M1 Press Release 2014

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Caraka, Cirebon, Indonesia

6 October 2014, at 19:38
Good Evening everyone.
Id like to inform you briefly on what it is about and who I am. It can be understood by your heart within you, and you
can also seek the truth from your own God. I am here speaking on behalf of myself , based on my own promise as a
sentient being on behalf of all beings, for the new world agreement, as none other than to carry a mission for global
change and global financial change as Gods Divine evidence that is written and can be scientifically proven.
Ho no co ro ko - do to so wo lo - po do jo yo nyo - mong go bo tho ngo (Javanese/Sanskrit words) as the arrangement
of the New World Agreement understanding, written in sentences denoting Almighty clearly readable in the Universe
(MAHA KUWASA PANATA BACA JAGAD ARAYA DALANG ANYATA) is the opening and closing of the
agreement from 120 old holy books related to Mahabharata.
I am to carry and to bear the duty of delivering a sole Mandate, a world Mandate to protect and to save this world from
destruction. I have a name as the people of Indonesia, a birth name, I have many status and titles to carry out different
duties, perhaps I will concise myself to be called as MR A1, SINO.AS SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO.ST.
PAMERAD JAGAD, to represent the implementation of Exhibit A & B, and Obligation A & B, meaning the order of
kingdoms and countries encompassing 5 continents. I have been equipped with some knowledge which I know and
Ive learned to understand what has happened to this planet and the problems faced by all countries, with my main
vision and mission is to rescue Mother Earth. The first vision is to end all kinds of slavery in the world through all
levels of global systems. Automatically, I am as a man of a young generation and also as the man of the past generation
and the future, I shall bring global changes for the glory of all beings on the face of the earth regardless of who you
are, as it is clear that we are all Gods creation. Clearly all have longed for this peace and comfort in all corners of the
Automatically, I am as a Transmission Consortium International USA - SWISS and also Consortium International
Indonesia or briefly known as International Consortium Trans-officer. Also in the mission, I am equipped with an
absolute title, as Big Top Royal K 681 King of Kings M1. So far, there has been a debate in all countries regarding
global banking systems. Association system of bank security and association system of presidential security that are
related to Swissindo Banker Association have operated according to all previous global order systems, in accordance
with Exhibit A&B.

It was built to glorify all beings in accordance with the final momentum since the post second world war( WWII), it
has now been reopened with a perfect momentum showed by us with sufficient clarity on the 11th of March 2014,
the treaty event in Aston Hotel, Cirebon, as a symbol of the reopening which automatically closes the previous system
order to create a new world which means absolute freedom, true freedom for all beings in the world. The United
Nations is not only for human nation but for angels, jinns, demons or devils as well. That is why it is known as United
Nations. The dynamics of economic change of Pancasila is not only owned and intended for the people of Indonesia,
which was known since the post Second World War but it was intended for the order of all people of the world which
have countries with names, as the people of Indonesia.
Now, we will reopen it as Five Kingdoms of the world, and one kingdom of the world because it forms an application
of the order of Kingdom of God Sky Earth to be implemented on this planet as a form of accountability of the past and
the new agreement. Semmar Super Semar (11 March 2014) is clear as a momentum and clear as a reminder that clearly
opens eyes and it was also obvious as a solution and answer. Because the question is the answer and I am accountable
for that question and answer. The world knows about World Bank, but the world doesn't know what the currency of
the World Bank is. The world knows currency and what collateral is. This system order is opened and closed
automatically because it enters the entire agreement of the world of eternity. As referred to the Sky and Earth Kingdom,
and as the Kingdom of God Sky Earth, we actually have begun by founding the five kingdoms of Linggacala of the
continents, which means that we have initiated it. Those who like and dislike it are part of the answers of world
challenges along with declaration of transaction, the international transaction of World Bank institution. And this is
also a form of accountability of Union Bank of Switzerland related to Federal Reserve System and Federal Reserve
Bank. And it is obviously related to United States Treasury. The world is now experiencing what is called a global
crisis. Therefore, in order to open and change, there is no other ways in this planet except to do the changes and
solutions I have mentioned above. Unless destruction is wanted.*
Parts of the resolutions to the problems are first, by making Payments 1 to 11, which reminds us of the words Semmar
Super Semar.
The payment includes the payment of quotas for the world countries as the guarantee for legitimate issuing authority
of world currency, because it is the sole authority and owner of actual genuine currency of the world.
Gold and silver coins are acceptable collateral for the treasure tax program, which is a part of the program called
Exhibit A&B. These problems have befallen on all countries, not only in Indonesia, because this is a matter of the same
Grand Design. Therefore the solution must also be done the same and together.
Payments 1-11 includes 3 main points. First, it is the quotas for the countries, the second is Human Obligation, as the
right of everyone in all countries, which will be given via CITI M1 (ATM Agreement) and its free of charge for
everyone to accept the payment. Third is the Venus Project as a symbol of a change of generation, as a symbol for
future development that has been prepared and ready to start which is available for all countries. For Indonesia, I also
support MP3EI that was proposed by the government of Indonesia. I received the report from IMF in 2011. How will
we find solutions for all countries, when global accounts have become the seizure of all parties, when global accounts
are causing disputes?
So when I didnt give you the whole situation, you began to judge with what and whichever way you wish to prove it.
Exactly on the 5th of May 2014, when I faxed it to the IRS, it was truly a world momentum, which was administratively
controlled and in control.

US Tax to IRS was done through a proposal that I received from Europe, and I have agreed that 1% of Payments 111 was taxed for US Treasury. So, from 1 million trillion US dollar certificate I have divided it into 1, 000 certificates
with each worth 1,000 trillion US $. For the first payment, I have given it to Laos Presidential office or Lao PDR
based on IRS format bank order - related to the tax was imposed to the first payment, 10 trillion US $ was for USA,
and 1,000 trillion US $ as the first payment for other countries and the people. This schedule was followed and will
be followed by M1 schedule as one part and agreement that has been reached by my predecessors, and I did it all that
when I received the final report through certification of ASBLP which means its the accountability of The
International Committee of 300 The International Organic Agency - United Nation Organization in 2010.
Since and from then it began, based on International Law, I became responsible and accountable for all problems of
this earth. Through direct information and notification, I conveyed to the related institutions. So in truth and by right,
and in the code of ethics, what I have delivered should not be ignored because humans have conscience. The form of
your wishes will be given according to the form of the beauty within you, because there is Gods law that cannot be
mistaken by another. You may perhaps play with international or national law, but there is one universal law you must
never play with, because it contains effects with all the risks involved but if you can avoid it the only risk is joy in
every country. Therefore you dont really need to know who I am, for the truth is I am just like all of you, although
the implication of my decisions will bring remarkable effect. Peace or destruction has been determined. You
understand that the Payment Order 1-11 has never been given by any other institutions throughout the human history.
Through event UN SWISSINDO on the 11th of March in Aston Hotel, Cirebon, as a single owner, that was a world
momentum. That is a symbol that the truth is still the truth, and the truth should not be hidden or to be fearful of
because I only carry a mandate from God. Whether you like it or not, whether you believe it or not, it is not important
to me. What is important is that you know about it, that it happened, and will definitely happen.
This authority is a mandate from your God, how can I reject it or let alone wishing for them? So it is right and only
fair that on this face of earth we should start a new world structure that beautifies the basic ethics, basic philosophies,
and all the knowledge that has been passed on to us.
Thats why you are equipped with religions, spiritual awareness, the Spirit of Peace that exists in your heart, and
wherever you stand. It is truly connected and controlled because all cannot escape from what we call numbers and
letters as the basic knowledge for humans. If only magic formulas were spread all over this planet, then there would
be answers. In this country there are still babies being born pure and there are still parents who think about this
accountability. From now on, I will convey to the national level leaders, to the international organizations level
leaders, please read what is happening to the entire countries of this earth; truly you are facing two choices of your
own. Perhaps you are unable to choose, or perhaps able to understand it a little or none at all. It wont be a problem
because the sun will shine brightly tomorrow.
And thats a definite answer.
If today from JAWA DWIPA NUSANTARA RAYA I convey swarna bumi, that we have the same color of blood, the
blood is red - you have names, then I will call you by your names.
That is me. I am me. You will know that all in the universe is from me to me. You will know why you were born on
this planet and why you should trust yourselves, as your God believes in him.
So, Gods transmission is never escaped from second to second, or from time to time, because there is only day and
night in a day and the day and night is where the power is. All forms of discrimination must be erased and should
have been erased; all forms of castration and all forms of slavery should be abolished, because this era has passed.

If you have entered a strata world level and have reached a mature way of thinking in vertical and horizontal
constellation, between the relationship of human drama and your relation with your God, so that truth and mistake
were the reason why humans are on earth. About Adam and Eve, you understand about them and why they had to
be on earth. If you thought you once had ancestors called Adam and Eve that lived in a Heavenly place that you
all want to be, then there is no need in asking where you are living now except it is in hell. If today I tell you that
I will take you all back, to the true world of your dreams. For me it is not important in heaven or hell, because I
am the same in both places.
In Sufi level, you will understand that one practices/ follows his/her faith (worship) not because of heaven or hell,
not because of wanting to know who is wrong and who is right.
A Sufi does not act because of his own desire but because he is moved by his God and he realizes that the mistakes
around us are our own noble teachers. Your moving toward this level is as an embodiment of yourself and your
God. When your form is shaped as a male or female, you enter the level of Divine realm. For certain then you will
acknowledge yourselves as the chosen officers who can then decide which direction to take. Is it heaven you
wanted, can you let go of hell?
That is what you have to accept that the decision you made yourself today is your future. Your history will be
written in gold ink in the entire of this planet.
Today I am telling you, the actual fact about a truth, a definite moment, definite peace, which you cannot reject
because of your strong desire to have it. I am indebted to all ancestors and heroes in all corners of the countries.
As until today, their grandchildren have been witnessing all the joy, the scorn or the rage, which to me is not
important because I know that you need to reach the required stage so you will know who I am.
Your knowing me does not mean that I have to tell you who I am. Time will tell you who I really am. This will
never be repeated in history. This will never happen twice, three or more times. This is the first and the last. In the
whole history of the creation of the Universe, that was started with an empty space. The history before the creation,
it was all created in the 7 days including the creation of Adam and Eve.
In that empty space, before God called Himself as God, there were only the desires/intentions to create, which later
the first was called Adam. And the second was the desire/intention to be created, which was called Eve. This
explains why there are 9 guardianships in men and 11 guardianships in women. Then through that Nur (ray of
Light) of Muhammad was created because Nur Muhammad means the existence of materiality (forms) in creation,
this lead to all process of creations including Adam and Eve whom are also called the prophets of Adam and Eve.
However this is in the second series, how the whole creation started with such perfection.
In brief, it is best not to avoid what I have called Payment Order 1-11.
Secondly is the Cobra Event, which intended to close all slavery systems on this planet and to reopen as the symbol
of conferment from your own God.
I am only delivering what I must deliver to you because that is my responsibility. What has been so far known as
M1 is actually Microfilm ONE. What is Microfilm ONE or One Sun?
Think about it yourself because it cannot be taken or fought over, because it is the Will, it is also a form so I can
be tangible. All systems are controlled and in control through Nur (ray of Light) as Gods energy that created this
Universe. Its in all bank association security systems and in all sun rays which covers 9 planets in the galaxy.

Whatever has happened in World Bank, all the pressures they are under, I understand. I have received all the
information and I thank every one of them. I will provide including the Authorization Military Control of the
Combating Application Group, because it will not be understood until it is Done. Sabda (Divine words) are
companied by its power and its strength. This is to move all human hearts.
I have conveyed this agreement to four orderly creatures with my own hands to the angels, jinns, devils and
human beings. I have altered the agreement to be the New World Order referred to as Pandawa Kurawa Laya.
I thank all the delegates in the 5 continents; I also thank you all for realizing your roles as Gods chosen ones. For
certain this will be an extraordinary note as the next generations of the world. You are the ones who have been
working hard and you are the ones that will be endowed. Therefore all will be fulfilled by your way, which was
what I meant.
Please accept it, the truth is that I have given you what youve been wanting and you will pass it on through my
own hands.
My special thanks also to the government of Indonesia, which has created the history in this country; we have
directly or indirectly participated in educating all Indonesian people and also in understanding this history that is
about to happen.
My sincere thanks also goes to all institutions that have been involved in situations which claimed to be the
mandates of the Republic of Indonesia, the government of Indonesia. It is clear that it was a lesson, with no standard
that will never be placed in any other formal institutions. Thats also has been a valuable lesson.
To the past founders of this country, for their great efforts now I can return to them what is right.
I especially thanks those who have showed up and accompanied me in completing this task.
I also thank the government of Laos and to other countries in the world, the United Nations, and to all those who
participated in the signing under the certification of ASBLP 0333390 in 2010 and ASBLP 0330 in 2012.
I respect, I accept and I am responsible for what is happening before you. Which in fact I am also accepting my
responsibility in front of your God, therefore I must carry it out.
Thank you. Accomplish the Payment 1-11, other than those, please think about what could happen if you reject
the truth. Thank you and good night.


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