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Aileen McColgan, Principles of Equality and Protection from Discrimination, 2

E.H.R.L.R. 157
Balane, Ruben. Spanish Antecedents of Philippine Civil Code.
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Bernas, (2009). The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines. 2009 ed,
Finnis, J. Natural Law and Natural Rights, Second Edition.
Gay Moon, Complying with Its International Human Rights Obligations: The United
Kingdom and Article 26 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights,
3 E.H.R.L.R. 283-307 (2003).
Gerald Gunther, Constitutional Law 586-589 (11th ed. 1985).
Jean Brissaud, A History of French Private Law 202 (Rapelje Howell trans., 2ns ed.
Kingsley Davis, Illegitimacy and the Social Structure, 45 AM. J. SOCIOLOGY 125
Krause, H. (1971). Illegitimacy: Law and Social Policy
Lucas, Against Equality, 40 Philosophy 296 (1965).
Martin, Robert. Legal Rights of the Illegitimate Child, 102 Mil. L. Rev. 67, 68 (1983).
Michael Perry, Modern Equal Protection: A Conceptualization and Appraisal, 79
Miriam Defensor Santiago, The New Equal Protection, 58 PHIL. L.J. 1, 4 (1983).
Paras, Civil Code Book III, 17th Edition.
Radin, Max. Handbook of Roman Law 106 et seq. (1927).

Sandra M.T. Magalang, Legitimizing Illegitimacy: Revisiting Illegitimacy in the

Philippines and Arguing for Declassification of Illegitimate Children as a Statutory
Class, 88 Phil. L.J. 467 (2014).
Sta. Maria, M. (2010). Persons and Family Relations Law. Fifth edition
Stein, Peter. Roman Law in European History 41-43 (1999).
Tufyal Choudhury, Interpreting the Right to Equality under Article 26 of the International
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Victor Von Vorosini, The Problem of Illegitimacy in Europe, 4 J. AM. INST. OF CRIM.
L. & CRIMINOLOGY 212, 213 (1913).
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Abdulaziz v. United Kingdom, (A/94) 7 E.H.R.R. 471 (1985) (ECHR)
Association of Small Landowners in the Philippines v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform,
G.R. Nos. 78742, 79310, 79744, and 79777 (July 14, 1989)
Association of Small Landowners vs. Secretary, 175 SCRA 343
Basa v. Federacion Obrera de la Industria Tabaquera y Otros Trabajadores de Filipinas
(FOITAF), No. L-27113, November 19, 1974, 61 SCRA 93, 110-111; 90 Phil. 83,
90 (1951).
Belgian Linguistics case, (No.2) (A/6) (1979-80) 1 E.H.R.R. 252 (ECHR),
Biraogo v. The Philippine Truth Commission of 2010, G.R. No. 192935
Briones v. Miguel, G.R. No. 156343 Oct. 18, 2004, 440 SCRA 2004.
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Harper v. Virginia Board of Elections, 383 U.S. 663, 669-670.
Henry v. Thomas, 20 N.E. 519, 118 Ind. 23.
Incang v. Court of Appeals, 296 SCRA 128.
Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944).
Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214, 216 (1944).
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Lalli v. Lalli, 439 U.S. 259 (1978).
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Noe v. Velasco, 61 O.G. 411
Regents of Univ. of Cal. V. Bakke, 438 U.S. 265 (1978).
Sagala-Eslao v. Court of Appeals, 78 SCAD 50, 266 SCRA 317.
San Antonio Independent School District v. Rodriquez 411 U.S. 1, 28 (1973).
Serrano v. Gallant Maritime, Inc., 582 SCRA 254.
State ex rel. Nelson v. Whaley, 246 Minn. 535.
Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880).
Trimble v. Gordon, 430 U.S. 762, 768 (1977)
U. S. v. Ten Yu, 24 Phil. 1, 10 (December 28, 1912)
United States v. Windsor, 133 S.Ct. 2675 (2013)
Villanueva vs. Castaneda, September 21, 1987
Weber v. Aetna Cas & Sur. Co., 406 U.S. 164, 175 (1972).
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