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Proceedings 2011.

(2012), Vol 3, ISSN 1986-8146

Violeta [iljak1, Petar D. Pavlovi}2, Elena Plakona3, and Kristina M. Panteli}2
Fakultet za menadment u sportu, Uviverzitet Alfa Beograd, Srbija
Faculty of Sports Management, Alfa University Belgrade, Serbia
Fakultet fizikog vaspitanja i sporta, Univerzite Banja Luka, Bosna i Hercegovina
Faculty Physical Education and Sports, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
EPAS, Srednja fizioterapeutska {kola, Edesa, Grka
EPAS, Physiotherapy high school, Edessa, Greece



UDK: 796.011.8


doi: 10.5550/SP.3.2011.17



Arts and sports are an integral part of the culture of all

people. They also have an important place in human life.
They are, from its inception to the present days, intertwined
and connected with hard links. Arts, aesthetics and creativity are present in both of these segments of culture. Athletes
and sports events were the inspiration for many artists, who
left some magnificent works of art in all areas (sculpture,
architecture, painting, poetry, literature, film, dance, music
and other). Poets and writers have left us wonderful songs
and stories about athletes and sports competitions. The architects created magnificent sports facilities, artists painted
beautiful pictures, great sculptors sculpted figures of famous
athletes, directors and cameramen filmed and directed a
number of films dedicated to athletes and their successes
and failures. During writing were used: historical, comparative-historical, comparative-logic and inductive methods.
Theoretical and critical analysis of: songs, literature, movies,
pictures, papers and other sources written about the relationship and mutual interdependence between art and sport
was performed.

Umetnost i sport su sastavni deo kulture svih naroda. Takoe

oni zauzimaju znaajno mesto u ovekovom ivotu. Oni su,
od svog nastanka pa do danas, meusobno isprepleteni i
povezani vrstim vezama. Stvarala{tvo, estetika i kreativnost
su prisutni u oba navedena segmenta kulture. Sportisti i
sportska de{avanja su bili inspiracija mnogim umetnicima,
koji su nam ostavili velianstvena dela u svim umetnikim
oblastima (vajarstvu, arhitekturi, slikarstvu, poeziji, knjievnosti,
filmu, plesu, muzici i drugim). Pesnici i knjievnici su nam
ostavili divne pesme i tekstove o sportskim nadmetanjima i
sportistima. Arhitekti napravili velianstvene sportske objekte, slikari naslikali lepe slike, vajari izvajali divne figure
znamenitih sportista, reiseri i snimatelji reirali i snimili
veliki broj filmova posveenih sportistima i njihovim uspesima i padovima. Prilikom pisanja su kori{ene: istorijska,
komparativno-istorijska, komparativno-logika i induktivna
metoda. Izvr{ena je teoretska i kritika analiza: pesama,
knjievnih dela, filmova, slika, radova i drugih izvora u kojima je pisano o vezi i uzajamnoj uslovljenosti izmeu
umetnosti i sporta.

Key words: arts, sports, literature, painting, athletes.

Kljune rei: umetnost, sport, knjievnost, slikarstvo,




Art is a form of culture in which is dominant aesthetic creativity (nice, pleasant), which is directed to the human
senses in order to cause their emotional, intellectual and
volitional actions, reactions and behavior. Sport is also an
integral part of culture and aesthetics and creativity are present in both of these areas. These two segments from their
inception to the present days are intertwined and related
with hard links. They are, at the same time, both personal
and collective. They carry some national symbols, but at the
same time they are also international, what makes them
accessible and understandable to all people of the world.
Same way as sport, art has the power to gather and unite
people from all over the world, and, as Tolstoy said, ...

Umetnost je jedan od oblika kulture u kome je dominantno

estetsko stvarala{tvo (lepo, prijatno) koje je usmereno ka
ljudskim ulima da bi kod njih izazvalo oseajne, emotivne,
intelektualne i voljne aktivnosti, reakcije i pona{anja. Sport
je takoe sastavni deo kulture, a stvarala{tvo, estetika i
kreativnost su prisutni u obe navedene grane. Ta dva segmenta, od svog nastanka pa do dana{njih dana, su meusobno
isprepleteni i povezani vrstim vezama. Oni su, istovremeno,
i lini, i kolektivni. U njima se nalaze nacionalna obeleja,
a u isto vreme su i internacionalni, {to ih ini dostupnim i
razumljivim svim ljudima sveta.
Umetnost, kao i sport, ima snagu da okuplja i sjedinjuje
ljude iz celog sveta, ona ih, kako kae Tolstoj, ... okuplja


Zbornik radova 2011, 146154

gathers them in one same feeling, which is, therefore, necessary for the life of humanity and for his progress on the
path of happiness.(Tolstoj, 1908, p.370)
Art, like sport, is an integral and very important part of human life. About its importance Dostoevsky says:

u jednom istom oseanju, i koje je, prema tome, neophodno za ivot oveanstva i za njegov progres na putu
sree. (Tolstoj, 1908a, str. 370)
Umetnost je, kao i sport, sastavni i izuzetno vaan deo
ovekovog ivota. O toj vanosti Dostojevski kae:

We believe that art is autonomous, and target and

organic life ... Art is such a need for man, same as
food and drink. The need for creativity and splendor
is inseparable from man, ... man has a thirst for
beauty, accepts it unconditionally just because it is
a beauty ... Beauty is already in eternity. (Dostojevski, cited by Lazic, 2001, p.48)

Mi verujemo, da je umetnost samostalni, i ciljni i

organski ivot ... Umetnost je za oveka takva
potreba, kao jelo i pie. Potreba za krasotom i
stvarala{tvom neodvojiva je od oveka, ... ovek
ima e za krasotom, prima je bezuslovno samo zato
{to je ona krasota ... Krasota je ve u venosti.
(Dostojevski, citirano kod Lazi, 2001, str.48)

Also according to Tolstoy, art is ... one of the most important things, just as important as the speech itself, and therefore must be equally distributed. (Tolstoj, 1908b, p.385) It
is the ... remedy of union among people, that brings them
together in one same feeling, that is, therefore, necessary
for life of humanity and its progress on the path to happiness. (Tolstoj, 1908, p.370)
Interaction and relationship of art and sport, from its beginnings to the present days, is the subject of this work. The
goal is to critically analyse that interaction and relation, and
to determine whether sport, and to what extent, inspired
artists for their work.

I prema Tolstoju umetnost je ... jedna od najznaajnijih

stvari, isto toliko znaajna kao i sam govor, te mora da je
isto toliko rasprostranjena. (Tolstoj, 1908b, str.385) Ona je,
... sredstvo sjedinjenja meu ljudima, koje ih okuplja u
jednom istom oseanju, i koje je, prema tome, neophodno
za ivot oveanstva i za njegov progres na putu ka srei.
(Tolstoj, 1908a, str.370)
Meusobni uticaj i povezanost umetnosti i sporta, od njihovog nastanka pa do danas, je predmet rada. Cilj je da se
kritiki proanaliziraju te veze i uticaji i da se utvrdi da li je
sport i u kolikoj meri bio inspiracija umetnicima za njihovo



During writing were used: historical, comparative-historical,

comparative-logic and inductive methods. Theoretical and
critical analysis of: songs, literature, movies, pictures, papers
and other sources written about the relationship and mutual interdependence between art and sport was performed.

Prilikom pisanja kori{ene su: istorijska, komparativno-istorijska, komparativno-logika i induktivna metoda. Izvr{ena
je teoretska i kritika analiza pesama, knjievnih dela,
filmova, slika, skulptura, radova i drugih izvora u kojima je
pisano o vezi i uzajamnoj uslovljenosti umetnosti i sporta.

Results and Disccusion

Rezultati i diskusija



Game development, physical exercises and different sport

branches in almost three millennia long history of human
civilization was accompanied by a variety of architectural
designs of sports facilities. Scope of work permits to highlight
only some sports facilities that were specific for its era.
Sports facilities of ancient Greece and Rome are certainly
worthy representatives of their time. In order to obtain the
status of city, every Greek polis had to have the gymnasium
. As in ancient times sport events were associated with religion, they have never been held as a separate event, but as
a part of religious festivities organized in honor of some god
or hero, in the sanctuary, which was, after the temple and
altar, equipped with buildings such as gymnasium, palestra
, stadium and hippodrome (Ili}, 1994b).
Locality where they held festive games in Olympia, in addition to all the aforementioned sports facilities that were used
in competitive purposes, possessed also a swimming pool
that athletes of that time used for relaxation (Figure 1).
Ancient Olympia, with all the facilities that were in it (sports,
religious and secular) can be considered as the first Olympic
On the territory of the Roman Empire structures for gladiator games were built - amphitheatres. They consisted of the
arena and stepped stands for auditorium. The most famous
and largest amphitheatre is Coliseum in Rome (Figure 2).
Coliseum was able to accommodate about 100.000 specta-

Razvoj igara, telesnih vebi i razliitih sportskih grana je u

skoro tri milenijuma dugoj istoriji ljudske civilizacije bio
praen razliitim arhitektonskim re{enjima sportskih objekata. Obim rada dozvoljava da se istaknu samo neki
sportski objekti koji su bili specifini za svoju epohu.
Sportski objekti antike Grke i Rima su svakako dostojni
reprezenti svoga vremena. Da bi stekao status grada, svaki
grki polis je morao da ima gimnazion. Kako su u antiko
doba sportska nadmetanja bila povezana sa religijom, nikada nisu odravana samostalno, ve uvek u sklopu religioznih
svetkovina organizovanih u ast nekog boga ili heroja, unutar
svetili{ta, koje je pored hrama i rtvenika bilo opremljeno
i graevinama kao {to su gimnazija, palestra, stadion i hipodrom (Ili}, 1994b).
Lokalitet na kome su se odravale Sveane igre u Olimpiji
je posedovao pored svih prethodno navedenih sportskih
objekata koji su sluili u takmiarske svrhe i bazen koji je
sportistima toga vremena sluio za relaksaciju (Slika 1).
Stara Olimpija, sa svim objektima koji su se nalazili u njoj
(sportski, sakralni i svetovni) moe se smatrati prvim olimpijskim kompleksom.
Na teritoriji Rimskog carstva gradili su se objekti za igre
gladijatora - amfiteatri. Sastojale su se od borili{ta i od stepenastog gledali{ta. Najpoznatiji i najvei amfiteatar je Koloseum u Rimu (Slika 2). Mogao je da primi oko 100.000
gledalaca. Smatra se da se pranjenje amfiteatra, kroz 80



[iljak, V. i saradnici: UMJETNOST I SPORT

[iljak, V. et al.: ARTS AND SPORTS

Proceedings 2011, 146154

Slika 1: Rekonstrukcija antike Olimpije

Figore 1: Reconstruction of Ancient Olympia

tors. It is considered that evacuation of amphitheatre, through

80 entries - exits, could be done in just 8 minutes. It is interesting to note that, in case of rain or heat, a fabric cover
was spread over the auditorium, so-called velum, as a
protection. Ellipsoid circuses were built in ancient Rome for
horse racing. The most famous was the Circus Maximus,
which could accommodate up to 200.000 people (Petrovi}).

ulaza - izlaza, moglo obaviti za samo 8 minuta. Interesantno

je istai da je iznad gledali{ta, u sluaju ki{e ili ege, razapinjan platneni pokriva, tzv. velum, kao za{tita. Za konjske
utrke u starom Rimu su se gradili cirkusi elipsoidnog oblika.
Najpoznatiji je bio Circus Maximus. Mogao je primiti oko
200.000 ljudi (Petrovi}, 1997).


Slika 2: Koloseum u Rimu

Figore 2: Coliseum in Rome

Although many historians associate ancient Mayan civilization with other ancient civilizations , we can say that their
highly developed and rich sporting life differed from one in
Europe at that time. The Mayans built specific sports fields
or ballgrounds in each city, which had the shape of a Roman
number one. With one main field, there were two lateral,
auxiliary fields directly related to each other (Figure 3).
The modern age, with the development of modern sport
and restoring of Olympic Games, sets new, modern criteria
for construction of sports facilities. Olympic sports complexes (Figure 4), football stadiums and tennis complexes,
multifunctional sport halls, school gyms, centers for water
sports, winter-recreation centers and other sport facilities
are being built in order to function for a large number of
users. Although in the long history of building structures they
were determined by the interests of the community, cultural, technological and social changes have affected the


Iako mnogi istoriari drevnu civilizaciju Maja povezuju sa

ostalim drevnim civilizacijama , moe se rei da se njihov
vrlo bogat i razvijen sportski ivot razlikovao od onog u
Evropi u to vreme. Maje su u svakom gradu izgradile specifine
sportske terene, odnosno loptalita, koja su imala oblik
rimskog broja jedan. Uz jedan glavni teren nalazila su se dva
bona, pomona terena meusobno neposredno povezana
(Slika. 3).
Savremeno doba razvojem modernog sporta i obnavljanjem
Olimpijskih igara, postavlja nove, savremene kriterijume za
izgradnju sportskih objekata. Olimpijski sportski kompleksi
(Slika 4), fudbalski stadioni, teniski sportski kompleksi, multifunkcionalne sportske dvorane, {kolske sportske dvorane,
centri za sportove na vodi, zimsko rekreativni centri i
drugi sportski objekti grade se sa ciljem da su u funkciji
velikog broja korisnika. Iako je u svojoj dugoj istoriji izgradnja objekata bila uslovljena interesima zajednice, kulturolo{ke,

[iljak, V. i saradnici: UMJETNOST I SPORT

constant change of the concept of construction and use of
sports facilities.

Zbornik radova 2011, 146154

tehnolo{ke i dru{tvene promene su uticale na konstantnu
promenu koncepta izgradnje i namene sportskih objekata.

Slika 3: Loptali{te u Monte Albanu

Figore 3: Ballground in Monte Albano



The contribution of the ancient Olympic Games was invaluable in cultural and political terms. All prominent people of
that time were present at the games: politicians, philosophers,
poets and historians. There is no doubt that the artists were
inspired by these games, which can best be seen in the works
of the most famous ancient sculptor who perpetuated the
ideal of body beauty, strength and spirit for all eternity (Fig.
5). Victory on the Games brought eternal glory, and statues
were made in the honour of the winners.
For this period the most famous sculptural work is Myrons
discus-thrower (Discobolus), made of bronze (Figure 6),
which set the constant model of sport energy. Discobolus
is, like all the other statues of Greek athletes, depicted naked.
Today also many famous athletes were immortalized in works
of art by sculptors: Jesse Owens, Paavo Nurmi, Muhammad
Ali, Michael Jordan (Figure 7).

Doprinos antikih Olimpijskih igara bio je nemerljiv u kulturnom i politikom smislu. Svi vieniji ljudi tog doba su
prisustvovali igrama: politiari, filozofi, pesnici i istoriari.
Nesumnjivo je da su umetnici bili inspirisani ovim igrama
{to se najbolje moe videti u delima najpoznatijih antikih
vajara koji su ovekoveili ideal lepote tela, snage i duha za
sva vremena (Slika 5). Pobeda na igrama je donosila venu
slavu, a u ast pobednika podizane su statue.
Iz ovog perioda najpoznatije vajarsko delo je Mironov baca
diska, raeno u bronzi (Slika 6) kroz koje je postavljen stalan
model sportske energije. Discobolus je kao i sve druge
statue grkih sportista prikazan nag.
Danas su takoe mnogi poznati sportisti ovekoveeni u
umetnikim delima vajara: Desi Ovens, Pavao Nurmi,
Muhamed Ali, Majkl Dordan (Slika 7).



Slika 4: Olimpijski stadion u Atini

Figore 4: Olympic stadium in Athens

[iljak, V. et al.: ARTS AND SPORTS

Slika 5: Pankratisti, nepoznati umetnik
Figore 5: Pancrationers, unknown artist

Proceedings 2011, 146154

Slika 6: Kopija Mironovog Diskobolosa
Figore 6: Replica of Myrons Discobolus


Slika 7: Jedno od mnogobrojnih vajarskih dela posveenih Majklu Dordan

Figore 7: One of many sculptures dedicated to Michael Jordan



Painters found inspiration for their work, among other things,

contained in any sport. The first form of art is met in ancient
history in form of cave drawings. In the absence of letters,
people painted the cave walls depicting the way of life.
Thanks to these drawings, historians have come to know
that the Egyptians, besides swimming and rowing, practiced
also wrestling. Inside the tombs in Beni Hassan (approximately 2000 BC), was found about 400 drawings of wrestling,
which demonstrates an existence of wrestling school. Research
of scientists at the cave drawings in Hawaii, have led to the
conclusion that the local population were surfing for ages
(Figure 8).
In ancient Greece already existed so-called Vase painting
(black figural and red figural), where artists painted amphorae including scenes from sports (Figure 9).
New century and the Renaissance brought the popularization
of various sports and sports disciplines. Probably inspired by
the ancient Olympic Games, an English lawyer, Robert
Dover had the idea to organize Cotswold games in 1604.
From this period comes the first poster (drawing) for announcement of the Games (Ili}, 1994a).
Today, at every major sporting event, there is an open competition to select the best piece of art or photo that will be
presented on posters as part of a campaign of a given event.

Slikari su inspiraciju za svoja dela, pored ostalog, nalazili i u

sportu. Prvi vid slikarstva sree se jo{ u praistoriji kao peinski
crte. U nedostatku pisma, ljudi su oslikavali peinske zidove
opisujui tada{nji nain ivota. Zahvaljujui crteima, istoriari
su do{li do saznanja da su se Egipani pored plivanja i
veslanja bavili i rvanjem. U grobnicama u Beni Hasanu (oko
2000. g.p.n.e), naeno je oko 400 crtea o rvanju, {to
govori o postojanju rvakih {kola. Istraivanja naunika na
osnovu peinskih crtea na Havajima, dovela su do saznanja da se lokalno stanovni{tvo bavilo surfovanjem od davnina.
(Slika 8).
U antikoj Grkoj je bilo prisutno tzv. vazno slikarstvo (crno
figuralno i crveno figuralno), gde su umetnici oslikavali amfore izmeu ostalog i motivima iz sporta (Slika 9).
Novi vek i renesansa, doneli su popularizaciju sporta i raznih
sportskih grana. Inspirisan najverovatnije antikim Olimpijskim igrama, engleski advokat Robert Dover do{ao je na
ideju da organizuje Kotsvoldske igre 1604. godine. Iz tog
perioda potie i prvi plakat (crte) kao obave{tenje o odravanju
igara (Ili}, 1994a).
Danas se pred svaku veliku sportsku manifestaciju otvaraju
konkursi za biranje najboljeg slikarskog dela ili fotografije
koje e biti predstavljeno na plakatima kao deo kampanje
koja predstavlja datu manifestaciju.


Zbornik radova 2011, 146154

Famous painters such as Paja Jovanovic, Pablo Picasso,

Vladimir Velickovic, Olja Ivanjicki, Antoine Bourdelle, Edgar
Degas and others, used athletes for the topics of their paintings, as evidenced by their pieces: Montenegrin teaches
his son fencing (Jovanovic) Three dancers and Racing
(Picasso), The Runner (Ivanjicki), The Archer (Burdel),
The Spartan boys and girls practice (Degas), and so on.

Poznati slikari, kao {to su Paja Jovanovi, Pablo Pikaso,

Vladimir Velikovi, Olja Ivanjicki, Antoan Burdel, Edgar
Dega i drugi, za predmet svojih slika imali su sportiste, o
emu svedoe njihova dela: Crnogorac ui sina maevanju
(Jovanovi), Tri plesaice i Trke (Pikaso), Trka (Ivanjicki), Strelac (Burdel), Spartanski mladii i devojke vebaju
(Dega), itd.

Slika 8: Peinski crte surfovanja sa Havaj

Figore 8: Cave drawings of surfing in Hawaii

Slika 9: Prikaz trkaa oslikanih na grkoj vazij

Figore 9: Runners painted on Greek vase

Poetry and Literature

Poets of ancient Hellas: Pindar, Aeschylus, Xenophon,
Bakhilid, Omer, Simonides, and many others sang a numerous songs about the winners of the Olympic and other games
of Hellas, as well as the games themselves. Pindar, in addition to numerous poems to Olympic champions, wrote an
Ode to Diagoro of Rhodes, winner of the games in Olympia,
Isthmus, Nemea, Athens, Megara, Argos and Thebes. The
Ode, among other things, says:
... Grace eyes one man, then another, bestowing favor frequently to the melodious lyre and the
manifold music of flutes; and to both strains I keep
company with Diagoras, singing the seas child,
daughter of Aphrodite and bride of Helios,Rhodes,
and give praise, spoil of his boxing, to the onslaught of a man gigantic, wreathed in victory beside Alpheus water and Kastalia;
There, as sweet deliverance after the bitterness of
misfortune, to Tlepolemos, Tirynthian arch-founder, is given as to a god the smoking processional of
sheep, the judgment of games, in whose flowers
Diagoras was wreathed twice. At the glorious Isthmos the luck four times was his. One win to crown
another at Nemea, at rocky Athens.
But Zeus father, brooding over the peaks of Atabyrios, honor the set of the song Olmpionician,
the man who has found excellence with his fists.
Grant him pleasure of veneration
in the sight of citizens and strangers his friends.
The bitter path of pride he walks straitly,
sure of all that the upright minds of his fathers
left, his heritage. (Pindar, cited at Kerkovic, 2004,
Poets of ancient Rome: Publius Maron Virgil, Ovid Publius
Nazon, Sextus Propertius, Quintus Horatius Flaccus, Titus
Lucretius Carr and others, also wrote songs dedicated to
sports competitions, their winners, the beauty of the body,
various games and the like. Publius Virgil in his epic Aeneid,
among others, described the event of driving aisles in a very
nice way. Here are a few verses:
And first the gifts in public view they place,
Green laurel wreaths, and palm, the victors grace:
Within the circle, arms and tripods lie,

Pesni{tvo i knjievnost
Pesnici antike Helade: Pindar, Eshil, Ksenofan, Bakhilid,
Omer, Simonid i drugi ispevali su brojne pesme o pobednicima sa Olimpijskih i drugih igara Helade, kao i o samim
igrama. Pindar, pored brojnih pesama posveenih olimpijskim pobednicima, napisao je i Odu o Dijagoru sa Rodosa,
pobedniku na igrama u: Olimpiji, Istmu, Nemeji, Atini,
Megari, Argu i Tebi. U Odi, pored ostalog, stoji:
... I sad s frulama i s formingom
pjevajui Dijagori u duhu stigoh u Rod,
k nimfi morskoj, keri Afrodite i Sunca.
Njega u hvaliti, dinoga junaka i smelog, koga
kod Alfeja i kod vrela Kastanije
kad pobjedi na {akakom natjecanju,
vjencem ovjena{e.
Na igrama takvim Dijagora
dvaput vjenac stee,
a etiri puta u slavnu Istmu
i u dvije za redom igre u Nemeji,
pa zatim u kamenitoj Ateni.
Proslavi junaka, {to jaka prodii ga {aka!
O podaj mu ast i odanost
u roenom gradu i u tuem svetu!
On stazom obesti ne kroi,
ti dobro to zna{,
njega srce otaca mu plemenitih dobro ui. (Pindar,
citirano kod Kerkovi, 2004, str.16-17)
Pesnici drevnog Rima: Publije Vergilije Maron, Publije
Ovidije Nazon, Sekst Propercije, Kvint Horacije Flak, Tit
Lukrecije Kar i drugi, takoe su pisali pesme posveene
sportskim takmienjima, pobednicima na njima, lepoti tela,
raznim igrama i slino. Publije Vergilije u epu Eneidi, izmeu
ostalih, opisao je na lep nain takmienje u vonji laa.
Navodimo samo neke stihove:
Najpre iznesu usred popri{ta dare:
Trono{ce svete, zelene vence, palme,
Oruje i talenat srebra i zlata
I haljine koje grimizom boji{e.
S uzvi{enja truba objavljuje igre.



[iljak, V. i saradnici: UMJETNOST I SPORT

[iljak, V. et al.: ARTS AND SPORTS

Ingots of gold and silver, heapd on high,
And vests embroiderd, of the Tyrian dye.
The trumpets clangor then the feast proclaims,
And all prepare for their appointed games.
At once the brushing oars and brazen prow
Dash up the sandy waves, and ope the depths below.
Not fiery coursers, in a chariot race,
Invade the field with half so swift a pace;
The partial crowd their hopes and fears divide,
And aid with eager shouts the favord side.
Cries, murmurs, clamors, with a mixing sound,
From woods to woods, from hills to hills rebound.
The herald summons all, and then proclaims
Cloanthus conquror of the naval games.
The prince with laurel crowns the victors head,
And three fat steers are to his vessel led,
The ships reward; with genrous wine beside,
And sums of silver, which the crew divide. (Vergilije, 1964, pp.165-166)
Written sources from the Middle Ages tell us that sport is
used for the purpose of winning awards or going out to a
duel. The most famous story motivated by events in the
Middle Ages is Robin Hood and his legendary use of arrows
and arch, and duels of King Arthurs knights. English poet
John Taylor in 1600 described his experience of deer hunting, William Shakespeare wrote of equestrian sport in his
poem The perfect horse.
Numerous writers, among them Nobel laureates Ivo Andric,
Thomas Mann, Bertrand Russell, Henik Sjenkevic, Herman
Hesse, Ernest Hemingway, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, Jean-Paul
Sartre, Mikhail Aleksejevic Sholokhov, Pablo Neruda, Isaac
Bashevis Singer, Czeslaw Milosz, Gabriel Garcia Marquez,
Heinrich Boll, Gunter Grass and others, in their work, among
other things, have written about: athletes, particular sports,
competitions and other sporting events, and sometimes
themselves were involved in sports, as active athletes or as
Sjenkevic described a duel of wrestlers in a nice way:
... Two athletes show up to present a combat scene.
And immediately they began to wrestle. Strong bodies, shining from oil, became one mass. Bones were
cracking in their iron hands, clenched jaws made
ominous grinding. ... Tumultuous applause greeted
the end of the battle, and Croton, laying his foot on
the opponents shoulders, crossed huge hands on
his chest and gave a winning overlook across the
hall. (Sjenkevic, cited at Stanisic, 2002, pp.15-16)


Andric, in his Signs beside the road, among other things,

writes about basketball:
Looking at two teams of basketball. The first team.
The young men who play the game, trying to score
as much as possible, and making everything in their
power to make their opponent achieve less. During
that the whole team and each individual in it all the
time remain what they are: people and personalities.
And no matter how dedicated they are to this game,
at every moment they exist as people, apart from
success and failure. The second team. All is lost in a
well-constructed and branched specialization. Each
individual tends to transform himself not only in
game, in basketball, but in the basket, in every shot,
in ruthless, bare success that ultimately loses its
meaning as it swallows the man along with everything
that is human in him and around him.
This applies to every sport and every human action
in general. (Andric, 2008, p.292)


Proceedings 2011, 146154

Pene se talasi, koje vesla prave
A trokraki kljunovi brazdaju more
Ne jure tako poljem kola s dva konja
Koja naglo izlete{e iz ograde,
Cela {uma jei od glasova ljudi
Koje prenose zatvorene obale.
Od vike se ore susedni breuljci.
Sin Anhizov sve po obiaju sazva,
Kloanta proglasi pobednikom tada
I zelenim lovorom elo mu kiti.
Darove daje po tri bika za lau,
Veliki talenat srebra, uz to vina. (Vergilije, 1964,
Pisani izvori iz srednjeg veka nam govore da je sport kori{en
u svrhu osvajanja nagrade ili izlaska da dvoboj. Najpoznatije prie motivisane de{avanjima u srednjem veku su Robin
Hud i njegovo legendarno kori{enje strele i luka i dvobojima vitezova kralja Artura. Engleski pesnik Don Tejlor je
1600. godine opisao svoje iskustvo iz lova na jelene, Vilijam
[ekspir je pisao o konjikom sportu u svojoj pesmi Savr{en
Brojni knjievnici, a meu njima i nobelovci: Ivo Andri,
Tomas Man, Bertrand Rasel, Henik Sjenkevi, Herman Hese,
Ernest Hemingvej, Ivan Aleksejevi Bunjin, an Pol Sartr,
Mihail Aleksejevi [olohov, Pablo Neruda, Isak Ba{evis
Singer, eslav Milo{, Gabriel Garsia Markes, Hajnrih Bel,
Ginter Gras i drugi u svojim delima su, pored ostalog,
pisali i o: sportistima, pojedinim sportovima, takmienju i
ostalim sportskim de{avanjima, a ponekada su i sami uestvovali
u tome, kao aktivni sportisti ili kao posmatrai.
Sjenkevi je na lep nain opisao borbu dvojice rvaa:
... Pojavi{e se dva atleta da dadu gostima prizor
borbe. I odmah se stado{e rvati. Snana tela, sjajna
od ulja, naini{e jednu masu. Kosti su im pucale u
gvozdenim rukama, iz stisnutih vilica izlazio je zlokoban {krgut. ... Burni pljesak pozdravi kraj borbe,
a Kroton, metnuv{i nogu na protivnikova plea, skrstio
ogromne ruke na prsima, pa gleda pobednikim
pogledom po dvorani. (Sjenkevi, citirano kod
Stani{i, 2002, str.15-16)
Andri u Znakovima pored puta, izmeu ostalog, pi{e i o
Posmatrajui dve ekipe ko{arke. Prva ekipa. Mladii
koji igraju igru, nastojei da postignu {to vi{e i inei
sve da njihov protivnik postigne {to manje. Pri tom
cela ekipa i svaki pojedinac u njoj ostaju za celo
vreme igre ono {to su: ljudi i linost. I ma koliko da
su predani igri, oni u svakom trenutku postoje kao
ljudi, odvojeno od uspeha i neuspeha. Druga ekipa.
Sve se gubi u razgranatoj i dobro izgraenoj specijalizaciji. Svaki pojedinac tei da se pretvori ne samo
u igru, ne u ko{arku, nego u ko{, u pogodak, u
bezobziran, go uspeh koji na kraju krajeva gubi
svaki smisao, jer proguta oveka i sve {to je ljudsko
u njemu i oko njega.
Ovo vai za svaki sport, pa i za svako ljudsko
delanje, uop{te. (Andri, 2008, str.292)

Zbornik radova 2011, 146154

Music and dancing

Muzika i ples

For the ancient Greeks, music was present in all segments

of the former culture. It was an important part of religious
ceremonies, opening and closing ceremonies of Olympic
and other Games, and entourage during the execution of
some disciplines, such as the long jump.
In the Middle Ages, music was one of the subjects that all
future knights had to learn. Sources from this period indicate
that the music was listened at palaces, and that they practiced
dances. On chivalrous competitions troubadours announced
beginning of duels.
In the new century, philosophers and philanthropists Jean
Jacques Rousseau, Guts Muths said that music develops
senses with children and creates a sense of rhythm. Given
that music and sports are forms of entertainment, it is natural that they are mutually interdependent. In this period
comes a popularization of sports such as soccer, cricket,
tennis, horse racing and hunting, so the musical bands were
standard setting at sport fields.
Today the anthems are played at every major international
competition. For each ceremony of medal awards, the national anthem of the country that won the gold medal is
played. Anthems are played before the start of match in
many sport leagues. If two teams from different countries
are playing against each other, the anthem of the host will
be played last.
Many famous composers have composed music themes for
the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Ode to
Olympionic of a famous Serbian composer and violinist
Milutin Popovic Zahar, opened the Olympic Games in
Moscow in 1980.
Music in sport is an important element and is used to emphasize the beauty and harmony of movement. Sports with
present and dominant artistic moment, which means that
artistic impression of movement and activity is evaluated,
are: figure skating, synchronized swimming, dancing, rhythmic gymnastics and others.
In addition to competitive sport dances, dance inspired by
sport must be mentioned: Crickets polkas and gallops, as
also the sport inspired by dance. In 1906 rugby team of New
Zealand, the All Blacks began to use the Haka dance
(Maori tribal warrior dance). Haka dance has its own significance in the daily life of the tribe, but is best known in
its aggressive form, Ka Mate - warrior dance. The dance
is characterized by movements such as punching of fists on
the chest, knocking of feet standing on the surface and aggressive facial grimaces. One hundred years later, the dance
well-reputed by the All Blacks, is used by teams of other
sports (basketball, soccer, etc.) to emphasize the importance
of the event, particularly international ones.

Kod starih Grka, muzika je bila prisutna u svim segmentima

tada{nje kulture. Bila je vaan deo svih religijskih obreda,
ceremonija otvaranja i zatvaranja Olimpijskih i drugih Igara
i pratnja tokom izvoenja nekih sportskih disciplina kao {to
je skok u dalj.
U srednjem veku muzika je bila jedan od predmeta koje su
budui vitezovi morali da ue. Izvori iz tog doba ukazuju na
to da se muzika slu{ala na dvorovima i da su se upranjavali
plesovi. Na vite{kim takmienjima trubaduri su objavljivali
poetak dvoboja.
U novom veku, mislioci i filantropisti an ak Ruso, Guts
Muts govorili su da se muzikom razvijaju ula kod dece i
stvara oseaj za ritam. S obzirom da su muzika i sport vidovi zabave, prirodno je da su meusobno upueni jedni
na druge. U ovom periodu dolazi do popularizacije sportova kao {to su fudbal, kriket, tenis, trke konja i lov, tako da
su muziki orkestri bili standardna postava na sportskim
Danas se himne sviraju na velikim meunarodnim takmienjima.
Na svakoj dodeli medalja svira se himna zemlje koja je osvojila zlatnu medalju. Himne se sviraju i pred poetak
utakmica mnogih sportskih liga. Ako dva tima iz razliitih
zemalja igraju jedan protiv drugog, himna domaina svirae
se poslednja.
Mnogi poznati kompozitori su komponovali muzike teme
za ceremonije otvaranja Olimpijskih igara. Oda Olimpiku,
poznatog srpskog kompozitora i violiniste Milutina Popovia
Zahara, otvorila je OI u Moskvi 1980.godine.
Muzika u sportu je bitan element i koristi se da naglasi
lepotu i harmoniju pokreta. Sportovi gde je prisutan i
dominantan umetniki momenat, {to podrazumeva da se
ocenjuje umetniki utisak izvedene kretne aktivnosti su:
umetniko klizanje, sinhrono plivanje, ples, ritmika gimnastika i dr.
Pored sportskih plesova koji su takmiarskog karaktera,
neophodno je pomenuti ples koji je inspirisan sportom:
Crickets polkas and galops, ali i sport koji je inspirisan
plesom. Godine 1906. ragbi tim sa Novog Zelanda, All Blacks
poeo je da koristi Haka ples (plemenski ples Maori ratnika). Haka ples ima svoj znaaj u svakodnevnom ivotu
plemena, ali najpoznatiji je u svojoj agresivnoj formi: Ka
Mate ratniki ples. Ples karakteri{u pokreti kao {to su
udaranje {akama o grudi, lupanje nogama o stajau povr{inu
i agresivne grimase lica. Sto godina kasnije, ples koji su
proslavili All Blacks, koriste i timovi drugih sportova ( ko{arka,
fudbal i dr.) da bi naglasili vanost dogaaja, naroito

Film acting

Film gluma

Making of movies about the sport began in the time of silent

movies. Movies can be fiction or documentary, with the
topic of individual or team wins, sports figures, club history
and so on. Television made sport closer to viewers with their
documentaries about sport. This paper lists only some of the
great works with the theme of sports.
The first silent movie with a sports theme The Champion
was recorded in 1915 and is one of the classics of cinema,
featuring famous comedian Charlie Chaplin (Figure 10) who,
in his own way, manages boxing match scenes.

Snimanje filmova o sportu poelo je jo{ u vreme nemog

filma. Filmovi mogu biti igrani i dokumentarni, a za temu su
imali individualne ili timske pobede, sportske linosti, istorije klubova itd. Televizija je gledaocima pribliila sport
svojim dokumentarnim emisijama na temu sporta. U radu
su navedeni samo neki iz velikog opusa sa tematikom
Prvi nemi film sa sportskom tematikom [ampionsnimljen
je 1915. godine i spada u klasike filmske umetnosti. U glavnoj
ulozi je poznati komiar arli aplin (Slika 10), koji na sebi
sopstven nain vlada scenama bokserskog mea.



[iljak, V. i saradnici: UMJETNOST I SPORT

[iljak, V. et al.: ARTS AND SPORTS

Proceedings 2011, 146154


Slika 10: Plakat za fim [ampion

Figore 10: Poster for movie The Champion

The movie Asterix and Obelix at the Olympic Games in

a humorous way presents the famous Games of ancient
Greece. Movies Quo Vadis and The Gladiator are describing the period of ancient Rome, which is rich with scenes
of gladiatorial combat and chariot racing. Chivalrous medieval duels are best shown in movies about Robin Hood.
Chariots of Fire are a work inspired by a true event that
took place at the Olympic Games in Paris in 1924. Olympic
spirit and the inner struggle of Jews and Catholics, two athletes in chaotic socio political situation of post-war Europe,
are the main motives of this title.
The Story of Babe Ruth is a biographical portrait of one of
the greatest players in baseball history, a documentary about
Radivoj Korac is not only a fascinating story about a sports
career, but also the story of an intellectual, humanistic and
very interesting man.

Film Asteriks i Obeliks na Olimpijskim igrama na jedan

duhovit nain predstavlja slavne Igre Antike Grke. Filmovi Quo Vadis i Gladijator, opisuju period Starog Rima,
koji obiluje scenama gladijatorskih borbi i trke koija. Vite{ki
dvoboji srednjeg veka najbolje su prikazani u filmovima o
Robin Hudu.
Vatrene koije su delo inspirisano istinitim dogaajem koji
se odigrao na Olimpijskim igrama u Parizu 1924.godine.
Olimpijski duh i unutra{nja borba jevreja i katolika, dvojice
atletiara u nesreenoj dru{tveno politikoj situaciji posleratne Evrope osnovni su motivi ovog naslova.
Pria o Bejb Rutuje biografski portret jednog od najveih
igraa u istoriji bejzbola, a dokumentarni film o Radivoju
Korau nije samo pria o fascinantnoj sportskoj karijeri, ve
i pria o jednom intelektualcu, humanisti i nadasve interesantnom oveku.


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Korespodencija/Correspodence to:
Dr Violeta [iljak
Phone: 0038164 2048159


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