01 Dirobjpron

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pronoms dobjet direct

A direct object is a word or group of words representing the person or thing upon
which the action of a verb is performed or toward which it is directed: in English,
generally coming after the verb, without a preposition. In He saw it the pronoun it is the
direct object of saw. (dictionary.com)

Les pronoms dobjet direct

* Replace the e with an apostrophe before a word that starts with a vowel.

Write the correct direct object pronoun for the underlined object, or rewrite the
complete sentence using the correct direct object pronoun.

Modle :
They invite you (tu). Ils tinvitent.

1. We invite them. Nous ______________________ invitons.
2. They invite us. Ils ______________________ invitent.
3. I invite him. Je ______________________ invite.
4. I invite her. ____________________________________________
5. I invite them. ____________________________________________
6. She invites me. ____________________________________________
7. He invites you (tu). ____________________________________________
8. He invites you and your brother (vous). ________________________________

Beginning French I: Rvision avant French II

Replace the underlined object with the correct direct object pronoun.

Modle :
Nous mangeons les bananes. Nous les mangeons.

1. Vous apportez (bring) les documents. Vous ______________________ apportez.
2. Est-ce que tu prends le livre ? Est-ce que tu ______________________ prends ?
3. Les filles invitent leurs amies. Les filles ______________________ invitent.
4. Nous noublions pas notre cl. Nous ne ______________________ oublions pas.
5. Elle vend sa maison. Elle ______________________ vend.

Underline the direct object. Rewrite the sentence using a direct object pronoun.

Modle :
Je prends le livre. Je le prends.

1. Elle voit sa mre. ___________________________________________________
2. Nous avons le sapin (Christmas tree). __________________________________
3. Ils cherchent mon frre et moi. ________________________________________
4. Vous prenez les photos. ______________________________________________
5. Je vois toi et ton oncle. ______________________________________________
6. Jachte nos billets. _________________________________________________

Beginning French I: Rvision avant French II

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