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DJing is for people whose favorite punk rock band broke their hearts by signing

to a major label.
How does one effectively guage the placebo effect?
Repression rules the world. Someone will always wish that they were somewhere do
ing something more fulfilling than what they are up to at the present moment. So
meone somewhere will be waiting to exploit that.
Roots is the Black "Godfather".
I wonder if Black Americans overall idolatry of other cultures (Italian
Americans, Hispanic Americans etc.), as well as the deification of negative or n
eutral mainstream media images (rappers, athletes, drug kingpins) to the extent
that fatherless children choose to emulate them stems from the overall feelings
of shame that stem from our history in the United States (pre-Civil Rights, post
-Slavery etc.) and the desire to ignore it causing a lack of personal responsibi
lity, personal identity.
As a society (Black America, White America, American Society I'm not picky which
), I feel that we could do a lot more to instill the individual value of not onl
y black youth but youth as a whole, teaching them that each and every day is a c
hance to excel and progress. That each and every decision made is ultimately the
irs and impacts their future in ways that aren't immediately evident. This works
for anyone who may be disenfranchised, not only minorities. Hard work is the be
st way to fill whatever void an individual may have.
I have a lot of problems that aren't visible to the naked eye, and it's
not easy always to explain them to someone that either doesn't care or lacks th
e capability to understand. What's more, it's not always evident that I've been
through anything because as an adult I've gone to great lengths to try to exist
in spite of my problems. The downfall is that my abuse history tends to make me
susceptible to manipulative, predatory individuals against my own better judgeme
I'm not stubborn, you're wrong. There's a moderate difference.
The angriest that I could ever be at my mother for my childhood can always be re
placed by remembering that as a kid we always had breakfast before we got on the
bus or got dropped off at school.
If you come across an adult with a sub-par reading level, sit that moron
down with a copy of "Hustler Stories".
Christopher Italian guy looking for India
instead of just venturing twenty minutes south...Bullshit.
Some conquistador doofus got sick of the Moors heading north fucking, and pillag
ing, so they headed west, got lost, landed shipwrecked on the Eastern Seaboard a
nd began raping and pillaging as had been happening to them, then blamed the Ita
***************Don't Punish the Weak.*********************
Here's the thing about lame ass, uninteresting boring-ass motherfuckers.
They sit on their boring lame ass with their boring habits and routines in unin
teresting parts of the world all while observing others and passing judgement on
those that accomplish way more than they ever will. And then they wonder why no
one gives a fuck about their lame, uninteresting boring ass opinions. So they s
tart hating. And it festers and simmers. They become bitter, spiteful and vengef
ul. And that combination motivates and for once they have found a purpose, malfo
rmed and negative though it is. They enact this vengeance upon those they feel d
eserve it the most, those they consider abnormal but secretly harbour a deep env

y of.
Unbeknownst to them their lame, boring, uninteresting not to mention uni
nspired and often basic and fucking lazy, ignorant attempts to rattle your sensi
bilities can be but an irritant. At most. Key words are "at most". But they keep
at it because they can sense you're irritation and any reaction is better than
none, and they are drawn to that reaction the way that rats are drawn to electri
city and garbage. Eventually, though, you learn to deal with it as you have far
more options for coping with stupid bullshit than the average simpleton that nev
er thought beyond their own lame ass, boring uninteresting fucking existence. (N
oticing a pattern?).
Eventually, much to the dismay of the simpleton, the honeycomb stops pro
ducing honey, or falls to the ground after having been perpetually swatted at by
another creature. Or a burst of electric energy zaps the rodent that couldn't l
eave well enough alone with enough voltage to stun or kill it. And life goes on.
(Circa January 2015)
"I would rather die than go back to prison at this point in my life. I would rat
her be in prison that live in a society that doesn't feel it necessary to produc
e any evidence of my deserving to be incarcerated. Maybe I'm already dead then"
Sacrifice is slavery. War is a religion.
I really think when 2pac says, "That's why I fucked your bitch" at the beginning
of "Hit 'Em Up" he was talking about Lil Kim, not Faith. Think about it....he t
alks cash shit about the whole Junior Mafia and B.I.G. and Puff. On "Why You Tur
n On Me?" he goes off on Kim for being all sorts of fat bitches choking on dicks
down her throat. What he never says, though, is "I fucked your wife". Either wa
y, nailing someone's side chick is enough to get you fired on.
To give the clearest explanation to what kinds of people wind up in pris
on, there are signs posted above the toilets and urinals that read, "Do Not Drin
k" with a picture of a cup of water with a Ghostbusters-eqsue red circle with a
line through it. My bad choices have placed me in an environment where that need
s to be explained in two languages. Jesus Christ.
I still haven't fully had the opportunity to fully analyze what has led
to my being here on any serious level. Thinking doesn't seem to be the way to de
al with it. What I've found that helps is saturating my mind with enough positiv
iy so that when I have that eventual and inevitable nervous break down, hopefull
y I won't stray too far from reality and nothing falls apart too badly.
I've heard prison referred to as a retirement home. It's really more lik
e a funeral parlor or graveyard. It's a world with a completely bizarre currency
exchange rate. A new state toothbrush and tube of state issued toothpaste is wo
rth one single scoop or freeze-dried instant coffee. Initially, I felt bad at al
l because ordinarily a cup of coffee is free no matter where you are, and I wasn
't about to let the environment change me any. Eventually I said fuck it because
anyone willing to make that trade must really need it. I let him keep the tooth
brush and toothpaste.
It's just so odd, because to me coffee is something that you brew, enjoy two or
three cups of, throw the rest away because it got cold or reheat it and drink mo
re of. I was kind of angry. It was like if I walked into Starbucks and were aske
d to pay for a large Caramel Machiato with a baked chicken thigh 1/4, then the b
arista said, "Umm...I'm going to need a package of ramen noodles as well".
Losing your God damned mind happens every 45 minutes because of the stra
ngeness of it all. It goes something like this...someone does or says something
that irks the living shit out of you, so you'll read a Sura from the Quran. You
get distracted, but by then it's time for 1 of 3 meals, recreation or cantene de
pending on what time of day it is. Then someone will do or say something that ir
ks the living shit out of you, so you'll say 10 Hail Marys and 3 Glorias on a ch
eap, plastic Chinese Rosary. Then you'll read 7 or 8 pages of a novel or text bo

ok, have a cup of coffee. And then someone will say or do something that irks th
e living shit out of you. All of this is a perpetual, concentrated effort not to
lose your composure because that's all a lot of these fuckers want in an effort
to figure out how to manipulate you (it's the mindset that comes from only deal
ing with or encountering regular society through television as a drug dealer liv
ing in the inner city...the company you keep etc. etc.) The entire day is spent
trying not to lose your God damned mind every time someone says or does somethin
g that irks the living shit out of you. Followed by trying not to snap and lose
your God damned mind every time someone says or does something that irks the liv
ing shit out of you. In between trying not to snap and lose your God damned mind
... okay you get it. Lather, rinse, repeat.
******Mutually Assured Destruction*******
Life is an individual battle. The problem is that so much advertising, m
ainstream media, devices and distractions tend to delude the masses into sacrifi
cing who they are in order to fit in. When you realize that the ruling class is
sacrificing other human beings in order to fill their own coiffers the trick is
not to be one of them. Therein lies the struggle.
History is gruesome and barbaric, you study it not only to keep from rep
eating it, but in order to prevent being a victim of it, or having it perpetuate
d against you. Progress is made through love. Change though progressive can be b
orn of conflict. Pain is love. The truth hurts.
ASL- Always Showing Love
ARTS - Always Ready to Steal
ASF - Always Shooting Footage
Something has got to give when professionals can no longer decypher what
is or isn't stupid bullshit anymore. I think the United States needs another Ci
vil War. People need to die. New borders and standards need to be defined.
The only thing blacker than jail are diamonds, gold and oil.
I think that the most plausible explanation for the 2001 World Trade Cen
ter attacks is that in 1992 all of the planted bombs weren't detonated, more had
been planted in preparation for the later attacks. That or unmanned drone or ha
cked jet packed with C4 explosives hit 9 years later.
There is something worse than letting someone rent space in your head, a
nd that is letting them rent space in your heart.
The oppressor is always worse than the peoples being oppressed. The know
better but not be able to do better is a shame. What's worse, that kind of self
ish control is without any long term benefit to humanity as a whole.
See, it's not that I don't date black women. Think Freud. My Mother is f
rom Harlem, New York. So the kinds of sister's I'm attracted to are a rarity in
Florida. Lately, though, things have gotten so bad down here that women can't ev
en differentiate between real niggas and fuck niggas anymore. All the smart, sou
lful women are on strike while stripper bitches play the role like substitute te
I was watching "Party Down South" on accident once, and it occured to me
that Mexico is about 45 minutes from Georgia. But these hicks are at the bar, n
one of them speak Spanish and the exchange rate is probably like 1 of our dollar
s for every 10 of theirs give or take. The guy at the bar is trying to figure ou
t his tab and he doesn't speak the same language as the bartender. Come on, for
real, how good of an idea is it to be getting liquored up in a strange locale wi
th no understanding of the native language, the currency or culture? These fucke

rs don't go to a single museum or landmark or nothing. I hate television for tha

t reason.
Dear Black America, it seems irresponsible and probably criminal on some
level, but I have to say something. If you get rid of the body and stop doing i
rresponsible shit like drive-bys you can keep the gun without worrying about bal
listics you simple fuckers. If you honestly decide that someone needs to die go
the whole nine yards and dispose of the body yourself and stop waiting for foren
sics to come collect the evidence. The less work you make the police do, the mor
e likely they are to leave you the fuck alone.
Pre-nups are a stupid idea because (A) there is no way in hell that you
can make up in material, tangible items what you lose spiritually, emotionally a
nd mentally (B) if that's what you're concerned with when a marriage comes to a
close you've never should have tied the knot in the first place, as you complete
ly misunderstood the contractual obligation from jump.
I'm neither simple nor gullible. I am, however, patient and God fearing.
Somehow the two are often confused. Some even go as far as to take advantage of
the latter.
When it comes down to it, I have no desire to control a female's sexuali
ty, only to be a part of it. Similarly I do not appreciate a woman attempting to
control mine. The fact of the matter is let's get down to the nitty gritty, all
the naughty dirty parts of our mutual passions, lusts and fears and insecuritie
s. Don't expect any particular reaction on my part, though.
Here's the thing about racism, genocide, deliberate subjugation of any p
opulace...How many cures for cancer, solutions to global wars, answers to questi
ons that have plagued humanity for centuries have been lost as a result of sacri
ficing a segment of society for fabricated, trivial reasons? If it is possible t
o be that intentionally negligent of one's fellow man's needs how unintentionall
y unaware of your own needs are you being? And what impact is that having on you
wellbeing as a whole?
I would say that at or around thirty percent of my personality is compos
ed of cynical responses to the ignorant garbage that I deal with on a regular ba
sis as a young man.
I used to do drugs in order to get in touch with my feelings. At a certa
in point it became about ignoring them. Drug use requires some element of guidan
ce, therapy, to determine which direction to focus their effects.
Karma is like ballistics evidence, if you are living the way that you sh
ould neither of them are something that you're worried about coming back to haun
t you.
Someone, somewhere at this very moment in time is watching "According to
Jim" or "Reba".
The reason that Barack Obama never got angry is because Ivy League educa
ted individuals don't give a damn what stupid people think. That's got nothing t
o do with color. Having a wife and two daughters tends to calm you down as well
due to all of the estrogen.
I've always been attracted to older women and full figured women. Unfor
tunately these preferences tend to be looked at strangely in society as though i
t's anyone's business but mine and my partner. Maybe I only notice this because

I'm getting older and it's always been this way. It just irks me that someone's
sexuality could be judged so heavily in society. It's so basic, and causes me to
wonder how empty someone's life can be to where they feel it's necessary to obs
erve and comment on these things. I feel like I live on a planet full of mental
midgets and 3rd graders. "Eww, your skin color is different than mine", "Oh my g
od, what could you possibly see in such and such a person?" etc.
"Love to be real, it must cost, it must hurt, it must empty us of self"
- Mother Teresa
For a while, hoverboards were exploding and setting Christmas trees on f
ire by contact. I could have told you that was a bad idea.
Let me get this straight, you can't ride a regular skateboard, but you'd like on
e that flies? I can make one fly without a combustion engine and people think I'
m gay or need to grow the hell up. And they burst into flames to boot! That's hi
llarious to me on all the wrong levels for all of the wrong reasons. To me, that
's like someone that's never driven a motor vehicle opting to fly George Jetson'
s car.
The point is that if you need a license to drive a car, you should need
one for floating hovercraft. Either that, or stop buying the ones manufactured i
n Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Syria. They're not that fond of us.
I mean, the concept only worked in "Back to the Future" because the dude's best
friend was a scientist, and he knew how to operate the damned thing. Not to ment
Somewhere through the course of my twenties I lost sight of the simple t
ruth that I'm just bitter, angry, hateful and scorned. It's not a good idea to n
eglect or deny any part of myself, that's how you wind up with cancer and ulcers
. I've decided to attempt to be pure evil without evoking God's wrath to see whe
re it gets me. Is that even possible?
A lot of things I've figured out about life either by experience (mine or anothe
r's), or just plain intuition and common sense. I'm not entirely prepared to ind
ulge in some of the more simple joys of life simply because I want to actually e
njoy them without going any further off of the deep end.
Drugs are only bad for you if you're boring, your pain is stupid. Or bot
I used to think that the reason I go out of my way to be as nice as poss
ible is because I would want those niceties reciprocated. I came to realize that
the ulterior motive for such behavior is that I've done some awful stuff in my
time and I'm making the effort to offset the inevitable bad karma.
*******Your Government Hates You*******
Any time that medicine is distributed for the purpose of destroying life
I'm almost certain that nature has been perverted on such a massive scale that
God has demised some grand payback that can only be hillarious beyond measure fo
r those victimized and terribly humiliating for those responsible.
The abil
ity to destroy something isn't the same as the ability to control it, as how can
you have any power over what isn't?
Most of the time I'm trying to figure out how to maneuver through life a
bsent the trappings of the garbage devised to offend my sensibilities, damage my
spirit and destroy my soul. Not to mention break my heart and numb my mind.
If you're attempting to make someone jealous, then at one point, through
no fault of their own, your unhappiness will bring that individual joy.
I try not to need people or things to validate who I am as a person. Hop

efully my actions speak for themselves.

TMZ and the paparazzi propaganda machine has no respect for the human el
ement that allows for art to be created. The mainstream media has zero respect f
or the artist. It's a show about aggrevated stalking yet you can forget that whi
le watching it because the victim is someone that you "know" from the big screen
or your favorite album. In this age of "now, new, next", there is no appreciati
on for the very human process by which songs, paintings, movies, comedy, literat
ure come to exist. the current generation deifies, a step beyond even idolizing,
public figures to all of our detriment.
The Japanese's payback for WWII is the video game console war. The Wii U
is essentially the Super Nintendo with a disc system, the way that it would hav
e been released in 1996 has Square Enix, Sony and Nintendo not had a licensing d
isagreement that resulted in the Nintendo64 which was similar to many of Sega's
fuck ups throughout the 90s. In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get
along?" so that I can finally play Metal Gear all the way from the NES 8-bit ve
rsion through whatever version they're up to now on the same console? Seriously
, after the Playstation 2's MGS3 I was god damned if I were going to shell out a
nother few grand to contribute to this ongoing console war. I'm sure they RPG gu
ys can agree with me, as it would be great to play all of the Final Fantasy game
s without needing to buy every system whichever company is hawking in an effort
to empty our wallets every holiday season.
The relationship between Caucasian Americans that think that the Civil W
ar is something to be celebrated and African Americans in the United States is s
imilar to a guy who nailed a really hot chick in high school but still brags abo
ut it when he sees her at the bar when they're in their 30s. Let it go, man. Tha
t was ages ago. There is always a way to live peacefully and prosper regardless
of anyone else's bullshit no matter how hard you have to try to find it. It can
be done.
In terms of racist jokes there aren't enough for white guys so I thought
of a few.
- How many white guys does it take to fill the county jail?
Twenty, with 8 squad cars on two shifts.
- How many white guys does it take to bring a woman to orgasm?
Haha, yeah, right!
Tragedy can cause you to develop a hatred of thinking.
The funny thing about the television show, "American Dad" is that there's an ali
en and a talking fish, but the gay couple still bothers him.
The mind is separated from the heart by the desire to fulfill the ego. A
ll of the things that you either avoid paying attention to which ultimately dete
rmine the spirit's content, or things that you saturate your spirit with intenti
Okay, so New Testament Galatians 6 is back at circumcision. I buy all of
the rest of it, virgin birth, water into wine, loaves of bread and fish, resurr
ection...but somehow whether or not you cut the head of a baby's penis at the ti
me of birth is a conflict.
I don't hate, I am not a racist, but as mentioned in previous parts of the New T
estament, this too is what's known as "Jewry". The same retarded logic that lead
s to sacrificing blameless people in the first place. Inserting baby dicks into
theology makes sense, how? A bunch of grown, bearded, robe wearing men trying to
decide what to do with foreskin. GOD MADE FORESKIN! Get away from me, Herschel.

Go have some latkes and shut the hell up.

Perhaps I'm young and opinionated or just a the post-adolescent phase of
early adulthood when growing pains lead to carving out a niche in a crazy world
, but I get the impression that the Earth is in a state of rebuilding. The Middl
e East is definitely a force to be reckoned with, and U.S. Society as it was for
med is coming into its own as a civilization. However its methods and hierarchy
tend to cause upheaval with the rest of the planet's wellbeing.
It seems that as far as global relevance we are in many ways the equival
ent of a late twenties to early thirties adult with a lot of great prospects and
a decent chance at making a lasting impact on the Earth, as a whole, if the hyp
ocrisy evident in our government structure were deleted continuously through tim
e so as to redude the racist, classist and mysoginist undertones. Making our soc
iety and the planet at large a much place.
The cycle that keeps most young adult black males incarcerated in his co
untry is that 70 percent of the time there isn't a domainant male role model in
the picture of a positive nature. So, through no fault of their own they are pro
ne towards anti-social tendencies stemming from lack of authority or culpability
to such authority.
Inner city neighborhoods only offer the opportunity of camraderie with o
ther males in similar socio-economic situations and patterns through delinquent
activity with other misguided youth. By which, they end up behind bars, where th
ey feel their purpose as a byproduct of forementioned anti-social behaviors thro
ugh the male bonding missing prior to incarceration is achieved. Lather, Rinse,
I climbed to the top of my high
t the age of 19. I was on methadone at
borrowed someone's phone to call my Mom
home the police were there asking if I
mental health facilities in the county.

school once with about 7 of my friends a

the time, we smoked a joint and, then I
and tell her about it. By the time I got
needed to be escorted to any of several
You know, just in case.

Criminals do wrong for their own selfish gain. A gangster plays the card
s how they are dealt and hope to God that their efforts are toward a positive, p
rogressive end in spite of the sin involved in their behavior.
Thank the good Lord that the only thing that matters in this game is res
Hip-hop is birhted of the struggle of Black American men and women post
the 1970s and the inner city plight fused with drugs, crime, degradation and the
inevitable triumph that results from the strengthening that being held back pro
The "beef" scenarios are played out. What comes of it (Jimmy and 50 Cent
coming together, Game and Dr. Dre reuniting) are the truest measurements of the
state or urban Black America as both Jimmy and Fif are descendants of the same
NYC lineage of overnight millionaire drug kingpins and Dr. Dre and the Game are
the remnance of the not so distant Black Panthers becoming Bloods and Crips afte
r the Cocaine Epidemic in the 1980s up to and after the L.A. Riots in the 90s.
Things that tend to remind me that there is a Loving God in charge of al
l the stupid shit I trip about:
- Cartoons like Woody Woodpecker
- Movies about wars that I wasn't alive for
- Falling asleep with the radio playing and waking up at
the exact moment your favorite song comes on
Where my family's from, the way I was go out and steal unti

l you don't have to anymore. When you're hard up for cash or disenfranchised you
don't sit around like a sociopath trying to emulate success as though "Looking
impo'tant" is the same as "Being imp'otant".
"I watched the sun rise at the behest of my cell mate in solitary confin
ement for the first time. It was pretty trippy purely for these two reasons: A)
The Sun is a giant ball of gas so far away that it's distance is measure in time
and light B) It's moving.
Hey Kids, when you trust in God and believe in the Lord, you don't have
to be good at math anymore!
To hell with being misunderstood. I'm tired of feeling unappreciated. I
practice celibacy because sex isn't about power or control and most don't get th
at. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. If you're not trying to leaven tha
t lump then you should be leavin'.
Someone asked me once how I met my wife. So I told him, "BBW Escort Serv
ice". Somehow I talked her into $80 in food stamps and $300 cash for a dinner da
te and full release at no extra charge. Somehow she fell in love with my doggyst
yle and we've been together ever since.
Dear State of Florida,
I get it, after the Civil War no one told you guys that it was over. Ste
pping on a White Man's shadow isn't illegal anymore, calm down. Get over it.
Jail is the gayest place on Earth. It's like heaven for your balls, but
it's a miserable experience to be packed into a people container becoming intima
tely aware of other men for no reason other than his bunk is above or next to yo
urs and that you tend to pick up subtle nuances in the course of dealing with hi
m. Gayer than both San Francisco and Disneyworld combined. It's just weird becom
ing that familiar with other grown ass men for no god damned reason every minute
of the day in a non-sexual manner.
The movies "Clerks" produced by and starring Kevin Smith and "Independen
ce Day" featuring Will Smith are two movies made within the same time frame on p
olar opposites ends of the spectrum in terms of budget. The difference is that C
lerks is timeless and Independence Day seemed totally dated even though it uses
state of the arts special effects for it's time. People that need that explained
to them are not the audience that I bother to make music, videos or art for. I'
d rather listen to Nirvana's unedited studio sessions rather than the slickest u
ber-produced Justin Bieber song any day of the week.
When someone's modus operandi is to cause dissension the only way to con
tinue their way of life is to remove those capable of intercession and peacekeep
ing from the environment that they're in so as to perpetuate the chaos and uphea
val that allows their prosperity.
Art has to maintain a degree of neutrality in order to capture a realist
ic image.
The entire point of Jesus dying on the cross is that the son of God coul
d be crucified on Earth in the same fashion as a murderer or rapist. Not only do
es that prove that very little on this plane of existence is as measurable as wh
at our souls and or spirits values are worth post mortem, but that none of us is
better than another, no one life has more value than another that is discernibl
e by mankind. That judgement belongs solely to the Lord itself.
Gangsters don't go to hell, to choose to do wrong for the benefit of ano

ther is still a completely selfless act.

Dudes either think or feel, rarely in conjunction. Chicks on the other h
and tend to think with their feelings, or even feel with their thoughts.
No one cares what women think more often than not in U.S. society. Women
tend to confuse the desire that a male has to fuck them with interest as who th
ey are as a person.
When I was 18 I got completely trashed at a friend of mine's party. I wo
ke up the next morning on a matress that was in the center of the front lawn. M
y first thought was, "Who put this mattress on this lawn?". My second, and far m
ore important thought was "Why am I on it?"
Focusing on unhappiness does not necessarily relieve you of it.
Some psyche meds have side effects that make you want to kick someone's
ass out of sheer irritation, but leave you just subdued enough to be too lazy to
do it.
The thing about bad bitches is that they never lose focus, their facial
expression never changes. They have their own problems and most of them are none
of your god damned business.
***Them's Fightin Words***
The following is a list of sayings and statements that, should you hear them whi
le incarcerated, means that you are in fact about to engage in fisticuffs. To a
laymen it may sound like non-sense, but it means that the time has come for you
and another individual to settle a dispute with violence.

Tighten Up
Put Your Shoes On
Strap Up
Get Right
Get There
Get on the Gate
Put Your Shit on the Gate
Check In
Get in That Room

The remaining few are statements and jargon overheard during the course of repea
ted incarceration during the span of my twenties and a brief explanation.
- Rub That Shit On Your Chest - Whatever implied item is worth less than the val
ue placed on it, and since you care so much about it, rub it on your chest
- Bond Out - You're in jail, if you don't like the situation get some bond money
together (generally said in response to the television station or a foul smell)
- Check In - Ask the Officer's to place you in Protective Custody because you've
got some female tendencies that might get you beat up or taken advantage of
- Lock Down for What? - (Lil Jon Era "Lock Down for What") Said in response to a
n officer's demand for us to leave the dayroom and return to our cells
- That Ain't No Damn Deal - A bad deal (asking too much for something not worth
the asking price) is usually met with this response
- Don't Buck the Jack - If someone is in a position of taking something from you
"on the arm", don't get yourself hurt over something material
- Catchin' Feelings - Getting emotional, generally unnecessarily
- He Got a Occupation - Someone that does "wrong", or commits crime for a living
can be said to have an "occupation" in reference to criminal activity

- That's That Hurt - When something occurs that amplifies the helpless/hopeless
feelings involved in incarceration (loss of a loved on, friend, etc.) this phras
e is
- That's That Nerve - When something occurs that gets on your last nerve (being
help without bond because of probation or child support)
- Ain't Gonna Be Able to Do it - Simply stated way of letting someone know that
their request is undoable (cup of coffee, cigarette, borrowing an item)
- Need to Do Some Things - A way of stating that the rest of the day requires pr
eparation (basic hygiene regiment, have a cup of coffee, use the telephone)
- Let Me Do My Time - A simple way of stating to another inmate that each indivi
dual prisoner has their own sentence hanging over their head equipped with its o
worries and struggles
- Humbug - A situation that resembles a clusterfuck leaving one to call it a "Hu
mbug" similar to "Scrooge", e.g. "I wasn't even driving, the weed was on my part
now I'm here on a possession charge like I'm responsible. Straig
ht humbug"
- Where They Do That At? - Either stated in awe of a strange or uncommon behavio
r, or said when some bizarre goings on leaves one with the question, "Where they
do that at?"
- Get Out Your Feelings - A man-to-man way of stating to another convict to stop
being so emotional and focus on what matters...ignoring the circumstances
- Bring 6 - Said (usually) jokingly to an Officer as a way of letting him know t
hat if some common ground isn't reached (keeping the TV on to watch Football, a
little more time to use the phone during shift change) said inmate m
ight just act an ass and Crisis Response might be necessary, hence, "Bring 6 mor
officers or all bets are off"

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