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Mast Head The mast head is in the top left hand corner of the magazine and it saying We love

Pop. The love part of the mast head is in the symbol of a love heart and I think that this is
appealing for the young age group of 7-11 year olds as there isnt too many words, which if there
were lots of words, it might not be as appealing to this age group as they might think that it looks
boring. The words are in a speech bubble and I think they have used this specific shape, as the mast
head is an opinion. By using a speech bubble makes this opinion look like it is coming from various
different people. They have also used the word we which I think is effective as it is an inclusive
pronoun, therefore people who read this magazine might feel as one group with others whom also
read this same magazine. The magazine has done this to not only entertain and inform people, but
also so the magazine can be talked about with other people therefore being used be for social
integration. The writing for this mast head is in a bold, black, sans serif font, so it comes across as
really eye-catching for the target audience.
Cover lines There are main three
cover lines which go directly down
the left third. They have images
alongside them so we know who
they are talking about. Two of
these cover lines are asking
rhetorical questions. This is
effective because it engages the
target audience and it makes
them wonder what the answers
are to these questions, making us
want to read further into the
magazine. The magazine uses
inclusive pronouns such as your.
This grabs the readers attention
as it makes the reader feel
involved with the magazine. The
cover line your date with Richard
Wisker is making you use your
imagination and making you want
to know more about this cover
line. The bottom third is full of
more cover lines however these
are mainly images of shoes and
famous people such as Rita Ora
and Katy Perry. This is giving an
insight to who and what else is in
this magazine. The main image of
the Saturdays is in the middle and
right third and then the cover
lines are in a L shape going
down the left third and along
bottom third and I think that this
is a creative way of laying out the
magazine as it looks fun and
different to other magazines
where they mainly only use the
left, middle and right third.

Colour scheme The colour

scheme of this magazine is pastel
colours such as pastel blues and
corals. These are contrasting
colours however by doing this, it
makes the magazine stand out.
The Saturdays are wearing outfits
that are similar colours to the
magazine therefore this suggests
that the magazine might have an
in house colour scheme.

They have mentioned about three

male popstars, as the target audience
are young girls, they have included
attractive men to grab the target
audiences attention.

Top line The top line says

Saturdays Soap opera
this is confirming who is on
the front page and by using
alliteration and sibilance
makes the magazine seem
fun and quirky, therefore it
would appeal to the target

Website The website

for the magazine has
been positioned next to
the barcode and it really
contrasts off of the black
background making it
the main thing we look
at when we do look at
the barcode. Its there to
show there is more ways
of getting information
from the magazine.

Puff A puff has been used however it isnt very

big and bold because all of the other photographs
over power it. In comparison to them it isnt as
noticeable, even though its in a blue circle, and
has bold sans serif writing saying Girl Power
posters in it.

Main image - The main image is of all five of the Saturdays. They all have a dramatic look going on which links with the strap
line of Tears, tantrums and total meltdown and the top line of Soap Opera. They have done this to make the magazine
look interesting and to make people see a different side of the Saturdays, to make it look like being a popstar isnt all about
being glamourous and having the luxury life, that it is also hard work and it can get difficult. The way the Saturdays are
portraying this message though is in a comical way so the magazine still looks exciting and easy to read for the young target
audience. I think the way Frankie has been positioned in this photograph is a way of showing the most popular member of
the band as out of all five of the Saturdays, are eyes are drawn to her as she is in the centre of the photograph. Then the
other members are at equal fame as they are positioned around Frankie. They are all giving direct mode of address,
therefore catching the targets audiences eye. They have used the Saturdays as they are popular as they have 8 popular
albums out.

Pug The barcode is

positioned in the
bottom right hand
corner of the
magazine, because it is
the most less
interesting part of the
magazine therefore
the producers
wouldnt want it to be
one of the main

Mast head - This mast head has been positioned behind Katy Perrys head
showing that she is the main focus point as she has been positioned in- front
of it. She is used on the front cover as she has sold 11 million albums as she is
a popular
artist. The mast head is in a black sans serif font, so it is bold and
really contrasts off of the light pink background. The letters with circular
shapes in them have been filled with one of the primary colours; red, blue and
yellow. I think they have done this to make it look more exciting than just a
black, possibly safe mast head. I think the choice of primary colours also helps
as you can have a range of different colour backgrounds as each colour will
contrast and stand out.

Cover lines All of the cover

lines are going down the left
third. As there arent that many
it makes the magazine cover
look quite empty compared to
other music magazine front
pages. Each cover line has a sub
title in yellow however the
sizing of the writing is smaller
compared to the information in
a bolder black, sans serif font
which is much bigger. I think
they have done this because
they really wanted it to stand
out as they have got big artists
names that are included in the
magazine such as Taylor Swift
and Mike Posner, therefore
they want to make this
obvious. Again by using the
primary colours in the mast
head means that you can use
them throughout the rest of
the music magazine which they
have done for the sub titles, I
think that this is a very clever

Puff The puff has been placed in a circular shape to

make it stand out, however I think that this puff
doesnt stand out enough, because I feel that the
background of the front cover shouldnt be showing
through the circle. Instead I think they shouldve
made the puff a red background not just a red outline
because then the white and yellow writing would
really contrast off of it and make it visually clearer to

Main image The main image is of Katy

Perry a well-known pop artist. She is giving
direct mode of address which engages us
to pick the magazine up. She is in a floral
dress and has real flowers going around
her. As well in this photograph, Katy also
has black hair. All of these flowers and
colour scheme link together and it could
suggest an in - house colour scheme. They
have used model credit as the magazine
might appeal to more people both female
and males as its sexualised. The flowers I
think resemble summer as this is when
this magazine came out.

Top line The top line is

breaking up the cover lines
on the left third. It is
confirming who is on the
front page and it does this
in again a big, black sans
serif font. Underneath her
name is the strap line in
white saying inside the
court of the new queen of
pop, saying that there is a
story about Katy inside the
magazine and about how
she is the queen of pop.
This is an opinion as other
people would agree that
someone else is the queen
of pop however I think that
they has done this so the
people who wouldnt agree
with it, would want to know
why some people think she
is the queen of pop.

Pug The date has been positioned in the

top right hand corner however compared
to other magazines, they have placed the
date in a column instead of having it
vertically and I think that this is good
because it makes it visually clearer to see.

The billboard logo is very effective and

famous for its three colourful circles,
therefore having someone popular like
Katy Perry is very important as it holds
the high reputations that people have for
this magazine.

Mast head The mast head is in a white sans serif font. It stands out
vcv a grey background. The Mast head, like all the
because its against
writing is positioned over the models head and body and I think they
have done this because there isnt much writing on this magazine, and
it is mainly the image of the model, therefore the writing has been
positioned over her to stand out more. The mast head is saying
Gramophone, this is already suggesting that this magazine is going to
be traditional and possibly old fashioned, and is showing how it is going
the be about classical music.

Top line The top line stands out more

compared to the mast head as it is in a serif
font and is at a larger scale. It is also
positioned on the top of the models head
which is where our eyes are drawn to at
first especially when the model is giving
direct mode of address and looking straight
into the camera. The serif font again
suggests this old fashioned classical music
and therefore confirms the genre of this

Pug The date and

website have been
positioned in the top
right hand corner of the
magazine as this is one
of the key points that
we look at when looking
at a front cover page, so
they want us to
acknowledge this. The
barcode however has
been positioned in the
bottom right hand
corner as this is the
place that we dont
really look at as its
hidden in the bottom
corner, which is a good
thing as it isnt our main

Cover lines There are very

few cover lines that only go
down the left third of the
magazine, this makes the
magazine look boring as it
looks like there isnt much
information in the
magazine. The producers
have used the word plus
and it is in a bold sans serif
font. I think that they have
done this to make it sound
like the magazine has more
information in it than it

Strap line The strap line is

saying The worlds best
classical music reviews, this
has been positioned right at
the top of the magazine so it
is one of the first things that
we read when shopping for
magazines, and because we
see this first with the words
worlds best in it we would
automatically pick it up
because just from reading
this we know that this
magazine is going to be
good. Therefore this
magazine sets our
expectations high.

Main image The main image is of Nicola Benedetti

and from just looking at this image we can tell that she
must specialise in playing the violin as this is a prop that
she is holding within this photograph. The violin also
immediately tells us without even reading the mast
head that this music magazine is about classical music.
Classical music doesnt appeal to everyone, therefore
when looking at this magazine, you would have to really
know about classical music to know who this woman is
on the front page, compared to another magazine with
like Cheryl Cole on, people who might not even be
interested in pop music still know who she is because of
being on television and much more. This model is again
giving direct mode of address as she is looking directly
into the camera, which again is a good thing because it
catches our attention.

Colour scheme The colour scheme for

this magazine in my opinion is very dull and
boring. I feel as though with what Nicola is
wearing blends into the background colour
of the magazine too much which doesnt
make her stand out where as if she was
wearing something brighter then she
would stand out much more. If anything,
the violin in my opinion stands out much
more because it isnt the same colour as
the background. On the other hand I think
that the colour scheme does resemble
classical music very well because it is very
simple and plain colours, and with classical
music it is all about appreciating the music
being played and not about the

Mast head The mast head for this magazine is of a capital Q. This Q is in a white,
serif font which I think makes the magazine look interesting and creative which music
also is. I think the use of the letter Q is an interesting letter to go for as a mast head as
we dont know what it stands for, whether it is standing for the word questions or
queries, it could represent all different words starting with a Q. I think this is a creative
idea as the Qvv
means something different to each and every one of us that would read
this magazine, therefore it will be open to a larger target audience as it doesnt have one
meaning that different people may not like. For example, if the mast head was Classical
then that magazine would appeal to people who are interested in classical music,
therefore sales would be limited as classical music isnt everybodys favourite type of
music to listen to, so again using the letter Q as a masthead makes us ask questions of
what genre this music magazine is, so it makes us at least pick it up to look at it.

Strap line This strap line of The UKs

biggest music magazine has been positioned
right at the top of the magazine to grab our
attention. For example, if we were in a shop,
looking for a magazine, the majority of us
would be drawn to this magazine as it says
its the biggest music magazine, so it has
already categorized it for us as one of the top
music magazines. This makes us want to read
the magazine as it almost has to be good
because otherwise they wouldnt have given
it this strap line.

Cover lines - Some cover lines

really stood out to me such as
Vampire Weekend. This stood
out to me because I felt the word
vampire linked in with the
colour scheme of red, white and
black. Red linking to blood, black
linking to the gothic clothing
vampires wear and white linking
to teeth. This also links with the
main image of Cheryl Cole as she
is wearing red lipstick, she is
showing her teeth and tongue
like she is hungry and she is also
wearing black clothing,
suggesting that she is being
compared to a vampire.
Another cover line that
stands out to me is 2010 the
preview introducing the 10 best
new acts. This stands out to me
because its in a bigger sans serif
font compared to the rest of the
cover lines. Not only this but it
uses a tag saying its a preview
make us think that this magazine
will have new information that
other music magazines dont.
Also using the word best is
again showing how this
magazine has high standards and
will only give you the best
Top line - The top line for this music
magazine has been positioned towards the
bottom of the page, and it is confirming
who we see on the front page for instance
here it is saying 3 words Cheryl Cole
rocks. They have made a statement here
and I think this isnt always a good thing
because not everyone would agree with
this statement as they might not like
Cheryl Cole therefore if you dont have the
same opinion, saying that she rocks,
then this magazine wouldnt appeal to
those people and would be only set for a
target audience who like pop music and
Cheryl Cole.

Colour scheme The colour

scheme for this magazine cover
is black, white and red. I think
the use of these colours is really
effective because they all
contrast off of one another and
the red adds a little bit of colour
to the magazine however it isnt
too overwhelming. The
background is black so the white
and red writing for the cover
lines and masthead contrasts off
of it and stands out. Cheryls
makeup and clothing matches
the colour scheme so it all ties in
together and possibly suggests
an in - house colour scheme.

Puff This puff is clearly highlighted in a grey

circle. This grabs our attention as it says it is an
untold story with unseen pics about John
Lennon. It is giving information about what is in
the magazine which makes us want to read the
magazine because it is an untold story and we
want to know what it is. This magazine is informal
as it uses colloquial language such as pics.

Main image The main image

is of Cheryl Cole who at the
time of 2010 was very popular
and well known so therefore
using her as the main image
wouldve appealed to lots of
people at this time. The main
image of Cheryl I think is made
to make her look like a vampire
as she is very pale and gothic
looking. I think they have done
this because she became a
soloist after being in the girl
band girls aloud, therefore
media and herself possibly
wanted to give her a new image
of what she looks like and how
she has changed from being a
pretty member from girls aloud
to now being independent and
maybe a bit more ruthless. She
is giving direct mode of address
which engages the reader and
holds our attention.

Rules of thirds They have been used by cover lines going down the left
and right third with also the mast head in the left third and then the main
image of Cheryl is the middle third. I think that this makes the magazine
look organised.

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