CHP (10) - Bibliography

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10.1) Legislation:
Act of Settlement 1701 (ENGLAND)
Act of Settlement 1781 (British India)
Regulating Act 1773
The Montreal Declaration 1983
Administrative Tribunals Act 1980 (Bangladesh)
Arms Act 1878
Bangladesh Civil Service Recruitments Rules 1981
Bangladesh Bar Council Order 1972
Bill of Rights 1689 ( England)
Code of Civil Procedure 1908
Code of Criminal Procedure 1898
Penal Code 1860
Constitution of Bangladesh ( All Amendment)
Contempt of Court Act 1926
High Court of Bangladesh Order 1972
Provisional Constitution of Bangladesh order 1972
Proclamation of independence 1971
Small Causes Courts Act 1887 .

Special Powers act 1974


10.2) International Instruments:

Beijing Statement of Principles of the Independence of the Judiciary in the LAWASIA Region
International Bar Association Code of Minimum Standards of Judicial Independence 1982
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1985
United Nations Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary 1985
Universal Declaration on Human Rights 1948
Universal Declaration on Independence of the Justice 1983

10.3) CASES:
Baker v Carr (1961), 369 US 185
Chakrobarty v Biswas (1991) 43 DLR 276
Canada ( Minister of Citizenship and Immigration ) v Tobiass (1997) 142 DLR (4th) 270
In Gupta vs President of India
Supreme Court Advocates- on-Record Association vs Union of India1993
In R v Metropolitan Police commissioner, Ex parte Blackburn 1968
Ministry of Finance v Masdar Hossain (2000)

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