and for
the striking coal miners. Her activities are closely
monitored by police detectives; many of her lectures
are outlawed, especially in coal-mining cities like
Wilkes-Barre and McKeesport, Pa. Despite police
harassment, Goldman holds successful lectures in
Chicago; scheduled to speak in Milwaukee and

September 7
Goldman leaves St. Louis for Chicago.
September 9-23
In an atmosphere of intense anti-anarchist hysteria,
Goldman goes into temporary hiding at the home of
American-born anarchist sympathizers. On Sept. 10,
she is arrested by Chicago police and subjected to
intensive interrogation. Though initially denied, bail
is set at $20,000.
President McKinley dies on Sept. 14.

January 27
Police arrest Goldman and Max Baginski in New
York City for being suspicious persons; released
after questioning.

September 24
Goldman released; case dropped for lack of evidence.

March 3
Anti-anarchist immigration act passed by Congress.

Goldman expresses her sympathy for Leon Czolgosz
in an article, The Tragedy at Buffalo, published in
Free Society (Chicago), prompting many of her close
anarchist associates to distance themselves from her.
Finding much difficulty in securing an apartment
and job, Goldman adopts the pseudonym E. G.
Czolgosz executed on Oct. 29.

Edward Brady, former lover of Goldman, dies.


Alarmed by the threat to civil liberties posed by the
anti-anarchist immigration law and the public hysteria
of the moment, prominent American liberals, includ
ing Theodore Schroeder, rally to her support.
October 23
First attempt to test anti-anarchist immigration act: At
an event at Murray Hill Lyceum, where Goldman is
scheduled to speak, English anarchist John Turner is
arrested and charged with promoting anarchism and
violating alien labor laws. Turner detained on Ellis
island until his deportation.

Goldman avoids public appearances.

Criminal Anarchy Act passed in New York State.
Goldman continues to conceal her real identity, at
times to no avail. Chased from her apartment on First
Street, Goldman moves to a crowded Lower East Side
tenement building on Market Street. She finds work
as a night-shift nurse for poor immigrants living on
the Lower East Side.

In an effort to mobilize broad support from American
citizens for John Turner, Goldman acts under the
pseudonym E. G. Smith to form a permanent Free
Speech League in New York City.
Cooper Union mass meeting protests anti-anarchist
proceedings against John Turner, still awaiting

Increased repression in Russia and a strike of Penn
sylvania coal miners propel Goldman to resume her
political work.





Goldman speaks at memorial meeting for Louise
Ricardo Flores Magn moves to St. Louis, where
his friendship with Goldman begins.
Catherine Breshkovskaya returns to Europe.

Goldman, on behalf of the Free Speech League,
undertakes a brieflecture tour to gain support for John
Turner; speaks before garment workers in Rochester
and miners in Pennsylvania.

Goldman meets Russian actor Paul Orleneff; assists
him in the management of the Orleneff troupes
theater engagements in New York City.
The Industrial Workers of the World (WW)
established in Chicago.

Russo-Japanese War begins.
Goldman seeks to extend her influence beyond the
immigrant community by exposing a broader Ameri
can audience to anarchism. Travels to Philadelphia to
lecture on The Tragedy of Womans Emancipation.
Her first attempts to deliver lecture stalled by police.
Public support for free speech, gains her eventual
success in delivering the lecture.
Supreme Court rules on the John Turner case
(Turner v. Williams, 194 U.S. 279) that Congress has
unlimited power to exclude aliens and deport those
who have entered in violation of the laws, including
philosophical anarchists.

Russia and Japan sign peace treaty at Portsmouth,
October 17 (30)
Czar Nicholas 11 signs manifesto guaranteeing civil
liberties in Russia.
Renewed pogroms of Jews in Russia. Orleneff troupe
arranges benefit performances on behalf of Jewish
Goldman accompanies Orleneff troupe on lour to

Goldman hosts two members of the Russian Social
Revolutionary party seeking to organize support for
political freedom in Russia. With the assistance of
the American Friends of Russian Freedom, Goldman
manages a successful tour of Catherine
Breshltovskaya (the Grandmother of the Russian
Revolution), recently freed from Siberian exile.

Russian revolution crushed.

September 11
Goldman among a cast of speakers at one of the
largest reported New York City anarchist meetings in
support of the Russian anarchist movement.

Goldman, in Chicago with the Orleneff troupe,
identifies herself without a pseudonym at lectures to
local anarchists.

Exhausted by nursing, Goldman opens her own
business as a Vienna scalp and face specialist in
New York City.

First issue of Mother Earth published; first run
numbers three thousand.
Goldman begins national lecture tour with
associate editor Max Baginski; speaking engagements
scheduled in Cleveland, Toronto, Rochester, Syra
cuse, and Utica. Encounters interference in Buffalo
when the police mandate that their lectures be
presented in English, preventing Baginski from
addressing the audience.

January 9 (22)
Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg, Russia. Goldman
continues to lecture and raise funds to gain support for
political freedom in Russia.




October 30
Scheduled to speak at a meeting to protest the Oct. 27
arrests of several anarchists for debating whether
Czolgosz was an anarchist, Goldman is arrested for
articles published in Mother Earth and for inciting to
riot. Nine others also arrested.

March 17
Death of Johann Most.
Goldman discontinues her scalp and facial massagebusiness; devotes full attention to the publication of
Mother Earth.

October 31
Goldman released on $1,000 bail.

April 1
Goldman speaks at an anarchist gathering at Grand
Central Palace in New York City to commemorate the
life of Johann Most.

November 2
Goldman pleads not guilty to criminal anarchycharges before the New York City magistrate.

May 18
Alexander Berkman released from prison; Goldman
and Berkman unite in Detroit.

November 11
Goldman scheduled to speak at the nineteenth
anniversary commemoration of the Chicago martyrs,
organized by the Freiheit Publishing Association.

May 22
Goldman and Berkman travel to Chicago, where they
are followed by the press. Newspaper falsely reports
that Goldman and Berkman have married.

November 23
Mother Earth Masquerade Ball at Webster Hall in
New York City disrupted by police; owner is forced
to close the hall.

June 10-12
Goldman scheduled to speak in Yiddish and English
in Pittsburgh on the following topics: The Constitu
tion, The Idaho Outrage (addressing the arrests of
Bill Haywood, Charles Moyer, and George A.
Pettibone of the Western Federation of Miners), The
General Strike, and The False and True Conception
of Anarchism.

December 16
Goldman lectures on False and True Conceptions of
Anarchism before the Brooklyn Philosophical

June 17
Goldman and others address a crowd of two thousand
people who had gathered to greet Alexander Berkman
in New York City.

January 6
Goldman arrested by the New York City Anarchist
Police Squad while delivering the same lecture she
had successfully presented the previous month;
charged with publicly expressing incendiary senti
ments. Berkman and two others also arrested.

Goldman vacations at farm in Ossining, N.Y., with
Berkman and Baginski.

January 9
Case against Goldman from Oct. 30, 1906, arrest
dismissed by the New York City grand jury'.

Goldman devotes October issue of Mother Earth to
the commemoration of the fifth anniversary of Leon
Czolgosz's death, despite the objection of many of
her political associates.

January 11
Police evidence from Goldman's Jan. 6 arrest
presented before the New York City magistrates
court; case later dismissed.




January 24
New York City police suppress meeting where
Goldman is scheduled to speak.

April 10-15
Goldman makes her first visit to Winnipeg, Canada;
lectures in German and English on topics including
Crimes of Parents and Education and The Position
of Jews in Russia.

Berkman attempts to run a small printing business.

Goldman expected to lecture in St. Louis; lectures in

Goldman speaks in Boston, Lynn, and Chelsea, Mass.
February 27
Goldman shares platform with Luigi Galleani at the
Barre, Vt., opera house.

May 5-19
Addressing audiences in German and English,
Goldman speaks in San Francisco and San Jose on
such issues as The Corrupting Influence of Religion
and character building.

Late February, Early March

Russian exile Grigory Gershuni, recently escaped
from Siberia, visits Goldman to encourage her work
on behalf of Russian freedom,

May 23-28
Hundreds of people turn out on successive nights in
Los Angeles to hear Goldman speak, and, on one
occasion, debate socialist Claude Riddle. Goldman
organizes a Social Science Club with fifty-five
charter members to study social issues, literature, and
art. Goldman declares her intent to start a movement
on behalf of Mexico among U.S. radicals.

March 3
Goldman leaves New York City for national Icelure
tour; asks Berkman to take charge as editor of Mother
Earth in her absence.
March 9
All lecture halls in Columbus, Ohio, are closed to

June 2-16
Buoyed by the success of her speaking engage
ments----tlie first tour of any consequence I have
made since 1898Goldman travels to Portland,
Tacoma, Home Colony, Wa., Seattle, and Calgary.

March 10-15
Mayor Brand Whitlock of Toledo, Ohio, does not
allow Goldman to speak until Kate Sherwood, a
respected political activist and community leader,
convinces him of Goldmans right to speak.

June 27
Goldman back in New' York City in time to celebrate
her thirty-eighth birthday.

March 16-17
Goldmans scheduled Detroit lectures stopped by the
local police.

Goldmans essay, The Tragedy of Womans
Emancipation translated and published by German
and Japanese anarchists.
Goldman selected to act as an American repre
sentative at the International Anarchist Congress in

March 18-28
Successful lecture series in Chicago before audiences
of many nationalities, including Jewish, Danish, and
German. Her topics include the Paris Commune, the
trial of Moyer and Ilaywood, and the Revolutionary
Spirit of the Modem Drama.

July 28
Haywood acquitted; Goldman and associates send
telegram to President Theodore Roosevelt to express
their joy.

Speaking on such subjects as Education of Children
and Direct Action versus Legislation, Goldman
continues lecture tour in Milwaukee, Cincinnati, and




Early August
Goldman and other anarchists speak about the Boise
trials (of Haywood et al.) at the Manhattan Lyceum in
New York City.

Police prevent Goldman from delivering her

lecture on The Revolutionary Spirit in Modern
Drama in Washington, D.C.
Lectures in Pittsburgh.

Goldman travels with Baginski to Amsterdam.

February 13
Goldman heads out for a tour of the western states via
Montreal, London, OnL, Toronto, and Cleveland;
scheduled to speak in English and Gentian on The
[Economic] Crisis: Its Cause and Remedy, The
Relation of Anarchism to Trade Unionism," Syndi
calism a New Phase of the Labor Struggle, and
Woman Under Anarchism.

August 25-30
International Anarchist Congress takes place in
Amsterdam, attended by three hundred delegates.
Early September
After attending anti-militarist congress organized by
Dutch pacifist anarchists, Goldman tours major
European cities. In Paris, Goldman visits Peter
Kropotkin and Max Nettlau; visits Sbastien Faures
experimental school for poor and orphaned children;
and studies syndicalism at the Confdration Gnrale
du Travail.

February 23
Giuseppe Guamaeolo, reported to be a former
resident of Paterson and a follower of Goldman,
assassinates Father Leo Henrichs at the altar of a
Catholic church in Denver.
February 28
Goldman delivers several lectures in St. Louis,
despite word from Chicago authorities who, in
coordination with Washington D.C. officials, threaten
to deport Goldman under the immigration law.

September 24
U.S. Bureau of immigration and Naturalization,
anticipating Goldmans return from Europe, directs
the East Coast commissioners of immigration to fully
verify Goldmans U.S. citizenship before allowing
her to cross the border.

March 2
Chicago Chief of Police George Shippy attacked by
alleged anarchist Lazarus Averbuch; Shippys son
shot. Goldman implicated in incident, which prompts
new legislation to coordinate efforts of city, state, and
federal authorities to stamp out all anarchist agitation.

October 7
Goldman speaks in London on The Labor Struggle
in America; is trailed by Scotland Yard detectives.
Goldman evades U.S. immigration authorities byentering New York via Montreal.

March 6
In Chicago, Goldman is barred by police from
addressing any meetings in a public hall. Goldman
meets with the press, vowing that she will seek an
opportunity to lecture in Chicago no matter what the
authorities do to prevent her.

Novein her-Decern her

Finding Mother Earth in terrible financial shape upon
her return from Europe, Goldman conducts lecture
lour in Massachusetts and Connecticut.

March 7-12
Goldman repeatedly barred from speaking at public
lecture halls in Chicago; meets Ren Reitman. a
physician specializing in gynecology and venereal
disease, who offers to arrange a speaking engagement
for Goldman at a storeroom on Dearborn Street, the
meeting place of his Brotherhood Welfare Associa
tion, otherwise known as the I lobo College.

Goldman lectures in German, English, and Yiddish on
Trade Unionism, The Woman in the Future, and
The Child and its Enemies, among other topics, in
cities throughout New York State.
Large crowd turns out to hear Goldman in




March 13
Despite an indication from Chicago authorities that
Goldman will be allowed to speak if she makes no
incendiary remarks against the police or the govern
ment. Goldman is prevented from speaking at Ben
Reitmans hall.

April 7
Goldman enters the United States; itinerary includes
lectures in Minneapolis, Salt Lake City, and Sacra
April 17
Accompanied by Ben Reitman, Goldman arrives in
San Francisco, where the police notify her that
anarchist propaganda cannot be circulated.

March 15
Chicago newspapers report a budding romance
between Goldman and Reitman.

April 18
Objecting to the notoriety caused by Goldmans
presence, the management of the St. Francis Hole! in
San Francisco forces Goldman to leave; encounters an
escalated level of surveillance.

March 16
Police forcibly remove Goldman from Workingmens
Hall in Chicago, where she is scheduled to speak on
Anarchy as It Really Is, an event organized by the
newly created Freedom of Speech Society.

April 19
Despite warnings, police do not interfere with
Goldmans lecture at Waltons Pavilion in San
Francisco, which is attended by five thousand people.

March 17-19
Goldman unable to secure a hall in Chicago.
March 20-22
Temporarily abandoning attempts to speak in Chi
cago, Goldman meets success in Milwaukee, where
large crowds, including Milwaukee socialist Victor
Berger, come to hear her.

April 26
Goldman ends her San Francisco lecture series with a
speech on patriotism. In attendance is U.S. soldier
William Buwalda, stationed at the Presidio, who is
witnessed shaking hands with Goldman following her
speech. Buwalda is subsequently court-martialed for
this action.

March 28
Lecturing in Minneapolis, Goldman denies knowl
edge of those involved in a bomb explosion at a New
York City demonstration of the unemployed in Union
Square. News reports claim that Selig Silverstein, the
bomb-thrower, was a member of Goldmans Anar
chistic Federation.

April 28-May 2
Goldman lectures in Los Angeles; debates socialist
Kaspar Bauer on the question of Socialism versus
Anarchism. While in Los Angeles, Goldman visits
George A. Petti bone.

March 31-April 5
Goldman delivers several lectures in Winnipeg,
including discussions encouraging street railway
employees to strike for an eight-hour workday.

Mid-late xMay
Goldman delivers five lectures in Portlandincluding
Why Emancipation Has Failed to Free Women and
Direct Action a Logical Method of Anarchism
following initial free-speech battle. Goldmans
success attributed in part to support received from
Charles Erskine Scott Wood, Portland attorney and
Local Portland anarchists organize protest against
the court-martial and imprisonment of William

President Theodore Roosevelt investigates legality of
not only barring anarchist propaganda that advocates
political violence, but also prosecuting those who
produce the material.
April 6
Goldman leaves Winnipeg; temporarily detained and
interrogated at the border by U.S. immigration

May 31
Goldman presents two lectures in Spokane: What
Anarchism Really Stands For and The Menace of



Marking the last leg of her tour, Goldman travels to
Montana; despite police harassment and lack of press
coverage, Goldman speaks in Butte and Helena.


October 27
Goldman prevented from speaking in Indianapolis.
October 30-Novcmber 1
Goldman lectures in St. Louis; meets William Marion
Reedy, editor of the St. Louis Mirror, whose article
The Daughter of the Dream, published later that
week, praises her.

Goldman vacations in Ossining, N.Y.
Goldman captivated by J. W. Flemings invita
tion to make a two-year tour of Australia; tentatively
plans to travel to Australia in February.

November 2-6
Goldman lectures in cities tliroughout Missouri:
Springfield, Liberal, and Kansas City.

July 19
New York World publishes Goldmans article, What
1 Believe.

November 7-13
Omaha chief of police prevents Goldman from
lecturing in the hall of her choice; crowds gather to
hear Goldman at other sites in the city.

September 7
Ben Reitman delivers speech on the meaning of
Labor Day at Cooper Union. When the audience
learns that the speech was written by Goldman, there
is a tremendous uproar; Berkman and young anarchist
Becky Edelsohn arrested.

November 15
Goldmans lectures in Des Moines, Iowa, are

September 3
Goldman begins five-week Sunday afternoon Yiddish
lecture series under the sponsorship of the Free
Worker Group in New York City; talks include Love
and Marriage, The Revolutionary Spirit in the
Modem Drama, and The Political Circus.

November 17-23
Lectures in Minneapolis and St. Paul poorly attended.

Late September
Goldman tormented by revelation of Reitmans

December 2-11
Goldman scheduled to lecture in Fargo, N.Dak.,
Butte, anti Spokane.

October 16
On the eve of her departure for her next lecture tour,
Goldman delivers a farewell lecture in New York
City on The Exoneration of the Devil (based on a
popular play at the time).

December 13
Seattle police take Goldman into custody after the
lock on a closed hall is broken to allow Goldman
entry to speak; released when she promises to leave
the city.

October 17
Goldman begins national lecture tour while the
country is immersed in presidential campaigning;
hopes to wind up her tour on the West Coast and
depart for Australia in the new year. Lecture topics
include The Political Circus and Its Clowns,
Puritanism, the Great Obstacle to Liberty, and Life
versus Morality.

December 14
Goldman protests actions of the police authorities in
Everett, Wash., who prevent her from speaking on the
claim that vigilantes will harm her.
Goldman and Reitman arrested in Bellingham,
Wash., in anticipation of Goldmans scheduled

November 24-30
Goldman in Winnipeg for lectures and a debate with
socialist J. D> Houston.

December 15
Goldman released from jail; placed on board a train
bound for Canada.

October 18-24
Large audiences attend Goldmans lectures in
Pittsburgh and Cleveland.




December 16-28
Following lectures in Vancouver, Goldman lectures in
Portland and conducts two debatesone with
Democrat John Barnhill, the other with socialist
Walter Thomas Mills.

March 1-10
Delivers two lectures and participates in one debate in
Los Angeles.
March 12
Goldman lectures in El Paso, Tex.; prevented by city
authorities from holding meeting in Spanish.

March 14-15
Goldman attempts to lecture in San Antonio; unable
to secure a hall.

January 2-6
Goldman lectures in Los Angeles, San Diego, and
Pasadena on such topics as The Psychology of
Violence and Puritanism, the Greatest Obstacle to
Liberty. Some of Los Angeless leading drama
critics attend her lecture The Drama, the Most
Forcible Disseminator of Radicalism.

March 16
Goldman speaks on the outskirts of Houston in a hall
owned by the Single Taxers; remarks that this event is
the most inspiring meeting of my entire tour.

Tour ends with two meetings in Forth Worth.

January 13
Goldman lectures on The Dissolution of Our
Institutions in San Francisco, followed by a state
ment by William Buwalda, the soldier court-martialed
the previous year and recently pardoned by President
Roosevelt. Event takes place withoui police interfer

March 27
Goldman in Rochester, N.Y.
Goldman conducts Sunday lecture series in Yiddish
and English in New York City; topics include The
Psychology of Violence, Minorities versus Majori
ties, and the modem drama.

January 14
Goldman and Reitman arrested on charges of con
spiracy against the government; both held on bail.
Buwalda arrested for disturbing the peace. Supporters
of Goldman and Reitman rally to protest the arrests
on Jan. 15; police forcibly end gatherings.
In jail, Goldman learns about her fathers death.
Goldman released Jan. 18; participates in a public
debate on Anarchism versus Socialism. Case
dropped Jan. 28.

April 8
U.S. Court in Buffalo invalidates the citizenship of
Jacob A. Kersner, Goldmans legal husband; threat
ens Goldmans claim to U.S. citizenship and results in
cancellation of Goldmans trip to Australia.
Goldmans essay A Woman Without a Country,
responding to the threat of deportation, published in
Mother Earth.
With increased public attention on her citizenship
status, Goldman is stopped repeatedly by the police.

January 23
Goldmans anticipated departure for Australia is
January 31
Goldman speaks to a crowd of over two thousand
people in San Francisco on Why I Am an Anar

May 1
Scheduled to speak at a Mother Earth May Day
concert and dance in New York City.

Goldman stays in San Francisco with hopes of
delivering the lectures she was prevented from giving
during the week of her arrest and imprisonment.

May 6
Goldman speaks at a convention of the National
Committee for the Relief of the Unemployed in New
York City, encouraging the unemployed to organize.



May 10 and 13
Goldman scheduled to speak in New York on Direct
Action as a Logical Tactic of Anarchists and IIow
Parents Should Raise Children (in Yiddish).
May 14
Goldman scheduled to speak in New Haven on
Anarchy: What It Stands For; police admit her into
the lecture hall, but prevent entry to thousands of
people waiting outside.
May 21
Goldman and Berkman invited by civil libertarian
Aidea Freeman to lunch at the elite New Jersey
Society of Mayflower Descendants; subsequent
scandal threatens Freemans membership in the club.
May 23
Police break up Goldmans Sunday lecture series,
claiming that she did not follow the subject of her
lecture on Henrik Ibsen as the Pioneer of Modem
Drama; two arrests made.
May 24
Goldman speaks at the Sunrise Club in New York
City on The Hypocrisy of Puritanism, sharply
criticizing Anthony Comstock, anti-vice crusader.
May 28
Brooklyn chief of police orders cancellation of a
Goldman lecture.
Late May
A Demand for Free Speech manifesto signed and
circulated by prominent individuals to protest the
recent suppression of Goldmans rights. Free Speech
Society is formed.
June 7
Free-speech conference to take place in New York
June 8
Goldman scheduled to speak in East Orange, N.J., at a
meeting organized by Alden Freeman to commemo
rate the hundredth anniversary of Thomas Paines
death; police prevent her from entering the lecture
hall. Crowd relocates to Freemans bam, where
Goldman delivers lecture suppressed by police on
May 23.


June 30
Large meeting organized by the Free Speech Society
takes place at Cooper Union to protest harassment of
Goldman and to win back the right of free speech.
Speakers include former congressman Robert Baker,
Alden Freeman, Voltairine de Clevre, James P.
Morton, and Harry' Kelly. Telegrams from Eugene
Debs and others read.
July 2
Goldman tests her free-speech rights by delivering a
lecture before the Harlem Liberal Alliance; standoff
with police, but no interference.
August 11
Goldman prevented from speaking in New York City
at a meeting sponsored by Mother Earth to celebrate
the antiwar uprising in Spain. Other speakers include
Voltairine de Clevre, Harry' Kelly, and Max Baginski.
August 24
Reilman secures a lecture hall in Boston despite
police intimidation of hall owners.
Goldman, accompanied by Reitman, conducts a short
lecture tour of Massachusetts, Vermont, and Rhode
While in Worcester, Goldman attends lecture by
Sigmund Freud at Clark University.
September 3
Mayor of Burlington, Vt., prevents Goldman from
speaking anywhere in his city.
September 8
Unable to secure a lecture hall in Worcester,
Goldman is invited to speak on the private property of
Rev. Eliot White.
September 24-()ctober 21
Goldman engaged in frcc-speech battle in Philadel
phia. Police chief will let Goldman speak on the
condition that he review her speech prior to the
engagement; Free Speech Association deems pro
posed review an infringement on Goldmans frccspeech rights and Goldman refuses to comply.
When Goldman is prevented from entering
lecture hall, Votairine de Cleyre reads Goldmans
lecture to the audience.



Goldman appeals for injunction to restrain the

Philadelphia police from further intimidation; testifies
before the Philadelphia courts.
Philadelphia judge denies injunction, claiming
that the police had the right to prevent both citizens
and aliens from speaking if their words were deemed
likely to cause a public disturbance; in addition,
claims that Goldman is not a citizen and therefore is
not guaranteed constitutional right to free speech.

Her tour begins with tree-speech battles that thwart
her from speaking in Detroit, Columbus, and Buffalo.
January issue of Mother Earth held by the U.S.
Postmaster on Anthony Comstocks objection to the
publication of Goldmans essay White Slave
Traffic. Released on Jan. 29 when officials decide
there is nothing legally objectionable in the magazine.
January 9-10
Large audiences attend Goldmans lectures in

October 17
Goldman is chief speaker at a New' York City mass
meeting called to protest the Oct. 13 execution of
Francisco Ferrer, founder of the modem school
movement, in Spain.

Goldman holds a successful meeting in Toledo.
In Chicago, Goldman conducts six lectures in
English and three in Yiddish.

October 23
Goldman marches in a parade of six hundred anar
chists and socialists in New York City to protest
Ferrers execution.

January 23-24
Goldman holds three successful meetings in Milwau

November 5
Prevented from speaking in a Brooklyn lecture hall,
Goldman addresses a crowd of three thousand in an
open-air meeting; Reitman arrested for failing to
obtain a permit.

January 26-27
Goldmans speaking engagements in Madison, Wis.,
set off a storm of protest from state and university
officials who deny any forma! endorsement of

December 12
Goldman speaks on Will the Vote Free Woman:
Woman Suffrage to an audience of three hundred
women, many of whom are suffragettes. A collection
is taken for Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, recently sen
tenced to a three-month prison term resulting from
her arrest during a frce-speech battle in Spokane.

Late January
Press attributes Goldmans unsuccessful meeting in
Hannibal, Mo., to the intimidation posed by police
when they record the names of everyone who stepped
inside the lecture hail.
February 2-6
Goldmans lectures in St. Louis include Ferrer and
the Modem School, Leo Tolstoy, the Last Great
Christian, His Life and His Work, and Art in
Relation to Life.

December 26
Goldman scheduled to deliver her last lecture, White
Slave Traffic, in New York City before embarking
on her western tour.

Early February
Police chief of Springfield, 111., attempts to stop
Goldman from lecturing.

Goldman delivers a total of 120 lectures before forty
thousand people in thirty-seven cities in twenty-five
states; credits her success to the organizing skills of
Ben Reitman.

February 14-18
Goldman attracts sizable crowds in Detroit.
February 19
Goldman hissed by her Ann Arbor, Mich., audiences.




Late February
Goldman speaks in Buffalo, despite residues of
Czolgosz-inspired apprehension and disapproval of
Holds three meetings in Rochester.

May 6-18
Goldman pleased by the overwhelmingly positive
reception to her lectures and debate in Los Angeles;
claims to have delivered that citys first-ever Yiddish

March 11
Goldman speaks on The General Strike [of Philadel
phia] in Pittsburgh. Press does not announce her
talks in fear that she will prompt a riot.

Late May
Goldman lectures in San Diego, Portland, Seattle, and
May 31
Car in which Goldman and Reitman are riding is
struck by a freight train in Spokane. Goldman thrown
from car and badly bruised.

March 18
A celebration of the fifth anniversary of Mother Earth
takes place in New York City.
Despite an absence of press coverage, Goldman
conducts four lectures in Minneapolis.
Goldman lectures for the first time in Sioux City,
Organized on short notice, Goldmans lecture in
Omaha is well received.

Goldman speaks in Butte, Bismarck, and Fargo;
travels through Milwaukee and Chicago.
June 25
The Mann Act, popularly known as the white slave
traffic act, passed by Congress, prohibiting interstate
or international transport of women for immoral

March 26
Amendment to the Immigration Act of 1907 is
passed, forbidding entrance to the United States of
criminals, paupers, anarchists, and persons carrying

Summer and Fall

Goldman divides her time between New York City
and the Ossining farm where she prepares Anarchism
and Other Essays for publication; Beckman begins
writing Prison Memoirs o f an Anarchist.

Early April
Goldmans lectures in Denver well attended.
Goldman and Reitman arrested in Cheyenne,
Wyo., while conducting an open-air meeting. Arrests
spur further interest in Goldman.

Canadian subscribers denied receipt at Mother Earth
books on orders of Canadian authorities because of
their treasonable nature.

Goldman lectures in San Francisco and debates a
socialist on whether collective regulation or free love
will guarantee a healthy race.

October 1
Bombing of the Eos' Angeles Times building by James
and John McNamara kills twenty people; anarchist
involvement immediately suspected.

Late April
Goldman visits Jack London and his wife Charmi an at
their ranch at Glen Ellen, Calif.

November 1
At a public meeting in New York City, Goldman and
Reitman question Anthony Comstock about his
promotion of laws denying the use of mails for
obscene materials.

May 1
Goldman lectures on anarchism and Marriage and
Love in Reno.




November 10
Goldman sets out to organize public protest in
response to the pending execution of Japanese
anarchist Kotoku Shusui (Denjiro), his common-law
wife. Kan no Sugako, and twenty-four others.

January 15-16
Successful events in Cleveland, especially the Jewish
January 17-20
Goldman has mixed results in Columbus; denied
opportunity to speak on several occasions. Goldman
receives support from many members of the United
Mine Workers, although the leaders of the UMW vote
against inviting Goldman to speak at their convention.

November 20
Goldman scheduled to lecture on The Danger of the
Growing Power of the Church in New York City.
Police authorities deny Goldman the right to speak in
Washington, D.C., and Indianapolis. Escapes police
interference in Baltimore where she presents five

Goldman holds small meetings in Elyria and Dayton,
January 21-23
Speaks in Cincinnati.

Anarchism and Other Essays published.

January 24
Execution of twelve anarchists in Japan.

December 4
Goldman begins Sunday lecture series in New York
City on anarchism, the drama, Tolstoy, the Rebel,
and The Parody of Philanthropy.

January 24-25
After free-speech battle in Indianapolis, Goldman is
offered use of the Pentecost Tabernacle by a preacher;
the next day she speaks at the Universalisi Church.

December 24
Anarchist ball sponsored by Mother Earth in New
York City.

Late January
Goldman holds two meetings in Toledo.
January 31-February 5
Lectures in Detroit disappointing.

Early January
Mother Earth office moved from 210 East Thirteenth
Street to 55 West 28th Street, New York City.

Early February
Goldmans lectures in Ann Arbor received more
favorably than previous year.
Speaking engagement in Grand Rapids, Mich.,
hosted by William Buwalda.

January 5
Goldman speaks aL the inauguration of the new Ferrer
School in New York City.

February 10-16
Goldman lectures in Chicago.

January 6
Goldman begins her annual pilgrimage with a
lecture in Rochester. Over the next six months she
will travel to fifty cities in eighteen states, delivering
150 lectures and debates.

February 26-March 3
With the help of William Marion Reedy, Goldmans
lectures are widely attended in St. Louis. Meets
political artist Robert Minor. Roger Baldwin arranges
two speaking engagements for Goldman at the
exclusive Wednesday Ladies Club. Lecture topics
include The Eternal Spirit of Revolution, The
Social Importance of Ferrers Modern School,
TolstoyArtist and Rebel, and Galsworthys

January 8-14
Goldmans lectures in Buffalo and Pittsburgh poorly




March 5
Goldman encounters police interference in Staunton,
ill., but manages to speak before members of this
mining town despite arrest of one comrade.

Climax of land revolt in Baja California led by the
Partido Liberal Mexicano; Porfirio Diaz signs a peace
treaty with Francisco Madero in Mexico.

March 6-12
Goldman lectures in Belleville, 111., Milwaukee, and

May 9-10
Goldman holds two meetings in San Diego.

March 13
Ricardo Flores Magdn appeals to Goldman for
support of the revolutionary movement in Mexico.
March 13-21
Scheduling problems for Goldman's lecture series in
St. Paul holds only one meeting.
March 25
Fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company in New York
City kills 146 people, mostly young women.
Late March
Goldman delivers six lectures in Minneapolis and
three lectures in Omaha.
Early April
Goldman speaks to law students in Lincoln, Nebr.,
and Lawrence, Kans.
Scheduled to participate in a debate and speak
before a Jewish audience in Chicago.
April 6-7
Goldman scheduled to speak in Kansas City, Mo.
April 7
Free Speech League incorporated in Albany, N.Y., by
Leonard D. Abbott, president, and Brand Whitlock,
vice president.
April 14-19
Goldmans lecture on Victims of Morality among
the most well attended in Denver,
April 22-26
Goldman speaks in Sait Lake City.
April 30-May 7
Goldman immensely pleased with success of her tour
in Los Angeles; holds eleven meetings and raises
financial support for the Mexican cause, and likens
the uprising to the Paris Commune.

May 13
Goldman accused of being an agent provocateur by
the editors of'Justice, a publication of the SocialDemocratic Party in London, England, Accusation,
prompts anarchists and liberal journalists and lawyers
to rally to Goldmans defense; statement protesting
charges made by Justice is circulated.
May 14
Goldman lectures twice in Fresno, Calif.
May 16-25
Eight lectures and a debate in San Francisco.
Late Mav-carly .June
Goldman lectures in Portland and Seattle.
Six-month tour concluded with lectures in Spokane,
Colville, Wash., Boise, and Denver. Collections
made for Mexican comrades.
Su ni mer
Go id man spends time with Alexander Berkman at
their Ossining summer retreat while Berkman
completes Prison Memoirs o f an Anarchist.
August 26
Goldman rallies support for the Mexican Revolution
at a mass meeting at Union Square in New York City.
Other speakers include Elizabeth Gurley Flynn and
Max Baginski.
Unable to secure a mainstream publisher for
Berkmans book, Goldman seeks financial support
from attorney Gilbert Roc and journalist Lincoln
Steffens for its publication by the Mother Earth
Publishing Association.
October l
Goldman speaks out about The Growing Religious
Superstition at a mass meeting in New York City.



October 13
Goldman among speakers at a New York City
commemoration of the second anniversary of the
death of Francisco Ferrer. Other speakers include
Leonard Abbott, James P. Morton, and Harry Kelly.
Bayard Boyesen, professor at Columbia University
and a teacher at the Ferrer School, is later fired by
university administrators for having shared the
platform wiLh Goldman at this event.

Goldman debates socialist Sol Fieldman twice in New
York on Direct versus Political Action. Bill
Haywood and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn take collections
for the striking textile workers.
Mother Earth alerts its readers to a major freespeech fight in San Diego.
February 3
Goldman a scheduled speaker at a meeting organized
by the Italian Socialist Federation in Union Square to
raise support for the Lawrence strikers.

October 15-Deceniber 10
Series of Sunday afternoon and evening lectures in
Yiddish and English to residents of New York Citys
Lower East Side. Lecture topics include Marriage
and the Lot of Children among the Poor, Govern
ment by Spies: The McNamara Case and Bums,
Art and Revolution, Communism, the Most
Practical Basis for Society, Mary Wollstonecraft,
the Pioneer of Modem Womanhood, and Socialism
Caught in Its Political Trap.

February 10-18
Goldmans annual lecture tour begins in Ohio; speaks
in Cleveland, Lorain, Elyria, Columbus, and Dayton;
topics include Anarchism, the Moving Spirit in the
Labor Struggle and Maternity, a Drama by Eugene
Brieux (Why the Poor Should Not Have Children).
February 21-29
Lectures in Indianapolis and St. Louis.

November IS
Mother Earth concert and hall to take place in New
York City.

Aroused by the experience of hearing her lecture,
Almeda Sperry begins a passionate correspondence
with Goldman.

December 1
John and James McNamara plead guilty to bombing
the Los Angeles Times building; admission of guilt
creates controversy among their supporters who
believed them to be innocent. Goldman defends their
action in Mother Earth editorial.

March 3-9
Goldman continues lectures in Chicago; topics
include The Failure of Christianity and Edmond
Rostands Chantecler. Debates Dr. Denslow Lewis
on Resolved, that the institution of marriage is
detrimental to the best interests of society.
Meets Russian revolutionary Vladimir Bourtzeff.

December 17
Goldman scheduled to present a farewell lecture on
Sex, the Element of Creative Work, in New York
City, before departing for annual lecture tour with
Ben Reitman.

March 10-April 13
Speaking engagements in Grand Rapids, Detroit, Ann
Arbor, Milwaukee, Madison, Minneapolis, Omaha,
Kansas City, and Lawrence, Kans.


April 14-27
Goldmans lectures in Denver positively received;
lecture topics include Womans Inhumanity to Man
and The Failure of Charity. Denver Post features
interviews with and articles by Goldman.
Extends stay in Denver to teach a course on the
modem drama.

Paul Orleneff returns to the United States for a brief
series of dramatic performances.
January 12
Lawrence, Mass., textile strike begins.



Late April
Goldman in Salt Lake City.


'rather than bar, her lectures. Goldman speaks in

public in defiance of anonymous death threat; no
attempts made on her life,

May 1-13
Continuation of lecture tour in Los Angeles; Goldman
responds to growing intensity of tree-speech battle in
San Diego. On May 13, she speaks at the Los
Angeles funeral of 1WW agitator Joseph Mikoiasek,
killed by the San Diego police on May 7.

Goldman travels to Spokane, Colville, Wash., and
Butte to lecture.
June 20
Following a long illness, Voltairine de Cleyre dies at
the age of forty-five.

May 14
Mob of vigilantes waits for Goldmans arrival at the
San Diego train station; follows her to the Grant Hotel
in an attempt to run her out of town. Reitman is
kidnapped, tarred, and sage-brushed, his buttocks
singed by cigar vviLh the letters I.W.W. Goldman
decs from San Diego to Los Angeles.

June 26-July 13
Goldman returns to Denver intending to teach classes
on eugenics and on modem drama; eugenics class
canceled for lack of interest. Public lecture topics
include Patriotisma Menace to Liberty" and
Vice, Its Cause and Cure,

May 15
U.S. grand jury initiated to investigate the IWW as
an organization operating contrary to the laws of the
United Stales. Proceedings terminated before
Goldman formally called to testify.

July 16
Her lecture circuit completed, Goldman stops at the
Waldheim cemetery in Chicago to visit Voltairine de
Cleyrcs grave.
July 22
Goldman pleased to return to a well-organized
Mother Earth office in New York.

M a y 16

Goldman and Reitman among speakers at two large

protest meetings held in Los Angeles.
May 18-29
Goldman and Reitman in San Francisco; lectures on
anarchism and the San Diego free-specch baLtle are
widely attended despit e condemnation of Goldman in
the press.
Socialists deny Goldman use of their Oakland

Summer and Fall

Goldman vacations and writes at the Ossining farm;
grows impatient with Berkmans difficulties with
revision of Prison Memoirs.
August 1
Goldman impressed by African-American political
theorist W. E. B. Du Bois lecture at the Sunrise Club
in New York.

May 30
Reitman and Goldman speak in Sacramento about
their recent experience in Sail Diego.

October 6-December 22
Goldman holds a Yiddish and English Sunday lecture
series in New York City; topics include The Psy
chology of Anarchism," The Dupes of Politics,
Sex Sterilization of Criminals," The Resurrection
of Alexander Berkman: Prison Memoirs o f an
Anarchist, The Failure of Democracy, Economic
Efficiencythe Modern Menace," and Damaged
Goods by Eugne Brieux (A Powerful Drama,
Dealing with the Curse of Venereal Disease)."

June 1-6
Goldman continues lecture tour in Portland.
June 9-20
Goldmans lecture series in Seattle threatened by U.S.
military'' veterans who protest her right to speak.
Mayor orders a large contingent of police to monitor,




November 5
Woodrow Wilson elected president; Socialist candi
date Eugene Debs receives over 900,000 votes.

February 12
Lecture in Hartford, Comi.
February 14
Lecture in Newark, N J.

November 11
Goldman participates in major commemoration of the
twenty-fifth anniversary of the Haymarkel martyrs in
New York, sponsored by more than a dozen anarchist
and labor organizations.

February 17
The International Exhibition of Modern Artthe
Armory Showopens at the 69th Regiment Armory
in New York City.

November 26-30
Goldman scheduled to speak at a meeting organized
by Almeda Sperry in New Kensington, Pa., followed
by meetings in Pittsburgh, New Castle, and McKees

February 20
Benefit event for Mother Earth's eighth anniversary
and for Goldman on the eve of her departure for her
annua! lecture tour.

December 6
Goldman scheduled to lecture on syndicalism in the
Brownsville section of Brooklyn.

February 22-April 22
Goldman describes her engagements in Cleveland,
Toledo, Detroit, Ann Arbor, Indianapolis, St. Louis,
Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Mo.,
Coffeyville, Lawrence, and Topeka, Kans., as
dreadfully uneventful and dull. Lecture topics
include Sex Sterilization of Criminals, The
Psychology of Anarchism, Womans Inhumanity to
Man, Syndicalismthe Modem Menace to
Capitalism, Prison Memoirs o f an Anarchist
Syndicalism, the Strongest Weapon of Labora
Discussion of Direct Action, Sabotage and the
General Strike, and the modem drama.

December 7
Gala celebration of Peter Kropotkins seventieth
birthday in New York City cosponsored by the Freie
Arbeiter Stimme and Mother Earth; Goldman a
featured speaker.
December 11
Berkman and Goldman speak at the Chicago celebra
tion of Kropotkins birthday.
December 20
Goldman scheduled to lecture on Leonid Andreyevs
King Hunger in Brownsville.

February 25
Paterson, N.J., silk strike begins.
April 25
Goldman opens series of lectures on Nietzsche at the
Womans Club in Denver.

December 24
Mother Earth Grand Ball and Reunion in New York.

May 1-8
Goldman lectures on the modem drama in Denver,
which brought larger and more representative
audiences than we have ever had in Denver.

January 12-February 16
Goldman delivers six Sunday lectures in New York
City on the modem drama, discussing the plays of
Scandinavian, German, Austrian, French, English,
and Russian dramatists including August Strindberg,
Gerhart Hauptmann, Arthur Schnitzler, Frank
Wedekind, Maurice Maeterlinck, Edmond Rostand,
Octave Mirbeau, Eugne Brieux, George Bernard
Shaw, Arthur Pinero, John Galsworthy, Charles Rann
Kennedy, Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov, Maxim
Gorki, and Leonid Andreyev.

May 11-19
Goldman delivers thirteen lectures in Los Angeles.
May 19
Goldman accompanies Reitman, obsessed with
returning to San Diego, to the place of his abduction
by vigilantes the previous year.




August 3-9
in Portland, Goldman delivers lectures on the modern
drama, including the works of playwrights Ludwig
Thom a, Stanley Houghton, and Katherine Githa
Sowerbv. Other public speaking engagements include
a debate with socialist W. F. and a lecture on the
sterilization laws adopted by the state of Oregon.

May 20

Goldman and Reitman arrested on arrival in San

Diego; vigilantes surround the police station. Police
order Goldman and Reitman to board the afternoon
train back to Los Angeles.
May 22
In Los Angeles, Goldman and others speak out
against continued vigilante intimidation in San Diego.

August 9
In Seattle, while distributing advance lecture bills for
Goldman, Reitman and another publicist are arrested
on the charge of peddling bills without a license,
and released on five dollars bail.

May 25-,Iune 8
Goldman delivers a series of anarchist propaganda
lectures in San Francisco, followed by several talks
on the modem drama, including Stanley Houghtons
llindel Wakes, John Galsworthys The Wheels o f
Justice Crush All, and Charles Rann Kennedys The
Dignity of Labor.

August 10
The Seattle Free Speech League protests the actions
of the president of the University of Washington, who
disallowed the scheduling of Goldmans lectures at
campus facilities.

Arahata Kanson translates Goldmans essay The
Tragedy of Womans Emancipation into Japanese.

August 11-17
Goldman delivers several lectures in Seattle, includ
ing three in the IWW meeting hall; describes them as
the most wonderful 1 have addressed in many years.

June 16-Juiy 9
Goldman lectures on anarchism and the modern
drama in Los Angeles. General lecture topics include
Friedrich Nietzsche, the Anti-Governmentalist,
The Social Evil, and The Child and Us Enemies:
The Revolutionary Developments in Modem Educa
tion. Dramatists discussed include Henrik Ibsen,
Hermann Sudermann, Otto Hartleben, J. M. Synge,
William Butler Yeats, Lady Isabella Gregory, Lennox
Robinson, Thomas C. Murray, and E, N. Chirikov.

Canadian immigration authorities prevent Goldman
from entering the country.
August 17
Goldman participates in debate on Anarchism versus
Socialism, and speaks on Marriage and Love in
Everett, Wash., despite the mayors intention to bar
her public talks.

Paterson silk strike ends in failure.

Late August
Goldman delivers three lectures in Spokane, including
The Social and Revolutionary Significance of the
Modem Drama.
The Growing Danger of the Power of the
Church is the most popular of two lectures delivered
by Goidman in Butte, Mont.

July 13-31
Due to her popular success the previous month,
Goldman is welcomed back to San Francisco to
continue her lecture series. Debates socialist
Maynard Shipley, and, in addition to a series on the
modem drama, delivers several talks on general
topics including The Relation of tine individual to
Society and, in Yiddish, Should the Poor Have
Many Children. Goldman notes that her lecture on
The Social Evil attracted the biggest and most
diverse audience.

Back in New York City, Goldman engages in a search
for a large apartment to combine the Mother Earth
office with a household comprised of Reitman and his
mother, Berkman, Mother Earth secretary M. Eleanor
Fitzgerald, and French housekeeper Rhoda Smith. By




the end of the month, she moves from 210 Hast 13th
Street, where she has lived since 1903, to 74 West
119th Street.

Goldman's Mother Earth essay Self-Defense for
Labor responds to a series of violent labor violations;
in the absence of legal protection against the danger
of exercising their right to organize, Goldman calls on
workers to arm themselves for self-defense.
Joe Hill arrested in Utah; charged with murder
despite lack of evidence,
Goldman's household arrangement with Reitman
and his mother fails. Goldmans relationship with
him becomes unbearable; Reitman moves back to
Goldman continues to work on the manuscript of
Social Significance o f the Modern Drama.

Settled in her new home, Goldman prepares her
modem drama manuscript for publication.
Goldman organizes political support for 1WW
members arrested in connection with strike of
Canadian miners, and for Jesus Rangel, Charles Kline
and twelve members of the Partido Liberal Mexicano
charged with murdering a deputy sheriff in San
Antonio, Tex.
October 12
Goldman among speakers at a Francisco Ferrer
memorial meeting in New York City.

Philadelphia police expel audience and lock the hall
where Goldman is scheduled to lecture on The
Awakening of Labor; event moved to another
location where the lecture proceeds without interrup

October 18
Annual Mother Earth reunion concert and ball takes
place in New York.
October 26
Goldman delivers two lectures in Trenton, N.J.

January 5
Under the auspices of the Free Speech League,
Goldman addresses large meeting in Paterson, N.J., to
protest recent violations of free speech; other speakers
include single-taxer Bolton Hall, Leonard Abbott, and
Lincoln Steffens.

November 2-Dccember 28
Goldman conducts Sunday evening lectures series in
New York City; topics include Our Moral Censors,
The Place of Anarchism in Modern Thought, The
Strike of Mothers, The intellectual Proletarians,
and Why Strikes Are Lost.

January 11-March 8
Goldman delivers extensive lecture series in New
York City on the modern drama; expands her reper
toire to discuss the works of British poet and drama
tist John Masefield, and American playwrights Mark
E. Swan, William J. Hurlbut, Joshua Rosett, and
Edwin Davies Schoonmaker. Responding to the
massive unemployment of the time, Goldman
requests contributions for the jobless at each lecture.

December 15
Goldman hosts a social gathering for British syndical
ist Tom Mann.
December 16
Despite warnings by the Paterson, N.J., police
forbidding Goldman from speaking, she addresses
members of the IWW on The Spirit of Anarchism in
the Labor Struggle. Goldman is forced off the
platform; audience members engage in battle with the
police to release her.

Goldman offered high-paying speaking engagements
in vaudeville; after brief contemplation of proposition
based on desperate financial need, she turns down

December 24
Annual Christmas Gathering of the Mother Earth
Family in New York City,

March 6
Lecture in Newark, N.J.




April 19-26
Goldman lectures in Madison, Minneapolis, and Des

March 9
Goldman delivers lecture in Philadelphia; notes freespeech victory with complete retreat of police

April 20
Massacre of striking coal miners in Ludlow, Colo., by
armed company guards from John D. Rockefellers
Colorado Fuel & Iron Co.; eleven children and two
women among those killed.

March 15
Goldman, in Yiddish, among speakers at an afternoon
celebration of the ninth anniversary of the publication
o f Mother Earth and a commemoration of the Paris
Commune; other speakers include Rerkman, Eliza
beth Gurley Flynn, and Hairy Kelly.
Goldman delivers farewell lecture in New York
City. American playwright George Middleton and
actresses Fob La Follette and Mary Shaw speak on
What Drama Means to Me.

April 28-May 9
Goldman delivers seven propaganda lectures and
eleven modern drama talks in Denver.
On May 3, Goldman addresses large meeting
organized by the Anti-Militarist League of Denver to
protest the use of federal troops in the Colorado
mining strike and the war with Mexico.
Goldman attributes Denver IWW frec-spccch
victory in part to the efforts of Reitman, who helped
secure the release of twenty-seven IWW members
from the county jail.

March 21
Goldman addresses demonstration of unemployed
workers at Union Square in New York City; rally is
followed by march along Fifth Avenue. Event
launches city-wide campaign of the unemployed, in
which Berkman takes an active role.

May 11
Goldman makes brief appearance in Salt Lake City.

The Social Significance o f the Modern Drama

May 15-June 11
In Los Angeles, Goldman continues delivering
propaganda and modern drama lectures, which
includes discussion of Irish playwright Seamus
OKelly. Her propaganda lectures include Revolu
tion and ReformWhich? and The Place of the
Church in the Labor Struggle. Goldman reports to
birth-control advocate Margaret Sanger that Not one
of my lectures brings out such a crowd as the one on
the birth strike and it is the same with the W[oman]
R[ebel]. it sells better than anything we have (May

April 3
Reunited, Goldman and Reitman open their seventh
annual tour in Chicago with splendid Jewish
April 5
Goldman lectures on The Conflict of the Sexes in
Chicago; attended by at least one thousand people.
April 6-12
Goldman presents expanded afternoon lecture series
on the modem drama in Chicago. Playwrights
analyzed include British dramatist St. John Hankin,
Welsh author John 0. Francis, and American drama
tists Eugene Walter and George Middleton.
Other lectures presented in Chicago during this
period include Our Moral Censors, The Individual
and Society, The Hypocrisy of Charity, Beyond
Good and Evil, Anarchism and Labor (in Ger
man), and The Mother Strike.
In Chicago, Goldman befriends Margaret
Anderson, editor of the literary magazine Little

June 14-July 10
Goldman reception in San Francisco disappointing
compared to her experience in Los Angeles. Lectures
include The Intellectual Proletarians, The Super
man in Relation to the Social Revolution, The
Mothers Strike, and Anti-Militarism: The Reply to
July 4
Accidental bomb explosion at Lexington Avenue in
New York City kills four people, including Arthur




Late August
Goldman makes brief stop in Chicago before return
ing to New York City, where she finds Mother Earth
in disastrous financial condition as a result of
Berkmans poor management.
Margaret Sanger indicted for obscenity in
connection with her journal The Woman Rebel. A
few months later, Sanger flees the country until Oct.

Caron, Carl Hansen, and Charles Berg, anarchists

who knew Berkman from the protests at John D.
Rockefellers estate in Tarrytown, N.Y.
Goldman travels to Eureka and Areata, lumber towns
in Humboldt County, Calif.; delivers first-known
anarchist lectures there to enthusiastic audiences.
On July 11 in New York City, a rally and public
funeral of six thousand people mourn the deaths of
those killed in the Lexington Avenue explosion.
Berkman, a key organizer of event, speaks at rally
despite heavy police surveillance. Goldman furious
when she receives the July issue of Mother Earth,
which, unbeknownst to her, has been filled with
harangues...of a most violent character.... [including]
prattle about force and dynamite.

To decrease financial burden, Goldman relocates her
residence and the Mother Earth office from West
119th Street to smaller quarters located at 20 East
125 th Street.
Goldman encourages Berkman to embark on an
independent lecture tour; places Max Baginski and
her nephew Saxe Commins in charge of editorial
work of Mother Earth.

July 19-26
Goldman lectures in Portland, much aided by C. E. S.
Wood. Among the most notable and well attended of
her lectures is Intellectual Proletarians at the
Portland Public Library. Other talks presented
include The immorality of Prohibition and Conti
nence, about the prohibition campaign of Portland,
which Goldman later described as one of the most
exciting evenings in my public career. The focus of
her drama criticism expands during this tour to
include the work of Norwegian playwright
Bjornstjerne Bjomson.

Part one of Peter Kropotkins 1913 essay, Wars and
Capitalism, reprinted in Mother Earth, in an effort to
refute Kropotkins stance in favor of the war.
October 23-Novcmber 15
Goldman returns to Chicago for series of propaganda
and modern drama lectures, delivered in both English
and Yiddish. General lecture topics include War and
the Sacred Right of Property, The Betrayal of the
International, The False Pretenses of Culture, The
Psychology of War, The Tsar and My Jews,
The War and Our Lord, The Misconceptions of
Free Love, and Woman and War.
Her English series on the drama, titled The
Modern Drama as a Mirror of Individual, Class and
Social Rebellion Against the Tyranny of the Past,
takes place in Chicagos elegant Fine Arts Building,
made possible by the financial backing of a wealthy
supporter. Goldmans usual focus on European
dramatists is expanded to include for the first time
Swedish dramatist Hjalmar Bergman; French
playwrights Paul Hervieu, (Flix) Henry Bataille, and
Ilenri Becque; Italian dramatists Gabriele
DAnnunzio and Giuseppe Giacosa; Spanish play
wright Jos Echegaray; Yiddish dramatists Jacob
Gordin, Sholem Asch, David Pinski, and Max
Nordau; and American playwright Butler Davenport.

July 26-August 3
Goldman reports that her lectures in Seattle are flat
and uninteresting. .
Outbreak of World War 1 in Europe.
August 4
Goldman speaks at a hastily organized event in
Tacoma, Wash., on The Birth Strike Why and
How the Poor Should Not Have Children. Following
Tacoma, she travels to Home Colony.
August 7-14
Goldman returns to Portland to deliver a series of free
August 16-19
Goldman delivers five lectures in Butte, of which the
most popular are her antiwar and birth control talks.



Goldman describes the audience of her Chicago

Press Club luncheon lecture on The Relationship of
Anarchism to Literature as five hundred hard-faced


Goldman helps organize defense of Matthew Schmidt
and David Caplan, arrested for complicity in the 1910
bombing of the Los Angeles Times building.

November 11
In Chicago, Goldman participates in event to com
memorate the twenty-seventh anniversary of the death
of the Haymarket martyrs.

November 26
Goldman delighted with the success of her meetings,
including lecture on The War and Our Lord, in
Grand Rapids, Mich., organized by William Buwalda
of the Analyser Club.

Goldman delivers series of lectures on the war and on
sexuality in New York City', Albany, Schenectady,
and Boston. Topics include Anarchism and Litera
ture, FeminismA Criticism of Womans Struggle
for the Vote and Freedom, Nietzsche, The
Intellectual Storm-Center of the Great War, The
Intermediate Sex (A Study of Homosexuality), and
ManMonogamist or Varietist?
At the end of 1915, Rcitman reports that Gold
man has delivered a total of 321 lectures.

November 29-l)ecember 6
in St. Louis, Goldman delivers eight English and two
Yiddish lectures to receptive audiences.

January 15
Goldman attends concert of her nephew David
Hochstein, a violinist with exceptional talent.

December 7-10
Lectures in Indianapolis and Cincinnati; interaction
with Indianapolis audience at her lecture on Free
Love described as both interesting and funny.

January 19
William Sanger arrested for circulating a copy of
Margaret Sangers pamphlet Family Limitation.

December 11-14
Goldman presents two English and two Yiddish
lectures in Cleveland, and delivers an address before
the Council of Economics.

Goldman lectures on Limitation of Offspring to six
hundred people, one of the liberal New York Sunrise
Clubs largest audiences, Although she details
explicit information about birth control methods,
Goldman is not arrested.

November 20-24
Goldman delivers lectures in Detroit and Ann Arbor.

December 15-18
In Pittsburgh, Goldman holds a meeting organized by
lawyer Jacob Margolis.

February 20
Mother Earth Red Revel Ball takes place in New
York City; attended by close to eight hundred people
of many nationalities.

December 20
Goldman delivers lecture on the war to an audience of
eighteen hundred people at an event organized by her
niece Miriam Cominsky in Rochester. Days later,
Goldman speaks on The Birth Strike.

Goldman helps raise money for the defense fund of
Frank Abamo and Carmine Carbone, members of the
Italian anarchist Gnippo Gaetano Bresci, arrested on
March 2 for conspiracy to bomb St. Patricks Cathe
dral. On April 9, Abamo and Carbone are convicted
and sentenced to six to twelve years in prison.

December 31
Goldman hosts New Years eve party at her apart
ment on East 125th Street; Mabel Dodge among those

March 11
Goldman disappointed by the poor attendance at the
tenth anniversary of Mother Earth, in New York.




March 18
Goldman shares the platform with I Iarry Kelly,
Italian anarchist Carlo Tresca, Pedro Esteve, Russian
anarchist William Shatoff, and physician and anar
chist Michael Cohn for an international celebration of
the anniversary of the Paris Commune. Goldman
attributes poor turnout to the divided stance among
radicals on the war,

delivering The Limitation of Offspring in Yiddish

before an audience of twelve hundred.
International Anarchist Manifesto on the War issued
from London; Goldman among over thirty anarchist
signatories from the United States, Italy, France,
Spain, the Netherlands, and Russia.
Goldman lectures on the war, drama, birth
control, and sexuality in Washington, D.C., Balti
more, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Chicago, Milwaukee,
Madison, Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Denver. Topics
include Jealousy, Its Cause and Possible Cure, the
Modem School, and feminism. Finds that audiences
are most receptive to her lectures on war and on birth
control, although Catholic socialists harass her in
Washington, D.C.

March 28
Goldman lectures again on Limitation of Off
springWhy and How Small Families are Prefer
able in New York. Although explicit information is
repeated and detectives are present, no arrests are
March 30
Goldman invited by the students of the Union
Theological Seminar)'' in New York to speak on The
Message of Anarchism, but administration cancels
the engagement.

Goldman continues her lecture tour in Los Angeles
and San Diego, raising support for the CaplanSchmidt defense fund.
While in Los Angeles, Goldman presents her
critique of feminism to a hostile group of live
hundred members of the Womans City Club, who,
according to Goldman, denounce her as an enemy of
womans freedom.

Writing from exile in Europe, Margaret Sanger
criticizes Goldman for failing to provide adequate
support and coverage of Sangers legal battles.
Goldman calls her charge very unfair and assures
her that Afather Earth will stand by her.
The Organizing Junta of the Parti do Liberal
Mexican, including the Magon bothers, appeals to
the readers of Mother Earth for solidarity with the
Mexican revolutionary movement.
Goldman poses for a portrait by artist Robert

Goldman delivers twenty-four lectures in San
Francisco; topics include The Psychology of War,
The Follies of Feminism (A criticism of the Modern
Womans Movement), Religion and the War, and
The Right of the Child Not to Be Bom. According
to Reitman, Goldman presents an inspired address
on The Philosophy of Atheism before the Congress
of Religious Philosophy at the Civic Auditorium.

April 7
Goldman debates economist Isaac Hourwich on
Social Revolution versus Social Reform in New
York City in a benefit for the Ferrer School; attended
by nearly two thousand people.

Lectures continue in Portland; on Aug. 6, while
beginning a speech on Birth Control, Goldman and
Reitman are arrested for distributing birth control
literature. Goldman released on $500 bail provided
by C. E. S. Wood.

April 19
Goldman speaks on The Failure of Christianity and
the Billy Sunday movement in Paterson, N.J., afler
attending one of Sundays revival meetings.

August 7
Goldman and Reitman are fined $100. Despite
proclamation by the chief of police that Goldman will
not be allowed to speak again in Portland, she
presents The Intermediate Sex later that night, and
two lectines the following day.

Late April
Motivated primarily by need to pay off debts of
Mother Earth, Goldman embarks on a lecture tour.
One of her first engagements, in Philadelphia, is




August 10
Goldman speaks on The Sham of Culture at the
Portland Public Library to overflowing crowrd.

November 19
J.WW member and songwriter Joe Hill (Joseph
Hillstrom) executed in Utah.

August 13
Goldmans case dismissed by Portland Circuit Judge
Gatens who concludes, There is too much tendency
to prudery nowadays.

November 19-Deccmbcr 5
Goldman presents sixteen lectures in Chicago,
including six in Yiddish; Sex, the Great Element of
Creative Art and The Right of the Child Not to be
Bom among the topics addressed.

Mid-late August
Goldman lectures in Seattle where she has difficulty
securing halls,
Goldman returns to New York.
September 10
William Sanger convicted for illegal distribution of
birth control literature; Sanger serves thirty-day jail
sentence in lieu of paying $ 150 fine.
September 16
Goldman scheduled to speak at meeting to rally
support for David Caplan and Matthew Schmidt prior
to the opening of their trials. (During the course of
Schmidts trial, it is revealed that Donald Vose, the
son of an anarchist friend of Goldmans, had been
employed since May 1914 by detective William J.
Bums to spy on Goldman in order to locate Schmidt.
Vose resided at Goldmans apartment and at her farm
in Ossining the previous year, and witnessed Schmidt
visiting Goldman, Schmidt was later arrested.)
Reitman. in Chicago, begins work on a book about
venereal disease; Goldman reviews the first chapter.

December 8-21
Goldman lectures in St. Louis, Indianapolis, Colum
bus, Akron, Cleveland, and Youngstown. Goldman
remarks that the Akron newspaper reports on her birth
control lectures were among the most intelligent she
had ever seen.
Late December
Goldman returns to New York ill and exhausted;
seeks better accommodations at the Theresa Hotel in
New York, as the Mother Earth office has no bath.
Hotel management refuses to grant her residence.
Attorney Harry Weinberger protests on Goldmans

Goldman lectures in New York, Philadelphia,
Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh, on sexuality,
modern drama, and the war, including Preparedness:
A Conspiracy between the Munitions Manufacturers
and Washington. Also lectures before enthusiastic
members of a prominent women's club in Brooklyn.
Matthew Schmidt convicted and sentenced to life

October 26-30
Goldman delivers five lecturesincluding Prepared
ness, the Road to Universal Slaughter in Philadel
phia. Scott Nearing of the University of Pennsylvania
attends one of her lectures.

January 15
Berkman announces publication of the first issue of
his San Francisco-based journal The Blast.

Late October-mid-Novembcr
Goldman lectures in Baltimore, Washington, D.C.,
Pittsburgh, Ann Arbor, Detroit, Akron, and Young
stown. On Nov. 11, the anniversary of the Haymarket
martyrs, Goldman delivers her Preparedness lecture
to three thousand employees of a Westinghouse
defense plant at a street lecture in East Pittsburgh.

Goldman continues her lecturesincluding The Ego
and His Own, a review of Max Stirners book, The
Family, the Great Obstacle to Development, and
Nietzsche and the German Kaiserin New York,
Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh. Her
lectures on modem drama include Irish playwrights
Synge, Yeats, Thomas Cornelius Murray, Rutherford
Mayne, and Lemiox Robinson.



February 11
Goldman arrested in New York City for her birth
control lecture the previous week; released on $500
bail. Preliminary hearing takes place Feb. 28; case
postponed for Special Sessions April 5. Goldman
appeals for support.

April 20
Goldman defends herself in birth control trial. She is
convicted, and, in lieu of paying $100 fine, serves
fifteen days in the Queens County Penitentiary;
released May 4.
April 27
Reitman arrested in New York for distributing
pamphlets on birth control.

February 18
Ricardo and Enrique Flores Magn, editors of the
Mexican anarchist periodical Regeneracin, arrested
and jailed on charges of having used the mails to
incite murder, arson, and treason. Months later, they
are both convicted and given prison sentences and

May 5
Large gathering at Carnegie Hall to celebrate
Goldmans release from jail. Program includes
speeches by Masses editor Max Eastman, Harry
Weinberger, Arturo Giovannitti, and socialist Rose
Pastor Stokes. At the close of the meeting, Rose
Pastor Stokes hands out one hundred typewritten
notices including outlawed information aboul birth

February 20
Celebration in New York City for Margaret Sanger
following the dismissal of all charges against her;
Roheit Minors motion for Goldman to speak al the
meeting is not supported.

May 8
Reitman convicted and sentenced to sixty days in
Queens County Jail.

March 10
Mass meeting held in San Francisco to protest
Goldmans Feb. 11 arrest.

May 20
Goldman speaks from the back of a ear at an open-air
demonstration in Union Square to protest Reitmans
imprisonment for distributing birth control. Ida Rauh
Eastman, Bolton Hall, and Jessie Ashley are arrested
later and charged with illegally distributing birLh
control information at the meeting.

Goldman prepares for her birth control trial and
continues to lecture in New York; drama critique
includes discussion of British playwright Harley
April 2
Goldman chairs public meeting in New York to
protest imprisonment of Matthew Schmidt.

Late May-JuJy
Goldman conducts lecture tour in Philadelphia,
Cleveland, Denver, Los Angeles, and San Francisco;
topics include Free or Forced Motherhood, Anar
chism and Human NatureDo They Harmonize?,
The Family'Its P'nslaving Effect upon Parents and
Children, Art and Revolution: The Irish Uprising,
in addition to lectures on the writings of Ralph Waldo
Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman.
Goldman plans meeting with Giovannitti and
others to begin work on an anti-militarist manifesto.

April 5
Goldmans courtroom hearing on her birth control
violation takes place amid ruckus between police and
her supporters.
April 19
Benefit banquet lor Goldman at the Hotel Brevoort is
attended by notable artists, writers, socialists, and
doctors, including John Cowper Powys, Alexander
Harvey, Robert Henri, George Bellows, Robert
Minor, Boardman Robinson, and Rose Pastor Stokes.

During a strike of thirty thousand iron-ore miners of
the Mesabi range in northern Minnesota, Carlo Tresca
and other IWW strike leaders are arrested on charge
of inciting the murder of a deputy.




July 1
Social dance and benefit for the defense funds of
David Cap!an and Enrique and Ricardo Flores Magon
takes place in Los Angeles. Goldman and Berkman
celebrate their success in raising the $10,000 bail
necessary to secure the release of the Magon brothers.

November 5
Protesting violations of free speech and vigilante
intimidation, five members of the IWW are killed and
thirty-one wounded by vigilantes in Everett, Wash.;
seventy-four IWW members are later tried for the
murder of a deputy and a lumber company official.

July 22
A bomb is thrown into the crowd at a Preparedness
Day parade in San Francisco, killing ten and wound
ing forty people. On the same day, Goldman pro
ceeds as planned with her scheduled talk on Pre
paredness, the Road to Universal Slaughter.
The authorities immediately suspect anarchist
involvement in the bombing. A few days later, they
search and seize material located at the offices of The
Blast, and threaten to arrest Berkman and M. Eleanor
Fitzgerald. Later that week, Warren Billings, Israel
Weinberg, Edward Nolan, Thomas Mooney, and
Rena Mooney are arrested. Goldman and Berkman
begin to organize support for their defense.

Goldman lectures in Chicago, Milwaukee, Ann
Arbor, Detroit, Cleveland, and Rochester on educa
tion, Russian literature, birth control, sexuality, and
November 11
Bill Haywood, Lucy Parsons, and Goldman speak at a
large memorial meeting in Chicago for the
Hay market martyrs. Collections are made for, in
Goldmans words, the living victims in the social
war, including Mooney, Tresca, Caplan, Schmidt,
and the IWW members arrested in Everett.
December 2
Goldman speaks at a large meeting in Carnegie Hall
called by the United Hebrew Trades to protest the
arrests and trials of those accused of throwing a bomb
at the San Francisco Preparedness Day parade. Other
speakers include lawyer Frank Walsh, Max Eastman,
United Hebrew Trades leader Max Pine, Giovannitti,
and Berkman.

Goldman lectures in Portland, Seattle, and Denver;
Goldmans lecture The Gary System addresses the
topic of public school education. In Denver,
Goldmans lectures include The Educational and
Sexual Dwarfing of the Child, and a course on
Russian LiteratureThe Voice of Revolt.

December 12
Reitman arrested in Cleveland for organizing volun
teers to distribute birth control information at
Goldmans lecture Is Birth Control Harmfula
Discussion of the Limitation of Offspring.

September 11
Trial of Warren Billings begins in San Francisco.
Late Scptember-Octobcr
Goldmans lecture tour concluded, she takes a brief
vacation in Provincetown, R.L, with her niece Stella.
Following the conviction and sentencing of Warren
Billings to life imprisonment, Goldman resumes work
with Berkman in New York in support of the Mooney

December 15
At one of Goldmans lectures in Rochester, Reitman
is again arrested for distributing illegal birth control

October 20
Appearing in court to testify on behalf of Bolton Hall,
Goldman is arrested for having distributed birth
control information on May 20. (Flail is later
acquitted of the charge.) Goldman released on $500
bond; Harry Weinberger serves as her attorney.

Goldman lectures before Yiddish- and Fingi ishspeaking audiences in New York, Cleveland, Phila
delphia, Washington, D.C., Passaic, N.J., Boston,
Springfield, and Brockton, Mass.; topics include
Obedience, A Social Vice, Celibacy or Sex
Expression, Vice and Censorship, Twin Sisters

October 26
Margaret Sanger is arrested for distributing birth
control information.




February 7
Mooney convicted and sentenced to hang on May 17.
Goldman intensifies organizing efforts to prevent his

How Vice is Not Suppressed, Michael Bakunin, His

Life and Work, Walt Whitman, the Liberator of
Sex, The Speculators in War and Starvation,
American Democracy in Relation to the Russian
Revolution, and a course on Russian literature.
Goldman preoccupied with threat of Berkmans
extradition to California in connection with the
Mooney case.
Following the February Revolution in Russia,
Goldman supports William Shatoff s return to Russia
with a contingent of Russian exiles and refugees.
Goldman and Berkman entrust Louise Berger with the
delivery of a manifesto they have written lo the
people of Russia to protest the imprisonment of
Mooney and Billings. Goldman and Berkman attend
Leon Trotskys farewell lecture in New York City.
They contemplate visiting Russia, but decide to
postpone plans when they learn that the British
government has held up the return of several Russian

February 28
Following large rally in support of Reitman the prior
evening, Reitman is acquitted on charges from his
Dec. 15, 1916 birth control arrest in Rochester.
Mooneys defense attorney W. Bourke Cockran
speaks at mass meeting at Carnegie Hall organized byGoldman and Berkman.
Goldman speaks at several meetings chaired by John
Sloan of the New York Art Students League.
April 6
The United Stales enters World War I.

January 8
Goldman acquitted by a New York court on charge of
circulating birth control information at the May 20,
1916, Union Square open-air meeting. Goldman
credits especially Ida Rauh Eastman, who risks selfincrimination in order to disprove Goldmans
involvement in distributing literature.

April 7
Political Prisoners Ball, which Goldman has helped
organize, benefits the San Francisco Labor Defense
for Mooney and Billings; features cell-booth bazaar
and prison garb and military costumes. Goldman
counts forty-five hundred people in attendance.

January 17
Reitman is convicied on charges resulting from his
arrest of Dec. 12, 1916, and sentenced to serve six
months in jail and to pay a fine of $1,000 in addition
to court costs. Goldman angry that Margaret Sanger,
in Cleveland at the time, failed to help rally support
for Reitman.

Goldman lectures in New York, Springfield, Mass.,
and Philadelphia; topics include Billy Sunday
(Charlatan and Vulgarian), The State and its
Powerful Opponents: Friedrich Nietzsche, Max
Stirner, Ralph Waldo Emerson, David Thoreau, and
Others, Womans inhumanity to Man, and Russian

Alien Immigration Act passed; allows deportation of
undesirable aliens any time after their entry.

May 9
Conference to organize a No-Conscription League
held at the Mother Earth office; away lecturing,
Goldman claims that she sent a message that, as a
woman, she fell she could not claim a position on
whether or not the League should urge men against
registering for the military,

February 4-5
In Cleveland, Goldman speaks on The Message of
Anarchism before a full assembly of the North
Congregational Church. The following day she
addresses a free-speech meeting; Goldman dismayed
that other speakers have refused to attend event if
birth control included among issues addressed.

May 17
Mooneys scheduled date of execution is stayed while
ease is appealed.




June 15
Goldman and Berkman arrested by U.S. Marshal
Thomas McCarthy; later indicted on charge of
conspiracy to violate the Draft Act.
President Wilson signs the Espionage Act, which
sets penalties of up to twenty years imprisonment and
fines of up to $10,000 for persons aiding the enemy,
interfering with the draft, or encouraging disloyalty of
military members; also declares nonmailable all
written material advocating treason, insurrection, or
forcible resistance to the law.

May 18
On the same day that the Selective Service Act is
passed authorizing federal conscription for the armed
forces and requiring the registration of all men
between the ages of twenty-one and thirty, Goldman
addresses an anti-conscription gathering of close to
ten thousand people chaired by Leonard Abbott in
New York City. Other speakers include Berkman and
Harry Weinberger. No arrests made, but many
detectives present.
May 31
Goldman speaks before a Jewish audience in Phila
delphia on Victims of Morality, addressing morality
as it relates to private ownership, government and
laws, and women. The police warn her against
addressing conscription when she begins to urge
mothers to prevent their sons from fighting in the war.
Event inspires the formation of a No-Conscription
League in Philadelphia.

June 16

Goldman and Berkman plead not guilty on conspiracy

charges; hail set at $25,000 each.
Goldman disappointed by Reitmans failure to
return to New York to support their pending trial.
June 21
Goldman freed on $25,000 bail; the press spreads
charges that Goldmans hail was provided by the
German Kaiser. Berkman released on bail June 25.

On an order from Washington, D.C., New York
postal authorities hold up June issue of Mother Earth.
Kropotkin returns to Russia.

June 26

Goldman consults with some of her closest associ

atesincluding writer and editor Frank Harris,
journalist and socialist John Reed, Max Eastman, and
Gilbert Roeabout her disbelief in courtroom justice
and her decision to participate minimally in her
pending trial.
First U.S. troops arrive in France.

June 1
At a peace meeting in Madison Square Garden,
Morris Becker, Louis Kramer, and two others are
arrested for circulating leaflets advertising a June 4
mass meeting of the No-Conscription League.
Although Goldman and Berkman attempt to claim full
responsibility for the event, Becker and Kramer are
later found guilty of conspiracy to advise people
against military registration.

June 27-Jilly 9
Goldman and Berkman act as independent counsel in
their conspiracy trial; Goldman denies charge that she
stated, We believe in violence and we will use
violence at the May 18 meeting. After a brief jury'
deliberation, they are both found guilty and given the
maximum sentencetwo years in prison and $10,000
fine. Judge Julius Mayer recommends their deporta
tion as undesirable aliens. Goldmans plea to have
sentencing deferred is denied; Goldman taken to
Jefferson City, Mo., and Berkman to Atlanta, Ga., to
begin their sentences.

June 4
On the eve of the official military' registration day,
Goldman, among others, addresses a mass meeting
organized by the No-Conscription League; attended
by ten thousand people. Goldman stops the meeting
when a conflict with uniformed soldiers and sailors
breaks out.
June 14
Ignoring rumors of a death threat, Goldman speaks at
an anti-conseriplion meeting chaired by Berkman.
Officers arrest all men of draft age who cannot show'
proof of registration.

Federal authorities demand removal of Mother Earth
office from its location at 20 East 125th Street; M.
Eleanor Fitzgerald relocates office to 226 Lafayette




September 5
111response to growing IWW opposition to the war,
federal authorities raid IWW headquarters in twentyfour cities. Raids precede arrests later that month of
over one hundred IWW members, including Bill
Haywood, F.lizabcth Gurley Flynn, Arturo
Giovannitti, and Carlo Tresca.

Vigilantes forcibly gather and ship over twelve

hundred striking members of the IWW in cattle cars
from Jerome and Bisbec, Arizona, to California and
New Mexico, where they are guarded by federal
military authorities.
July 17
Berkman indicted in absentia in San Francisco for
complicity in three murders stemming from the
bombing at the 1916 Preparedness Day parade.

September 9
Anarchist Antonio Fomasier is killed by Milwaukee
police after heckling a priest. His comrade Augusta
Marinelli, wounded on the same occasion, dies five
days later. Ten men and a woman arc arrested for
inciting the riot; later linked to Nov. 24 bomb
explosion that occurred while they were still impris
oned; each found guilty and sentenced to between
eleven and twenty-five years imprisonment.
Goldman will later protest the injustice of their case,
claiming a frame-up.

July 25
Goldman released from Jefferson City, Mo., prison to
New Yorks Tombs prison; later released on $25,000
bail pending the appeal of her case before the U.S.
Supreme Court. Berkman not released on bail until
Sept. 10.
August issue of Mother Earth is held up by Post
Office authorities (it proves to be the final issue
Goldman steps up efforts to prevent Berkmans
extradition to Californiasolicits support from the
United Hebrew Trades, the Amalgamated Clothing
Workers of America, the Freie Arbeiter Stimrne, the
Forward, prominent individuals including Max
Eastman, social worker and nurse Lillian Wald,
Bolton Hall, publisher Benjamin Huebsch, and
Sholem Asch, and many other unions and organiza

September 10
Upon Berkman5s release from prison on $25,000 bail,
he is arrested for murder in connection with the
Preparedness Day bombing in San Francisco.
Prompted by demonstrations in Russia, President
Wilson later orders a federal investigation of the case.
September 11
Police authorities prevent Goldman from speaking
publicly at a meeting at the Kessler Theater in New'
York; to protest and dramatize police suppression of
her address, she nonetheless appears on stage, a gag
over her mouth.

August 1
In Butte, Mont., while assisting striking miners, IWW
General Executive Board member Frank Little is
brutally murdered.

September 30
Labor delegation organized by Goldman calls on New
York Governor Whitman to protest Berkmans
threatened extradition to California.

August 23-25

Accompanied by Reitman, Goldman speaks about the

status of her case, Berkmans threatened extradition,
and conscription at several meetings in Chicago.

Goldman, her niece Stella, and M. Eleanor Fitzgerald
begin publication of Mother Earth Bulletin. Reitman
returns to Chicago, in sharp disagreement with
Goldman over the direction of the Bulletin.
Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. Goldman
defends Bolshevism against attacks by the American
press and liberals.

Mother Earth denied second-class mailing privileges
by Post Office authorities.
September 1
The Peoples Council in Minneapolis convenes;
although elected by various anarchist groups to serve
as a delegate, Goldman refuses, objecting to its
implicit pro-war stance.




The mayor of Ann Arbor, responding to pressure

from the Daughters of the American Revolution,
cancels Goldmans public engagements. Plans to
speak in St. Louis, Minneapolis, Denver, Kansas City,
and Cleveland are abandoned in light of difficulty
securing halls and her pending imprisonment.

Federal agents begin to investigate Goldman for her
suspected role in the Guillotine Plot; implicated in
masterminding the organization of Committees of
Five to assassinate simultaneously the president and
other state officials. Investigation continued through
early 1918, when inconclusive evidence forces its

January 7
U.S. Supreme Court upholds constitutionality of the
selective service law; on Jan. 14, affirms all criminal
charges arising from non-compliance with the draft.

November 13
California District Attorney Charles Fickert tempo
rarily withdraws demand for Berkmans extradition.
Berkman released from prison the following day.

January 8
President Wilson presents his Fourteen Points peace
program to Congress.

November 16
Goldman speaks at New Yorks Hunts Point Palace
on The Russian Revolution: Its Promise and Fulfill
ment before two thousand people; describes it as a
most inspiring event.

January 28
Supreme Court mandates return of Goldman and
Berkman to begin their prison sentences.

Goldman meets Helen Keller at a benefit ball for The
Anarchist and feminist poet Louise Olivereau
convicted for antiwar activities; sentenced to ten years
in Colorado prison.

From Petrograd, the U.S. ambassador notifies the
State Department of the Russian anarchists threat to
hold him personally responsible for Goldmans and
Berkmans safety in prison.
Goldmans niece Stella Ballantine establishes the
Mother Earth Book Shop in Greenwich Village.

December 13-14
Weinberger presents Goldmans and Berkmans
appeals before the IJ.S. Supreme Court; argues that
the Draft Act is unconstitutional.

February' 1
Goldman and Berkman are honored in New York at
the first United Russian Convention in America,
attended by over 160 delegates from Russian organi
zations in the United States.

December 14
Police authorities prevent Goldman and Berkman
from speaking at a meeting at the Harlem River
Casino in New York organized by labor for the San
Francisco defense.

February 2
Prior to surrendering to federal authorities, Goldman
meets with representatives of the newly formed
League for the Amnesty of Political Prisoners,
including the chairman, educator Prince Hopkins,
treasurer Leonard Abbott, and secretary M. Eleanor
Goldman held in the Tombs prison in New York
until Feb. 4, when she is transported to the federal
penitentiary in Jefferson City, Mo.

Prior to imprisonment, Goldman delivers her last
public lectures in Chicago, Detroit, and Rochester (in
Yiddish and English); topics include The
BolshevikiTheir True Nature and Aim, The
Russian Revolution and its Forerunners, Maxim
Gorki, Leonid Andreyeff, America and the
Russian Revolution, The Spiritual and Intellectual
Development of Russia, The Spiritual Awakening
of Russia, and Women Martyrs of Russia.

February 6
Goldman begins serving her prison sentence in
Jefferson City, Mo., one of about ninety women
federal prisoners. She is assigned the task of sewing




jackets and other items for the state of Missouri,

which in turn sells the clothing to private firms
throughout the United States. Her prescribed daily
quota causes intense strain and contributes to her
ongoing physical decline.
Goldman is initially allowed to write only one
two-page letter every week; soon granted Lhe right to
send an additional weekly letter to her attorney, Harry
Weinberger. Allowed one monthly visit, with some
exceptions, Goldman denied outside recreation on
Sunday afternoons when she refuses to attend
morning church services. Throughout Goldmans
incarceration, she receives weekly deliveries of fresh
groceries from St. Louis anarchists.

March 18
Reitman begins his six-month prison sentence in
Cleveland for his Jan. 1917 conviction for distributing
birth control information.
March 21
Ricardo Flores Magon arrested in Los Angeles,
placed under $25,000 bail. Later convicted under the
Espionage Act for obstructing the war effort; sen
tenced to twenty years imprisonment.

Final issue of Mother Earth Bulletin produced; future

publication made impossible by ongoing government
Ferrer Center in New York closes.
In reaction to growing protests of Russian
anarchists to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, the Cheka
the Soviet secret policeraids anarchist centers in
Moscow. Approximately forty anarchists are killed
or wounded, more than five hundred taken prisoners.

February 22
Birth of Brutus, Ben Reitmans son with Anna
February 25

Newspapers report on government charges that

Goldman and Berkman had worked with German
spies in foreign countries, an allegation based on
correspondence from Indian nationalist Har Dayal to
Berkman found among the papers seized from the

April 1
Weinberger meets with the assistant superintendent of
prisons in Washington, D.C., to complain about
government tampering and confiscation of Goldmans

M o th er E a rth office.

M a rc h 1

Goldman receives visit from Prince Hopkins, who

reports on Lhe activities of the League for the Am
nesty of Political Prisoners.

April 16
Prince Hopkins arrested, indicted by federal grand
jury in Los Angeles for violating the Espionage Act;
released on $25,000 bail. On Aug. 30, he pleads
guilty, fined $27,000.

March 3
Germany and its allies sign the Treaty of BrestLitovsk with the Soviet Republic.

May 16
l he Sedition Act is passed, penalizing anyone judged
to be hindering the war effort by making false
statements, obstructing enlistment, or speaking
against production of war materials, the American
government, its constitution, or flag. Signed into law'
by President Wilson on May 21.

March 4
The Bureau of investigation of the Department of
justice orders copies of all correspondence to and
from Goldman sent to its officc-in Washington, D.C.
March 7
Harry Weinberger submits motion to the U.S. District
Court, Southern District of New York, that the bail
money provided for Goldman and Berkman should
not be used to pay their fines. Motion granted by
Judge Augustus N. Hand on Mar. 11.

Goldman granted permission to write two letters
every week, in addition to her letters to Weinberger.
Contemplates writing about the situation of
women in prison. Receives news that William
Marion Reedy and attorney Clarence Darrow7are
interested in the League for the Amnesty of Political




Goldman congratulates her lawyer Harry

Weinberger for bis brave defense in the Abrams case.
Jacob Abrams, Samuel Lipman, and Flyman
Lachowsky are convicted on charges of violating the
Espionage Act and sentenced to twenty years in
federal prison; Mollie Steimer sentenced to fifteen
Roger Baldwin tried before U.S. District Judge
Julius Mayer for failure to register for the draft;
sentenced to a year in prison.

Prisoners, but believe that nothing can be done until

after the war. Anticipating orders for her deportation,
Goldman begins to investigate her citizenship status.
Following suspension of the Mother Earth
Bulletin, Stella Ballantine publishes a mimeographed
newsletter. Instead o f a Magazine.
June 27
Goldman spends her birthday in agonizing pain,
induced by strain from her prison work.

October 15
Goldmans nephew' David Hochstein, the talented
violinist, dies in battle; news about his death does not
reach family members until Jan. 1919.

June 29
Federal agents raid the apartment of Goldmans
associate M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, seizing mailing lists
and other relevant material. Goldmans associates
Carl Newlander and William Bales arrested for draft
evasion following the raid of their apartment.

October 16
Anti-Anarchist Act passed by Congress, granting the
government authority to deport aliens living in the
United Stales.

U.S. intelligence agencies begin to circulate the
names and addresses of over eight thousand Mother
Earth subscribers, targeting them for investigation.
Goldman reluctantly concurs with Stella
Ballantines decision to close the Mother Earth

Mooneys death sentence commuted to life imprison
Gabriella Segata Antolini, a nineteen-year-old
anarchist arrested and convicted for transporting
dynamite in Chicago, is imprisoned in the Jefferson
City, Mo., penitentiary; she and Goldman become
good friends.

July 23
Roger Baldwin visits Goldman in prison.

July 28
National Mooney Day; Governor Stephens grants
Mooney a reprieve until December.

November 11
End of World War I.

Goldman is disturbed by Catherine Breshkovskayas
condemnation of the Bolsheviks.
Reitman is released from prison.
Goldman impressed by Eugene Debss coura
geous stand during his trial and conviction for
violation of the Espionage Act.
U.S. Committee on Public Information promotes
widespread publication of alleged Russian documents
that prove Bolshevik leaders arc German agents.

Goldman granted the privilege of writing three letters
each w'eek in addition to her weekly communication
with Harry Weinberger.

Prison quarantine lifted; influenza outbreak under
control. Goldman visited by M. Eleanor Fitzgerald,
who brings her a smuggled communication from

With the spread of a deathly strain of influenza, a
quarantine is established at the penitentiary in
Jefferson City, Mo., where Goldman is imprisoned;
all outside visits are suspended.




Goldman urges Harry Weinberger to embark on a

national speaking tour to promote amnesty for all
political prisoners; Weinberger feels unable to comply
because of lack of financial and human resources.

Goldman reads and responds to Louise Bryants

book Six Red Months in Russia: An Observer's
Account o f Russia before and during the Proletarian
Dictatorship', Goldman is critical of Bryants por
trayal of the Russian anarchists.

March 31
Goldman interviewed by Winthrop Lane for an
independent investigation of federal prisons slated for
publication in the research magazine Survey.

January 15
Revolutionaries Rosa Luxemburg and Karl
Liebknecht arrested and murdered in Berlin.
January 21
New York City Police Inspector Thomas J. Tunncy
testifies before a Senate subcommittee chaired by
Senator Overman investigating links between German
agents and the U.S. Brewers Association and allied
liquor interests; recounts his investigation of Goldman
and Berkman in connection with the Hindu revolu
tionary liar Dayal. Claims that Goldman and
Berkman are close associates of Leon Trotsky.
Describes Goldman as a very able and intelligent
woman and a very fine speaker.

Eugene Debs incarcerated.
Immigration officer interrogates Goldman in
prison. Following visit, the Bureau of Immigration
privately concludes that there are no legal barriers to
Goldmans deportation. Anthony Caminetti, Com
missioner General of the Bureau of Immigration,
pursues policy for allowing her deportation.
Socialist Kate Richards OHare joins Goldman in
prison at the Jefferson City, Mo., penitentiary.
April 12
Benefit concert at Carnegie Halt for the League for
the Amnesty of Political Prisoners organized by
M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, Stella Ballantine, and Harry

Goldman receives a brief visit from Kate Richards
OHare, who is anticipating her incarceration for
violation of the Espionage Act.
Goldman notes that her mail is being monitored
by federal authorities.
Suffering from intense pain from the physical
hardship of her prison work, Goldman resorts to
paying her fellow inmates to help her reach the daily

German anarchist Gustav Landauer killed following
his arrest by a unit of the anti-revolutionary Freikorps.
Goldman emphatically rejects Reitmans request
to visit her in prison.

February 14
Catherine Brcshkovskaya testifies before the
Overman Subcommittee on Bolshevik propaganda.
Louise Bryant testifies on Feb. 20: states her belief
that Breshkovskaya is being manipulated by Russian
counter-revolutionists; remarks on Goldmans

May 9
Socialist Ella Reeve Bloor visits Goldman in prison.
Mail bombs purportedly sent to Attorney General A.
Mitchell Palmer and other prominent officials gain
media attention. Government agents wrongly
implicate Goldman and Berkman in the conspiracy.

Harry Weinberger appeals to the U.S. assistant
superintendent of prisons in Washington, D.C., to
assign Goldman to less physically demanding work.
Prison authorities agree to investigate the conditions.
Goldman responds to an anonymous editorial
published in the Liberator attacking the Russian

Goldman laments that nothing vital is being done lo
promote amnesty.
Goldman notes Kate Richard OHares ability to
influence much-needed prison reforms at the
Jefferson City penitentiary.




Goldman and other prisoners allowed for the first

time weekend picnics in the city park.
Frank Harris assists Goldman with planning a
public celebration to welcome her home.

Goldman and Berkman spend a few days in the
country to recuperate from harsh prison conditions
before they begin work to oppose their deportations.

June 27
Goldman celebrates her fiftieth birthday in prison.
Especially touched that William Shatoff sends her a
bouquet of flowers from Russia.

October 27
Goldman appears before immigration authorities at
Ellis Island to appeal her deportation order.
Dinner in honor of Goldman and Berkman is
sponsored by the Ferrer School and a committee of
supporters at the Hotel Brcvoort in New York City.
Margaret Scully, who will hold a job as Goldmans
secretary for a week, acts as a spy for the Lusk
Committee, submitting her first report detailing
events at the Hotel Brevoort celebration.

Much to Goldmans disappointment, an amnesty
conference scheduled to take place in Chicago
July 2-4 is canceled.
Kate Richards OHare begins to type Goldmans
weekly dictated letters.

October 28
Immigration officials question Goldman to determine
her citizenship status; Goldman claims U.S. citizen
ship from her marriage to Jacob A. Kersner.

August 29
Goldmans prison sentence for her primary conviction
ends; one-month sentence in lieu of paying her fine

October 31
Benefit theater performance in New York City raises
$500 for Goldman and Berkmans deportation fight.

September 12
Still in prison, Goldman is served a warrant for her
arrest and deportation; bond set at $15,000.

Early November
Violent raids of the homes of hundreds of suspected
radicals take place in New York City.

September 25
Underground anarchists bomb Communist headquar
ters in Moscow.

November 1
Goldman and Berkman send out a Lhrce-thousandpiece solicitation to raise support for political
prisoners, the fight against deportation of aliens, and
to announce their proposed lecture tour scheduled to
begin at the end of the month.

September 27
Goldmans term of imprisonment at Jefferson City
penitentiary expires; released on bail with orders for
deportation pending. Greeted in Jefferson City by
mobs of reporters, friends, and niece Stella
Ballantine, who accompanies her to Rochester.
Berkman released from Atlanta penitentiary on
Oct. 1.
Stops in Chicago to visit Reitman; meets his wife
and child.

November 17
Goldman speaks at a New York dinner organized byfriends of Kate Richards OHare.
November 23-26
Goldman and Berkman begin a short lecture tour in
Detroit; Nov. 23 event attended by fifteen hundred
people; Goldman claims that two thousand people had
to be turned away for lack of space. Large Jewish
audience attends a meeting on Nov. 25.

October 8
General strike called to demand Mooneys release
and amnesty for all political prisoners.
Bureau of Investigation Director J. Edgar
Hoover, in New York to review evidence collected
for Goldmans deportation, monitors protest rally that
night. In search of further evidence, Hoover person
ally inspects storage room leased by M. Eleanor
Fitzgerald and Reitman.

November 25
Department of Labor orders Berkmans deportation to
Russia. Goldmans deportation order follows on
Nov. 29.




Weinberger meets in Washington, D.C., with

immigration officials, including Anthony Caminetti
and Assistant Secretary of Labor Louis F. Post.

January 2 and 6
U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, in
coordination with Justice Department agent J. Edgar
Hoover and immigration commissioner Anthony
Caminetti, orders the arrest of approximately ten
thousand alien radicals.

November 29
Goldman and Berkman address an audience offortyfive hundred people in Chicago about their prison
experiences. The following day they address another
large crowd. Large benefit banquet takes place at the
Hotel Morrison in Chicago on Dec. 1. Goldman
describes the Detroit and Chicago meetings as
among the most inspiring in our public career.

January 17
S.S. Buford lands at Hango, Finland. On Jan. 19, the
deportees are met at the Russo-Finnish border by
Russian representatives and received warmly at a
mass meeting of soldiers and peasants in Belo-Ostrov.

December 5
Goldman and Berkman detained at Ellis island.

Goldman and Berkman settle in Petrograd where they
renew their friendships with William Sbatoff, now
working as Commissar of Railroads, and John Reed.
Meet with Grigory Zinoviev, director of the Soviet
Executive Committee, and briefly with Maxim Gorki
at his home in Petrograd.
Attend a conference of anarchists, including
Baltic factor}'' workers and Kronstadt sailors, who
echo criticisms of the Bolsheviks voiced by Left
Social Revolutionaries and others who have paid
visits to Goldman and Berkman in this period.

December 8
Goldman and Berkman appear in federal court before
Judge Julius M. Mayer, who declares that as aliens,
they have no constitutional rights. They remain in
detention at Ellis island.
December 9
Goldman and Berkman send a mass appeal for
political and financial support.
December 10
U.S, Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis declines
to overrule the lower courts decision in Goldman and
Berkmans case,

February 7
Death of Goldmans sister Helena Zodikow

December 15
Soviet representative Ludwig C. A. K. Martens writes
to Goldman and Berkman at Ellis Island, assuring
them of their right to travel and speak freely in

Goldman and Berkman travel to Moscow where they
meet with Bolshevik leaders, including Alexandra
Kollontai, Commissar for Public Welfare; Anatoly
Lunacharsky, Commissar for Education; Angelica
Balubanoff, Secretary of the Third international; and
Grigory Chieherin, Assistant Commissar lor Foreign
After attending a conference of Moscow anar
chists, Goldman and Berkman are granted a meeting
with Lenin on March 8 where they express concern
about the suppression of dissent and the lack of press
freedom and propose the establishment of a Russian
society for American freedom independent of the
Third International. Protests of the arrest and

December 19
Goldman and Berkman send a farewell letter to their
December 21
At dawn, Goldman, Berkman, and 247 radical aliens
set sail on the S.S. Buford, bound for Russia.




Trotskys threatened execution of anarchist V. M.

Eikhenbaum (Volin) lead to his transfer to Butyrki
prison in Moscow and later his release.
Goldman and Bcrkman travel to Dmitrov to meet
with Peter Kropotkin.

May 5
Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo
Vanzetti are arrested in Brockton, Mass., in connec
tion with a payroll robbery and the murder of two
payroll employees.

Goldman and Berkman return to Petrograd to secure
work in support of the revolution.
Ninth Congress of the All-Russian Communist
party is held in Moscow; militarization of labor stirs
much debate.

May 10
U.S. immigration act passed, authorizing the deporta
tion of all radical aliens convicted under the war
statutes and certified as ''undesirable residents."
Goldman nurses Joint Reed, in poor health following
his release from a two-month prison term in Finland
for unauthorized travel.
Goldman tours two legendary Czarisl prisons;
shocked to discover that many members of the
intelligentsia had been routinely executed following
the October Revolution.
John Claytons interview with Goldman is
published in several American newspapers, attributing
lo her a blunt criticism o f the Bolshevik regime and a
longing to return to the United States. To refute the
claim that Goldman and Berkman oppose the Soviet
government, Stella Ball anti ne releases a letter written
by Goldman the previous month to demonstrate their
support for the Bolsheviks.

Goldman and Berkman, frustrated with the Bolshevik
leaders pettiness and gross mismanagement, express
dissatisfaction with their work assignments.
Goldman tours Soviet factories in Petrograd with
journalist John Clayton of the Chicago Tribune, who
previously interviewed her upon her arrival in
Finland. Leams firsthand of the poor conditions and
dissatisfaction among the workers.
Goldman and Berkman meet with members of the
first British Labor Mission; dine with British philoso
pher Bertrand Russell, an unofficial member of the
delegation. Through Russell, they meet American
journalist He my Alsberg.
Two Ukrainian anarchists, recently released from
a Bolshevik prison, meet with Goldman and Berkman
to inform them about the persecution of the revolu
tionary' peasants movement led by anarchist Nestor
As she learns more about Bolshevik misdeeds,
Goldman becomes reluctant to obtain a position
directly accountable to the Bolshevik regime. She
and Berkman finally agree to work for the Petrograd
Museum of the Revolution because the extensive
traveling will give them an opportunity to study
Russian conditions with the least interference from
the Bolsheviks.
Goldman protests the unjust imprisonment of two
teenage anarchist girls to the chief of the Petrograd
Following a period of unsuccessful peace
negotiations with Russia and buoyed by support from
France and the United States, the Polish army
occupies Kiev, eliciting a military response from the
Soviets through June and July.

June 30
Goldman and Berkman travel to Moscow to collect
permits necessary for their museum expedition
through Russia to gather historical material.
Goldman and Berkman meet with many foreign
delegates, including European and Scandinavian
anarcho-syndicalists, in Moscow for the Second
Congress of the Third International; they inform the
delegates about Bolshevik imprisonment of anarchists
and other revolutionaries.
Meet Maria Spiridonova, leader of the Left
Social Revolutionaries and former political prisoner
under the Czar. They find Spiridonova, critical of the
Bolshevik regime, living in disguise to avoid further
Meet again with Kropotkin.
July 15-Augtist 6
Eight-member museum expedition, including Henry
Alsberg, travels through the Ukraine. Goldman given
responsibility for collecting maierials from education,




health, social welfare, and labor bureaus. Though

they discover alarming poverty and overt criticism of
the Bolshevik regime, they are hesitant to condemn
publicly the Soviet experiment until they have the
opportunity to gather more evidence.
Travel to Kursk, a large industrial center. In
Kharkov they meet a number of anarchists they had
worked with in the United States, including Aaron
and Tanya Baron, Mark Mratchny, and Senya Fleshin.
four factories, a concentration camp, and a prison,
where they meet an anarchist political prisoner.
Receive plea to aid Nestor Makhnos movement, but
are reluctanl to discontinue their work with the

August 30

Henry' Alsberg is arrested traveling from Kiev to

Odessa with the museum expedition; authorities claim
he is traveling without permission. Goldman and
Berkman protest the arrest by immediately sending
telegrams to Lenin and Chicherin; no response
received. Alsberg is temporarily detained while the
expedition travels on.
Expedition stops in Odessa; advancement of Polish
troops prevents them from traveling further.
In Odessa, Goldman meets with local officials
and again polls members of the Jewish community
about their experience with and views about antiSemitism, Meets the famous Jewish poet Hayyim
Nahman Bialik.
Attends a gathering of anarchists in Odessa.

In Poltava they meet with the leader of the
Revkom, a non-soviet ruling body. Meet the Russian
writer Vladimir Korolenko who speaks to them about
his disenchantment with the Bolsheviks. Also meet
with local Zionists who, although critical of antiSemitism of the Bolsheviks, report no evidence of
Bolshevik pogroms against the Jews.
In Faslov they collect historical materials on
pogroms, including the Sept. 1919 pogroms led by
General Denikin of the White Army.
During this period the Polish army gains strength,
beginning a counteroffensive against the Bolsheviks.

Late September
On the way to Kiev, Berkman is robbed of a large
amount of his and Goldmans savings.
Expedition spends a few days in panic-stricken
Kiev as residents brace for a potential attack by Polish
Reports in the United States and Europe continue to
attribute to Goldman a negative view of the Bolshe
viks; though she privately acknowledges Bolshevik
wrongdoings, she denies all published accounts and
refuses to grant any interviews.
Makhnos defeat of Baron Peter Wrangel, the last
of the White Army generals, wins him temporary
good favor from the Bolsheviks.
Russias armistice with Poland concedes substan
tial territory to Poland.
Kropotkin and Gorki protest Soviet plan to halt
all private publishing establishments.
Maria Spiridonova arrested.

Late August

Visit Kiev, where the majority of the population is

Jewish. Find valuable material on the Denikin
pogroms; interview local Jews whose views on
Bolshevik anti-Semitism differ.
Goldman tours local health facilities, including
the Jewish hospital and the hospital for disabled
children; also visits the local anarchist center.
With other members of the museum expedition,
Goldman attends lavish functions held in honor of a
visiting Italian and French delegation; meets two
French anarcho-syndicalists one of whom is preparing
a manuscript exposing Bolshevik wrongdoings. Later
they are reported to have drowned off the coast of
Finland; manuscript never published.
Goldman and Berkman visited by two women
representing Makhno, who requests again that they
aid him by circulating his call to the international
community, They determine it is too risky to meet
wiLh him in person as he has proposed.

October 17
Death of John Reed.
When Goldman arrives in Moscow a few days
later, she consoles Reeds wife, Louise Bryant.
Goldman postpones her return trip to Peirograd to
attend Reeds funeral in Moscow on Oct. 23.
Late October
Goldman returns to Petrograd with museum expedi
tion to deposit the historical material they collected.




Following the Red Armys killing of Makhnos
commanders in the Crimea, Trotsky orders an attack
on Makhnos headquarters; Makhno manages to
escape, eventually reaching Paris where he lives in
exile. Trotsky orders the arrest and imprisonment of
Russian anarchist Volin.

Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, the Soviet

governments representative in the United Slates, is
deported; Goldman expresses no interest in seeing
him in Russia.
Goldman returns to Petrograd. When alerted to
Kropotkins deteriorating condition, she promptly
returns to Moscow,

November 7
Goldman attends the third anniversary of the October
Revolution in Petrograd, in her estimation more like
the funeral than the birth of the Revolution.

February 8
Goldman arrives in Dmitrov shortly after Kropotkins
On Feb. 13, Goldman, among others, delivers a
public remembrance at Kropotkins funeral in
Moscow. Soviet leaders release only a handful of
anarchist political prisoners following an appeal to
allow all incarcerated anarchists to attend the cer
Later, Goldman and Berkman decide to discon
tinue their work with the Petrograd Museum of the
Revolution in order to accept an invitation to partici
pate in the organizing committee of a museum
honoring Kropotkin, independent of Soviet financing
and oversight.

November 28
Goldman travels north with Berkman and another
member of the museum expedition to Archangel.
The San Francisco Examiner publishes an
unauthorized account of Goldmans experience in
Russia, quoting from a series of letters it claims were
written by Goldman to John Reed; the letters were in
actuality written by Goldman to her niece Stella
In Archangel the expedition collects leftist and
anarchist underground publications produced during
the rule of the Czar. Also obtains letters written by
Nicholas Chaikovsky from the period of his provi
sional government leadership.
Goldman favorably impressed with tire efficiency
and integrity of Bolshevik operations in Archangel.

Goldman receives permission to visit anarchist
prisoners at Butyrki prison; among others, sees Fanya
and Aaron Baron and Volin.
Goldman and Berkman return to Petrograd.
Goldman prepares articles about Kropotkins
death for the Nation and the Manchester Guardian;
rejects offer to write about Soviet Russia for the New
York World.

Late December
Museum expedition returns to Petrograd.

March 1-17
Krondstadl uprising in support of striking Petrograd
factory workers; sailors demand democratic election
of Soviet representatives. Goldman attends March 4
meeting of the Petrograd Soviet, which votes to
accept Zinovievs proposal to force the surrender of
Krondstadt sailors upon penalty of death.

January 20
Goldman and Berkman leave Petrograd for Moscow
to prepare for second journey with the museum
expedition; they stay with Angelica Balabanoff, head
of the Russo-Italian bureau. Goldman offers to nurse
Peter Kropotkin when she learns he is very ill.

March 5
Goldman, Berkman, and several others send a letter
of protest to Zinoviev, proposing a commission to
settle the dispute with the Krondstadt sailors peace
fully; no response received.

During an especially harsh winter, workers from
several Petrograd factories strike to protest unbear
able shortages of food, fuel, and clothing; Soviet
authorities suppress street demonstrations.

March 7
Trotsky orders the artillery bombardment of




Goldman and Berkman meeL regularly with the

European and Scandinavian anarcho-syndicalists,
delegates to the international congresses.
l'he Cheka raids Goldmans Moscow apartment.
Goldman and Berkman renew their friendship
with Vera Figner, a leader of the Narodnaya Volya
(Peoples Will) movement.

Feeling that their last tie to the Bolsheviks has

been broken, Goldman and Berkman decide to leave
Russia and alert the world to what they have wit
Goldman and Berkman return to Moscow determined
to cut off all relations with the Bolshevik government.
Plan to request permission to leave the country;
prepared to exit secretly if necessary.
Agree to appeal to anarchists in the United States
for funds to support the Kropotkin Museum.
Goldman accompanies Louise Bryant to meet
Stanislavsky, the father of the modem Russian

Goldman and Berkman persuade some of the foreign
delegates, including Tom Mann, to protest the
imprisonment of Volin, G. P. Maksimov, and other
anarchists who have begun a hunger strike. A
delegation meets with Lenin on July 9; Lenin is only
willing to deport the anarchists, upon penalty of death
if they return to Russia. Offer is accepted and hunger
strike is terminated on July 13. Goldman notes that
the American Communists remain silent on the issue
and distance themselves from association with the
Goldman attempts also to convince delegates to
pressure the Soviet authorities to allow Maria
Spiridonova to obtain medical treatment overseas.
Meets with German socialist Clara Zetkin.
Spiridonova is eventually released from prison.

April 17
Mew York Times publishes excerpts from a letter from
Goldman to her niece Stella Ballantine disclaiming
Dec. 1920 reports by American businessman Wash
ington B. Vanderlip that Goldman had requested he
use his influence to gain her return to the United
Late April
Goldman and Berkman alerted about the April 25
Soviet night raid of the Butyrki prison intended to
break prisoner solidarity; Fanya Baron is among those
relocated. Soviets attempt to repress all political
protests of the raid. Goldman helps collect food
provisions for the starving anarchist prisoners.
In light of Soviet constraints on independent
political expression, Goldman and Berkman postpone
efforts to organize support for the Kropotkin Mu

Lenins New Economic Policy begins, a pragmatic
retreat from communist economic principles in favor
of market mechanisms to stave off discontent.
Goldman visits briefly with the millionaire Ameri
can hobo James Eads Mow, who, she believes, does
not have the ability to make a worthwhile assessment
of the situation in Russia. Goldman disappointed bymost published accounts of events in Russia, includ
ing reports by Louise Bryant.

Goldman and Berkman begin to receive visits from
many foreign delegates in Russia for the International
Congress of the Third International; visitors include
Americans Bill Haywood, Agnes Smcdlcy, Boh
Robins, Mary Heaton Vorse, Ella Reeve Bloor,
William Z. Foster, and Robert Minor. Goldman
disparaging of Haywoods flight from the United
States; compares his action to a captain leaving the
ship, abandoning feliow IW W members who remain

September 29
Fanya Baron and nine other anarchist prisoners,
including the poet Lev Tcherny, are shot to death by
the Cheka.
Isadora Duncan, sympathetic to the Soviets, attempts
to meet with Goldman.

Berkman sustains a foot injury, delaying their
departure from Russia.



December 1
Under the pretext of representing the Kropotkin
Museum at an anarchist conference in Berlin,
Goldman, Berk man, and Alexander Schpiro are
authorized to leave Russia.


Finally obtaining temporary German visas, Goldman
and Berkman travel to Berlin.
Arthur Svensson joins Goldman and Berkman in
Berlin. Later, her niece Stella Ballantine visits with
six-year-old son Ian.
Develops friendship with anarchist theorist
Rudolf Rocker and his wife, Milly, with whom she
had begun to correspond while in Russia.
Goldman begins work on book-length manuscript
with the intended title My Two Years in Russia.

Early December
Goldman and Berkman settle in Riga, Latvia. Write
to Harry Weinberger about chances of getting back
into the United States. Allowed only a temporary visa
in Latvia, they seek entry to either Germany or
Goldman distressed that she and Berkman depart
Russia just days before tine arrival of Mollie Stcimer,
Jacob Abrams, Samuel Lipman, and Hyman
Lachowsky, deported from the United States on

Goldman completes her manuscript and sells the
rights to her book to Clinton P. Brainard; receives
$1750 in advance against royalties and 50 percent for
serial rights.
Ends relationship with Arthur Svensson.

Nov. 24.

December 14
Goldman and Berkman granted Swedish visas.
December 22
On the train to Reval, Estonia, Goldman and Berkman
are arrested by the Latvian secret sendee; accused of
being Bolshevik agents. Detained for several days,
preventing them from attending the anarchist congress
in Berlin.

November 21
Ricardo Flores Magn dies in Leavenworth Peniten



Visits Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld at the institute for Sex
Psychology in Berlin.

Goldman, Berkman, and Alexander Schapiro arrive in
Stockholm, Sweden, and are met by birth-control
advocates Albert and Elise Jensen; Goldman becomes
lover with thirty-year-old Swedish anarchist Arthur
Svensson shortly after arrival.
Volin, Maksimov, and other hunger strikers are
deported from Russia; resettle in Berlin.

Goldman travels to cities throughout Germany,
including Stuttgart, Frankfurt, and Bremerhaven.
Anti-German sentiment in the United States
makes it difficult for Goldman to earn a living writing
topical articles for the American press.
Travels to Bad Leibenstein in Thringen for niece
Stella Ballantines eye treatment with Dr. Graf M.
Wiser; Goldman writes an article about the doctor's
unorthodox therapy, which is later published in a
Calcutta magazine.
Goldman notified that her manuscript on Russia
has been sold to Doubleday, Page and Company.
Receives visits from many American friends,
including M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, Ellen Kerman,
Michael Cohn, Henry Alsberg, and Agnes Smedlcy.

Goldman and Svensson fail in their attempt to
surreptitiously enter Denmark.
March 26-April 4
The New York World publishes a series of controver
sial articles by Goldman exposing the harsh political
and economic conditions in Russia.




April 24
Goldman howled down during a meeting of rive
thousand workers in Berlin when she criticizes the
Soviet government. Goldman warned about the
consequences of expressing further criticism of the
Soviet Republic.

July 9

Mollie Stcimer and Senya Fleshin are arrested in

Russia for propagating anarchism; released soon after
they begin a hunger strike.
July 24
Goldmans mother, Taube, dies in Rochester. N.Y.

Following her expulsion from Moscow, Angelica
Balabanoff initiates correspondence with Goldman.


Goldman and her niece Stella are arrested by the

Bavarian police following their arrival in Munich.
Police allege that Goldman conducted a secret
mission in 1893 (during the period when she was
imprisoned at Blackwells Island). Both are ordered
to leave Bavaria. Stella later returns to the United

July 26-27
Leaving Berkman in Berlin, Goldman travels to the
Netherlands; speaks at the eelebration organized by
Dutch anti-militarist Ferdinand Domela Nieuwenhuis
for the twentieth anniversary of the International
Anti-Militarist Association.

Following Lheir deportation from Russia, Mollie
Steinter and Senya Fleshin join Goldman and
Berkman in Berlin.

Enters France from Germany under the name E. G.
Kersner; visits a number of friends in Paris, including
Harry Weinberger and Frank and Nellie Harris.
Meets Arthur Leonard Ross who she later hires as her
attorney. Meets Ernest Hemingway at a party given
by English novelist Ford Madox Ford.

Goldmans manuscript published under the title My
Disillusionment in Russia-, the last twelve chapters
have been cut without her permission. Weinberger
negotiates the dispute on Goldmans behalf; wins
agreement from publisher to print the remaining
chapters in a separate volume with the stipulation that
Goldman pay for the printing costs, for which she
secures a loan from Michael Cohn.

Leaves Paris for London where she hopes to find it
easier to earn a living. Resides at the home of Doris
Goldmans closest associates in London include
John Turner, Thomas H. Kecll, and William C.

Meets with British author Rebecca West.

January 15-16
Goldman travels to Hamburg.

Goldman travels to Dresden before returning to

The twelve chapters omitted from Goldmans book on
Russia are published separately with a new preface as
My Further Disillusionment in Russia.
Among Goldmans speaking engagements is a
talk before the American Students Club at Oxford

Goldman is unable to solicit writing contracts with
European and American magazines; finds that
mainstream magazines are interested only in her
experience in Russia, thus thwarting her attempts to
earn a living.

November 12
In London, a reception for Goldman is sponsored by
Bertrand Russell, Rebecca West, and socialist and
sexual theorist Edward Carpenter; presided over by
Col. Josiah Wedgewood, M.P. Her views on Russia
are met with vocal protests.

January 21
Lenin dies.




Boni and Liveright publishes Berkmans The
Bolshevik Myth in New York.
In an attempt to refute the report of the British
trade union delegation, Goldman and her comrades
as the British Committee for the Defence of Political
Prisoners in Russiapublish a pamphlet, Russia and
the British Labour Delegation's Report: A Reply.
Goldman continues speaking on conditions in the
Soviet Union with a lecture at South Place Institute on
April 16, An Exposure of the Trade Union
Delegations Report on Russia; she delivers a second
lecture in London on April 27.

Writes an article on Russia for the New York HeraldNew York Tribune Sunday edition.

In London, Goldman continues her efforts to expose
the Bolsheviks as betrayers of the revolution and
violators of civil liberties, a task made more difficult
and more urgent by the return of a British trade union
delegation that reports favorably on conditions in the
Soviet Union.

April 19-29

Goldman fills speaking engagements in Norwich,

Leeds, and Manchester with lectures on Soviet

January 29
Goldman lectures on The Bolshevik Myth and the
Condition of the Political Prisoners at South Place
Institute, London, her first public meeting in England
at which she denounces the Bolsheviks, prompting
vocal protests from some members of the audience.

in Bristol, Goldman lectures on Labour under the
Dictatorship in Russia at the YM.CA on May 1. and
on Heroic Women of the Russian Revolution at the
Folk House on May 4.
At the end of the month she meets in the same
week with Edward Carpenter and Havelock Ellis, two
writers she admires for their pioneering work on
Time and Tide (London) publishes her article,
Women of the Russian Revolution.

Goldman and her political associates organize the
British Committee for the Defence of Political
Prisoners in Russia, The committee solicits support
from celebrities and organizes a conference of trade
union branch secretaries to discuss conditions in the
Soviet Union. Many political figures and intellectuals
are alienated by Goldmans stand, though novelist
Rebecca West and publisher C. W. Daniel remain her
stalwart supporters.
Goldman lectures on the Soviet Union at a
meeting in the East End of London on Feb. 26.

Discouraged by the public response to her lectures on
Russia and with little enthusiasm left among the
active members of the committee, Goldman focuses
on her own precarious financial situation. During the
summer she writes lectures on drama, hoping to reach
British drama societies, and, at the same time, tries to
interest London producers in American plays.

Goldmans lectures on conditions in the Soviet Union
include two in Londonin Islington on March 6 and
the East End on March 17and one at Northampton
Town Hall.
At the end of the month she gives three lectures
on Heroic Women of the Russian Revolution, and
The Bolshevik Myth in the Amman Valley, a series
organized by the South Wales Freedom Group.

June 27

On her birthday, Goldman marries James Colton, an

elderly anarchist friend and trade unionist from
Wales, in order to obtain British citizenship and the
right to travel and speak more widely.

March 4
Goldman convenes an informal meeting in London of
branch secretaries of trade unions to discuss condi
tions in Russia.

Time and Tide publishes Goldmans article, The
Tragedy of the Russian Intelligentsia.




November 12-December 17
Goldman repeats her lecture series on Russian drama
at Keats House, Hampstead, London; despite excel
lent publicity, her lectures draw only a small audience
and receipts barely cover her expenses. Publisher C.
W. Daniel, however, considers issuing a book of her
lectures on Russian dramatists and supplies a stenog
rapher to record them.
In East London, Goldman repeats the lecture
series on Russian drama in Yiddish.

Goldman spends two weeks vacationing in

Bristol, where friends propose that she deliver a series
of lectures on Russian drama in the fall and offer to
raise die initial expenses.
Goldman spends most of die month in the British
Museum reading Russian dramatists in preparation
for her upcoming lectures.
M. Eleanor Fitzgerald, Goldmans close associate
from New York, visits at the end of the month and
through her Goldman meets African-American singer
and actor Paul Robeson, who is starring in Eugene
ONeills The Emperor Jones in London.
Prompted by a publishers fleeting interest in a
book of reminiscences, Goldman begins asking her
correspondents to send her the letters she had written
them over the years.

November 21-22
Goldman speaks twice-once on birth controlunder
the auspices of the Trades and Labour Council in
Neath, South Wales.
December 20
After the lecture series ends, Goldman leaves for
France where she spends the holidays in Nice at the
home of Frank and Nellie Harris.

The one-volume English edition of My Disillusion
ment in Russia, with an introduction by Rebecca
West, is published by C. W. Daniel of London;
Goldman has borrowed $250 from Michael Cohn to
underwrite its publication,
Through the British Drama League Goldman
solicits lecture dates from 250 affiliated local playgo
ers societies.
Continues her reading of Russian dramatists in
the British Museum.

Goldman remains in Nice for most of the month,
finishing a prospectus for Foremost Russian Drama
tists, a book based on her lectures, for which she
hopes to receive an advance from Doubleday, Page
and Company. Berkman is also in Nice, helping
Isadora Duncan edit her autobiography.
Goldman leaves for Paris Jan. 25.

In the middle of the month Goldman travels to Bristol
fora lecture series; she also delivers individual
lectures, including one at exiled American pastor
Gustav Becks church on Trends in Modem Educa

Goldman works at the Bibliothque Nationale
researching lectures on Ibsen; at the same time she
writes a character sketch of Johann Most for the June
issue of American Mercury. She returns to England
Feb. 27.
Berkman receives temporary permission to stay
in France.

October 19-November 5
Goldman teaches a six-lecture course on Russian
drama at Oakfield Road Church, Bristol,
October 30-31
Attends British Drama League conference in Bir

After returning to England, Goldman delivers a
number of lectures in Bristol on drama, especially
Ibsens plays; she also travels to Liverpool in midMarch to lecture on drama.

November 1-9
Goldman lectures on drama in Birmingham, Bath, and
Birkenhead, and in Manchester delivers her first
lecture on Eugene ONeill.




October 31
Goldman gives her first lecture in Montreal before an
audience of seven hundred at Ills Majestys Theatre
on The Present Crisis in Russia.

March 25-April 29
Goldman returns to London for a series of six lectures
on dramatists, including ONeill, Ibsen, Susan
Glaspell, and the German expressionists; she also
delivers the same lectures in Yiddish as well as
lecturing on Yiddish drama, and on political topics,
such as The Menace of Dictatorship: Bolshevist or
Fascist, with British feminist Sylvia Pankhurst and
William C. Owen at Essex Hall on April 14.

Most of the remaining lectures in Montreal are in
Yiddish; Goldman focuses on raising funds for
political prisoners in Russia, an impassioned appeal at
one banquet yields $300.
Travels to Toronto on Nov. 26, where she finds
the anarchists more numerous and better organized
than in Montreal.

Goldman continues her work for political prisoners in
Russia, focusing her efforts on imprisoned women;
enlists the support of influential women politicians
like Lady Astor.
Ben Reitman and his family visit Goldman in
Goldman lectures in Norwich on April 8.

November 29
Goldman lectures on Ibsen to an audience of five
hundred at Hygeia Hall; the interest shown persuades
her to initiate a series on drama.


Goldmans lectures on Russian drama cover
Griboyedov, Gogol, and Ostrovsky, though the
attendance is disappointing.
More successful arc her three lectures to the
Arbeiter Ring: six hundred attend her Dec. 12 lecture
in Yiddish on Gorki. In addition, she lectures twice at
Hygeia Hall, on modern education on Dec. 3 and on
the dictatorships of Bolshevik Russia and Fascist Italy
on Dec. 5.
Among her visitors are her brother Morris, her
sister Lena, and Lenas children, Saxe Commins and
Stella Ballantine.

The British genera] strike is called off by the Trades

Union Congress after nine days, though the coal

miners remain out through the summer.
Goldman returns to France and with Berkman rents a
cottage in St. Tropez, where she finishes her manu
script on Foremost Russian Dramatists and writes a
sketch of Voltairine de Cleyre.
Friends and political associates in the United
States raise money for Goldman to visit Canada to
During the summer American visitors, including
authors Howard Young and Theodore Dreiser and
philanthropist Peggy Guggenheim, encourage
Goldman to write her autobiography.

Goldman concludes her lecture series in Toronto on
Russian dramatists with talks on Turgenev, Tolstoy,
Chekhov, and Andreyev; she also goes to London,
Ontario, to lecture on Communist and Fascist
dictatorships on Jan. 7. After Leon Maimed visits
briefly, at the end of the month she travels to
Winnipeg to lecture.

Goldman sails for Canada, where she arrives Oct. 15,
to lecture; proximity rekindles her hope for readmis
sion to the United States.
Shortly after Goldmans arrival, Leon Maimed,
her longtime friend from Albany, N.Y., visits and
they become lovers.
October 20
Eugene Debs dies.

January 27-30
Goldmans first two lectures in Winnipeg draw large
audiences: a Yiddish lecture attracts four hundred,
and a thousand attend an English lecture on The
Labor Situation in Europe.




A fund is established to support Goldman while

she writes her autobiography; Peggy Guggenheim and
Howard Young are among the first contributors, and
W. S. Van Valkenburgh coordinates an appeal to raise

Goldman discovers that Communist influence is
stronger and opposition to her is more organized in
Winnipeg than in other cities. Nonetheless, she
speaks nearly twenty times to large and varied
audiences during her month in the city, including
Yiddish groups, a group of college women, even the
local Kiwanis Club (on ideals in Life); among her
topics are drama, anarchism, birth control, and
women and the Russian revolution.

Goldman spends much of the summer researching and
writing new lectures for her fall series. She is greatlydistracted, however, by the impending execution of
Sacco and Vanzetti. She addresses a meeting on the
case in Toronto on Aug. 18, a few days before their
execution on Aug. 23. Goldman speaks at a memorial
meeting on Sept. 1.

March 3-11
in Edmonton, where Goldman expects to give just
two lectures, she addresses fifteen meetings in a
week, speaking on trends in modem education, Ibsen,
birth control, womens emancipation (to the Womens
Press Club); she speaks to factory girls during their
lunch hour and to large Jewish audiences under the
auspices of the Jewish Council of Women, the
Arbeiter Ring, Hadassah, and Poale Zion, as well as
to professors at the University of Alberta and a

October 11-December 8
Goldmans ambitious lecture series at Hygeia Hall,
Toronto, consists of eighteen lectures and covers
drama as well as social and literary' topics, including
the plays of Shaw, Galsworthy, and Ibsen, Walt
Whitman, Crime and Punishment, The Menace of
Military Preparedness," Evolution versus Religious
Bigotry, The Child and Its Enemies, SexA
Dominant Element in Life and Art, and 1las
Feminism Achieved its Aim?
The audiences for her lectures are disappointing,
and Goldman determines to return to Europe in die
new' year and begin writing her autobiography.

Sunday audience of fifteen hundred.

March 18
Goldman returns to Toronto.
March 24-April 26
Goldmans English-language lecture series in Toronto
covers social topics as well as drama, including plays
of Susan Glaspell, Eugene ONeill, and Russian
drama. She also researches a new lecture on The
Awakening in China, which draws eight hundred
people. After protests from the Catholic community,
Goldman delivers the final lecture of the series, on
birth control, to a packed hall.
She also lectures in Yiddish on the history of
anarchism and on art and revolution.

Family members visit Canada from the United Slates
to see Goldman before she departs for France; a
farewell banquet is held in her honor on Jan. 29.
As she anticipates writing the autobiography,
Goldman asks a wider circle of friends to loan her her
past correspondence to refresh her memory.

Goldman gives a May Day lecture in Toronto on The
Spirit of Destruction and Construction.
Her drama lecture course covers Russian theater,
Strindberg, and the German expressionists.
Also lectures on China in London, Ontario.
Leon Malmeds wife discovers his correspon
dence with Goldman, revealing their relationship, and
the intensity of Goldmans tie to him wanes.

On Feb. 7, in her final appearance in Toronto,
Goldman lectures on two books by Judge Ben
Lindsey, The Revolt o f Youth and Companionate
On Feb. 9, Goldman travels to Montreal, where
she gives two lectures in Yiddishon birth control
and on art and revolutionand one on Walt Whitman
delivered in a private home. She leaves Montreal on
Feb, 18 for Halifax, Nova Scotia, where she embarks
for France on Feb. 20.



m o

Goldman takes time out of her busy writing

schedule to celebrate her sixtieth birthday on June 27
with Berkman and visiting American friends Ben and
Ida Capes.
American publishers express interest in
Goldmans autobiography; eight of them make offers.

In Paris, Goldman is reunited with old friends and
comrades, including Berk man, Mollie Steimer, and
Scnya Fleshin. She arranges to rent the same collage
in St. Tropez that she had in the summer of 1926, and
makes a brief excursion to London in May to pick up
material site had left two years earlier.
Goldman tries to organize a small gathering of
anarchist writers and theoreticians in Paris in May to
discuss the future of anarchism and especially its
propaganda, circulating an agenda and soliciting
comments. Though the meeting does not occur as
planned, Goldman is gratified that the effort generates
ideas and discussion.

1.awyer Arthur Leonard Ross and Saxe Commins act
as Goldmans representatives in New York, negotiat
ing the terms of the book contract with publisher
Alfred A. Knopf.
As Goldman writes, she continues to ask friends
to corroborate her memory of events and furnish
details of personalities; some of her former acquain
tances, however, request to be omitted from her book.

Goldman settles in St. Tropez to write her autobiogra
phy; a young American writer Emily Holmes
Coleman, Demi, acts as her secretary.
Rudolf and Milly Rocker spend much of the

September 30
Goldmans representatives sign a book contract with
Knopf; she receives an advance of $7,000.

summer with Goldman in St. Tropez.

Bv October she has written 100,000 words.

A slow decline in stock prices accelerates dramati
cally; on Oct. 29Black Tuesdaythe slock market
crashes, precipitating the Great Depression.
By mid-month Goldman has reached 1915 in the
narrative of her life.
At the end of the month Goldman moves to Paris
for the winter to continue work on her autobiography;
British friend Doris Zhook acts as her secretary.

December 14-30
Goldman, accompanied by Henry Alsberg and Otto
Kleinberg, vacations in Spain; in Barcelona, she
meets anarchist intellectuals Federico Urales and
Soledad Gustavo, and their daughter Federica

.1anuary-Fchru ary
After two weeks in Paris, Goldman returns to St.
Tropez, where she lea ms that friends, principally
Peggy Guggenheim and Mark Dix, have contributed
enough money to help her purchase the cottage and
ensure her a place to live and write.
Goldman returns to working full-time on her
autobiography, interrupted only by the visit in
February of her nephew Saxe Commins and his wife

In Paris for the winter, Goldman continues writing;
Berkman, who lives nearby in St. Cloud, helps edit
her manuscript.
Goldman mails the first installment of her
autobiography to Knopf.
American journalist and editor H. L. Mencken
visits Goldman.
Presented with an expulsion order dating from March
1901, Goldman is taken immediately to police
headquarters. She demands and receives a stay often
days; lawyer Henri 'Forres ultimately succeeds in
overturning the expulsion order.

Goldman is completely absorbed in writing her book,
though the departure in May of Emily Holmes
Coleman, whose assistance and companionship have
been invaluable, is disruptive; eventually her friends
daughter Miriam Lerner serves as secretary through
the summer.




On Nov. 21,450 people attend a fund-raising

banquet for Berkman in New York City to celebrate
his sixtieth birthday.

Mencken petitions the U.S. Department of State

to revoke Goldmans deportation and grant her a
visitors visa, and requests that the Department of
Justice return her personal papers seized in the 1917
raid on the Mother Earth office.

Stella Ballantine and her son David join Goldman in
St. Tropez.

Goldman sends the publisher what she assumes is the
last installment of her autobiographyconcluding
with her deportation from the United States aboard
the Bufordbut Knopf insists on additional chapters
covering her years in Russia and Europe.

Goldman finishes her autobiography, Living My Life,
having written 100,000 words since she began the last
two chapters in July 1930.

May 1
Berkman is arrested and expelled from France the
same day; spends next three weeks in Antwerp and
Brussels, applying for a new French visa. Both
French attorney Toitcs and French deputy Pierre
Renaudel work for Berkmans readmission.
By the end of the month Berkmans expulsion is
revoked, and he is promised a three-month renewable
visa for France.

Ben Reitmans The Second Oldest Profession, a study
of pimps, is published.
Goldman, Stella Ballantine, and her son David
vacation in Nice; Goldman catches up on her much
delayed correspondence. Berkman, now living in
Nice, contemplates opening a typing and translation

Goldman travels to Bad Eilsen, Germany, for
treatment of her eyes by Dr. Graf M. Wiser; she is
visited by Danish novelist Karin Michael is. Goldman
then vacations in Berlin.

Fall of the monarchy in Spain. Many anarchists,
including some of Goldmans closest associates, are
enthusiastic about the prospects for anarchism there,
while Goldman remains skeptical.

Returns to St. Tropez; pleased with the editors
revisions of her manuscript, she begins work on the
two final chapters.

Goldman learns that, despite the dreadful economic
situation, Knopf intends to publish Living My Life in
two volumes at what she considers an exorbitant

Knopf postpones publication of Goldmans autobiog
raphy until the fail of 1931.
Eunice M, Schuster, writing a Masters thesis on
anarchism, asks Goldman for information and
assistance; Goldman encourages comradesW. S.
Van Valkenburgh, Hippolyte Havel, MaxNettlau, and
anarchist publisher Joseph ishillto assist Schuster;
her thesis is published in 1932 as Native American
Anarchism, one of the earliest studies of American

May 17
Goldman is included in John Haynes Holmess
sermon in New York on The Ten Greatest Living
May 18
Together in St. Tropez, Goldman and Berkman
celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of his release
from prison.

November 8
Berkman, denied renewal of his visa once again, is
given fifteen days to leave France; by mid-month he
receives another three-month extension.



i 932

At the end of September, Berk man gels an

extension of his papers to Dec. 21.

May 30
The Forward, a Yiddish socialist daily in New York,
begins serialization of Goldmans autobiography;
Goldman is dissatisfied with both the translation and
editor Abraham Cahans introductory reminiscence of

Unable to bear the thought of being alone at Bon
Esprit, Goldman begins considering where she will
spend the winter and what she will do after the
publication of her autobiography. She hopes to
arrange a lecture tour. Dutch anarchist Albert de Jong
assures her that lectures could be arranged in the
Netherlands, the German Civil Liberties League
expresses interest in Berlin lectures, and other
engagements elsewhere in Germany are possible.
Goldman travels to Nice to visit Berkman on Oct.
12, and to Paris with Nellie Harris on Oct. 15.
Living My Life is published; a laudatory review
appears on the front page of the New York Times Book

Goldman continues to catch up on her correspon
dence, returning all the materialcorrespondence,
clippings, etc.she borrowed from friends to write
her autobiography.
The Bailantines leave after nearly six months
with Goldman.
June 11
National Congress of the Confederacin Nacional del
Trabajo (CNT) begins in Madrid.
June 28

Inscribes copies of her autobiography slated for
friends as she awaits book reviews from the United

Berk man is presented with another expulsion order,

the third in fifteen months; he rushes to Paris to try to
get an extension of his papers.

Earlier prospects for lectures in Germany, Holland,
and Norway dim.
Growing interest in dramatizing Living My Life
prompts Goldman to grant lawyer Arthur Leonard
Ross full charge of negotiations over dramatic, radio,
and cinema rights to her life.
John Haynes Holmes lectures on Living My Life
to an overflow audience at Temple Emanu-EI in New
York City on Dec. 31.

The Buford episode from Goldmans autobiography
appears in the American Mercury.
Goldman contributes an essay to an anthology
being compiled by Peter Neagoe, published as
Americans Abroad (1932).
Modest Stein and German anarcho-syndicalists
Augustin and Therese Souchy visit Goldman at Bon
Esprit, the name of her St. Tropez cottage.

Goldman is preoccupied throughout the summer with
the urgency of Berkmans need to secure new papers
and with Mol lie Steimer and Senya Fleshins precari
ous financial situation in Berlin, and consumed by
mounting disappointment over the prospects for
Living My Life.
Among the visitors to St. Tropez are Harry Kelly,
Anna Strunsky Walling and her three daughters,
American sculptor Jo Davidson, and Peggy
Writer and editor Frank Harris dies in Nice on
Aug. 26; Goldman hurries there to be with Nellie
Harris, Franks widow, and to help arrange his
funeral; spends the last week of September in Nice
helping Nellie Harris sort out her affairs.

The Nation includes Living My Life, among its list of
most notable books of 1931.
The Rand School in New York City holds a
symposium on Living My Life on Jan. 15.
February 13
Goldman lectures at Copenhagen University on
Dictatorship, a World Menace to an audience of
one thousand after lectures scheduled there earlier in
the month are canceled for fear of Communist




Social Problems in a Contemporary Light; in

Odense; and in Aarhus to a large and enthusiastic
audience on the effects of prohibition in the United

February 16-20
Goldman's tour of Germany, organized by the Freie
Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands (LAUD), begins with a
meeting in Hamburg followed by meetings in
Bremen, Braunschweig, and Magdeburg. While the
meetings of the Gilde freiheitlicher Bcherfreunde
book club are open to the public, the FAUD meetings
are open to members only, which accounts in part for
the meager attendances.

April 16-1S
Goldman in Oslo, her first visit to Norway, where she
has three wonderful meetings. One lecture is
canceled by the Communist-controlled student
association, which objects to her criticism of the
Soviet Union.

February 22-March 10
In addition to lecturing, in Berlin Goldman is preoc
cupied with schemes to earn moneya CBS radio
broadcast to America, for which Bcrkman works up
themes; a German translation of her autobiography;
arid German translation projects for Bcrkman.
Goldman speaks to a we 11-attended meeting of
the League for Human Rights on Crime and Punish
ment in America, confining herself to political and
labor cases; to the Gilde freiheitlicher Bcherfreunde
on The Drama as a Social and Educational Factor;
to the Anarcho-Syndikalislischer Frauenbund on The
Child and Its Enemy; and to a FAUD meeting on Is
the Spirit of Destruction a Constructive Spirit? She
also speaks in Oberschne weide and Potsdam.

April 20
In Stockholm, Sweden, Goldman lectures on the
Moonev-Billings case.
April 22
Arrives back in Berlin, where she learns that CBS has
canceled her planned radio broadcast, fearing that it
will be interpreted as an effort on her part to reenter
the United States.
April 25-May 15
On the last leg of her German tourthrough Bavaria,
Baden-Wrttemberg, and Hessenall meetings are
sponsored by the FAUD. She lectures in Schwein flirt,
Frth, Nuremberg, Stuttgart, Heilbronn, Gppingen,
Ulm, Offenbach, Darmstadt, Mannheim, and
Ludwigshafen. Among her lecture topics are Birth
Control, The American Labor Movement, Art
and Revolution, and Womens Role in the Russian

March 11-12
The second leg of Goldmans tour begins with two
successful meetings in Breslau (now Wroclaw,
Poland)a lecture to FAUD members on the
American labor movement and a public meeting of
the Gilde freiheitlicher Bcherfreunde.
March 14-23
The tour continues with two meetings in Dresden and
Leipzig, and further engagements in Naumburg,
Zella-Mehlis, Erfurt, and Smmerda.

May 17-Deeember
Goldman returns to St. Tropez on May 17, exhausted
from her lecture tour, which earned her little income;
spends much of the rest of the summer trying unsuc
cessfully to interest American publishers in transla
tions of three Malik Verlag books, and German and
Swedish publishers in translating her autobiography.
She is assisted financially by her brothers Morris and
Herman, the latter contacting her for the first time in
Among Goldmans visitors in St. Tropez are
Modest Stein, who contributes to Goldman and
Berkmans economic survival; Henry Alsberg; Harry
T. Moore, biographer of D. II. Lawrence; and artists
Edmund and Alice Kinzinger.
Goldman starts making plans for the coming
winter; she considers a visit to Spain to collect
material for articles and possibly for a book, and

March 24-April 10
Back in Berlin, Goldman continues to solicit the
interest of American publishing houses in translations
of German and Russian works for Berkman.
Lectures to the Womens International League
for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) on Womans
Achievement in the United States; and to the women
of the FAUD.
April 11-13
In Denmark, Goldman lectures in German at the
student union in Copenhagen under the auspices of
the Society for the Defense of Personal Liberty on



writes Federica Montseny in Barcelona, asking her

advice; Montseny encourages her to come. She also
considers another lecture tour, for which initially
German and Dutch comrades express enthusiasm. In
November she determines to lecture in Holland in the
new year, but the German comrades discourage a tour
due to lack of fundsonly the Berlin and Dresden
branches of'WILPF offer definite bookings.


Goldman tries to interest London publishers in
Berkmans proposed translations of German and
Russian books.
February 4-16
Goldmans vacation in Bristol at the home of English
friends Thomas and Nell Lavers includes informal
meetings with local anarchists.

July 22
Errico Malatesta dies.

February 16-22
Delivers four well-received lectures in South Wales,
including Crime and Punishment and The Spirit of
Destruction and Construction.

October 20
Living My Life published by Duckworth in London;
Goldman is appalled at the high price of two guineas.
Because of low sales, within a month the price is
reduced in hopes that good reviews will spur library

February 24
Lectures in London on Constructive Revolution.
After fire destroys the Reichstag building in Berlin on
Feb. 27, the Nazis move to consolidate their power:
Communist deputies are arrested, opposition meetings
broken up, speakers assaulted, and newspapers
Goldmans attempts to organize a mass meeting
in London to protest the Nazi takeover ultimately fail
because she insists on denouncing dictatorship in the
Soviet Union as well, a position that alienates many
on the British Lett.
At the end of the month Rudolf and Milly Rocker
arrive in London, exiles from Hitlers Germany.

November 8

Franklin D. Roosevelt elected president of the United

December 17
Goldman leaves St. Tropez, arriving the following
day in Paris, which she finds the perfect antidote to
the loneliness and drudgery o f her last seven months.

January 10-13
Goldman travels from Paris to the Netherlands via
Reims, Brussels, and Antwerp.

March 1
An Anarchist Looks at Life is Goldmans subject at
Foyles literary luncheon attended by six hundred;
Paul Robeson sings and proposes a vote of thanks,
seconded by Rebecca West.

January 13-23
Goldman's lecture tour of the Netherlands takes her
to The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, and
Hengelo; she speaks on Dictatorship, the Modern
Religious Hysteria.

March 4-5
Goldman acts as a delegate to the International AntiWar Congress, London; finds the congress dominated
by Communists.

January 24
In London, Goldman begins her stay with a dizzying
week of welcome meetings and dinners with political
associates and old friends, including Paul Robeson
and Emily Holmes Coleman; prepares her British
lecture series.

April 3-10
Gives three lectures in Bristol, including Modem
Trends in Education and DictatorshipA Modern
Religious Hysteria.

January 30
Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany.




Before returning to St. Tropez for the summer,
Goldman is reunited fn Pans with Mo (lie Steitner,
Senya Fleshin, and Alexander Schapiro, who have
escaped from Berlin. Visitors at Bon Esprit include
American liberal Mabel Carver Crouch and Rudolf
and Milly Rocker.
Goldman begins considering a tour of Canada in
early 1934, after Rocker has completed his projected
tour of Canada and the United States.

Goldman is offered, but declines, a large sum to

appear in vaudeville theaters in the United States,

U.S. Department of Labor approves a three-month
visa, effective Feb. 1, for Goldman to lecture on
nonpolitical subjects, which may include Living My
Life under the category of literature. Once word of
her tour leaks out, many lecture agencies in the
Llnited States offer their services.
Goldmans brother Morris suffers a mild heart

Goldman solicits fall lecture dates in both Canada and
Mabel Carver Crouch works furiously for Goldmans
readmission to the United States, organizing a
committee and soliciting the help of lawyers and
others with contacts in the new administration in
Washington, D.C.
Toronto anarchists pledge funds to pay for
Goldmans passage to Canada.

January 15-31
Goldman gives a well-attended series of lectures at
Hygeia Hall in Toronto; her topics include
Germanys Tragedy and the Forces That Brought It
About, Hitler and Ilis Cohorts, The Collapse of
German Culture, and Dictatorship Right and Left
a Religious Hysteria. A talk to a Jewish meeting
also raises money for anarchists forced to flee
repression in Nazi Germany.

November 1-16
In Paris, at a Yiddish meeting she addresses on Nov.
11, she learns from German refugees about the
growing horrors in Nazi Germany.

Goldman stops to visit relatives in Rochester, N.Y..
before arriving Feb. 2 in New York City, where she is
mobbed by reporters and photographers at Pennsylva
nia Station and the Hotel Astor. Overwhelmed by the
demands on her time, she is nevertheless pleased and
surprised by the warmth of the reception. The major
exception is the hostility of the Communists toward

November 17-24
Lecture tour of the Netherlands meets with mixed
success: Goldman lectures in Hilversum and
Amsterdam on Living My Life, but her lecture in
Rotterdam on dictatorship is prohibited. Under
surveillance throughout the trip, she is arrested at
Appeldorn on Nov. 23 and expelled from the country
the following day.

February 6
Welcome home dinner meeting at Town Hall, New
York City, is oversubscribed: a thousand people apply
for the 350 tickets.

Roger Baldwin works with the U.S, immigration
authorities, attempting to secure a visa for Goldman,
while the committee organized by Mabel Carver
Crouch issues a formal invitation to Goldman to visit
the United States. Commissioner oflmmigration
Daniel W. MacCormack advises Baldwin that it is
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins who has the legal
right to admit Goldman.
Goldman leaves Prance for Canada; she arrives
in Toronto on Dec. 15, where she applies for a visa at
the U.S. consulate for a proposed three-month lecture

February 10
Goldman speaks at a Yiddish meeting at the Cooper
Union organized by the Jewish Anarchist Federation,
the Arbeiter Ring, and several unions.
February 11
Goldman speaks on Kropotkins life and work at John
Haynes Holmess Community Church services at
Town Hall; the lecture draws a huge audience, and
more than a thousand people are turned away.




March 15-20
On a whirlwind visit to her former home town,
Rochester, N.Y., on March 17, Goldman addresses
members of the City Club, one of her most successful
meetings since the opening week of the tour.
The first part of Goldmans tour of the Midwest
meets with mixed success: disappointing turnouts in
Toledo on March !9 and Cleveland on March 20,
though eight hundred attend her March 18 lecture in

February 13-28
Goldmans lectures on Living My Life under the
auspices of the Pond lecture bureau draw disappoint
ingly small crowds; she chafes under the Labor
Departments restrictions on the subjects she may
address, especially as questions from the audience are
almost invariably about the current world situation,
which she is forbidden to discuss; grows critical of
Ponds management of her tour.
She speaks three times in New York, and in
Boston, Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia.
At the end of the month Goldmans attorney
appeals to the secretary of labor to lift the restriction
on her public utterances and allow' her to address
contemporary affairs.

March 21-April 2
Goldmans five lectures in Chicago, organized by her
political associates, arc the most successful of her
tour: sixteen hundred attend the lecture under the
auspices of the Free Society Forum on March 22,
twelve hundred at the University of Chicago on
March 23, and a thousand at Northwestern University
on March 26. Fifteen hundred attend a banquet in her
honor at the Medinah Hotel on March 28. The
warmth of the reception boosts her morale and
convinces her that her ideas still have an audience.
In Chicago she meets new' comrades who become
valued friends, especially Jeanne and Jay Levey, and
Frank Ileiner, a blind sociology graduate student at
the University of Chicago, who impresses Goldman
as a promising anarchist leader.
Goldman also lectures twice in Wisconsin, on
March 24 in Milwaukee, an afternoon meeting that
draws only a small audience, and at the University of
Wisconsin at Madison on March 27.

Generally dismal response to Goldmans lectures
outside New York continues in Newark, N.J., where
she lectures to the Essex County Socialist party on
The Menace of Reaction on M arch 1 and in
Baltimore on The Collapse of German Culture on
March 4 where she also attends the War and the
Student conference at Johns Hopkins University.
Only the meetings organized by Goldmans anarchist
associates are successful-- a luncheon and lecture
organized by the Jewish anarchists in Philadelphia on
March 2 and a lecture on The Drama of Europe at
Webster Hall, New York City, on March 5 that draws
an audience of twelve hundred. The money Goldman
raises at the latter function she pledges to the Van
guard and Freedom groups to publish a pamphlet on
the CN F in Spain.
Goldman grows increasingly frustrated wdth the
efforts of the Pond Bureau, complaining that the
theaters booked for her lectures are too large, that
ticket prices are too high, and that advertising is
jnisdireeled. By contrast, publicist Ann Lords
advance work for Goldmans lectures, directed
especially to Goldmans anarchist associates and the
Yiddish Left, improves the overall audience turnout.
Goldman pins her hopes for a successful tour on
obtaining an extension of her visa, which Roger
Baldwin pursues in Washington, D.C.

April 3-9
Goldman visits St. Louis, where the receipts for her
April 5 lecture on The Collapse of German Culture
fail to cover the rental expenses for the large hall.
Her brother Morris and his wife Babsic visit
Goldman in St. Louis.
April 10-20
Goldmans lectures on the last leg of her tour con
tinue to meet with mixed success despite the advance
work of Ann Lord.
In Pittsburgh on April 11 she draw's eight
hundred people; in Rochester, seven hundred, where
she lectures under the auspices of the Rochester
branch of the National Council of Jewish Women on
April 15; the turnouts in Buffalo on April 16 and
Albany on April 18, by contrast, are disappointing,
though the Yiddish meetings in those cities are
comparatively successful.

March 10
Goldmans lecture in New' Haven on Living My Life
and Todays International Problems attracts only a
small audience.


! 934


April 21-30
Goldmans last days in New York are occupied by
visits with friends, families, and political associates.
On April 25 she speaks at Dana College in
Newark, N.J.
Farewell gatherings include one at Webster Hall
on April 26 and a luncheon sponsored by the Freie
Arbeiter Stimme on April 29,
Goldman leaves New York for Canada on April
30. Though her lecture tour brings her little financial
reward, in the course of it she raises over $1,000 for
the political prisoners in and refugees from Russia
and Germany.

Goldman has difficulty settling down to write
especially without Berkmans editorial assistance;
Redbook rejccLs the article she submits about her
impressions of the United States.
Goldman finds Toronto dull and feels starved for
intellectual companionship; she urges her American
friends and comrades to visit over the summer.
Goldmans affection for Heiner grows as does
her anticipation of his visit; she expects him to
become an important force in the American anarchist
June 27
Goldman celebrates her sixty-fifth birthday in
Toronto with a party attended by forty friends.

Fatigued from her tour of the Unites States but with
the continuing assistance of Ann Lord, Goldman
spends the first three weeks of the month in Montreal
organizing and delivering lectures. Despite her
disappointment over the failure of her tour, Goldman
feels more acutely than ever the pain of her exile from
the United States,
FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover writes to the
attorney general asserting that Goldman violated Lhe
agreement on which she entered the country, thus
jeopardizing her chances of return.
Following on the heels of Rudolf Rockers U.S.
and Canadian lecture tour, Goldman continues her
efforts to find an American publisher for his manu
script Nationalism and Culture; Berkman begins
translating it, after he finishes drafting ideas for the
articles that the American Mercury, Harpers, the
Nation, and Redbook have commissioned Goldman to
Through correspondence with her new protg
Frank Heiner about anarchism and its prospects, their
relationship grows more intimate.

June 30
Erich Muhsam, German anarchist poet, dies in a Nazi
concentration camp.
The American Mercury accepts Goldmans article,
Communism: Bolshevist and Anarchist, A Compari
son, which it publishesto Goldmans disgustin a
truncated form as There is No Communism in
Russia in April 1935, violating the spirit of the
original article. Harpers rejects her article The
Individual, Society, and the State; unwilling to revise
it, she submits instead the article about her U.S. visit
that Redbook rejected. She finishes writing The
Tragedy of the Political Exiles, which the Nation
Goldman hosts a gathering of young people with
the aim of starting an anarchist group in Toronto and
meets with them weekly throughout the summer.
Among her visitors are Jeanne and Jay Levey
from Chicago and her brother Herman and his son
Berkmans health and mental state decline while
translating Rockers manuscript.

May 14-21
Goldmans lectures in Montreal draw audiences of
three to four hundred: she speaks on Hitler and
Nazism, The Collapse of German Culture, and
Living My Life, as well as lecturing in Yiddish on
May 21.

July 16
San Francisco general strike, the first general strike in
U.S. history, begins in support of twelve thousand
striking international Longshoremens Association

May 22-31
Back in Toronto, Goldman finds an apartment; after a
disappointing lecture on the New Deal on May 28 she
determines to curtail her public speaking and concen
trate on writing.

July 25
Nestor Makhno, Ukrainian anarchist leader, dies in
exile in Paris.



Goldmans sister Lena and her family visit.
The weekly gatherings of young people at her
apartment continue; Goldman finds it hard to disabuse
them of their attachment to the state or dictatorship
and is pessimistic about making any new converts.
Goldman hatches a scheme Lo get Berkman a
Lithuanian passport so he can at least travel to
August 10-11
Anarchist conference at SLc-llon, N.J., organized to
discuss the creation of an English-language anarchist
weekly; Goldman contributes in writing her ideas on
anarchists building alliances with other groups.
August 18
Frank Heiner arrives and stays with Goldman until the
beginning of September; they become lovers.
August 23
Goldman presides over a poorly attended meeting at
Hygeia Hal! organized by the Libertarian Groups of
Toronto to commemorate the seventh anniversary of
the executions of Sacco and Vanzctti; Heiner also
speaks at the meeting.
Goldman misses Heiner after he returns to the United
States, and hopes that Roger Baldwin will be success
ful in his efforts in Washington to gain a U.S. visa for
Works hard writing the lectures for the following
Submits Was My Life Worth Living? to
Harpers; later it was accepted for publication.
September 25
Lectures to a Jewish womens organization in
Toronto on The New Approach to the Child.
Goldman delivers a scries of eight lectures at
Foresters Hail, Toronto, on literary and political
topics, including George Bernard Shaw, munitions
manufacturers, Russian literature since the revolution,
and German literature and the Nazi book-burnings.
Attendance is very disappointing, and Goldman
worries about financial survival if refused permission
to reenter the United States; considers the possibility
of dramatizing Living My Life for theater or film.


She is concerned about her brother Morris who

suffers repeated heart attacks.
Of five other meetings during the month, only a
lecture to a mostly unemployed workers organization
on The American Labor Movement and the General
Strike on Oct. 2 gives her much satisfaction; even a
free anarchist meeting on Oct. 31 fails to draw a good
Roger Baldwin discusses Goldmans application
fora new U.S, visaand Rudolf Rockers application
for an extension of his staywith the authorities in
Washington, who advise him that at present they
would deny Goldmans request; only Rockers
application is approved.
October 5-18
The uprising in the mining districts of Asturias, Spain,
is followed by severe repression; thousands of miners
are executed, thousands more tortured, and thirty to
forty thousand are imprisoned.
Goldman decides to stay in Canada until the spring in
the hope of reentering the United States and seeing
Heiner again.
Goldman is more sanguine about her work in
Toronto: she sees promise in the small group of
comradesespecially Dorothy Rogers and Ahrne
Thomberg [as Ahrne Thome, later the editor of the
Freie Arbeiler Slimme]and is gratified by the
circular against war and fascism they publish at the
end of the month.
After farewell parties in Toronto, Goldman
travels to Montreal, where she discovers little
preparatory work has been done for her lectures.
Jeanne Levey informs Goldman that she is
discreetly raising a fund to support her and, if
necessary, pay her passage hack to Europe.
November 12-December 11
Goldmans lectures at the Windsor Hotel and the
YMCA in Montreal include topics such as George
Bernard Shaw, the individual in society, and a
comparison of Bolshevik and anarchist communism.
Again the lectures are not well attended; furthermore,
a Quebec law prohibits Goldman from selling or
distributing literature at her meetings unless it is first
submitted to the police, a condition she refuses to



and raising some money for the first time in Montreal

w-hen she speaks again to the womens branch of the
Arbeiter Ring on Feb. 17.
Goldman decides to return to France in the spring
after receiving further discouraging reports from
friends who have met with Labor Department
officials in Washington, D.C., about chances for
As other possibilities close, Goldman looks
increasingly to her proposed book venture as a means
of support; she also pursues the idea of a sustaining
fund as she inquires about receiving an advance from
a publisher.

After a promising start, neither .the Yiddish

meetings nor the English meetings Goldman ad
dresses are well attended, so she determines to
organize a series for the new year on a subscription
basis instead.
Harpers publishes Goldmans Was My Life Worth
Roger Baldwin advises Goldman that in the
current atmosphere of hostility toward alien radicals
she is unlikely to be granted a U.S. visa.
December 12
Goldmans brother Herman dies.

Two further lectures to Jewish groupson Crime
and Punishment on March 4 and birth control on
March 15and the last in her drama series conclude
Goldmans lectures in Montreal; she returns to
Toronto on March 17.
Goldman speaks at two Yiddish meetings in
Toronto at the end of the month, one a lecture, the
other a seventieth birthday celebration for Chaim
Zhitlovsky, the exiled Russian revolutionary.
By the end of the month a formal committee to
raise a Sustaining Fund for Emma Goldman is
organized in New York by her niece Stella Ballantine
and Roger Baldwin, and three hundred fund-raising
letters solicit $3,000 in contributions to support
Goldman while she is writing a book; Jeanne Levey
helps with the appeal from Chicago.
Goldman grows increasingly concerned about
Bcrkmans financial condition and raises emergencyfunds for him and Emmy Eckstein.

In Canada, Goldman is absorbed writing lectures with
the hope that a new lecture series and published
articles will provide a meager livelihood, as well as
spread anarchist ideas. She considers writing a book
of portraits of famous people she has known, an idea
first suggested by Frank Heiner. She suggests that the
sustaining fund Jeanne Levey is helping to raise might
be designated to support its writing.
After a disappointing turnout for her Jan. 17
lecture on moral censorship of current films Goldman
cancels further lectures; by contrast, talks to Jewish
audiences the Temple Emanu-El adult school on
Jan. 7, the second meeting arranged by Rabbi Harry
Stern, and the womens branch of the Arbeiter Ring
on Jan. 12are well received and buoy her spirits.

March 19-ApriI 9
Goldman delivers a series of four lectures at
Torontos Ilygeia Hall organized by a group of young
anarchists; she speaks on The Element of Sex. in
Life, Youth in Revolt, The Tragedy of the
Modern Woman, and Crime and Punishment.

January 9-March 13
Goldmans ten-w'eek lecture series on drama and
literature at the Central YMCA in Montreal includes
lectures on Russian and Soviet drama, German
literary works destroyed by the Nazis, and American
drama, especially Eugene ONeill. Only fifty people

Wt \W s t o ,




In her last month in Canada Goldman speaks in

Hamilton, Ontario, under the auspices of the National
Council of Jewish Women on April 11, and twice in
Toronto, on Youth in Re volt to a branch of the
Arbeiter Ring on April 14, and on birth control at
Hygeia Hall on April 16, after meeting with the head
of a Toronto birth control clinic.

Goldmans four lectures in Yiddish this month
continue to be her most successful in Montreal,
drawing an audience of two hundred when she speaks
on the element of sex in unmarried people on Feb. 1



/ 935

even further away from Frank Heiner. She weighs

her options for the fall and winter, and considers
returning to Canada or lecturing in England.
Relations between Goldman and Eckstein
deteriorate to the point that they can no longer live in
the same place; at the end of the month Goldman goes
to Nice with Berkman and visits Nellie Harris; on
Goldmans return Eckstein leaves St. Tropez.

Harpers rejects Goldmans suggestion that she

write a monthly column about the European situation.
The effort to aid Berkman is formalized with the
creation in New York of the Alexander Berkman
Provisional Committee which plans fund-raising
events to celebrate the anniversary of his release from
prison and his upcoming sixty-fifth birthday.
April 15
Goldman attends a farewell dinner in her honor in
Toronto that raises $95 toward her sustaining fund.

Among Goldmans visitors this month in St. Tropez
are Ben Reitmans son Brutus and Dutch friends Dien
and Tom Meelis from Toronto.
In the middle of the month Berkman returns to
Eckstein in Nice; once apart, Goldman and Berkman
arc able to discuss their differences and their disap
pointment with each others attitude after a long

April 22
Goldman returns to Montreal where her niece Stella
Ballantine visits her on April 26.
May 2
Telegrams of tribute greet Goldman at a farewell
event hosted by Rabbi Stern of Montreal.

Mollie Steimer and Senya Fleshin from Paris and
Modest Stein from New York visit Bon Esprit.
At the end of the month Goldman begins
organizing her papers, manuscripts, lecture notes, and
letters before she leaves Bon Esprit for the winter.
Emmy Eckstein reports that Berkman is weak
and tires quickly, though he edits Goldmans Two
Communisms; Bolshevist and Anarchist.

May 4-14
Goldman sails from Canada to Le Havre, France; she
reaches Paris on May 15.
May 18
Goldman arrives back in St. Tropez in time to
celebrate the anniversary of Berkmans release from
prison in 1906; she finds him in better health than she

Berkman helps Goldman to organize her papers and
writes letters to publishers on her behalf asking for
review copies of books to use in her upcoming lecture
tour of England.

Relations between Goldman, Berkman, and his
companion Emmy Eckstein arc surprisingly harmoni
ous given that the three are living in close proximity'

at Goldmans cottage in St. Tropez.

The serenity is disrupted by the new's of Rudolf
Rocker's dissatisfaction with Berkmans translation
and ediiing of Rockers book and his decision to
abandon the project.
Goldman receives reports of the progress of the
fund-raising appeal that ultimately brings over

October 3
Italian troops invade Ethiopia, prompting League of
Nations sanctions against Italy.
October 19-No vein ber 14
Goldman stays in Paris, visiting friends and political
associates, including Jacob Abrams, who encourages
her to lecture in Mexico. While there .she learns that
Berkmans weakness may be attributable to prostate

$ 1, 000 .

Begins mobilizing anarchist writers and editors

of the movements pressfor example, Rocker,
Nettlau, and Albert de Jongto publish articles to
mark Berkmaifs sixty-fifth birthday in November.

November 14-27
After traveling to London, where she plans to make
her home for the winter, Goldman begins a series of
lectures on Nov. 21 with Traders in Death to an

As the weeks pass. Goldman grows restless without
an outlet for political activity' and wonders whether
returning to France was wise, especially as she is




audience of about one hundred at the National Trade

Union Club. She follows this with Mussolini, Hitler
and Stalin at a packed meeting at Workers Circle
House, where she is heckled by Communists, and
Fallacies of Political Action at Broadway Congre
gational Hall, Hammersmith.

Goldman considers publishing a new book of essays
drawn from her recent lectures, not only as a source
of income but also to appease contributors to the
Emma Goldman Publication Fund established to
enable her to write another book.
Jeanne Levey organizes the publication of twelve
thousand copies of The Place of the Individual in the
Society in pamphlet form to raise additional funds.
Berkman has a prostate operation in Nice,
unbeknownst to Goldman. Later in the month, Emmy
Eckstein enters the hospital for gastrointestinal
observation. Berkman has a second prostate opera
tion the following month. Goldman learns of their
condition while completing her scheduled lectures.

In Leeds on Dec. 1 Goldman gives such a highly
successful lecture on German literature to the
Workers Circle that the members ask for other dates.
In Plymouth Goldman speaks to the Tamaritans
on Dec. 7 on The Soviet Theatre. The success of
her lectures on political topics surprises her. Six
hundred peoplethe largest meeting she has ever had
in Englandattend her lecture on Mussolini, Hitler,
and Stalin on Dec. 9, though two subsequent lectures
draw smaller crowds.

February 17-23
Goldmans three lectures in Plymouth draw enthusi
astic audiences, though at the last she is heckled bylocal Communists.

February 28
Goldman lectures again to the Workers Circle in

Goldman begins a lecture tour, hopeful that she can
establish a lecture base in London for six to eight
months a year and spend the summers in St. Tropez.
The death of King George V on Jan. 20, however,
plunges the country into mourning, resulting in poor
attendance at her lectures.
Deaths of Louise Bryant, journalist and compan
ion of the late John Reed, and Dr. William Robinson,
early birth control advocate in the United States.

Goldmans Iriendship with Eslanda and Paul Robeson
deepens, as does her friendship with her new admirer
and benefactor, Shloime Sutton. Garden City
Publishing Company prints a cheaper edition of
Living My Life after purchasing the rights from

Lectures to the Leicester Secular Society on Traders

in Death (The International Munitions Clique).

March 7
Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland in direct
contravention of the Treaty of Versailles.

January 19
Lectures to the Southend Labour League of Youth on
Youth in Revolt.

Goldman lectures again to the Leicester Secular


January 5

M arch 8

March 15
Speaks on The Russian Theatre to a thousand
members of the Coventry Repertory Circle, one of the
most successful meetings she has ever had in En

January 20-30
Goldman gives three lectures in London. The first, at
the Workers Circle House on The Two
Communisms (Bolshevist and AnarchistA
Parallel), is disrupted by Communists. She also
lectures on Russian Literature at the National Trade
Union Club, and on Mussolini, Hitler and Stalin
(How Far Do Their Common Methods Lead To
Similar Results?) in Hammersmith.

March 19
Goldmans lecture in Hammersmith, London, on
Anarchism (What It Really Stands For) is sparsely




June 28
in the early hours, unable to endure the physical pain,
Berkman shoots himself; the bullet lodges in his
spinal column, paralyzing him. Goldman rushes to
Nice to be at his side. He sinks into a coma in the
afternoon and dies at 10 p.m.

March 25-27
Goldman delivers three lectures to miners in South
Walesat Mountain Ash, Ystradgynlais, and
Aherdaresponsored by the National Council of
Labour Colleges. Her lectures on Mussolini and
Hitler and on The Two Communisms are surpris
ingly well received, as it is the first time that the
Labour Colleges had provided a hearing for anar
chism and a critique of Soviet Russia,

June 30
Berkman is buried in Nice.
Grief-stricken, Goldman tries to fulfill Berkmans
charge that she take care of Emmy, who is impaired
by her continuing illness.
Memorial meetings for Berkman are held in New
York City, organized by the Freie. Arbeiter Stimme; at
Mohegan Colony, N.Y.; and in Paris.

March 31
Goldman lectures on Living My Life at Conway Hail,
Goldman leaves London, arriving in Nice on April 6.
Berkman is still hospitalized; in spite of Emmy
Ecksteins worsening health, the two women visit him
Goldman writes to drama organizations in Britain
and places advertisements in drama publications,
soliciting lecture dates for the fall: she offers to speak
on Eugene ONeill, Clifford Odets, and other contem
porary playwrights, as well as on Soviet Literature,
Its Struggle and its Promise.

July 19
Spanish civil war begins.
Mollie Steimer and Senya FJeshin arrive in St. Tropez
to comfort Goldman during her worst period of grief
and psychological depression. Her spirits are lifted
by Augustin Soucbys invitation to Barcelona to work
for the foreign-language press office of the
Confederacin Nacional del Trabajo-Federacin
Anarquista Ibrica (CNT-FAI).
Convicted of high treason in the first of the
Moscow show trials, the old Bolsheviks Kamenev and
Zinoviev are executed.

May 27
Berkman is released from the hospital and returns to
his domestic life with Emmy Eckstein and Goldman
in Nice.
Goldman returns to St. Tropez for the summer, unable
to bear the building tension between her and Emmy
Eckstein; she determines Lo sell Bon Esprit and
advertises it for rent with an option to purchase.
Berkmanwhose recovery is slowdiscovers
that, for the first time, his residency papers have been
renewed for a whole year.

August 5
James Colton, the man Goldman married in 1925 to
establish British citizenship, dies of cancer.
September 15
Goldman leaves St. Tropez for Spain.
September 16-December 10
Based in Barcelona, the anarchist stronghold in
Catalonia, Goldman helps to write the Englishlanguage edition of the CNT-FAIs information
bulletin, visits collectivized farms and factories, and
travels to the Aragon front, Valencia, and Madrid.
She spends the first weeks working closely with
Russian-born anarchist Martin Gudell of the CNTFAls Foreign Propaganda Department and broad

June 27
Goldman celebrates her sixty-seventh birthday with
visiting American anarchist and benefactor Michael
Cohn and his family. Too ill to celebrate with her,
Berkman telephones in the afternoon.




casts two English-language radio addresses; Goldman

hopes to conduct publicity from Barcelona, as she
does not want to leave Spain.

December 10
Leaves Barcelona for Paris with the Kaminskis,
arriving on Dec. 14.

Visits the Aragon front for two days where she is
honored to meet Buenaventura Durruti, a leading FAI
activist and militia commander.

December 23
Goldman arrives in London and finds the propaganda
bureau of the Gcneralitat in a shambles. Vernon
Richardss twice-monthly Spain and the World
appears to be Goldmans most reliable vehicle for
communicating about the conditions and aspirations
of the Spanish anarchists.

October 18
Goldman addresses a mass meeting of sixteen
thousand people organized by the FAI youth in

October 20-26
In Valencia, with German exiles Anita and HannsErich Kaminski, Goldman tours collectivized villages
and farms.

Begins organizing publicity campaign about the
Spanish revolution, including planning mass meetings
in London and the provinces, but is hampered by poor
communication with and lack of urgency among key
anarchist leaders in Barcelona.
Aside from the London anarchists, Goldman
finds allies among leading members of the Indepen
dent Labour Party (1LP), including Fenner Brockway
and especially writer Ethel Mannin, who becomes a
close friend. The first fruit of this alliance is
Goldmans joining forces with a broad English
coalition sympathetic to the Republican cause to
mount an exhibition in February of photographs,
cartoons, posters, and pamphlets from Spain.
The death on Jan. 1 of Commissioner of Immi
gration Daniel W. MacCormack threatens to weaken
the confidence built up in the Department of Labor
and delay any chance of Goldmans return to the
United States.

Increasingly aware of how her inability to speak
Spanish hinders her work in Spain, Goldman plans to
shift lo publicity work and fund raising in Great
Britain or the United States, where she could make a
greater contribution.
The threat of Nationalist forces to Madrid
prompts the government to relocate to Valencia on
November 7.
November 3
The CNT joins the Largo Caballero government,
accepting four ministries. While recognizing the
paramount need to fight the fascists, Goldman is
troubled by the CNT-FAIs direction, especially its
decision to join the government and effectively align
itself with pro-Soviet forces. In her correspondence
with close friends, Goldman is highly critical of the
collaborative direction of the CNT, while publicly she
remains supportive.

January 18
Goldman, speaks on. The. Spanish Rev olnllon and \Yvt

CNT-FAI at a large meeting chaired by Ethel

Mannin in London.

November 19
Durruti is shot by an unknown gunman during the
defense of Madrid; his funeral in Barcelona on Nov.
22 draws hundreds of thousands of mourners.

January 31
Lectures on Spain in Plymouth.
February 8
Malaga falls to Francos forces.

Goldman is named official representative in London
of the CNT-FA J and of the Generali tat of Catalonia.



April 25
The benefit conceit for the Spanish refugees, which
Goldman has worked frantically to produce, takes
place at Victoria Palace. With Paul Robesons
performance, it is an artistic success but raises less
money than Goldman had hoped.

February 13-14
In Glasgow, Goldman meets with local anarchists at
the home of Frank Leech, secretary of the AntiParliamentary Communist Federation. On Feb, 14
she speaks in Glasgow to an audience of six hundred
on The Part of the CNT-FAI in the Spanish Revolu
tion' in the afternoon; and in Paisley on The CNTFAI and Collectivisation in the evening.

April 28
Manchester Guardian publishes Goldmans letter
criticizing its report that Catalonia had contributed
little to the defense of Madrid.

February 19
Goldman and Ethel Mnnin speak on The Relation
of the Church in Spain with Fascism, at Friends
House, London, under joint auspices of the CNT-FAI
London Committee and the ILP.

May I
Sixty thousand people take part in a May Day
demonstration and march that includes anarchists for
the first time in thirty years. Under the auspices of
the London Committee of the CNT-FAI, Goldman
speaks at the conclusion of the march in Hyde Park.

February 28
With Ethel Mannin, Goldman speaks on Spain in

Disappointed by the financial failure of the Spanish
exhibition that opened Feb. 20, Goldman begins
organizing a benefit performance in London for the
refugee women and children in Spain.
March 11
Gudell notifies Goldman of the establishment of a
new committee composed of members from the CNT
and the FAI to handle all foreign propaganda matters,
in order to alleviate inefficiency caused by the
personal and political rivalry between Souchy and
Rudiger over propaganda.
March 31
Goldman lectures on Spain at a meeting in East


May 3-7
The Ma}' events in Barcelona pit rank-and-file
anarchists and members of Partido Obrero de
Unificacin Marxists (POUM) against Catalan
government troops in armed clashes after assault
guards attempt to take over the CNT-control led
telephone exchange; anarchist workers interpret this
action as the beginning of an attempt by Moscowaligned forces to suppress the anarchists and destroy
the social revolution in Spain; CNT-FAI leaders, bycontrast, are less alarmed by the actions and, rather
than fight, call for a cease-fire. The Republican
government dispatches troops from Valencia, but by
their arrival on May 7, resistance has virtually
May 17
The Largo Caballero government is replaced by a
government led by Juan Negrin that excludes the
CNT and reflects an increase in Communist influ

Tn her correspondence with the Spanish comrades
Goldman criticizes the CNT for collaborating with the
Communists and accepting Soviet support; publicly
she remains an unwavering supporter.

May 23
Goldman speaks on the Spanish revolution in Nor
wich at a well-attended meeting sponsored by the
Norwich Freedom Group, the ILP, and the Labour
League of Youth.

April 4
In Bristol Goldman speaks in the afternoon to a
conference of ILP delegates and in the evening on
The Relation of the Church in Spain with Fascism
at a meeting arranged by the local ILP.

Tune 4
Goldman and Fenner Brockway speak on Conditions
in Spain in London.




Goldman writes the introduction to a new commemo
rative edition of Berkinans ABC o f Anarchism to be
published by the Freie Ar beiter Stimme.
Views Fury Over Spain, a film by American
Louis Frank; considers organizing a public showing
of the film to raise funds for Mujeres Libres,

in Paris, Goldman is troubled by the violent opposi
tion among her closest anarchist comrades to the
CNT-FAIs unwillingness to confront the Commu
nists assault on its opponents on the Left and its
undermining of the revolution. Obtains Spanish and
French visas that will enable her to travel to Spain
after all.
On Aug. 2 l, she travels to Nice and later in the
month to St. Tropcz for her final stay at Bon Esprit,
which is sold shortly after her departure for Spain the
following month, temporarily freeing Goldman from
financial worries and allowing her to continue her
work for Spain.
September 15
Goldman leaves Marseille for Valencia.
September 16-November 5

Goldman in Spain, primarily Barcelona: finds the

agricultural and industrial collectives in Catalonia in
better condition than a year before, though overall
conditions in Barcelona are discouraging compared to
Madrid and Valencia, especially for refugee women
and children.
Alarmed by the number of political prisoners
being held by the Republican government, especially
anarchists and POUM members.
Receives promises of support for a more inten
sive campaign on behalf of the CNT-FA1 in England,
including funds for an office and for the publication
of Spain and the World.

O ctober

Pedro Herrera confirms Goldmans new role as the

London representative of the STA (International
Antifascist Solidarity), which was formed during the
summer to provide relief to Spanish refugees and to
promote international solidarity for the Spanish
Goldmans chances of receiving a U.S. visa are
slim, the commissioner of immigration informs Roger
Baldwin, due to pending legislation and the potential
for adverse publicity'.
October 31
Republican government begins move from Valencia
to Barcelona.
November 6-15

Goldman meets and consults with many anarchists in

November 16

Returns to London; begins searching for premises for

an SIA office and reading room.

Goldman continuevS her campaign against the impris
onment of anti-Stalinist leftists and anarchists in
Spain, writing an article on the subject for Spain and
the World and trying to enlist the assistance of
sympathetic members of parliament.
December 8-17

In Paris for the International Working Mens Associa

tion (1WMA) Congress at Vazquezs request: French
comrades, knowing that publicly she is sympathetic to
the CNT-FAIs policies, try' to prevent Goldman from
addressing the Congress because she is not an official
delegate. The Spanish and Swedish delegates prevail
in their aiLempt to have her speak, and she defends the
CNT-FATs actions and the difficult decisions it has
made against criticism from comrades outside Spain.

September 20-24
Visits Madrid and the front.

September 28
With Souchy, Goldman leaves Valencia for
Barcelona, which comes under bombardment by
Francos forces a few days later.

Moves into new' offices for the CNT-FA1, SIA, and
Spain and the World in central London, but finds little
enthusiasm for the SIA venture, as numerous anti
fascist organizations and Spanish aid committees
already exist.



Having read Goldmans article in Decembers

Spain and the World, Vzquez and Herrera warn her
that frequent publicity about political persecution by
the Negrin government and Lhe Communists only
undermines enthusiasm among the international
proletariat for the cause of anti-fascism; Goldman
replies by noting widespread distrust of the Commu
nists and concern that CNT-FAI tactics have damp
ened the workers general enthusiasm for the revolu
Goldman acknowledges that Paul Robeson and
his wife are distancing themselves from her as a result
of their close association with the Communists.
U.S. labor leader Rose Pesotta meets with
Goldman in London; promises to help organize a
committee to obtain a U.S. visa for Goldman.
Goldman and Ethel Mann in speak on The Betrayal
of the Spanish People at a CNT-FAI program in
London; Lhe audience turns against the Communists
when they attempt to break up the meeting.
Goldman plans a spring benefit for the SIA; feels
more confident about its prospects when more
individuals agree to serve as sponsors, including art
critic Sir Herbert Read, Laurence Housman, Havelock
Ellis, John Cowper Powys, George Orwell, and
Rebecca West, among others.
Exhibition of drawings by children in Barcelona
schools and lace work by women refugees opens at
the SIA office but draws only a handful of visitors
despite extensive publicity.
First issue of the S.I.A. bulletin is published.
February 20
Goldman speaks at a small meeting arranged by the
1LP in Eastbourne at which Communists in the
audience attack her.
Goldman determines to go to Canada in the fall
regardless of the chances of getting a U.S. visa,
convinced that she could do more good for Spain
there than in England.
Goldman writes the preface for a collection of
writings by Gamillo Bemeri, the exiled Italian
anarchist intellectual kidnapped and murdered in
Barcelona during the 1937 May events, which the
Italian comrades are publishing in his memory.


March 6-13
In Scotland, Goldman lectures on Spain three times in
Glasgow and once in Edinburgh; her topics include
The Betrayal of the Spanish People and The
Constructive Achievements of the CNT-FAI, but the
meetings are not well attended.
March 9
Francos forces, with overwhelming air superiority,
launch a major assault on the Aragon front; the
Republican forces, torn by internal disputes, collapse;
and by Apr. 15 the Nationalists reach the coast,
splitting Republican territory in two.
March 12
German troops occupy Austria; the following day the
Anschluss is proclaimed.
March 19-20
Goldman speaks at a well-attended fund-raising
meeting in Leicester for the SIA; also shows the
Louis Frank Film, Fury over Spain.
March 24
Large meeting and showing of the Louis Frank film in
Peckham, East London.
Herrera calls on Goldman to do all in her power to
prevent the repatriation of the refugee Basque
children (most of their parents are supporters of
Loyalist Spain) from England to Nationalist Spain.
Goldman suffers from shortness of breath,
fainting spells, and general fatigue,
April 10-11
In Liverpool, Goldman speaks on Spain at two
meetings: on the first day to a thousand people at an
ILP-sponsored event; on the second, to a small
gathering of the Workmens Circle. Both meetings
are disrupted by Communists.
April 13
Fascism is Destroying European Civilisation is the
theme of a protest meeting in London sponsored by
the CNT-FAI; Goldman makes an appeal for money
for anusillegal under the terms of the Non
intervention Pact.



April 23
As a delegate. Goldman attends an all-day National
Conference on Spain in London, which she is
convinced is contrived by the Communist party.

June 8
Goldman attends a Writers against Fascism meeting
organized by the Association of Writers for Intellec
tual Liberty; Goldman describes it as almost entirely

April 29
Literary and musical evening in London for the SIA
draws a small audience and is a financial flop;
Mannin finds Goldmans militant speech inappropri
ate to the occasion, organized to promote humanitar
ian ends.

June 26
Thomas H. Keell, British anarchist and one-time
editor of Freedom, dies.
July 17
Goldman is one of several speakers at a Hyde Park
demonstration to celebrate the second anniversary of
the Spanish revolution; it draws a small crowd,
largely because the Communists and their allies hold
a rally in Trafalgar Square at the same lime.

At the beginning of die month, Goldman is reading
Orwells Homage to Catalonia and writing Trotsky
Protests Too Much, a reply to two articles on the
Kronstadt rebellion that appeared in the New York
Trotskyist journal New International.
Herrera announces his intention to leave his
position as secretary of the General Council of the
SIA; his replacement will be Luca Snchez Saomil.

July 30-31
At the anarchist Whiteway Colony in Gloucestershire,
Goldman examines the late Thomas H. Keells papers
on behalf of IISH, which hopes to acquire part of his

May 1
l.arge demonstration ends at Hyde Park where the
CNT-FAI platform speakers-Goldman, British
anarchist Ralph Barr, and veteran activist Matt
Kavanaghattract an enthusiastic crowd.

Goldman offers IISH her unpublished sketches and
large collection of newspaper clippings as well as
Berkmans diary. She agrees to help IISH obtain
other collections of persona! papers from her circle of
anarchist friends.
Goldman receives several hundred dollars from
anarchists in New York and Chicago to pay for her
travel expenses.
She is disturbed by reports of her niece Stella
Ballantines depression and awaits news about her

May 22
W. S. Van Valkenburgh, American anarchist editor
and devoted friend and correspondent of Goldmans,
dies of a heart attack.
Goldman asks anarchist friends in the United States
and Canada to begin again to raise funds for a trip to
Canada; encourages Carlo 'fresca and Margaret De
Silver to help her get a U.S. visa through their
contacts in Washington, D.C.
Advises Vzquez that the CNT-FAI bureau
should continue its operation while she is in Canada
and urges him to support Spain and the World.
Herrera, in his new capacity at the anarchist
Tierra y Libertad publishing company, expresses
interest in publishing Spanish translations of Living
My Life and Berkmans Prison Memoirs.
The Internationa! Institute of Social History
(11SH) contacts Goldman about depositing her and
Berkrrians correspondence at their archive in

August 25
Leaves London for Paris, having secured a British
visa for Spain al the last moment.

The war scare over events in Czechoslovakia trans
fixes Goldman as it does all other Europeans.
She learns that her niece has been hospitalized
after suffering a nervous breakdown; though the long
term prognosis is good, Ballantines recovery is very
September 14
Leaves Paris for Toulouse, and from there flies to
Spain the following morning.



September 15-October 29
In Spain, many leading anarchists express to Goldman
their strong opposition to the policies of the CNTs
National Committee and its conciliation of the Negrin
government. They are especially critical of Vzquez,
who now acknowledges the destructive actions of the
Communists but still wants them treated gently.
Goldman complains to him, for example, that all the
money raised in other countries for antifascist women
goes to Communist organizations and none to the
anarchist organization Mujeres Libres. The FAI by
contrast is anxious to begin a campaign abroad
exposing die activities of the Communists in Spain.
Goldman is shocked by the number of anarchists
and other leftists held in prison, among them
Jeannette Kiffel, a Polish anarchist and acquaintance
of Goldmans, who has been held incommunicado
three months but is released after Vzquez and
Goldman appeal to Segundo Blanco, CNT minister of
education in the Negrin government.
Goldman visits the metal, transport, and milk
syndicates; schools modeled on libertarian principles;
and the SIA colonies for refugee children. Notes that
many collectives have been destroyed.
Goldman witnesses the continuing bombardment
of Barcelona from Lhe air and the chronic shortage of
food and electricity.
Attends the CNT-FAI plenum (Oct. 16-30) and
the trial of POUM militants charged with espionage
and desertion (Oct. 11-22), charges on which they are
found innocent; they are found guilty, however, of
rebellious acts during the May events of 1937.


Ethel Mannio successfully assumes Goldmans role
as SIA representative in London; raises significantly
more financial support for the SIA than Goldman had.
Goldman advises Gudell that the next propa
ganda campaign undertaken by the CNT-FAI should
be aimed at the release of the political prisoners in
November 9
Krislallnacht in Germany: This episode, coming on
the heels of the Munich crisis, causes outrage in the
Western democracies and diverts attention from
developments in Spain.
Goldman spends much of the month in London
completing a report on her visit to Spain for publica
tion in the anarchist press.
CNT decides to close its offices in London and
North America for economic reasons. Saornil
pledges to continue relations with Goldman and Ethel
Mannin and hopes that, despite the closure of the
CNT-FAI London bureau, the propaganda for the SIA
will continue.
Goldman sends five hundred pounds of clothing
to Spanish refugees through the SIA in Perpignan.
Goldman learns that Emmy Ecksteins health is
in serious jeopardy and that she must undergo surgery'
December 12
Goldman and John McNair of the ILP speak at a
poorly attended meeting in London on the crisis in

September 25-26
Accompanied by Gudell and Herrera, Goldman visits
the 28th division headed by Gregorio Jover and the
26th division headed by Ricardo Sanz at the battlefront.

December 22
Goldman travels to Amsterdam to organize
Bcrkmans and her papers at the International
Institute of Social History.

September 30
Munich agreement signed by Great Britain, France,
Germany, and Italy, ceding the Sudetenland of
Czechoslovakia to Germany.

December 23
Francos forces launch an offensive in Catalonia.

October 30
Goldman arrives in Paris from Barcelona for the SIA
congress, which meets at the same time as the
IWMA; Goldman joins delegates from Sweden,
Spain, and France.




Working every day since late December at the
International Institute of Social History in
Amsterdam, Goldman finds it impossible to arrange
Berkman's papers without also organizing her own;
she finally finishes the work on Jan. 14.
Learns that Emmy Ecksteins entire large
intestine must be removed.
January 7
Tom Mooney, wrongly convicted of murder in the
San Erancisco Preparedness Day bombing in July
1916, is granted an unconditional pardon and released
by Governor Culhert Olson.

February 24
Vzquez and Herreras circular letter announces that
the CNT-FAI will cease activities abroad and thanks
the international community for its efforts on behalf
of the Spanish anarchists.
February 27
Great Britain and France extend diplomatic recogni
tion to Francos government.
March 5-6
The Negrin government is overthrown in an overnight
coup in Madrid; CNT members in the south-central
zone are involved in the coup and occupy posts in the
new National Council of Defense.
March 15
Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia.

January 19
Goldman arrives back in London.

March 26
Goldman travels to Paris to meet refugee Spanish
anarchists who are demoralized and fraught with
misery and internal recriminations and suspicion.

January 26
Barcelona falls to Francos forces.
Goldman is frantic with worry until she receives firm
news of the whereabouts of anarchists who have
escaped from Catalonia after the collapse of the
resistance in Spain. Most lind sanctuary in France but
face harsh conditions in internment camps; others
reach Paris without permits.
Vazquezs account for the suddenness of the
collapse in Catalonia names exhaustion among the
armies after the counterattaek by Francos forces on
the Ebro front, shoriages of military personnel, war
weariness and declining morale among the civilian
population exacerbated by food shoriages, and the
hurried and open removal of the government from
Barcelona that led to panic among the population.
USH informs Goldman that her archive has been
sent to England in case the Nazis invade the Nether

April 1
Franco declares the Spanish civil war at an end.
April 3
Goldman returns to London: on the trip she meets a
group of fifty refugees from Madrid and Valencia and
in her final days in London organizes a committee to
support them.
April 8
Goldman sails for Canada, arriving in Toronto on
April 21, where she establishes residence.
Beginning April 27, Goldman lectures in English and
Yiddish in Toronto and Windsor on Who Betrayed
Spain? to raise money for Spanish refugees.
June 8
Emmy Eckstein, Berkmans longtime companion,

February' 7

Goldmans letter protesting Zenzl Muhsams second

disappearance in the Soviet Union appears in the
Manchester Guardian.

June 27
Goldmans seventieth birthday is marked in Toronto
with a celebration that elicits cables from friends,
comrades, and labor organizations around the world.




The sentence of Warren Billings, convicted in the

1916 San Francisco Preparedness Day bombing, is
reduced to time served and he is released from
Folsom Prison.

August 15
Marks the fiftieth anniversary of Goldmans entry
into anarchist ranks; she organizes a celebration for
September to mark the occasion and to create a long
term Spanish Relief Fund.


Fortieth anniversary of the New York anarchist

newspaper, the Freie Arbeiter Stimme.
On Nov. 2, Arthur Bortolottis trial begins.

August 23
Nazi-Soviet Pact is signed.
September i
I litler invades Poland; two days later Great Britain
and France declare war on Germany, and World War
II begins.


Goldman spends the first two weeks in Winnipeg and

speaks five times, reaching fourteen hundred people
in two weeks: once in Yiddish to a womens organi
zation on Living My Life; to a large audience on the
Nazi-Soviet Pact; a lecture on Hitler and Stalin; a talk
to the IWW; and a lecture on The Jew in Literature
in England until the End of the Nineteenth Century
to the Jewish Womans Cultural Club.
Goldman attempts to raise $5,000 bail for
Bortolottis release, with the help of Dorothy Rogers.

September 19
Goldman delivers a lecture in Toronto on the NaziSoviet Pact to an audience of eight hundred,
September 27-30
Goldman addresses two long-promised though poorly
altended meetings in Windsor.
September 30

Dinner to honor Goldman and to launch the Emma

Goldman Spanish Refugee Rescue Fund features
labor leader Rose Pesotia as guest speaker and attracts
the attendance and financial support of many of
Goldmans closest friends and family.

Goldmans mail is intercepted by Canadian censors,
their suspicion raised by the many letters containing
money pouring into her address for the defense of
Bortolotti, whose case attracts further attention in the
United States through articles in the Nation and the
New Republic solicited by Goldman.
Bortolotti is released on bail, charged now with
immigration violations rather than a breach of the
War Measures Act.
By mid-January, Goldman returns to raising
funds for the Spanish anarchists and continues to raise
funds and awareness about Bortolottis case.
Goldmans niece Stella Ballantine recovers from
a nervous breakdown after almost two years.

On Oct. 4, under the provisions of Canadas War
Measures Act, three Italian immigrant anarchists,
Arthur Bortolotti, Ruggero BenvenuLi, Ernest Gava,
and a Cuban, Marco Joachim, are arrested for
possession of antifascist subversive literature,
including anarchist classics. Bortolotti is also found
in possession of a handgun and faces deportation to
Mussolinis Italy if convicted. Goldman works
tirelessly over the succeeding months for Bortolottis
defense, organizing a committee, hiring counsel, and
raising funds from sympathizers in Canada and the
United States,
Goldman postpones her proposed lecture tour to
western Canada in order to give her full attention Lo
the defense of the Italian comrades.
Goldman contacts Viking Press with a proposal
to write a book about her experiences in Spain.
Ben Heilman suffers a mild stroke.

February 17
Goldman suffers a stroke that leaves her paralyzed on
the right side and unable to speak; she is rushed to the
hospital where she remains for six weeks.
Goldman returns home to her Toronto apartment on
April 1 after regaining consciousness but not the
ability to speak.




Stella Bal Ian tine and Goldmans brother Morris and
his wife Babsie travel to Toronto to join Dorothy
Rogers and Arthur Bortolotti at Goldmans bedside
after she suffers a second hemorrhage on May 6.

May 17
Goldman is buried in Waldheim Cemetery, Chicago,
close to the Haymarket martyrs, her casket covered
by an SIA-FAI flag and bouquets of flowers sent byfriends and organizations across the nation.

May 14
Goldman dies at the age of seventy; tributes and
messages of condolence stream in from around the
world; her body is taken to the Labor Lyceum in
Toronto to allow friends and comrades to pay their
last respects; Rev. Salem Bland delivers a eulogy.

May 31
A memorial meeting is held at New Yorks Town
Hall, presided over by Leonard Abbott; fdms of
Goldman in Spain, Canada, and of her funeral are
shown; and speakers include Norman Thomas, Rudolf
Rocker, Roger Baldwin, Harry Kelly, Carlo Tresca,
Eliot White, Rose Pesotta, Martin Gudell, Dorothy
Rogers, and Harry Weinberger.

S ally T homas
S tephen C ole
C andacf. Falk



Goldman included this photograph of herself at the age of

seventeen in her autobiography, Living M y Life.

The young immigrant anarchist educated herself and drew

inspiration from a vast array of literary and political writ

Goldman family portrait, taken in St. Petersburg, shows Emma, her half-sister Helena (from her mothers
first marriage), brother Morris in Helenas lap, mother Taube, brother Herman, and father Abraham (ca.





T a lk * to t h a F o r e i g n e r In O r r i u m o f T b o i r
C o n d itio n a n d H o w to R fm e ilv I t.

3 ta rn . rfee cttiiffo jiaR o ti.

Miss Emma Goldman, of Now York, de.

livt*red two addresses-lO-Workingmcn In.this
city on Sunday laut. . .The IIm one at
Industrial Hall, where ehe apoka to tha
International Workingmen In the afternoon,
and at night poke before the Workingmen's
Educational Society at Canmakera Hall.
Miss Goldman fa a young woman of per-

Di e nl t of l , ben 18. Sehr.,. 1890,
m b* 8 Ubr,

C in ta i fl bei 3* ftttirira ,
443, Oleari S t r e e t ,
V im flo tf.

peaker. She waa born In Germany, but at

an early age left her native couniry to go
with her parents to Russia, where she began
to notice the oppression of tbe poor, and,
like many others, she Immediately set to
work to study out tome means to alleviate
their oondition. At the Canmakera Hall
meeting she said, among Other things, that
hen she came to this country and saw the
magnificent buildings, and then saw the
wretched squalor of the tenement bouaea,
she wondpred and cried "Oh! how did it
come to pass that such grand and magnifi
cent things can exist so cloee to swob
wretched miserv. And she was of tba
opinldn that conditions in this country were
almost as bad as in Europe. .
She said that wage* were comparatively
less in this country than in Russia, since in
-the latter oountry everything is ao ruuch
-Cheaper. Another thing w a s that in R u s s i a
they know that there exist. Jyrantr biHrln
Arruprlea .all were *un>osfc<To be free;
men ,Hre hanged for free speech, while others'
wmrrent to Blackwell's Island. Yet there
are jxjonle to teach you how to throw Tfyyh
yoke. The same general conditions exist in
all countries, and the authorities and those
to whom we are accustomed to look for
advice appear to !> in league against us.
Michael John and WilUani Harvey also
made addresses.

Brirft mb rfbrr flnb jtt IrnbtA an We r i |

4 * 11 t , B. O. B. 8185, $ra> T)orf. -

ntflic 1,
6 o n n o b e n b , ben 16..t5rfbniar 1890,
tbcnb 8 Ubr,


C la re n d o n Hall,

114-118, . 13. 6tr.,

tto rfa tg t>0K Guaina olbmann.
Ocbrrannn iHtouimrn,

X) e r 6 t f r.

6 o ty n t a fl , bf n 17. 5 t b r u a r , 1890,

Bormillofl^ jwuft ]0 U b r :

(iJefdjSftSfttjun n. 2)i3fuffIon
im iabor liijceum, 61 bis 67J3J?tjrlIe tr.
d r l# E4>rifUn>lkrbrfllfr wnrbr CknoRc
TO .;tH ilI, 5?o. 2U8 CUcrxj Gtitft roobnboft, ft
nannt. T*ridb< tfl glfidwfittfl ixniptagtnt )t
Brootlpn fr bif .ftrcibtit* unb .(emmontPfal*.
iuferrbrm rorrbcn bei Traifflbrn Sluftrgt au| oDt
_rfDohilionrtn Jritfcfcriften unb Vifjfrunfli.Strtt


Goldman quickly gained a reputation as a talented

speaker, earning praise in English-language news
papers like the Baltimore Critic, which reports her
observations about inequality in one of the earliest
accounts (Oct. 25, 1890) of a Goldman lecture.

anflfnoTOiflrfrTrnb{Uit''&<l*'^3iitllid;flr bdmgh----

In the early years of her career Goldman lec

tured almost exclusively in German and Yid
dish; this announcement of a New York lecture
is from Johann Mosts Freiheit, Feb. 15, 1890.


Goldmans growing reputation also brought her to the attention of

local authorities. This police mug shot dates from her Aug. 31,
1893, arrest on a charge of incitement to riot at a Union Square
demonstration of the unemployed in New York.


Goldman (ca. 1890, left) and Voltairine de Cleyre, the most prominent American-born woman anarchist (1897, right), placed
womens equality at the center of their anarchist vision of freedom. Goldmans views on free love and the sanctity oi marriage
are the focus of this interview in the Si. Louis Post-Dispatch (below).





ViH bo


trU *


Newspaper reviiement of Goldman reached a peak in 1901 (repre

sented by this Sept. 8, 1901, article from the Chicago Daily Tribune.
left) in the wake of the assassination of President William McKinley
by Leon Czolgosz. Police, trying to implicate Goldman, arrested and
photographed her. Goldman and other anarchists contended with press
caricatures and stereotypes such as this lurid feature from the Chi
cago Inter Ocean (above), April 5, 1908, following a series of at
tempted assassinations and bombings linked to anarchists.




N. Y.

10c. a Copy

f 1'0m i 906 to 1917, Goldmans annual lecture tours for M other Earth were often banned by local authorities or disrupted by the
police. She describes one such event in Detroit in this March, 17, 1907, letter (bottom left) to her editor and lifelong comrade
Alexander Berkman (pictured ca. 1914, bottom right).

i1 i:'



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Chiefs Office.

j 1**tu^*-<Ay) , jlstz C-U^si


New Haven, Conn.,

tuu<ujL x-y *~u7z ^Lst
ns ^y^ctcJ^
sPd-fiLed? h*>
'$ 7: yyy^^LX-* oonj^

May 15,1909 l^0

H*.George W.WickorahaWjEoq.,
United States Attorney General,
Washington DC.

,.p,u^2- r'tftjdr Jisistyyuyy

ttye^c ^^ czsvkz&s /



Dear Sir:

/ iJL'CJ//^ b /i'\^ y (,
9CJL 3 7 * ^ 7

/ d~^yXJL'

I beg leare to call your attention to

articles printed In The New Karen Palladium,of Kay 13 and 1 4, narked

copies of which I am sending under aeperate cover*
Referring to statements and utterances of Dr.P.eitman,who is man


0 JLe 'Qx* /yiP^&7>day7. x

7^^kuix7l-Qj7 f 4 y4(s?\JZSCsQyj ,syi/-$G.yr\^-i ^4-y<- O ^tL y i

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C-Ousyo a^t^QyyUS-SCr -lfee^_cL.
o k 'Vti-a^)
tlL-tx /k ^ ^ L


ager and press agent of Sana Goldnan,an avowed anarchist,

My reason in sending this communication to you is that I was undor the lnpresslon that Immediately after the death of our late lam


ented President McKinley,Congross enactod a law making it a crime for

anyone to speak against the government In a derogatory manner,and

also "because I am very much Interested In this matter,as Dr.Reitaan

and Qama Goldman hare "beon in this city,and ehe has attempted to

4 $ y < ^ 7 # 4 ^, .HJU'^L^C
olgjiM-, - k
e?'^^L-. 'TrinJl '-^2yK

speak In one of our local halls on three occasions,hor advertised

subject "being,Anarchy And What It Stands For.


I absolutely refused to allow hor to speak hero on this or any-

*^<- jtC A CJL. . 0 ^ 7

-Oi^ '/&A+i/k y 7
'^ 0 -4 ^

other aubject,and havo prevented her fron doing 90,as she is an un

^ c 'k

desirable person,and one whom the good and respectable people of thisCity do not care to hare speak on any subject.

z jj[


/ ' tT*- C A -^c^ynklTjt^c

a^ _

I wl3h to say further that I an surprised, that the United States

Authorities would allow anyone to go about and make such inflammatory
and incendiary romarka In regard to the murder of our late President

Ben Reitman, Goldmans manager and lover from 1908 to 1916, at the Mother Earth office with the magazines typist and secretary
Anna Baron (ca. 1916, below). His advance work and flair for publicity enabled Goldman to reach large audiences, causing alarm
among local officials like the New Haven chief of police (top right, 1909). Andas indicated by this letter (ca. 1914, top left) written
late at night after delivering a lectureGoldman longed for the intimacy of Reitmans presence and agonized over the distracting effect
of her passion on her political work.


M odern ide on W t . U b o r en d the S e x Q u e a tio n re revo lu tio n u io * th o u gh t. I f y o u b e lie v e in le a rn in g th in g y o u r s e lf, it

w ill p ay y o u to h ea r

f nuns (gol&tnait
Who will deliver a Series of Lectures in
Portland on Vital Subjects at

Portland, Subject and Dates:

Sunday, August^lst, 3 P. M.


Sunday, August 1st, 8 P. M.


Monday, August 2nd, 8 P. M.


Tuesday, August 3rd, 8 P. M.


lectual Storm Center of Europe
Wednesday, August 4th, 8 P. M.

JEALOUSYIts Cause and Possible Cure

Thursday, August 5th, 8 P. M,


Friday, August 6th, 8 P. M.


How Small Families Are Desirable)
Saturday, August 7th, 8 P. M.


cussion of Homosexuality)

(A Dis

Sunday, August 8th, 3 P. M.


Sunday, A u g u st 8 th , 8 P. M .


2 5 C E N T 'S

8 Lectures With MOTHER EARTH, Subscription *2.50


Scandinavian Socialist Had, w m Yamii

Cleveland, Ohio
June 4th 1916
Hiss Helen Keller,
IVr^nt han, liass .
ily dearest Comrade:
I am terribly ashamed of myself to have kept
you waiting so long for a reply to your wonderful
letter and the enclosed contribution, which you
so generously sent.
It is only due to the faot
that I was left with a lot of urgent work owing
to the imprisonment of my comrade, Ben. L. Eeitmann.
He has carried the brunt of the office and all of
its details for 8 years on his back.
I was almost
beside myself with a thousand and one details con
nected with our office and the general propaganda,
and as I had to prepare a number of lectures for
my tour besides, you can readily imagine how much
time there was left for anything else.
As I wrote you on a previous occasion, I could
not, if I tried, express what your coming into my
life has already meant or what it is going to mean.
I have had all sorts of people in my life; some
have remained during my entire life and others have
dropped out but somehow I was nover so deeply moved as
by your friendship and generosity. I think, perhaps,
it is becaiise I know what a terrible struggle you
must have. had.
Yes indeed, it is a breach of
J ijt 'f.riX'' on the part of those who call themselves
radicals,<not to join hands in a fight, especially
if that fight is for Free Speech and Free Press,
but then I have come across such things so often
in my 36 years of experience, that^longer ( / /
Host people that call themselves'
radicals and socialists are so, only by name and not
in their innermost beings.
After all, no-one can
give more than he is capable and no one ought .to
expect mere.
Yes you are quite right,fonly thioso
are dangerous to the present society who propogate
direct action against/</'(<?.%?/''.--Of,the industrial
conflict and if anyone doubted'that they had ample
opportunity to convince themselyyes from the action
of the authorities of New Yorki&ecause Rose Pastor
Stokes through her husband, is connected with the
upper strata, the authorities did not proceed against
Neither did they proceed against Ida Rauh
Eastman and Jessie Ashley, although the two latter
and -with myself and others, stood up in an automo
bile in Union Square, Saturday Hay 30th and distrib
uted 30,000 Birth Control circulars.


Goldman typically addressed a broad range of subjectsas suggested by this 1915 handbill (top left)though her birth control
lectures drew the largest crowds. Goldman is pictured speaking (below) from a car in Union Square, New York, on May 20, 1916,
to protest Ben Reitmans arrest lor advocating birth control; in defiance of the law, twenty thousand birth control leaflets were
distributed to the crowd, an event Goldman recounts in her letter to Helen Keller (top right).


Convicted in July 1917 of conspiracy to obstruct

the draft, Goldman and Berkmanpictured here

during their trial (left)each were sentenced to two
years in prison. Goldman served her sentence in
Jefferson City, Mo., where, restricted in the num
ber and length of letters she was allowed to write,
she used every inch of space on a page. In this Feb.
27, 1918, letter (below) Goldman reports to her
niece Stella Ballantine that the prison matron, who
regularly monitored her mail, was having trouble
deciphering her handwriting.



Memo, for Mr. Creighton, -2He Berkman and Goldman.



D E P A R T M E N T O F J U S T IC E ,
W A S H IN G T O N , D . C .

August 23, 1919.

/ ^ e V 3? - / 3

of the Bureau of Immigration to heve a search made of their

files and to submit the same to me for oonaideretion reletive

heiiohalduu ?oa ua. cesiohcc::.

to these two cases.

I an attaching hereto a copy of a report received from

Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman are, beyond doubt,

the f.ew York office relative to the oases of Alexander

two of the most dangerous anarchists in this country and if

Eerknap and Emma Goldman who are at present sojourning in the''

permitted to return to the community will result in undue harm.

custody of the federal authorities but who will shortly be

released,their sentences about to expire.


. Zsu- Vfrtrtnxxv

Berkraan by his

own admission is an alien, while 3nma Goldman has claimed at

various tines to be an A n e r i can citizen through the natural
ization of her father and again through the naturalization
of her husband, but it appears that the immigration authoritios who personally examined her claim reached the conclusion

that she was not a citizen of the United States.

Upon com-

cunicating with the Department of Labor this morning, I was

informally advised that 2mma Goldmans case had on several

occasions teen before the Department of Labor for consideration l

but that the Assistant Secretary, Hr. Post, had refused to

sustain the recommendation of the immigration inspector, stat-

ing that there was not sufficient facts to warrant the issuance
of the warrant for deportation.

I have requested ilr. McClelland

As a special assistant to the attorney general assigned to the Bureau of Investigation in 1919, J. Edgar Hooverlater FBI director for
almost a half-centurytook a personal interest in the supervision of the deportation cases against Goldman and Berkman.

Accompanied by her attorney Harry Weinberger, Goldman surrenders to federal officials at Ellis Island prior to
her deportation from the United States on Dec. 21, 1919.


V \,(*

A. h


What Is the present official attitude of the Soviet Government

to the Anarchists?


Will the 2 Resolutions presented by the Federation of

Anarchlsts-Communlsts to the Central Committee, per
Krestlnsky (on March 3 1920) be acted upon, and how?


Release of the Anarchists now confined in prisons

and concentration camps.
Legalization of Anarchists and Anarchist Croups
that accept the platform of the Federation of
Anarchlsts-Communlsts b the effect that only
work of a cultural character be carried on by
Anarchists within Soviet Russia.

What is, to bo the definite attitude of the Soviet Gouemraent

toward the Anarohlsts?


Persecution of Anarchists, as such, especially in

the Provinces.
Denial of free speech and free press,
Literature legalized In Moscow confiscated In the
Arrests and Imprisonment of Anarchists without
specific accusation -Indeterminate stay In the
prisons, exposed to disease and death -- liberated
without explanation or redress -- deprived of their
positions, contrary to Soviet law, as for Instance
in the City of Soozdal, Vladimirskaya Qoobemla, etc.

Guarantees for the safety of the person.

No arrests or "oblava" without specific acousatlon.
No search of person or premises without warrant
dearly defining the forbidden objects sought.
Full freedom of speech and proos throughout Soviet

On March 8, 1920less than two months af

ter their arrival in Soviet R ussia Goldm an
and Berkman challenged Soviet leader
Vladimir Lenin with questions about the per
secution of anarchists and the denial of free
speech and a free press.

Courta of Appeal.

In re Hama Goldman and Alexander Berkman:


General Pass for Travel, to enable them to study

the conditions and become acquainted with the life
of the country.
The establishment of an American Political Deporteoo
Immigration Bureau, to receive, aid, distribute, etc.,
the coming groups of exiles from America.
The founding of the Russian FrlondB of American
Freedom, to aid the cause of Liberty in America.

Goldman addresses a crowd of mourners on Feb. 13, 1921, at the funeral of leading anarchist theorist
Peter Kropotkinthe occasion of the last great demonstration of anarchists in Moscow. Immediately in
front of her stands Alexander Berkman.


In Europe after leaving Russia in 1921, Goldman reveled in visits

with old friends and wrote her autobiography. With Goldman at
Versa illes in 1924 are lawyers Arthur Leonard Ross and Harry
Weinberger and friend (top left); Fitzi (M. Eleanor Fitzgerald) and
Pauline Trkei (top right, right to left) en route to Europe in 1923;
Goldman and her secretary Demi (Emily Holmes Coleman) work
ing on the terrace of Bon Esprit, Goldmans St. Tropez cottage
(ca. 1928, bottom left).


Rudolf Rocker (left), a G erm an-born anarchist

and close friend of Goldman, and Max Nettlau
(above), a prolific chronicler of the movement,
were among Goldmans most significant corre
spondents during her exile years.

Pictured together for the last time in September 1935 are

old friends Modest Stein (Fedya), Goldman, and
Berkman. Mollie Steimer (right) was expelled from Rus
sia with her companion Senya Flcshin in 1923 for a n a r
chist activity; they cemented their friendship with Gold
man and Berkman in the 1920s and 1930s when they lived
in exile in Berlin and Paris.



W e d 8 :n1 5 eP. sM ._____________

d a y
a prolonged campaign by her friends and associates, the U.S. govern
ment granted Goldman a three-month visa and she returned on Feb. 1, 1934,
to begin a lecture tour. She is pictured at New Yorks Penn Station with her
niece Stella Ballanline (above) and at the Hotel Astor (below) where she
held a spirited press conference. To her left is her friend Roger Baldwin,
director o f the American Civil Liberties Union; immediately behind him stands
her nephew Ian Ballantine.


B R O U N ;

G oldm an
A/tc'T 15 \
E n fo rc e d


who will lecture

E xile

on her fomous


S O C . 7 S C . S t. S 1 .5 0 . S 2 (P t-U S l O T A X '


m m a

o ld m a n


c o m m it t e e

310 n



1 D<w.r Wr. W e lls ,

Thunk you so much f o r y o u r p ro m p t
torn. O. P . S e l l s . P l e a s e th a n k h e r f o r rie.
n o t to t o l l you In t h e f i r f t p l a c e t h a t -h u t 1
a b o u t wos t o e x o lo in t h e i d r s o f * t h e a t r e ben
I f e l t t h a t I c o u ld do s o b e t t e r p e r s o n a l l y tb
I ilo n o t i * n t to im p o se on y o u r v a l u a b l e t i n e
w hat 1 v-ould l i k e you t o do.
I t s o s t s to b e i m p o s s i b l e t o a c h i e v e o n y th in y i n SiR lanG
u n l e s s o n e lias th e s p o n s o r s h i p o f t i t l e s , w e a l t h , o r l i t o r u x y
fa n e . X p r e f e r to a o d r e s s m y s e lf to t h e l a t t e r r a t h e r th a n to a
panuco n o b i l i t y o r o l , w ith . 'a t flank a c c o u n t s . I b.nvo a l r e a d y e
num ber o f eooie w e ll-k n o w n i n H ig lis h l e t t e r s , who, h a v e c o n s e n te d to
span n o r t h e o ro .la o t o f a t h e a t r e b e c e f i t a f f a i r , f o r t h e u n f o r t u n a t e
v i c t i m s f A -eci-x i.
'".onr o th e r e , H is s U y b il 'ilio m d ik e , M iss S tlie l
lu - r , S.r. M in O o -o e r Pow ys, H r . i . a u r i o e liroviu an d D r. S te l la O b '..-c h ill '.JVC e o n a e n te i *o a c t o s s p o n s o r s .
P l e a s J e t me e x r l t i n
t!oi t i l .a i v i s to h a no f i n a n c i a ] r e s p o n s i b i l i t y ooanect, w ith th e
> I t i s o n ly t h a t U se im non s e iiU o n e a w ould c a r r y w e ig h t
tli th e H i t - l i e .
n o c t u r e X f o o l c e r t a i n t h a t y o u r nemo w aul'd
c o n t r i b u t e r-.-eS'tly to t h e s u c c e s s o f t b o u n r t a k i n g , X bes. you to
c o n s e n t to v o u r "tm e b e in g a d d e d to t h o s e I a l r e a d y h a v e on t h o l i s t . .
I ;y.y cuy t h a t I h a v e a l s o w r i t t e n t o H r. O .B . 3hv>, M r. H a v e lo c k
s i l l s . H r. O ranvi 13 e B a rk e r er.d a few o t h e r s , a f r i e n d o f n i n e who
knows M r. a .U'ouu m - r l e y , b ee u n d e r ta k e n to See h i n a s w e l l .

After the outbreak of the Spanish civil war in July 1936, Goldman worked
indefatigably on behalf of the Spanish anarchists, who played a signifi
cant role on the Republican side, serving in London as the English-lan
guage propagandist for the CNT-FA1, and after the collapse of the Re
public, aiding the refugees from Francos regime. Goldman visited Spain
three times during the war. She is pictured below in September 1938
with Alfonso Miguel; Lola Iturbe, feminist and CNT militant; Jos Carb;
Martin Gudell, who worked closely with Goldman through the CNTFAIs Office of Foreign Propaganda; Pedro Herrera, general secretary of
the FAI and one of Goldmans closest Spanish comrades; Juan Molina,
formerly editor of Tierra y Libertad', and Gregorio Jover, commander of
the 28th Division and a close associate of the late anarchist leader
Buenaventura Durruti.


CONWAY HALL, Red Lion Square

H 0 L 8 0 R N , W .C (N *re*t S ta tio n H o lb o m " K ln g jw ty )

F rid a y , 14 th Ja n u a ry, ip ) 8 a t 8 p .m .
Doors Open 7.30 pm .




W * C M .T . A I J M O K T ir MTU> 0 O H STAIM


S*bj*ct :

The B e trayal o f the

Im tb* Cbttr;


(O i.T ,- .A .I. L ..4* AJ.U

loin th o A n o r c h o S y n d ic a lis t U n io n
M l t f t k i M l the W rM M

IBtailH Im u i Eikltttfii fill li iju li tH

a inr Tut it 2t Frmi tout, (Z Z r) f.t ti
9 vtieft allrm til csimiicttliBS skull I mt
Mm i IbM ImM 4f tlM M iplMi af M CK T.T .K X Br**a. 21
Prttk L u v . L 4 , W. I
n . iy n . . .



U ,

W .U

In February 1940 Goldman suffered a severe stroke and died on

May 14. The U.S. government relented in its opposition to
Goldmans entry; her body was returned to Chicago where she
was buried near the Haymarket anarchists. The gravestone (left),
with a bas-reliet by sculptor Jo Davidson, erected some years later,
misidentified her June 27 birth date and her 1940 death date. A
final tribute to Goldman was held at Town Hall in New York City.

Memorial Meeting
to honor Hi

Outstanding Woman of Our Time

Em m a Goldman
Anarchist Author Speaker Journolist
at T O W N


123 West 43 rd Street

Friday Evening, May 31, 1940

3:13 p.m .

Tributes will be paid b y

of Hm


M iu Goldman'* guide In Spoilt

( I k Y iddish)


LEONARD D. ABBOTT, will preside


The public is invited



Candace Falk, Editor and Director
Stephen Cole, Associate Editor
Sally Thomas, Assistant Editor


249 Reds Sail, Exiled to Soviet Russia. . . .
York Herald (Dec. 22, 1919)]

In [New
Reel 64

[Address Card, 1917 July? for

Mother Earth Publishing Association]

Reel 57

[Affidavit] 1908 May 18 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 56

[Affidavit] 1908 May 20 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 56

[Affidavit] 1908 May 21 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 56

[Affidavit] 1917 June 1[0?

authenticating document]

Reel 57

[Affidavit] 1919 Oct. 1 [describing transcript

of speech at Harlem River Casino, May 18, 1917]

Reel 63

[Affidavit] 1919 Oct. 18 [in re: New Haven

Palladium article]

Reel 63

[Affidavit] 1919 Oct. 20 [authenticating

transcript of Goldman speech]

Reel 63

[Affidavit] 1919 Dec. 2 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 64

[Affidavit] 1920 Feb. 5 [in re: Abraham Schneider]

Reel 65

[Affidavit] 1923 March 23 [giving

Emma Goldman's birth date]

Reel 65

[Affidavit] 1933 Dec. 26 [in support of motion

for readmission to United States]

Reel 66

[Affidavit? 1917? July? regarding California

indictment of Alexander Berkman (excerpt?)]

Reel 57

Affirms Sentence on Emma Goldman.

In [New York Times (Jan. 15, 1918)]

Reel 60

Against Draft Obstructors.

In [Baltimore Sun (Jan. 15, 1918)]

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: A.P. Olson (or Olsson)-Anarchist and Radical, New York, 1918 Aug. 30

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Abraham Schneider--I.W.W.,

St. Louis, Mo. [19]19 Oct. 14

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] Abraham Schneider,

St. Louis, Mo. [19]20 May 6

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Adolph Wolff--Alleged

German Activities, New York, 1917 Oct. 15

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman-Anti-Conscription Literature, New York, 1917 June 8

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Anti-Conscription Matter, New York, 1917 June 29
Reel 57
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman, Rosa Spanier,
Helen Boardman [et al.]--Anarchistic Matters,
N[ew] Y[ork] 1917 Aug. 1

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman Benefit

Concert and Ball. . . , Chicago, 1917 Oct. 7

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman--Prisoner in U.S.

Penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga., 1918 March 5
Reel 61
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman,
et al.--Anarchists, New York, 1918 Oct. 22

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma

Goldman, M. E. Fitzgerald--Anarchist activities,
New York, 1918 Oct. 25

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman, Miss

E. M. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Stella Ballantine and others
of the Anarchist Group, Atlanta, Ga., 1919 June 2

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman--Bolsheviki

Activities, New York, 1919 Aug. 21

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Deportation Matter, New York, 1919 Aug. 27
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Deportation Matter [New] York [19]19 Sept. 24
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Deportation Matter, New York [19]19 Sept. 24
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Deportation Matter, New York [19]19 Oct. 4
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Deportation Matter, New York [19]19 Oct. 6
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman, Detroit, Mich.,
1919 Nov. 26
Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman-Anarchists, Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 28
Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman and Emma
Goldman, Chicago, 1919 Nov. 30

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman--Anarchist

Matter, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 3

Reel 64

[Agent Report In] re: Alexander Berkman--Anarchist

Activities, New York [19]22 March 11

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Alexander Berkman--Anarchist

Activities, New York [19]22 March 17

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Alexander Ber[k]man-Anarchistic Activities, New York, 1922 March 22

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Alexander Berkman and Emma

Goldman, New York, 1922 April 21

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Alexander Berkman, Berlin,

Germany--Anarchist Activities, Los Angeles, 1922 Oct. 5

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Alexander Berkman--Immigration

Matter, Chicago, 1927 Oct. 1

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Alexander Berkman--Immigration

Matter, Butte, Mont. [19]27 Oct. 17

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Alexander Berkman--Immigration

Matter, Chicago, 1927 Nov. 23

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Alice Stone Blackwell--Alleged

Radical Activities, Boston, 1922 March 7

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In [re]: Amnesty League--Bolshevik

Matter, Chicago, 1919 Sept. 12

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchism--Berkman and Goldman,

New York, 1919 Nov. 5

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchism--Emma Goldman,

N[ew] Y[ork] 1919 Nov. 21

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchist activities;

Deportation Matters--Alexander Berkman and
Emma Goldman, N[ew] York, 1919 Sept. 30

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchist Activities-Deportation Matter; Emma Goldman, [New] York [19]19
Sept. 30

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchist Activities--Emma Goldman

and Alexander Berkman, New York, 1919 Sept. 30
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Anarchist Activities, Emma Goldman-Alex[ander] Berkman Hearing, New York, 1919 Dec. 11
Reel 64
[Agent Report In re:] Anarchist Black Cross of Russia, Boston,
1922 March 16
Reel 65
[Agent Report] In re: Anarchist Matters, Mother Earth
Book Shop. . . , New York, 1918 Aug. 11

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchists (See files Emma

Goldman, et al.), Chicago, 1917 July 18

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchists Association-Berkman-Goldman Dinner--Bolsheviki Activities,

New York, 1919 Oct. 27

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchists, Chicago [19]17 Aug. 10 Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Anarchists--European Neutrality
Matter, Chicago, 1917 July 17

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Anti-Conscription Matters (Alex.

Berkman, M. Hillquit, et al.), New York, 1917 June 19

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Anticipated Emma Goldman Meetings

on the West Side on the evening of June 5, Chicago,
1917 June 6

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Articles by Emma Goldman-Liberator Meeting, New York [19]22 April 19

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: Bales, Federal Prisoner-Anarchistic Activities and Draft Evasion, New York,
1918 July 12

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Ben L. Reitman, Anarchist,

Chicago, 1917 June 6

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Ben Reitman--European Neutrality

Matters, Chicago, 1917 May 22

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Ben Reitm[a]n--Supposed Anarchist,

Pal of Emma Goldman, Los Angeles, 1917 July 21
Reel 57
[Agent Report] In re: Ben Reitman--Anarchist, N[ew]
Y[ork] 1918 Nov. 6

Reel 62

[Agent Report In] re: Ben Reitman--Anarchist, Hartford,

Conn., 1919 Oct. 16

Reel 63

[Agent Report In] re: Ben Reitman--Anarchist, Hartford,

Conn., 1919 Oct. 17

Reel 63

[Agent Report In] re: Ben Reitman--Anarchist, Hartford,

Conn., 1919 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report in re:] Ben Reitman--Alleged Radical,

Hartford, Conn., 1919 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] Ben Reitman--Alleged Radical,

Hartford, Conn., 1919 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report In] re: Ben Reitman--Anarchist,

Hartford, Conn., 1919 Oct. 20

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Bolshevik Activities,

New York [19]19 Sept. 22

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Meeting at Poli's

Theatre, Sunday Afternoon, February 2, 1919,
Washington, D.C. [19]19 Feb. 6

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Movement

[Chicago] 1918 March 4

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Movement

[Chicago] 1918 March 7

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Movement

[Detroit? Mich.?] 1918 March 14

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Movement

[Chicago] 1918 March 17

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Movement

[Chicago] 1918 March 19

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Bolsheviki Movement in

America [Detroit? Mich.?] 1918 April 25

Reel 61

[Agent Report In] re: Bolshev[iki M]ovement in

America [Detroit, Mich.] 1918 [May 21 (fragment)]

Reel 61

[Agent Report In] re: Bolsheviki Movement in

America, Detroit, Mich., 1918 May 21 [fragment]

Reel 61

[Agent Report In re:] C. Beu, General Information,

Kansas City, Mo. [19]22 March 25

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Carl N[ew]lander, William

Bales--Slacker, Anarchist, New York, 1918 July 25

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Carl Newlander, William Bales

and Miss M. E. Fitzgerald--Anarchistic and I.W.W.
Activities, New York, 1918 July 5

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Carl N[ew]lander, William

Bales--Slacker, Anarchist, New York, 1918 July 25

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Cas[s]ius V. Cook, Humanity League-Conscription Law, Chicago, 1917 June 22
Reel 57
[Agent Report In re:] Communist Activities [19]39
Sept. 15 [excerpt]

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: Communist Labor Party Activities,

Jacksonville, Fla. [19]19 Dec. 17

Reel 67

[Agent Report] In re: (Conference of Socialists)

German Activities, New York [19]17 [June] 7

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Deportation Matter--Alexander

Berkman and Emma Goldman, New York, 1919 Sept. 30

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Deportation Matter--Emma

Goldman and Alexander Berkman, New York [1919 Sept. 30?] Reel 63
[Agent Report In re:] Dill Pickle Club of Chicago
[Chicago, 19]30 July 23

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: Dorothy Miller, Pittsburgh,

Pa. [19]21 Oct. 25

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Dr. Ben Reitman--Anarchist

Matter, Chicago, 1920 Feb. 23

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Dudley H. Grant, Bolsheviki Matter,

Washington, D.C. [19]19 June 17 [fragment]
Reel 62
[Agent Report] In re: Elmer Ellsworth--Alleged
German Activities, Los Angeles [19]18 May 13

Reel 61

[Agent Report In] re: Emerson P. Jennings-Alleged Bolsheviki Activities, New York [1921 Oct. 19?]

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman & Berkman,

et al., New York, 1917 Oct. 13

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman & Berkman-Radical Activities, Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 29

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman & Alexander

Berkman--Anarchist Matter, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 1

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman & Alexander

Berkman--Anarchist Matter, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 8

Reel 64

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman (Socialistic Matter)

Washington, D.C. [19]17 Oct. 2

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman (Strike of

October 8th), New York, [19]19 Oct. 2

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman Meeting,

East End Hall, North Clark St., Friday
Night. . . , Chicago, 1917 Aug. 25

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman Meeting--Held at

West Side Auditorium, Racine & Taylor Sts., Chicago,
1917 Aug. 27

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--German Activities, New York, 1917 May 26

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Alleged Vio. Section 37, U.S.C.C.,
New York, 1917 June 21

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anti-Conscription Propagandists,
New York, 1917 June 29

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anti-Conscription Propagandists,
New York, 1917 July 19

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter,
New York, 1917 July 20

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexand[er]

Berkman--Bolsheviki Activities, New York, 1919 Aug. 19

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anarchists, New York, 1919 Sept. 25

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Ben R.

Reitman--Revolutionary Activities, Seattle,
Wash., 1919 Oct. 2

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Deportation Matter, New York [19]19 Oct. 2

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Deportation Matter, New York [19]19 Oct. 3

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Deportation Matter, New York [19]19 Oct. 6

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman-Deportation Matter, New York, 1919 Oct. 17
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman-Deportation Proceedings, New York [19]19 Oct. 30
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman-Anarchists Held for Deportation, New York, 1919 Nov. 12 Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman-Anarchists, Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 2[4?]
Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman-Anarchistic Meeting Held at 56 E. Adams St. at 8 P.M.,
Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 25
Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman-Anarchistic meeting held at 56 E. Adams St. at 8 P.M.,
Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 25
Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Her [?] Jacob
Lewis--Deportation Matter, Chicago [1919 Nov. 26?]

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman, Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 28

Reel 64

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman, Detroit, Mich., 1919 Nov. 29

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman, Mass Meeting West Side Auditorium, Chicago
[19]19 Dec. 1

Reel 64

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman Meeting, Carmen's [H]all, Chicago
[19]19 Dec. 1

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anarchist Matter, Indianapolis, 1919 Dec. 1

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alex[ander]

Berkman, Indianapolis, Ind. [1919] Dec. 2

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Mass Meeting West Side Auditorium, Chicago,
1919 Dec. 4

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anarchists, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1919 Dec. 6

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman--Anarchists, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1919 Dec. 9

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman's Lecture on "Maxim

Gorki"--Seditious Utterances, Chicago, 1918 Jan. 11

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman, Anarchist Leader,

Philadelphia, 1917 June 2

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Anarchist--Lecture

on "The Bolsheviki, Their True Nature and Aim," Chicago,
1918 Jan. 8
Reel 60
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Anarchist--Lecture
on "The Bolsheviki, Their True Nature and Aim," Chicago,
1918 Jan. 11
Reel 60
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Anarchist, Kansas
City, Mo., 1918 March 10

Reel 61

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman,

Mina Lowensohn (Anarchist-Soviet Bulletin),
Philadelphia [19]19 Dec. 29

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman,

and Mina Lowensohn--Alleged Jewish Bolsheviki Activities,
Philadelphia, 1920 Jan. 30
Reel 65
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman,
et al., Pittsburgh, Pa. [19]21 Sept. 24

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman,

Shapiro, Wolff--Anarchistic Activities, Seattle, Wash.
[19]22 March 24

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman,

Alexander S[c]hapiro--Anarchistic Activities,
Seattle, Wash. [19]22 June 5

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Berkman, et al.,

New York, 1917 Sept. 13

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Berkman, et al.-Anti-Conscription Case, New York, 1917 Sept. 13

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Berkman, et al.,

New York, 1917 Sept. 29

Reel 59

[Agent Report In re: Emma Goldman, Chicago?]

1920 July 10 [excerpt]

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Cleveland, Ohio,

1917 June 29

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Detroit, Mich.,

1919 Nov. 26

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Kansas City, Mo.,

1918 March 20

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Kansas City, Mo.,

1918 April 5

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, Lecture

Jan. 11, 1918 [at] Douglas Park Auditorium, Chicago,

1918 Jan. 28

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, New York,

1919 Dec. 8

Reel 64

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman, New York,

1924 Nov. 13

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman, Stockholm,

Sweden--Anarchist Activities, Los Angeles, 1922 Oct. 5

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, et al.--European

Neutrality Matter, Chicago [19]17 July 24

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, et al., Chicago,

1917 Aug. 14

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, et al., Chicago,

1917 Aug. 15

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman, et al., Anarchist

Matter, Chicago, 1919 Oct. 11

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anti-Conscription

Matter, New York, 1917 June 12

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Berkman et al.

(Bernard Ackerman), New York, 1917 Dec. 4

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

Los Angeles, 1918 Jan. 9

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1918 Jan. 16

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., [19]18 Jan. 17

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1918 Jan. 17

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1918 Jan. 21

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1918 Jan. 22

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Socialist Matter,

St. Louis, Mo., 1918 March 11

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

Los Angeles, 1918 March 22

Reel 61


[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Alexander Berkman-Stella Comyn--Elizabeth Freeman--E. Fitzgerald, Anarchist
Activities, Pittsburgh, Pa. [19]19 Jan. 7
Reel 62
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,
St. Louis, Mo. [19]19 Sept. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

St. Louis, Mo. [19]19 Sept. 19

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

St. Louis, Mo. [19]19 Sept. 29

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

St. Louis, Mo. [19]19 Sept. 30

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Deportation Matter,

New York [19]19 Oct. 2

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist Literature,

New York [19]19 Oct. 3
Reel 63
[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,
Buffalo, N.Y. [19]19 Oct. 3

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist Matter,

Chicago, 1919 Oct. 4

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

San Francisco, 1919 Oct. 4

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Alleged Anarchist,

Buffalo, N.Y., 1919 Oct. 6

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

Buffalo, N.Y., 1919 Oct. 7

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist,

Buffalo, N.Y., 1919 Oct. 8

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Deportation Matter,

New York [19]19 Oct. 14

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Alexander Berkman,

Defense and Deportation Proceedings, Pittsburgh, Pa.
[19]19 Oct. 14

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist Matter,

Chicago, 1919 Oct. 16

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., [19]19 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., 1919 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist Activities,


New York, 1919 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., 1919 Oct. 20

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., 1919 Oct. 22

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., 1919 Oct. 2[3?]

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist Matter,

Chicago [1919] Oct. 23

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Kansas

City, Mo., 1919 Oct. 25

Reel 63

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Alex Berkman,

New York, 1919 Nov. 6

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., 1919 Nov. 15

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y., 1919 Nov. 26

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1919 Nov. 29

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,

N.Y. [19]19 Dec. 3

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist Matter,

Chicago, 1919 Dec. 4

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--Deportation Matter,

Chicago, 1919 Dec. 6

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Emma Goldman--[Proposed] Return to

the United States, Pittsburgh, Pa., 192[1] Jan. 1[2?]
Reel 65
[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Buffalo,
N.Y. [19]21 Nov. 15

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Alleged Attempt to

Return to the U.S., New York [19]21 Nov. 16

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman--Anarchist, Detroit,

Mich., 1921 Nov. 21

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Emma Goldman--Alien Anarchist,

Detroit, Mich. [19]22 Jan. 28

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Emma Goldman--Anarchist

Activities, New York, 1922 March 22 [excerpt?]

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Federal Writers Project,


1938 Dec. 2 [excerpt?]

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: Floyd Hardin--Anarchist and

pro-German, San Francisco, 1918 June 25

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: General Matters, New York,

1917 June 12

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Goldman--Berkman-Mina Lowensohn--Count Max Podocki (Alleged Anarchists-Russian Activities), Philadelphia [19]19 Dec. 12

Reel 64

[Agent Report In re:] Henry Sara--Communist Matter,

Chicago, 1922 April 7

Reel 66

[Agent Report In] re: Herman F. Sexauer, Alien Enemy-Violation President's Proclamation, Los Angeles,
1918 Feb. 20

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: I.W.W. & Anarchist Activities,

St. Louis, Mo., 1918 Jan. 4

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: I.W.W. Activities, San Francisco,

1917 July 9

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: I.W.W. Activities, San Antonio,

Tex[as] 1917 Oct. 16

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: I.W.W. Agitators, Pittsburgh, Pa.,

1917 Nov. 2
Reel 59
[Agent Report I]n re: I.W.W. Matters, St. Louis, Mo.,
1918 Jan. 2 [excerpt]

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Inglewood (or Englewood) and H. F.

Sexauer--German Activities, Los Angeles, 1917 July 18
Reel 57
[Agent Report In] re: Italian Defense Committee-Anarchist Activities, New York, 1922 April 3

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Jacob Henshear and Frank P. O'Hare-Alleged Anarchists, St. Louis, Mo. [19]22 March 8
Reel 65
[Agent Report] In re: Jacob Kersner, Chicago,
1919 Nov. 25

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Jacob Kersner, Emma Goldman-Anarchist Matter, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 4

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Jacob Kersner--Alleged Husband of

Emma Goldman, Syracuse, N.Y., 1919 Nov. [13?]

Reel 64

[Agent Report In re:] Jacob Margolis, Disbarred Anarchist

Attorney, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1923 May 29
Reel 66
[Agent Report In re:] Joint Conference Russian Societies,


Springfield, Mass., 1921 Dec. 15 [excerpt]

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Joseph Spivak--Anarchist

Activities, Los Angeles, 1923 Sept. 20

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Katherine Irvine, formerly Kitty Beck,

Portland, Ore., 1922 March 6
Reel 65
[Agent Report In] re: League for Amnesty for Political
Prisoners in America. . . , Detroit, Mich.
[19]18 June 5

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: League For the Amnesty of Political

Prisoners--Alexander Berkman, Emma Goldman,
Eleanor Fitzgerald, Roger N. Baldwin, et al.,
N[ew] Y[ork], 1918 Nov. 1[5?]
Reel 62
[Agent Report In re: League of Humanity, Chicago,
1917 June? (fragment)]

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: League of Humanity (See files

Daniel H. Wallace, C. V. Cook, Anarchists, Etc.)-European Neutrality Matter, Chicago, 1917 July 2

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Lecture by Emma Goldman, "The

Russian Revolution and its Forerunners,"--Seditious
Utterances, Chicago, 1918 Jan. 11

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Lecture by Emma Goldman. . .

"America and the Russian Revolution"--Seditious
Utterances, Chicago, 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Lecture under auspices of the

Non-Partisan Radical League, Douglas Park Auditorium,
Chicago, 1918 Jan. 25

Reel 60

[Agent Report In] re: Leon Malmed--Anarchist, Albany,

N.Y. [19]22 March 6

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re: Local I.W.W. Activities, New York]

1918 Feb. 4

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Lost File on Goldman-Berkman Case,

New York, 1919 Dec. 9
Reel 64
[Agent Report] In re: Louis Weitzenkorn, et al., I.W.W.
Activities, New York, 1918 Jan. 7

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Louise Bryant (Mrs. John Reed),

Emma Goldman, Teddy Ballantine, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
1921 Aug. 30

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Louise Olivereau--Violation of

Espionage and Conscription Acts, New York, 1917 Oct. 8

Reel 59

[Agent Report In] re: M.S., care [of] Mrs. Lawrence-Suspected Anarchist, Albany, N.Y. [19]22 March 9

Reel 65


[Agent Report] In re: Maxwell Bodenheim--Alleged

Anarchist, War Matter, Boston, 1918 Nov. 22

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Meeting West Side Auditorium

[Chicago] 1919 Dec. 3

Reel 64

[Agent Report In re:] Meeting at Mrs. Burt, Ann Arbor

[Mich.] 1918 June 11

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Meeting held for Benefit of Alex

Berkman at the West Side Auditorium, Chicago,
1917 Dec. 15

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Meeting held under auspices of

Northwest Labor School, 2021-23 E. Division St., Chicago,
1918 Jan. 22
Reel 60
[Agent Report In re:] Miss Aline Barnsdal--Anarchist
Activities, Los Angeles, 1922 March 6

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Miss M. E. Fitzgerald & Carl

Newlander--I.W.W. Activities, N[ew] Y[ork], 1918 July 2

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Miss M. E. Fitzgerald--Anarchist,

New York, 1918 July 8

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Miss Margaret E. Fitzgerald &

Alice M. Fitzgerald--Possible Neutrality Matter,
St. Louis, Mo., 1917 Nov. 21

Reel 59

[Agent Report] In re: Mother Earth Bulletin. . . ,

Atlanta, Ga., 1918 July 16

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Mrs. Angella Marietta--Anarchistic

Agent of Emma Goldman, San Francisco [19]18 Jan. 24
Reel 60
[Agent Report In] re: [N.A. Collier?] Alleged Communist
Propagandist, New York, 1923 Feb. 26

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Name Deleted] 1938 July 26

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Name Deleted] Chicago

[193-? (excerpts)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Name Deleted] Indianapolis

[Ind., 193-? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Name Deleted, 193-? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Name Deleted, 193-? (excerpts)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re:] Names and Addresses Found in Papers

of Alexander Berkman, Chicago, 1922 March 7
Reel 65
[Agent Report In re:] Neie Geselshaft, Free Workers Forum,
Joseph Spivak--Russian (Jewish) Anarchist Activities,


Los Angeles [19]24 Jan. 22

Reel 66

[Agent Report] In re: No Conscription League, Emma Goldman,

A. Be[r]kman--Anti-Conscription Activities, New York,
1917 June 4
Reel 57
[Agent Report] In re: No Conscription League, New York,
1917 June 6

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: No Conscription League,

Martha Gruening, Rose Marie R. Spanier--Activities of
Socialists and Anarchists Against Conscription
[New York, 1917 June 11 (fragment)]

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: No Conscription League,

Martha Gruening, Rose Marie R. Spanier--Activities of
Socialists and Anarchists Against Conscription,
New York, 1917 June 11

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: No-Conscription League, Seattle,

Wash., 1917 July 17

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: No-Conscription League--Held at

Douglas Park Auditorium, Chicago, 1917 Aug. 28

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: [Number] 2, New York [19]22

Feb. 10

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: [Number] 3, New York [19]22

March 2

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Outline of meetings at which Emma

Goldman is to lecture--Seditious Utterances, Chicago,
1918 Jan. 8

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Peace Meeting at Star Casino, Park

Avenue and 107th Street--Violation Espionage Act,
N[ew] Y[ork] 1917 Dec. 7
Reel 60
[Agent Report] In re: The People's Council of America,
Los Angeles [19]17 Aug. 25

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: People's Council of America,

Seattle, Wash., 1917 Aug. 30

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: People's Council, Chicago,

191[8] Jan. 4

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Radical Activities in New York-Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman, "Anarchist Soviet
Bulletin" [New York] 1919 Dec. 15

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Radical Agitators, New York

[19]19 Oct. 7

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] Radical Press in the Detroit

District, Detroit, Mich., 1922 Feb. 17 [excerpt]

Reel 65


[Agent Report] In re: Refusing to register--Abraham

Schneider, Akron, Ohio, 1917 June 29 [fragment]

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: Robert Minor--Anarchist,

San Francisco, 1918 May 10

Reel 61

[Agent Report] In re: Rosa Spanier and Helen Boardman,

Alexander Berkman [et al.]--Anarchistic Matters,
N[ew] Y[ork] 1917 Aug. 14

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] Rose J. (or F.), Kansas City, Mo.

[19]22 March 9

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Rose or Riva Fleshin--Radical,

Cleveland, Ohio [19]22 March 23

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Russian Revolution Series,

Wash[ington] D.C. [19]23 Jan. 29

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Russian Socialists in New York]

1917 Dec. 27-28

Reel 60

[Agent Report] In re: Secret Order of the Guillotine,

Cincinnati, Ohio, 1919 July 10

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Secret Order of the Guillotine,

San Francisco, 1919 July 17

Reel 62

[Agent Report] In re: Seditious Publication from

"Mother Earth," San Antonio, Texas, 1918 May 18

Reel 61

[Agent Report In re:] "Smitty"--Radical, Cleveland,

O[hio] 1922 March 17

Reel 65

[Agent Report In] re: Sofie Markovich, Spasoj Markovich,

and John Panoner--I.W.W. Activities, Detroit, Mich.,
1917 Sept. 6
Reel 59
[Agent Report In] re: Sofie Markovich, Spasoj Markovich
and John Panoner--I.W.W. Activities, Detroit, Mich.,
1917 Sept. 6

Reel 59

[Agent Report In] re: Sophia Markovich--I.W.W. & Anarchist

Activities, Detroit, Mich. [19]19 June 26
Reel 62
[Agent Report In] re: Spasoj (Steve) Markovich--I.W.W. &
Anarchist Activities, Detroit, Mich. [19]19 July [14?]
Reel 62
[Agent Report In] re: Spasoj (Steve) Markovich--[I.W.W. &]
Anarchist Activities, Detroit, Mich. [19]19 July 1[4?]
Reel 62
[Agent Report] In re: Special report--Emma Goldman and
Alex[ander] Berkman, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 1

Reel 64

[Agent Report] In re: Stella Comyn Ballantine-Emma Goldman--Chicago Tribune


[1920 March 30 (cover page)]

Reel 65

[Agent Report] In re: Stella Comyn Ballantine-Emma Goldman--Chicago Tribune, Pittsburgh, Pa.,
1920 March 30

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re:] Stella Comyn--New York--Anarchist

Activities, Fresno, Calif., 1920 Jan. 5

Reel 65

[Agent Report In re: Subject Deleted, 1925? (excerpts)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Subject Deleted, 193-? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Subject Deleted] Philadelphia?

[193-? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Subject Deleted, 193-? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Suspected Anarchists, Buffalo, N.Y.

[19]22 March 15
Reel 65
[Agent Report] In re: Suspicious Employees Frankford
Arsenal, Philadelphia, 1917 Dec. 17

Reel 60

[Agent Report In re:] Telfair S. Wetter, Communist,

Baltimore, Md., 1922 Dec. 19

Reel 66

[Agent Report In re: Tepetz--I.W.W. Activities, New York]

1917 Nov. 15
Reel 59
[Agent Report] In re: Tom Burns and Mirovitch--Anarchistic
agitators, Portland, Ore., 1917 June 28
Reel 57
[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman, et al.-Anti-Conscription Matter, New York, 1917 June [21?]
Reel 57
[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman and
Emma Goldman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 22

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman and

Emma Goldman--Anti-Conscription Case, New York,
1917 June 25

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] United States vs. Alexander Berkman

and Emma Goldman--Vio. Section 37, U.S.C.C., New York,
1917 June 25
Reel 57
[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman and
Emma Goldman--Anti-Conscription Case, New York,
1917 June 29

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman and

Emma Goldman--German Activities, New York, 1917 June 30

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman and

Emma Goldman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,


1917 July 10

Reel 57

[Agent Report] In re: U.S. vs. Alexander Berkman and

Emma Goldman--Anti-Conscription, New York, 1917 Oct. 4

Reel 59

[Agent Report In re:] United States vs. Emma Goldman

and Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Activity,
New York, 1917 June 21

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 21

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] United States vs. Emma Goldman

and Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Activities,
New York, 1917 June 23

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 29

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs. Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 29

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 29

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 30

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs Emma Goldman,

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 30

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. vs Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 June 30

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] United States vs Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 July 6

Reel 57

[Agent Report In re:] United States vs. Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 July 11
Reel 57
[Agent Report] In re: U.S. vs. Emma Goldman and
Alexander Berkman--Anti-Conscription Matter, New York,
1917 Oct. [9?]

Reel 59

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. v. Emma Goldman--Deportation

Proceedings, New York [19]19 Oct. 24

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. v. Emma Goldman--Deportation


Proceedings, New York [19]19 Oct. 25

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. v. Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Deportation Matter, New York
[19]19 Oct. 27

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. v. Emma Goldman and

Alexander Berkman--Deportation Matter, New York,
1919 Oct. 27

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] U.S. v. Emma Goldman--Deportation

Proceedings, New York [19]19 Oct. 28

Reel 63

[Agent Report In re:] Union of Russian Anarchists,

Cleveland, Ohio, 1923 April 2.

Reel 66

[Agent Report In] re: Union of Russian Anarchists,

New York, 1924 Sept. 6

Reel 66

[Agent Report In] re: United Russian Professional Unions

[and] International Anarchist Aid Federation, New York,
1922 March 22 [excerpt]
Reel 65
[Agent Report] In re[:] Wencil Francik--Agitator of
I.W.W., Tulsa, Okla., 1917 Nov. 22

Reel 59

[Agent Report? In re: "The Masses" Annual Costume Ball,

New York, 1917 Dec. 8?]

Reel 60

[Agent Report?] In re: Socialist Meeting--[W?]icker's

Hall [Chicago? 19]17 Dec. 21 [fragment]

Reel 60

Alex. Berkman and Emma Goldman say they will come

back. . . . In [unknown periodical (Dec.? 22? 1919)]

Reel 64

Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman on the way to Ellis

Island. . . . In [unknown periodical (Dec. 5? 1919)]

Reel 64

Americas Greatest Peril: The Bolsheviki and the Mooney

Case [1919? Jan.? (excerpt, government transcript)]

Reel 62

Amerika. Das "Land der Freiheit."

(Sept. 22, 1907)]

Reel 56

In Vorwrts [Berlin

Gli Anarchici Italiani negli Stati Uniti.

[of Milan (Aug.? 13? 1900)]

In Secolo
Reel 56

Anarchism: What It Really Stands for--2d ed.-New York : Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n, 1914 [excerpt]

Reel 67

Anarchist Hopes to Stay.

(Feb. 9, 1934)]

Reel 66

In [New York Times

Anarchist Leaders Fought to Last Legal Ditch to Escape

Deportation. In [New York Tribune (Dec. 22, 1919)]

Reel 64

[Anarchist Literature Price List, 1917 Aug.?]

Reel 57


Anarchist Urges Trial Marriages.

(Feb. 24, 1908?)]
L'anarchiste Czolgosz.

In [unknown periodical
Reel 56

In Le Franais (Sept. 9, [19]01) Reel 56

Les Anarchistes Londres.

(Sept. 17, [18]95)

In L'Autorit
Reel 56

Les Anarchistes.

In Le Sicle (Sept. 16, [19]01)

Reel 56

Les Anarchistes.

In [Le Journal (March 30, 1908)]

Reel 67

Anarchists Dined and Cheered at Big Reception.

[New York Evening Globe (Oct. 28, 1919)]
Anarchists Welcome Emma Goldman Back Into Fold.
[New York Telegram (Oct. 28, 1919)]

Reel 63
Reel 63

Annual Record of Assessed Valuation of Real Estate,

Borough of . . . , New York, 1917 July 26

Reel 57

Another Hoover.

Reel 66

In Time [(Dec. 29, 1924)]

Answers to Questions.
(March? 3, 1937)]

In [Washington Star
Reel 66

[Arrest Record and Vital Statistics, 1907? Dec.? of

Emma Goldman]

Reel 56

Arrestations d'anarchistes.
(Sept. [15? 19]01)

Reel 67

Asks New Goldman Hearing.

(Jan. 24, 1918)]
L'Assassin C[z]olgosz.

In Le Journal

In [Washington Star
Reel 60

In Le Journal (Sept. 9, [19]01)

L'Attentat contre le Prsident Mac-Kinley.

Parisien (Sept. 8, 1901)]
Au Dehors: Une Harangue de Louise Michel.
periodical (Nov.? 1899?)]
Aus unserer Bewegung.
(Aug. 15, 1911)]
Babillarde Amricaine.
(Dec. 17, [18]97)
Back to Russia.

Reel 56

In [Le Petit
Reel 56
In [unknown
Reel 67

In Der Anarchist [Leipzig

Reel 56
In [unknown periodical]
Reel 67

In [unknown periodical (Dec. 9, 1919)]

Reel 64

[Bank Book of Emma Goldman] Toronto, 1940 Feb. 22 to

June 17

Reel 66

Berkman and Goldman.

(Dec. 22? 1919)]

Reel 64

In [unknown periodical


Berkman and Goldman [v.] United States: [Assignments of

Error] 1919 Jan. 17

Reel 61

[Berkman and Goldman v. United States:] Citation,

1919 Jan. 17

Reel 61

Berkman and Goldman v. United States: [Slip Opinion]

1919 May 19

Reel 61

Berkman [and Goldman] v. United States.

Reports.--Vol. 250 (May 19, 1919)

Reel 61

In United States

The Bolshevik Scare. In Social Demokraten Leader

(Jan. 23 [1922, government transcript)]

Reel 65

Brief History of the L'Era Nuova Group of Anarchists

at Paterson, N.J. . . . [1920? May?]

Reel 65

The Buford Has Fine Service Record. In [unknown

periodical (Dec.? 22? 1919, fragment)]

Reel 64

Bulletin de verification aux Sommiers judiciaires,

Paris, 1900 March 29

Reel 67

Bulletin de verification aux Sommiers judiciaires,

Paris, 1902 March 12

Reel 67

A Bulletin for Booklovers [1918 March? 14? (leaflet)]

Reel 61

Bulletin of Radical Activities No. 8, March 1-13, 1920,

Washington [D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

Bulletin of Radical Activities No. 11, week ending

April 3, 1920 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

Bulletin of Radical Activities No. 12, week ending

April 10, 1920, Washington, D.C. [excerpt]

Reel 65

Bulletin of Radical Activities No. 13, week ending

April 17, 1920, Washington, D.C. [excerpt]

Reel 65

Bulletin of Radical Activities No. 14, week ending

May 1, 1920, Washington, D.C. [excerpt]

Reel 65

Bulletin [of Radical Activities] No. 22 [weeks ending]

June 26 and July 3 [1920, Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

Call Berkman a Martyr.

(Jan. 5, 1918)]

Reel 60

In [New York Times

Cancels Warrant Against Martens.

(Feb. 26, 1921)]

In [Washington Post

Certificate of Citizenship, 1894 Oct. 13 [of

Abraham Goldman (copy certified on Oct. 16, 1919)]

Reel 65

Reel 63


Certificate of Citizenship, 1907 Nov. 6, for

Jacob A. Kersner

Reel 56

[Certificate of Citizenship] 1908 April 6 [for

Jacob A. Kersner (government transcript)]

Reel 56

Certificate of Citizenship, 1894 Oct. 13 [of

Abraham Goldman (copy certified on Oct. 16, 1919)]

Reel 56

[Certificate of Marriage] 1925 June 27 [between

Emma Goldman and James Colton], London

Reel 66

[Certified Copy of Goldman Letter] 1920 April 14,

Kanalia [Finland (government transcript)]

Reel 65

[Certified Copy of Goldman Letter to Frank Harris]

1920 April 14, Kanalia [Finland (government transcript)] Reel 65
Charges Stalin Betrayed Workers.
Press (Sept. 20, 1939)]

In [Winnipeg Free
Reel 66

City of Portland v. Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman:

Complaint, Aug. 6, 1915

Reel 56

City of Portland v. Emma Goldman [and Ben Reitman]:

Judgment, Aug. 7, 1915 [against Emma Goldman]

Reel 56

City of Portland v. [Emma Goldman and] Ben Reitman:

Judgment, Aug. 7, 1915 [against Ben Reitman]

Reel 56

City of Portland v. Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman: Notice

of Appeal, Aug. 9, 1915
Reel 56
City of Portland v. Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman:
Undertaking on Appeal, Aug. 9, 1915 [accepting bond]

Reel 56

City of Portland v. Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman:

Transcript on Appeal, Aug. 10, 1915 [cover page]

Reel 56

[City of Portland v. Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman:

Certificate of Authenticity, Aug. 10, 1915]

Reel 56

City of Portland v. Emma Goldman [and] Ben Reitman:

[Order] Aug. 13, 1915 [granting motion to dismiss]

Reel 56

[City of Portland v. Emma Goldman and Ben Reitman:

Certificate of Authenticity] Sept. 10, 1915

Reel 56

Cleric Stirred by Conviction for Blasphemy.

[Buffalo Evening News (March 24, 1927)]

Reel 66


Community Centre Plan Being Backed by Leading Hebrews.

In Hudson Dispatch (Dec. 27, 1919)

Reel 65

Confidential Bulletin No. 20, 1918 July 20 [excerpt]

Reel 61

[Confidential Files, 1908 March 19 to 1934 May 18


(cover page)]

Reel 56

Confidential Files [1917 Dec. 10 to 1918 Feb. 2

(cover page)]

Reel 60

[Confidential Files, 1917 Dec. 29 to 1919 April 23

(cover page)]

Reel 60

Confidential Files [1917 Dec. 6 to 1918 March 6

(cover page)]

Reel 60

[Confidential Files, 1917 May 29 to Dec. 26

(cover page)]

Reel 57

[Conf]idential Files [1917 Nov. 13 to 1918 March 19

(cover page)]

Reel 59

[C]onfidential Files [1918 Feb. 20 to 1918 May 21

(cover page)]

Reel 61

[Confidential Files, 1918 June 4 to 1933 April 18

(cover page)]

Reel 61

Congres Anarchiste d'Amsterdam [Aug.] 1907 [excerpts,

government transcript]

Reel 56

Contempt Writs for Soviet Envoys.

(Dec. 16? 1919, excerpt)]

Reel 67

In [New York Sun

Contract, 1929 Aug. 21, with Emma Goldman for [her] autobiography
Reel 66
Contract, 1929 Aug. 27, with Emma Goldman for [her]
autobiography [draft]

Reel 66

Contract, 1929 Sept. 30, with Emma Goldman for [her]


Reel 66

Contre Les Anarchistes.

(Sept. 20, [19]01)

Reel 56

In Le Libertaire

[Contribution Form for Goldman-Berkman Defense Fund

and The Blast Fund, July? 1917]

Reel 57

[Contribution Form, for Goldman-Berkman Defense Fund,

1917 Aug.?]

Reel 57

[Contribution/Membership Form--New York? 1917 May?]

Reel 57

[Contribution/Membership Form]--[New York? 1917 May?]

Reel 57

Contributions [to Defense Fund] & Relief, D[ec.] 1918

to April 1920

Reel 62

Conversation avec Emma Goldmann et le D. Friedeberg.

In [La Guerre Sociale (Aug. 1907)]

Reel 67


Court Fight Lost by Berkman and Goldman Woman.

In [New York Times? (Dec. 9, 1919)]

Reel 64

Credential [to International Anarchist Congress of 1921]

1921 Nov. 7 [for Alexander Berkman (government
Reel 65
Credential [to International Anarchist Congress of 1921]
1921 Nov. 7 [for Emma Goldman (government transcript)]
Reel 65
Criminal Record of Emma Goldman [1919 Sept. 30]

Reel 63

Cross Reference Card [for Mother Earth and Mother

Earth Bulletin, Washington, D.C.?] 1917 June 2
to 1922 July 13

Reel 57

Cross Reference Cards [on Emma Goldman] 1917 May 30

to 1940 May 15

Reel 57

Cross-Reference Card [on Emma Goldman, 1918 Dec.?]

Reel 62

The Crushing of the Russian Revolution--London :

Freedom Press, 1922 [excerpt]

Reel 67

D.A.R. Ban on Emma Goldman Denied; But "Red" Will Speak

Here, Anyway. In [Washington Herald (Feb. 19, 1934)]

Reel 66

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, St. Louis

District, 1901 Sept. 9

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,

1901 Sept. 9
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,
1901 Sept. 10
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,
1901 Sept. 11
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Cincinnati
District, 1901 Sept. 11

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,

1901 Sept. 13
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, St. Louis
District, 1901 Sept. 13

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,

1901 Sept. 14
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,
1901 Sept. 17 [excerpt]
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, New York District,
1901 Sept. 17 [excerpt]
Reel 56


Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago District,

1901 Sept. 18 [excerpt]
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, St. Louis District,
1901 Sept. 19
Reel 56
Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Dallas District,
1901 Sept. 20 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, San Francisco

District, 1901 Sept. 20 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, St. Louis

District, 1901 Sept. 21

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago

District, 1901 Sept. 22

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, San Francisco

District, 1901 Sept. 23 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Rochester

District, 1901 Sept. 28 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, New York

District, 1901 Oct. 1 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Denver

District, 1901 Oct. 1 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, New York

District, 1901 Oct. 18 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Baltimore

District, 1917 May 23

Reel 57

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, New York

District, 1917 June 14 [excerpt]

Reel 57

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Baltimore

District, 1917 July 28

Reel 57

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, New York

District, 1917 Aug. 18 [excerpt]

Reel 57

Daily Report of Agent, Secret Service, Chicago

District, 1917 Sept. 11

Reel 59

Days of "Old Sleuth" Are Ended, Justice Department's

Verdict. In [Washington Star (Dec. 29, 1924)]

Reel 66

Days of "Old Sleuth" Gone Forever In Department of Justice

Activities. In [unknown periodical (Dec. 29, 1924)]
Reel 66
Days of "Old Sleuth" In The Justice Department Are Over.
In [The Charlotte Observer (Dec. 30, 1924)]
Reel 66


Death Certificate [of Jacob Lewis] 1919 Jan. 18

[copy certified Nov. 25, 1919]

Reel 64

Death Takes "Red Emma," Anarchist. In [(Rochester)

Democrat and Chronicle (May 14? 1940)]

Reel 66

Decide Berkman Will Be Deported.

(Nov. 26, 1919)]

Reel 64

In [New York World

[Delay in Emma Goldman's Deportation: A Dangerous

Policy. In Kansas City Star (Oct. 6, 1919)]

Reel 63

[Deport Emma Goldman].

(Nov. 18, 1919)]

Reel 64

In [(Philadelphia) Press

[Deportation Hearing of Emma Goldman] Ellis Island,

N.Y., 1919 Oct. 27 and Nov. 12 [transcript]

Reel 63

[Deportation] Hearing of [Ludwig] Martens, 1920 March 31,

Washington, D.C. [excerpt]
Reel 65
Deportation May be Sought for Berkman Rather than
Prison. In [Florida Times (Feb. 2, 1918)]

Reel 61

Deportation of Anarchist Aliens: Extension of Remarks

of Hon. William N. Vaile. In Congressional Record
(Jan. 5, 1920).

Reel 65

The deportation of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman

is the unworthy way. In The Lewiston Daily Sun
(Dec. 13, 1919) [fragment]

Reel 64

[Deposition] 1908 May 14 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 56

[Deposition] 1919 Dec. 2 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 64

[Deposition] 1919 Dec. 3 [in re: Jacob Kersner]

Reel 64

[Deposition] 1919 Dec. 16 [in re: departure of the


Reel 64

Description of Alexander Schapiro [Stockholm,

1922 April? 4?]

Reel 66

Description of Anarchistical Meeting, 1907 Nov. 12,

Ellis Island, N.Y. [cover page]

Reel 56

[Diary] 1921 Sept. 10 to Dec. 22 [excerpts, government


Reel 65

Diary, 1921 Sept. 10 to Dec. 22 [excerpts, government


Reel 65

Dinner Will Honor Emma Goldman and Berkman Tonight.

In [New York Call (Oct. 27, 1919)]

Reel 63

[Discussion of Citizenship by Marriage].



Congressional Record (Feb. 10, 1919)

Reel 63

Do Beacon Street and Back Bay Boost Bolshevism.

The [Boston] Herald (Dec. 7, 1919)

Reel 64

Document File [1909? May? of William Buwalda]

Reel 56

Down With the Anarchists!--[New York : Mother Earth

Pub. Ass'n., 1916]

Reel 56

Emma Goldman.

Reel 64

In [unknown periodical (Dec.? 22? 1919)]

Emma Goldman [A]ssails Draft; Police [On?] Leash.

In [New York Times?] (June 15, 1917)

Reel 57

Emma Goldman Barred from Making a Speech.

The [New York] World (Sept. 12, 1917)

Reel 59


Emma Goldman Before the Bar, April 20, 1916.

In Mother Earth--Vol. 9, no. 3 (May 1916)

Reel 56

Emma Goldman Bids Good-by Again.

(May 1? 1934)]

Reel 66

In [New York Times?

Emma Goldman Claims Citizenship by Marriage in Trial

Opened To-Day. In [unknown periodical (Oct. 27? 1919)]

Reel 63

Emma Goldman Denounces Stalin.

(Sept. 20, 1939)]

Reel 66

In [New York Post

Emma Goldman Dies in Toronto; Famous Radical. In

[(Rochester) Democrat and Chronicle (May 14, 1940)].

Reel 66

[Emma Goldman Donates Money to Victims of Kotoku Case].

In Zaibei Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha Enkaku--Tokyo
[April? 1911]
Reel 56
Emma Goldman Eager to Return Voluntarily to Republic of
Russia. In [New York Call (Nov. 18, 1919)]

Reel 64

Emma Goldman Extols Anarchist.

(Feb. 12, 1934)]

Reel 66

In [unknown periodical

Emma Goldman Free, Now to Face Deportation Action.

In [New York Tribune (Sept. 28, 1919)]

Reel 63

Emma Goldman Gets Stay of Week; Berkman to Go.

In [Chicago Tribune (Dec. 12, 1919)]

Reel 64

[Em]ma Goldman Going to Reval.

(Dec. 22, 1921, fragment)]

Reel 65

In [Boston Traveller

Emma Goldman Ill in Toronto Hospital.

Star (Feb. 20, 1940)]
Emma Goldman Is Tired of Russia.
(Dec. 10? 1921)]

In [Toronto Daily
Reel 66

In [unknown periodical
Reel 65


Emma Goldman Keen To Get Back to U.S.A.

periodical (1922 Jan. 7?)]

In [unknown
Reel 65

Emma Goldman Lawyer Seeks Verdict Delay.

Call (Nov. 13, 1919)]

In [New York
Reel 64

[Em]ma Goldman [Leav]es Russia And Is Planning Return to

U.S. In [New York Tribune (Dec. 10, 1921)]
Reel 65
Emma Goldman Mentor of Czolgosz, McKinley's Slayer,
Declare U.S. Investigators. In [Washington Post
(Dec. 22, 1919)]

Reel 64

Emma Goldman Ready To Go To Soviet Russia.

Tribune (Dec. 13, 1919)]

In [Chicago
Reel 64

Emma Goldman Reported To Have Left Russia.

Sun (Dec. 10, 1921)]

In [Baltimore

Emma Goldman Resents Action of Challenger.

Free Press (Jan. 31, 1927)]

In [Winnipeg

Emma Goldman Seeks Release From Prison.

Tribune (1919 Sept. 5)]
Emma Goldman Seeks to Return to America.
Post (Dec. 10, 1921)]

Reel 65

Reel 66

In [New York
Reel 63
In [Washington

Emma Goldman Seeks to Return to United States.

[unknown periodical (Dec. 10? 1921)]

Reel 65
Reel 65

Emma Goldman [v.] New York Produce Exchange Bank:

Summons, 1917 Aug. 16

Reel 57

Emma Goldman [v.] New York Produce Exchange Bank:

[Complaint, 1917 Aug.? 16?]

Reel 57

Emma Goldman [v.] New York Produce Exchange Bank:

Summons and Complaint, 1917 [Aug.? 16? (cover page)]

Reel 57

Emma Goldman [v.] New York Produce Exchange Bank:

[Answer] 1917 Aug. 22

Reel 57

Emma Goldman [v.] New York Produce Exchange Bank:

Answer, 1917 Aug. 24 [cover page]

Reel 57

Emma Goldman and Russia.

(March 13, 1918)

Reel 61

Emma Goldman in P[rag]ue.

(April 29, 1922)]

In [New York Evening Po]st

In [Washington Post
Reel 66

[Emma Goldman on Russia]. In [unknown periodical

(April? 23? 1921, fragment)]
Emma Goldman to be Deported.

Reel 65

In [New York Sun


(Nov. 17, 1919)]

Reel 64

Emma Goldman's Defense [April 20, 1916].

In The Masses--Vol. 8, no. 8 (June 1916)

Reel 56

Emma Goldman's Lectures on Drama and Social Topics,

October - November - December, 1927, Toronto

Reel 66

Emma Goldman, 70, Is Dead at Toronto.

Gazette (May 14, 1940)]

Reel 66

Emma Goldman, Anarchist.

(May 14? 1940]

In [Montreal

In [Philadelphia Star?
Reel 66

Emma Goldman, Anarchist, Crazy About Cathedrals.

In [Toronto Star (April 22, 1939)]

Reel 66

Emma Goldman, Fired By Russia, Lights In Berlin.

In [Indianapolis Star (March 10, 1923)]

Reel 66

Emma Goldman: Elderly Red Here to Pay Us 90-Day Visit.

In Newsweek [Jan. 20, 1934]

Reel 66

Emma Goldman: Queen of Anarchists Visits New York.

In [Newsweek? (Feb. 1934)]

Reel 66

Emma Goldmann. In [Berliner? Ta]geblatt

(Sept. 23, 1901)

Reel 56

Emma Goldmann et les anarchistes.

(Sept. 14 [19]01)

Reel 67

Emma Plump, But Berates Jail Fare.

(Sept. 28, 1919)]

In Le Sicle

In [New York Sun

Reel 63

Estimate of the Subversive Situation as of January 31,

1934, Governors Island, N.Y., 1934 Feb. 10 [excerpt]

Reel 66

Etrangers Detenus Passibles D'Expulsion: Notice

Individuelle [Paris, 1930? March?]

Reel 67

[Examination of Emma Goldman before Board of Special

Inquiry] 1908 April 8, Noyes, Minn. [government

Reel 56

[Excerpts from] Anarchism and Other Essays [1919 Sept.?

Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 63

Explains Barring Papers From Mail.

[The Evening Star] (Feb. 16, 1918)

Reel 61


[Expulsion Order] 1901 March 26 [against Emma Goldman]


Reel 67

Extracts from Freedom of Nov.-Dec. 1919 [compiled

1925 Oct.? 5?, Philadelphia]

Reel 66


Facts Regarding Japanese Radicals.

(Nov. 28, 1910)
Fight Goldman Ban.

In New York Call

Reel 56

In [New York Times (March 6? 1934)]

Reel 66

[File Destruction Memorandum] 1929 July 9

Reel 66

[File Memorandum for Harry Weinberger, 1918 Jan. 8?]

Reel 60

[File Memorandum for Harry Weinberger, 1918 Jan. 15?]

Reel 60

[File Memorandum for Harry Weinberger, 1918 Feb. 2?]

Reel 61

[File Memorandum for John W. Davis, 1918 Jan. 29?

Washington, D.C.]

Reel 60

[File Memorandum re: Deportation of Emma Goldman,

19]19 Dec. 15

Reel 64

[File Revocation Request Card for Emma Goldman]

1940 June 12 [Rome?]

Reel 66

[File of Emma Goldman, 1898? (cover page)]

Reel 56

[File of Emma Goldman, 193-?]

Reel 67

[File of Emma Goldman] Berlin, 1895 to 1917

Reel 67

[File of Emma Goldman] Paris [1930? March? (cover page)] Reel 67

[File of Emma Goldman, Paris, 1901? Sept.? 11?]

Reel 67

[File of Emma Goldman] Paris, 190[1 Sept.? (cover page)] Reel 67

[File of Emma Goldman] Rome, 1930 May 28

Reel 66

[File of Emma Goldman, Rome?, 19--? (cover page?)]

Reel 56

[File of Emma Goldman, Rome?, 193- (cover page?)]

Reel 66

[Fingerprints of Emma Goldman, 1919 Dec.?]

Reel 64

Flapper Best Wife, Emma Goldman Idea.

periodical (Nov. 6? 1926)]

Reel 66

For the National Defense.

(Jan. 27, 1920)]

In [unknown

In [Washington Post
Reel 65

Former Goldman Employee Arrested by U.S. Officers.

In [New York Tribune (July 25, 1918)]

Reel 61

A Fragment of the Prison Experiences of Emma Goldman

and Alexander Berkman--New York : Stella Comyn
[1919 (excerpt)]

Reel 67

Free Our Political Prisoners [leaflet]--New York


[1919? Jan.? (excerpt)]

Reel 62

Frees Woman, Calling Court Record Faulty.

[New York Times? (July 14? 1919)]
Gegen einseitige Klassen-Propaganda.
[Berlin (March 1, 1911)]

Reel 62

In Der Sozialist
Reel 56

[General Conditions Report on Sweden, Stockholm,

1932 April 16?-29 (excerpt)]

Reel 66

General Intelligence Bulletin No. 31, Oct. 2, 1920

[Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Intelligence Bulletin No. 44, week of

April 2, 1921 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Intelligence Bulletin No. 52, week ending

May 28, 1921 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Intelligence Bulletin No. 60, week ending

July 23, 1921 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Intelligence Bulletin No. 63, week ending

Aug. 6, 1921 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Intelligence Bulletin No. 70, week ending

Sept. 17, 1921 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Intelligence Report No. 56, week ending

Dec. 24, 1921 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 65

[General Intelligence Report?, 19]22 Feb. 6

[Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 65

[General Intelligence Report?, 19]22 March 27

[Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 65

General Orders No. 84, 1908 May 22 [reducing sentence

of William Buwalda]

Reel 56

Get Those Behind Them.

(Nov. 20, 1919)]

Reel 64

In [New York Telegram

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Assignments

of Error, 1917 July 17

Reel 57

[Goldman & Berkman v.] United States: Citation,

1917 July 19

Reel 57

Goldman & Berkman v. United States: Stipulation,

1917 Aug. 17 [to extend time to file transcript]

Reel 57

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: Stipulation,

1917 Sept. 10 [to extend time to file transcript]

Reel 59

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: Transcript of


Record, 1917 Sept. 25

Reel 59

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States, 1917 Sept. 25

[cover page]

Reel 59

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: Order for

Appearance [1917 Sept.? 25?, as plaintiffs' attorney]

Reel 59

[Goldman & Berkman] v. United States: Order for

Appearance [1917 Oct. 2?, as counsel for plaintiffs]

Reel 59

[Goldman & Berkman v. United States. . . ]: Motion to

Advance, 1917 Oct. [2 (cover page)]

Reel 59

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: Motion to Advance,

1917 Oct. [2]
Reel 59
Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Brief [for
Plaintiffs] 1917 Nov. 30

Reel 59

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States. . . : Brief for

the United States, 1917 Dec. 10 [excerpt]

Reel 60

[Goldman & Berkman v. United States: Petition for]

Rehearing [1918 Jan. (draft)]

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Motion to File

Supplemental Brief [1918 Jan. 2]

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Supplemental

Brief [1918 Jan. 3]

Reel 60

[Goldman & Berkman v. United States: Mandate]

1918 Jan. 14

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: [Slip Opinion]

1918 Jan. 14

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: [Affirmation of

Judgment] 1918 Jan. 14

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Affidavit and

Notice of Motion [to extend mandate, 1918 Jan. 18
(cover page)]

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: [Notice of

motion to extend mandate] 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: [Affidavit in

support of motion for rehearing] 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Affidavit in

Opposition to Motion [to issue mandate] 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Affidavit and

Notice of Motion [to extend mandate, 1918 Jan. 18
(cover page)]

Reel 60


Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: [Affidavit in

support of motion for rehearing] 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: [Notice of

motion to extend mandate] 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Affidavit in

Opposition to Motion [to issue mandate] 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

Goldman [& Berkman] v. United States: Motion for an

Order enlarging time for issuing mandate, 1918 Jan. 21
[cover page]

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman [v.] United States: Petition for

Rehearing [1918 Jan. 23?]

Reel 60

Goldman [& Berkman] v. United States: Petition for

Rehearing, 1918 Jan. 28 [cover page]

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: [Order to Issue

Mandate] 1918 Jan. 28

Reel 60

Goldman [& Berkman] v. United States: [Petition for

Rehearing denied] 1918 Jan. 28

Reel 60

Goldman [&] Berkman v. United States: Mandate,

1918 Jan. 29 [cover page]

Reel 60

Goldman Case Not Postponed.

Chronicle (Oct. 15, 1919)]

Reel 63

In [(Rochester) Democrat and

Goldman et al. v. United States. In United States

Reports.--Vol. 245 (Jan. 14, 1918)

Reel 60

Goldman v. Reyburn et al. : [Opinion of Judge Willson,

Philadelphia, Pa., 1909 Oct. 14]. In The Legal
Intelligencer (Nov. 5, 1909)

Reel 56

Good Riddance.

Reel 65

Le Gout Du Sang.

In Hudson Dispatch (Dec. 23, 1919)

In Le Drapeau (Sept. 16 [19]01)

Reel 67

Hard-Boiled Secret Service Tactics Banished By Hoover.

In [Baltimore Evening Sun (Dec. 30, 1924)]

Reel 66

Haywood Is Pathetic Outcast in Moscow.

[Free Press (Jan. 5, 1923)]

Reel 66

In The Detroit

[History of Military Intelligence Division, Central

Department, 1919 July? 15? (excerpts)]

Reel 62

Hotel Cancels the Anarchist Reception.

[Philadelphia Record (Nov. 14, 1919)]

Reel 64

In Russia She Longs For Jail.

Times (March 29, 1922)


In [Los Angeles] Daily

Reel 65


In the Matter of Alexander Berkman, 1919 Sept. 29

[transcript of deportation hearing, held on Aug. 13,
Sept. 20, Sept. 25, 1919]

Reel 63

In the Matter of the Application Made on Behalf of

Thomas J. Mooney for a Pardon, 1932 April 21 [excerpt]

Reel 66

In the Matter of the Application of Thomas J. Mooney

for a Pardon [1918? June? (excerpts)]

Reel 56

Instead of a Magazine--New York : [Mother Earth

Publishing Ass'n.] June 29, 1918

Reel 61

Introduction and Historical Review of Conditions and

Agencies Tending to Create the Present Tendency Toward
Radicalism [1920? Jan.?]

Reel 65

[Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice,

Washington, D.C.] 1919 Sept. 22 [excerpt, draft]

Reel 63

[Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice,

Washington, D.C., 1919 Nov. 17? (excerpt, draft)]

Reel 64

Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice

[excerpt]. In Senate Documents, 66th Congress,
1st Session.--Vol. 12, no. 153 (Nov. 17, 1919).

Reel 64

[Investigation Activities of the Department of Justice,

Washington, D.C., 1919 Nov. 17? (excerpt, draft)]

Reel 64

Investigation of Communist Propaganda [excerpt]. In

Hearings before a Special Committee. . . of the House of
Representatives (Dec. 5, 1930)
Reel 66
Investigation of Communist Propaganda [excerpt]. In
[Hearings before a Special Committee. . . of the House of
Representatives (Dec.? 5? 1930?)]
Reel 66
Investigation of Communist Propaganda. In [Hearings
before a Special Committee. . . of the House of
Representatives (Dec.? 5? 1930?)]

Reel 66

[Investigation of] Un-American Propaganda Activities

[in the United States]. In [Hearings before a Special
Committee. . . House of Representatives (Aug. 17, 1938)] Reel 66
Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in
the United States. In [Hearings before a Special
Committee. . . House of Representatives (Oct. 25, 1938)] Reel 66
Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in
the United States. In [Hearing before a Special
Committee. . . House of Representatives] (Nov. 15, 1938) Reel 66
Investigation of Un-American Propaganda Activities in
the United States. In Hearings before a Special


Committee. . . House of Representatives (Dec. 14, 1938)

Reel 66

Is It Unprofessional for a Lawyer to Defend "Radicals"

in Court? [1920 Jan? 19?]

Reel 65

J. E. Hoover Given W. J. Burns' Place.

Star (Dec. 30, 1924)]

Reel 66

J. E. Hoover, 30, Chief U.S. Sleuth.

World (Dec. 21, 1924)]
Japanese Radicals Condemned to Die.
(Nov. 12, 1910)
Le jugement de Czolgosz.
(Sept. 17 [1901])

In [Washington

In [(New York)
Reel 66
In New York Call
Reel 56

In [Le Journal]
Reel 56

[Kotoku Protest Letter]. In Zaibei Shakai Shugisha

Museifu Shugisha Enkaku--Tokyo [Nov. 12, 1910]

Reel 56

[Kotoku Protest Meeting in New York]. In Zaibei

Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha Enkaku--Tokyo
[Dec. 12, 1910]

Reel 56

Law Clerk Gains High Distinction.

Press (Dec. 27, 1924)]

Reel 66

In [Detroit Free

Law on Conspiracy [1917 between July and Dec.]

Reel 57

League Is Formed to Seek Freedom of War Resisters.

In [Washington Post (April 10, 1918)]

Reel 61

[Let Emma Goldman Return]. In [Charleston? News?

and? Courier? (1922? Jan.? 2?, fragment)]

Reel 65

[A Letter from Emma Goldman]. In Revolutionary

Radicalism. . . --Albany : J. B. Lyon Co.,
1920 April 24.

Reel 65

[Letter to Miss Emma Goldman].

Vol. I, no. 29 (Dec. 20, 1919)

Reel 64

In Soviet Russia.--

List of Aliens brought to Ellis Island [on] Nov. 8, 1919 Reel 64

[List of Anarchists Proposed for Expulsion] Paris,
1900 [Dec.?] 24 [excerpt]

Reel 67

[List of Buford Deportees Who Could Not Pay for the

Fee Stamp, 1920 March 12?]

Reel 65

[List of Delegates to the Congress of the Third

International in Moscow, 1920 Sept. 21? London]

Reel 65

[List of Deported Russian Radicals, 1920? Feb.?]

Reel 65

List of Deportees Whose Photographs are Missing

[1920 Feb. 18?]

Reel 65


[List of Deportees on Board the Buford, 1920 Feb. 12?]

Reel 65

[List of Exhibits, 1908 May 27, in re: Jacob Kersner


Reel 56

[List of Mail Received by Goldman, Paris, 1900 May 22?]

Reel 67

[List of Mother Earth Articles Censored by Post Office,

July 1917]

Reel 57

[List of] Mother Earth Subscribers [1919? Feb.?


Reel 62

[List of Mother Earth Subscribers in New York City,

1919? Feb.? (fragment)]

Reel 62

[List of Mother Earth Subscribers, 1918 July?]

Reel 61

[List of Names and Addresses of Buford Deportees'

Correspondents] 1920 Jan. 31

Reel 65

[List of Names from Berkman's Address Book, en route

to U.S.S.R.] 1919 Dec. 21 [government transcript]

Reel 64

[List of Names from Berkman's Address Book, between

1919 Dec. to 1921 Dec. (government transcript)]

Reel 65

[List of Names in Goldman's Address Book,

1922 March? 17? (government transcript)]

Reel 65

[List of Non-Mailable Publications, 1918? Jan.?


Reel 60

[List of Non-Mailable Publications] 1919 Jan. 11


Reel 62

[List of Non-Mailable Publications, 1919 Jan. 16?


Reel 62

[List of People to Receive Goldman and Berkman Legal

Brief] 1917 Dec. 4

Reel 60

[List of Questions, 1920 March 13? Moscow? to V. I. Lenin,

Chairman of the Soviet Republic of People's Commissars,
Reel 65
[List of Radical Literature, 1920-1930? (excerpt)]

Reel 65

[List of] Russian Radicals Held at Ellis Island

[N.Y., 1919 between Dec. 5 and 21]

Reel 64

List of United States Addresses of Suppressed

Publications, 1919 April 1 [excerpt]

Reel 62

Liste des Anarchistes Italiens. . . proposs pour tre

Expulss. . . [Paris, 1901? March? 19?]

Reel 56


Liste des anarchistes habitant ou ayant habit les

Etats-Unis [Paris] 1902 May 8

Reel 56

Lopez v. Howe: Brief for Relator-Appellant [1918? Nov.?] Reel 63

Lozovsky Lets the Cat out of the Bag--Berlin, 1924 March
[government transcript]
Reel 66
[Margaret M. Scully, 1919 Oct.? (cover page?)]

Reel 63

Marriage and Love--2d ed.--New York : Mother Earth

Pub. Ass'n., 1916 [excerpt]

Reel 67

Marshal Stops Meeting of 1,000 War "Objectors."

The [New York] World (Sept. 10, 1917)

Reel 59

Martens Wants Reds for Russia.

(Dec. 15, 1919)]
Martens' Deportation.
(Dec. 18, 1920)]


In [New York Post

Reel 64

In [Washington Post

Mason Made Chief of Investigation.

[Fellowship Forum (Dec. 27, 1924)]

Reel 65
Reel 66

Massen Versammlung [1900] May 19 [advertisement]

Reel 67

McKinley als Opfer der Lockspizelei!

periodical (Oct. 1, 1901)]

Reel 56

In [unknown

[Memorandum] Re: Prospective Application of Emma Goldman

for Permission to Enter the Country Temporarily. . . ,
Washington [D.C.] 1933 Dec. 4 [fragment?]
Reel 66
[Memorandum] Re: Rex [v]s. B[o]rtol[o]tti, et al.
[Toronto, 1939 Oct.? 26?]

Reel 66

Memorandum Upon Activities of the Radical Division,

1920 May 1 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 65

Memorandum Upon Work of Radical Division, Aug. 1, 1919

to Oct. 15, 1919 [Washington, D.C.] 1919 Oct. 18

Reel 63

[Memorandum in re:] Anarchists and Hindoo Conspirators,

1918 Feb. 25 [Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re: Guillotine Club, Washington, D.C.?,

1917? Dec.? 31?

Reel 60

[Memorandum in re: Guillotine Club, 1918 Jan.?

Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 60

[Memorandum in re:] International Bolshevist Congress

of Moscow [1921? Jan.?]

Reel 65

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Bulletin, 1917? Dec.?]

Reel 60


[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin censorship,

1918 Feb. 15 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Bulletin censorship,

1918 Feb. 15? Washington, D.C.]

Reel 61

Memorandum [in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin censorship,

1918 Feb. 27 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin [censorship]

1918 Feb. 28 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin censorship,

1918 March 25 [Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin censorship,

1918 March 30 [Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin [1918 April?]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Bulletin address change,

Washington, D.C.? 1918 April 18?]
Reel 61
[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin [censorship]
1918 April 23, [Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Bulletin censorship]

1918 Aug. 21

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Bulletin [19]18 Aug. 22 Reel 61

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Bulletin censorship]
1918 Oct. 14 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 62

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Bulletin, 1918 Oct. 15

(cover page)]

Reel 62

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth Publishing Association,


Reel 60

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth Publishing Company,

Washington [D.C.] 1918 June 8

Reel 61

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth, 1916 June? 26?]

Reel 56

[Memorandum in re:] Mother Earth [1918?]

Reel 60

[Memorandum in re: Mother Earth, 19]18 Jan. 17

Reel 60

[Memorandum in re: Proclamation on Anarchists, 1903?]

Reel 56

[Memorandum in re:] Selected Works of Voltairine de

Cleyre [1918 April, Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 61

Memorandum of Conference with Commissioner General of

Immigration, 1919 Sept. 12 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 63


[Memorandum] of an interview with Emma Goldman,

Niagara Falls, Canada, 1934 Oct. 4

Reel 66

[Memorandum on Activities of Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman, The Hague, Netherlands, 1922 Feb. 6?]

Reel 65

[Memorandum on Amnesty for Political Prisoners]

1920 April 18 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 65

[Memorandum on] Bolshevism in the United States

[1919? June? 2?]

Reel 62

Memorandum [on Emma Goldman's Return to United States,

19]34 Oct. 26

Reel 66

Memorandum [on Emma Goldman's Return to United States,

19]37 Oct. 21

Reel 66

[Memorandum on Goldman Trial] 1918 Jan. 14, Washington,


Reel 60

[Memorandum on Military Intelligence Reports,

19]20 May 28 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 65

[Memorandum on William Buwalda] 1908 June 10,

Washington, D.C.

Reel 56

[Memorandum on William Buwalda] 1908 June 30 [San


Reel 56

[Memorandum on William Buwalda] 1908 July 7 [Washington,

Reel 56
[Memorandum on William Buwalda] 1908 July 21 [Washington,
Reel 56
[Memorandum on William Buwalda] 1909 Jan. 16 [Washington,
Reel 56
[Memorandum on William Buwalda] 1909 April 14, Washington,
Reel 56
Memorandum re Conference with Confidential Informant 836,
1919 Oct. 8 [Washington, D.C.]
Reel 63
[Memorandum re: Draft Cases, Washington, D.C.?
19]18 Jan. 15

Reel 60

[Memorandum re: Emma Goldman] 1921 Oct. 1

Reel 65

[Memorandum re: Emma Goldman, 1921 Oct. 1]

Reel 65

[Memorandum in re: Emma Goldman, et al.] Washington, D.C.

[1917? Nov.?]
Reel 59
[Memorandum re:] Emma Goldmann, Rome, 1907 Dec. 18

Reel 56


[Memorandum:] Case of Private William Buwalda,

1908 July 3, Washington, D.C.

Reel 56

Miss Emma Goldmann et Miss Loie Fuller.

(Sept. 25 [19]01)

Reel 67

In Le Figaro

Miss Goldman Free: Anarchist Queen Crosses International

Boundary. In [St. Paul Pioneer Press] (April 8, 1908)
Reel 56
Miss Goldman in Pulpit Talk.
(Feb. 11? 1934)]

In [unknown periodical
Reel 66

Miss Goldman, Noted Radical, Resided Here. In

[(Rochester) Democrat and Chronicle (May 14, 1940)]

Reel 66

A Month's Respite. In Washington Herald [Jan. 14, 1922

(government transcript)]

Reel 65

Monthly General Intelligence Report No. 8, 1921 Nov. 16

to Dec. 15 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

Monthly General Intelligence Report No. 10,

1922 March 15 [Washington, D.C. (excerpt)]

Reel 65

Mother Earth Bulletin--Vol. 1, no. 4--New York :

Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n., Jan. 1918.

Reel 60

Mother Earth Bulletin--Vol. 1, no. 5--New York :

Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n., Feb. 1918.

Reel 61

Mother Earth Bulletin--Vol. 1, no. 6--New York :

[Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n.] March 1918.

Reel 61

Mother Earth Bulletin--Vol. 1, no. 7--New York :

Bulletin Ass'n., April 1918.

Reel 61

[Mother Earth Concert and Ball] 1907 Nov. 22


Reel 56

Mother Earth--Vol. 4, no. 11--New York : Mother Earth

Pub. Ass'n., Jan. 1910.

Reel 67

Mother Earth--Vol. 9, no. 5--New York : Mother Earth

Pub. Ass'n., July 1914

Reel 67

My Year and a Half Among the Bomb Throwers, 1920

Reel 65

[Names of] Committee Sponsoring Return of Emma Goldman,

Feb. 1934

Reel 66

Names of Deported Reds. In [New York Times

(Dec. 23, 1919, fragment)]

Reel 65

[Naturalization Petition] 1884 Oct. 18 [government


Reel 56


[Naturalization Petition, 1884 Oct. 18, copy

certified on July 21, 1919]

Reel 62

New Secret Service Head at Washington.

World-Herald (Dec. 30, 1924)]

Reel 66

In [Omaha

New Type Secret Service Watched By "Old Sleuths."

In [Scranton Republican (Dec. 30, 1924)]

Reel 66

New Type of Detectives.

(Dec. 30, 1924)]

Reel 66

In [Charleston Post

New York Contributers to Emma Goldman Fund: They Gave

Up $6,075. In The [New York] Evening World
(Oct. 31, 1919)

Reel 63

New York Contributers to Emma Goldman Fund; They Gave

Up $6,075. In [The (New York)] Ev[ening] World
[Oct. 31, 1919]

Reel 63

[News Briefs]. In Der Arme Konrad [Berlin

(Sept. 2, 1899)]

Reel 56

[News Briefs].

Reel 56

In Neues Leben [Berlin (Oct. 19, 1901)]

[Newspaper items in re: McKinley assassination,

compiled 1919 Oct.?]

Reel 63

No Conscription!--New York : No-Conscription League

[1917 May?]

Reel 57

No-Conscription Mass Meeting [leaflet]--[New York,

1917] June 4

Reel 57

Nordamerika. Emma Goldmann.

(Oct. 3, 1901)]

Reel 56

In [unknown periodical

Nos Depeches De Londres: L'anarchiste Czolgosz.

[L'Echo de Paris (Sept. 8, 1901)]

Reel 56

[Notes in re: Bail Law, 1917?]

Reel 57

[Notes in re: Goldman and Berkman Deportation,

1919 Oct.?]

Reel 63

[Notes in re: Goldman and Berkman's 1917 Appeal, 1917


Reel 57

[Notes in re: Goldman's Citizenship, 1919 Oct.?]

Reel 63

[Notes in re:] Habeas Corpus [1919 Dec.?]

Reel 63

[Notes in re: Habeas Corpus, 1919 Nov.?]

Reel 63

[Notes in re: Rules of Supreme Court Procedure, 1917?


Reel 57


[Notes in re: Supreme Court Jurisdiction, 1917? July?]

Reel 57

[Notes on Criminal Record of Emma Goldman, 1919 Sept.?

New York?]

Reel 63

[Notes on Criminal Record of Emma Goldman: Committee of

5, 1919 Sept.? New York?]

Reel 63

[Notes on Criminal Record of Emma Goldman, 1919 Sept.?


Reel 63

[Official Minutes of Andra Kammaren] 1922 Jan. 18

[Stockholm (excerpts)]

Reel 65

One Patrolman Stops Anarchist Procession.

Daily Tribune (Jan. 30, 1911)

Reel 56

In New York

[Order Repealing Expulsion Decree] 1930 March 12 [for

Emma Goldman]

Reel 67

Order to Turn over Assets of Decedent to Administrator

Affirmed. In [New York Law] Journal [June? 1918]

Reel 63

Palmer Bares Be[r]kman and Goldman Acts.

American (Nov. 17, 1919)]

In [New York
Reel 64

Palmer Brands Miss Goldman Riot Breeder.

Tribune (Nov. 17, 1919)]

In [New York

Palmer Is Scorned By Emma Goldman.

World (Nov. 18, 1919)]

Reel 64

In [(New York)

Palmer Says Emma Goldman Knew McKinley Slayer.

[New York Illustrated News (Nov. 17, 1919)]

Reel 64
Reel 64

Passenger Manifest, 1885 Dec. 29 [of the steamer


Reel 56

[Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty]--[New York : Mother

Earth Pub. Ass'n, 1908? (excerpt)]

Reel 67

People of New York [v.] Emma Goldman: [Grand Jury

Indictment] 1893 [Aug.? 21?]

Reel 56

[People of New York v. Emma Goldman: Affidavit]

1893 Aug. 25

Reel 56

People [of New York] v. Emma Goldman: [cover page]

1893 [Sept. 6 to Nov. 12]

Reel 56

People [of New York] v. Emma Goldman: [Trial

Transcript] 1893 Oct. 4

Reel 56

People [of New York] v. Emma Goldman: [cover page]

1893 Sept. 6 to Nov. 13

Reel 56

People [of New York] v. Emma Goldman: [cover page]


1893 Sept. 6 to Nov. 14

Reel 56

People of New York [v.] Emma Goldman: Information

[1916 May?]

Reel 56

[People of New York v. Emma Goldman: Affidavit]

1916 May 23 [in support of indictment].

Reel 56

People of New York [v.] Emma Goldman: [Affidavit]

1916 Nov. 2 [in support of motion for grand jury

Reel 56

People of New York [v.] Emma Goldman: [Notice of Motion]

1916 Nov. 4 [for grand jury indictment]
Reel 56
People of New York [v.] Emma Goldman: Affidavit &
Notice of Motion [1916 Nov.? 4? (cover page)]

Reel 56

People of New York [v.] Emma Goldman: [Affidavit] 1916

Dec. 1 [in support of motion for postponement].

Reel 56

People of New York [v.] Goldman, Berkman, and [Coryell:

hearing transcript] 1907 Jan. 11 [excerpt]

Reel 56

People of New York [v.] William Gordon [et al.:

Affidavit] 1906 Nov. 2

Reel 56

[People of New York v. William Gordon, et al.: Answer to

Charges] 1906 Nov. 2
Reel 56
People [of New York] v. William Gordon [et al.: cover
page] 1906 Nov. 5

Reel 56

People of the State of California v. Earne[st] E. Kirk:

Affidavit, 1912 May 18, in support of removal

Reel 56

People v. Byrne.
(Dec. 5, 1916)

Reel 56

In N[ew] Y[ork] Law Journal

People v. Jacob Kersner: Minutes of Session,

1894 June 12 [government transcript]

Reel 56

Persecutions of Syndicalists and Anarchists in Russia-Arbetaren (Jan. 10, 192[2]) [government transcript]

Reel 65

Philosophy of Atheism and The Failure of Christianity-2d ed.--New York : Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n., 1916

Reel 67

[Photograph] Battle With Police Rages Half an Hour in

Anti-Registration Riot, New York, 1917 June 16

Reel 57

[Photograph] Berkman and Emma Goldman When They

Reported at Ellis Island. In [unknown periodical
(Dec. 5? 1919)]

Reel 64

[Photograph] Famous Anarchists Ordered Deported and


Their Counsel.

In [unknown periodical (Dec. 21? 1919)]

Reel 64

[Photograph of Alexander Berkman] 1917 June 16

Reel 57

[Photograph of Arthur Svensson, Stockholm?

1922 May? 26?]

Reel 66

[Photograph of Emma Goldman, 1895?]

Reel 56

[Photograph of Emma Goldman, 1901? Sept.?]

Reel 56

[Photograph of Emma Goldman, 193-?].

Reel 67

[Photograph of] Emma Goldman [Ellis Island, N.Y.]

1919 Dec. 5

Reel 64

[Photograph of Emma Goldman, Ellis Island, N.Y.,

1919 Dec. 5]

Reel 64

[Photographs] Leading Personages on the Buford's

Passenger-List. In [unknown periodical
(Dec. 21? 1919)]

Reel 64

[Photographs Taken On Board the Buford, between 1919

Dec. 21 and 1920 Jan. 16]

Reel 64

[Photographs of Emma Goldman].

Prominent Radicals, 1920?]

Reel 65

In [Photographs of

[Photographs of Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel]

1900 April 17 [Berlin?]

Reel 67

[Photographs of Emma Goldman, 1901? Sept.?]

Reel 56

[Photographs of Emma Goldman, Alexander Berkman, and

Alexander Schapiro, Riga, Latvia, 1921 Dec.]

Reel 65

Photographs of Prominent Radicals [1920? (cover page)]

Reel 65

[Pinkerton Report In re: Guillotine Plot, 1917 Dec. 10?] Reel 60

Plan of Organization [of the Guillotine Club,
1917? Dec.?]

Reel 60

[Police Record of Emma Goldman].

World (Sept. 15, 1901)]

Reel 56

In [The New York

Police Turn Kotoku Protest March into an Awful "Riot."

In [New York] Call (Jan. 30, 1911)

Reel 56

[Political Cartoon] 249 Reds to Russia.

periodical (Dec. 22? 1919)]

Reel 64

In [unknown

Political Defense Fund, Oct. 16 to Dec. 31, 1917

Reel 60

[Power of Attorney] 1919 Dec. 19 [naming Stella


Reel 64


Preparedness, the Road to Universal Slaughter-New York : Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n. [1917? (excerpt)]

Reel 67

[Press Release on Deportation of Goldman and Berkman,

1919 Dec. 10]

Reel 64

[Press Release?, 1934 Jan. 9, notice of Goldman's

admission to the United States]

Reel 66

Le Procs de Czolgosz.
(Sept. 25, 1901)

Reel 56

In [Le] Franais

Proclamation and War Program--Chicago : Socialist

Party [U.S.] 1917 May

Reel 57

[Proof of Service] 1917 Nov. 28 [of plaintiffs' brief

in Goldman & Berkman v. United States]

Reel 59

Propaganda by Cartoon and Essay. In Propaganda in

its Military and Legal Aspects--[Washington, D.C.?,

Reel 60

[Property Tax Record] 1916 April 15, Chappaqua, N.Y.

Reel 56

[Property Tax Records] Draguignan [France, 1930 (cover

page and index)]

Reel 66

[Property Tax Records, Draguignan, France] 1930 [for

Emma Goldman]

Reel 66

Provisional [Agenda] 1921 Dec., Berlin [government


Reel 65

Radical Writings of Emma Goldman Are Made Public.

[Washington Star (Dec. 22, 1919)]
Radicals Refused Goldman Articles.
World (March 22, 1922)]

Reel 64

In [(New York)
Reel 65

Rapports du Congrs Antiparlementaire International

de 1900. In Les Temps Nouveaux Supplment Littraire.-Vol. III, nos. 23 and 31 [Nov.? 1900 (excerpts)]
Reel 56
[Receipt for bonds from Harry Weinberger for release of
Emma Goldman] 1919 Oct. 27

Reel 63

[Receipt for filing fee] 1917 Sept. 25 [to Harry


Reel 59

[Recipient of Prohibited Literature] Rome, 1911 Nov. 1

Reel 56

Recognition and Amnesty for Political Prisoners

[leaflet]--New York [1918 May?]

Reel 61

"Red Emma's" Visit. In St. Louis Post-Dispatch

(May 7, 1934) [transcript]

Reel 66


"Red Emma," Noted Anarchist, Dies.

(May 14, 1940)]

In [Calgary Herald

"Red Emma" Comes Back, Bearing Torch of Old.

[unknown periodical (Feb. 24, 1934)]

Reel 66
Reel 66

Reds U.S. Deported Attempt to Blow Up Soviet Government.

In [Washington Post (Dec. 12, 1920)]
Reel 65
Reds' Fear Seen Behind Hoover Attack. In [New York
Journal and American (March 2, 1940, excerpt)]

Reel 66

"Reds" Not Going on the Buford.

World (Dec. 16, 1919)]

Reel 64

In [The New York

"Reds" of Various Hue Light Up Emma Goldman's Cheery

`Coming Out' Party. In [New York] Evening World
(Oct. 28, 1919)

Reel 63

A Referendum to the Men and Women of America--[1917


Reel 59

Reisebriefe aus Amerika.

(Feb. 5, 1898)]

In Der Arme Konrad [Berlin

Reel 56

Reisebriefe aus Amerika.

(March 5, 1898)]

In Der Arme Konrad [Berlin

Reisebriefe aus Amerika.

(March 12, 1898)]

In Der Arme Konrad [Berlin

Reisebriefe aus Amerika.

(March 26, 1898)]

In Der Arme Konrad [Berlin

Reisebriefe aus Amerika.

(April 2, 1898)]

In Der Arme Konrad [Berlin

Reel 56

Reel 56

Reel 56

Reel 56

[Report In re:] S.S. Oleum [New York] 1917 Nov. 21

Reel 59

[Report In re:] Socialists in Winnipeg, 1908 May 2,


Reel 56

Report Upon New York Trip, October 8, 9, 1919

[Washington, D.C.] 1919 Oct. 10

Reel 63

[Report from New York re:] Emma Goldman, Rome,

1938 Jan. 18

Reel 66

[Report from Stanton].

(April 22, 1911)]

Reel 56

In Der Freie Arbeiter [Berlin

[Report in re:] Berkman & Goldman, U.S. Anarchists

[London? 1918 April 2 (cover page)]

Reel 61

[Report in re: F. Sako article in Mother Earth, February 1911].

In Zaibei Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha Enkaku--Tokyo [Feb.



Reel 56

[Report in re: Hippolyte Havel article in Mother Earth,

February 1911]. In Zaibei Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha
Enkaku--Tokyo [Feb. 1911]
Reel 56
Report of Maurits Hymans, Special Immigrant
Inspector, 1907 Nov. 20 [excerpt]

Reel 56

Report of Radical Movement and Propaganda, New York,

1918 Dec. 30 [excerpt]

Reel 62

Report of Radical Section for week ending

September 12, 1919 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 63

Report of Radical Section for week ending September 26,

1919 [Washington, D.C.] 1919 Sept. 30 [fragment]

Reel 63

Report of Radical Section for week ending October 3,

1919 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 63

Report of Radical Section for week ending October 10,

1919 [Washington, D.C.]

Reel 63

[Report on] Abraham Schneider [St. Louis? Mo.?] 1919

Dec. 13 [excerpt?]

Reel 64

[Report on Activity of Dusseldorf Spartacist Group]

Treves [France?] 1919 March 1 [excerpt]

Reel 62

[Report on] Alexander Berkman [Washington, D.C.?,

between 1920 and 1936]

Reel 65

[Report on Alexander Berkman's Deportation Hearing

at Atlanta Penitentiary on] 1919 Sept. 25 [Washington,
D.C., 1919 Sept. 26?]

Reel 63

[Report on American Anarchist-Communist Party] Chicago,

1920 Feb. 24-26

Reel 65

[Report on American Civil Liberties Union, 193-?


Reel 66

[Report on Anarchist Bomb Plot, Chicago? 1919] June 17-30

Reel 62
[Report on Anarchist Bomb Plot, Chicago? 1919]
June 17-30

Reel 62

[Report on] Anarchist Bomb Plot, Chicago, 1919 June 25

Reel 62

[Report on] Anarchist Bomb Plot, Chicago, 1919 June 28

Reel 62

[Report on the Anarchist Congress] Paris, 1900 Aug. 20

Reel 67

[Report on the Anarchist Congress] Paris, 1900 Oct. 15

Reel 67


[Report on Arthur Svensson, Stockholm, 19]22 May 26

Reel 66

[Report on attentat against the king of Italy] Milan

[Italy] 1900 Aug. 13

Reel 56

[Report on Avanti! Article] 1920 Feb. 21

Reel 65

[Report on] Bee Shaustack, Washington [D.C.] 1918

March 12

Reel 61

[Report on] Bolsheviki and I.W.W. Meeting, Brooklyn,

N.Y., 1918 Nov. 7

Reel 62

[Report on] Bolshevist Propaganda [Berne, Switzerland]

1920 Feb. 27

Reel 65

[Report on] Communist Convention and Communist Labor

Party Convention, Chicago, 1919 Sept. 5

Reel 63

Report on the Communist Press, Nov. 15 to Dec. 15,

1924 [excerpt]

Reel 66

[Report on the Congrs International des Oeuvres et

Institutions Feminines] Paris, 1900 June 19

Reel 56

[Report on Dimer] Paris, 1900 Oct. 9

Reel 67

[Report on] Dinner for Emma Goldman and Alexander

Berkman [at the Hotel Brevoort, New York] 1919 Oct. 27

Reel 63

[Report on Edward Morgan, San Francisco, 1917 Dec.? 6?]

Reel 60

[Report on Emma Colton, Paris?] 1929 Dec. [12?]

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Colton] Paris, 1930 Feb. 28

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Colton] Paris, 1930 March 1

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Meeting, Nov. 30, 1919,

West Side Auditorium, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 2

Reel 64

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1900 May 22

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1900 July 31

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1900 Aug. 6

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1900 Aug. 7

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1900 Oct. 9

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1901 Sept. 10

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1930 April 4

Reel 67

[Report on] Emma Goldman [Washington, D.C.?] 1919

Sept. 19

Reel 63


[Report on Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman] Meeting,

Nov. 29th--Street Car Men's Hall, Chicago, 1919 Dec. 2

Reel 64

[Report on Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel] Paris,

1900 April 12

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel] Paris,

1900 May 18

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel] Paris,

1900 Nov. 1 [fragment]

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel, Paris?]

1900 Nov. 1

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel, Paris?

1900] Nov. 1

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and Hippolyte Havel] Paris,

1900 Nov. 1

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and McKinley Assassination]

Paris, 1901 Sept. 9

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman and McKinley Assassination]

Paris, 1901 Sept. 13

Reel 67

[Report: Emma Goldman in Copenhagen] 1932 Feb. 15

Reel 66

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1895 Sept. 12

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1899 Nov. 11

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1899 Nov. 17

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1899 Nov. 21

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1899 Nov. 28

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1900 Jan. 22

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman in London] 1900 Feb. 27

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman's Activities in New York,

1917 Nov. 13?]

Reel 59

[Report on Emma Goldman's Activities in New York,

1919 Nov.? 1? (fragment?)]

Reel 64

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1902 March 26

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1907 Sept. 25

Reel 67

[Report on Emma Goldman] Paris, 1907 Oct. 6

Reel 67

[Report on Guillotine Club] San Francisco, 1917 Nov. 28

Reel 59


[Report on Guillotine Club--Lilly Winner, New York, 1918

Jan.? 22?]
Reel 60
[Report on] Gustave Stiller [San Francisco?]
1919 May 26

Reel 62

[Report on Harry Rappaport, Washington, D.C.?]

1919 May 6

Reel 62

[Report on Harry Weinberger, New York? 1919 Dec. 9?]

Reel 64

[Report on Hippolyte Havel] Paris, 1900 May 10

Reel 67

[Report on Hippolyte Havel] Paris, 1900 July 31

Reel 67

[Report on Hippolyte Havel] Paris, 1908 Nov. 14

Reel 67

[Report on] Hugh Cimore McClellan [Washington, D.C.?]

1918 Feb. 2

Reel 61

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists, San Diego [Calif.] 1918

Jan. 11

Reel 60

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast, San

Francisco, 1917 Oct. 22

Reel 59

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [19]17 Nov. 6

Reel 59

[Report on I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles, 1917 Nov. 7

Reel 59

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast,

San Francisco, 1917 Nov. 9

Reel 59

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [19]17 Nov. 10

Reel 59

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [19]17 Nov. 15

Reel 59

[Report on I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles, 1917 Nov. 18-23

Reel 59

[Report on I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles, 1917 Nov. 23

Reel 59

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [19]17 Dec. [2?]

Reel 60

[Report on I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast] Los

Angeles, 1917 Dec. 9

Reel 60

[Report on I.W.W. Anarchists--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [19]17 Dec. 13

Reel 60


[Report on I.W.W.] Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles, 1918 Jan. 2

Reel 60

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

San Diego, Calif., 1918 Jan. 6

Reel 60

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles, 1918 Jan. 18

Reel 60

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarc[hists--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [1918 Feb.]

Reel 61

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles [1918 Feb.]

Reel 61

[Report on] I.W.W. Anarchists[--Pacific Coast]

Los Angeles, 1918 Feb. 6

Reel 61

[Report on I.W.W. Organizing Among Negroes] Chicago,

1919 Oct. 24

Reel 63

[Report on International Anarchist Congress]

Berlin, 1922 Jan. 25

Reel 65

[Report on International Anarchist Congress] Berlin,

1922 Feb. 21

Reel 65

[Report on International Workers Defense League Banquet]

Chicago, 1919 Dec. 2
Reel 64
[Report on Katz] Paris, 1908 March 31

Reel 67

[Report on Kotoku Protest Meeting in New York].

In Zaibei Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha
Enkaku--Tokyo [Jan. 29, 1911]

Reel 56

[Report on Kotoku Protest in New York]. In Zaibei

Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha Enkaku--Tokyo
[Jan. 30, 1911]

Reel 56

[Report on Kotoku Protests in United States]. In

Zaibei Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha Enkaku--Tokyo
[Nov. 29, 1910]

Reel 56

[Report on Louise Michel] Paris, 1895 Nov. 14

Reel 56

[Report on Louise Michel] Paris, 1900 Oct. 31

Reel 56

[Report on Ludwig Martens, Washington, D.C.?,

1920? April? (excerpt)]

Reel 65

[Report on Max Baginski] Paris, 1900 [June?]

Reel 67

[Report on] Meeting Held at the Office of the New

Majority, Chicago, 1919 Nov. 12

Reel 64

Report on the meeting at the Hotel Brevoort [New York]


1919 Oct. 27

Reel 63

[Report on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rappaport,

Washington, D.C.? 19]18 Oct. 8

Reel 62

[Report on] No Conscription League, 1917 June 15


Reel 57

[Report on] Organization of the Marine Transport

Workers. . . [San Francisco?] 1918 Sept. 4

Reel 62

[Report on Pinkerton's investigation of Goldman,

Chicago? between 1920 and 1940]

Reel 65

[Report on Prince Hopkins] 1918 Sept. 18 [cover page]

Reel 62

[Report on Radical Activities] Chicago, 1919 Oct. 25

Reel 63

[Report on Radical Activities in New York City] Chicago,

1919 Nov. 17-23
Reel 64
[Report on Radical Activities in New York City]
1920 Feb. 20

Reel 65

Report on the Radical Press, Oct. 15 to Nov. 15,

1924 [excerpt]

Reel 66

Report on the Radical Press, March 15 to April 15,

1925 [excerpt]

Reel 66

[Report on] Radicalism and Race Riots, Chicago,

1919 Oct. 28 [fragment]

Reel 63

[Report on] Reactions [from] Russia, 1920 Oct. 4

Reel 65

[Report on] Richard J. Verhagen, Chicago, 1920 Jan. 20

Reel 65

[Report on Robert Minor, Washington, D.C.? 1919 Oct.?


Reel 63

[Report on Roger Baldwin, San Francisco? 1917 Nov. 20?


Reel 59

[Report on Roger Baldwin, New York] 1918 Jan. 5

Reel 60

[Report on Ruedebusch] Paris, 1900 Sept. 4

Reel 67

[Report on] Russia in Flames [Chicago? 1919 April 16?


Reel 62

[Report on] "Russia in Flames," Moline, Ill., 1919

April 16

Reel 62

[Report on Russian Agitation in England and United

States, Copenhagen] 1920 June 9 [excerpt]

Reel 65

[Report on] Russian Communists in Sweden [London,


1922 Feb. 21? (cover page)]

Reel 65

[Report on] Russian Communists in Sweden [London]

1922 May 2 [cover page]

Reel 66

[Report on Russian Group] Paris, 1904 May 29

Reel 67

[Report on Russian Group] Paris, 1906 May 9

Reel 67

[Report on] Russian Propaganda, 1920 April 14

[Washington, D.C.]

Reel 65

[Report on Russians at the Communist Party Congress in

Marseille] Paris, 1921 Dec. 23

Reel 67

[Report on] Russians in Sweden [London, 1922 Jan. 24

(cover page)]

Reel 65

[Report on Sadakichi Hartmann, New York] 1919 Oct. 30

Reel 63

[Report on] Sophia Markovich [Detroit? Mich.?] 1919

Sept. 1 [2?]

Reel 63

[Report on] Speech By Emma Goldman at Pittsburgh, Pa.

on April 11, 1934

Reel 66

[Report on Stella] Ballantine, New York City

[Washington, D.C.?] 1920 June 26

Reel 65

[Report on] Theodore Schroeder--President of the

Free Speech League [1917?]

Reel 57

[Report on V. A. Hajek, 1920?]

Reel 65

[Report on William D. Haywood] Chicago, 1919 Dec. 4

Reel 64

[Report on] William Thurston Brown [New York? 19]18

Dec. 1 [excerpt]

Reel 62

[Report on] Young Peoples Socialist League, Chicago,

1919 Dec. 6

Reel 64

Report re Lecture on Russia in London, Ontario by

Emma Goldman, London [Canada] 1927 Jan. 11

Reel 66

Report re Sacco-Vanzetti Memorial Meeting, Toronto,

1927 Sept. 2

Reel 66

[Report re: David Goldman] Houston, Texas, 1918 Jan. 15

Reel 60

[Report re: Death of Emma Goldman] Rome, 1940 June 24

Reel 66

[Report re:] Emilio Strafelini, Trento, Italy, 1940

Aug. 9

Reel 66

[Report] re: Emma Goldman (Mrs. E.G. Colton) Anarchist,

Toronto, 1940 Sept. 11

Reel 66


[Report re: Emma Goldman, Dr. F. Galasso, in London]

Rome, 1938 May 29

Reel 66

Report re Emma Goldman, Edmonton [Canada] 1927 March 8

Reel 66

Report re Emma Goldman, Edmonton [Canada] 1927 March 9

Reel 66

Report re Emma Goldman, Edmonton [Canada] 1927 March 14

Reel 66

[Report] re Emma Goldman, Montreal, 1926 Nov. 2

Reel 66

[Report re: Emma Goldman, Planned Attentat, Rome?]

1939 Jan. 23

Reel 66

[Report re: Emma Goldman, Planned Attentat] Rome,

1939 Feb. 10

Reel 66

[Report] re: Emma Goldman, Regina [Canada] 1926 Dec. 14

Reel 66

[Report re: Emma Goldman] Rome, 1928 June 17

Reel 66

[Report re:] Emma Goldman, Russian Anarchist [London?,

1908 March 9? (cover page)]

Reel 56

Report re: Emma Goldman, Toronto, 1927 Sept. 28

Reel 66

Report re: Emma Goldman, Toronto, 1927 Dec. 13

Reel 66

Report re: Emma Goldman, Toronto, 1928 Feb. 8

Reel 66

[Report re:] Emma Goldman [Washington, D.C.? 19]34

Feb. 20

Reel 66

Report re: Emma Goldman, Winnipeg, 1926 Oct. 21

Reel 66

Report re: Emma Goldman, Winnipeg, 1927 Feb. 3

Reel 66

[Report re:] Emma Goldman, anarchica, Buenos Aires,

Argentina, 1903 May 8

Reel 56

[Report re:] Emma Goldman, anarchica, Rome, 1903 June 9

Reel 56

[Report re: Emma Goldmann] Berlin, 1907 Nov. 11

Reel 56

[Report re: Emma Goldmann] London, 1907 Oct. 26

Reel 56

Report re: Industrial Workers of the World--Emma

Goldman speaker, Winnipeg, 1939 Dec. 12

Reel 66

Report re: Industrial Workers of the World--Emma

Goldman meeting, Winnipeg, 1939 Dec. 12

Reel 66

Report re: Industrial Workers of the World--Emma

Goldman, Winnipeg, 1939 Dec. 15

Reel 66

[Report] re: Mrs. E.G. Colton [or] Emma Goldman


(Anarchist), Toronto [19]40 Feb. 24

Reel 66

[Report] re: Mrs. E.G. Colton, alias Emma Goldman,

Toronto, 1934 Nov. 29

Reel 66

Report re: Mrs. Emma Goldman Colton [or] Emma

Goldman (Anarchist), Winnipeg, 1939 Dec. 6

Reel 66

[Reports on Hugh Cimore McClellan, Washington,

D.C.? 19]17 Dec. 10 [cover page]

Reel 60

[Request Form for Pamphlet, "The Trial and Speeches of

Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman," July?] 1917

Reel 57

[Request for Reimbursement of Expenses in Goldman-Berkman

Hearing] 1920 Jan. 5, New York
Reel 65
Resume of Deportation Proceedings instituted against Emma
Goldman [Washington, D.C.? 1920 Jan.?]
Reel 65
Resume of Deportation Proceedings instituted against
Alexander Berkman [Washington, D.C.? 1920 Jan.?]

Reel 65

[Review of the Danish Press, Copenhagen, 1932 April

1-15 (excerpt)]

Reel 66

Revolution in U.S. Detective Methods Effected By Stone.

In [The Telegram (Dec. 30, 1924)]

Reel 66

Russia in Hands of Ruthless Dictator, Says Emma Goldman.

In [London Ontario Free Press (Jan. 8, 1927)]
Reel 66
Russian Soviet "Rotten," Emma Goldman Says.
Tribune (June 18, 1920)]
Sails With 249 Reds.

In [Chicago
Reel 65

In [Washington Post (Dec. 22,

Reel 64

Says Emma Goldman Misjudges The Soviet.

Times (April 17, 1922)]
Says Hitler Needs Stalin.
(Sept. 20, 1939)]

In [New York
Reel 66

In [New York Times

Gli scioperi colossali di America.

(Jan. 20, 1920)

Reel 66
In Avanti!
Reel 65

See C.I.O. Drive as Communist in Its Objects.

In [Chicago Daily Tribune (March 28, 1937, excerpt)]

Reel 66

Seek Information on Emma Goldman. In [New York

Illustrated News (Sept. 24, 1919)]

Reel 63

Le sjour d'Emma Goldman Paris.

(Sept. [15? 19]01)

Reel 67

In Le Rappel

The Selective Draft Act Held Constitutional.



New York Law Journal.--Vol. 58, no. 21 (Oct. 25, 1917)

Reel 59

The Selective Draft Act Held Valid. In New York

Law Journal.--Vol. 58, no. 93 (Jan. 22, 1918)

Reel 60

Selective Draft Law Cases.

Vol. 245 (Jan. 7, 1918)

Reel 60

In United States Reports.--

S[enate] Res[olution] 206, 1919 Oct. 6 [regarding

Goldman deportation hearing]

Reel 63

Situation Survey Report [for] May 7, 1920 [Chicago


Reel 65

Sixth Corps Area Situation Survey, week ending

Jan. 21, 1922 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt, transcript)]

Reel 65

Some Aspects of the Constitutional Questions Involved

in the Draft Act. . . [excerpt]--New York and
Washington, D.C. : Civil Liberties Bureau of the
American Union Against Militarism [1917]

Reel 57

Soviet Ark to Sail in 10 Days.

(Dec. 12, 1919)]

Reel 64

In [New York Globe

Soviet Invasion Fails to Surprise "Red Emma."

[Winnipeg Tribune (Nov. 30, 1939)]


"Sovietization" in U.S. Pleases Emma Goldman.

[unknown periodical (Feb. 2?, 1934)]


Speakers of Seven Nations in Protest.

(Dec. 13, 1910)

Reel 66

Reel 66

In New York Call

Reel 56

Special Report [of Radical Activities, New York]

1922 Feb. 18 [excerpt]

Reel 65

Special Report [on Radical Activities, New York]

1923 Sept. 1 [excerpt]

Reel 66

Special Report [of Radical Activities, New York]

1923 Nov. 3 [excerpt]

Reel 66

Special Report of Radical Activities, New York,

1923 Dec. 8 [excerpt]

Reel 66

Special Report [of Radical Activities, New York]

1924 April 26 [excerpt]

Reel 66

Special Report of Radical Activities, week ending

July 26, 1924, New York [excerpt]

Reel 66

[Speech Against Conscription] Forward Hall [New York]-1917 June 14 [government transcript]

Reel 57

[Speech Against Conscription, Forward Hall, New York]-[1917 June 14]

Reel 57


Speech [against conscription] Harlem River Casino,

New York--1917 May 18 [government transcript]

Reel 57

[Speech on] Amnesty for Political Prisoners,

Autoworkers' Union Hall, Detroit, Mich.-1919 Nov. 23 [government transcript]

Reel 64

[Speech on Amnesty for Political Prisoners]

Autoworkers' Hall, Detroit, Mich.--1919 Nov. 23
[government transcript].

Reel 64

[Speech on Political Deportations] Hall of Local 127,

United Automobile, Aircraft and Vehicle Workers of
America [Detroit]--1919 Nov. 26 [government transcript]

Reel 64

[Speech on Political Deportations, Hall of Local 127,

United Automobile, Aircraft and Vehicle Workers of America,
Detroit]--[1919 Nov. 26 (government transcript)]
Reel 64
[Speech on Political Prisoners] Automobile Workers'
Union Hall, Detroit, Mich.--1919 Nov. 23 [government

Reel 64

[Speech, Clinton Hall, New York]--1907 Jan. 6 [excerpt,

government transcript]

Reel 56

[Speeches before Mass] Meeting of No Conscription

League, Hunts Point Palace, New York--1917 June 4.

Reel 57

Stalin is Likened to Judas Iscariot.

Press (Dec. 4, 1939)]

Reel 66

In [Winnipeg Free

Stalin's Party Split, Says Emma Goldman.

Free Press (Dec. 7, 1939)]

In [Winnipeg
Reel 66

Statement at the Federal hearing in re deportation,

1919 Oct. 27, New York

Reel 63

[Statement in re:] Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman

Deportation [1919 Dec.? (fragment?)]

Reel 64

[Statement in re: Deportation] 1919 Sept. 18,

Atlanta, Ga.

Reel 63

[Statement] in re: Deportation, 1919 Sept. 18,

Atlanta, Ga.

Reel 63

[Statement in re: Deportation, 1919 Dec. 12?]

Reel 64

Statement [in re: Deportation of Emma Goldman,

1919 Dec. 12?]

Reel 64

[Statement in re: trial and imprisonment of Goldman and

Berkman and Berkman's indictment in the Mooney case,
1918 Jan.?]

Reel 60


Statement [on Political Deportations, 1919 Dec. 5]

Reel 64

[Statement on Revolutionary Moslem Movements,

1920 May? 11?, Moscow]

Reel 65

[Status of Anarchist Cases, Ellis Island, N.Y.,

1919 Nov. 16?]

Reel 64

Stone and Mellon Announce Selection of 2 Bureau Chiefs.

In [Washington Post (Dec. 23, 1924)]

Reel 66

Succeeds Burns in Justice Department.

(Dec. 28, 1924)]

In [Dallas News
Reel 66

Succeeds Burns in Justice Department.

periodical (Dec. 30, 1924)]

In [unknown

Successor to Burns.
(Dec. 26, 1924)]

Reel 66

In [Boston Transcript
Reel 66

Summary of Evidence and Charges Against Robert J. Minor

[Washington, D.C., 1920? Jan.? (excerpt)]

Reel 65

[Summary of Harry Weinberger's Legal Work for Goldman,

Berkman, et al., 1917? Dec.? (draft, fragment)]

Reel 60

[Summary of William Haywood's letter to Emma Goldman in]

Folkets Dagblad Politiken, 1922 July 26 [Stockholm]
Reel 66
Summary of the Intelligence Situation as of
March 1, 1934 [Baltimore, Md.]

Reel 66

Supplementary Report in re: Emma Goldman, 1919 Sept. 26

[Washington, D.C.?]

Reel 63

Sus Aux Anarchos.

Reel 56

In [Le Petit Sou] (Oct. [5, 1901])

Suspect List [1918] Feb. 4-5

Reel 61

Synopsis of the Case of Santeri Nuorteva [1919 July?


Reel 62

Telephone Memorandum [in re: Goldman's Boston Speeches]

1907 Dec. 11

Reel 56

[Testimony at Court Martial of Robert Minor, 1919 June?


Reel 62

That "Red" Army at Ellis Island Dwindles to 63.

[The (New York) World (Jan. 28, 1920)]

Reel 65


They Want to Hang Alexander Berkman! [leaflet]-[Aug.? 1917]

Reel 57

T[h]ou Shalt Not Kill [leaflet]--[Aug. 1917]

Reel 57

The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation--New York : Mother


Earth Pub. Ass'n [1910? (excerpt)]

Reel 67

Trial and Speeches of Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman

In the United States District Court, in the City of
New York, July, 1917 [excerpts]--New York : Mother
Earth Pub. Ass'n.
Reel 57
Trial and Speeches of Alexander Berkman and Emma
Goldman In the United States District Court, in the
City of New York, July, 1917--New York : Mother Earth
Pub. Ass'n.

Reel 57

The Truth about the Boylsheviki--New York : Mother

Earth Pub. Ass'n. [1917 (excerpt)]

Reel 67

Unabridged Free Speech--New York : Mother Earth Pub.

Ass'n., 1910

Reel 56

The Undesirable.

Reel 66

In [Los Angeles Times (May 1922)]

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 Feb. 28

Reel 61

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 March 1

Reel 61

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 March 4

Reel 61

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 March 6

Reel 61

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 March 22 Reel 61

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 April 11 Reel 61
U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 April 24 Reel 61
[United States Postal Censorship Form, 1918 June? 12?]

Reel 61

U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 Aug. 19,

New York
Reel 61
U[nited] S[tates] Postal Censorship [Form] 1918 Aug. 31,
New York
Reel 61
[United States Protest Movement Against Kotoku Trial].
In Zaibei Shakai Shugisha Museifu Shugisha Enkaku-Tokyo [March? 1911?]

Reel 56

United States ex rel Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Petition

for Writ of Habeas Corpus, 1919 Dec. 5

Reel 64

United States ex rel Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Writ of

Habeas Corpus, 1919 Dec. 5

Reel 64

[United States ex rel Goldman v. Caminetti: Writ of

Habeas Corpus] 1919 Dec. 5

Reel 64

United States ex rel Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Petition

for Writ of Habeas Corpus and Writ of Habeas Corpus


[1919 Dec. 5 (cover page)]

Reel 64

[United States ex rel Goldman v. Caminetti: Petition

for Writ of Habeas Corpus] 1919 Dec. 5

Reel 64

United States ex rel Goldman v. Caminetti:

[Docket Sheet] 1919 Dec. 5 to 1920 Jan. 9

Reel 64

United States [ex rel] Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Return,

1919 Dec. 8 [to Goldman's petition for writ of
habeas corpus]

Reel 64

United States [ex rel] Goldman v. Caminetti:

Stenographer's Minutes, 1919 Dec. 8 [of oral arguments
before the District Court]

Reel 64

United States [ex rel] Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Order

Dismissing Writ of Habeas Corpus, 1919 Dec. 9

Reel 64

United States ex rel Goldman [v.] Caminetti: [Order

Dismissing Writ of Habeas Corpus] 1919 Dec. 9 [draft]

Reel 64

United States [ex rel] Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Allowance

of Appeal [1919 Dec. 10?]
Reel 64
United States [ex rel] Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Petition
for Writ of Error and Appeal, 1919 Dec. 10

Reel 64

United States [ex rel] Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Assignment

of Errors, 1919 Dec. 10
Reel 64
United States ex rel Goldman [v.] Caminetti: Motion [to
Dismiss Writ of Error, 1919 Dec. 16?]

Reel 64

[United States ex rel] Goldman v. Caminetti: [Memorandum

Decision, Dec. 18, 1919]. In [United States Reports].-Vol. 251 [1920]
Reel 64
[United States ex rel Goldman v. Caminetti: Order to
Return Exhibits] 1920 Jan. [9?]

Reel 65

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Notice of Motion]

1918 Feb. [2?, to apply bail to pay fines]
Reel 61
United States v. Berkman and Goldman: [Affidavit]
1918 Feb. 2

Reel 61

United States v. Berkman and Goldman: affidavit and

notice of motion, 1918 Feb. 2 [cover page]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Stipulation to

postpone argument] 1918 Feb. 18

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Affidavit]

1918 March 7 [opposing motion to use bail to pay fines]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: Memorandum for


Defendants [1918 March 7?]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Opinion]

1918 March 11 [denying motion to apply bail to
pay fines]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Affidavit]

1918 March 13

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Affidavit]

1918 March [15?]

Reel 61

United States [v. Berkman and Goldman]: [Order to refund

bail] 1918 March [15?]
Reel 61
[United States v. Berkman and Goldman: Writ of Error]
1919 Jan. 17

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Order] 1919

Jan. 17 [to refund clerk's fees (fragment)]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Berkman and Goldman: [Petition for

Writ of Error] 1919 Jan. 17

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman [et al.]:

[Order to Show Cause] 1917 July 24 [in re: bail]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman [et al.]:

Affidavit and Order to Show Cause [1917 July 24
(cover page)]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman [et al.]:

[Affidavit] 1917 July 24 [in re: bail]

Reel 57

United States v. Goldman and Berkman: [Docket Sheet]

1917 June 21 to 1921 Feb. 18

Reel 57

United States v. Goldman and Berkman: Indictment,

1917 [June 21?]

Reel 57

United States v. Goldman and Berkman: Stenographer's

Minutes [1917 June 27 to July 9]

Reel 58

[United States v. Goldman and Berkman:] Subpoena Duces

Tecum, 1917 July 3, to the President of the Municipal
Civil Service Commission, New York

Reel 57

U[nited] S[tates] v. Goldman [and] Berkman: Testimony,

1917 July 5 [excerpt]

Reel 57

United States v. Goldman [and Berkman: Summary of

Proceedings] 1917 July 9

Reel 57

U.S. v. Goldman and Berkman: [Closing Argument]

1917 July 9

Reel 58

U.S. v. Goldman and Berkman: [Jury Instructions] and


Sentence, 1917 July 9

Reel 58

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Affidavit]

1917 July 10 [in support of motion to return bail]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Affidavit and

Notice of Motion, 1917 July 10 [for return of bail
(cover page)]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Notice of

Motion] 1917 July 10 [for return of bail]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Petition for

Writ of Error, 1917 July 17 [draft]

Reel 57

[United States v. Goldman and Berkman:] Supersedeas,

1917 July 19 [draft]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Petition for

Writ of Error and Supersedeas [1917 July 19?
(cover page)]

Reel 57

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Writ of Error,

1917 July 19
Reel 57
United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Notice of
Motion, 1917 Aug. 2 [in re: bail and return of exhibits] Reel 57
United States [v.] Goldman and Berkman: Order,
1917 Aug. 6 [to return defendants' property]

Reel 57

United States v. Goldman [and] Berkman: Order on Mandate,

1918 Feb. 1
Reel 61
United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Affidavit]
1918 May 9 [regarding clerk's fees]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Order to

Refund Clerk's Fees] 1918 May 10

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Affidavit and

Order [to Refund Fees, 1918 May 10 (cover page)]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Notice of

Motion] 1918 Dec. 18 [to refund clerk's fees]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Affidavit]

1918 Dec. 18 [for refund of clerk's fees]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Affidavit and

Notice of Motion [1918 Dec. 18, to refund clerk's fees
(cover page)]

Reel 61

United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: Memorandum in

Support of Motion [1918 Dec. 20?, to refund clerk's

Reel 61


United States [v.] Goldman [and] Berkman: [Memorandum

Opinion, 1918 Dec. 20?, denying motion to refund clerk's
Reel 61
United States v. Goldman and Berkman: Stenographer's
Minutes [1919 Oct. 1 (cover page)]

Reel 63

United States v. Goldman and Berkman: [Summary of

Sentencing, 1919 Oct. 1?]

Reel 63

United States v. Goldman and Berkman: [Stenographer's

Minutes, 1919 Oct. 1? (excerpt)]

Reel 63

[United States v. Goldman and Berkman: Certificate of

Accuracy] 19[19 Oct.] 1 [of trial transcript]

Reel 63

United States v. Goldman and Berkman: [Certificate of

Accuracy] 1919 Oct. 1 [of trial transcript excerpt]

Reel 63

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Bill of Complaint

[1908 Sept. 24 (draft?)]

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Bill of Complaint,

1908 Sept. 24

Reel 56

[United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Affidavit]

1908 Sept. 24

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob [A.] Kersner: Docket Page,

1908 Sept. 28 to 1909 April 9 [transcript]

Reel 56

[United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Subpoena and Return]

1908 Oct. 12 [for Jacob Kersner (transcript)]
Reel 56
United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Affidavit]
1908 Oct. 16 [in support of motion for notice by

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Order of Service by

Publication and Affidavits, 1908 Oct. 17 [cover page]

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Order of Service by

Publication] 1908 Oct. 17

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Affidavit]

1908 Oct. 17 [in support of motion for notice by

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Subpoena and Return]

1908 Oct. 23 [for Jacob A. Kersner (transcript)]
Reel 56
[United States v. Jacob Kersner: Proof of Publication]
1908 Dec. 7

Reel 56

[United States v. Jacob Kersner: Proof of Publication]

1908 Dec. 29

Reel 56


[United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Subpoena] 1909 Jan. 19

[for Simon Goldstein and Samuel Cohen (transcript)]
Reel 56
United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Praecipe for Subpoena,
1909 Jan. 19
Reel 56
United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Notice of Service]
1909 Jan. 22 [of Simon Goldstein and Samuel Cohen]

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Praecipe for Subpoena,

1909 April 5
Reel 56
[United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Subpoena] 1909 April 5
[to Abraham and Bessie Kersner (transcript)]
Reel 56
United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Decree Cancelling
Certificate of Naturalization] 1909 April 8

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Clerk's Minutes,

1909 April 8

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Findings,

1909 April 8

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Decree Cancelling

Certificate of Naturalization, 1909 April 8

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Testimony,

1909 April 8

Reel 56

United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: [Notice of Service]

1909 April 9 [of Samuel Cohen and Simon Goldstein]

Reel 56

[United States v. Jacob A. Kersner: Decree Cancelling

Certificate of Naturalization] 1919 Oct. 1 [certificate
of accuracy]

Reel 63

Vereinigte Staaten.
(June 8, 1907)]

In Der freie Arbeiter [Berlin

Reel 56

Vereinigte Staaten.
(Oct. 12, 1907)]

In Der freie Arbeiter [Berlin

Vereinigte Staaten.
(April 10, 1909)]

In Der freie Arbeiter [Berlin

Reel 56

Reel 56

Victims of Morality and The Failure of Christianity-New York : Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n., 1913 [excerpt]

Reel 67

Wants Facts of Kotoku Trial.

(Nov. 29, 1910)]

Reel 56

In [New York Tribune

[Warrant] 1907 Nov. 14 [for arrest of Emma Goldman]

Reel 56

[Warrant] 1917 July 20 [for arrest of Emma Goldman]

Reel 57

[Warrant] 1917 July 21 [for arrest of Alexander



Reel 57

[Warrant] 1919 Dec. 1 [for deportation of Emma Goldman]

Reel 64

[Warrant] 1919 Sept. 5 [for the arrest of Emma Goldman]

Reel 63

[Warrant] 1919 Sept. 5 [for the arrest of Alexander


Reel 63

Washington Man Appointed New Head of Secret Service.

In [Pittsburgh Sun (Dec. 26, 1924)]

Reel 66

Weekly Intelligence Report, Seattle, Washington District,

week ending Dec. 12, 1921 [excerpt]
Reel 65
Weekly Intelligence Report, week ending June 10, 1922,
Seattle, Wash. [excerpt]

Reel 66

Weekly Intelligence Report, week ending Feb. 2, 1924,

Seattle, Wash. [excerpt]

Reel 66

Weekly [Intelligence] Report--Anarchist, Socialist,

I.W.W. and Bolsheviki, 1918 May 18

Reel 61

Weekly [Intelligence] Report--Anarchist, Socialist,

I.W.W. and Bolsheviki, 1918 May 25 [excerpt]

Reel 61

[Weekly Intelligence Report? 1924? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

Weekly Intelligence Summary No. 14, San Francisco,

1917 Nov. 10

Reel 59

Weekly Report of Japanese Activities, week ending

April 1, 1922 [San Francisco? (excerpt)]

Reel 66

Weekly Situation Report for week ending

September 24, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 63

Weekly Situation Report for week ending

October 1, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 63

Weekly Situation Survey for week ending

November 5, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 64

Weekly Situation Survey for week ending

November 19, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 64

Weekly Situation Survey for week ending

November 26, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 64

Weekly Situation Survey for week ending

December 3, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 64

Weekly Situation Survey for week ending

December 10, 1919 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpt)]

Reel 64

Weekly Situation Survey for week ending


January 7, 1920 [Washington, D.C.? (excerpts)]

Reel 65

[Weekly Situation Survey, week ending Oct. 29, 1921


Reel 65

Welcome Home Tour of Emma Goldman [Feb.? 1934]

Reel 66

Welcome Home Tour of Emma Goldman, Feb. 1934


Reel 66

When Emma Goldman's lawyer says. . . . In

[Philadelphia Inquirer (Nov. 19, 1919)]

Reel 64

Whitman Asked To Aid Mooney.

(Sept. 2, 1917)]e

Reel 59

In [New York Call

Who's Who in The Day's News: John Edgar Hoover.

[unknown periodical (Dec. 21? 1924)]

Reel 66

Why Go To War? Refuse To Kill Or Be Killed [leaflet]-[New York?] : [Mother Earth Pub. Ass'n, April? 1917].

Reel 57

Will Be Rearrested As Prison Terms End.

Evening Star (Sept. 18, 1919)]

Reel 63

In [Washington

[Will of Abraham Goldman:] Petition [for probate]

1909 Feb. 16

Reel 56

[Will of Abraham Goldman: Petition for Probate and

Waiver of Citation] 1919 Oct. 17 [certified copies]

Reel 63

[Will of Abraham Goldman: Waiver of Citation]

1909 Jan. 25 [transcript]

Reel 56

Woman Anarchist Leader is Jailed.

Examiner (Jan. 15, 1909)]

Reel 56

In [San Francisco

Woman Without a Country Retains Nimble Wit and Fiery

Views. In Washington Herald [Feb. 24? 1934]

Reel 66

World's Woman Anarchist Emma Goldman Dies Here.

[Toronto Star (May 14, 1940)]

Reel 66

Would Banish Emma Goldman.

(Feb. 28, 1908)]


In [St. Louis Times

Reel 56

You Cannot Break Our Movement! [leaflet]--[Aug.? 1917]

Reel 57

Young Man Gets Highest Detective Post in America.

[Louisville Courier-Journal (Dec. 26, 1924)]

Reel 66

Youth Honored in U.S. Service.

(Dec. 23, 1924)]


In [Washington Herald
Reel 66


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