Einstein Challenge February

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Einstein Challenge: February

Einstein Lunch: Thursday March 2

! Pick one of the following activities to complete at
home, then pass it off with Mrs. Gardner before March 2nd
to qualify for this months lunch!

OPTION 1: Service Project

Design and carry out a service project that will benefit
your community. Heres an example of an action plan to
help you. (Attached a worksheet to help you work through
this too)
1. Think of a problem your community faces.
2. Think of a solution to that problem.
3. Find out more information about the problem/solution.
4. Build a team. Who can help you?
5. How will you spread the word about your project and
get people involved?
6. Raise money, if needed. Be creative!
7. Carry out your solution.
8. Evaluate and reflect how did it go?!
9. Dont give up!!
* Present your service project including pictures,
descriptions, plans and outcomes. LET ME KNOW HOW I CAN

OPTION 2: Utah State Capitol

Schedule and take a tour of the Utah State Capitol,
located in Salt Lake City. Report what you learned in a 5
minute oral presentation or a 5 paragraph essay (your
parents can help you type it if you dont want to hand
write it!) Oral presentation should include pictures!
*Einstein Challenges are to be completed by
the STUDENT. Parents are encouraged to
help, but also encouraged to allow the
student make it HIS/HER OWN!*

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