Series ENG/SP/1A Code No. SP/1-A: Sample Paper (CBSE)

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Sample Paper (CBSE)

Series ENG/SP/1A

Code No. SP/1-A

Time Allowed: 3 hours

Maximum Marks: 100

General Instructions:

This paper is divided into three sections: A, B and C. All sections are


Separate instructions are given with each section/question, wherever

necessary. Read them carefully and follow them.


(30 Marks)

Q.1. Read the following passage carefully:

(12 Marks)

1. Air pollution is an issue which concerns us all alike. One can

willingly choose or reject a food, a drink or a life comfort, but
unfortunately there is little choice for the air we breathe. All,
what is there in the air, whether toxic or pristine fresh gases, is
inhaled by one and all living in a particular area.
2. Air pollutant is defined as a substance which is present in air but
should not be. It could also be present in an amount exceeding the
normal concentrations. It could either be gaseous or a particulate
matter. The important and harmful polluting gases are carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone and oxides of sulphur and
nitrogen. The common particulate pollutants are the dusts of
various inorganic or organic origins. Although we often talk of the
outdoor air pollution caused by industrial and vehicular exhausts,
the indoor pollution may prove to be as or a more important cause
of health problems.

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3. Recognition of air pollution is relatively recent. It is not

uncommon to experience a feeling of 'suffocation' in a closed
environment. It is often ascribed to the lack of oxygen.
Fortunately, however, the composition of air is remarkably
constant all over the world. There is about 79 per cent nitrogen
and 21% oxygen in the air - the other gases forming a very small
fraction. It is true that carbon dioxide exhaled out of lungs may
accumulate in a closed and over-crowded place. But such an
increase is usually small and temporary unless the room is really
air-tight. Exposure to poisonous gases such as carbon monoxide
may occur in a closed room, heated by burning coal inside. This
may also prove to be fatal.
4. What is more common in a poorly ventilated home is a vague
assemblage of symptoms described as the sick-building syndrome.
It is characterised by a general feeling of malaise, headache,
dizziness and irritation of mucous membranes. It may also be
accompanied by nausea, itching, aches, pains and depression. Sick
building syndrome is getting commoner in big cities with the
small houses, which are generally over-furnished. Some of the
important pollutants whose indoor concentrations exceed those of
the outdoors include gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon
dioxide, oxides of nitrogen and organic substances like spores,
formaldehydes, hydrocarbon aerosols and allergens. The sources
are attributed to a variety of construction materials, insulations,
furnishings, adhesives, cosmetics, house dusts, fungi and other
indoor products.
5. By-products of fuel combustion are important in houses with
indoor kitchens. It is not only the burning of dried dung and fuel

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wood which is responsible, but also kerosene and liquid petroleum

gas. Oxides of both nitrogen and sulphur are released from their
6. Smoking of tobacco in the closed environment is an important
source of indoor pollution. It may not be high quantitatively, but
significantly hazardous for health. It is because of the fact that
there are over 3000 chemical constituents in tobacco smoke,
which have been identified. These are harmful for human health.
7. Micro-organisms and allergens are of special significance in the
causation and spread of diseases. Most of the infectious illnesses
may involve more persons of a family living in common indoor
environment. These include viral and bacterial diseases like
8. Besides infections, allergic and hypersensitivity disorders are
spreading fast. These are attributed to exposures to allergens
from various fungi, molds, hay and other organic materials but
factors that do more harm are indoor air ventilation systems,






production or handling of the causative items.

9. Obviously, the spectrum of pollution is very wide and our options
are limited. Indoor pollution may be handled relatively easily by
proper ventilation, controlling the accumulation of toxic gases;







dampness and keeping pet animals clean and in an open area. Let
the good work start from one's own house.


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On the basis of your understanding of the passage,

answer the following questions by choosing the most
appropriate option:

(1x4=4 Marks)

1. Air pollution is different from other forms of

pollution because
a. oxygen is needed at all times
b. no choice but to breathe the air with whatever it
c. other forms of pollution are manmade
d. this form of pollution cannot be controlled
2. An air pollutant can be in _________ form
a. gaseous
b. particulate
c. both gaseous and particulate
d. which is visible to the naked eye
3. Factors







hypersensitivity disorders are

a. various fungi
b. the food that we eat consume
c. molds, hay and some organic materials
d. indoor air ventilation systems, coolers, air-conditioners,
dampness, decay, pet animals
4. When indoors, a person
a. cannot be affected by any kind of pollution
b. can still be affected by most types of pollution
c. cannot be affected by dangerous types of pollution
d. can still be affected by some types of pollution

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(II). Answer the following questions as briefly as possible:

(1x6=6 Marks)
5. Why do we feel suffocated in a closed environment?
6. Why are certain viral and bacterial diseases more likely to
affect more members of a family
7. What do you understand by the term, sick building
8. Why must smoking be avoided indoors?
9. What are the reasons for the increase in the sick building
10.How can the dangers of indoor air pollution be overcome?
(III). Pick out words from the passage which are similar in
meaning to the following

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. pure (Paragraph 1)
b. range/gamut (Paragraph 9)
Q.2. Read the passage carefully:

(10 Marks)

1. Rarely have homemakers found a place in lndia's fiscal policy.

However, an innovative scheme in Goa's budget introducing a
grant for them, thereby officially acknowledging their invaluable
contribution, could change all that.
2. The scheme, likely to be rolled out very soon, proposes to give Rs
1,000 per month to all homemakers with the annual household
income below Rs. 3 lakh, benefitting nearly 1.25 lakh families.
"Homemakers are finding it difficult to manage households in
these times of inflation. This step is taken to empower them,"
stated an official of the women and child development ministry.
3. Nutan Sakalkar, a homemaker, is overjoyed at the prospect of

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getting some money of her own. "We get scant respect in our
society for we do not earn," she says. "Working women are often
absolved of household responsibilities, but no one gives a thought
for the work we put in 24X7." She feels that this step will bring
back her sense of independence. Though he never refuses, l feel
small asking my husband for money."
4. The role of homemakers has been a contentious issue. Can their
significant contribution be regarded as work? Does it warrant
monetary compensation? While this is perhaps the first time a
government scheme has directly targeted homemakers, the
struggle to bring them true dignity is a long way off.
5. "The profits of society today are subsidised by the unpaid work of
women all over the country. Not only do they form the cone
economy but they produce the workers of tomorrow," says

Vibhuti Patel of Mumbai's SND Women's University.

A grant, she believes, would merely help some of them move from
starvation to subsistence. But what they should be given is a
direct stake in their husband's pay cheques, she feels.
6. Madhu Kishwar, editor of women's journal 'Manushi', too, doesnt








government pay homemakers? l would consider it an insult.

Women are the griha lakshmis and should be treated as equals
and given complete charge of household finances," she says.
7. The struggle for gender equality is reflected in the National
Family Health Survey-3(2005-06). Not only are fewer women
counted in the workforce as compared to men (some 43% of

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married women in the 15-49 age group were employed as

compared to 99% men), but one in four didnt even receive any
payment as compared to 1 in 20 men.
8. The crisis of dignity isn't restricted to India alone. ln April, there
was an outcry against Democratic strategist Hillary Rosen's
comments on Republican candidate Mitt Romney's wife when she
questioned the latter's status as an ambassador on women's
issues because she had "never worked a day in her life". Romney
was a stay-at-home mum of five children. Rosen's comments went
viral with many on Twitter protesting, forcing an apology from
her. Even Michelle Obama tweeted, "Every mother works hard,
and every woman deserves to be respected."
9. The Goa model is one among many social experiments underway
globally. Venezuela recognizes housework as 'work' under its
Constitution and pays homemakers 80% of minimum wages.
Whether such initiatives will bring respect to housework waits to
be seen.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage,

answer the following questions by choosing the most
appropriate option:

(1x2=2 Marks)

1. lndia's fiscal policy has

a. never included homemakers
b. mostly included homemakers
c. never regarded their work as productive
d. taken the homemakers efforts as significant
2. The homemakers regard this move as

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a. a welcome move
b. an insult
c. a step towards self reliance
d. a step towards empowerment
(II). Answer the following questions as briefly as possible:
(1x6=6 Marks)
3. What does the scheme intend to do?
4. Will all the women in the state benefit from this policy?
5. What do the housewives like Nutan Sakalkar think about
the proposed scheme?
6. How, according to Vibhuti Patel, would this effect a change
in the womens condition?
7. What does Vibhuti Patel of SNDT Women's University
advocate for home makers?
8. Do you agree with Madhu Kishwars views on this issue?
(III). Find words from the passage which are similar in
meaning to the following:

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. controversial (para 4)
b. small amount of money distributed for sustenance (para 6)
Q.3. Read the following passage carefully:





(8 Marks)



carbohydrates present in plant foods. The importance of the

dietary fibre came into the picture when it was observed that the
people consuming a fibre-rich diet had low incidence of coronary
heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome, dental caries and gall
The dietary fibre is not digested by the enzymes of the stomach

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and the small intestine whereas most of other carbohydrates like

starch and sugar are digested and absorbed. It has the property of
holding water that makes it, swell up and behave like a sponge as
it passes through the gastrointestinal tract. The fibre adds bulk to
the diet and by increasing transit time in the gut, decreases the
time of release of ingested food in colon.
In recent years, doctors prescribe a certain amount of fibre in the
diet. Their beneficial effects lie in preventing coronary heart
disease, and decreasing cholesterol level. The diet which is
deficient in fibre is often results in the cancer of the colon; if the
diet is make fibre rich, it helps in eliminating the risk of this
dreaded disease.
The fibres like gums and pectin are reported to decrease post
prandial glucose level in blood. These types of dietary fibres are
recommended for the management of certain types of diabetes.
Recent studies have revealed that the fenugreek seeds, which
contain 40 per cent gum, are effective in decreasing blood glucose
and cholesterol levels as compared to other gum containing
The foods that are rich in dietary fibre are cereals and grains,
legumes, fruits with seeds, citrus fruits, carrots, cabbage, green
leafy vegetables, apples, melons, peaches, pears and many more.
The diet which is deficient in fibre is associated with colon cancer;
if the diet is make fibre rich, it helps in eliminating the risk of
this dreaded disease.
The dietary fibre holds water so that stools are soft, bulky and
readily eliminated. Therefore high fibre intake prevents or
relieves constipation. The fibre in the diet increases motility of
the small intestine and the colon and by decreasing the transit
time there is less time for exposure of the mucosa to harmful toxic

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Therefore, there is a less desire to eat and the energy intake can
be maintained within the range of requirement. This phenomenon
helps in keeping a check on obesity. Another reason in helping to
decrease obesity is that the high-fibre diets have somewhat lower
coefficients of digestibility.
The dietary fibre may have some adverse effects on nutrition by
binding some trace metals like calcium, magnesium, phosphorus,
zinc and others and therefore preventing their proper absorption.
This may lead to nutritional deficiency especially when diets
contain marginal levels of mineral elements. This may require a
monitoring of the intake of dietary fibre. An intake of 40 grams
dietary fibres per day is desirable.
a. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make notes
on it, using headings and sub-headings. Use recognisable
abbreviations (wherever necessary-minimum 4) and a format
you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it.
(5 Marks)
b. Write a summary of the passage in about 80 words. (3 Marks)
SECTION B - Advanced Writing Skills

(30 Marks)

Q.4. You are Smita/Sunil Kumar, Secretary of Balaji Apartments. You

are going to organise a blood donation camp. Write a notice in not
more than 50 words, urging the members of your society to come
in large numbers for this noble cause. Ask them to invite
outsiders to donate blood as well. Mention other necessary details.
(4 Marks)


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You are the General Manager of Claridges Gurgaon. You need to
hire female Front Office Assistants. The candidates must be tall,







communication skills. Draft an advertisement in not more than

50 words for the classified column of The Indian Times.
Q.5. As a regular commuter by bus from Noida to Delhi, you have been
witnessing rash driving by the bus drivers daily without an
exception. Write a letter to the Editor, 'The Times of India'
drawing the attention of the General Manager, Delhi Transport
Corporation to this problem. You are Priti/Prakash, 15, Udyog
Vihar, Noida.

(6 Marks)

Write a letter to the proprietor of Sportslite Products, Jalandhar,

placing an order for sports equipment and goods for one academic
year. You are the Senior PTI, Mr. Abhay Rajput, of Wonderland
School, Bareilly. Write to them to deliver the goods latest by
March 10. Mention all other necessary details.
Q.6. Your family has recently shifted from the congested Delhi to
Ernakulum in Kerala. This is a very unique experience for you as
your house is situated in the midst of beautiful flowering plants
and groves on coconut trees. The fathers office is a comfortable
ten-minute walk from your house. You feel so refreshed as if you
are on a vacation in the lap of nature. Write an article in 150-200
words for the Sunday supplement of a national daily. You are
Anand/Anandi, a student of class XII.


(10 Marks)

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Write an article in 150-200 words on the topic, Poverty is the
actual cause of all evils, to be published in the young world of
The Hindu, Chennai. You are Sanjay/Sanjana Jain, a student of
Nottingham High School, Jamshedpur.
Q.7. You are a worker with an NGO that works for women and their
rights. Of late you have read of certain cases of honour killings.
Write a speech expressing your views that girls have the right to
marry boys of their choice, in about 150-200 words.

(10 Marks)

You are a psychologist who counsels school and college students.
You have been asked by the principal of a school to talk to the
students that they must not become slaves to technology to an
extent that they no longer remain social beings. It is fine to use
laptops and mobiles but not at the cost of human interaction.
Write a speech in about 150-200 words.
SECTION C - (Textbooks {Flamingo and Vistas} and Long
Reading Text{Novel}

(40 Marks)

Q.8. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that

(4 Marks)

Perhaps the Earth can teach us.

as when everything seems dead
and later proves to be alive.
Now I'II count up to twelve
and you keep quiet and I will go.


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a. What, according to the poet, can the Earth teach us?

(1 Marks)

b. Explain: when everything seems dead.

(1 Marks)

c. How does earth prove to be alive?

(1 Marks)

d. What is the significance of 'keeping quiet'?

(1 Marks)

Therefore, on every morrow, we are wreathing
A flowery band to bind us to the Earth,
Spite of despondence, of the inhuman dearth
Of noble natures, of the gloomy days,
Of all the unhealthy and o'er-darkened ways
a. What are we doing every day?

(1 Marks)

b. Identify the poetic device/devices used in these lines.

(1 Marks)

c. What makes our days gloomy?

(1 Marks)

d. Comment on the rhyme scheme of this stanza.

(1 Marks)

Q.9. Answer any FOUR of the following questions in 30-40

words each:

(4x3=12 Marks)

a. Why has the poets mother been compared to the late winters
b. What, according to Spender, can bring about a change in the lives
of the children of the slums?
c. What does the poet wish to convey by the expression, The
massive weight of Uncles wedding band?
d. How did the astrologers prophecy turn out to be true in the case
of the Tiger King?
e. Describe the dilemma that Sadao and Hana were in when they
harboured a white soldier.
f. Mention the reasons why Gandhi agreed to take up the case of

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Rajkumar Shukla.
Q.10. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

Imagine that you are Franz. Write a letter to your friend, Sara,
sharing your views on how the Prussians took away the right of
the French citizens to learn their own language? Should a
political defeat or victory interfere with the other fundamental
rights of the citizens? Express your views in the form of Franzs
Though the story, On the Face of it ends with the death of Mr.
Lamb, it conveys a positive message. Elucidate.
Q.11. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

How did Douglas prove that Roosevelt was right when he said,
All we have to fear is fear itself? Who helped Douglas in his
Comment on the plight of the marginalised with reference to
Memories of Childhood.
Q.12. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

How was Silas regarded by the people of Raveloe? Why did they
have that opinion about Silas?
What impression do you form of the stranger when he arrived at
Coach and Horses inn?

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Q.13. Answer the following in about 120-150 words:

(6 Marks)

Do you think Eppie was right in refusing the Cass offer? What
does it convey about her as a person?
Describe Griffins experience at Omniums.


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(30 Marks)

Q.1.(I). Value Points

(1x4=4 Marks)

1. No choice but to breathe the air with whatever it contains

2. both gaseous and particulate
3. indoor air ventilation systems, coolers, air-conditioners,
dampness, decay, pet animals,
4. can still be affected by some types of pollution
(II). Value Points

(1x6=6 Marks)

1. lack of oxygen, accumulation of carbon dioxide exhaled by

people in closed places.
2. Micro-organisms, allergens confined within limited area;
all members inhabiting that area breathe the same air;
prone to contracting infections.
3. a poorly ventilated building; the concentration of gases like
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen; results
in people experiencing symptoms like headache, dizziness,
nausea and itching.
4. Not








constituents in tobacco smoke identified as extremely

harmful for human health.
5. Increase in sick building syndrome in big cities where
houses are small and mostly over-furnished; accumulation of
gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, dust, insulations,
furnishings, adhesives, cosmetics etc.
6. Controlling indoor pollution by proper ventilation, controlling

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the accumulation of toxic gases; keeping coolers, airconditioners clean and dry; avoiding dampness and keeping
pet animals clean and in the open.
(III). Answers

(1x2=2 Marks)

a. pristine
b. spectrum

(1x2=2 Marks)
1. never included homemakers
2. a step towards empowerment


(1x6=6 Marks)
3. give Rs 1,000 p.m. to homemakers
4. No; only those women to benefit where annual household
income is below Rs. 3 lakh; would help 1.25 lakh families
5. Overjoyed to get money of her own; respect in society for
their hard work; gets a sense of independence.
6. would save them from starvation and raise them to
sustenance level.
7. advocates that homemakers should get a direct stake in their
husband's pay cheques.
8. doles will not empower women; actually an insult; should
have complete charge of household finances.


(1x2=2 Marks)
a. contentious
b. dole


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Q.3. a. Note making

(5 Marks)

1. Appropriate title

(1 Marks)

2. Format & numbering, consistency

(1 Marks)

3. A minimum of four abbreviations/symbols must be used

(1 Marks)
4. Notes(only words & phrases).

(2 Marks)

b. Summary

(3 Marks)

The summary must be in well-constructed sentences that

include all points abstracted in the notes; no abbreviations to be
used in summary.
SECTION B - Advanced Writing Skills

(30 Marks)

Q.4. Notice

(4 Marks)

a. Expression & Language

(1 Marks)

b. Format & Accuracy

(1 Marks)

c. Content

(2 Marks)

Value Points
Title, what, when, where
a. Expression & Language

(1 Marks)

b. Format & Accuracy

(1 Marks)

c. Content

(2 Marks)

Value Points
Title, post required, prerequisites, interview and contact


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Q.5. Letter:

(6 Marks)

Format: Senders address, receivers address, date, subject,

salutation, complimentary close.

(1 Marks)


(3 Marks)

Value points:
1. rash driving by bus drivers a daily experience in Delhi
2. mention a few route numbers that are used frequently
3. commuters have no choice but use these buses to reach work
places, schools and colleges
4. accident-prone; filled with constant tension and anxiety; often
experience narrow escapes from serious accidents
5. flout traffic rules with impudence
6. bribe the police if caught
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(2 Marks)

Format: Senders address, receivers address, date, subject,

salutation, complimentary close.

(1 Marks)


(3 Marks)

Value points:
1. specific details of sports goods ordered
2. brand & code
3. quantity for each item
4. time line for the delivery
5. reference of discounts to educational institutes on bulk
6. details of mode of delivery and verification of goods
7. provide details in a tabular form
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

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(2 Marks)

Q.6. Article
Format: Title & Byline

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value points
1. how you have grown up in the congested city of Delhi
2. often prone to allergies and illnesses
3. habituated to constant honking and sound pollution
4. seems like heaven on earth; full of scenic beauty, no pollution
5. serene and tranquil place
6. can cycle to school; safe and close by; father walks to office
7. everyone in family feels healthier in so short a time
8. vegetables fruits and general cost of living lesser
9. Delhi needs decentralisation
10. car pools to be encouraged; roads to be less congested
11. other cities to be like Ernakulum
12. all members of the family wish to settle down here forever.
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(3 Marks)

Format: Title & Byline

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value points
1. how poverty deprives people of the bare essentials
2. poor people unable to get a decent education
3. unable to get jobs due to lack of employability skills
4. see the disparity between haves and have nots
5. leads to frustration, anger, depression

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6. get into all types of addictions

7. often take to crime and unlawful activities
8. role of government for sustenance; provision of dole, getting a
ration card, education
9. getting them jobs or training
10. curbing population
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(3 Marks)

Q.7. Speech:
Format: Salutation, greeting, introducing the topic

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value Points:
1. girls getting good education; often in coeducation schools.
2. girls ventured into various professional fields and are successful.
3. mature and healthy intermingling of sexes.
4. can and must not be driven around like mindless cattle.
5. mostly girls mature and sensible in choosing their life partners.
6. unwise to limit choices to ones caste and community.
7. no honour in killing; unethical, illegal and illogical.
8. women entitled to make certain major decisions of their lives.
9. if compelled against her wishes, will not be happy; is entitled to
her share of happiness.









opinion/suggestion but not force the girl to abide by their wishes.

11.killing of any sort cannot be honorable.
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,


(3 Marks)

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Format: Salutation, greeting, introducing the topic

(2 Marks)


(5 Marks)

Value points
1. man, a social animal
2. all inventions made to benefit man
3. technology good and effective but only to a point
4. technology too advanced to make life easy
5. intended to serve not become a master and rule mans life
6. preferring gadgets like mobiles, laptops and TV to social not
good; youngsters hooked to mobile phones even when in social
7. psychological repercussions
8. negative impact on health
9. other ill effects of letting technology overpower your life
10. suggest use of technology in moderation
Expression: Coherence, cohesion, accuracy in spelling & grammar,

(3 Marks)

SECTION C - (Textbooks {Flamingo and Vistas} and Long

Reading Text{Novel}
Q.8. Reference to context:

(40 Marks)
(1x4=4 Marks)

Value points:
a. To remain serene even when work is in progress.
b. reference to the apparent superficial stillness and passivity To
get people to introspect and analyse their inner selves.
c. By sprouting new leaves, germination, yielding fruit and
blossoming after a long period of the supposed inactivity,
especially the spring blooms after a long spell of winter.

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d. By keeping quiet, externally and internally, man would see the

purpose of his life and the route that he is taking to achieve his
goal, in a holistic manner.
Value points:
a. Trying to make a wreath that keeps us connected to nature;
establishing a connection with invigorating nature
b. flowery band, a metaphor for a connection with Earth;
alliteration in noble natures; personification in gloomy days
c. Trials, tribulations, despair, arising out of the absence of
d. Rhyme scheme: a: b, b:c, c.
Q.9. Short Answers

(4x3=12 Marks)


(2 Marks)

Accuracy & expression:

(1 Marks)

Value points:
a. Mother is very old, pale and towards the end of her life journey;
her face has an unhealthy pallor; winter moon is shrouded in
mist/fog; winter symbolic of end of the life journey
b. Change possible if concerned officials ensure that slum children
are not limited but exposed to the elements of nature and
allowed to let their imagination run wild.
c. Marriage, symbolised by the wedding band; it denotes a difficult
marriage without the actual emotions
d. The king actually not killed his hundredth tiger; the wooden
tiger caused a sore which the surgeons couldnt cure; the king
died because of that.
e. Sadao, a doctor; his duty to save an injured soldier; the injured

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soldier a white man, their political enemy; betrayal to the

country if he was housed and treated; if handed over to army,
would be killed; couple very humane couldnt let him die.
f. Raj Kumar too serious about his mission; extremely persistent
in following Gandhi for weeks; followed on someones advice that
Gandhi could help in issue of indigo farming.
Q.10. Long Answers

(6 Marks)

Format: (informal letter: senders address, date, salutation,

complimentary close)

(1 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Franz shares his shock with friend
2. no more teaching of French; Prussians debars them from
learning their native language
3. earlier disliked learning French; sudden change in attitude
towards its learning
4. even started liking M. Hamel; felt very sad for him
5. war not good, unfair of the Prussians to affect common citizens
6. anger for Prussian; arousal of patriotic feelings though Franz









Accuracy & expression:

(1 Marks)

Value points:
1. one








2. focus on right perspective to life.

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3. how one accepts disability more important.

4. acceptance of disability; not to surrender before it.
5. unique approach: example of weeds and flowers, beauty and
6. talks about counting ones blessings; Derry is fit physically and
7. isolation not solution to a problem; must be dealt with
8. condemns unfounded fears; example man who locks himself up.

(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(1 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. Childhood experience left Douglas hydrophobic.
2. took time to realise that fear is in the head and can be overcome.
3. took help from a swimming instructor.
4. learnt swimming well.
5. initially was haunted by his old fear.
6. did not give up, finally overcame it due to his thinking.
Value points:
1. marginalisation






marginalised communities
2. humiliation; deprived of dignity and forced to obey rules set
down by the stronger community example of dress and food
3. stereotypical interpretation and reaction to behaviour of the

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marginalised section;

white woman staring at Zitkala-Sa;

Annans interrogation
4. insensitivity towards feelings, customs and traditions of the
marginalised category reduced to animals driven by a herder.

(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:
1. natives of Raveloe disliked, mistrusted Silas
2. did not wish to accept him as he was
3. Silas did not originally belong to Raveloe
4. Silas, a loner, not the type to mix up freely with natives
5. his appearance, bulging eyes; a deterrent
6. skill with herbal medicines believed to have supernatural
Value points:
1. appeared strange: the manner he had covered his face
2. discouraged any interaction and all courtesies
3. seemed to be rich
4. rudely refused all offers of help
5. behaviour: suspicious and weird

(6 Marks)
Accuracy & expression:

(2 Marks)


(4 Marks)

Value points:

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1. Eppie right in the stand that she took

2. Silas accepted her and loved her unconditionally when she
needed it most
3. took pains in bringing her up
4. Cass recognised her as his offspring; showed no fatherly
5. Cass waited, later wished to adopt her for selfish reasons
6. Eppie could have benefitted in material and social terms;
rejected all that for Silas paternal affection
Value points:
1. Snowstorms and biting cold, Griffins miserable
2. needed cosy place to stay; also some clothes to keep warm
3. invisibility did not make him immune to cold
4. decided to spend night in departmental store, Omniums
5. stole and ate food
6. tried many wigs and clothes; happily occupied
7. dozed off; slept warmly all night
8. morning had to dodge shop attendants finally had to leave
without clothes; couldnt be seen with them.


Educomp Solutions Ltd. 2014-15

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