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December 08, 2012 At least 90 percent of Indians are "idiots"

who can easily be misled by mischievous elements in the name of

religion, Press Council of India (PCI) chairperson Justice
Markandey Katju claimed today.
"I say ninety percent of Indians are idiots. You people don't have
brains in your heads....It is so easy to take you for a ride," he
said at a seminar in the capital.
He said that a communal riot could be incited in Delhi for as
meager an amount as Rs. 2000. He said that all somebody has to
do is, make a mischievous gesture of disrespect to a place of
worship and people start fighting each other.
Do not hang on to the word IDIOT but listen to his explanation,
which matters. Intellectuals only have misled and exploited the simple
What is more important is, where India has been led since after
British slavery. People overthrew Kingdoms and finally established a
Government of the people by the people and for the people They
lured the wealth of the country and hid it, in and outside INDIA. Are
they all not patriotic and honorable?

A well known and former finance minister and later a Prime Minister for two
terms made a magnificent speech, like Mark Anthony with great vocabulary
in Shakespeares Julius Caesar.
ManMohan Singh said The demonetizations drive is a monumental
mismanagement failure." A legalized plunder and organized loot
I am not in favor of demonetizations or against it. I am not a
qualified person to comment on it. I am neither a politician nor
an economist. Since after Independence until Prime Minister Modi
took over what great thing has been done by Man Mohan or
anyone else before him.
Look at the following fool proof

1962 Odd-Labor Cost in US

Labor cost/ day $ 20/

2017 Odd-labor cost in US

Labor Cost $ 80/ day

Fighting for 120. Legislature
has to approve to increase

Labor cost increase from 1962 -- 2017:

4 5 times


1962 Gas/ Petrol price in US

Petrol price in US/ US Gallon of

gas .25
1 US gallon 3.78541 British Liters
5 British Liters = 33 Cents

2017 Gas/ petrol price

in US
$ 2.734 / US Gallon
Per 1 British Litr 7.222 Cents
Per 5 British Liters $

Gas/ Petrol Price rice in USA From 1962 2017: 11 times

Labor cost never rose in proportion of gas price but declined in US.

See the progress in INDIA

Petrol bill written in 1963 by Bharat petrol
Supply co.
Located in Bassein, BOMBAY.

Under Portuguese rule (15341661-the
capital ... Important strategic towns
located near Bombay were; Bassein
to the north, Thana to the east, and
Chaul to the south.


1962 Gas/ Petrol price in INDIA

2017 Gas/ petrol price in


I British Gallon INR 03.60 (5


No more Gallon use in INDIA

1 Liter INR 00.72 paise

1 liter INR 75.55 and

changing frequently

Gas/ Petrol Price rice in INDIA From 1962 2017: 105 times


1962 Odd job Labor cost in Keralstate 06.00 Indian Rupees/

2017 Odd-labor cost in

Kerala State 700.00/
Labor cost increase from 1962 -- 2017: 116.6 times

Who has driven the petrol/ Diesel price so high. 105 times

Who has driven the labor cost 116.6 times

YOU can tell, who is IDIOT and who is INTELLIGENT.
The politicians have driven the taxes and energy cost high at
the same time the labor cost was driven out of proportionally
high. Politicians blame each other for supremacy and power. They
fear to say anything against the labor unions they may loose
votes. The politicians do not bother even if India goes to hell,
they worry only about themselves.

Who does not know, energy and labor are the backbone of every
industry. If they are not at low cost, that country will never be able to catchup with international market.
Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Bangalore in January 04 & 05, 2002
where he inaugurated the Business Summit organized by
Confederation of Indian Industries. During his visit, to India he said to
improve their investments in India there must be freedom for employer
to hire and fire employees when needed. The news media never reported
it. If they did it would have been chaos.
One bad guy is enough to destroy one industry. People are different
Some are very lazy, some are incapable of doing good work, some do not
have the stamina, some are alcoholics some are extremely emotional and
causes trouble and some are dishonest. No industry can afford such people.
Kerala State Transport Corporation and other public sectors are good
example for that.
During the first communist regime in Kerala, they nationalized
water transport system without paying any compensation. It never ran
smoothly. Even their collection is skimmed. The condition of those boats are

Many intellectual giants in India began to quote from KARL MARXsDas Kapital and also from the book written by KARL MARX and FREDERIC
ENGELS Communist Manifesto. Politicians promise was, they are going to
make this India a Heaven.
Larger percentage of People, which were below middleclass, fell for it. Pro
Communist feeling in India was getting strong. To fool the people, they said India is
becoming Socialist. The fact is socialism and communism are two sides of the same
coin. In reality India never became Socialist or Communist, but Capitalist with
Socialist skin. Just like a lion appearing in sheep skin.
Nationalization of banks gave a wrong impression to the people. India was
really going to be socialist. Has anything happened? Likewise Communism in Kerala
grew and got established. Their performance was also poor. The present Government
is trying very well, but cannot go too far with it. They have to face stiff opposition
within the party itself. This is the greatest setback of democracy. Politicians
highhandedness in everyday affair is to please the party which is against all ethics
even law and order.

14 Banks were Nationalized in 1969 February 27, 2015
1.Allahabad Bank 2.Bank of Baroda 3.Bank of India 4.Bank of
Maharashtra 5.Canara Bank 6.Central Bank of India 7.Dena Bank 8.Indian
Bank 9.Indian Overseas Bank 10.Punjab National Bank 11.Syndicate Bank
12.UCO Bank 13.Union Bank 14.United Bank of India.
Why nationalization: --It lacked the tenacity to serve the poorer agro
and allied-agro contingent. This was the explanation of the Government.
How is the agriculture in India now. The truth was the private banks were
having all the money control. If the banks are nationalized they come
directly under Government through RBI.
After the nationalization of banks we have poisoned agricultural
products. Nationalization of banks did not improve agriculture. Until
nationalization of banks we had organic food. Another great quality is they
borrow the money and never return. When any action is taken against the
defaulters, the politicians will interfere and make all agitations in favor of the
defaulters. In-short the politicians in India in one way or other create more
lawlessness and agitations. As a result crime rate has gone high and
continue to rise.
In Kerala, agriculture is almost abandoned because people are not
interested in that dirty hard work. Other state people are pouring in to
Kerala for such and other menial jobs. Kerala is a high-job-status state.
They feel ashamed of any menial jobs.
Seven decades before communist propaganda was, the entire land will be
nationalized, and each one will get 13 and half cents. I do not know how
they calculated all that. They fooled the people like hell. Today as you can
see India is a super-capitalistic country. They do not say Socialism any
more, globalization, by the federal Government. The state Governments
have many different names according to the party majority but they do not
mean anything.
Following is the ten planks of Communism. They do not reflect anything
in practice. Just like different religions proclaim their principles and
philosophy which they do not practice at all.


1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means of a national bank
with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the
bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally
in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all
the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the
populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of childrens factory
labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production,
Does this ten planks of communism has anything to do with Indian Communism.

In developed nations background checking is done before hiring for

jobs. Every souls background history is on the internet, wide open. Anybody
can check for their arrest records and criminal activities. In India, criminals
are in Assemblies and parliament. Like father like children. Serpent seedline.

Retailers Estimate
Shoplifting, Incidents of
Fraud Cost $44 Billion in

Who pays for all these theft, honorable people. The

beneficiaries are criminals. In what kind of world we are
living, today.
Indian employees efficiency within the country has shrunk to one
tenth. From 1962 2017. You need ten people today to do the work of one
man did in 1962. Indians work very well abroad. They are made rebellious
even for simple matters at home. They keep agitating, manhandling the
employers, frequent strikes, demand of no-work benefits like (NOKKU
COOLIE), destroy private and public properties. As a result the cost of
product has sky rocketed. In no way INDIA can catch with countries like
China in trade. Indias trade performance based on population is extremely
poor. There is absolutely no law and order in the land. Hired vehicles like
taxis charge 2-3 times of their allowed rates or as they please. Crime rate
has gone very high. They do not appoint enough Judges to settle the court
battle within the time. They are short of 70000 judges. Not enough
policemen, intelligence agencies and crime investigators. By the time a
court-case comes for trial, the offender will be dead and buried. It has been
said by prominent people that India today is a BANANA REPUBLIC. A haven
of criminals.
It was P Chidambaram who raised US dollar rate from INR 15 -25 / US
$. Nobody knows who was the real beneficiary.
Indian currency was printed abroad. Read the following website for the
Indian Currency were printed with the same blacklisted companies,
which were the source of fake notes to Pakistan?
Forged Indian currency found in RBI???
During 2009-10 CBI raid in 70 + branches of various banks on the IndiaNepal border, counterfeit currency racket was unearthed. The officials of
these branches told CBI that they had got these notes from RBI which led
CBI to raid the vaults of RBI. CBI found in the vaults of RBI were huge cache
of counterfeit Indian currency lying in the denomination of 500 and 1000,
the same counterfeit currency smuggled by the Pakistani intelligence agency

ISI into India. The question was how did these fake currency landed
in the vaults of RBI?
Some of the people involved in Indian currency printing abroad
may be still around in India. Who is destroying INDIA, so called
great patriots?
1. January 1946: Notes of Rs 500, Rs 1000, Rs 10,000
2. January 1978: Notes of Rs 1000, Rs 5000, and Rs 10,000
3. November 2016: Notes of Rs 500, Rs 1000 demonetized
Demonetizations in 2016 is the third time, not something that has just come
like thunderbolt from the blue. It has created considerable difficulties. In
addition those who opposed the move made the situation worse by fighting
against and also by crating all the scare, just for the political mileage.


Did any of the social establishments come forward to give any

monetary help to the helpless.
Did any of the places of worship, regardless of the religion
open up their cash boxes


Did any of the political party open up their strong rooms at

least for their party supporters
Did any of the billionaires offer any help
When a disaster comes, these people donate very good amount, they
will raise the fund several times more than they gave. Is it not wise?
When I see the Indian history of corruption, I am least moved of the
demonetizations. I am not a politician, or economist, or social worker, or
religious worker or an Industrialist. I am only an employee. I never felt
ashamed of doing any honest work and never had any job pride. I never
worked for reputation and salary thirst but for perfection of what I do and
the satisfaction of that I could do.
We idiots are caught in-between intellectuals. If you call me idiot, I
would admit that, if I were not I would have been one among the richest.
Who cares for others condemnation or praising. People change political
party conveniently and frequently to suit their benefits. I can only feel sorry
for those who get engaged in all kinds of quarrel and fight.
Human life is very fragile and short, it is not worth to fight for
anything. when they die they have to leave behind, all the good and bad
name along with all the wealth they have accumulated. If you cannot help
someone, at least do not destroy them.
Many people, when they got HIV they kept it secret and tried to pass
on to many others. You cannot imagine their mentality. Human attitude have
degenerated to such unbelievable fathoms of depth.
People hate, despise, ridicule and destroy each other. War is the
outcome of such attitude. Does political leaders bother when their men get
killed for them? They will conduct a protest, a BANDH and declare the dead
as martyr. For what and for whom he has become a martyr. Martyrdom and
patriotism are great and mighty words to exploit less intelligent. Work for a
peaceful social change and for the betterment of mankind. French and
Bolshevik revolutions have taken place during the barbaric eras of the past.
We live in a modern world, democratic period. Change systems through your
votes peacefully.
BANDH: Indian general strike, shutdown, or other form of protest
used in South Asia in which a substantial portion of the population stays at
home. Few strikers will be on the street for destruction of private and public
properties and burning of busses. Are they not antisocial elements.

Democracy is a great terminology its outcome is a constitutional
deadlock. Corruption and injustice has to be eliminated by apt legal
procedures and thereby executing and enforcing it. They all are manipulated
by the politicians leaving Pandoras box open. Even Supreme Court of India
refused to implement BANDH saying Government will not enforce it.

Where is the great Hindu, Indian philosophy AHIMSA?

Ahimsa (Sanskrit Himsa: is a term meaning 'not to injure' and
'compassion'. The word is derived from the Sanskrit root to strike; injury
or harm. Ahimsa is the opposite of this, i.e. cause no injury or any harm.

Who is an idiot and who is intelligent???

God save the country

Published on: Jan 17, 2017


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