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. What are the essential features of the ISPS Code? What are the duties and
responsibilities of a Chief Engineer with respect to the Code. State action
you will take to familiarize newly inducted crew of different nationality
employed on board Ship.
Ans. Essential features of ISPS
The international ship and port facility security code (ISPS) is implemented
through chapter IX - 2 special measures to enhance machine security) of solas
convention. This code had two parts part A of the code is mandatory and part B
contains guidelines as to how best to comply with the mandatory requirements.
The purpose of the code is to provide a standardized classified framework for
evaluating security risk, enabling girt local administration shipping and port agencies
offset changes in threat with changes in vulnerability for ship and port facility through
determination and appropriate security levels and corresponding security measures.
All ships except warships on international voyages need to follow ISPS code and
have international ship security certificate (ISSC) Failure to implement ISPS code
sailing through the navigable waters of and calling the ports of can tracing
government of solas. The certificate is issued after initial verification and is valid for
5 years with at least one intermediate verification.
The ISPS code database has a section lashing ports including weather or not they
have an approved port facility security plant (PESP)
The company shall provide support and ensure that ship security plan certain a
clear statement emphasizing CSO, Sso and masters authority to make decision w.r.t
safety and security of ship.
As such the ISPS code does not define the duties and responsibility of Chief
Engineer. But being the head of Engine Room department he has to play a big role in.
1) Ship security Assessment Developing and up grading the ship security plan.
2) Training the E/R personnel and assessing their performance with regard to their
understanding of the various security levels and their duties under these security
3) Assigning the engine room personnel's for gangway duties when the vessel is in port
as per the requirement of ship security officer.
4) Keeping the record of the indents of spare ports and stores of engine room ready to
ascertain that the spares and store being received are there as per the indents, when
receiving spares on ports.
In some company's it may be there that Chief Engineer Officer is ship security
officer then he has to perform the duties of ship security officer which includes.


Implementation of the security plan.


Carrying out the drills and training program for the crew.
Drill : Every 3 months or when 25% of crew changes


Maintain the contact with the company security officer and port facility
security officer in the event of security throat.

Familiarization of newly inducted crew of multinational employed on ship :

1) At the earliest on arrival at the ship the crew should be given the safety
familiarization crew should be asked to get familiar with

the different passenger and exits on the ships at each deck.

the location of emergency exits in E/Room on each deck and where it leads to
they should be made to go through the emergency exit from the bottom
platform and come out at the top in the safe location.

they should be informed about their master station for different emergency

they should be informed about the different means of fire-fighting available on

board and in different location.

they should be shown the location of fire control station and different fire
fighting system starting and stopping points their.

they should be informed about the personnel protective appliances available in

their cabin type of five extinguisher fire alarm activation point and fire has
nearest to their cabin.

they should be informed about the location of SOPEP locker and the different
equipment in the SOPEP LOCKER

they should be informed about the location of shipboard garbage plan and the
location of incinerator.

they should be informed about the ship security plan there duties under
different security levels.

they should be given a time period to get familiar with their area of work. A
responsible officer should be made in charge for their familiarization and they should
be encouraged to clear their doubts with him.
As soon as possible abandon ship drill and fire drill should be arranged to make
them used to ships normal routine.

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