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In biology he offers all animal classifications and does the same for the mind

What makes a quality dramatic text?

- A film that has an impact, not funny but important that may not be accepted by the mass
of people
- Certain dramatic films challenge the way that you feel, Aristotle would find great value in
Defines Tragedy and Comedy in the dramatic field
Connection to Oedipus Rex
- Says this is the best tragedy and explains that by telling the characteristics that make
this drama so good - it has the presence of mimesis
- Ex. Antigone
- Best tragedy of all tragedies
Mimesis imitation of an action
- A good drama must have this
- In own words, mirrors life and causes a connection between character and the struggle
they are enduring.

Traits of the protagonist


The tragic hero - 4 qualities listed

It must be good
- Elicit sympathy
- Must have the audience connect
- [It must] aim at proprietary
- Appropriate ownership of self
- Understand one's self.
- It must be true to life
- Needs to be realistic
- No flying unicorns
- The fourth point is consistency
- The tragic hero has four points about him that capture the audience as listed above
- Audience must connect to the character, needs to be realistic (not bigger than
life, not perfect or a stock character) and then the points said above must appear
consistently, ALSO the character must be in a position in which they can fall
(Hamlet is a prince and falls)
Cycle of the Protagonist
- Hamartia
- Tragic flaw; causes fall from position
- Needs to be someone who is noble, and able to fall from their status

- Tragic Irony
- Ex. Cookie Monster has the Peripeteia where the only job he can work as is a
cookie store manager, where his flaw is exposed
- Ironically has his/her flaws shown, whatever it is that the character cant control
the character is put in a situation where they have to face that fact
- Reversal of fortune
- Hamlet moves forward and kills someone
- Recognition
- Happens at the end where the character recognizes and maybe accept
their new fate
- Hamlet kills and accepts that death is where we simply becomes
worm food

Cycle of the Audience

Fear and Pity
we pity them for the bad result and with a buildup of emocion until catharsis - purge of
the pain you have been feeling, usually happens at Anagnorisis of the protagonist

Other Terms:
Ethos (Character)
Mythos (plot)
Dianoia (Theme)
Lexis (Diction
Opis Staging
Hubris (Pride/Arogence
Arte (Potential)

Tragedy of hamlet:
- Good drama acts a mirror to our own lives, makes us analyse our life
- As a protagonist...
- As a cycle...

You have the protagonist with H

amartia - his flaw that is a trait
Like the cookie monster who loves cookies
With oedipus rex he doesn't know his past
The protagonist must be noble or up in some way, because it needs to be an
important fall descent - that's why tragedy is interesting and pleasing for the
audience if richards and obama were recorded drunk there would be a big
Peripeteia of the protagonist - an ironic situation
Cookie monster in a boat made of cookies
Catastrophe - Oedipus actually marries his mom and kills his father
Death or destruction - king leer goes insane (he argues with the wind)
Reversal of fate - horrid place you cant be any lower
Cookie monster eats his boat and is sinking to his death
Anagnorisis - recognizing your faults, and then acceptance
Cookie monster says i should have eaten veggies before he drowns and dies
He still dies but he knows why
MIMESIS - the events on stage correlate to the events off stage
Connection to the arts
You are here
Catharsis - direct correlation to anagnorisis
Twelve years a slave leaves you drained from the catharsis, thats why all the best films
are depressing

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