Finalized Voicepack List (Llama Edition) - Running Cues

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VO List

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Sound cue
Ability - AreaSuppressing? (X1)

(Curious) I've never used this skill before, let's try it.

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Realize) I should just kill that guy.

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Sinister) Make 'em bleed.

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Humorous) Go invite this guy to bullet club.

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Excitemet) Rupture him... in the FACE!

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Matter of fact) Let's make this easier.

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Smug) Do you feel the rupture?

Ability - BulletShred (Rupture) (X2)

(Excitement) Knife drone!

Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)

(Humorous) Bot banhammer incoming.

Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)

(Intense) Alpacanibble! KILL!

Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)

(Intense) Go! Free all the electrons!

Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)

(Officious) Mods clean up the channel please.

Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)

Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)
Ability - CapacitorDischage? (X2)

(Condemn) Traitorous cover.

Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)

Test Line

Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)

Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)
Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)
Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)
Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)
Ability - CollateralDamage? (Demolition) (X1)

(Instruct) Don't forget the exclamation point in front of

your bot command.

Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)

(Intense) Alpacanibble! Defend!

Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)

(Serious) Go give that guy cover.

Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)

Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)

Test Line

Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)

Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)
Ability - DefensiveProtocol (Aid protocol?) (X2)
Ability - DisablingShot? (X1)

(Corny) Infinite bullets go!

Ability - FanFire (X2)

(Instruct - insist) I said bang bang bangity bang!

Ability - FanFire (X2)

(Matter of fact) I was saving this for a sectopod.

Ability - FanFire (X2)

(Sarcasm - Cheerful) Not OP at all.

Ability - FanFire (X2)

(Skeptical) I should be saving this for when I really need

Ability - FanFire (X2)

(Skeptical) What is trigger discipline anyway?

Ability - FanFire (X2)

(Matter of fact) Shoot him again... and again... and


Ability - FanFire (X2)

Ability - FlushingTarget? (X1)

(Conspiratorial - whisper) Ready to shoot everything.

Ability - KillZone (X2)


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Sound cue

(Conspiratorial - whisper) They just have to step into

this little area.

Ability - KillZone (X2)

(Insistent) Overwatching really hard, commander.

Ability - KillZone (X2)

(Eager) Lets put clip size to the test!

Ability - KillZone (X2)

(Matter of fact) Carefully shooting a million times.

Ability - KillZone (X2)

(Smug) Multiple boops incoming.

Ability - KillZone (X2)

(Eager) Extreme tunnel vision go!

Ability - KillZone (X2)

Test Line

Ability - OneForAll? (X1)

(Cheerful) Line 'em up!

Ability - Reaper (X2)

(Eager) Let me at 'em coach!

Ability - Reaper (X2)


Oooh! I get to do a thing!

Ability - Reaper (X2)

(Eager) Alien dominoes!

Ability - Reaper (X2)

(Obnoxious) Connect the boops - get it?

Ability - Reaper (X2)

(Knowingly) Got tired of strategy, have we?

Ability - Reaper (X2)

(Heroic) Bradford mode, go!

Ability - Reaper (X2)

(Cautious) It feels greedy.

Ability - RunAndGun (X1)

(Contemplate) Run and gun? Run and gun.

Ability - RunAndGun (X1)

(Eager) Let me at 'em coach!

Ability - RunAndGun (X1)

(Exhaustion - panting) Leg day is today?

Ability - RunAndGun (X1)


(Joke) Creating as many problems as it solves since

Ability - RunAndGun (X1)
(Joke) You have to create three problems if you want to
Ability - RunAndGun (X1)
solve one problem.
Ability - RunAndGun (X1)

(Admire) Chaos is beautiful.

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Condemn) Traitorous cover.

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Excitement) All the bullets!

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Sinister laughter)

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Adore) D'aw, he thought he was safe there!

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Matter of fact) Firing all the bullets.

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Matter of fact) Don't touch the barrel.

Ability - SaturationFire (X2)

(Announce) Brain anatomy 101.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Drama) This hurts you more than it hurts me.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Humorous) Close your eyes kids.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Officious) Viewer discretion is advised.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Sheepish) This isn't what it looks like!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Warn) This MIGHT go in the brain.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Warn) We can do this the easy way... or the "down

there" way.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Matter of fact) It's my pleasure, share your feedback.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Sheepish) We tried asking politely!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Indignant) Close range?!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Amazed) What... is it, doctor.

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Excitement) Stabby-stab-stab!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

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Sound cue

(Eager) Stay right there!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Devious) Hey there's something on your shirt - made

you look!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Excitement) Right in the face-brain!

Ability - StunnedAlien (Skulljack/Skullmine) (x1)

(Demand) Sit down!

Ability - Suppress (X2)

(Demand) You stay right there!

Ability - Suppress (X2)

(Instruct) You don't shoot anyone.

Ability - Suppress (X2)

(Taunt) Move, I dare you!

Ability - Suppress (X2)

(Warn) Don't hit the cpu!

Ability - Suppress (X2)

(State) We need more time for our shenanigans.

Ability - Suppress (X2)

Ability - Suppress (X2)

Ability - Suppressing (X1)
(Matter of fact) One more suit for the sorry cleaner.

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Nostalgic) Well, I can't get MORE bald.

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Panic) I'm turning into a puddle of goo!

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Panic) My eyes are melting!

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Panic) My hitpoints are falling off!

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Panic) Oh no its in my beard!

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Panic) Ohmygodohmygod it burns!

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Arnold) The goggles! They do nothing!

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Song) Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Song) Brown sugar

Complains - Acid (X2)

(Song) Timothy Leary's dead

Complains - Acid (X2)

Complains - AmmoOut (X2)


(Gloat) Aha! My armor is too powerful for your measley


Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Gloat) Don't even care!

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Thankful) Thanks for the armor design Tygan.

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Thankful) Thanks for the armor Shen.

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Matter of fact) It went boing off the armor.

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Assuage) It's OK, I have armor on.

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Appreciate) Thanks little yellow shield icon things!

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Scoff) You have to shred me first, dummy!

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Scoff) Not even dead!

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Scoff) Your whammies mean nothing!

Complains - ArmorHit (X2)

(Discover) So that's what I look like on the inside.

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

(Forlorn) Well follks...

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

(Inform) Sir! I can confirm this is not tomato juice.

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

(Meek - Abrupt) Help...

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

(Tired) Gonna lie down now.

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

(Tired) I'm gonna take a nap.

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

Complains - BleedingOut? (X2)

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Sound cue

(Johnny Cash) And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of

fire, the ring of fire.

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Painful) Argh my eyes!

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Confusion) Why is my vision obscured by smoke?

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Confusion) Hey, did someone drop a smoke grenade

or something?

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Hysteria) Everything is on fire!

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Plaintive) Aw! All my abilities are greyed out now!

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Hysteria) Stop drop and roll! Stop drop and roll!

Complains - Burning (X2)

(Confusion) Wha? You're not a puppy.

Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)

(Confusion) I forgot the words so I'm just going to slowly

Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)
fade out awkwardly.
(Confusion) I think... my presence is needed
Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)
(Declare - Inform) My aim is even worse now!

Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)

(Struggle) Can't... do the... the thing!

Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)

(Annoyed - Abrupt) Brain!

Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)

Complains - Confused (Struck by Disorient) (X2)

(Conclusive) My HPs are everywhere but inside that bar

Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)
above me.
(Introspective) I think I'm missing some pieces.

Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)

(Soundbyte of throwing up first during Javallama?)

Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)

Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)

Test Line

Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)

Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)
Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)
Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)
Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)
Complains - CriticallyWounded? (X2)
Complains - DeathScream (X2)

(Anger) Unsubbed!

Complains - Died (X1)

(Bloody gurgle)

Complains - Died (X1)

(Decry) Curse you perception roll.

Complains - Died (X1)

(Disappointment) All that customization was a waste of


Complains - Died (X1)

(Disappointment) I was so close!

Complains - Died (X1)

(Inform) AFK, BRB, don't go anywhere.

Complains - Died (X1)

(Into the light) Jenkins... I'm coming.

Complains - Died (X1)

(Matter of fact) That's it for tonight's stream.

Complains - Died (X1)

(Painful gasp)

Complains - Died (X1)

(Painful scream)

Complains - Died (X1)

(Plead) WAIT!

Complains - Died (X1)

(Saving Private Ryan) Earn this... Earn it.

Complains - Died (X1)

(Surprise) No! I was winning!

Complains - Died (X1)

Complains - Died (X1)

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Sound cue

(Darude - Sandstorm)

Complains - Dodge (X2)

(Exasperation) Why can't I dodge ALL the damage?

Complains - Dodge (X2)

(Plaintive) I still got a boobie.

Complains - Dodge (X2)

(Tickled) Ooh that tickled!

Complains - Dodge (X2)

Complains - Dodge (X2)
Complains - Dodge (X2)
Complains - Dodge (X2)
Complains - Dodge (X2)
Complains - Dodge (X2)
Complains - Dodge (X2)

(Admire) Directed by Michael Bay

Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)

(Warn) Don't use those for cover!

Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)

Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)
Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)
Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)
Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)
Complains - Explosion (Sees an explosion) (X1)

(Cheerful - Sheepish) Here it comes!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Dread) Oh no! Please miss.

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Humorous - Acceptance) Brace for pain!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Morbid - Concede) I hope it was worth it.

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Morbid - Concede) I was a good soldier.

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Offended - Surprise) What? You can't move there!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Offended - Surprise) You're not allowed to do that!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Optimism) He'll just overwatch right?

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Shock) Oh no! I've made a terrible mistake!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Shock) Oh... No!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Shocked) Flanked?! No whammies please?

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Resigned) Welp!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Denounce) This is probably my fault.

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Childlike) Uh-oh!

Complains - Flanked (X1)

Complains - Flanked (X1)

(Denial) But he was so brave!

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Flustered) Why Commander? Why?!

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Lecture) Now that's not very nice.

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Matter of fact) Terrible.

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Metal Gear Solid) Snake? SNAAAKE!?

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Mourn) He's dead Jim.

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Panic) They're killing everyone!

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Sarcasm) I'm so good at this game.

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Surprise - Panic) Jenkins! No!

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

(Surprise) No!

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)

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Sound cue

Complains - FriendlyKilled (X1)


(Curious) What does this little red light on the gun


(Meek) Commander I need more... things, in the... thing. Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(State - Excitement) Getting low on whammies!

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(State) Down to my last shot parenthesis S

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(Excitement) Running low on boop juice!

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(Concern) The gun is struggling commander!

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(Inquire) Do I have an autoloader? I cant tell from the


Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(Excitement) Gonna need to slap my gun soon!

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(Grouchy) Have better aim and you wont need to reload

Complains - LowAmmo (X1)
so much he said!
Complains - LowAmmo (X1)
Complains - LowAmmo (X1)
Complains - LowAmmo (X1)
Complains - LowAmmo (X1)
Complains - LowAmmo (X1)
Complains - LowAmmo (X1)

(Idea) This thing is hot enough to grill an Advent burger. Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

(Inform) Fire and I did not get along well last time.

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

(Optmistic) But the corners are safe, right?

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

(Plead) Get me away from it!

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

(Pleased) Mm toasty.

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

(Warn) Stealth cover destruction attempt detected.

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

(Formal Plea) Commander! Permission to find cover

that's not on fire!

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)
Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)
Complains - ObjectFireSpreading (X2)

Test Line

Complains - ObjectOnFire?

(Anxious) My bubblegun has run out of soapwater!

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Complain) Muh bullets!

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Concern) That's not good. I'm all out.

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Inform - meek) Hey... Hey commander? I'm out of the...

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)
the shooty things.

(Panic) I'm out of cake!

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Serious) Commander, you forgot to tell me to reload.

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Serious) Spare bullets anyone?

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Surprise) You have to reload in this game?

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)
Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)
Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)
Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)
Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

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Sound cue

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

Complains - OutOfAmmo (X1)

(Anxiety) Wait, I just remembered I need to go get my


Complains - Panic (X1)

(Excuse) Hey look... I found a penny over here.

Complains - Panic (X1)

(Excuse) Wait. Did we scout this direction yet?

Complains - Panic (X1)

(Flustered) Why XCOM? Why?!

Complains - Panic (X1)


Complains - Panic (X1)

(Plaintive) I wanna go home!

Complains - Panic (X1)

(Denounce) Don't panic! That's how you die!

Complains - Panic (X1)

Complains - Panic (X1)

(Excitement) Hysterical hunker indiscriminate shooting

mode: activate!

Complains - Panic (X1)

(Sarcasm) This is a bad plan. This is the best plan!

Complains - Panic (X1)

(Gasping - Climactic)

Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)

(Grunting - Suggestive)

Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)

(Moaning - Inappropriate)

Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)

(Panting - Sexual)

Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)

(Wail - Wheeze) Heeeee! Heeeee! Heeeee!

Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)

Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)
Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)
Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)
Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)
Complains - PanickedBreathing (X1)
Complains - PanicScream? (X2)
Complains - Poison? (X2)

(Horror) My veins... They're green!

Complains - Poisoned (X1)

(Squeamish) Ew gross!

Complains - Poisoned (X1)

(coughing) I think I'm poisoned

Complains - Poisoned (X1)

(Squeamish) That wasn't the healing kind of green

Complains - Poisoned (X1)

Complains - Poisoned (X1)
Complains - Poisoned (X1)
Complains - Poisoned (X1)
Complains - Poisoned (X1)
Complains - Poisoned (X1)
Complains - Poisoned (X1)
Complains - SoldierFlanked? (X2)
Complains - SoldierSuppressed? (X2)
Complains - SquadMemberDead? (X2)

(Panic) No, not the hugs!

Complains - Strangled? (X1)

(Resign) Hi, snek.

Complains - Strangled? (X1)

(Grunt - struggle) Love... you... too!

Complains - Strangled? (X1)

(Grunt - panic) Guys... Help!

Complains - Strangled? (X1)

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Sound cue

(Grunt - squeamish) Chest... padding... ew!

Complains - Strangled? (X1)

(Squeamish) Can't watch. Tell me when I can open my


Complains - Strangled? (X1)

Complains - Strangled? (X1)

(Anxiety) Uh... Guys? Need some help here.

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Panic) This spot is full of bullets!

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Anger) This wasn't in the forecast!

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Irritation) This wasn't a good plan!

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Sarcasm) Did he think my aim could get worse?

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Indignant) I can't evac like this!

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(State - urgent) They're trying to hit me by not hitting


Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Concern) Indirect fire directly at me!

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Plaintive) Hey guys? I found where all the bullets are!


Complains - Suppressed (X1)

(Panic) The air is lava!

Complains - Suppressed (X1)

Complains - TakingDamage? (X2)

(Announce - Relief) Not even punished for it.

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Compassion) Bullets love me.

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Humorous) I'm so good at this game!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Mock) Nyaaah aliens are dumb.

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Scoff) What is this, scrubtown?

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Forced Calm) Don't worry. It's fine!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Relief - Emphasis) O. - K. !

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Relief) Whew!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Relief) O.K. w'ere fine.

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Mock) Do you even know how to gun?

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Mock) Hey advent, I'm over here dummy!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Smug) Not even!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Relief) RNGesus is with me.

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Thankful) Praise RNGesus!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

(Mock) You aim like a redshirt!

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)

Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)
Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)
Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)
Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)
Complains - TakingFire (Enemy misses) (X1)
Complains - TurnWhileConfused
Complains - TurnWhileConfused
Complains - TurnWhileConfused
Complains - TurnWhileConfused
Complains - TurnWhileConfused

Stunned by drone 1/23

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Sound cue

Complains - TurnWhileConfused
Complains - TurnWhileConfused
(Aggravation) It hurts. But the beard's alright!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Anxious) I hope Tygan hasn't run out of stitches.

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Dreamy) Nurses, I'm coming.

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Exasperation) Again?!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Happy) I'm taking a vacation!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Humorous) Owie!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Insulted - Shock) Ow!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Irritation) Ow! Hey you, stop that!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Shock) Rude!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Squeamish) That scar won't be pretty.

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

(Indignant) Shot me in the knee!

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)

Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
Complains - Wounded (Taking damage) (X1)
(MC Hammer) Can't touch this.

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Taunt) Nananananana. You can't find me!

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Whisper - conspire) When I take my pants off, I


Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Whisper - conspire) Going commando.

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Whisper - conspire) They can't see me when I tuck my

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
beard in.

(Whisper - conspire) Brilliant. Blending in.

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Whisper - conspire) Ninja mode activated.

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Whisper - conspire) Sneaky sneaky sneak.

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)
Concealment - ActivateConcealment (X2)

(Embarassed) Oh. Uh. Hello.

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Embarassed) Yeah. Um. (Sheepish) I'm here!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

VO List


374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

(Sheepish) Hiiiiii......

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Surprise) Ruh-roh!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Boggled) I... But... Um... I can explain!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Irritation) You weren't supposed to see that!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Denial) I was NOT stealing cookies!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Surprise) No, I wasn't hiding, I was just....

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Surprise) Woops!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Inform - worry) This wasn't the right tile commander!

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Shock) What? Who, me?

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)
Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)
Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)
Concealment - ConcealedSpotted (Single reveal) (X2)

(Contemplate) Should I pull this pod?

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

(Eye of Sauron) I seee youuu.

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

(Whisper) Psst, they're over there guys!

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

(Whisper - excitement) Do you think they have loot?

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

(Whisper - excitement) Guys! They're over here!

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

(Whisper - excitement) I want to grenade that!

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

(Whisper - proud) I found them without getting spotted


Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)

Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted (X2)
Concealment - EnemyPatrolSpotted? (X2)
Concealment - EnterSquadConcealment? (X2)
Concealment - EnterSquadConcealment? (X2)
Concealment - EnterSquadConcealment? (X2)
Concealment - EnterSquadConcealment? (X2)
Concealment - EnterSquadConcealment? (X2)

(Conspire - whisper) Be smart, be quiet, be deadly.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

(Whisper) Be a ninja.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

(Whisper) Dodging all the little icons.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

(Whisper) Elite Llama-commando.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

(Whisper) Engage operation Llama-com.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

(Whisper) Sneaky sneak.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

(Whisper) On my way.

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

VO List

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Sound cue

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)

Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
Concealment - MovingConcealed (X2)
(Aggressive) Game on!

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Aggressive) Hello!

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Coy) Hiiiiiiii.

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Chummy) Hey guys!

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Cheeful) Hey watch this!

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Cheerful) Advent, we're over here!

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Cheerful) Hey Advent! I brought you this!

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

(Matter of fact) This isn't a stealth mission.

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)

Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)
Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)
Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)
Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)
Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)
Concealment - SquadConcealmentBroken (X2)
Concealment - TargetSpottedHidden? (X1)
(Laborous) My legs are overclocking!

Confirms - Dashing (X1)

(Serious) Don't reveal anything.

Confirms - Dashing (X1)

(Serious) Go over there and don't see anything.

Confirms - Dashing (X1)

(Sceptical) Way over there? Are you sure?

Confirms - Dashing (X1)

Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)

VO List


374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

Confirms - Dashing (X1)

Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
Confirms - Dashing (X1)
(Humorous) Don't go anywhere!

Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)

(Matter of fact) You stay put. Shoot time.

Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)

(Winded) Stay put.

Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)

(Winded) Wait, hold on guys, I need a second!

Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)

Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)
Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)
Confirms - DroppingBody (X2)

Test Line

Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)

Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)
Confirms - EngagingHostiles? (X2)

(Anxious) Come on pull me up!

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Curious) Did anyone remember to grab an advent


Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Elated) Acceptable!

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Elated) Wheee!

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Taunt) See ya nerds.

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Victorious) Seeyuh.

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Satisfied) Gimme those nine G's of freedom.

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Panic) Wait! I dropped my glasses!

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Shock - Pleased) I... survived!

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

(Scared) Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look


Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

VO List


374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)

Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)
Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)
Confirms - EVAC (Climbs rope) (X2)
(Matter of fact) Give me a rope and let's call it a

Confirms - EVACRequest (Call skyranger v2)(X2)

(Proud) I remembered to call the skyranger!

Confirms - EVACRequest (Call skyranger v2)(X2)

Confirms - EVACRequest (Call skyranger v2)(X2)
Confirms - EVACRequest (Call skyranger v2)(X2)

(Mock) Get down here! Don't let me have all the fun.

Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)

(Plead) No whammies!

Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)

Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - HunkerDown (X1)
Confirms - MissionAbortRequest (Call skyranger v1) (X2)
Confirms - MissionAbortRequest (Call skyranger v1) (X2)
Confirms - MissionAbortRequest (Call skyranger v1) (X2)
Confirms - MissionAbortRequest (Call skyranger v1) (X2)

(Mock - Imitate - Petulant) I hope its worth it.

Confirms - Moving (X1)

(Mock - Imitate - Petulant) Is it clear?

Confirms - Moving (X1)

(Mock - Imitate - Petulant) What's over there?

Confirms - Moving (X1)

(Serious) Go over there and don't see anything.

Confirms - Moving (X1)

(Sinister) Remember that overconfidence is a slow and

insidious killer.

Confirms - Moving (X1)


Confirms - Moving (X1)

On my way

Confirms - Moving (X1)

I'm on it.

Confirms - Moving (X1)

Confirms - Moving (X1)

Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)
Confirms - Moving (X1)

VO List


374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

Confirms - Moving (X1)


Test Line

Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)

Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - OrderConfirm? (X2)
Confirms - Overwatch? (X2)

(Confused) Did I bring a scope?

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Dubious) Does this ever work?

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Dutiful) Peeling my eyes again.

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Insist - Affection) No, you hang up. No, you hang up.

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Promise) Eventually I'll install overwatch all.

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Sarcasm) Joining the target missed parade.

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Whisper - Eager) OK commander!

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

Ready to fail a perception check

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)
Confirms - Overwatching (X1)

(Complain) Can I just take the stock or do I have to

carry the whole thing?

Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)

(Gasp - pain) Ach! I pulled something in my back!

Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)


Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)


Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)


Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)


Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)


Confirms - PickingUpBody (X2)

(Cheerful) Gun is happy again.

Confirms - Reload (X1)

(Complain) Give me easier shots and I won't have to

reload all the time.

Confirms - Reload (X1)

VO List

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Sound cue

(Dutiful) Putting the bullets back in.

Confirms - Reload (X1)

(Matter of fact) Synchronized gun slapping.

Confirms - Reload (X1)

Confirms - Reload (X1)
Confirms - Reload (X1)
Confirms - Reload (X1)
Confirms - Reload (X1)
Confirms - Reload (X1)
Confirms - Reload (X1)
Confirms - Reloading? (X2)

(Condemn - Cheerful) Scumbag!

Confirms - VIPKnockout? (X2)

(Condemn) Bringing in Bradford's scapegoat.

Confirms - VIPKnockout? (X2)

(Condemn) Pie stealer!

Confirms - VIPKnockout? (X2)

(Elated) I'm an organic kinetic strike module!

Confirms - VIPKnockout? (X2)

Test Line

Confirms - VIPKnockout? (X2)


(Cheerful) Beep boop blip

Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)

(Enthusiasm) I got this!

Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)

(Matter of fact) Hack the planet.

Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)

Test Line

Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)

Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)
Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)
Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)
Hack - AttemptingHack? (X2)

(Cheerful) Beep beep boop

Hack - HackDoor (X2)

(Curious) Anybody home?

Hack - HackDoor (X2)

(Matter of fact) Engage open sesame protocol

Hack - HackDoor (X2)

(Matter of fact) Hack the planet.

Hack - HackDoor (X2)

Hack - HackDoor (X2)
Hack - HackDoor (X2)
Hack - HackDoor (X2)
Hack - HackDoor (X2)

(Cheerful) Beep boop boop

Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)

(Cheerful) Sesame is now open!

Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)

(Cool) Open sesame.

Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)

Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackDoorSuccess (X2)

(Corny) Shall we turrerize them?

Hack - HackTurret (X2)

(Curious) Mine?

Hack - HackTurret (X2)

(Matter of fact) Hack the planet.

Hack - HackTurret (X2)

VO List

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(Optimism) Beep boop blip?

Sound cue

Hack - HackTurret (X2)

Hack - HackTurret (X2)
Hack - HackTurret (X2)
Hack - HackTurret (X2)
Hack - HackTurret (X2)

(Concede) Time to cheese.

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

(Disappointed) But my chance was so high!

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

(Disappointed) Where's Neo when you need him?

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

(Disappointment) Beep boop!

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

(Disappointment) I was trying to save a grenade!

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

(Disappointment) Not mine.

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

Hack - HackTurretFailed (X2)

(Adore) Good robot!

Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)

(Cheerful) Blip!

Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)

(Elated) Mine!

Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)

Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackTurretSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackUnit? (X2)

(Disappointment) Boop blip!

Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)

(Disappointment) It was worth trying.

Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)

(Lecture) Bad robot!

Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)

Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)
Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)
Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)
Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)
Hack - HackUnitFailed (X2)

(Cheerful) Beep!

Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)

(Cheerful) Sesame says boop your friends!

Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)

(Curious - Elated) Mine? Mine!

Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)

(Elated) It actually worked!

Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)

Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackUnitSuccess (X2)

(Matter of fact) Hack the planet.

Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)

(Optimism) Blip boop blip?

Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)

Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)

VO List

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Sound cue

Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)

Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstation (X2)
(Cheerful) Beep blip blip!

Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)

Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)
Hack - HackWorkstationSuccess (X2)

(Cheerful) Hey robot, want to meet my gremlin?

Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)

(Matter of fact) Hack the planet.

Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)

(Optimism) Blip blip boop?

Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)

(Optimism) Bloop beep-beep?

Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)

Go get him, Nibble.

Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)

Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)
Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)
Hack - HaywireProtocol (Hack Robot) (X2)
Heal - HealingAlly? (X1)
Heal - MedicalProtocol (X2)
Heal - MedicalProtocol (X2)
Heal - MedicalProtocol (X2)
Heal - MedicalProtocol (X2)
Heal - MedicalProtocol (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)
Heal - RestorativeMist (X2)

(Cheery) Rise and shine!

Heal - RevivingAlly (X1)

(Conspire) That thing just then never happened, OK?

Heal - RevivingAlly (X1)

(Criticize) Get up! Are you trying to give the aliens

(Inform) You're walking yourself to the medbay,
because I'm not carrying you.

Heal - RevivingAlly (X1)

Heal - RevivingAlly (X1)

(Lecture) You can't EVAC from the ground like that!

Heal - RevivingAlly (X1)

(Concern) Is someone going to carry him? I don't want

to carry him.

Heal - StabilizingAlly (X1)

VO List

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Sound cue

(Lull) Sleep well, soldier.

Heal - StabilizingAlly (X1)

(Optimism) Hang on, we'll be home soon!

Heal - StabilizingAlly (X1)

Heal - StabilizingAlly (X1)
Heal - StabilizingAlly (X1)

(Imitation) Wub wub wub wub

Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)

Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - BlasterLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - Firingrocket (X1)

(Disappointment) Really? The arc is only this wide?

Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)

(Excitement) Flame on!

Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)

(Patented Llama Cackle)

Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)

Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)
Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)
Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)
Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)
Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)
Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)
Heavy Weapon - FlameThrower (X1)

(Command) Lasers, fire at will!

Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)

Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)
Heavy Weapon - PlasmaBlaster (X2)

(Compassion) From XCOM with love.

Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)

Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)

VO List

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Sound cue

Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)

Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketLauncher (X2)
Heavy Weapon - RocketScatter? (X1)
Heavy Weapon - ShredderGun (combine to storm) (X2)
Heavy Weapon - ShredderRocket? (X1)

(Adore - Cute) They thought that was cover. Aw.

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Cheerful) Do you feel dirty? I feel dirty.

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Condemn) Give 'em the business!

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Elated) Shred gun best gun.

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Elated) Winstorm cannon!

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Excitement) Quick, press the I win button!

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Farewell) Goodbye armor.

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Relief) I'm glad the commander didn't place any

soldiers in front of this.

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

*Evil Laugh* Get 'em!

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

(Patented Llama Cackle)

Heavy Weapon - ShredstormCannon (X2)

Item - ArcThrower? (X1)

(Angry) You made daddy mad!

Item - CombatStim (X1)

(Matter of fact) Winners do drugs.

Item - CombatStim (X1)

(Savor) Mmm, delicious drugs!

Item - CombatStim (X1)

Item - CombatStim (X1)
Item - CombatStim (X1)
Item - ElectroPulse? (X1)

(Analytical) Here's my thinking. Argue me out of it.

Item - FragOut (X1)

(Cheerful) Have some boomfruit!

Item - FragOut (X1)

(Elated) I found the pixel commander!

Item - FragOut (X1)

(Humorous) The NBA's finest sonar operators.

Item - FragOut (X1)

(Matter of fact) Explosive holotargeting.

Item - FragOut (X1)

(Skeptical) Should I waste a grenade here?

Item - FragOut (X1)

I think I can balance it on that window sill.

Item - FragOut (X1)

(Matter of fact) Distract them with loud noises.

Item - FragOut (X1)

Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)

VO List

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Sound cue

Item - FragOut (X1)

Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)
Item - FragOut (X1)

Test Line

Item - GhostModeActivated? (X1)

(Elated) I found the perfect tile!

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

(Elated) Spiderman!

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

(Elated) Yes! Give me that spot!

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

(Matter of fact) I'm so much better than you.

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

(Matter of fact) Let's find all the pods at once.

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

(Insistent) This is a good plan and could not possibly go

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)
(Urgent) My spidy-sense says: "Be over there!"

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

Item - GrapplingHook (X1)

Test Line

Item - JetBoots? (X1)

Test Line

Item - JetPackDeactivated? (X1)

Test Line

Item - JetPackMove? (X1)

Test Line

Item - KineticStrike? (X1)

(Matter of fact) Setting up phase one.

Item - Proximity Mine (X1)

(Skeptical) Does anyone actually use these like a mine? Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)
Item - Proximity Mine (X1)

Test Line

Item - RepairSHIV? (X1)

(Plead) No whammies!

Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)

(Warn) Don't breathe this stuff guys!

Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)

Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)
Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)
Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)
Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)
Item - SmokeGrenade (X2)

Test Line

Item - SmokeGrenadeThrown (X1)

(Curious) What's over there?

Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)

(Humorous) The NBA's finest sonar operators.

Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)

(Officious) Find the yogurt boy.

Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)

Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)

VO List


Test Line

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Sound cue

Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)

Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)
Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)
Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)
Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)
Item - SpyGrenadeThrown? (X1)

Test Line

Item - ThroughTheWall? (wraith suit?) (X2)

(Cheerful) Look and say cheese!

Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)

(Cheerful) Smile!

Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)

(Pleading) Please no whammies.

Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)

(Serious) Hey look at this.

Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)

Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowFlashbang (X2)
Item - ThrowGrenade? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - Alert? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - CheckpointSighted? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - CivilianScream? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - CivilianSighted? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - CoupDeGrace? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - CriticalFeedback? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EngineerScienceVIP? (X1)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EvacAllDead? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EvacAllOut? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EvacHeavyLosses (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EvacNoLosses (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EvacSomeLosses (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - EvacSomeOut? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - ExaltChatter? (X1)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - GenericVIP? (X1)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - GroundZero? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - Halt? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - HoldTheLine? (X2)

VO List

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Sound cue

Test Line

Known Unknowns - InDropPosition? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - InitialFeedback? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - InTheZone? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - ObjectivePackageEvac? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - ObjectSecured? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - RequestReinforcements? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - SoldierVIP? (X1)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - StunTarget? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - TargetCaptured? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - TeslaCannon? (X2)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - UsefulVIP? (X1)

Test Line

Known Unknowns - VIPRescueInProgress? (X2)

Test Line

Loot - ItemCollected? (X2)
Loot - ItemCollected? (X2)
Loot - ItemCollected? (X2)
Loot - ItemCollected? (X2)
Loot - ItemCollected? (X2)

(Matter of fact) Mission successful.

Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)

(Matter of fact) Worth.

Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)

(Report) Still haven't found the meld, commander.

Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)

Well, it's no nacho lipstick, but it's something.

Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)

Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)
Loot - LootCaptured (Enemy Drops collected) (X2)

(Excitement) Greed?

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Excitement) Mine?

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Excitement) Oh shiny!

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Hyperbole) Blaster bomb hype!

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Hyperbole) Shredstorm cannon hype!

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Hyperbole) Superior stock hype!

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Matter of fact) Mission objective sighted, commander.

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

(Sinister) Ancient traps lie in wait...

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

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Sound cue

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)

Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)
Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)
Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)
Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)
Loot - LootSpotted (Enemy drops) (X2)
(Cheerful) Hey its you again!

Psionics - Domination (X2)

(Cheerful) Hey wanna come play football?

Psionics - Domination (X2)

(Cheerful) Welcome back!

Psionics - Domination (X2)

(Curious) Andy? Is that you?

Psionics - Domination (X2)

(Optimistic) Hey come play on our team!

Psionics - Domination (X2)

(So Happy Together) Me and you, and you and me.

Psionics - Domination (X2)

Love Me!

Psionics - Domination (X2)

Hey! Did you ever want to be a bartender?

Psionics - Domination (X2)

Psionics - Domination (X2)
Psionics - Domination (X2)
Psionics - Domination (X2)
Psionics - Domination (X2)
Psionics - Domination (X2)
Psionics - Domination (X2)
Psionics - Domination (X2)

(Cheerful) Hey listen to this dwarf fortress track a

couple thousand times.

Psionics - Insanity (X2)

(Cheerful) Incoming dain bramage!

Psionics - Insanity (X2)

(Concern) Don't shoot me don't shoot me don't shoot


Psionics - Insanity (X2)

(Smug) Hey everyone I found the new guy!

Psionics - Insanity (X2)

(Warn) Look! There's a spider on your shoulder!

Psionics - Insanity (X2)

Psionics - Insanity (X2)
Psionics - Insanity (X2)
Psionics - Insanity (X2)
Psionics - Insanity (X2)
Psionics - Insanity (X2)

(Admire) Hey - do that one thing again!

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Bro) Here lemme hold your beer.

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Cheerful) Get out of jail free!

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Critical) You wouldn't need this if our commander had

thought ahead.

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Matter of fact) I need you to do a thing.

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Matter of fact) Pass.

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Polite) Here! Have my turn.

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Polite) No, after you! No, after you! No...

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

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Sound cue

(Serious) Give him the business.

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

(Sympathetic) I know you're tired, but...

Psionics - Inspire (X2)

Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)
Psionics - Mindblast (Soulfire) (X2)

(Aggression) Lazors!

Psionics - NullLance (X2)

(Cheerful) Firin mah lazor.

Psionics - NullLance (X2)

Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)
Psionics - NullLance (X2)

(Dutiful) Throwing the bubble.

Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)

(Matter of fact) Don't do anything.

Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)

Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)
Psionics - NullShield (Stasis bubble) (X2)

VO List

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Sound cue

Test Line

Psionics - PsiControlled? (X1)

Test Line

Psionics - PsionicsInspiration (X1)

Test Line

Psionics - PsionicsMindfray (X1)

(Plaintive) Not the brain!

Psionics - PsionicsPanic?

Test Line

Psionics - PsionicsTelekineticField (X1)

Test Line

Psionics - PsiRift (X1)

(Calm) I'm fine. Come see.

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

(Calm) Don't worry friends, everything will be alright.

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

(Flustered) Do you have my brain?

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

(Flustered) Have you seen my brain anywhere?

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

(Flustered) Where's my brain?!

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

(Struggle) Kill... all... XCOM!

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

These aliens seem so friendly.

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

Psionics - SoldierControlled (Mind Controlled) (X1)

(Petulant) No! That was mine!

Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)

Test Line

Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)

Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)
Psionics - SoldierFailsControl? (X2)

(Matter of fact) Nope.

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

(Scold) No brain for you!

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

(Triumphant) Brain too strong!

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

(Triumphant) Get OUT of here!

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

Ha! I would need a mind to be mind controlled.

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)
Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)
Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)
Psionics - SoldierResistsMindControl (X2)

(Appreciate) Good alien, I approve of you clumping up

like that.

Psionics - VoidRift (X2)

(Eager) Insane dead everything!

Psionics - VoidRift (X2)

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Sound cue

(Matter of fact) Mass insanity.

Psionics - VoidRift (X2)

Swirling Purple Mass Hysteria!

Psionics - VoidRift (X2)

Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)
Psionics - VoidRift (X2)

Test Line

Reports - AlienNotStunned (X1)

(Adore) Aw. Look at him run.

Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)

Yeah, you go tell your friends big bully XCOM's here.

Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)

Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)
Reports - AlienRetreat (X1)

(Arnold) Get to da choppa! Now!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Cheerful) I'm doing so well at the don't be a faceless

game today!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Criticize) Get out of my cover!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Criticize) Stop blocking the shredder gun!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Elated) Be free!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Elated) Hey civ use your teleport!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Elated) Move three tiles and disappear!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Instruct) Engage invisibility, civ.

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Instruct) Teleport out of here now!

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Lament) We'll never know your name.

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Matter of fact) You live another day redshirt.

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Officious) Off with you, redshirt.

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

(Stately) XCOM thanks you for occupying alien pods

Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)
while our soldiers practice shooting.
Go! You're safe! Run! .... NO! Toward the Sky- He'll be
Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)
Reports - CivilianRescue (X2)

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Sound cue

Reports - CivilianRescued (X1)


(Admire) Crushed!

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Admire) Destroyed!

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Admire) Strong work!

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Amused - Surprise) Well. That was easy.

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Ancestor) Remind yourself that overconfidence is a

slow and insidious killer.

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Appreciate) Thanks for supporting the cause. By dying. Reports - Kill (X1)
(Elated) Get booped!

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Excitement) In the FACE!

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Finality) Goodnight!

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Humor) He couldn't dodge because I wasn't looking at

him when I fired my gun.

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Relief) Whew! Nobody died... Nobody died.

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Satisfied) Boop.

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Suave) Get exceded, expectations.

(Valkyria Chronicles) I'm such an adorable death

Reports - Kill (X1)

(Scoff) Clown.

Reports - Kill (X1)

Reports - Kill (X1)

Reports - Kill (X1)

Reports - Kill (X1)
Reports - Kill (X1)
Reports - Kill (X1)
Reports - Kill (X1)
(Boggle) You were supposed to shoot at this. You were
Reports - Missed (X1)
supposed to shoot the this.
(Complain) Why you gotta cheat and not get shot?

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Concern) Is dynamic difficulty turned on?

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Demand) Flip that coin harder!

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Despondent) I've made a terrible mistake.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Despondent) Whelp. People are gonna die.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Disappointed) Swing and a miss.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Elucidate) You can't just shoot them. You have to

explicitly put the bullets in their body.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Matter of fact) Nope.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Matter of fact) Of course not.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Petulant - Whine) I'm doing the best I can! Stop yelling

Reports - Missed (X1)
at me Bradford!
(Plaintive) Everything is terrible.

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Sarcasm) Stock best mod!

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Sheepish) Did my stock get him?

Reports - Missed (X1)

(Unsurprised) Why do I bother to take shots that aren't


Reports - Missed (X1)

(Grumble) Khur ner wur gur rurur

Reports - Missed (X1)

Reports - Missed (X1)
Reports - Missed (X1)

VO List

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Sound cue

Reports - Missed (X1)

Reports - Missed (X1)
Reports - Missed (X1)
Reports - Missed (X1)
Reports - Missed (X1)
Reports - Missed (X1)
Reports - Missed (X1)

(Cheerful) One for you, and one for you, and one for

Reports - MultiKill (X1)

(Elated - Finality) They're gone!

Reports - MultiKill (X1)

(Elated) And a boop for you and a boop for you and a
boop for you...

Reports - MultiKill (X1)

(Elated) I am SO good at the aliens being bad.

Reports - MultiKill (X1)

(Elated) Kill ALL the things!

Reports - MultiKill (X1)


Reports - MultiKill (X1)

(Laughter - Falling out of chair sound effect)

Reports - MultiKill (X1)

(Laughter) Get wrecked!

Reports - MultiKill (X1)

Reports - MultiKill (X1)
Reports - MultiKill (X1)
Reports - MultiKill (X1)
Reports - MultiKill (X1)
Reports - MultiKill (X1)
Reports - MultiKill (X1)
Reports - MultiKill (X1)

Test Line

Reports - MultipleTargetsKilled? (X2)

(Anger) Every time!

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Despondent) Terrible.

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Disappointed) That makes things complicated.

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Flustered) No! Why?

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Flustered) Why do you do this.

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Humorous) Wiff!

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Matter of fact) Strike one.

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Unsurprised) Sword always misses.

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

Reports - SwordMiss (X2)

(Surprise) My bullets bounced right off!

Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)

Right, we're supposed to shred that first.

Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)

Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)

VO List

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Sound cue

Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)

Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)
Reports - TargetArmorHit (X2)

Test Line

Reports - TargetEliminated? (X2)

Test Line

Reports - TargetKilled? (X2)

Test Line

Reports - TargetMissed? (X2)

(Demand) Hold still!

Reports - TargetWinged (X2)

(Denial) I didn't miss! He moved!

Reports - TargetWinged (X2)

(Plaintive) Dodge?

Reports - TargetWinged (X2)

Reports - TargetWinged (X2)

Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - TargetWinged (X2)
Reports - VIPRescueComplete (X2)
Reports - VIPRescueComplete (X2)
Reports - VIPRescueComplete (X2)
Reports - VIPRescueComplete (X2)
Reports - VIPRescueComplete (X2)

(Coy) Hi guys.

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

(Coy) Oh heyyy.

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

(Yell) RAID!

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

I see some EXALT... er... ADVENT

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

(Cheerful) Donuts!

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

(Cheerful) Blarten!

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)
Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)
Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

Soldier is near a scientist/engineer VIP who climbs the rope

VO List


374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)
Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)
Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)
Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)
Spotted - AdventSighting (Any pod w/ advent) (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - AlienExperimentSighted? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - AlienFacilitySighted? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - AlienFloraSighted? (X2)

(Curious) Do you think there are aliens over there?

(Surprise) Wait - the mission isn't over?
(Humorous) The NBA's finest sonar operators.

Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)

Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)
Spotted - AlienMoving (X1)

(Elated) Free experience supply drop located!

Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)

(Finality) Aaand another one.

Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)

(Optimistic) Please don't be funlancers?

Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)

Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)
Spotted - AlienReinforcements (X1)

(Curious) What is that?

Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)

Test Line

Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)

Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)

Soldier detects sound wave 1/23

VO List


374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)

Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)
Spotted - AlienSighting? (X1)

Test Line

Spotted - GenericSighting? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - GraffitiSighted? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - HeardSomething? (X1)

Test Line

Spotted - HiddenMovement? (X1)

Test Line

Spotted - HiddenMovementVox? (X1)

(Matter of fact) Punch magnet located.

Spotted - HostileVIP? (X1)

Spotted - HostileVIP? (X1)
Spotted - HostileVIP? (X1)
Spotted - HostileVIP? (X1)

Test Line

Spotted - HostileVIP? (X1)

Test Line

Spotted - MeatFactorySighted? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - MovementSpotted? (X2)

Spotted - ObjectiveSighted (X2)

Soldier spots hackable workstation (primary objective) 1/23

Spotted - ObjectiveSighted (X2)

Spotted - ObjectiveSighted (X2)
Spotted - ObjectiveSighted (X2)
Spotted - ObjectiveSighted (X2)
Spotted - TargetHeard (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - TargetSighted? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - TargetSpotted? (X1)

(Analytical) Bladestorm would be really good right about

Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)

(Concerned) Hey you guys are overwatching right?

Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)

Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)
Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)
Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)
Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)
Spotted - TrippedBurrow (X2)

(Apprehensive) I hope this VIP doesn't steal our camera

Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)
(Confused) Wait, that's the one we're after?

Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)

Moved to Spotted - AlienMoving 1/23

VO List


(Curious - Hopeful) Doorn? Is that you?

(Nostalgic) Remember when these guys had all the
(Relieved) Oh, good. I thought they said we were
rescuing Vahlen. Glad we cleared that up.

374/649/1266 completed

Sound cue

Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)

Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)
Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)

(Upset) You said we were rescuing Doorn!

Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)

Test Line

Spotted - VIPSighted? (X2)

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