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Title of Unit:
Length of
Unit :

Jennifer Scott
7th Grade Social Studies
Boom, Bang, Bust
22 Days


Students will be able to explain how the effects of WWI caused

the countries to form alliances once again and initiate WWII.

Students will be able to identify how new ideas challenge established


Students will be able to explain how propaganda swayed public

opinion, world powers and divided lands.
Students will demonstrate the progression of new governmental
systems and how these views caused world unrest.

As 21st century learners the students will gain further knowledge the
cause/effects of WWII, its components, and how it progresses. Students
in seventh grade will continue to expand upon the knowledge, skills
and understanding acquired in the 5th grade study of governmental
systems, knowledge of war, and Asian Internment. Seventh graders
study Revolutions/wars to be able to pull details from text to paper. The
focus will remain on promoting knowledge of historical timelines,
literacy, comprehension, and keeping up with grade level social studies
expectations. This lesson plan will guide students through patterns of
continuity with a focus on finding what it takes to question, prove, and
use timelines to piece together events. Through an investigation of the
various factors that shape the first world war, students will examine
both causes/effects and the role of the United States, and what a key
components to war may have propelled further unrest to lead to WWII.
Areas examined will be various types of negotiations within countries
and alliances, war tactics, new technology and weapons, and timeline
of progression. All leading the student to a better understanding of this
time period and historic timeline. The lesson plan will be taught within
the context of applying knowledge and understandings to a study of

social studies and historical comprehension. I will also combine

literacy, reading comprehension, art, science application and unit
vocabulary for cross curricular comparison and deeper understanding
of content knowledge.

Standard(s) to be addressed:
7.H.2.1 Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations,
regions and groups.
7.C & G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and
7.C & G.1.2 Evaluate how the Western concepts of democracy has influenced the political
ideas of modern societies.
7.C.1.2 Explain how cultural expressions influence modern society.
7.C & G.1.3 Compare the requirements for and responsibilities of citizenship under various
governments in modern societies.

I can predict how imperialism may lead to war.

I can explain how nations which fail to protect rights and

responsibilities of citizens may experience revolution.

I can identify how alliances are formed.

I can analyze the details of a timeline and organize historical




Natural Resources
Laissez Fair


Prior knowledge and pre-assessment:
Students in seventh grade will continue to expand upon the
knowledge, skills and understanding acquired in the 5th grade study
of, Asian Internment Camps, and World Wars. Seventh graders study
World War I to be able to pull details from text to paper.
Unique learner characteristics (accommodations and
ADVANCED LEARNERS (AG) Will be given vocabulary as guided
notes. They will have vocabulary quiz later in unit. As homework
they will have the opportunity to create a word search or
crossword puzzle and help create sentences for future quiz.
Students will work in groups to complete graphic organizers of
historical figures and discuss findings as a class. Further
investigations for graphic organizers are encouraged through
media center in classroom and library visits throughout unit.
AVERAGE GRADE LEVEL LEARNERS These be given vocabulary
words as guided notes, they will be given a vocab quiz later in
unit. Students will complete graphic organizers in groups and
through class discussion. We will work in groups later in the week
and the students will play Think Dots to assess knowledge and
skill. Students will create the questions for Think Dots. Average
learners will also partake in a unit project with rubric that has
differentiation from struggling learners.
STRUGGLING LEARNERS/IEP, ESL, etc. Will be given vocabulary
as guided notes, or copied information pages for their ISN
notebooks, they will be given a vocab quiz later in unit. Students
will work on Graphic Organizers to keep key historical figures in
order. Read aloud will be done (InSpirEd & DiscoveryEd) in
classes with EC students and students with hearing impaired
disabilities. Separate group reading will take place with resource,
ELL, and EC teacher assistant. Modified text adjusted to a fourth
grade reading level will be used. Informational text and reading
comprehension sheets will be matched to better assess student
knowledge. Comprehension assessments will be paired with a
choice board as their modified project, in which they can choose
to explain their knowledge of text and classroom information.


Physical Space:
Classroom, with desks divided in groups/rows.
Temporal Resources:
Power Point, Google images, TIMES student news, shared worksheets &
readings from InSpirEd work books.
Learning Materials:
Task cards
Index cards
Sticky notes
Question Ball
Various reference books
Poster board

Personnel Resources:
Technological Resources:
1. Power Points to review unit and vocabulary
2. YouTube videos

Lesson Plan Format

GRADE/CLASS: 7th Social Studies Project differentiation for resource,
Day: (Last week Final Assessment)
UNIT TOPIC: Boom, Bang, Bust - WWII
Desired learning outcome(s):

Students will be able to explain how the effects of WWI caused

the countries to form alliances once again and initiate WWII.

Students will be able to identify how new ideas challenge established


Students will be able to explain how propaganda swayed public

opinion, world powers and divided lands.
Students will demonstrate the progression of new governmental
systems and how these views caused world unrest.

Learning objective(s):
How can I explain how conflict shapes relationships between

How can I demonstrate how primary sources help us to understand

historical struggles?

Essential question(s): from learning objective(s):

What were the political, social, and economic struggles effects of
WWII on the world?

What was the global response to the atrocities of the Holocaust?

Common Core/NC Essential Standard(s):

7.H.2.1 Analyze the effects of social, economic, military and political conflict among nations,
regions and groups.
7.C & G.1.1 Summarize the ideas that have shaped political thought in various societies and
7.C & G.1.2 Evaluate how the Western concepts of democracy has influenced the political ideas
of modern societies.
7.C.1.2 Explain how cultural expressions influence modern society.
7.C & G.1.3 Compare the requirements for and responsibilities of citizenship under various
governments in modern societies.

Learner prior knowledge/learner background experiences:

Students in seventh grade will continue to expand upon the
knowledge, skills and understanding acquired in the 5th grade study of
governmental systems, knowledge of war, and Asian Internment.
Seventh graders study Revolutions/wars to be able to pull details from
text to paper. The focus will remain on promoting knowledge of
historical timelines, literacy, comprehension, and keeping up with
grade level social studies expectations. Pre-assessment will be done
through teacher guided discussion and ISN entry.
Materials and resources needed:
Journal/ISN, pencil, colored pencils/crayons
Video Resource(s):
None today
Teaching Strategies:
EC Accommodations/modifications to strategies or

Introductory strategies (10 minutes)

Students will begin class by preforming the task of warm up &

answering the prompt on the board, differentiated students will have to
come up with one political cause of WWII, one social and one
economic. They are allowed to use their graphic organizer for this from
a prior lesson in the beginning of the unit, this graphic organizer is
glued in their interactive Student Notebook (ISN). This prompt will
generate various answers depending which items they choose from
their graphic organizer. Students will the form a written response in
their journal to assess comprehension of text or subject matter. Project
choice board will be introduced or discussed as we work on different
aspects of the project in class throughout the week. Resource, EC, &
ELL students will receive help from EC- Teacher Assistant & ELL
Teacher Assistant throughout the week as we work on project
objectives and completion.

Main instructional strategies (40 minutes)

DAY 1 - Students will then work/brain storm independently and then we

will Think-Pair-Share project ideas as a class. Resource, ELL, & EC
students will think-pair-share amongst themselves, with assistance of
the teacher, and then share in whole class discussion. Students will
chose which tic-tac-toe pattern they will do on their choice board and
jot down ideas in their ISN.
DAY 2 Students will begin to write summaries for each area chosen
on their choice board. Students, with help of their assigned TA, will
start to create project, one frame at a time. Teacher and TA will help
guide and instruct differentiated students on with their ideas and
forming them into activities/projects workable with the differentiated
project rubric.
DAY 3 Students will receive feedback on progress and write
reflections of their project and tasks as they complete sections of the
choice board. Students will have all class period to work on choice
board/tic-tac-toe project for WWII unit assessment.
DAY 4 - Students will receive feedback on progress and write
reflections of their project and tasks as they complete sections of the
choice board. Students will have all class period to work on choice
board/tic-tac-toe project for WWII unit assessment.
DAY 5 Students will be asked to write a reflection based on their
accomplishments/challenges throughout this project. Resource, ELL, &
EC students can verbally explain first and then attempt to add a

written reflection to their ISN. All project choices include

comprehension of text, written responses, use of primary sources, or
creating a secondary source to showcase knowledge.

Concluding strategies (5 minutes)

Students will perform an exit ticket to help me gage their thoughts of

personal progress in this unit and knowledge on materials covered in
review. I will also include their written opinion on the choice board
project and how this helped them connect text, gained knowledge, and
personal thoughts/questions to the subject matter of WWII.
Exit Ticket:
1. How well do you think you did on the Tic-Tac-Toe choice board
project and did this project help you make connections to text
and information used in class?
2. What was your favorite part and how did you gather information
from the text and/or your ISN entries to accomplish the task.

Assessment (Utilize a blend of traditional and performance

The teacher lead review and Question Ball Pass will also be used with
Think-Pair-Share to assess knowledge. The reading and the
accompanied Choice Board will be used as formative assessment,
while the Exit Ticket will be used for summative assessment. I will
circulate during activities, take anecdotal notes on students progress
and provide positive feedback during group discussion.

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