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Fall Quarter Workshops

Active Reading Strategies to Improve Your Writing

Kelly Crosby
Date: Monday, October 10th, 11:30-1:00
Room: 126 Voorhies Hall

How often do you read an article or book and later forget the main arguments and/or significance of those
Does this forgetting make your writing process more challenging?

The way you read articles, books, and other scholarship influences what you are able to write, how you are able to
write it, and how effective or persuasive that writing is. This workshop will introduce you to active reading
strategiessuch annotating texts and reading from a rhetorical and critical perspectivethat will help you to not
only remember the key points of what you read but also to write about what you have read long after you have read
it. Employing active reading strategies will help you to engage with and make critical connections among the
scholarly texts that you will need to draw on when writing your dissertation chapters and articles. In this workshop,
you come to see how reading and writing and interdependent, recursive processes.

Keys to Successful Conferences: Proposals to Presentation

Alison Bright
Date: Wednesday, October 26th 11:30-1:00
Room: 126 Voorhies Hall
For new graduate students, entering into the professional conversation of their discipline via an academic conference
can be unnerving. How do you join an ongoing dialogue of which which you just became a part? In this workshop
designed for first and second year graduate students, well trace the process of responding to a call for proposals to
academic conferences and examine the characteristics of successful proposals. Well then consider how to then give
the presentation once your proposal has been accepted. Please bring calls for conference presentations in your
discipline, and any of your past (or current) proposals. Although this workshop is designed for new graduate
students, all are welcome!

Grant Writing: One Step at a Time

Melissa Bender
Date: Wednesday, November 16, 4:00-5:30
Room: 126 Voorhies Hall
The prospect of writing your first big grant proposal can be daunting. Take some of the anxiety out of the process by
participating in Grant Writing: One Step at a Time. In this interactive workshop, we will break down the process of
writing a successful grant proposal into a series of manageable steps, including:
refining your research subject,

understanding the funding organizations perspective,

organizing your proposal, one section at a time, and

tailoring your writing for the target audience.

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