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Protest in central Bucharest ends at PSD headquarte rs

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - Over ten thousand people have protested on Sunday evening,
in Bucharest against the adoption of some draft emergency ordinances regarding the pardon of some
sentences and against the amendments that may be brought to Criminal Codes. They marched on
Kiseleff boulevard, heading towards the Social Democratic Party (PSD) headquarters, while chanting
anti-Government slogans.
The protesters gathered first in the University Square and then they marched towards the
Victoria Square.
The gendarmes mentioned for AGERPRES that during the protests no incidents occurred, but
a gendarme was hit by a person who wasn't involved in the protest.
According to Spokesman of the Romanian Gendarmerie Georgian Enache, the incident took
place in the University Square after the protesters headed towards the Victoria Square, namely
towards the Government headquarters.
From the Victoria Square, the protesters marched to the PSD headquarters, where the
demonstration took place without incidents.
After 21:00, protesters started to leave the area in front of the PSD seat. AGERPRES
ID: 4800392; Data: 2017-01-23 12:33:43; Redactori: rod/paa

2017 budget draft based on 5.2pct economic growth and 2.96pct of GDP budget deficit
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - The 2017 budget draft is based on a 5.2 percent economic
growth provided estimated for this year and above 5 percent over the entire 2018-2020 time frame, the
(cash) budget deficit being forecast at 2.96 percent of the GDP, and the annual average inflation rate,
at 1.4 percent, according to the report on the macroeconomic situation on 2017 and its projection on
the 2018-2020 interval, released on the Public Finance Ministry's (MFP) website on Monday.
According to the document, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2017 is estimated at
815.198 billion lei, the revenues to the general consolidated budget, at 254.717 billion lei (with a 31.2
percent share in the GDP), and expenses, at 278.817 billion lei (34.2 percent share in the GDP),
resulting in a 24.1 billion lei deficit (2.96 percent of the GDP). The average leu/euro exchange rate is
estimated at 4.46 lei for one euro, and the monthly average salary earning, at 2,274 lei.
"The budget revenues projected for 2017 represent 31.2 percent of the GDP, 32.4 percent in
2018, and in 2020 they will represent 32.8 percent of the GDP, an evolution determined by the



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development of the macroeconomic indicators during the reference time frame, as well as by the
normative acts adopted so far. The budget expenses projected for 2017 represent 34.2 percent of the
GDP, and will reach 34.8 percent of the GDP in 2020, with a 0.6 percentage points increase, in the
context in which investment expenses go up 2.6 percentage points in 2020 compared to 2017. (...) For
2017, a (cash) budget deficit level of 2.96 percent of the GDP is estimated, while the ESA deficit is
estimated at 2.99 percent of the GDP, keeping within the under 3 percent of the GDP budget deficit
target, according to the provisions of the Maastricht Treaty. On the 2018-2020 time frame, it will
enter an adjustment trajectory starting 2018, being forecast to reach 2.53 percent of the GDP in 2019
and 2.02 percent of the GDP in 2020," the report mentions.
The documents points out that on the reference time frame there is estimated a deviation from
the Medium-Term Budgetary Objective (MTO) established for Romania, namely 1 percent of the
GDP, the structural deficit for 2017 being estimated at 2.92 percent of the GDP, in 2018, at 2.97
percent of the GDP, and following a declining trajectory starting with 2019 and 2020.
"Even in the context of having this risk, the deviation from the MTO would occur in the
conditions of keeping, during the entire planning time frame, a sustainable level of the public debt,
under 40 percent of the GDP," the report also says. AGERPRES
ID: 4800426; Data: 2017-01-23 13:00:24; Redactori: paa/paa

PSD's Dragnea: I find Romania's President ahead of a new Mineriad; it's a beginning of
a coup d'etat
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - Chairman of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) Liviu
Dragnea wrote on Sunday evening, on his Facebook page that, upon returning from the US, he found
Romania's President "heading a new Mineriad", "an unauthorized protest against the constitutional
order" and he labeled these protests as "a beginning of a coup d'etat."
"I have returned from the swearing-in ceremony of the US President and I have found
Romania's President heading a new Mineriad, an unauthorized protest, against the Government of
Romania, against the constitutional order and against the popular vote on 11 December, sabotaging
the legality that lies at the base of the rule of law. Today, the President placed himself outside the law,
targeting personal political advantages and demanding constitutional aberrations, such as: some
ordinances to be withdrawn, especially some ordinances that weren't even issued," Dragnea stated.
According to him, the events in the past days represent a beginning of "a coup d'etat."
"It's a beginning of a coup d'etat. Actually, President Iohannis wants, just like former
President Basescu wanted, to put in cuffs the power legitimated through the democratic vote. He
wants Romania to still be led by institutions without democratic legitimacy, through terror so that
Romanians can be prisoners of some unelected powers. I have stated in the campaign that I want
Romanians to live freely in their country, without fear of being listened, followed, harassed,
blackmailed and aggrieved. I won't take my words back. I support the actions against corruption, but
actions against the true corruption," the PSD leader stated.
He announced that he requested on Sunday evening the Interior Minister to pull back the
gendarmes from the PSD headquarters, where thousand of protesters gathered.
"I believe that the PSD doesn't have any reasons to be defended. The PSD is defended by its
political ideas, by its governance programme and by the popular support. I assure Romanians that I
won't allow President Iohannis to overthrow the constitutional order, to usurp the official qualities by
entering abusively in the Government meetings or to incite to social riot and violence. I want the
governance programme to be fully enforced. Beyond the selfish political game of President Iohannis,
Romanian's lives need wellbeing and safety," the Speaker of the Deputies' Chamber underlined.
ID: 4800431; Data: 2017-01-23 13:09:47; Redactori: rod/paa



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Budgets allotted to SRTv, SRR, AGERPRES and CNA for 2017, increasing from
previous year
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - The Romanian Television Corporation (SRTv) has allotted in
2017 a 950.000 million lei budget, up 661.92pct from the preliminary budget execution of 2016, the
Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company (SRR) has earmarked a 383.000 million lei budget
(+98.61pct), the budget allotted to AGERPRES accounts for 21.844 million lei (+7.16pct), and that of
the National Audiovisual Council (CNA) stands at 9.851 million lei (+3.17pct).
According to the budget draft released on the Public Finance Ministry (MFP) website on
Monday, SRTv has 950.000 million lei allotted for current expenses (+687.83pct compared to 2016),
out of which for Goods and Services - 5.713 million lei (-94.95pct) and for other transfers - 944.287
million lei.
SRR has 383.000 million lei earmarked for current expenses (increasing 98.61 percent from
2016), out of which for Goods and Services - 13.730 million lei (-91.69pct) and for other transfers 369.270 million lei.
AGERPRES has allotted for 2017 a budget worth 21.844 million lei (increasing 7.16 percent
from the preliminary budget execution of 2016). For current expenses, it has earmarked 21.219
million lei (+7.90pct), out of which personnel expenditure - 15.756 million lei (+4.83pct), goods and
services - 5.445 million lei (+17.91pct). For capital expenses the allotted amount declines 13.07
percent from 2016.
The budget proposed for the CNA in 2017 accounts for 9.851 million lei, increasing 3.17pct
from the preliminary execution of the previous year. For current expenses the earmarked amount is
9.575 million lei (+2.71pct), out of which personnel expenses - 8.400 million lei (+3.35pct) and goods
and services - 1.163 million lei (-1.61pct). For capital expenses the allotted sum increases 22.12pct
from 2016. AGERPRES
ID: 4800453; Data: 2017-01-23 13:36:43; Redactori: paa/paa

SRI: Allegations regarding Service's involve ment in protest on Sunday - defamatory

and meant to affect democratic institutions
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - The Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI) mentioned in a
press release that the allegations regarding SRI's involvement in organizing the protest on Sunday are
"defamatory and meant to affect the fundamental institutions of the democratic regime."
According to the quoted source, the statements were released "following serious accusations
in the public space regarding the SRI's involvement in organizing the protest on Sunday, 22 January."
"We categorically reject any attempt to involve the SRI in political fights, organizing protests
or any other actions that aren't in agreement with the assumed missions according to the legal
framework. We consider these allegations to be defamatory and intended to affect the fundamental
institutions of the democratic regime. The SRI is reaffirming its determination to stay equidistant,
politically uninvolved and focused on fulfilling its missions by strictly observing the law," the SRI
release points out. AGERPRES
ID: 4800456; Data: 2017-01-23 13:38:06; Redactori: rod/paa

Romania takes over Presidency of Conference on Disarmament on Monday

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - Romania takes over, starting on Monday, the Presidency of
the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva, the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs.
"Romania is part of the six states (P6) which will hold, throughout 2017, by alphabetical
rotation, the Presidency of the Conference on Disarmament. Romania is to exercise the mandate in the
period 23 January - 19 February 2017, being the first country to led the Conference works in 2017.



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The Presidency is exercised by Ambassador Adrian Vierita, a permanent Representative of Romania

with the international organizations in Geneva," the MAE release sent to AGERPRES reveals.
According to the quoted source,"taking over the CD Presidency is a new opportunity for
Romania to reiterate the firm political support for this multilateral negotiation forum in the
disarmament area and for the efforts of revitalize its activities, through adopting, as soon as possible,
by a consensus, a working programme."
In its quality as state which will ensure the first Presidency in 2017, Romania started
consultations with the regional groups and with the member states of this forum, in order to identify
the themes which could coagulate the CD members consensus and the realistic directions of action
during the Romanian Presidency, the MAE also informs. AGERPRES
ID: 4800498; Data: 2017-01-23 14:11:12; Redactori: rod/paa

Euro trades at 4.4973 lei

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - The exchange rate of the national leu currency resulting from
the quotations announced on Monday by the banks authorized to operate on the currency market is as
1 Euro
1 US dollar
1 Swiss franc
1 British pound
100 Japanese yen
1 Moldovan leu
1 Russian rouble
1 new Turkish lira
1 Chinese renminbi
1 gram of gold
The exchange rates of the currencies included in the list are based on the quotations of the
banking companies authorized to carry out operations on the currency market. This list does not make
it compulsory to use the exchange rates of currencies and gold in actual transactions of currency
exchange and book entries. AGERPRES
ID: 4800502; Data: 2017-01-23 14:13:46; Redactori: rod/paa

Minister-delegate for European Affairs to attend GAC informal meeting

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - Minister-delegate for European Affairs Ana Birchall will
attend the informal meeting of the General Affairs Council (GAC), which will take place on Monday
and Tuesday in Valletta, in the context of Malta taking over the Presidency of the Council of the
European Union for the first semester of 2017.
On this occasion, ministers for European Affairs from the EU member states, will have,
according to the practice, an exchange of opinions on the priorities of the Maltese Presidency of the
Council of the EU, from the perspective of transposing them into concrete results, according to the
European citizens' expectations, the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) mentions in a press release sent
Moreover, debates regarding the future of the EU are to be carried out, with an emphasis on
the challenges which the Union is confronted with and their impact on the action efficiency and
relevance on a European level. The discussions in this context aim to prepare the Summit of Malta (3
February 2017) and the high level anniversary conference of Rome (25-26 March 2017). AGERPRES



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ID: 4800547; Data: 2017-01-23 14:54:51; Redactori: rod/paa

ISU: Bamboo Club fire declared extinguished

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - The fire in the Bamboo Club was declared extinguished on
Monday, at 12:30 hrs, the Bucharest Inspectorate for Emergency Situation (ISU) officials announced.
A surveillance fire truck will remain at the scene of the fire.
Following the incident, which took place on the night of Fr iday to Sunday, the club totally
burned, the building being mostly collapsed.
A number of 44 people were taken to hospitals in Bucharest. On Monday morning only four
persons were hospitalized.
None of the patients had burns. AGERPRES
ID: 4800572; Data: 2017-01-23 15:12:34; Redactori: rod/paa

General Staff Chief Ciuca pays official visit to London

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - General Staff Chief General Nicolae Ciuca will be paying a
working visit to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland until Tuesday, at the
invitation of his British counterpart, a release of the National Defence Ministry (MApN) sent to
AGERPRES on Monday informs.
According to the quoted source, within the meetings, several subjects will be tackled in
respect to the multilateral bilateral relations and the prospect of continuing these relations, in a
European context of security and in respect to training in the air police area.
"The two officials will discuss about the certification exercise of the VJTF 17 (Very High
Readiness Joint Task Force), about the British involvement in achieving the enhanced forward
presence of the NATO on the east flank (eFP - Enhanced forward presence and tFP Tailored Forward
Presence), as well as about the initiative regarding the naval presence in the Black Sea. In the EuroAtlantic current security context, the visit to London represents an occasion of strengthening the
relations in the military area and promoting them, including the projects on an ally level, such as
making operational the multinational brigade in Craiova, in order to fulfill the assumed
commitments," the press release mentions. AGERPRES
ID: 4800627; Data: 2017-01-23 16:04:27; Redactori: rod/paa

Virtual meeting at UVT, live with astronaut Thomas Pesquet who is in oute r space
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - Teachers and pupils in the pre-university cycle have the
opportunity to have a virtual meeting, on Tuesday, at the West Timisoara University (UVT) with
astronaut Thomas Pesquet, who is currently aboard the International Space Station.
The video connection will be established both with Romania, at the UVT, as well as with two
other participant countries, namely Ireland and Portugal, and Thomas Pesquet will also answer
teachers' questions.
"We bring these events to pupils in order to open their appetite for science. It's important to
send children the message that exact sciences are extremely interesting and can bring exceptional
satisfactions. We are glad to have besides us Dumitru Prunariu and Thomas Pesquet. The interaction
between pupils and these astronomers is meant to open new prospects in their educational and
professional path," Rector of the UVT, Professor Marilen Gabriel Pirtea, PhD, says, in a press release
sent to AGERPRES on Monday.
The event started with presentations from the representatives of the Romanian Space Agency
(ROSA), the European Space Education Resource Office (ESERO) Romania, the European Space
Agency (ESA) and the UVT.



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In addition, Romanian astronaut Dumitru Dorin Prunariu was to hold a presentation about the
role that the space plays in our everyday life.
The meeting with Thomas Pesquet will take place in the interval between 17:45 hrs and 18:05
The event is organized by the European Space Education Resource Office and the ROSA, in
partnership with the UVT. The event will be broadcast live on the ESA and the UVT websites, and AGERPRES
ID: 4800706; Data: 2017-01-23 17:24:24; Redactori: rod/paa

MAE's Melescanu meets Moldovan counterpart Galbur

Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu had a meeting on
Monday, in Bucharest with his counterpart from the Republic of Moldova Andrei Galbur, a meeting
in which they agreed, among others, to resume the Inter-Governmental Mixed Committee between
Romania and the Republic of Moldova for European integration.
According to a release the Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) sent to AGERPRES on Monday,
Teodor Melescanu had a meeting in Bucharest with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign
Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova Andrei Galbur, the first counterpart
welcomed in Bucharest by the new head of Romanian diplomacy.
The quoted source reveals that, on this occasion, the two ministers made an assessment of the
current stage and prospects regarding the bilateral relations, reiterating the mutual interest in further
developing the cooperation on all levels, in the spirit of the Bilateral Strategic Partnership for the
European integration of the Republic of Moldova.
"Minister Teodor Melscanu underlined that the relationship with the Republic of Moldova is a
major important priority of Romania's foreign policy and confirmed the strong will of Bucharest to
further endorse the European path and the reforms promoted in Chisinau, in accordance with the
Association Agreement and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area Agreement between the
Republic of Moldova and the EU, the objective of which is to respond to the prosperity and security
aspirations of all citizens in the Republic of Moldova.
According to the MAE, Minister Andrei Galbur reiterated the firm determination of the
Government in Chisinau to fully accomplish the European agenda of reforming and upgrading the
society and thanked Romania's Government for the support granted to the Republic of Moldova in
promoting its development programmes, including through implementing the infrastructure projects
and the ones regarding the population's support.
The two ministers agreed on resuming the meetings of the Romania - the Republic of
Moldova Inter-Governmental Mixed Committee for European integration, establishing the next
meeting in Chisinau, in the first half of 2017.
Moreover, the two dignitaries voted in favor of organizing, in the spring of 2017, in Brussels,
a meeting of the Group for the European Action of the Republic of Moldova (GEARM), within which
a comprehensive analysis to be carried out on the development of Moldova's European path.
"The ministers exchanged opinions on the regulation process of the conflict in the
Transnistria region. The two ministers pleaded for continuing the efforts in order to identify a political
solution within the negotiations in the "5+2" format, by observing the sovereignty and territorial
integrity of the Republic of Moldova and adopting a special statute for the Transnistria region," the
MAE release points out.
Teodor Melescanu and Andrei Galbur concluded that the Bilateral Strategic Partnership must
be further strengthened. AGERPRES
ID: 4800782; Data: 2017-01-23 18:23:16; Redactori: rod/paa



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President Iohannis:I'll start de marches for referendum through which Romanians can
express on criminal legislation
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - President Klaus Iohannis announced on Monday that he will
start the demarches in respect to organizing a referendum on amending the criminal legislation.
"It's obvious that there is a large interest on the subject of amending the Criminal codes and
pardon. I will start the demarches for a referendum through which Romanians will be able express if
they agree or not with these steps, because when they cast their vote these themes weren't on the
governance programme of the PSD [Social Democratic Party]," President Iohannis stated at an event
which was organized at the Cotroceni Palace Museum. AGERPRES
ID: 4800806; Data: 2017-01-23 18:41:49; Redactori: rod/paa

UPDATE/President Iohannis:I'll start demarches for referendum through which

Romanians can express on criminal legislation
Bucharest, Jan 23 /Agerpres/ - President Klaus Iohannis announced on Monday that he will
start the demarches in respect to organizing a referendum on amending the criminal legislation.
"This subject, unfortunately, has become a national subject. It's obvious that there is a large
interest in this subject of amending the Criminal codes and pardon and if so, then I will submit it to
public debate and to popular vote. I will start the demarches for a referendum through which
Romanians will be able express if they agree or not with these steps, because when they cast their vote
these themes weren't on the governance programme of the PSD [Social Democratic Party] and then, if
the Government made a subject of it, then they will have to stand the popular vote on this matter,"
President Iohannis stated at an event which was organized at the Cotroceni Palace Museum.
The head of state underlined that "apparently" talks are carried out about "matters connected
to justice, about emergency ordinances on very concrete themes."
"Actually, dear Romanians, we are talking about what type of nation we want to be. Do we
want to be a powerful nation, a rule of law or do we want to be a so-so nation, a rule of law that can
be softened and discussed? Do we want to be a nation which resembles the generation that made the
Small Union or do we want to be a nation that doesn't dare to raise the voice? Do we want to be a
nation among other nations, the way European nations are or do we want to be a nation that doesn't
dare to raise the voice in the European nation choir? Therefore, my dears, we have to decide what
kind of nation we are, what type of nation we want to be. I want a powerful nation, I want a nation of
proud and free people. Romanians are proud and free and I want a nation led by honest politicians. I
want a nation led by competent politicians. Anything else is too little for me, and in order to achieve
this thing, for me no price is too high," President Iohannis stated. AGERPRES
ID: 4800836; Data: 2017-01-23 19:04:49; Redactori: rod/paa

Englis h Service Team, January 23, 2017

English Service Team, January 23, 2017
Editors Adina Panaitescu (paa)
Rodica Ionita (rod)
ID: 4800838; Data: 2017-01-23 19:08:55; Redactori: paa/paa


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