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ip Designation: A 43 - 75 (Reapproved 1965) Standard Specification for MERCHANT PIG IRON" ( Sewpe {1 This specification covers pig iron for bundry use 1.2 The values sated in inch-pound units are 10 be rogarcied as the standard L Applicable Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards: E 30 Methods for Chemical Anatysis of Steel, ae en ae ee E99 Method for Sampling Steci and tron for Determination of Chemical Compositioa’ | Material and Mamafacture LL The pig iron shall be produced by the tductos of iron ores in the blast furnace. How- ve, inons produced from ores by other snciting f mduction processes and used for the same tocral purpose as the Mast furnace product shall besa to be pig iron under this specifi- 1.2 Unless otherwise specified, the weight of dividual pugs shall not exceed 60 I (27 ke) 43.3 The pig iron be clean and free from ‘ermmve arnownts of dross and sand. Chemical Composition 4 Standard Grades and Composition—The ‘edard grades of pig iron, which are based lmarity o@ phosphorus content, shall conform the chemacal compusibon requirements pre ‘hed in Table | as to silicon, sulfur, phospho- (and manganese 42 Nonmandard Grades and Compositions — i l tir i | * > 4.32 Ib addition to carbo there are other unspecified elements found in pig iron, com monly referred to as incidental elements: These Gements may be present .a wpnificast amounts, depending on their content in the charge mate- ‘ials and the ease of recucibility of their com- pounds They may matenaly influence the prop erbes of the castings made therefrom. Some of these dlements arc specifically intro- dlements may be neutral or harmful in their effect om the structure or properties of the castings produced, of both, depeadiag om the neture aad quantity of these elements. 4.3.3 Where the effect of incidental elements is important, special agreement as to these cle- ments shall be made at the time of purchase (Appendix X1). 5S. Saumpling 5.1 The mamuilacturer shall establish sam- pling, handling, stock-piling, and shipping meth- ods which will assure the delivery of pig iron conforming to this specification. 5.2 The sampling of a carioed tot of pig iron ‘shall be made at the point of delivery in accord- ance with the procedure described in the section on sampling of pig iron of Method E59. The sampling of shipments in other than carioad lots ‘shall be agreed upon at the time of purchase. 6. Test Methods 6.1 Chemical Anaiysis-—Analysis shall be made in accordance with the procedures for cast ‘ivon as described in Method E 30. 6.2 Referee Analysis—tn case of dispute, the aa ‘sampling and chemical analysis shall be made in accordance with the provedure described in 7. Inspection 7.1 inspection of the material by the pur- chaser shal] be made as agreed by the purchaser and seller as part off the purchase contract. 8. Certification 8.1 Upon request of the purchaser im the con- (act or order, a manufacturer's certification that 2 report of the test resuits shall be furnished at the ame of shipment. 9. Rejection 9.1 All pig iron which fails to conform to this specification shall be subject to rejection. TABLE 1 Chemtes! Requirements ini oa2s omms rr UN2 026-650 0023 «O035mm =O. man U3 O51-075 OOS 83S ma O20 man UN4 — 076-100 0.025 0.033max 0.20 man UNS 101-125 0025 0055 mer O20 max UNG 136-150 08280035 max O20 ome Us? 151-175 6825 0.035@ax — 020man Lt 1.62.00 0025 O63Smax 030mm Us 0025 OMT ORS mm 021-040 io 0.023 0.035 max 0.21-040 Lit 051-075 0.028 OORSmax 021-040 UNi2 0761.00 002s OO3Sme 021-040 U13 0-125 OMS OOSSma 021-040 ‘is 126-150 0025 003Sman 021-040 LIS 1511.75 OMIS 033mm 021-040 wis Om2s 003Smax 021-040 Low Phosphorus Pig Iron ‘o03s 073 a ots 075 ma oss 75 ra oss O73 max ems O73 man oss 075 man ois 073 wax ons 073 max ue eats Sam LPO 276-300 0035 OO) mm (07S man LPi} — 1Mi-125 0.098 0.035 max —9.76-1.00 ua 0035 O0Sam 876-100 PD LSIL7S OOS OO | (OL we ow 0035 00mm = 0.61.00 Lid 202250035 00S am = 076-100 ae 003s OOS 8 86076-L0D vy sas = COS mm 8606-10 Lie 276-300 OONS max 0.76-1.00 Li = 100-125 OMS OOISmex = 101-125 uv He 05 (oem LPT 15-L7S ONS OOK mm LL-1.25 WR 170200 0035 OOM max = 101~1.25 PD 10-225 «O85 CMe (it-i LP = 228-29 0035 OS mm WD 19-275 00 OOee f-1 LP 276-300 0035 OOS max LO-1.28 BsI-279 OOS — O0N-O07S 0.75 max LAS = 276-300 00S 0086-0075 0.75 mm 231-275 00S 001-090 0.76-L00 < M. > 276-300 0.76-1.00 Lm 100-123 00S 036.00TS 0.%-1.00 | Mt r 101-030 0.76100 LAI0 | 1.26-1.50 00S © 0.036-0075 076-100 M2 ‘3.26-3.90 005 = 0.101-0,300.76~1.00 ua US1-L75 0.05 —0,036-0,075 0, 76-100 * TAIZ 176-200 003 0036-0075 0:76-100 | M23 075-100 005 0101-030 101-128 e M2 = LOL-123 ONS 0.101-030LOI-1.25 UM13 201-225 00S. 0036-0073 0.7100 | MIS 126-1590 00S O10 101-125 LPi4 226-250 005 0036-0073 076-100 | M26 151-179 0.05 0.101-030 101-125 15 251-275 003 0036-0073 076-100 | M27 = 1.76-200 00S 0101-00 6 216-300 G05 «0036-0075 076-100 Ma 201-225 005 —0.101-0.30 * M2 «= 226-250 00S 0.101-0.0 LM17 100-125 005 0.036-0.075 011.25 | M30 251-275 00s 0101-030 ‘Le 1.26-1.50 0.05 —0.036-0,07S 1.11.25 Mi 2.76-3.00 005 = 0.101-0.30 19 NS1-198 00S M32 (01-325 00S (0.101090 nD 196-200 00s ua 326-350 O05 —0.101-0.30 U2 201-225 005 9.036-0075 1.01-1.25 nets Lave Seno eee. Iman 226-250 00S 0036-0073 101-125 rit LS ma ons = 031-0. 123 251-273 00S) 036-0075 Mle 25 | AZ = 1.76200 005 031-030 ume 2.%6-3.00 OOS 0036-0075 101-125 ne 201-2.25 ea ei 226-20 te a FAs 251-275 005 031-050 1oo-129 005 0076-0100 idomx | PS 26300 ONS 031-090 12-1 005 0076-0100 100 max nw ‘301-3.25 005 = 0.31-9.90 15-1.78 005 = 0076-0100 1.00 max me 1.26-3.50 0.08 031-090 176-200 005 01076-0100 1.60 max (201-225 005 «0076-0100 1.00 max ne So 005 = 031-090 222% 005 0070.10 Lodmn | M10 © 176-200 005 «031-080 (251-2.75 005 = 0076-0100 1.00 oaax mir 201-2.25 005 = 0,31-0.50 2.76-300 0.03 0.076-0.100 1.00mmx | FII2 226-240 0.08 0.31-0.50 Ab 2-275 00s =§60.31-050 100-125 00S «0076-0100 L01-1.25 nM“ 276-300 005 = 031-00 126-150 005 0076-0100 LOI-125 | IS 201-325 08S (031-00 LSAT 005) §— 0,076-0.100 1.01-1,25 Pie 3.26-3.50 0.05 0.310.580 176-200 © 005 0.096-0.100 101-125 (201-225 005 «= 0.076-0.100 | 1.01~1.25 An 173 om 005 = 0.31-0.90 (226-250 005 «0.076-0.100 1.01-1.25 ne 1,762.00 005 = 0.31-0.50 T5275 005 0.076-0.100 101-125 | F192 2401-225 0.05. 0.31-0.50 Fike 00s onne-a.ioo._t0l-125 ne ian os 63188 it 25-275 O31 Maleate Pig tron Fi2 276-300 005 031-080 101-030 030-075 | FI2 31-225 0.08 0.31-0.50 0.101-0,30 — 0.50-0,75 rin (3.26-3.50 00S 031-050 101=5.25 O101-0.30 — 0.50-0.75 QI01-0.30 030075 Q101-9.30 030-075 Q101-0.30 — 0.50-0.75 0101-030 0590-075 0101-0.90 0.30075 001-0. — 0.50-0.75 0.101-0.90 0.500075 Q101-050 030-075 Imermediate-Prosptonas Pg ron y 0.51-0.70 — 0.30-0.75 051-070 —0.50-0.75 051-07 030-073 051-070 sean 0.51-0.70 051-010 10018 051-070 © 050-0.73 05-07% 030-073 0.$1-0.70 — 0.76-1.00 051-070 076-100 051-070 076-100 051-0 076-100 0,51-0.70 —0,76-1.00 051-020 0.76-1,00 0101-030 0:76-1.00 0101-030 0.76-1.00 0101-030 076-100 0101-030 0.%6-1.00 0101-00 0.7661.00 0.101-0.30 EEEEEE EEEEE EEEEEEK BSG585 ERERE ESREEE BSEREE EGESERSE sacrcs qh aa TABLE 1 Continued Composiion, Orme Sal, Onde Siicon SEIN Phosptorous Manga Foundry Innerwedin Paphos Pig Woo Continued FS 301-338 00s osi-070 076-100 | “S19 Fol 32639 005 aso 076-100 | $39 S21 Foi? 17smm 098 osi-a70 —oimtzs | $21 Fai? 176-200 003 asi-070 —tolaias | $23 Fal? 201-225 $05.07 101-125 | $4 1681-1700 005 Osman Fa isan oa oscam fois 2 234 70 101-128 | $25 $30 130, Pum 273m as osi-7 arias | $2 MES 00S Osa Fm2s 301-325 0s i070 © 91-tas | S27 © Sorcssy 0s aa Fm24 3.26350 051-070 101-125 | $95 00s 0sDemn Pee 32630 008 051-00 _ 101-128 : Panty High-Pbosphorus Pig rom 82 005 030max Ps 530 005 030max Ri sme tas ora oasaw | Sh Sat satin 176200 005 0.71 025-00 Ri ge te an 82 00s 030max m4 0 005 071-090 035-050 Ps 251-275 005 o.7-0% ozs | $33 mes aneee mS 2763.00 ono a2so% | $8 See vapeee Ph? 301-35 071-090 025-050 | $35 —igstaii00 003 O30mn me 126-350 Onbs0 025-050 | 337 nat-1130 003 0.50max neti onae osiors | $4 s-0 SE Aiton Fu10 176-200 071-09 — 9s1-075 Fn 201223 7-09 — asi-or | S® biel Pi2— 2,26-2.0 071-090 051-075 Poig-251-2.75 o71-090 © osi-o75 | $4) ee Frig— 2.76-3.00 O70 — ost-ors | $2 403” Olesen 30 max Puls 301-328 on-09 — osi-o75 | $0 fate 008 Gn Leica ee ae OOM, SSO | Saer' ispiciaso “00s oman: | satise $46 1551-1600 005 030max ——.01-1.50 FA? 1.75 max 071-090 0.76100 | $4 bree ohama a4 Fait 76-200 Fug 2.01-2.25 P20 226-2.50 a2) -251-2.95 Faz 276-300 071-090 076-109 | $2 071-090 0.76-1.00 ? BES ON ends Sans abee vist 071-090 076-100 | $50 = 551-600 005 030mm ~— 1.51200 005 0.380 max 1.01-1.50 S8SS888 SES8SES8 £88 7a 00 | $51 601-650 0.05. 30x 1.51-2.00 Hee ties soeie ($8 ssw MS Gleme | fokaee $33 7.01-7.90 00S = 0.30max 1.51-2.00 Silvery Pig on SS 751-800 00S Ome ei $35 0-830 005 030mm — 1-2 Ey idiaraae i ot Shae ee ei fiases Seas aise. tae $3 601-650 005 030max—0.80-1.00 sa 6.51-7.00 0.05 0.30 max 050-100 | S57 9.01-9.50 005 030mm 1,512.00 $s 701-750 0.05) — 030mux = 0.50-1.00 | 538 951-1000 0.08 0.30 max 86 731-800 0.035 0,30 max, 0.50-1.00 $39 10.01-10.50 0.05 0.30 max, 37 -8ON-B.50 00S 030m §=—aso-io0 | $60 10: 005 \ 0.30 max i 8.51-9.00 0.05 0.30 max 050-100 | Sét 005 = 0.30 max $62 00S 0,30 max +9 9.01-9.90 0.05 0.30 max 0.50-1.00 | S63 0.05 0,30 max $10 951-1000 005 030mm —o.s0-100 | $64 003 0,30 max vn 1001-1050 0.05 0.0 max 0.50-1.00 rd 1051-11.00 0.05 0.30 max 0.50-1,00 S65 003 0.30 oer 13 1101-1250 003 030mm 050-100 | S66 0S 030mm i 1151-1200 0.05 0.30 max, 0,50-1.00 ‘S67 00s 0.30 max iS 120-1250 005 30m ~—as0-1.00 | S68 00S 030m 16 12.51-13.00 0.05 0.30 max 0.50-1.00 So 0.05 0.30 max 870 0.0$ 0.30 max 17 1301-1350 008 0.30max 00-100 | S71 003 0.30 max i 1451-1400 008 0.90 max_ 030-100 | $73 0.05 0.30 max @ aa APPENDIX (Nonmandatory Information) XI, COMMON INCIDENTAL ELEMENTS IN CAST IRON X1.1 The following is a partial list of the more Blemest Max, % common inci elements that may be found in pig Vanediam ome may exceed that shown here, the amount present usu- Zirconium 0.003 ally will not be above the limits given below: X12 Tiniva vais Coa content. It eee =* Sono ora igh be 61% pe abe Aluminue o010 table ina 12 to 15 % silicon silvery iron. A usual value Antimony ee for the common silicon ranges would be 0.05 10 0.08 %., = 4 X13 ‘The carbon content af pig iron varies inversely ‘005 ‘as the silicon and phosphorus and = reasonably average conan beg Content to be expected in pig irons up to 5 % silicon is Cobalt 0010 Seely tecqmtion: Copper oso ‘Total carbon ~ 4.70 — 0.28 % Lead ons (Silicon + % phosphorus) — 0020 In the higher silicon ranges, if carbon content is felt to Tin 0.010 bbe important, the producer can usualy give an expected ‘Tiawoium 0.150 carbon range. Fo felepranperma ofthat rete pled pp rrr darian ee Samra patent rights, and the risk of iringement uch rights. are enely ther own responsi, 70s srandard i subject 10 revision a¢ any ime bythe responsible echialcommitice and must be reviewed evry fre pears and Wot revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision af this standard or Jor additional responsible ‘commitie, which and po fad a pour orcs hve ot eed fair hearing you should you may He a, yOu. make your views lxoun tothe ASTM Common Sadar TN6 Race ©. Phledph, Pe ods

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