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Dik PALMER METHOD: bane of Pee ‘ EVISED DITION The PALMER METHOD of Business Writing A Series of Settteaching Lessons in Rapid, Plain, Unshaded, Coarse-pen, Muscular Movement Writing for Use in All Schools, Public or Private, Where an Easy and Legible Hand- writing is the Object Sought; Also for the Home Learner. By A. N. PALMER Late Editor of The American Penman Published By ‘The A. N, Palmer Company eine Now York « Chicago « Cadar Rapids, lows + Ports Osean 2——______— ——= The Palmer Method ————————— N EXPLANATION. good, practical business writers, ‘The object of this book is to teach rapid, easily-executed, business welling, been written to exploit anyone's skill as. pen artist. Tt aims to be of tuse to those-who are ambitions (o become The lessons it contains are not experimental, but lave been the meats of guiding millions of boys and girls, young men and women to a good business style of writing Te has not As will be secn at a glance, The Palmer Method of Business Writing has nothing in common with copy-books which have been so largely used in public schools for more than half century. If they are right, this book is wrong, The two methods of teaching writing are absolutely antagonistic, In teaching writing, as in other subjects, the nal result should be the criterion. Pupils who follow absolutely the Palmer Method plan never fail to become good penmen. On the other hand, no one ever learned to write a good, free, rapid, easy, and legible hand from any copy-book that was ever made. The copy-book has but one purpose—to secure absolute mechanical accuracy. ‘The eopy-book headline is usually first carefully pencited after a given model by a skilled penman, and shows none of the individuality of the penman employed in its construction. The penciled copy is given to a skilled seript- engraver, who engraves it by band and further perfects it wherever possible. This impossible and lifeless ideal the child is required to imitate through long, dreary pages of copying. No wonder he fails! It has been proved, through al least tWo generations, that the copy-book icils individuality ad makes freedom of move- ment impossible. It compels slow fingereaction in the forma- ‘om of letters, giving fair degree of aeeuraey where only slow writing is requized but the pupil work inevitably: becomes scribbling when the least speed itattompted. In the Palmer ‘Method, freedom of movement is thefoundation, and, through constantly repeated series of rapid ills, the application of movement becomes 2 fixed habit of the learner. Under this plan the pupil's first attempt iy naturally erude, but every drill practiced in strict accord with the pried instructions tends to add grace and accuracy to hilt Works ‘The sure resul handwriting that embocies these four essentials—Ieibility, rapidity, ease, and enclurance, ‘The drills and copies in this book are actual writing, exe- cuted with a rapid, easy, muscular movement, and then photo- engraved, thus retaining the individuality of the writer. Pupils pratticing {rom these lessons acquire the general style of the copies, but, at the same time, there is let to them the possibility of developing their own individuality. HE PALMER METHOD isa text- ‘book on practical writing and should be studied a3 such—not treated 28 a copy-bool The instructions are of tore importance than the copies, “They tell you how to develop and use the mus- cular movement in writing. TE yout do fot follow the instructions, you will fal Pupils who follow absolutely the Palmer Method plan have always learned to wiite wells Pupils who have noe first ctudied the plainly printed disections and followed them absolutely have partly Of completely failed. Failure is unnecessary, Thousands of young men and women have made The Patmer Method of Business Writing the stepping-stone to onions in business offices, where eomiercial advancement Tewarded faithful service in hundreds of classes where the Palmer Method has been {oithfully studied and completely mastered, periods cevoted to ‘written spelling, composition, examination’, and other written sWorkehaye been reduced more than half, Time thus saved has Teen put to very good use in other directions. In the beg ning etages of the work, until good position, muscular relaxa~ tiom, correct and comfortable penfioldingy and muscular move- nent as @ habit in writing have been acquired, extra practice thay be necessary; but the extra time will be saved many! times over in all written work later ‘the Lestons. Fa ‘Monehs in Usel ‘Read and Coreflly Consider Every. thing oa These Three Pazes Before Beginning the Seady and Practice of Simple Suggestions, You are Likely 0 Waste Many Hours, Some Palmer Method Facts Mugcnlar_ movement writing means good, healthful posture, straight. spinal Columns, eyes far enough away from the paner for safety, and both shoulders of equal hejght. ‘These features alone should bbe sulfiient to encourage boys and girls to master a physical training system of ving sc 4s presented i die fll ing pages, reniembering that it is impos- sills tp do geod. matcular movement dog in twisted,tnhealthfal postion, or with ti! and Heid muscles. Straight line and oval drills are of no value except as they fead torwriting. ‘They are te means through which to gain the muscular contiol that will enable pupils to master an ideal permanent style of rapid, plain-aeeprint writing ‘When pupils have learned good posture, correct penkolding, and how 40 use muscular movement in making a good twor Space compact oval, they are ready to begin to learn how to Write well, "Too many pupils think they have really learned Trow to write well when they are able to make some of the very simple drills in correct posture atthe right speed and in correct. thythm, That is really the starting-point toward good pe manship, and should be followed immediately by the practice of words, and, indeed, by the use of the movement in all ‘written work. ‘Study and practice go hand in hand in securing the best to Follow Thess Weeks, and Practice. ——— The Palmer Method ——— results in the shortest possible time. Keep the Manual open Hrefore you as you practice; study and make frequent and eare- ful comparisons of your work with the deilla you wish *0 amiake rapid progress. Your letters, words, ancl sentences should occupy the same amount of space they do in the Manual Always, before be- inning practice, the drill should be studied in every litde detail until the correct picture is in your mind. use how and where does the firs Kine in letter begins is fe made with an upward or downward stroke; how high i= the Jetter; how wide is each part: how much sunning space does fe ecupy in what direction thoufd the peti mowe in beginning, continuing, and completing the letters and at what rate of speed should the letter or word be weitten? ‘These are ques- ons that should constantly oceupy’ You @a soon a= automatic muscular movement has been established. In face, as was sid before, study and practice must go hand fh hand god results are to be the outcome Blackboard copies, though written by expert penmen, are scen at many different angles, and at clfferent distances, and do not give correct mental impressions Ie is highly important not only that pupils have copies of the Manual, But that they study the printed instructions and drils, closely and constantly. ‘The plainly printed instructions in the Paliner Method tell ‘you step hy step exactly what ta do and how ta do ft, in order i progress steadily and surely toward the desired end. Millions of American boys and girls have learned a perma- nent style of fapid, casy, legible, and beautiful writing by carefully and patiently following the printed directions found in the Palmer Method of Business Writing. Final results have then, heen delightfl t0 pupils, teachers, parents, and school officials, ‘The first step is a correct understanding of the required position. Study’ the pictures on pages twelve, fourteen, and fifteen, of 2 pupil who has learned how to sit so as to use the large tircless muscles of his arms ¢o the best possible advan- tage. Study every litele detail of these pictures from the crown of the head to the shoes. Study particularly and closely the arms, the relation of ane arm to the other, the position at_the desk, the distance of the body from the desk, and the positions of che fingers preparatory to talking the penliolder.. AAs progress is made in the more advanced lessons, you should refer frequently to these pictures and try to sit as this pupil sat when his photographs were taken for the Palmer Method. When writing, he always sits ae shown in, these photographs, and he knows that it would be physically im- possible to use muscular movement writing in a cramped unhealthful position. ‘There is an old saying, “Practice makes perfect.” That is only partly true in relation to writing, Practice of the right lund leads toward perfection, but the wrong kind of practice leads just as surely in the opposite direction. Itis not so much the exercise that is practiced as the manner in which it is practiced. Millions of pupils have wasted the time given to movement exercises because they throught it.was the exercise that counted and mex the manner in whieh it was made. ‘There is no value in any penmanship drill ever invented unless it is practiced with correct, positions of body, arm fingers, penholders, paper, and with exactly the right move ment, and at exactly the right rate of speed, If you study the instructions in the Palmer Method, and follow them absolutely in daily praetice, you will make steady ‘progress and, within a short time, become a. splendid penman. Bur, even should you spend a great deal of time practicing the drills in @ poor position with eramped muscles and with the ‘wrong movement, you not only will make no progress toward good writing, but will contract bad habits, or firmly fix those already established, and, under such conditions, the possibility of learning to write well will constantly become more and more remote. It isa fact, that among the thousands of men and women ‘employed in business offices who do longhand writing con- Sstantly, rapidly, and well, none can be found who do not use muscular movement, because it is the only movement through which penmanship embracing in the highest degree legibility, rapidity, ease, and endurance can be developed Ic is now generally conceded that systems of copy-books have inevitably zesulted in a poor finished product of penman= ship, . Public school officials and teachers were satisfied with ‘copy-boaks so long as they did not consider good posture, miiscular relaxation, casy, tireless movement and reasonable speed as important factors. Then the discovery was made that pupils were able to draw the letters slowly and very ac- curately in close imitation of mechanically engraved copies, but that when rapid, continuous weiting was required in the pen- of Business Watt. §, ——————— 5 manship employed in written spelling, compositions, examina- tions, etc., the letter forms became dissipated in appearance ‘and soon approached the stage of scribbling. ‘Te must be conceded by everyone that any system of writing which does not lead to an automatic style embodying legibility rapidity, ease, and endurance is a failure. ‘The term “Copy-book” has been applied for many vears to sheets of paper bound together with a cover, containing at the top of each page a line of writing or an exercise to be imitated by the pupils on the lines below. Sometimes the headlines are made from carefully penciled copies, mechanically perfected through a system of hand engraving. ‘There are also bound books, with copies at the top of the pages that were really writen’ with some show of muscular movement and afterward photo-engraved, but the copy-book principles are involved in the publication of such books— ich preclude the teaching of good writing through their use. ‘The mental attitude of pupils who see before them the immaculate page upon which they must make reproduc: tions, as neatly facsimile as possible of the copies at the top, is wholly unfavorable to the process. [Another recent eopy-bookk system is the pad with the copy at the top, and sometimes at the top and center of each page, there being blank lines below for practice purposes. ‘These modified copy-books are probably doing just. as much harm to the cause af practical writing as the former kind. “Unless the mental attitude is right, physical conditions will be wrong. / te Palmer Method First Specimens Beginning pupils should write three sets of first speci- ‘mens on paper about 8x1024 inches. One set should be kept by the teacher, another retained by the pupll, and one set sent to the nearest office of The A. N. Palmer Company. ‘The value of these first specimens will be elearly apparent as the work of museular movement development-and applica- tion progresses and comparisons are made, Those sent to the publication office are alphabetically arranged and kept for future reference, When pupils have mastered the move- ‘ment and become good business writers, their second specimens should be sent to betfled with the first. ‘The improvement is often so great that the first and second specimens may be engraved and published with great eredit to the schools, the pupils, and the Palmer Method In ‘these specimens the following form should be followed: On the frst fine write the name, the age, and the grade; on the second line, the name of the school, city or town, and the date. Skip one line and make a set of capitals; skip 2 Ti and make two lines of miscellaneous figures; skip a line and write, “A specimen of my best writing before I began to practice muscular movement writing from the lessons in The Palmer Method of Business Writing.” The above was written ia minutes and. seconds, Clothing for the Right Arm ‘As the muscles of the right forearm play an important part in the movement, itis necessary that they should beso clothed as to permit, at all times, unrestricted action. Many good writers consider this of such importance that they cut off the ight undersleeve at the clbow. To the Teacher: See that pupils’ arms are free of heavy clothing. Writing Materials Not much progress can be made with poor paper, poor pens, oF poor ink. Good materials are a necessity. Do not use a penholder covered with metal where the fingers rest if another ean be procured, Never use an oblique penholder in business writing, Tt is out of place and of no advantage whatever. Nothing equals an oblique holder for ornamental writing, but there its utility ends. Use paper of generous size for your practice, a medium coarse pen, and ink that flows well, Blue-black writing fluid is the best: Seudy the instructions they are of more importance than the copies Lesson 1 Correct Positions for Classroom Writing N_ the following pages are reproduced ‘hotographs of a clas of students who are fxgerte ia the Palmer Method weleing, While they knew that their photographs were {0 be taken, they did not change theie every-day peamanthip positions fa the least particular, It twas not necessary, because they bal all acqulzed the habit of sitting in positions that are com= fortable and which at the sume time permit ‘muscular freedom and contra. In elementary schools in ciclac, space is s0 limited that the vse of tables or desks large ‘enough go permit the square front position for writing is usually impossible, IF the desks are ‘too anal for the squate front position the halle right side position may be u of Business Writing Study These Pictures Closely It Will Pay In the rat ptr, notice that the right elbow rete on or ea te lower ight corer ofthe desk Thie poston may be cecaowally molied to nit the needs of pupils. Av an example, @ tery ft boy of gil may fit neesary tole Uheright erm est over onthe dscaitlefrtber [A good rule to follow in fading the coreet position of the right arm on the desk for writing fas follows: Plaze the body at the desk fn che conrect square front position, raise the entire Tight arm a few inches, and withdrawing con trol let it drop. Wherever it strikes the desl it shoild remain. To draw the arm toward the fide would fore the right shoulder upward into ‘uncomfortable, unkealthful positon, or would force the pupil to lean backward. On the other hand, to place the right arm farthes over on the desk would force the body too far forward ‘To the Teacher: ret Monesis nod show thelr lary wth {7 ‘These photographs show thet the papile st comfortably in he sets; that dhe upper ends of ‘thie penholders point Hele to che right of thee tight stioulders-uevally ball way: eewees the tdbow and the shoulder; thatthe Palmer Method is placed at the upper left corner of the desk— beng held open at the required del with a rubber band that th left forearm so the dese fn such a postion az will kenp the body uoviht, the left shoulder ‘rom drooping, reserving the free ue ofthe lef tiand for changing the positions of the Maral and the paper as required. In thie position it is easy to puch the sheet of paper forward ns progress « made toward the bottom of the page als to move the paper co tho left when the writiag has reached a third or hall the distance across a ine, and baek into the fest position for a ew Ti “The exact position of the body at the desk and the relative positions of the left and sight aris in wilting ave very clearly shown ia i 0, while che poiton of che left arm ia its re- Inti to desk, Manual, and paper, bet shown in stration theee No student who fails ia the matter of position will master mecular moversent writing. Correct Position is of the greatest importance, and it Should be studied and thovouglly mastered be fore the writing itself i considered Lesson 2 Physical Training in Penmanship Practice Correct Posture, Relaxing Exer cies, Movement Practice, and Penholding ‘Taught in Pictures Nec oe muscular movement ring. well Chere iss comeet undesstanding of the impae faut ate and the order in which they mutt be (alee, 0 written of spoken words can explain these sore fully sa plaialy chan the Siteen accom paving pictores given as models. They tll ll that could be tld about the important beginning steps, anid they should be sted weh thoroughe nessnoseandoftenduring uturepractceperiods, ‘Step one, ilestsstion fours Poeicon in saat with arms Hanging limply at the sides. Step two, number five: Body turned a litle 40 the Tefe and arin extended above the desl wists and iagerstimp, Step three, sumbersix: After yermilting both arme to deop to the dest, enise Fight arm a= show ix the picture, withdraw onto] and let i drop, repeating the operation titi the arm dkops comfortably into the writing sition, with a aquare tur ot the elbow and fingers bent naturally. Step four, number seven: Learn to run the weiting machine. Notice the closed fingers making fist and the absorbed intereet with which thie boy studies ‘is arm eae theclbow.. Thearm isthe mackine, tnd the engine that maves it i aboverkie elbow. ‘With the ain fying on the desk fa that postion, ie requires but litle efor co drive the wrist for- ward ont of, and to pull it backward into, the Hleeve; this ie "muscular movement.” Pix in your mind the followieg facta: In’ muscular toventeat writing the arm io never raed above, ‘but les on the desk all the time in a periectly ‘natural, comfortable postion; the sleeve remains fname place on the desk at all times, sad the flesh on the arm moves, the action being side the sleeve. Careful study of illustrations nine and ten at this point will be helpful. The arrow points to the maia tert, which should always be che larger part of the forearm near the elbow. In writing, the wrist and eld of the hand should ever touch the paper. ‘There are only to fests, the muscle near the elbow, as explained, of Business Writing ——_———_19 and the thied and fourth ingore those fingers fpplying a niovable rest, and gliding ever the paper in the various directions in which the pen Do not thin: of writing or penbolding at thie ‘int, but give all your attention to postion, scua relasation, and the running ofthe wei. ing machine, util good position and easy move: iment have beoome nctural. It often pays primary grade pupils e2 practice on postin, Telang exercces, and movement, from thre t0 ix west belore taking weising instruments. Te is best that all beginners on muscular movement practice should devote several periods to these things before thinking of penbolding or writing ature progress depends upon present under: standing of these frst important steps. Even iter betinning the movement dell, and when fuscalas movement is used in all writing, parts Of practice periods should be dovoted to the Study of the writing machise, and t0 the cally thenle exercises suggested vetration number sight is worthy of close stody and initation, “This boy was looking at ome object at a distance, In this position you shonld practice the moveinent. ‘Test the move tent here, and see if you can fool the action of the muscle of the forearm as it rests on the desk. 3 2 = 8 z a a Read page 7 for io somber 2 Position illustration — of Business Writing Th No.4 Definition of Movement Muscular movenene, as applied to writing, she movemrt mf the miscles a! tbe arm om Ee ‘Shoulder tothe wie, with the laser part of the sent below the elon the dec, the fgets not ing held pid, ue remains eussive, ane eltheresteqded hor contracted ts che formadion AEeenee fa hie meyennent the dcving power ‘Egcated stave the elbow in the upper miscles ithe ‘Examine you right arm, Notice the increas “Mar front te wes tothe elbow, Note pare fly the elusiity of the muscies, On the Neo. s No. 6 lati and develop of tome msc de; pends our success in learning & good style 0 Wilting. (Reread this and make sive that you Uforouchywidertand ‘wig spacer mover Tent mee’ before goles abies, because yoo" success depends upon Te) To the Teacher: ‘You should agsin examine your students fon leson one and also on this lesion. No.7 No. 8 How to Develop Muscular Action, Place your arm on the deck and close the fn, gers of dhe right hand Sghtly, [Muber mine) Ew far vou enn meve the hand forwatl and Thane withoeHipelag the seve or without Any rtion of the wrist ar gers ‘Gan you move that hand through space eu ditance ae oy capital Could Sou make a capil thresh fo or three Tings Uke pages, two or theee times larger than ocessady, without uny action of the fingers? 2 ———$ The Palmer Method \ Position illuteation number 3. Read page 7 for intrusions of Business Writing fourteen are five pictures ef a boy Plendid position for aber eleven, the right elbow fx then be lowered unt it et the Belt amis placed on the two, and thee, shown in picture nd then the exercise of tke muscles begios, the desk, and this i best position, exce thin that the bone of the elbow grates on the be extended off the disco ecary to extend the tlbow move thaa an inch; nd not one pursl fa Ihundeed will need to take advantage of this ex eption to the rule, that the entre right arm should be on the de In number thirteen, make a special study pper part of the penholder, 1e docs not point toward the right shoulder, and never wil fitted to arm, wrist, and hand ere allowed to retain al positions al and desk ure ach other, In animber fourteen, agai 0 look at the or fiteen, notice early the dirtance oy and the desk, ‘ola fick that example in the matter 5 fathfully you 4.-— The Palmer Method = of Business Writing ———$=_$_=_—___——15 No. 1 LESSON 3 Here are additional pictures from which you are expected to learn more about the best riding. Seo position for museular mavemen the righe (square) tarn of his right arm at the iow the position inthe seat; the postion ‘of the back the distance betreen the boy an ‘the desks the positions of the left arm and the No, 19 Toft hands and the distance between the eyes and the paper Tn this lesson you should review all that was said in lessons One and two about important beginning steps, position, muscular relaxation, and penholding. ning the writing machine) a few cut the penhole, then slip the penholder into the right hand from the left, an peactce the movement without touching Practice movement (ru: tes with 2 pen to the Now20 No. 28 paper, arm closaly, and giv- ing more attention 10 comect pasicion and movement chan €9 anything else. Are you comfortable in your eeats do your arms feel comfortab the peuholder lightly in the hand without pinching ie? things. Tn the next lesson more particular attention and are you holding Give close attention 10 these will be given to penkolding. The Palmer Method = Hand, Finger and Penholder Studies ATUDY oly she trains ‘oa Pesan scien ore Fe it eaio ans val numbers twenty-four and twenty you should study the relation of the pene Holder to the hand, As you ses, isa tle below the knuckle joint. The frst Singer Trends naturally, and rests on top of the holder about one ineh from: she point of the pen; the thumb rests on the holder nearly ‘opposite the first joint of the frst Binge and the thisd and fourth fingers are ben touching the paper and ferming a movable rest. Whether those fagers hend exactly a the illustrations show will depend upon their shape and length. Tt does not matter ‘whether they rest on the nal oF sides if they are comfortable and cau be used eas ily as the movable rest. Time Required to Learn The proces Of barsng 2 Goatees of Be RAO, «ote ag cs sc nea pee acd he mesial ac of teacher and pupil, and the exactness wi which directions in Pupils who constantly practice the move: ‘Manual are followed. ‘ment dels ia poor positions with incorrect jovetnent never even get started, and pupils ‘who practice from fifteen to thirty minutes a day in good positions with correct movement, but who fall back into the old bed cramped positions and finger movement habits in all ‘other writing, do not get beyond the beginning stages, no matter how many years they may practice. ‘The pupil who becomes the absolute mastor ‘of a finished style of muscular movement ‘yriting within the Hint of ix months or one school year is he who gives the closest atten- ‘ion to every detail lating to the beginning steps, who follows the printed instructions closely, who sts in correct position at all 5s, and uses muscular movement through ‘oat the writing lessons, and in all his written ‘york within a month from the time he begins sw study the Palmer Method. other subjects itis ‘possible to lay the foundation for an excellent Wishout conflicting handwriting in one school year, with but Bf teen to thirty minutes dally study and prac- ‘ice, and the employment of muscular move- ‘ment ia all wricren work just as soon as possi ble, As progress is male in the grades the use of muscular movement can be permanently established. ‘The boy becomes an expert ball-player by laying ball. Ac fest he is awkward and un- ‘certain, but, as he studies the methods of those who have become experts, and continues to practice, he takes on self-confidence, and of Business Writing ——$—$—$—$—$—$—_$_——__17 finally develops into an expert, even though he could not hit a single ball during Bis first few games, Boys and girls who learn to akate with almost consummate grace must pace through the awiward stages, when they sit down in- stead of stand ng up as they had planned, and \when their feet take possession and run away with them. Ininstrumental music of any kind ‘one does not become an expert without first learning haw to practice and then practicing in esactly the right way according to methods is the same prescribed by master teachers. jn penmanship: first learn how to practice ‘and then practice faithfully. Acquire elas. ticity, Hghtness, and freedom, and do not ‘ind if the pen suns away at fret and makes some awkward letters, This is to be expected But stick to the right plan, and gradually yeu ‘will gain control of the writing muscles of the arin, and with close attention to general form, size, slant, acing, and eorrect movement ap- plication, you will become a splendid muscular ‘movement penman in a few short months. 18} = —— The Palmer Method = No. 26 HESE: dingrams are intended to show Clearly the postion of the writing paper on the desk, the relative positions of arme, paper and desk, and the dveetion ia which the ‘en moves to seeure uniform slant, Number ‘eenty-crs the half position moctly used in public schools and best adapted tothe, beewuse Sf the chatacter of the desks, Number twenty even f the square froat position. Teboth diagrams, A represents the square tum atthe ight elbow and its postion on the desks B inthe macular rest of the orearm,C the position of the lft hand is its relation to the paper and the right hand, D the penholder, and FE the Imaginary’ Tine betwoan the eyes along which the pea should travel in upward and downward ftrokes, ‘With the ret forearm crossing the ower edge of the paper a tle to the right ofthe center, the pen should progress one-fourth or one:third of the No.2 istance across a sheet of paper eight inches wide, before the paniton of the paper ix changed. AL. ways use te ef hand to move the paper. Paper S10} inches fn width should be moved theee or four times in the progress of the pen across it, When the end of the line bas ben reached, the ayer should be returned to ite original position, ‘nd should be moved upon the desk the width of Lilt the pon before meving the paper. of Business Writind 19 It is not Palmer Method if the lines are tremulous. Study instructions for speed requirements LESSON 4 [Now the serous iork of using and applying the correct movement miscilr relaxation, and nenholding. Don’t practice before you, know ogi Na tS ay bo eke any fart of Til one, review Feazons how. Wilh the It hand, mgve the paper Ip the elt three times at equal aoe eee cence ive the clones posible attention to position, intervals in the progress of the pen acros Drill 1 Letting the distance betworn the Evo ruled lines, threes of an and later as lighter moverent ig developed, tet revuitions, Ia his dil in Sepang pce uhh any par of Rect sv cali cl Pa a or ea a inch apart, represeot Os fess dis aul you Rave a good mental pture oval enclnig it, Thisorder may be changed frequently snd the ovals made Of ti heights poportone, and general appearance, fatto an important dell avis haa very epee beating upon lat Fe a oe eee ine pak ol the dell, sady cloadly "To the Teacher: Itmay be proSiable fot thud fourth, and Sith year Fae eta de cnigtaeren on page cighicen, “There Sno pupils to qpend the practice pied of one wock in stodying and pracheing Cin ny Ea eye rctoa peaticed wit forward and the bwo movement Gril given in this fespa, reviewing eich dey even Palys in the slp ne domard lie center ol the body, with the paper thing that hot gone belore, Pupil in the sath, seventh, and eight held ip he cornect postion Yous and in highschool clisees should e able to progress ore reply: athe cores Past yeral parts of dell one hich enough at fest Velo not sale to say how mpi, ae that depends upon tse knoe of si Seana Mas the eve ee without Couch the pen vo the the leacher, the mental catber of the pups thei inter. the work, Daped unt you have developed tore muscular freedo the length of the day lesons, and the amount of the right kind of outside Lae eect sli one, Che waced oval should frst contain six, practicing that pups do, 20} No.28 Study the accompanying illustration, number twenty-eight. Note te slretinn in which the Upper part of tke penholdr pointe, thy distance tartmeon the elbow nt the ski, the sl-spport ing postion of the body fs thechatr and the die lune of the eyes from the paper. Bo not fosges that the force that moves the hand and carries the pest along. without bending the fingers i The Palmer Method —— above the elbow: x not located in the fingers frandy west, or fore The fingers hold the pen cally and Semly withove pinchingy the thid and doureh fingers fre bene backward aad orm the movable rest {ince te ands either the wriee nor sie of the hand touches the paper and the arm shoul rest al the time on the largest porcion infront of ad hear the elbow Ti the paper you ae using has ines eight inches long, divide the page in the center from ete to ght wilt & dot? then divide the halves fy the tester with other dots. Beginning ac the left for the senighe Line del, mike one hundred down tvard strates to the frat quarter mark, and ¢ tthe sone manner foreach quartet Tis indeed downward stroker andy of coi an equal uber of upwatl strokes should be ‘ade i he fou sections extending across ine, See dill on; page nineteen, Counting to Regulate Motion In developing Hight, uniform motion in clase penmanship practice, counting te important. ft ineresting, tones doors the ally ery papily acts as ‘eonotant spur to the babicvally slow boy or gi fd keeps the indolent etudont busy, In the Sbllguestraighe five and the oval exercoes given dull one, the downward strokes ooly should be ousted. The other parts of tho ills, being What are termed connective lines, ate ot counted About Speed ‘Speed is so important in the development of oot writing tht shold receive close attention Eo all practice work uit cosert speed hs be ome a habit. Too rch speed is jt a bad a too little. Correct speed forces light, frm line {oo tle speed rents in shakey emo nes ‘while excesive spre nieans irregular letter Toramtion. It you develop a lit, frm, elt motion, and the proper degree of spe in straigit ne td oval aineng, you-wil fred the work he follwing lewons tomparatively easy ‘The straight line and oval exercises in drills one, two, and three should be made at a speed of two hundred downveard stro toa minute; one hundred in one-half a snd then move the paper. ‘The most convenient count for continucus straight Hine or oval exercises ex given in dill (wo 11, 2,5,4,5,6, 08,9101, 2.3.4, 5, 0,7, 20-112, 8,4, 5,007, 859,301, 2.8.46 5,6, 7.8, 9,401, 28,48, 6, 7,8, 9,50, contning ati ‘seo hundell as Bee reached. Une corrxt speed habits ave feen developed, the second oud of watch should be eed a & guide, A few minutes in the right way are worth ‘more than hours of practice in the wrong way. - of Business Writing ——$—$—$>$___—__—] LESSON 5—Drill 2 Pegi thi eon, with a neviow of rains and moveent without Do you mn the doting at the lin dil tw? ‘The ae thon the ps, Ae lla sv minute ule devoted to neste you te ger ition sm ich the pet oven king Un down prsefie of the straight ine and oval dil in this way. ABOUT SLANT Slant geeds no special study, but wil Gale cate of its the fn. toward the canter of the body, evelop uniform alant, scrugions fave Deu sind grt heed. opel this tue te dough diferent papi muy vdvidual Slants. Following. the fet tote pon at Se dest the poor of the pape. and ars ime leg, lJ on on tie ‘lation of each 46 the ether, and the Changing of the Giferent ante 7 nsth of ator a ie handy to esp ie the Right poston in fegaed Yo the other physical conditions. “Pmatter of fave ots body, and arm 'Sce diagram™page eighteen Se ee ee ee ee POR poston ie carves aud Hall downward strokes arc made weling 22] —<—<—$—S— —_ The Palmer Method {In diil to, ce how many compact ovals you ean make with one dip of ik, and try ta develop. ‘motion eo light aud slate that you wil soon be fable to take from five hundred to a thousand, land one thousand or more on line eight inches long. ‘Many young pupils have developed such con- ‘oof musculae movenient that they have made tore than two thousand avals with one dip of inl, ina tpace not more than eight inches lon, Indeed, one boy of trelve mace theee thousand in he limite of a page et Inches acror, taining @unilorn speed of two hundred to 8 rminste. The pen used was ofthe ordinary Ege, business variety. Skil in oval making should be deyslped rac- wally from dos’ 19 day, as eo oF threo minutes at the beginning of each practice period are devoted toovala, Never mals ovalbon the “backslant.” ‘Avoid this by pulling the strokes toward the center of the body Lesson 6 Each practice period should begia with 4 re view of postion, careful eudy ofthe arm, Bess, and penbolling, aad practice of the preceding ‘hovements, without touching the pen to the paper, While going theough these preliminary Aris, the eyesshould travel up and dawn thearm foom fingr-tps to elbow, and the pupils should be sure that the writing machine bas boon eare- fully adjnsted, and is ix pefeet working order before the pen touches the paper. See that the arm is perfactiy relaxed and that the wrist docs fot touch the des, Preparatory Motion Read! the following carefally until thoroughly ‘understood. It is of especial value co besinners, fore tuaking the oval dil or attempeing aay part of auove the pen inthe afr rapidly aver the ath ofthe est oval several times. While doing this, wateh cloely the movement of the muscles Dofearm. While the penis moving api, and without checking its motion, lt it strike the paper, The force thus gathered willcomp! light, vickeaction, break up finger motion, give smooth Fines; and wi form building Form Building ‘The compacs oval 1 the repeated form of a large capital 0. Keep this constantly in mind ‘and learn at once to criticize it with spacial refer. ‘ence to the slant, with, and general formation of feapital Oa lite more chan twice the size used ‘Mind and! muscle must work in perfor kar mony to secute the best rents lore begining the practice of any dell or letter, study its form closely, part by par, and as ‘2 complete whole. In wlae direction doos the pen move to make the first ise? Seo that the pen roves in that diretion before coming. in contact ‘the paper. Desurethat the spec is neither oo fast or too slow, but suc ae will make to hundred complete ovals to « minute. Do not fries abot che speed, but use a watch, I the oval & too wide, itis because of t00 nearly cirenlae motion, and you should uee more of the forward and backward motion of the fteaightline exercise, If t00 narow, itis besause {eo anuch of the straight ine motion wos weed, land the movement should be more nearly ctex Tar. Retnetber ehe connection between mine, ‘msela, and motion, ‘When the oval & too sarrow, repeat to you elf," Wider, swder, rounder, rounder, rounder, rounds," wndl it is wide enough. I the oval presets a baci slant appearance whe Eaised, es because the downward strokes were made toward the Fight elbow instead of the center of the body, ‘On the other hand, i the oval slants too euch, je ie because the dena strokes were made toward the lee shoulder instead ofthe enter of the body-—always providing that instructions re- Intng to position have been strcty followed. —— of Business Writing ————————————J3 et edt tek tL LEAL AL ED O teh eat tt LP LO Lt EEE elke bbacblielbatl steed he Le ‘When pupily sake the ovale fairly well they ape seady to Begin to be sich an will permit, good formation, and produce sharp, clear-cut apply muschigy movement io words and stances, The ovals ven above lines, Fear ayer ack Mais aod teeters ty the werd “mine Good practice apeed for Une winds is “ving,” cightean, “useg” Bee een nar osc melUr as highy or onesinteunkh menty and sell" Peenty-two fo the minute. ‘These wars should be Fee a ie Grae are tree times as Re au tye mumimum practiced bow unl they ean be written well and ould be reviewed Seana ra eects seabed to anake a miginiim lectr, com. frequently. Practicing them af this stage with muscular movemert wil ‘Sted ye minsigr ore eel maingevaey Pomake ie Sazd gee scale conideer and had enor thee a ovat Fae Ee a ton must be wed, while to malce the fuscilar movement ix al writen work. Other cany words tay, be aoa tae er eer at taetundermotion ascesary. aclested feom the Manual and practiced occasionally.” Itt 3 distinc Pan oe igi te uadersmotion fs used In forming tne advantage to study frequently af thi tage leona 15, 16, 12, 19,20, and Tare wo i etcns ae well asin connective lines, ‘The speed should $2, and Wo practice drs 1 4, 15, 17) 18) and 33 aj}———————— The Palmer Method LESSON 7—Drill 4 COQQ008 GO0GO2 COOGRO Resin, as uaual, with careful atudy of the waiting machine, adjust it carefully and test the movement. Then prachice the two-spaie cite ‘ect oval i dill thre, ‘ation. Preparatory. Jn il Tour Ue speciale st, develop a alla, continous By nrg hee pl he nt tn tag al he nd good wring position, be'broushe to the pager. Uras forcing Tn passing frort oa oval to anothers the pen should be thout chécking the motion, Uke pen shld te make shat, eleaneut Lines, ad from tie paper al the bac Tine without chocking the mation, should swing belowr Ei tnce tine to the right and to she begining of the’next oval a ator speed being maintained thronghowt.. Thue the motion i= coatinucus ‘nd no shaky lines aro potable. nigh the nal oval in each group with 4 upward Fight curve as shown in the del Move the papet with the left and atte exch group of re ‘Pupils should stady" the allove intractions in connection with the ‘oval practice until fully understood. These fastctions sre important, faving «direct baasiag upon the pti of eapital leter Drill 5 QAQA OGQAQOA QGOL OAOA OGOAOAOAOK Drill ve ie what we term a forcing movement del the bet forthe bagnver to practice Tg hg, est staced oval a six revolutions to a cout of pee eee fn thea ee hetng he motion ath satnging Sen the Si to che beg ‘ofthe capital A. Thi the pupil willbe impelled Iron sow Uy ovement to one that ie eastic and Tapid. Ths form tay-nob be et e and it one of| 2, ng the po at the bas Hine one ath count without girs ely satisfactory at fst, but it wil improve rapidly if this process is continued feng enough and fequentiyreeesteds a ‘The tate of apted should be about Uwenty complete traced ovals, and 2 many capita the rite, Belore begining to practiety count the ovale and tetters There aro sven of each ou are explcted to make the same number on a Be of equal length of Business Writin3 25 LESSON 8 —Drill 6 “Amwume correct positon; practice the movement without, and thea with, the penholder. Compact ovals (yo ot shresriinutos atthe tate af vo hundred to a minute and praclie the two-p HAH AKAA HAAA. HAA Whea two lines are connected in an angle, « postive stop at the poiat of connection necessary. This piineiple applies co the top of Egpital A where ¢he upward and the lat. downward strokes are joined Ag stop (a vuch & small excion of 4 second in duration that it ea Hance detected.” Without the slop ab the top of capital Aa loop wil betmede: “To eipphasiee tite stap connection weigh eapital A the fol wing conversational coat haa been dveloped, "Vou stop, You stop, A'tHe topy you ston, every time, at the top. How Tong do you stop af Gre topt Noe ong: But you stop’ every Limey atthe top. What for, what for, what fort Okt To clowe them np, to dose them up, to close them Sp and repeat Other converatonat counts that may be used with Shall ean the ete on Ye ee: Slide the han, on the finger soe Thea lide, over the papen, make Mien {Mfec"" Make your letess the sume tee sin the dri, ne begin each fics as the pon Mover downward. Make capital A in groupe of five, find rove the papeta itl to te let alter eaeh of the Gs Uo group se nuleate! by the cheek marke When the thd yroup of ive hax been 2 eh . HAAKAA, AX AAA. AA AAAAK KAKA, AA HKA AKAAA ‘le sure Uist you are using exact the right movement, eoatanay Wa AA AAA AAA fisted, move the paper to the right to its correct pxton for beginning allie: Learning ta ave the paper in this and in other dil is very fottant. ‘Thereate three groupe of Gvey making fitecn Letters to 2 Hne in Fella, and five tines, seventy Ave letier,skeuld be made ina, minute, Hla dhesP one Yen the Seto ocd eters shows ie ath cover which the pen should move without touching the pepary i posing Flom te later do the met, A contr of ten sald be wee exch group ef ives and She count for eh He should be 12, 3-4, 86, 78, 0-10, move fhe popers 12s Solr 90, 73) DL, move he paper, 12, 34, $4, 78, 910 trove the paper. in Beginning every practice peried hereafter, your pro Fram should be the twarspece conipect oval, one minstte-two hundred ‘val, and capital A, aba apecd that il produce at least sixty-five and ‘Vary soon seventy-five n'a inate. Por fe preen, three minues could ‘ery profiel be epent in repestig the capital A with an eas, swinging, Fiyliinte motions. Select your best capital and compare fe with the model fiving cow allenton to sae, cant, width distance bebwecn Tellers and fhe hecioning aad Bnishing ites. 26]: The Palmer Method = ‘f mmcular movement ia taught to pape ofthe frstand gscond year copias of this Manual, study it elotely, and follow it absolutly in daily gina de acer Palmer Method plan, they willie? the practice under teacher ws have metered the lemons beter sticmaiin ‘sear of ther school life well prepared to ue the movettent inal seit fo teach them, rapid improvement wil be event from week io won. om ‘iting. I poilsm clases Irom te third totheeighth year ichisive have the deal in rapid, eaay, legible writing will pon be a fae LESSON 9—Drill 7 ODOCOE OCOCOCEGCO Do rot melt He compact oval rat; one line ass the paper tow heb ie apd around ste egnning pot of capital without ill e doubt be ena act sheking fe" Deve te pen tnily nd eng fhe musta ewe Thomsthod of practiein dril even should bethesameseincaptal 4, active pay. Flat make ten ravoli tions for ae teed oval aaa dil fve.” After each traced oval, it the pen while in mation, swinging creasing themurnber tosis; countcivfortheovalsand bes tor exch cpiealO. Drill 8 OOOO OTE OOOO OG fol scale gue ees og ane ous a fae faders eltng Stay te elie aa yaals ment pled sonayas i wl tn vary neal A, a ei nen en A Se ea ole Tt som en: al the loop at the top its geesal dirction and sie: Pe Cant ha toc sath Or : LESSON 10 Devote the time ofthis leasoa toa general review of the preesing Ison LESSON 11—Drill 9 QZ OE OZ OCQOEOE OCOE COOC CEC —_—— —— of Business Writing —— 27 ‘The plan of practne for dell nine should bo the came cor drills veand seven, The count whatimay proce expital C sn the pan comes in ontact with she paper in the beginning I Drill 10 COC 2ECE oC GCE CGECCE COG Ee Cee How munyave thereon a line? Count ther, Swing the pea in the path ofa C several times before making the first lester; fa fact aim before you shoot. Elfe the pen from the paper while in motion in Bniehing capital; contiaue the mation with the pet in the air and bring it to the paper to begin the nest capital al without checking the motion." Maks ati seventy letters fo the minute, “Count 4-2 foreach C. LESSON 12—Drill 11 es a ioe ould be, 2, 4,4, 5, 6-—t, 2, and repeat, No matter Fbimust ove dovenwird in he davelipa of a let curve. 7 “g—» mo 2 Se Oe ee ee ee Fnstructions for dill eleven on following page 23 —— The Palmer Method = Hereafter, each lestn should begin with practice of the compact terowpace oval, drill three, drill sx, and drill eleven, and there should be frequent reviews of the other dels eo far practiced, Tn the large oval dil and ite modiiations in capitals A, O, and C, the motion fas been mainly forward and backward, while Uiat used in the eannected small o drill i mainly toward the righty developing the lateral movement, If too much driving oreo from above the elbow is tued, the letter willbe too large, If the position is just right, the least poutble force will drive the hand far enongh to form the 0,” The fine onncting the letters should be ax nearly straight a is poesble to make Heal the tequited speed. Tf t00 pronodneed an undar-eorys is use in the connective lines Une result il be a form more seanly resembling small a than o In this style of writing, amall o and letters in ite class should be ‘one-sixteenth of an iach high. The letter in this dil i of at height, fd it should be used ax a basis of comparison in determining the eight Of the other ininimum letters ay 6 fm, 057, hy amd x. Small and s may be made one-fourth higher than the other letters in them ‘mi clase "Wherever there is an angular connection a in losing small o at the top, there must bea checking of the motion at that point in facta stop. ‘The cloning of 0 is 90 quickly dane that the stop can hardly be wea even by the clveit observer ‘To the Teacher: In connection with this dill we urge texchers ‘to use a conversational count, Tn passing from desk to deny citsse the work in correct hythin, another aot closing it nb the top, another using « How, dragging moves ment, another making a nartow, Hat letter, and still another bending (vet his dese too far, The crtisame would be as follows: "Make i fimeller, make it amalley cote it up, clow it up; you stopy at the Lop, you slop, you stop, every time, at the top. How Jong? Not long; but Jou stop, every time, a the top. Slide ang, slide along: round 0, round Srsitup, st up.” Each eric or admonition may be repeated until the trot has in a measure been corrected, The iauence wil ot be fost upon the reat of the pupil, but those who have heen making the same errors ‘will almost uncousciously show marked improvement. ‘A speed of ninety or more to a miaute should ie developed and maine tained. "Ninety in a minute iv by 20 mmeacs fast, hut, wile permitting fond form, iis fat enough to force light motion dill cleveny there ars thrve groups of five Teens i Tine, and there ate sic lines in the del, wakieg sincty letters. These should be made in a minute, and that sould be the practice speed. As in capital Suppose one wilent is making 0 too lange, ‘Av the plan is bo make each group to a count of ten, aed then move the pover, For aa entre ine the cont would be 1-2, 31, 56, 7-8 9-10, rows the paper, 12, 3, 55, 7, 9-10, move the paper, 12, 3-h 5-6, 7-8, 910, move the paper, The converitional count may be fitted sively tothe rhptien of the count of te, Hereafter, del eleven shouldbe prac ‘Sead with the twormaco compact oval, and dil ax at the beginning of cach practice period, ‘The Palmer Method is a text-book on practical writing, ‘The instructions should he studied and followed. of Business Writing ———————— 9 LESSON 13 ‘Mae this general review leson AGOME FP LA LK LM UO PQ Rb FUTULYD GUA OA ME ge S2ILFCTE GO SPECIAL STUDIES OF THE CAPITALS, SMALL LETTERS, AND FIGURES pits who have studied and followed the explanations, suygestions, convenient reference, and an effort should be maile hereafter to exsploy and instructions 9 for, wil have ficient comtol of the muscular move: these forme in all Ue written work: ‘ment to master sosily the letters on this page eg ae nhac icgte ed Hse ccoeeh (a atm steal ace, anon Seta Mea mull Be ee ee practicing the drills should review. Nothing les than failure can follow "4 Practice pela tl hea are eee Superficial study. Capitals, smal [etter aad guns ill all be taught theroughly fa ‘The capitals, small leer, and figures ate given at this point for the following lesons. ‘A few minutes in the right way are worth more than hours of practice in the wrong way. 30} —$_ The Palmer Method LESSON 14—Drill 12 chk } y re “a \ \ ag Pap EE] ae b > a rs line practices vey elf in developing ht aati ing maton. FFint make the letters on the lines then tura the paper and fake them actos. LESSON 15 MORE ABOUT COUNTING nity of mors tam mporant reiting eany actin ti the id may, nok ve god stare Civolded gad successulteachers Of the form; and tourih, movement dinection may be wrung, “AS an "uh suall m ad 9 ate made too aharp at the top, its because In writing, a8 9 asic, wel factor Kier, spasmodic tin Is St writing have found hat some method to mark the Une of maling exam fons of feticrs te hpi. Some wes trironotne, ome a chalk bor Shere hot enough over olin Bde ruler ether msl ietuments; but we prefer that wonderful Te spacel abject of will isteen fs te develop the oversnotin for iciling le human woke, and a proce of couading to fa the flere, mand n TAs you practice this dil, count 1, 3,4, 5, 6,7, 8,9, 10, for ‘erindlduel home peglice Whe counting process of ax much value ss exch section, gr usa verbal count as follogs! Over, over, over ove fn the shot oom, aud pug shocld feat to we i vee ght ih Hahah, ight. In the ft ae the extreie thouid 'Glier lellet fe poory wud 1 may be due to one or all of four geetpy oneal 'the space Between riled ines; and ka the second, the causer “is, the pollen may be poor accond, te mulcs may be vigid, Reightobould be these at wall, onealxteenth of an inch. of Business Writing ——$—$______—{31 Drill 13 SOVVVVAVIVA OVVVITVVVL PHOVVIVUPAA JUV VVIIVIF EY PBPPPEVAA PAL IVOIRE POVIPIFIIL IIIT IFIP Regunher tat th anger part of Un gh arm, jut not of the Bigeye eat eens etree ec te et ar een ee Auer dadta Carel eet ae ions pa te hand TE IE ete and te pt sraigeicat te We sce” Ne push the band forward and backward to test the freedom and movement Powers Ut the muscios move easly, ce the pon touch the paper, movin gnliy and rapidly: “About fourteen completed sections of the fre Tine soul Be nude v's minute and sixteen of the second LESSON 16—Drill 14 a Oe II II I II ee PPE PIL II IIE PIL IE I ARF tt I Tre the moverent by toc the frat stoke in the ait Start the soln bbw Un as ne, td athe fo es ry aa at Sirle the paper at he beishing pint. rivet pon tcoush the exercise Tapidly and lightly. Stake four connected. ms bslore iting the. pen, Ie ites suk groupe aeons ane "Vow mill make the lellrs too age ‘MMgulse and sukard at fst and vl have trouble with the wien (eli Hah hey et an." a four ine na nae fad move fhe pep alter eich ou, Ae tawghe in dl tiree, son ‘lam the pare af sal’ ane uma with euwerotion, but tse an ver tiation betwen Ietlers would give no eamgectve ite and hese 0 ing lve hetween teeter Ket ia nnd yo practi, Cat ‘overtion make the parte of m, and thatthe opposite or ynde=-motion forms the connecting ines. Vou tay cout {,2, 8; or side, 2 31 or over, ‘oven under," Drill foureesa atiould be practced’s minute se tore at Uke irgttng seach practice peo. For dele Have now Ren pinged fot use dt the beginning of every practice period. ‘Thay chould be prac- fhe ony nth nn tes bat up the entre cous Kas bn ‘stared, Theae dels nal the very best movervent exercbes aid ab ‘he same time give Uhe right Kind of practice i fora bung. Students ‘who thoroughly master them in size, fom, and speed application wl nd theremaining drills caay. Ait teaches the coreet use of the unden-motion fi eontecting leters, mall mb perhaps the mont important of the four. 32]_—$—$—$—$$_—_—_— The Palmer Method LESSON 17 From thia point each teson shoud start with the compact two-space oval; dil eleven, smal ; and dill fourteen amall Tt wll pay to devote {rom three to five innuves of enc practice period to these Ubree dri Drill 15 TI TS It ee PPE IIE For small m,a count of threc i usd; and iy 2a count of two, Thus, the count for dil fiteen wil be 4, 2, 1,2, fy 2, 1,2, ete» oF for ive con- nected leters, 12 34, 56, 78, 910, The apeed ahiould be the same relatively as in the enrall em drill, LESSON 18—Drill 16 ‘Make the wall in groupe of four, three groups to a line, and five or mare rows; then turn the paper a of makes groups of smal. Make fe quent comparisons with the dil as you practice, sala of Business Writina [33 LESSON 19—Drill 17 ‘Small, being mate cotiely with an under-otion, tae» siarp paint at the top, Count 1,2, 3,4 5; or each groups make the downward as Tight nn MALS gem mae ely th ean tpn sn dy lee & ous Drill 18 eh tt tt tt ee tt tt tt th tt st cho ho tll Ts act lel nea ae or ch ND te Me Drill 19 AAA LAA A et ee Matt Att A tte eet Atti Aga AAA th Extend small {about two aad one-half times its height cro with a itle shorter than the small 1and its companions, by hy ky and {. ‘The prace cho ee a ett re sieacllbesmalt Anefort shouldhemade tiee speed for Un groups of five Ts ten groups ot ly lethers, to, the shart horizontal ing 274 downward stokes of sll together atthe top, mite.” There is-no special valuc in the Teter’ ag a’ movement dil {a bring the upward and downware scmermadeatateraital rapid move: but a ide practice of ib in group formation will be an ald to ite Teal, Hil not coatick with legibility. The still should always be a mastery. — The Palmer Method ‘As you guia more contto ofthe muscular movement, you sbould become more skilful in ts application, and the result should be constant improve. rent is forty spacing, and allormity of sie,” Use your eyes constantly, comparing your lttere with the della you are taying to imitate; do your ‘est, and vapid improvement fs sure to fellow LESSON 20 ter the usual practice of the compact twospace oval and the small m and n review leon nineteen, Drill 20 ee Tae a “The count for small in groupe of five, fet, 2,3, 4,5. ‘Try to make cos: to your smalledrills. ‘The thre lettersshould be ofthe same height the letter butonescateenth of sa inch high: or purposes of comnatiz, ‘Making small en groups of ye, twentyeighy groups, ot one hundeed and would be well oocasicnally to make nov of stall ' and msn ines forty letezs, should be mace ia a Mute. LESSON 21—Drill 21 Ce ee rman Arma Clee CE ee s,s ‘Wrong practice will lead you in the wrong direction. The instructions tell you how to practice. —— of Business Writings ————— — {35 eit twenty-one ia our fist word drill with a capital, Do not below the baseline, This i done to give a rhythmic movement dei. ‘eg: the study of the motion and its applications to form. Ih writing wotds beginning with capital A it is belter to connect the lst White ourtesa or more surds tia minite,and do not et themscupy ne with the smal letters following, a8 fm the ateond Tine i drt twenty more space than the copies a dail the Gal fine in capital A drops one LESSON 22—Drill 22 Cope MR ca i, Cae Pap ote ttt Copper ‘Weivefourtoon words in minute. Write few fines nd then compare your work with the dil, Review often LESSON 23—Drill 23 Os fe fy A Ce Jrren/| Arne’ Gren frre“ Grrerr rete % ye 9 C2 DOE, BOS. Bee eee Bo sure that the motion is oval in stating capital O. Trace the letier with the pen in the air. Let the pen strike the maper when moving rapidly downward. Tall conditions are favorable and the movement fee, about sixteen ofthese should be waitten in a mute, 36 | -—$—$ $$ The Palmer Method — —— ——— LESSON 24—Drills 24 and 25 ag Tae 29 Bee 7 g Any yy re > Cae WL Vita Hl irri Ppp! Stuly the upper lie closely, and notice patculaly thst the nine Aa this form jx usd fr te begining of tlve capita sould csecies a he tg are the ened for ofan invari genet: "°° be thoouuly sided mid pected ton sid fens eae Fic clay your mind the decton st dhe moving pezanit comes" "in Gt wa Hac alee tit ne dsealesd seen ie age, mith {plo goatact with che paper in saline te fecieing loops Diol ake ten pres neath di The paver eld tacts pki doe this Joop layer than ib fin the dels For business wating it would be ward stfokes abnall be ma toward the tenet of Une Gods and theo Detter fo make a dot than a lnge loop. “Energetic pctce of the dri motion i appli maldng the laine at the tone “Tie count gd af the Jit in the fs line will help to develop the right stotiony “ta that 5 | and sxtecn completed exetiees should be Bartof the drill count of 1, 23,4, 8, should be used Ta the mine forme at the right in the fst line, the eolmit may be 1-2 dows aves or dows, "Pur to pu ine and pick out the telvecapitalain which the ‘overs oF ene stop for each’ but each form sould stop abruptly at the inverbed igure sisused Use tsstylooreafterta pining those castle, bate'tine in blunt stroke ‘This a leson that should be reviewed fraqucctly LESSON 25 ‘You shou not forget the usual tee to ve eninute practice period devoted ta the compact oval, ana the anal 0 and m del UURAMNBURIRERMII HANAN AANAN VARA Study capitals M and N lowly before trying to make thom, Com= pare theif parte in ration to sla, height, ard wath, Your siteation fr partoulany directed to the Saiching Tins jn Mand Dropping thes Tine blow the base, and lifting the pen without stopping tke metin, lonces freedom, contiques the rotary motion and develops aa automstie move: of Business Writina ( ‘mont preceding aad fellowing each latter, 99 Hhat the motion fs continued, ‘en hen ya ane apt actually forming We letters “The capital MC should be made n'a count of, 2, 3, 4 at ‘hinty a ainute, and eapital Nin a cout of 1, 2,', at the aiminnte ye rate of of forty LESSON 26 Review lasers twenty-four and tventy-five, LESSON 27 i Perla so have fortes sothing: perhaps you were aout to Bea Sout practice of il wey witout te review of we compost oval, aid tml and m. "Ifo, do not forge again Drill 28 ee Wire 1 Bis eee Fee ees Wig) Vite Wear errs Le) 1In_penmanstip, constant repatition ig essential, and fa connection with dil tmonty-efahe the beet suf will be secured by practicing the ‘ward several mimilen, We prefer to have pupils at firgt-we the ttyle Ol capital given in the frst line, tn whieh the Gling eLrOke is carried Below the byes and the pen Ited from the paper bafore the sll Ilias fremads. Later the fina stoke fa eapital AE may be connected direct ‘uth any amall letters following, ag in the second line. You are expected Tonite six worda on a Ling, as in the copy, writing from fourteen to seventeen a minute ‘To the Teacher: Ifyou have studied the lessons in advances have practiced the diferent drs and. mastered them hlore giving thea Sot pil aod pl fo [ln fe toate artes At yotr desi, ofa pupilt desk, writing the words with them and spelln ae you write. The Mason, Meown. This wil enable yt the {Jour boys an gisls to macter the correct epoed, and fo secure uniform oti, ver attempt to use the count fori words; Tele contunog vidual lolters when practicing 38. The Palmer Method ——————___— — Phage ot er Dig oo Mate a fow fines of capital N aa a movement drill before practicing she word Noon.” Repeated fetirs and words should alvayy be considers ovement dil, ‘Strive fora heme, lighter motion constantly. Examine all Tetters and words practiced with special relawace Uo Ber, enooth lines, their direction, size, distances between letters, height and width of the diferent. parte, cohaecting lines, the fashing ines inthe final {eaters snd evar tle deta ‘Write from fifteen to eighteen words a minute, LESSON 29 FOR STUDY AND COMPARISON AACCAA- Awetwiae aAdddd tLtdtAL LAALRaA oo aaa I9G-I9TT IFEEE EFEEY FIFI LGOGTT SOOET Soll in the manga reduced copy of capital A and he fet parts of ema dy gand q, ate identical with i. Fs the fesemblauce it the ‘hinds it wilfhelp vou. ln business writing ii beet to make the looped Stra d. "Tis just as legible asthe stern and can be matte tore rap The bop below the bus ine mal g shold he made how get LITE? F4A7T motion. We favor the blunt style of sinall andl y at the end of words, id Us ending should be shorter than the fang. “THe in your Mind ahs length of this abbreviated g)” Stall q isa Uitte shorter below the bee ne than g. The w ending bhnty teow the ase fine, jut like the of Business Writing |= Drill 30 AeA AAA a a Again anti 202i ea Ane Anan Ana Annee A (deal, Try tobe ured for each amall a, and in connecting five letters itis a ” es He count 12, $4, 5, 7 Be. he ae 1t wil pay you to practice the small 2 del ‘male's bol-dowan ar more lines of letare as small nd as wnifora as the Copy Stadente soul at foaet fo aady he copy conta and fj “Saal ain Grou of ie shouldbe made ot the rate of seventy fer Wonk with i, A count of 1, 2, should) minute ‘ike frequent eompatibons of LESSON 30—Drill 31 IPEDTGGTT IIPIT ITIT FGFFT to Tm ST UTE FEOF GRTIAT Fe d seh eth cea ca ty creel pg bare tm i ese mit ie Ue nore stuouldextend fhreeapete or three txteentiaaf an inch below the base ine, ‘vhilethe fon of 9 and sibrevintedg shauld extend two spaces below. "The count for cach letter in groups of five should be 1-2, 3.4, 56, ‘The loop of extend about two and ong-bal spaces above the base. 7-8, 010, and the speed shonld bet stall d, front sixty-five t seventy ‘Writing which is good ia ather respects often’ spoiled ia the writen, from sixty to sisty-fves and q, about Aity to the minute ‘Are you stndying the instructions? They tell you just how to succeed. ————$— = Te Palmer Method LESSON 31—Drill 32 pddling gaddeng gaddung gadding Review lesson thirty before you study and practice thie di If you use your eyes to good advantage, you will fe that the Grst i begins one space above the base Tin, there being no initial Hine starting from the tne; aloo that the frst parts of amall g and d are of the same height aaa, 0, m, sod ny to whic specie reference ee sendy been made. Practice speed, twelve words ina minute. LESSON 32 The basis of the extended loop letters, b, f, By and ky ie smal ‘These five letters should extend the same distance above the base line ‘The practice of small I should be thorough now, and it should be eviewed ‘often. In fact, st would be wll to adil it to the group of compact ‘ovale, and small m’s and o's to be practiced at the beginning of exch Jess, ‘Height —Rferonce lias already beaa made to one-sisteoth of an Jach as representing a scace ia height for the minimum (one-space) letters 8,6 63,5), 0, u,v, 7 and x. The small aud aare inthesammeclase but ae made a quarter space higher than the others “These miu letters should always be used as a standard of one. space mensitement to rezuate Uke height of all other aml letter. On that basis small U should be four spacey—four-siteentine or one-fourth fof an inch high. As there are ax-sixteenthe of an inch bebseen the ruled Jines in the practice paper generally wed, and in all the Palmer Method practice paper, there should be two-ixtzenths (onc-cighth) of an inch Detwaen the top of the loop and the ruled liae above Te should be remembered that a apace in height ie the eight of the sminimiam letices in the atyle you are pacticng. As an example, in copy books uaed in former years, the oné-space letters were one-eighth of an wh, oF tice 38 high as in these fesons, The loop letenr were three pacts, or threewighths ofan inch high, which is two-sixteeth ofan inch ger than the lope i these Tessne, Movement Used—In. busines) writing, all loops below the tine should be made with pure muscular moverient. In making thos above the line, the fingers should be relaned, and aa the atm aldes forward, a Slight extension of the foges will help to make the uppes part of the lop, "Tho comabiation of the two movermonta is perertly naa to most hands, ‘ad little encouragement need be given to the ine of the fingers, ‘The Student must guard agains using much of, Koep on eye on yor writt to sce that it moves forward and backward in unison with the other moves mente. Under no circumstance allow the feshy part ofthe band infront Of the wriet to touch the paper: ‘Cautione—Vou will nd your fst difialty in getting enough eurve fa the upward stake. hall hour's deterained practice will do much to overcome this. Keep the paper at such an angle as will male the dowaward stroke straight toward the middle of the body. Akove all preserve unity in height, instant and in spacing. Do not shade. of Business Writin8 —$—F 41 Drill 33 { LLL beth th bth hhh Lb LL Lhe Lita bhhlhbhhbbtithls hillbe titi bitte bhibe thhile ‘There 1 light heck in the motion on the downorard strokes, but no pause at the base Tine. After a litte practice, oops a8 good a the above should be made at Une rate of from one inuadred ta one hundred and twenty to the migute, ‘The eouutih groups of fe Ja 1, 2-3 45, 6-7, £9, 10— fone foreach Inter. LESSON 33—Drill 34 O UY Of @ ‘More study, more practice, Study and practice shoul be constant companions in déveloping good writing. One without the other wil lead Toone-ided reslte, Don't be onesrided, Drill thintyslour offea good maverant practice, Cho will idieate junt how itis done. The soll traced oval Tall the capital in beght and the upser loop is also one height of the leer If you have 9 shaxp eve and a responsive mind, yout have been able to grasp these detals without any suggestions, and V2 OP OF Be c fof the falshing tea helow the hase ‘Six is the count for the traced oval and th for Ly 29 follows, 1,2,3,4)8,6, 1,2, 3. Theeoustol 1 2, 3,for thecapital should be Hele slower than’ far'the ovale, This’ cetcise should be made ten times fon a. Bee, ia groupe of five, and two lines, or twenty everson = floute A few minutes in the right way are worth hours of practice in the wrong way. === The Palmer Method ———= _ Ce Sing the 1, avin fr he owing for thet tn other words ln ja cari blow to ba, "Thig etter makes one ofthe bat mene. study the letter cloceiyy and swing the pos in ity dittetion a few times ment drill #0 far given. -Afier each group ol five the popor should be Before mating ft. ‘The fit line afarte about onesall he distance trom moved ‘ ee oe Drill 35 KKKL KLEKLKZKE EN ee calle tec ea eer =" ae IMM cul Be cee toc tee or sds, ES an ei ees Senate es Sai LESSON 34 oe Drill 36 ee Cnmeineg Kamning Leming a fone Ka xe 9 Study, practice, and compare i satta dt the top just asi i x drill thintys make the abbreviated g ehort below the base line, and bo eure to write four words to a line Pract mpd, kant twee word abut. LESSON 35—Drill 37 Lectbing Libbey Latborg Lathng wr ah sn then make care comrarigons with th mols of ltrs and letters conse, Stay the spacings betngn the tae Are your small Peshorterthaa the capital; are both fa the same herghe; aad try to show improvement In ea Bractlce speed, the namie and do they cross one space shove the base? Compare slant, the parts for drill thirty-six ‘You cannot fail, if you study the instructions and follow thes of Business Writing ———_—_————1 43 LESSON 36—Drill 38 2 ae a : 2 ve vy V8 8 Att ta Aawat a A 42 4O At nA tot Seal 4 should be reviowed froqueatly as a movement dil he) es eye SE aa TEES ‘The fst part of small server as the foundation of small c. In lines, compare the fright of ¢ with on, m, and n, You will, of course, ine, an overmotion must be sed. If an ander- frequently conpare with the cops. The count i 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, dng of one eta the dot at Ue lop of the next, or dot over, dot over, dt aver, dot over, dot over, foreach group of five. There will be loop, and the eter wll be too lange. After makinga few? ‘The spocd should be sistoan groups of five, oF eighty letats a minute. 4] —$_ $$ rhe Palmer Method LESSON 37—Drill 40 AA AE A 11 ha le Ai ee ee ‘The small r given in the fist ine in drill forty canact he made at 4 high tate of epced, ag the form roquises a hacking of movement atthe “op to form th aoulder. “Study te ports of the leer hown before te fist omelet form, ‘The form inthe secon line ean he made at much higher seaed, and, while eomeniiat dificult, lento, is much esa fn exec fered, ‘The Best pare of iis just lize the fret part of smal flovstward strokes retricad to a point about dnefaurth of a apace above the fist part: a stop (lasdly noticeable) and a dot are made belore the ‘sviaging curve to the next letter. If the connective lines betwen fdters Gf thi ssle are imate ith too mach wndet-ounve, perhaps tung tae base tine, they will move nearly reeable sual = thea r. Guard agalest te ant Close study of the form while practicing will be necessary. Alter its mastery, ninety connected Teeny to Yoe Minute wil be a good rate of speed. traquestiongoty, the fist few tnala wil be discouraging, Et {itt practice wil be rewarded, Stk tof Eighteen groups of five should be made to the minute, Drill 41 Ae I ee LVI III I a The pant for ths all in dil forty-one or each eroup of ive is 1.2)"34 55, 78, O10: oF onedot, two-dot, thres-dot, four, flve-dot; of one-top, two-top, threestop, fourston, fivestop. A cone ‘ermtional count ser to fiat ta seal o, dril eleven, may be used to advantage in small 1, thus—You-stop, youstap, you-stop, you-ston, ar-hetop. How loug, do you stop, at Ure top? Net Yang, but you stony very time at the ton” Wie for what for, what for? “Tamales dat, C3 sake a dot, fo makea dot cle Drill 42 IP LED IAI LEP IOI LEI PO PLP OP EPA LP LEA AAA LEP PIP LAE POLED PLL II ‘The rate of practice speed in this dil shouldbe twenty or more words to the nat — — of Business Writing —————_—[ 45 Drill 43 Once tt Ot Oe Oe Oe "Tere eno ni nc before seal oi bedinv atthe a LESSON 38 da tlore mentioned smal andar cmon eter al bath a the fon and ently clon othe bs ie, Be ure we jut the nay Aa belge ents sal ard arson aha case Hed ania a cudsrearye inte Cegieig ite and berth wl my be ad ono i ae lt fecrus eae pagred Gepnd ope stunt of cure teat ar Pacice dy, ae aaa ids ohmic Sl inal be plc ot open, eomare Drill 44 \ BRe Boren cere “The count for each group of five is 12, 3:1, §-6, 7-8, 9-10. A conversational count similar to that given in the sinallo drill could be weed to aden ott for Sac wo suing tee, Suane four, swing Ave oF curve one, curve bo, curve Uhre curve our, curve ve. Nearly oF ‘Gute seveatenn groups of Bve should be made to the minute LESSONS 39, 40, 41, 42, AND 43. ‘At teat five Feszons ab this point sould le devoted to neviewing all the lessons that have gone before, ‘THE FREQUENCY OF REVIEWS ‘To Teachers: Assuming thot teachers of the Palmer Method reviewing, Without Lnowing the pupils or secing their daly, work in moth? tt teens ig thelr onder tore attempting to teach thom, they penmanship, it would. hardly be. possible for us to advise with unerr- MM detide atten Teaeons and dnils have noe buen masterod sad need ng aecuracy when they should review. Soo The Palmer Method | \LESSON 44—Drill 45 ILA ste) ce ce tte oe tt ttt et ttt ‘As cafained in lesion in small u, The connecting strote ie sly curved iw efeeeits a tert Eighown of tty groups of tes auld be made tothe min ry the tid o thing and the count for cach Ite 1, 2,3: 1,2 3s lp, 3 oF on, be, dot cond oF Exaig point one, two, dot ane, two, do. fe bre ate eee foe iS erie Gaetan apa Kensng Gt pas etna wore apaets tof the Drill 46 fe a | Sea LESSON 45—Drill 47 ‘Small x is simple in coustruction, Study closely before practicing it, The crossing may be made either upward or downward, In writing a word containing it, complete the word before erasing the letigr. Make the crossing srt. of Business Writing [47 Drill 48 } inet tee Ltd Ltn es sted teed LESSON 46—Drill 49 Ze eX a “The frst part of small v is the same an the Set part of stall x, and it Ss ended with the form usu tn finishing emall w. Don't close this letter sae the top, Hust be let open, Count 1-2, 4-4, 86, 1-8, 90, for ach group of fve letter, . Drill 50 AEE ELE A ELE i } 48 | Thee Pal mer Method TESSON 47—Drill 51 A hee. WAAL ALLL Be ie | eee ain slant, the second part is one section of a bige that the sholl na nfinute. Drill 52 P \ G & 777O Z ESSON | Review Jessone fy yight, and mt to the following, | _ Drill 53° : 7 _ G | ‘The practice speed should be twenty or siors of th oe and sinter word to the minute, Gourd against making i higher than LA Top hase shou LESSON 49 / ‘THE REVERSE OVAL AND ITS APPLICATION | Av application of the reverse ovil motion is made in forming capital four or five minutes and it } J, the’ Rvee vit, emus be underaond, besins with en uprard apy my be silely practiced | Beoke’on'the Tefen, Helore attempting tapital J, make reverse owals diving force, is then Hight andl waorm, the ie teed as the eveloning aed Drill 54 | OZOPO LO LO LOLO LOL tnd thon fill at lear a lf page with the to. 2 count of sin, HEL the pen from the paper at understood, tudy until fe Mate the 9 the top and without ciecking Uke mrtion aig the pen in it metura) Copy seine une tie taper to the Mieke anil eine the base To the pike Do nob neglet the form, but note cartully the following, point SPS Site datas i etog aoe Bono oy the esl an pw rok fron ot fit Delon ie fate sioGen bu irks the Mer Tn an upeard course at fall speed forthe fez the Cart at he top should be ound: Ure upper par should be « ete Him of apoliad sioton snot fully longer than the lower part and twice its Wie LESSON 50—Drill 55 OROLO LO LOLO LOLOL | | eects Cap MIG sa lag Center yas Re caer w ge en nmi Drill 56 ) as a a ) Ae he £ laren laren earned, Ze a gee seaweed |) ogy gen ana‘ on bath mavenen and frm, ftom th bing dt of t,he Ging of wall + the pum aslo Pe RG ae tl on bal erat a racage idoed atone moves Eghlen or Urey wast ducal a eit etme 50) —= The Palmer Method LESSON 51—Drill 57 BPADPAMOPPBAAPLR D 2 Pee Cae re eee one ieee eee ae Rae SI Ges Drill 58 HPEAAL AL AAD A BEAL Quen: Wher ead ow dows cai Din? Anvper: Baw ag amply as is dove in. tho quentins and green, Then the eetet th aeand motion, Guottoc: “How wide b the upper will have good mental pictaret of te letters, wil tee at once ‘when he Daa Le i aie (og: than all the widty of the Lover part. they are peorly mae, dnd. will make thest well as sood as you have Fieions Ge ie fished? “Answer: ‘With a full It curve and a good control of the movement. Without Ue good mental picture, you Heo. Mey Questions. Where do the fst-upwand and the fest il never write well, no matler how perfect your control of motive power Aowetward pes eros? Answer! Ab the height of allo.” Question: may be: What pert of the space between the ruled iss ie cocupted by 1? ~ Answer With « count of 1, 2, for each letter, make fortysve or more & a Alou threefourthe. Vow should analyze every steer you practice jus minute Drill 59 LLLLL AAH AL HAHA “To form the anu atthe lle, here must be all sop inthis atyle of capital 1, Tt ls hoped that you have remembered and tied to apply the igstractons of nearer lemon about sts in making all angular connections, THE ge iebetial a word, avaiows i the following del. Count 1,23 0 £2, ving. Drill 60 ee eee Se "This las particularly good style of capital of Business Writing ———$=>—>—_| 51 LESSON 52 AC 22a AAA AR AAO ee ge en ee ee td td dig ddd ett tt toed ogee 4 ee BVPI ILE IVE IIL IPED IE TIE OL PCP VE AEP API EP I 2.——$ — — —_————— Thre Palmer Method ———___— LESSON 53—WORD PRACTICE othe? getting gq Ze ge a a 7 Gq ¢ ae Ge ake anitinacd tonite bintene, Letter Beebeeve fs puggle CT - hen forbidden; ago Gore ieee pepe eee o ae Brey 1s is apie el we i a a poe Ce = oul ee he ee eg ee ee ees ee el fs presented above, = ——— — of Business Writing ————————————— ——[53 Not fongeltng o agpleting the tweeace compact oval dsl wih which cach Kam should start, the practice paride of two days might well be spent in tidy and practi of the leis on page 52 LESSON 54—Drill 61 APAPSPAPAAPAASAS “Thi copy fortes al tio movement drill necomary in bevinng, this owen, Count ten, fot cach dri, two for capital Sand eight for tue Te RETR AL rere ee Ae Sa mining Tile dal a opal, commen tone whe Sod fe arr toro, fi Salam die Drill 62 fof (Aad ApxpxzAAD atabda Study the cuive of ee Ts MOMS, on ie pal eu cg Sl me sa eg ERS a OF the HL Ta, Hekh uovcmens cle rons nty-fve to Ay ites tothe minal: Count, 2, foreach ete, Drill 63 ee Boe lar finishing, stoke shown sinty-three ie very cel with cn cacellegt techere of busines witing Alot the some tts ould ber made. fn a [as ii el waty-two.” Hes practical featare is the duction taken by the finishing stroke, wich Tui Joined to any tee following. Count 1, 2, sings oF 1, 2, 3, for each letter, LESSON 55—Drill 64 ie of a ee. Wille a pare of this copy: more if you have euficient time, A contiouons slendy movement should be used. Do not lift the pen from the beginning to the ending of the word. The Palmer Method 54]= —- LESSON 56—Drill 65 BAEEOAAEREBE GEES In sh ri capta Gi made rt «count ft and than ag Ning the ge olowed with wi roveitons ohe evn ted ova Mate'seventeen completed exetstes ms minute, “Count as fol 7, Drill 66 LLEEE LELEE Lee you. know why if poor, One bad stroke may spo an otherwise good (eter. Learn to locate the bad stole Make iro forty to Pity flare fotharminate, Cou 1,2, 312" 1, tap, 3, for cach letter Drill 67 ee a og Le Hh eh Go tha ett’ ‘This is a good business form. Special instruction is unnecessary. Use your eyes. Make as many as fifty in a minute. Drill 68 LLee Lb be Lebide Lede bee Le ke The angula Sishing tok gives connective ling for any letter nt nay follow, and adits of joining the expt for an extended dil a vee" Count 1, 2.5, foreach lees or ty 2) 34,5, 6-1, 8,9, for tach group of three. Nake eighteen ero n't minut, ‘You aim before you shoot. You should study the instructions before you practice the drills. —— of Business Writing —_—_——————F 55 LESSON 57—Drill 69 Lavra glen eiog Suamreneg amnng Nothing can be better at thir stage of the work than easy words conatantly repeated, Trough series of repetitions, strength in move- ment is developed, and faults are sen, “Twelve o fourteen words to inimice Mould be Ure practice speed LESSON 58 CAUTION TO THE STUDENT ‘Never hopin to practice until you are aure you know how. Langu thoughties prectic should beavoided, Put ambition, putenerey, pul sie feof determined wil behind your practice, andthe ers wll be stoniah= Ing. Take advange of all fvorable cinitans, "Not only. keep the nucle of te right arm ia telaxed condition, byt guard agehnst tension Intny partol thebody. Keep the side of the hand and the wrist fee from the desk; ep the right arm well out from the ide; keap the ight hand fi isont of the eyes; Bcpa right angle at the right clbow, and remember that the propelling pom fe located above the right elbow. If you think youl are ita zood postion for writing, test the movement without touch Ing the pen to the paper, and study the conditions andar which you are ‘ing td work, Heaube You ae tight before you go ahead. Drill 70 Apppdpdedde- tpepitede pppoe Not, much movement dill of a spacial character is necesmry in ‘opening ts eeu, the connected small affording s1 excellent exercin Stidy "he form with care,” "Note particilarly the poiat at the top, the Toop below the bate ne, the longet above and below the base, and the point, where the left cures from below the tase crosses the mainline. Sint caonested liters should be made to the minute, Maks frequent comparianns and writea page The count foreach grou is 1-2, $4, $6, 7.8, 40, Drill 71 fithfeabliopuctl poutbagputlagertt Average zate of epsed, twenty words to the minute as there presented If sal ie iielt, tum to del thirty-three, study the instructions, and practice au 6] $$ Thre Palmer Method Drill 72 fprllrg prbbig 4 fx Llig 2 i 7 ‘The practice speed should be fourteen words to « minute, ae 59—Drill 73 PPO EP IROL OP PLGALIIP fake a fow imaginary letters as a 2 ovement dril before som fly to sixty letters should be made to th beginning active mork. Ag willbe seen, neaely all the main oval pare iat page and practice sadly, not nfumodieally. fhe let of tie beginning eaoke. Court 1,2, and wepents or 2) 34, 5-6, deadly to aight cosy, ewinging, ard yan ic mover " 18, SAD for each group of live. Move the paper after each group of we, itinan excellent’ movement drily and the bea style of canal Peo ade, Drill 74 RRARRRRRRRRRGQLRR 4 Aloo malie a page of this leer. Tt is « good movement dell, Count three and be tute to join the lst part tothe fst witha Joop a litle bove the center of the letter.” Forts-fve good etters should be mad to the minute. "Count 1y 2,3 Drill 75 sixty letters to the minute, PPLE EP PPP AP (Coont 1.2, 3-4, 5.6, 7-8, 9-1 fr each group of five, and make twelve groups LESSON 60 Review lesons flty.eight and Hity-nine of Business Writing ———_—_—————— 7 Drill 76 D ; : Dp: Z rete emt age wea into innit nies ng, "Tl ned pon i rope pred LESSON 61— BUSINESS FIGURES Nothing is more important tothe average boaklseper or office clerk alter page ie filled with figanes. The fost requisite is esibility, end its ha eae tuodondy of sites importance cannot be qxyasied ton muck. “Lebce in a word cise Figure are made without the writing ofa single word inown by thetntext,bulleach faure mist depend upon teat for legbiity Taree ret Cie trae it ams bpeches of statistical work con- Tess very Smportant thea, that eneh Azure Hhould be 90 formed that sts acta! with tllead bookkeeping where headings ave printed ad page value, in groupe or by ital, caviaot be mitaees. AN OBJECT-LESSON, FOR STUDY 7 azz Az “alelelvialalzié Al s\olz|4i zl ala ela al A) siz [Ai eval lalzial a é i Aa are lai lelalal diz |All ZA illic is eIelslol7 stp isle eer lz let Aalelelal [ele Pobre eisalebleeeelbiz izi| alzlalalA rizg, Ale ‘Though the adoption of toe Palmer Method Sues, made small mo more periecty Dut not so Large, Messe note careful that then and wel thin the aguees the New bigland) Telephone Go, bas reduced — surrounded by white paper, and much smaller, are more legible, evon ata ‘Stongol deeraplowes ton hinimg, and saved thousands of dollars vear. distance, than the liege Auer at the lef Feet ee Ae ade onal; students sometimes tink that lenge Students who have practice” (n copy-tooks clmost. javariably make Scucee Me neeesctiy poinexs but such is yok the cuse. Examine care: figures three or four times too lange, “Our models are large enough for Pily a'Giecee, Autie lefeare laurcs that abe absolutely plain one edinary-use, TI occasion demands it wil be sony to, make them larec. Child not betnilsken for another, and yee (hele exteme sien thesmall Onc-eighth of an inch ix pestaps high enough for ordinary fgures, while Shuts moles therm dificult to nad. "At the right ase the same figures, in some plcesit will beam advantage to make them even smaller —— The Palmer Method FOR STUDY SQZILG HOW TO PRACTICE 1a malsiog figure one, draw the band towatd vow with a quick light ssi dg om et nd owth et Unity i the beat ‘and lat ane the two saportane poate to aboerve, ‘The development aed application of» tral oval motion will xd in the cmeeruction of figure tro. In making itn clasy del count of three should be used, shis—one, two, dee, one, bwo, Eee, eto, or dat, 0 three in leon sisty-fve. The fa good Figure propesy spplled no, tuo, thea, or dt, twa, thre, ifthe eount used, A count of three Br uted igure four dnd oe ass bub for Bursa, Seven, and ine, hea countol two, “Several lssas should be given to drilling on the figures singly Before grouping them, but as soon os the forms are mastered and the stadent Ean make thent at s fair rate of speed ite best to dell in miscellaneous ‘der somewhat a8 fllowas 1,0, 2,6, 85, 5 0, 9, 0,7, 22,89, 8, §,6,0, 1,5. 8, 6,9, 84,6, 9 3,7, 8,etc, No particular order i necesar), ‘it the aim should be to fepest ont at often os another. LESSON 62—Drill 77 Ahbbeseese sce 6666 ECC CEE EEEEESEL CELE COCCECEEEELEEbELEECE EEE OEE EEEEELEEE LGLLIELELOIEIEIEIGIGSOICSELOSOIG TE OTE LOC EES LESSON 63—Drill 78 age 7 29 @ ogege 0 LOL2g OF.° 7 ages aguogogogogogogogagadg a ee rr Tee ae ee teers yet ae eee ——__——— of Business Writing 59 It is truly interesting to wateh the development and improvement mantter of fact, few teaches agree on this and, sine we are going to de= in gute practice in. vass where the work ie well and ryatersatically done. vote some time to drilling on each figure during a petiod of two weeks, ‘Two weeks houll be devoted to thia practice and there should be frequent ther ie lies use in attempting any arrangement on sucha lasis. If reviews there is difference, the dificult Azures should be given most practice. ‘Some place great emphasis upon the order of simplicity, but a8 a LESSON 64—Drill 79 222 As toon as fait progress has bean made in making Size two, an effort should be made to bring the xate of speed to seventy-five @ minute, Count tne, feo, three, or dot, 4m, three, foreach Bute made ia clas practice. LESSON 65—Drill 80 { LEFITISZ FFAG TIIGFILIIIG 3 SSRIS SS aS SIFFS SF pe es ZIFZIAIZ PP PT IGF IGF GIGBIFGS CaaS Boe e es o8 ‘The method here presented of teuching Gyre 3 has proven more satisfactory than any other tested. The motion produces the figure; learn this motion thoroughly, Count one, two, three, oF dot, to, three, and make soventy figures a minute ‘The Palmer Method is a text-book on practical writing, The Instructions should be studied, and followed. 0} —_—————— The Palmer Meth 0d ; LESSON 66—Drill 81 ee es ee ee eek | er ee izontal stroke at the top for its legibility. This horizontal fine should be made figures should be made to the minute, This epecd may Le increased later. Count Figure five is in a bye measure dependent upon bh fast, Stidy the fori and practice it, About seventy eva ‘one, fr, tec LESSON 67—Drill 82 Ne NO a sepsnsnstea TOT eal a eis hagag pbc VE Ae | even extend below the base, Make this gure ina count of one, two, at the rate of about eighty-five to the minute, LESSON 68—Drill 83 eke ob ak eb ef WA A Be a ob op th eh tb tt Op AE Def kof fap th te eh tf Uf th bf th th Uf He fe of the the tf te of th th A De ot 86 Be LE EEA EE GF ot oh oF ‘Fou rite on the base Tne; and usally the last portexlends above the Sat. Count one, to, thes and make from snty to seventy a minute, ee ee ee ee a — of Business Writing ——$—>__{ 6 ‘ LESSON 69—Drill 84 & Sevcesre FREER EER EE EE EREEES COIL RERFEL EERE ELEESEESOLE CE EEE EES E LLEL EEL ES OL TE EET EET EE EEE EEE ELE EELES “The compound eurye at the felt on the fis Fine in drill 8 and the spec shoul be from ninety to one hundred figures to the minute, |The amo is the Hest gure chow bow 8 bes ‘ iter usually make the figures on the blackboard as they are dictated Ce ae err ton figuie embtata speed of sixty tomventy to the class, A lanl rapid peman ead mace fom one hundred to one et faarorlucel. In doe work dheas hundredl and twenty-five of thee ina minute. “Conieare your figures with Me MSaf the texchcr; and the practice the copier and make all Agures mma and Gacon nected ‘MISCELLANEOUS FIGURES FOR STUDY AND PRACTICE vrse;7 YEESTEE rye Sb 925 762 Eg LE GAZ7294 47S PGF LOS goer pee ee a ee Shere LOF2 7 LE 264 BFL ZI? G2 PORE EE 4 minute, misellaneons figu figures sould be made from 7o2er Ghlregse L646 FOF 62s G25 27653 2354976 264 LFS bot LG GLI7E 40 LEATZ YRGF ILE GOS Gar 62343 CSBLEFAS vig 7e2 SLR TES KZ O37 2aesztn 249 FAR FER BEE 62753 St“7org 329 YGF FG FIA 2G HIS EZ FF2G2 SAT 3HF 649 Gre A2gZE 2 £2E LGL neem The Palmer Method LESSON 70—Drill 85 SPECIAL POINTS TO OBSERVE. Capital £ i made with an application of the oval motion, ax de= veloped in capitals O, &and C, the application varying bt litle, “The upper part of caital Bis about onsthird the entre height of the OCCO COCCE Sec? = a 2 Cae ES EEE se Ceeee Practice the fst row a8 4 movement dil, Make the small (apes) ‘oval rt, and swing into the lower and larger oval without liling Ure pen. [Make five traced ovals for th uppar, and the same for the lower part, thus permitting a count often foreach completed exerci. ‘TheabbroviatedE jn the sacond live 8 used by good business pee more than any other, but the form sted in the next line, fied with a val, shonld be practiced and mastered, ‘The coust for tach shoul be 1, I is not Palmer Method if the lines are tremulous. lelter. The Gniking oval shoukd aot exsoed one-half the entire height, ‘and the loop marking two-thirds the height ofthe eter points down ‘At sbout aright angle withthe main slant, C8E8E By From forty-five to ty of the abbreviated fox and Dub few less of the other should be made to the minute. Count the umber of letters on a Tine and male as many in the mane space. abbreviated capital E, followed with the aoall ¢, may be practoed ss a ‘ovement drill to good advantage aow and dating flue practice periods, ‘Thecount for ite 1,2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7 or dot, 2, 3,4, 5,67. Review this feston often until you make good capital E. 2,85 0 dot, 2 8 Study the instructions for speed requirements. of Business Writing ——$—=—_>_—__ {63 LESSON 71—Drill 86 Without it, beginners make very feeble letlers, Although voually lost ie Woraced line consider ff & very essential part of the letter, ‘The framework of capital B i clearly chown in the models below, ‘The Hesight line starting at's polat about bhreefourtis of the distance Rom the base is purely a Buide ine prop upon which the remainder ret. ERBIBIO IBPIBIG IG. FBIGIBIG IF ‘ay end in an angular form, furnishing a connective stroke forthe leters finiteness is essential in fuslness writing, There should be « ofits Hating point aad a Gebnite etding-point im every leet. Every following, finite earting pol a ian ped have a deve piace in the The count for capital ie 1,2, 3, and a fab practice sped in forty to Br a ot ee fume ol the leior here ven, the rinute when the letters ae Uiscannected, and a Uitle higher rate plan gf eonstrction real engy end n'a dot as shown above, oF {€ when the letters ave conneciad a in dil eighty-aeven, (BIBS EIA DIE. LESSON 72—Drill 88 ALLL. bhtlh-Abb bb Abb bbe Ahhh thbtle bhtbhbe bbdbbbe ‘oop throw the widest part, end ore er chan those in the copy. 9-10. vith the emphasis on the Gniehing poinb in each letter, The con. saan ae foe nk (atl you are atte to make the leters cnsly and AU nective stroke is slightly cory 6 The Palmer Method ————————_ LESSON 73—Drill 89 LLAMA AAA gael, Aelbbtbhlbelbi belt tbh lblebell, AM ig At Mest big bel Mee LE ce the above words a mov au be Improved wile move The epced in the fret twa lines afoul he from twenty to sgdeveloped.” “The wont “bling” may be pracheed 23 rem Studs swords Touresen minute. LESSON 74—Drill 90 ALLIEN A hhh Gh ph Ahhh de JIG ph bbb hd gee p so Stuy he form before atespting the dil. Make an sts off ‘tae copies. Count 1, 2 5, for each lear with light check on the 2 1 or ity amall Ws to the minute. Keep the letters down tothe sige of LESSON 75—Drill 91 ing size students should make i ‘ih mimi, ‘writing is Lares enon. 7 ‘See the following This comparivas, The practice peed should be, for the fst word, snout and for tie word ling” oe ate of Business Writing ——_—_$>___—}65 ALLFL ALM ALM ALG ANE AME Ati hbl pill pill plhbphl ttl Abe Abbong Abling ftbng btlong All Aibbing tebling telbbing Allbog LESSON 76 TO RELIEVE MUSCULAR TENSION ‘yh strained iacles, ft to place a weight on the paper, and write with "The meth iy fast the lear hanging down. ‘The tension of the Tight atm te relieved a¢ ‘Sel another plan to reieve this tension, coco is to welt some Cary drill Uke o.or «3, and make ‘hea wih the eves ded upon some eject sb.a ditance on level with them rfpful to etudents who weite When the ody ela erect Hie HE AEE HIE, itll HE LAE FEE HEE been suggested in for Dertance to Reve anh ‘Raster plan wha 6 | —$ $ —_—_—_—_——— The Palmer Method Sal i lite storie blow thas stove te bate line and cea om the Baten, fr rate of pr letters cach, or seventy leltare to the minute. Count br, Tor exch groxy. speed i fourteen groupe of five LESSON 77—Drill 93 i, Le poctl pcb Gi GL LG, stint i Bd LESSON 78—Drill 94 Le tiple lapel bh, pseces pat LESSON 79 Let us emphasize the statement made ina preceding leson that constant repetition i necessary in developing a good styl of writing for fu Avother thing Tor the staen¢ to boar in mind tthe Tact Mat the only way fo Hexen to execute hsines wring to practice bist tee pets aS en eee ee —— —[67 ——— of Business Writing LESSON 80—Drill 95 ee ee BALD Liililil Melrcliehy Oe 4 Compare the oval ofeapital D with capital. Do not neglect to make when favorable conditions prevail. Practice capital D until you can wake a can Rtny SED, cack port by fell and the lear sp whols. Do forty-ive fairy good leters to tne migute, Count t, 2,3, for each Ketter. tek ena oer fap but Hep ewe pn font of he egey Tin wing the word rica po Hh a oe tom te dg ret Take We along fly but hgitly. Te takes lithe time, energy, and ing stroke tt mall fo the ending stroke of small g. Regularity sud a ee elon En rake «goed busines penmay, bul it i éneour- gontinulty of motion are very exrentinl. Keep the pen on tie Papen cath ae Peat under te mis slat movement plan there ereno atkins ‘The wore should i prticed ata rate of sine toa minute, LESSON 81—Drill 96 Seg GO ie ay a [oye fF G7 eae of capital T too highs i should be part without touching it, Time and hard work will be important factors Do not make the begianiny pa . ue Bae taal the Peseathel Te enkne hight of the letter, "Note fe developing this leller, Be earnest be fail, |The coun 1, 2-3, 4, ae antag iat the last part curves over the top of the tain (frst) and about forty letter should be made to the minute 8 —<— Thre Palmer Method ——— Drill 97 eo Le ee ee PF eer ee a ‘You wil ee that thie capital F isa copy of capital T, with tho crosing added, Thi i nob recommended ae business form, since it eanrot be ‘made mpidly. Many of the forms in this book ane not given for thoit beauty, buk bacalce mlaely per coat of our bet tines pennies ee Mette LESSON 82—Dzrill 98 PREK LU TR yu | gz a In twelve of the business capitals we have the small loop beginnin AA caroful etudy and eomparioon of there capitals will stow shat in ‘am it upside-down aad vou wil see that itis the inverted Agure six. F, Q, W, X and 7 the main downwand stokes are carved much wore ‘Moat pops find thie ctvlo of ctarting eapitalletare somewhat diicuie tan'in [4 KM anal Ny while compound curves ave used in the meat ‘at first, but when mastered it becomes a favorite. It is of sumcieat strokes of , Y and ¥ “nportance to be given consderable study and practice. Practiet the fits part at the left of the line. LESSON 83—Drill 99 ae ae ee ‘Capital 0, ae shown above, & the enlarged form of figure ta preceded! by a aiovemint drill, Curve the mia dowaward strokes liberally, Make the lower loop Hat on the bave line and drop the Gnioting curve below. Studeste should trequently compare tier Writing with the copies — of Business Writing ———_—__— {68 Drill 100 2) aa) ee “The mind divects, the arm and hand perform; both mind and mnscle must work ia harmony ‘ine dlrs, the gem a eedol the arm arc trained, good eters cannot be mide amless a good conception of form ie iw the ad, Caphhd Qithoutl be’mnde ell at the tate of sixty to he minute, and the Sgure two faster. ‘The count i each cae is 1 2,3, Drill 101 IIIT AIITE GFTID III TT tn the soe of writing Deze preset he op of anal gextand quick ad ct. Study te orm coy and note th crn f tig coon ee ts Mie ke paper sould be Rell fa auch @ pop witha felt curve on the bast: Pull the loope toward the center of these sects UloY rawr rrokes ate piled toward the center of the the body and vot toward the lel ellow. postion Chaser bein changed stom tone go ime wih the [elt hand to In ppt a ve connected et pari the rapes bok Gere same, The rnlien sould be purely minute should be, allained. A. count of heap ie penton elite mmowcrnent in making the loon particuaely aid in regulating the movement. Drill 102 FEET UGS TT ERLE FEF OES Fe ee Ee en Eee tateive pels tows ey sree a spe of aby ie tes to ths sr for exch group of Ave Wil ‘By comparison it wil be aen that q isa title shorter bel to te let, and that the lover part conaects an the base ine $2 ihe tte than of sul g, but the movement should be gi LESSON 84—Drill 103 LO GTR. GA es Re en A a See mggestions at the top of the fellowiog page. 0—$—$$—$—$—$—$—$—$————-. The Palmer Method ‘The inveried small preceding capital H in poge sixty-nine will not last part. In making the last pet 5 aid in'developing the sill loop beginning but will eute freedom a5 for the beginning of cape! Gy, be stenghten the sake from ie center ‘of movement and lightuess of stroke {0 its bate Let nothing cacape yous obwerve slmmely every ntoke, ao ‘Count’, 3,34, tor the drilland fret partof capital H, and 1,2, forthe matter tow minute OF unimportant t ay appear Drill 104 BERR ICH ARE WKOOPE HE With an easy, swinging movement, make thirty-five or more capitals ofthe above form to the minute with a count af, 2-3, 4. ‘The beginuing oop nay be mae tmalir thay ia the-copy, but no large fa buseas yrting, Capital Kis a natural companion to Capital Hhe begianing stzoles in both ister are Hlentcal in size and ehape. direction LESSON 85 ! Drill 105 Wee L729 4 A Ok a ee Careful study of the last part of KC will be very much to the advantage of every student, Study It with the fist pert covered with a pce of paps, Tum te copy upside down and study itn tit portion. Notice particularly Unt the Toop graspa the ft part a litte above tie conten: Drill 106 IKI KAKI IK RICK ‘Thirty-five to forty to the minute will bea faierate of speed. Compare your capitals frequently with the copy Are you studying the instructions? They tell you just how to succeed, | reo } of Business Writing ———$—>—_—__—_{ 71 LESSON 86—Drill 107 and space betwen val 4 a F weer AY his tage of the work. Tt fe a good, movemont-de lets and guard agunstimeguan ovement feo and we "gto theo asd thon me's cea stedy of your work, Hy to eo lat ecerten ie eel mba ta the pice. Tires wend howd LESSON 87—Drill 108 A aE a> 2 Hae QTL POOL POM TT te TO | ay 2 XK LOS GY A, 4 LBM PMR PURI 7 LA a R VA oe rns over and over until decided! improvement can be seen. Make frequent comparisons ney Ave; K, thinty-ivo: M, hirtve; N, forty Wo Shady Tea the Repea re loc 2 ———— == The Palmer Method ——————— LESSON 88—Drill 109 , A REVIEW DI 2 ee GLUE EEUU Y EEK ee 2207 ee Tee 7 LAUWU- HUUUUN- UUYUD- roles in U and V-are exactly alike, In eapital W, check the motion a Hele at the baseline fa the fist main dowaard stoke, as this wil aid Ia the constriction ofthe last part LESSON 89 Drill 110 Dracice this compact oval asa besinning drill Make it betiveen two ruled Hines carry she pen Tuhtly and se How many you can make in one ow, ith one dip of fk. ‘Study and compate es you pnactice, Drill enced to the miaute in the following capital: X, thirty vey Wy foriys 2 iby ———— of Business: Writing —————i73 Drill 111 REVIEW WORK Ab this point it would be a good plan to review all the essontial work of the preceding Ieuons, From one to two weeks should be spent in such practice, LESSON 90—Drill 112 Loe Y GE GILLI TD OOO OF Some teachers gue the oop of j and s shorter telow the base thon email y and g, but we make no distinction. ‘The | besine like 2 ama and ‘ends With 2 loop.” Sinallz should receive careful attetion. LESSON 91 SOMETHING MORE ABOUT SIZE In thew Iesione t porented te of writing that i nity ad rapidly executed, and dough larg exh to be pe for qunera ise. "Exartine the writing ofthe best business penmen ithe large mercantile savers and ib ll 8 The Palmer Meth od — | a grave error to present for practice models larger than the pupils are expected to employ in their ordinary writing, And yet profational fenmes continue to present models uot only two or three tien lager Chan good bsiaees waiting is expected tobe, Dub fori that c Pomibly be exreted at commertal speed, CAPITAL AND WORD PRACTICE AS MOVEMENT DRILLS In the following copies the capital and word practice i intended to movoment mast not be let sight ofan the pen should cemain on the in'healon ad Water crt of pane from te benning toe ending of the mall Ktr. Ty lack encourage fee maventent, eontnit Hiewrting muscke than has, perlaps, been gained, ‘The plan de to fll the copies should be tected as mnevement drills, Words ending in fepert thet copalal al teens ‘A the speed designated, and to ‘ave een purponely selected andl thet Vale Will not be quectioned {Slow witi word practice, In the word dss the value ef'a continuous if they ave nightly practiced Drill 113 AABAAGH AGAAD AAGAA Allg th lintg hing, ue Cb G Z “The rate of speed for capital A is from seventy-Sve to eighty-five to the minute and for the word “Alling,” about fifteen to the minute * LESSON 92—Drill i4 Ww CC eee CECE CM GO. ig Op Llinig Qiu 2 e D, “ inn hit por “| ————______— of Business Writing —————————F 75 Practice the word Calling!" at fiteon oF more a minute, and “Chiming” a¢ the sime rate, LESSON 93 Drill 115 COB COU Cw CCUG, - 4 ry Lng Bibong C Liboneg Chong Cbg SF LESSON 94 Drill 116 Keven ing eng Open the lesson with « drill on capital O, making fully sixty to the with the length of the leer? Ts the downward eiroke a, straight tine minute taal wate the word "Oiting’ ae the tate of fourteen to he min- Fa exrve? Ls the lower loop round or flat and what part rests on the (ie. Watch position; watch movement. ‘bis fine? Is the ual seroke fined 9n ot below the base Hine? Capital I Fightly practices, i alwave an excellent movement dil Compare sour wore with the sopy fm reference to thece questions Faenaawed Shoddd beable to sroverintelligently: Where and bow , Practice apesd, sity lttor: to the minute, “Write the word “Taaing? toes the begining sroke start? How long i the upper loop, compared "with avery light motion ata speed not ess than twelve to the minute. 16 | —_—$_> The Palmer Method LESSON 95—Drill 117 BUTAAT Vien. , Ling Hcblbioneg Veblen tips speed for M, about forty do the minute, and of the word "Mil Ap pf. Z Matlong Aes Mutbing Capital N should be Le a the rate of fifty-five a min ie Practice apecd for" Nalin", fourtoe LESSON 97—Drill 119 MUHA HHNOE HABEH | PILI. Bae LED ve Kating Wautong Maubong Hee bong of Business Writing —= << ie Capital 1 should be made at the rate of or forky a mini, ad the word "‘Holing” aboat fiten tothe minute, LESSON 98—Drill 120 KAKI IO Ke vty cpl sto the minute ur ste, ul sould aot fowe Sgn SPthe fact that motion detertnines fori, Take cate of the ‘Botion and the forme of the fetter wil develop ely and patty. A eect study of the saavement a8 apoled to capital KC wil be helpful Sie rstiny the frat pare of the letier, the hand (with the pen im the Ce Lrg He bhins Hola a) 1 KG A a0 should ping below the base tn, deenting as gyal ad ett Stand to he teetpeg pot of ce at part of Se ie Des te oanert the pate wlth # faop, a4 chow nthe copy. Drop the hnishing Sart clog the hate fine, Da't forget the word’ Practice; about twelve ‘Gord eo the minute sea ale rate of peed. Lang F LESSON 99—Drill 121 OPED OL Ga a iblheg Cake ee a es 8 LESSON 100 Be sine silty capital "othe misite, angiven im the Nex? pase fix in ind the image of the liter before attempting i. Stuy closely the proportions and the direction of every stroke, Make about

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