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Sample Paper (CBSE)

Series ENG/SP/1C

Code No. SP/1-C

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All sections are


Separate instructions are given with each section/question, wherever

necessary. Read them carefully and follow them.

Q.1. Read the following passage carefully:

(30 Marks)
(12 Marks)

1. I must admit that Shakespeare through his play, The Merchant

of Venice was thrust upon me when I was a student of class 9.
The play was in my English course and there was no way I could
manage to clear my English paper without doing justice to it. Till
then I used to think that reading Lambs Tales from Shakespeare
had made me an authority on Shakespeare. I thought to myself,
what was the need to spend sleepless nights struggling to
understand the archaic language. What was the need to waste
one full year in trying to understand why Shylock wanted
Antonios pound of flesh and what was so special about the
quality of mercy!
2. Yet, somewhere along the way, the manner in which my English
teacher taught us the play, I was unwittingly drawn into the
world of the Merchants of Venice and the news on the Rialto. The
rich language gradually grew on me; the characters gradually
fleshed out and became more rounded. I soon realised that I had

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become a Shakespeare fan!

Since then, I have read all his

playscomedies, tragedies and historical plays; I have watched

and admired theatrical performances and even watched the
modern film, Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare has been around.
3. Shakespeare has shaped the writing and telling of stories in the
English language like no other writer has. He liberally borrowed
and brought new words into the English language. The phrases
that he coined, roll off our tongues as over-used adages All that
glitters is not gold, Jealousy is a green-eyed monster and the
perennial All is well that ends well. He has influenced several
writers and has been quoted by many of them.
4. Writers like PG Wodehouse often use Shakespearean phrases
like, too full of the milk of human or a reference to Banquo and
Macbeth while writing his stories. The stories have lent
themselves to film adaptations like Omkara and Maqbool.
5. The themes of Shakespeares tragedies and comedies cover every
possible shade of human sentiment and behaviour humour,







identities, murder, mutiny, politics, feminism and revenge. Like

any other celebrity, he too has been the eye of many a storm of
controversy. Despite all this, Shakespeares appeal remains to be
universal; the storylines transcend language and nationalities.
6. Shakespeares works have proved to be sturdy, unshakable
through the centuries, moving with the times, lending themselves
to newer forms. I hope they dont get limited to the few students
of English literature or gather dust in musty libraries.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage,

answer the following questions by choosing the most
appropriate option:


(1x4=4 Marks)
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1. The writer of this piece began to read Shakespeare as

a. she had seen a movie based on his play
b. his play was in her English curriculum
c. her friends recommended it to her
d. it was regarded classy

2. Initially the writer felt that it was

a. essential to read the play due to the excellent idioms
b. necessary to study the archaic language
c. not required as Lambs Tales were enough
d. an optional part of the syllabus

3. The narrator began to enjoy Shakespeare because

a. she saw a play staged and enjoyed watching it
b. her teacher made the play very interesting
c. Omkara was released at that time
d. she could understand the play

4. The medium of Shakespeares original plays was

a. Latin
b. archaic English
c. French
d. the English as we use now

(II). Answer the following questions as briefly as possible:

(1x6=6 Marks)
5. What was Shakespeares contribution to shaping of English
6. Mention two instances given by the writer to prove that
Shakespeares contribution was significant.

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7. Name the writer mentioned by the narrator who seemed

very impressed by Shakespeares style of writing?
8. Describe the variety of themes covered in his plays?
9. Do you think that his plays have a universal appeal? Select
a reason from this passage to support your answer.
10.What does the writer hope for? Why?

(III). Pick out words from the passage which are similar in
meaning to the following

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. archaic (Paragraph 1)
b. perennial (Paragraph 3)

Q.2. Read the following passage carefully:

(10 Marks)

1. When urbanites take a vacation in a remote hill station, which is

actually far from the madding crowd they realise that the bright
lights of the city make it impossible to see the stars in a night sky.
What most of us do not know is that these lights often make us
sick. The unearthly glow of billions of street lamps, security and
porch lights and the other types of lights cause light pollution.
2. For the first time in the history of mankind, research on light
pollution and a health hazard is going on. It is being suspected
that light pollution is a possible cause leading to the increased
incidence of breast cancer, depression and other ailments.
3. In the most heavily urbanised regions, it no longer ever gets
really dark. Satellite images reveal that in large areas of Eastern
North America, Western Europe, Japan and Korea, night is a
constant twilight. In the absence of the artificial lights, one
should be able to spot approximately 3500 stars and planets and
the glow from the Milky Way but with the artificial lights on, one
can barely see a few dozen stars in the brightly lit cities!

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4. It is as bad an environmental threat for the wildlife species as









construction. The brilliantly-lit office towers confuse migratory

birds and they crash into them. Research has revealed that
artificial lights along beaches confuse millions of baby turtles.
They instinctively crawl towards light naturally the reflection of
the moon in the sea water. Since, beaches have been illuminated;
baby turtles often crawl to the lit roads, where they are squashed
by cars. Otherwise, they wander in circles on the beach and when
the sun shines, they bake to death in the sun.
5. Light definitely impacts sea turtles and birds. Now scientists
have begun to study whether artificial light affects human beings.
Richard Steven, a US Epidemiologist, has propounded the idea
that night light can disrupt critical hormonal levels that affect
human health. He arrived at this conclusion while trying to solve
the puzzle of why breast cancer is five times higher in
industrialised societies when compared to the non-industrialised
6. Stevens researched on the 24-hour biological clock that guides
body functions and on melatonin, a hormone that most living
creatures produce only in darkness. In a study published in 2001,
Stevens says that there is sufficient evidence to prove that
disruption of the melatonin rhythm causes chronic fatigue,
depression, reproduction anomalies and perhaps even cancer.
Melatonin is produced in the brains pineal gland only when the
eyes signal it is dark. Those working under lighting at night could
be producing lesser amount of melatonin.
7. Travis Longcore, Science Director at Wild Lands Group, a
conservation group, says that light pollution must receive the
same attention as other environmental issues. Canada has set up

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a conservation reserve north of Toronto, the first in the world to

preserve a pristine night sky. Conservationists are hoping to
expand the area of preserved night sky beyond the parks
boundaries by encouraging local municipalities to curtail the use
of poorly designed night lighting. In the United States, the
International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) has been campaigning
for by laws requiring night-friendly lights, with such fixtures
that the light does not glare out horizontally or upwards. Lamps
that direct a light beam towards the ground use less electricity
and do not uselessly light the sky.
8. While it has been confirmed that light pollution adversely affects
human health and environment, the fading of the heavens could
also cause a fading of the human imagination in many ways a
greater long term threat. Writers and artists have been drawing
inspiration from the night sky. Says Crawford, Its the glamour
and wonder of the universe we live in. Weve got to preserve that.


On the basis of your understanding of the passage,

answer the following questions by choosing the most
appropriate option:

(1x2=2 Marks)

1. When urbanites move to remote hill stations they

realise how
a. clear of pollution the weather is
b. how urban lights prevent them from enjoying the night
c. how much they have progressed
d. how unfit they have become

2. The glow of street lamps

a. ensures our safety

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b. marks our progress

c. can make us sick
d. makes human beings active and efficient

(II). Answer the following questions as briefly as possible:

(1x6=6 Marks)
3. How do the illuminated offices in high rise buildings affect
migratory birds?
4. How does lighting affect our daily body functions?
5. In what context does the writer refer to baby turtles?
6. What happens to the human body when the production of
melatonin is disturbed?
7. What measures have been taken in Canada to reduce light
8. What are the suggestions given by the IDA to counter light

(III). Find words from the passage which are similar in

meaning to the following:

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. razed (Paragraph 4)
b. advocated (Paragraph 5)

Q.3. Read the following passage carefully:

(8 Marks)

Sapphires have long been associated with royalty and romance.

For centuries, they have been used in engagement rings by royal
families, the rich and the powerful. A recent example to validate
this point is the Spanish actress, Penelope Cruzs vintage three
carat sapphire engagement ring.

Sapphires also feature prominently in the British Crown Jewels.


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The most famous of the crowns, the Imperial State Crown,

traditionally worn during the State Opening of Parliament,
incorporates two large blue gemstones, the Stuart Sapphire and
the St Edwards Sapphire.

The name sapphire has originated from the Greek work

sappheiros, which means blue stone, although that was
apparently meant to describe another blue stone-lapis lazuli
and not the gem we know today. However there may be an even
closer link to Asia. Some linguists suggest the word is derived
from Sanskrit sanipriya, which literally means sacred to
Saturn and which refers to a dark precious stone.

Sapphires belong to the corundum family of minerals. While blue

may be the most popular and well known, these gemstones come
in a variety of colours including, pink, yellow, brown and green
and are known as fancy sapphires. Rubies are actually red
sapphires. But its the blue sapphires, ranging from a rich royal
blue to a light, pale baby blue colour that have captured the
public imagination. Due to its association with the colour of the
sky and the ocean, the blue gems have been revered throughout
history by religious leaders and the aristocracy.

Sapphires are also very durable, making them suited for

jewellery. These gemstones are second only to diamonds in terms
of their hardness they are not prone to chipping, scratching or
breaking. That makes them ideal for everyday wear. While
sapphires can be found in America, Asia, Africa and Europe,
many of those mined are not good enough to enter the gem trade.
Fine quality sapphires are only found in three places on the entire

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planet: Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. High quality

sapphires with good saturation, even colour and intensity are
quite rare and very difficult to locate.

Some of the most famous sapphires in history have been star

sapphires, an even rarer form of the precious stone. Fine, needlelike inclusions in the gemstone give an appearance of a star
within the jewel, an optical effect known as an asterism. Both the
Star of India and the Black Star of Queensland have at one time
or another made headlines.

Throughout history, sapphires have also been linked with

womens beauty and fidelity. Legend has it that Helen of Troy
owned a large star sapphire It was believed to be source of her
desirability. During medieval times, sapphires were also used as a
test for infidelity. Returning crusaders would have their wives
wear sapphires the gemstones were believed to change colour if
their spouses had been unfaithful. Thankfully, nowadays, women
can enjoy sapphires for their dazzling allure. These gems have
seen an increase in popularity in recent times. As Arnstein says,
Sapphires are classic, rare and valuable. A diamond might be a
girls best friend, but a sapphire represents the woman herself.

a. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes

on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable
abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum 4) and a format
you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it.
(5 Marks)
b. Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. (3 Marks)


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SECTION B - Advanced Writing Skills

(30 Marks)

Q.4. You had taken your dog for a walk in the park where some
children started playing with him. You began talking on your cell
phone and soon realised that your dog is missing. Draft an
advertisement for the Missing column of a local newspaper in
about 50 words. Mention all necessary details.

(4 Marks)

Sunaina Raina is holding an exhibition of her specially-crafted
jewellery at India Habitat Centre A famous film actor is
inaugurating the event. Draft an invitation in about 50 words.

Q.5. IGNOU, Delhi has started some six-month certificate courses for
teachers. As the Principal of St. Johns International School, you
are keen that all your teachers undergo this. Since there would
be 75 teachers doing the course, request the Vice-Chancellor
IGNOU to send their faculty to your school rather than sending
your teachers to the university, that is 65 kilometres away, on
weekends. As the Principal, Dr. Reeta Kumar, write a letter,
enquiring about various aspects of the course like fee, criteria of
admission etc. Request him for this special arrangement for your
(6 Marks)


You are Smita Jai, a resident of 505, Lajpat Nagar-3, New Delhi.
You have read about a vacancy in a reputed public school for the
post of a Western Music teacher. Write to the Principal of the
school, applying for the post. Mention all necessary details.


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Q.6. You are Ravi Rai, the Chief Editor of a family magazine, Home
Today. Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, Reducing
age of the criminal and growing Violence among youth. The
article should cover the possible reasons and solutions to resolve
(10 Marks)

the issue.

You have been reading about many incidents of road rage and
how it affects the commuters and public in general. The most
recent incident was where an old man with his five-year old
granddaughter was killed on the spot and the aggressive young
driver sped off in his SUV, without even bothering to get the
injured people to the hospital. Your article must focus on the
causes of road rage and the ways to resolve it.

You are

Sarthak/Saumya Agarwal, a student of class 12 in Princess Public

(10 Marks)

School in Gurgaon.

Q.7. As the Head of the Nutrition and Fitness Department, draft a

speech for the school morning assembly on the topic, Junk the
Junk, Embrace Health. The speech must be within 150-200
words. You are Dr. S. K. Vaid.

(10 Marks)

The school Interact Club has taken up a project in which they
have pledged to educate 500 people in the first academic year and
double the number every year. Write a speech for the school
morning assembly, talking to students about this grave social
issue of illiteracy and urging for their support to make the project


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SECTION C - (Textbooks {Flamingo and Vistas} and Long

Reading Text{Novel}

(40 Marks)

Q.8. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that

(4 Marks)

The stunted, unlucky heir

Of twisted bones, reciting a fathers gnarled disease,
His lesson, from his desk. At the back of the dim class
One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream
Of squirrels game, in tree room, other than this.

a. Who is the unlucky heir? What has he inherited to be described

(1 Marks)

as unlucky?

b. What is the stunted boy reciting? What actually is he expected to

(1 Marks)


c. Who is sitting at the back of the dim class? What is he doing?

(1 Marks)
d. What makes him different from the others present there?
(1 Marks)

A thing of beauty is a joy forever
Its loveliness increases, it will never
Pass into nothingness; but will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dreams, and health, and quiet breathing.

a. How does the poet define a beautiful thing?

(1 Marks)

b. What are the advantages of such beauty?

(1 Marks)

c. What does the poet refer to by quiet breathing? What happens in


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(1 Marks)

its absence?

d. Can you mention anything that may have been regarded beautiful
(1 Marks)

but has passed into nothingness?

Q.9. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 3040 words each:

(4x3=12 Marks)

a. Why has Kamala Das described the young trees as sprinting?

b. What will man achieve by counting up to twelve and keeping
c. Do you think Sophies father believes her when he learnt that she
had met Danny Casey?
d. What made the British officials feel powerless without Gandhis
support, when the crowd assembled in Motihari?
e. Why did Zitkala-Sa object to getting her long heavy hair chopped
f. What kind of a person was James Evans?

Q.10. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

Do you think that the peddler who sold rattraps had killed his
conscience completely to have robbed the crofter? Comment with
reference to the later developments in the story.

Do you think that the Governor was just another good-for-agiggle, gullible governor? What would have made you respect the

Q.11. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

Compare and contrast the characters of Derry and Mr. Lamb in

their approach to their handicap, in the short story, On the Face

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of it.

Comment on the role of the General of the Army in the story, The

Q.12. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

Who was Molly Farren? What are the reasons that made her head
for Red House?

Do you approve Dr. Kemps act of not joining Griffins mad Terror
Scheme? Give reasons in support of your answer.

Q.13. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

How did Nancy react to her husbands revelation? What does it

reflect about her character?

How does Marvel turn the tables on everyone? Do you think one
can say that appearances are deceptive regarding Marvel?


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(30 Marks)

Q.1.(I). Value Points:

(1x4=4 Marks)

1. his play was in her English curriculum.

2. not required as Lambs Tales were enough.
3. her teacher made the play very interesting.
4. archaic English.

(II). Value Points:

(1x6=6 Marks)

1. Vital role in writing and telling stories in English; brought in

new words into the language
2. Major contributions to English language; introduced foreign
words into English that are still used; his quotations are used
commonly as adages
3. P.G. Wodehouse; liberally used expressions and made
references to Shakespearean characters
4. Themes cover most human sentiments and behaviour
ranging from humour, grief, love, greed, jealousy, friendship,
murder, mutiny and revenge.
5. Shakespeares work has a universal appeal; storylines
transcend language and nationalities; films and plays in
different languages
6. hopes that Shakespeares work does not get confined to a
handful of students studying English literature or that they
simply adorn book shelves in libraries; hopes that they are
read and enjoyed


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(III). Answers

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. antiquated
b. everlasting


(10 Marks)


(1x2=2 Marks)
Value Points:
1. how urban lights prevent them from enjoying the night sky.
2. can make us sick.


(1x6=6 Marks)
3. The brilliantly-lit office towers confuse migratory birds; they
crash into them and die.
4. light pollution makes people sick; constant exposure to light a
health hazard; a possible cause of increase in cases of breast
cancer, depression and other ailments.
5. baby turtles also impacted by street lights; get confused by
artificial lights along beaches; natural reaction to crawl
towards light, think lights to be reflection of moon in the sea
water; reach roads; crushed under cars or marooned and die
due to excessive heat of the sun.
6. Melatonin is produced in the dark; being in constantly-lit
areas causes imbalance in hormonal levels that adversely
affects human health; disruption of the melatonin rhythm
causes chronic fatigue, depression, reproduction anomalies
perhaps even cancer.
7. Canada: the first in the world to set up a conservation
reserve north of Toronto; hoping to preserve an unpolluted
night sky beyond the parks boundaries; encouraging local
municipalities to curtail the use of poorly designed night


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8. IDA campaigning for by laws for night-friendly lights,
fixtures in which light does not glare out horizontally or
upwards but direct the beam towards the ground and do not
uselessly light the sky

(III). Answers

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. bulldozed
b. propounded

Q.3. Note making


(5 Marks)

1. Appropriate title

(1 Marks)

2. Format & numbering, consistency

(1 Marks)

3. A minimum of four abbreviations/symbols must be used

(1 Marks)
(2 Marks)

4. Notes(only words & phrases)

B. Summary

(3 Marks)

The summary must be in well-constructed sentences that

include all points abstracted in the notes; no abbreviations to be
used in summary.

SECTION B - Advanced Writing Skills

Q.4. Notice

(30 Marks)

(4 Marks)

a. Expression & Language

(1 Marks)

b. Format & Accuracy

(1 Marks)

c. Content

(2 Marks)

Value Points
Title (Missing), what, when, description of the lost dog.

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1. Expression & Language

(1 Marks)

2. Format & Accuracy

(1 Marks)

3. Content

(2 Marks)

Value Points
Who, when, what, where

Q.5. Letter:

(6 Marks)

Format: Senders address, receivers address, date, subject,

(1 Marks)

salutation, complimentary close.

Content: details of the IGNOU courses; request for in house

(3 Marks)

classes by IGNOU faculty, fee, other details.

Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(2 Marks)


Format: Senders address, receivers address, date, subject,
(2 Marks)

salutation, complimentary close; C.V

Content: Post applied for, source of information. Requisite

(3 Marks)

qualifications; separate C.V.

Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(1 Marks)


Q.6. Article
Format: Title & Byline

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value points
1. the present age: an age of intolerance, violence
2. children desensitized at a very young age: computer/video games

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3. broken homes
4. working mothers in nuclear families; parents have little time to
instill values
5. role played by media: too much of exposure to violence;
newspapers full of such news stories
6. lack of role models in society
7. counselling by school teachers and family
8. sensitive handling and counselling of the youth
9. engaging them in constructive activities
10.sports to channelise youthful energy
11.parents and teachers to be in constant touch
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,
(3 Marks)


Format: Title & Byline

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value points
1. What is road rage
2. becoming a common feature; road accidents mostly due to such
peoples actions
3. causes: lack of patience; everyone in a mad rush; poor traffic
sense; life filled with stress
4. reasons for increase of this trend: police leave offenders on being
5. machinery takes very long to act; culprits roam freely
6. police to do their duty; fired if found accepting bribes
7. speedy action against perpetrators; license cancelled for life
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(3 Marks)
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Q.7. Speech:

(10 Marks)

Format: Salutation, greeting, introducing the topic

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value Points:
1. what is junk food.
2. why is it called so.
3. reasons for its popularity; most popular among children and
4. aping the west to an extent.
5. convenient for working mothers; not have to cook on return from
6. easily available; mostly a phone call away.
7. reasons to junk it: leads to obesity due to empty calories.
8. gradual decline in health.
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,
(3 Marks)


Format: Salutation, greeting, introducing the topic

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value points
1. The mission of Interact Club.
2. introduce the new project: why is it crucial.
3. education most essential for any progress; to gap the bridge in
4. why the rate of illiterates so high so many years after
5. related to poverty: poor parents want their children to earn, not
go to school.
6. how all citizens must pitch in and not leave everything to the

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7. role of citizens in democracy: to assist govt.
8. time required from volunteers: only 2-3 hours per week.
9. planned agenda to follow for positive outcome.
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,
(3 Marks)


SECTION C - (Textbooks {Flamingo and Vistas} and Long

Reading Text{Novel}

(40 Marks)

Q.8. Reference to context:

(1x4=4 Marks)

Value points:
a. One of the students of the elementary slum school; unlucky as
his fathers disease which has twisted his bones and causes him
pain and suffering
b. Reciting the disease of his father, repeating his fathers disease
which has deformed his bones; expected to recite poems or

quiet, sweet, young boy, lost in the antics of a squirrel;

d. mentally







oblivious to the harsh reality of his present existence

Value points:
a. Beauty is perennial source of joy; lasts forever.
b. It provides solace and health to the tired mankind.
c. relaxed and restful state of mind and body; its absence results
in gloom, despair and ill health.
d. A building, monument or painting that has not been able to
withstand the ravages of time; Ozymandias statue for instance.

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Q.9. Content:

(4x3=12 Marks)

Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)

Value points:

(1 Marks)

a. viewed from a fast-moving car, the trees seem to be sprinting

b. Will succeed in getting the

right perspective through

introspection; adopt a sensible approach to life and this world

c. Sophies father doesnt believe her; had got accustomed to her
lies; stated that she would get into trouble someday due to this
d. The huge


that had assembled in Motihari was

unmanageable; the officials were unable to regulate the crowd,

without Gandhis help.
e. Zitkala-Sa objected to the cutting off of her hair as in her
community, short hair was kept by mourners and shingled hair
by cowards.
f. Evans- a great schemer, very smart, intelligent and dramatic;
the officials could not take him lightly.


(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. peddler lived amidst the most inhospitable circumstances
2. poor, starved, no place for values and conscience in his life
3. no one to advise him
4. had not killed his conscience or else he would not be harping on
the rattrap philosophy of this world
5. Edna could bring about a change by her kindness in very little
time, something that he had forgotten
6. could have stolen things from Ednas house but didnt

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7. left behind the money he stole from the crofter along with a

Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Yes, Governor certainly proved to be just another good-for-agiggle, gullible governor
2. was aware of Evans reputation: Evans the break
3. had he been extra careful in escorting Evans back to the prison
after latters first successful escape
4. if he had planned well, deployed more policemen for the task
5. if he had been one up on the smart Evans and verified the
identity of prison officers with the van
6. would have been worthy or respect had he foiled Evans plan


(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Derry: stays away from people; doesnt like to be pitied;
concerned about their reaction; has isolated himself completely
2. does not try to face the situation; convinced that things wont
3. conscious of peoples averted glares; is disturbed by their
4. convinced his parents pity and not love him
5. Mr. Lamb: accepts his handicap and moves on with life; is

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6. keeps himself busy despite his handicap; least bothered about

peoples stares or what they say about his handicap; focuses on
more important things in life
7. does not wallow in self-pity; likes company; his house and
garden welcomes all; makes toffee and jelly for children

Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. General of the Army not worthy of his post
2. was bothered about himself more than his country
3. Sadao not sent with troops for General might require treatment
4. Later, Sadao not executed for sheltering an enemy soldier for
same reason
5. scheming: promises to get enemy killed slyly by assassins
6. sly: tries to bribe Sadao for failing in his promise
7. casual: forgot the fact that an enemy was in the country
8. guilty of dereliction of duty


(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Molly Farren: Godfreys secret wife and Eppies mother
2. once a pretty woman but wasted her life due to addition to
opium and alcohol
3. was heading for Red House; knew there would a party going on
4. wished to confront Godfrey who did not accept her as his wife
5. wanted to avenge the wrong done to her by announcing to the

Educomp Solutions Ltd. 2014-15

Squire that she was Godfreys wife and had his child

Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Would certainly approve of Dr. Kemps act of not joining
Griffins mad Terror Scheme
2. sensible and respectable scientist aiming for recognition but did
not stoop to use science for wrong purposes
3. had his share of flaws but possessed courage not to support
misuse of science
4. was horrified to hear Griffins stories
5. attacked by Griffin but dared to plan Griffins arrest
6. restores the readers faith in goodness and positive application
of science


(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Nancys handled her husbands revelation with dignity
2. looked into his eyes when he confessed but later became sad; her
downcast eyes convey that
3. was forgiving, sensitive and empathetic
4. stated that they could have adopted Eppie and given her a
loving home
5. Eppies presence in the family would have lessened her grief of
losing their own child


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Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Marvel a simple, harmless tramp
2. Griffin chose to make him his accomplice
3. convinced that his secret was safe with Marvel
4. certain that no one would believe him
5. Marvel turns the tables on Griffin; informs the press
6. saves himself by getting locked in a prison cell
7. also gets all of Griffins stolen money
8. becomes owner of an inn


Educomp Solutions Ltd. 2014-15

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