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From Script to Screen

Super Glue

Pushing this clowns buttons leads to a sticky situation.

At a small clown circus Alice is struggling to make her
audience laugh and the other clowns are less than supportive. In a fit of jealousy, and in an attempt to steal
the show, she sets out to sabotage their performance.

Step Outline
A trio of clowns performs an act in a circus tent, the
audience loves it, laughing hysterically. The next clown,
Alice, comes on and doesnt get any laughs. Upset, she
runs off the stage as the other clowns poke fun at her. She
runs into the factory tent and sits on a bench, fuming.

Step Outline
In the factory tent, all of the clowns are making and maintaining their equipment for the show. Alice glares at the
other clowns as they laugh amongst themselves, practicing a trick where they take of a wig to reveal a smaller wig.

Step Outline
The trio of clowns finish their work and leave the tent.
Alice pulls a tube of superglue from her pocket. She puts
glue into the wigs and when she is finished she seem unsure
about what she has done, as though she might regret it.

Step Outline
The trio of clowns is performing in the circus tent.
They go to take of their wigs but they are glued on
and the clowns have pulled so hard that they flip
over. The audience love it, laughing harder than ever.
The biggest of the clowns walks towards Alice and
she panics, but he only wants to credit her for the
trick. She is pulled on stage and her confused and
frightened face makes the audience laugh harder.

Step Outline
In the factory, the trio of clowns maintain their
equipment as Alice plans out new tricks involving
superglue. They smile at her and she smiles back.

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