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Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Systems - An Introduction [Hardfacts]

CCTV can be an effective and versatile tool in helping to combat criminal activity, and other
anti-social behaviour. It achieves this by a combination of:

Provision of evidence
The first CCTV systems were fairly expensive to install and maintain and, as a result, they were
restricted to town centres, shopping malls and large industrial or military sites. However,
technological development and reducing costs, coupled with greater versatility and reliability,
have led to such systems nowadays becoming common at all sorts of premises.
What is a CCTV System?
In simple terms it is an electronic system for the capture of images, and their transmission to
another location for viewing and/or recording.
The most basic CCTV system will consist of cameras and a just a television monitor; but most
nowadays will also include a recording device, most typically a digital recorder - these
devices having largley replaced older, less flexible, video recorders.
Whilst a basic CCTV system may act as a general deterrent to crime, unless it is being watched
continuously it is only able to provide recorded evidence of events discovered or suspected after
they occurred. If a CCTV system is to play an effective role in security outside business hours, it
is usually necessary for the system to be activated by some form of alarm detector, which then
initiates the transmission of live images to a manned monitoring post, e.g. a security
lodge/gatehouse or a Remote Video Response Centre (RVRC). Such monitoring allows security
operatives to view events and then arrange an appropriate response.
Hardfacts' 3004 CCTV - Guidelines for Purchasers provides further information on choosing a
new system.
Common Applications for CCTV
A CCTV system can be put to many uses, but listed below are some security related applications,
most of which will be overt systems but some may be covert (secret):

Access Control
Checking identity of persons seeking entry
Monitoring access to car parks or private roads
Monitoring Safety

In public areas
Of staff working in vulnerable occupations or locations
Of customers
Controlling Theft, Arson and Vandalism
By monitoring
Cash handling positions
Bank vaults or similar high security areas
Unmanned areas such as warehouses, goods loading bays and yards
Activities of employees/public
Premises and yards outside normal business hours
Intruder alarm system activations especially hold up alarms and transmitting such alarms
plus the related visual evidence of the cause to another location for analysis and action
What Type of System is Required?
A careful analysis of the nature of the problems faced or anticipated should underpin any
decision on system type. However, in general, the effectiveness of any CCTV system will be
more dependent on good system design and competent operation or monitoring, than the cost,
size or technical complexity of it.
Who Can Install CCTV Systems?
Legally anyone can, but it is prudent to only use reputable and competent installers well
experienced in this field.
Police and CCTV
The police are generally supportive of CCTV as a means of combating crime. However, if they
are to act directly on live or captured images they have to be able to satisfy themselves that they
come from systems that meet high standards of operation, image quality and evidential
procedures. In this regard, a useful document for CCTV owners/purchasers to read is UK Police
Requirements for Digital CCTV Systems' and codes of practice from the Information
Commissioners Office (ICO). See 'Sources of Further Information' below.
CCTV Response Arrangements
Wherever a CCTV system is monitored it is important that clear requirements and procedures are
put in place for those expected to respond, for example:Locally Monitored Systems
Staff will need training in correct use of the system, plus safety and legal considerations if
dealing with any observed criminal acts.

Remotely Monitored Systems

Clear instructions should be recorded in a 'Response Plan' or 'Service Agreement' outlining the
actions that are required after any activation or fault signal.
These should cover notifying the Police, internal or external security staff, keyholders,
maintenance engineers, or indeed any appropriate combination of them. Those who attend site
should know how to operate all the site security systems, have authority to authorise essential
repairs and be prepared to remain at the premises until adequate security has been restored.
Remote Video Response Centres (RVRCs) dealing with remotely monitored systems can quickly
and reliably request police attendance only if:
a/ the system has been issued with a Unique Reference Number (URN) by the Police force in
whose area the premises are located.
b/ the CCTV system meets BS 8418 and the installer and RVRC hold NSI or SSAIB approval.
Security Industry Authority (SIA)
The Private Security Industry Act 2001 requires contracted security guards, CCTV response
personnel and those who monitor CCTV systems covering public spaces, to hold a SIA licence.
Data Protection Act
This act requires most CCTV systems to be registered with the Information Commissioner's
Office (ICO). This requirement arises because nearly all CCTV systems capture data' relating to
members of the public, and this data can be electronically 'processed'. The act also gives
members of the public a right to ask for copies of any data about them held on such systems.
The ICO has issued a useful code of practice relating to the design, installation and management
of CCTV systems.
Key Action Steps
Fully assess the type of problem faced, e.g. safety, theft, vandalism or arson

Consider to what extent CCTV will address these problems and whether other measures

will complement it, e.g. better physical security or an intruder alarm

Use reputable and competent CCTV suppliers, ideally ones listed by the National

Security Inspectorate (NSI) or Security Systems & Alarms Inspection Board (SSAIB)
Inform other interested parties, e.g. staff or tenants of your intentions
Consider the need for staff training
Ensure clear procedures are in place for those viewing the CCTV system
Ensure any arrangements for a human response are adequate and timely

Check if you need to register your system with the Information Commissioner's Office

Inform any insurers and seek their advice. This is particularly important if you want the
CCTV system to replace any existing security measures, e.g. manned guarding.

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