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Dear respondent;
My name is lauriston maragh. I am currently doing sixth form at st Thomas
technical high school. This is a major part of my Caribbean studies I.A. In this
questionnaire your personal information will not be published as only your answer
will be tallied. I look forward to your honest and truthful answer and opinions toward
this topic and what may be included. . This research is grateful for the time and effort you

take in completing the questions below.

Please tick the response that is mostly likely to be correct and write on the lines where

( ) Male

Age Group

( ) Under 15 ( ) 16 21


( ) Female
( ) 22 30

( ) 31 45

( ) 0ver 46

What are some of the crime against society that affects your community?
( ) burglary and bribery
( ) assault and rape ( ) robbery and murder ( ) others
If others state here_________________________________________________________
What are the impacts of crime on the lives of people in dalvey?
( ) Community degrading
( ) lack of freedom ( ) neighbourhood watch
( ) curfew
( ) others
If others state here ________________________________________________________
Have you ever been exposed to any crime against society?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes which and where? ___________________________________________
Have you tried to lower crime in your community?
( ) Yes
( ) No
If yes; state here ____________________________________________________

c) How had it turn out?


Are you apart of the negative effect of crime against society?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes, what was the reason behind this?


Has the government done anything to lower the community crimes?
( ) Yes
( ) No
Why do individuals cause crime in the community?
( ) as a cry for help ( ) lack of love ( ) lack of parental guidance ( ) means to be seen
b) Why is this so?


How would you lower crime?
( ) love
( ) fear
( ) inspiration
( ) others
If others; state ___________________________________________________________
How has crime affected your community?

10 What are your views on society as it relates to lowering crime?
11 How would you lower the effect of crime against society?
12 Are the government lowering the effects of crime against society?
( ) Yes
( ) No
13 Have your community done anything to lower crime?
( ) Yes
( ) No
b) If yes, how?

14 Do you think that crime degrades your community and why you think that?

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