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Persuasive Paragraph

Traditional stereotypes that portray women as a gentler and weaker gender has
often caused domestic violence by women to be downplayed. When we hear about
domestic violence the main thought that comes to mind is the male aggression
against women. According to The Observer, 40% of the domestic violence victims
are male and studies shows that women were the initiators of aggression half of the
time. A study published in the Journal of Family Violence claims that women are
most likely to be violent not just to their male partners but also towards children,
elders and other relatives. Portraying women in the media as being abused makes
people feel that men are usually the aggressor and there is an emotional safety in
being with women but that is false sense of safety. 32-year-old Hope Solo,
goalkeeper of the US womens soccer team, is facing charges of assaulting her
sister and nephew after a drunken outburst. She hurled insults to her nephew and
eventually when it got out of hand she punched him in the face. This shows that
women can initiate violence. According to FBI data, 90 percent of known murderers
are men, but it has to be noted that they were due to homicides and violent robbery.
The violence by women does not stand out because it causes less harm due to
difference in size and strength and it is difficult to accept that a woman can be
aggressive. They use household objects like knives and boiling water to harm their
victims. In conclusion, in this age where equality of women in all aspects is
encouraged it is also important to accept that women can also be as aggressive and
evil as men in a domestic relationship.

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