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Senior Capstone Product Proposal Form 2016-2017

Student Name _____Clayton George________________________________________________ Period ___3_____

Research Topic _Students do not care about their education and take it for granted. I want to help students
that are behind on credit
Thesis (one sentence) -based on your research, what you believe about your topic
Poly High School students that are falling behind on credits lack the resources and motivation to complete
their education.___
Research Question ( a question you will attempt to answer and solve on your quest)
_Why are Poly High School Students falling behind on credits and what can be done to get the students
back on track towards their high school graduation?__ ( It is probably different than the one that I turned in
on Haiku since I forgot what i exactly said)
Description of Product (What do you intend to do?): I intend to talk to my counselor about making
meetings that will help students that are lacking credits for their graduation. I want these meetings to be
informative to the students on how they can make back the credits they are missing and help them with
their overall study habits.______________________________________________
Form of Final Product (check all that apply)
_______ Video/Documentary (explain below)
_______ Creation (explain below)

___*___ Service/Mentorship, etc.

_______ Other (please explain):

Describe the connection between your research (annotated bibliography) and your product.
In my research, I found information regarding what are the main causes of students failing their classes
and information stating the best study habits for students. I will connect this research to my meetings that
I hold by using it to explain to students why they are failing their classes and also show them how they can
make those credits back with hard work and good study habits.

How will you display the entire process in in your digital portfolio?
I will display the entire process by posting pictures of the meetings that me and my counselor hold and by
documenting all of the meetings that i hold on a document. I will also have a list of all the names of the
people that attended the meeting.

Estimate the number of hours needed to complete ALL of the items on your to do list (page 2) including
your final product. You must document at least ten (10) fieldwork hours outside of class.
The numbers of hours I need to complete all of the items on my to do list along with my final product is 12

Explain how you will document each and every step for completing your product (journal, blog, video blog,
etc.). This must be a document (10 entries minimum) that will be uploaded digitally. There will be checks

on this throughout the process. I will track the amount of time that it takes to set up the meetings with my
counselor and I will keep track of the amount of time it takes for each meeting that we hold. I will also take
pictures of the meetings. I will have a sign in sheet to keep track of whoever joins the meeting.

What do you hope to learn during this process? Remember that this is not a research paper or project
but an experience.
I hope to learn about the struggles that some students go through that lead them to their lack of credits,
and really get to know some new people throughout this process. I also wish to learn more about each
individual and their strengths and weaknesses.

How will this final product go outside of the realm of simply a benefit to you? How will your knowledge,
experience, creation, etc., benefit others? The final product will benefit the students that participate in the
meetings because it will help them make up the credits they have missed so they can get back on track
towards their graduation. My knowledge will help others because I consider myself a successful student
and I can teach these students some of my study habits to maybe aid them in their learning.

My To Do List
Below list the steps and timeline you will attempt to follow to complete your product. As you
complete the product, make additions or subtract steps as you go if and when necessary. Even though
you completed this To Do list, it will certainly change. Change it on your Google Docs, as it will be a
part of your digital portfolio.

Approx. Time
Necessary to

1. Talking to my counselor about setting up the meetings and discuss ways to get
students involved in the meetings.

1 hour

2. Put flyers around the school to promote the meetings.

20 min.

3. Any extra discussions between me and my counselor regarding the meetings.

40 min.

4. Hold a meeting for the students. Meeting # 1

1 hour 30

5. Meeting # 2

1 hour 30

6. Meeting # 3

1 hour 30

7. Meeting # 4

1 hour 30

8. Meeting # 5

1 hour 30

9. Final Meeting / Conclusion ( Discuss what they learned through the process and
how it has helped them)/ discuss their futures.

30 min - 1 hour.


Student Signature ____________Clayton George______________________________________ Date

Teacher Signature __________________________________________________ Date __________________
Accepted As-Is___________
Accepted With Modifications ____________

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