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The List Witch

1/24/17, 1(20 PM

The List Witch




Graycloaks Social Calm Tincture & Powder

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Sigil requests / tarot readings are
currently closed.
Hi! My name is Richtor; I'm 23,
genderfluid, and living in Canada.
I am an eclectic witch, and this is
my digital grimoire. I am down to
answer any questions you may
[Spell and Resource Lists]

Regarding Requests

[EDIT: 8/3/2015] Reblogging to get this back on my blog. Made
some edits from the original - adding the substitutions, and an
optional final step for those familiar with refining alchemical salts.
I am an introvert, and I suer from a touch of social anxiety. For
the most part, I stay away from social gatherings as much as
possible unless I know for sure there will be friends there who I
can draw some stabilizing energy from.
This tincture is not meant as cure but merely as a little support
for those rough patches. It has helped me, and I hope it can help
others as well :)

Grimoire Tips

The spellbookofwitches has a lovely [Self-Esteem spell] that

works lovely with this if you wish to use it as part of a larger
Edit: Shortly after I posted this, thepaganstudygrouppage posted
a great [collection of anti-anxiety links]. That would be a great
resource to check out as well!

What you Will Need:

2 Tbls. Mallow Root
2 Tbls. Motherwort
1 Tbls. Lavender
3 Altoid-sized Ginger mints
Or, substitute with the following:
3 tsp Powdered Ginger
3 Mint Leaves
Vodka - at least 80-proof
4 oz sealable jar, for the Tincture
Smaller sealable jar, for the Powder
Mortar & Pestle

What you Will do:

1. Grind the Mallow Root, Motherword, Lavender in the
Mortar & Pestle until you have a coarse, chunky powder
2. Set half of the mixture aside

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3. Continue grinding down the other half of the material until

you have as smooth of a powder as you can make it
4. Transfer the half you set aside back to the Mortar & Pestle
5. Add the Ginger mints, and grind them into the mixture
6. Stop grinding once you have broken down the mints and
incorporated them into the mixture, but before the mixture
becomes too powdery
7. Transfer the mixture to the 4 oz. jar
8. Fill the jar with the Vodka
9. Seal the jar with the lid
10. Put the jar in a cool, dark place and give it a good
shaking-up about twice a day
11. After a month, strain out the solid material, and keep the
liquid in a dark, glass jar, away from direct sunlight
12. (Optional) Process the solid material, refining it into
alchemical salts. Make the salts as fine as youre able to.
Recombine half of the salts into the tincture. Mix the other
half into the powder.
Transfer the powder to the smaller jar, and keep in a cool, dark
place. The powder is now complete, but make sure to keep
some Ginger mints nearby for when you want to use the powder
Suggested Incantation: The crowd fades to a blur; they are not
my concern. My serenity is mine own, it is not at their whim.
Using the Tincture: Put a 4-5 drops of the tincture into about
1oz of water or juice. Hold the cup, recite the incantation, and
drink it down in one gulp.
Using the Powder: Sprinkle a little bit of the powder in each
shoe as you recite the incantation, then rub your fingers clean
behind your ears. As you leave, take a few Ginger mints to suck
on as you feel it all come together to help steady your demeanor.
A bit of background on what prompted this, below the cut:
Keep reading

21 minutes ago with 249 notes

spells recipes powders green magic anxiety social anxiety introvert

mental health queue

Mental and Physical Health Spell


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The List Witch

1/24/17, 1(20 PM

a white candle
a yellow candle
an orange candle
your altar, a table or your personal sacred place
Place the white candle in the center of your altar. Light it and say,
I light this candle to renew my spirit.
Light the yellow candle and place it to the left of the white
candle. Say,
This flame fuels my motivation.
Light the orange candle and place it to the right of the white
candle. Say,
My body is healthy and strong.
As you light each candle and say each incantation, visualize any
negativity and physical discomfort youve been feeling fading
away. Breathe deeply and relax. When youre ready, blow out the

50 minutes ago with 1151 notes

spells candle magic health mental health queue

is it important to know how to reverse spells?? bc idk how but i still want to do
them ah

You can still start doing spells without knowing how to reverse them right away. Its
a useful skill to have, but not necessary until required; if you want to know it as a
sort of preemptive thing, thats still okay. For the most part, you really only need to
know how to reverse a spell if something goes wrong, but for the most part they
should go o without a hitch. I didnt learn how to reverse spells before I started
casting them, is really my point, and nothing came up. So, unless something
comes up, it isnt too big of a concern, but if you want to have that knowledge
beforehand, just in case, thats up to you.
Sometimes you may decide you just want to undo a spell youve cast, maybe
because you dont need / want it anymore, or perhaps you even have second
thoughts about casting it. I have only had to break one spell, and it was a jar spell,
so it was super easy to do.
For a lot of spells, doing the spell backward or in reverse can break it. Literally
breaking the spell down in most cases is enough. Jars just need to be emptied and
cleaned / cleansed. Candles can be snapped or the remains thrown out. Sigils are
destroyed or have their energy released. Knots are undone. Poppets are opened

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and thrown out. Even a very thorough self cleansing can remove the eects of a
spell. Some spells even come with reversals attached to the bottom, which is
There are lots of other methods that can be used to reverse spells. I can give you
some resources on that if you want, so you can look at them and have an idea, just
if you want to be secure in that knowledge before you begin.
[To Break a Spell You Have Cast]
[To Break a Spell Youve Cast]
[Disenchanting Bath] (tw: gif)
[Dispelling Spells]
[Easy Reversal of a Buried Spell Bottle]
[For Breaking Spells]
[To Reverse a Spell]
[To Remove an Objects Power]
[Reversing a Spell You Have Cast (Second Method)]
[Spell Purge: A Spell to Dispel Spells]
[Spell-Removal Spell]
[A Spell to Break a Spell You Have Cast]
[Witch Tip - Reversing Candle Spells]
I hope those give you some ideas, or can help you. Good luck!

13 hours ago with 240 notes

anti spell dispelling disenchanting spell breaking spell reversals spell

removal anonymous Richtor replies ask answered ask

Imbolc Recipes
I just wanted to put together a series of posts with some recipes
that Im interested in. Im not taking any credit for theselink is in
the title of the recipe.

Thyme-Lemon Cookies
1 cup butter
1 cups sugar
2 large eggs
2 cup flour
2 teaspoons baking power
2 teaspoons thyme
1 tablespoon lemon zest
Combine butter and 1 cup sugar, beat until thoroughly
blended. Beat in eggs until smooth. Add flour, baking powder,
thyme and lemon peelmix well. Put remaining cup sugar into
a small bowl. Shape into 1 tablespoon-sized balls (chill for an
hour for easier handling); drop balls into sugar and roll to coat.
Place balls 1 inch apart on ungreased 12 x 15 inch sheet. Bake
at 375F 12-15 minutes. Makes 5 dozen.

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13 hours ago with 164 notes

recipes imbolc kitchen magic queue

How I make Starwater

This can be used for increased psychic/ spiritual sensitivity,
concealment, hope, peace, balance, intelligence, wisdom, or
anything else you associate with the stars.
Put water (tap is absolutely fine) in a jar with lid.
Set it out under the new moon for a full night.
Next morning, before the sun has risen, move it to a dark place.
Very simple!

14 hours ago with 510 notes

spells recipes waters star water space magic astrocraft queue

Busy Bee Tarot Spread

I made this spread for myself earlier today, I know its not very
intricate but it is after all for the busy bee. ! This spread is
made with the intent to get a quick answer to a new project and
shine some light on a new idea! I, for instance, havent been able
to decide if its really worth the risk to drop another $200 on
investing in my shop, this deck helped me narrow down my idea
list to the best. "

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The First Card: How the deck or deity you are speaking to feels
about the over-all idea. This helps them show their approval,
concern, etc.
The Second Card: This is their best advice to you to make
things go smoothly. Whether its how to make the idea succeed,
something you could change or maybe how to remove yourself
from it entirely, it is their advice, you do not have to take it.
The Third Card: What they suggest you dont do! This is what
they want you to avoid, this is how you stay out of harms way. If
you can avoid this perhaps you can make it to your end goal
more smoothly.
The Fourth Card: The final outcome, what happens if you do or
dont listen to the cards - it all depends on how you read them.
You can see some of my readings and spreads here and you can
get your own reading by me here. #

14 hours ago with 402 notes

tarot spreads queue

Queen Grimhildes Glamour Jar For Intimidating Looks


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You can carry this with you for whenever you need to have
that intimidating look, ex.) walking down a dark street late at
What youre gonna need:
A jar, particularly a smaller one
Storm water
A thunderstorm
Black glitter
Cayenne pepper
Green food coloring
A wine glass (for theatrical eect)
Collect the storm water in whatever container is convenient, then
pour it into the wine glass. Add the cayenne pepper, food
coloring, and black glitter. Hold the glass and visualize the image
you wish to project. Go outside and recite the following while
holding the glass:
I cast this spell on this stormy night,
fill this glass with a ghouls fright!
May my appearance turn them all away,
keep those that wish to cause me ill at bay.
A thunderbolt, to mix it well. Now begin thy magic
Produce your best evil, witchy cackle, then pour the mixture into
the jar. Just pull it out & shake whenever you need to feel

15 hours ago with 728 notes

spells jar magic glamours glamour magic intimidation strength

protection gif tw pop culture magic snow white queue

Surviving the Astral

To retain your dignity, free will, as well as sanity during astral
travels one must be vicious. The universe is a predatory thing,
your will being the prize prey.

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To the magus a fate worse than death is obsession. Once one

becomes obsessed their actions, thoughts, as well as whole
being becomes controlled by the obsession. Many great men +
women fell from heaven due to their obsessions.
Thus every entity encountered must be scrutinized, skepticism
being the Sword that defends the castle from conspirators.
Without an entity being tested to the limit of your occult
knowledge one leaves their self open to being fooled. This is
where learning symbols, alphabets, qabala, etc. comes in to play.
Simple lying spirits can be tested using the invoking pentagrams
+ hexagrams. If they are found to be lying they can be banished
using the proper banishing pentagrams + hexagrams. As an
example if a spirit claims to be an Angel ruling Jupiter then using
an invoking hexagram of Jupiter should do it no harm. The entity
should be able to give the sign of Jupiter without any problem,
they should be able to speak the divine name ruling Jupiter,
etc If the entity is found to be lying then you utilize the
banishing pentagram of the earth, this not working the aspirant
will go through the other banishing symbols accordingly.
More advanced spirits of lower nature can be more tricky.. As an
example if a fire elemental masquerade to be the Archangel
Michael he will easily pass the basic test (being of the same
element, Fire, as Michael). In this case one may use the divine
name ruling the element of Fire to command the entity to reveal
its true nature.
Even then.. Very tricky spirits may pass this test. The final test
will be one done after the experience/vision. When the aspirant
sits down to analyze the occurrence they will look over all the
symbolism of the vision, the name of the entity, any sigils given,
Lower intelligences lack the genius to create a perfectly
harmonious vision. Correspondences will be wrong, gematria will
not make sense, symbols will contradict, etc Divine
intelligence, on the other hand, is capable of the highest genius.
Visions of this sort will have perfect correspondence of symbols,
matching gematria, sigils + names which prove themselves
through harmony.
Any divine intelligence should be expected to know +
understand all of your occult knowledge. Even more arming are
those which reveal further discoveries to you which were not yet
known or understood (in alignment with your prior knowledge,
not contradicting).
There is one exception to this law, a very important one.. Any
obsession, no matter how small, will allow the intelligence full
access to your mind + storehouse of knowledge. Meaning that if
you do not properly test an entity it may grow to obsess you, at
which point testing it becomes very dicult since it knows all
you know. In this scenario the route to testing it properly will lay
in having to willfully reject the entity, denying your obsession
fully. Even if you believe this entity to be your highest self, you
must reject it until a time when you have gained new occult
knowledge. At which point you may test the entity once more,
against this new knowledge. Making sure the whole time to keep
an aura of a skeptic + warrior, showing no sympathy or love to
the entity until it pass this test.
Any divine aspect will pass these tests without a problem. It will
never take oense to your seeking of truth by testing it. A lower

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spirit will fail these tests, most likely attempting to lie its way out
of the failure & trick the practitioner (most often using their own
desires against them).

15 hours ago with 269 notes

astral useful queue

witchy thing to do right now

pick a colour
close your eyes
take a slow deep breath in
breathe in white light coming in through your skull, face,
forehead, nostrils, mouth, eyes, ears
the white light is filling your lungs like a cup being filled with
crystal clear water
hold it there for a second and feel its power
now breathe out a misty cloud of your colour. feel it surround
your head and then shoulders and then body. breathe it out into
your aura or energy field.
do this as many times as you need to feel awesome + charged
<3 u all

16 hours ago with 1225 notes

spells simple spells energy work grounding I guess this is a cool exercise
though exercises queue

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Anti-Anxiety Jar Spell

I modified this spell to fit my moms needs. This spell is meant to
calm you while also boost energy you would have otherwise
spent on your anxiety. You must remain calm while creating and
corking this spell or else it may not have the desired aect.
You will need:
Himalayan Salt
Sage, Coee Grounds & Basil mix
Dried Corn Husks
Dried or Fresh Lavender Flower Buds
White Candle
Blessed/Cleansed/Charged Bowl
Funnel, easily made out of paper
1. Light the white candle. Close your eyes and visualize your
calmest state of being.
2. Mix the Sage, Coee Grounds & Basil with the Lavender
Flowers. Funnel into the jar until it is 1/3 full.
3. Place the pieces of Dried Corn Husk in the jar. Make sure it
wont cause the Salt to clog when funneling it in, as it will
make a huge mess.
4. Charge the Himalayan Salt with good, calm energy. Funnel
the Salt into the jar. Leave room for the cork.
5. Center yourself and Cork the Jar when you feel nice and

16 hours ago with 8887 notes

spells jar magic anxiety mental health energy queue


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