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Attach an annotated bibliography (AB) that is divided between primary and secondary sources.
Submit two copies of the SS and the AB at the competition. Please type.

Student name(s) HnuHnu Win & Jasmine Chungff

Title Women Fighting For Their Rights Towards Abortion
Check if applicable (and respond to question 3)
This project uses the 2017 National History Day theme, Taking a Stand in [Chicago/IL] History.
Project Category:


Student composed

Student composed

Total word count



Present the projects argument or interpretation in two sentences. If you are using the NHD theme, you might
want to make it evident in your thesis statement.

In the first conference that was held on abortion in Chicago with Betty Friedan, her ideas influenced citizens to
repeal the existing abortion laws, emphasizing the rights of women.
Briefly explain your project and its conclusion. Include: How and why did change happen and what was the
impact? Why is it historically significant? What historical meaning or importance can we learn from your

Friedans stance for abortion rights influenced people from all around the world to take a stand for womens
right leading to the change in the existing abortion laws. Abortion and Womens right became more in favor for
females now than before in the 60s. Americans came to accept some of the basic goals such as equal pay for
equal work, an end to domestic violence, curtailment of severe limits on women in managerial jobs, an end to
sexual harassment, and sharing of responsibility for housework and child rearing. The results of fighting for
feminism made society view women differently. The case Roe v. Wade on a woman's decision to have an
abortion made it all the way to Supreme Court which had an effect on legalizing abortion. Now with Trump
becoming the president, his views on abortion and the power he has can completely make the feminist hard
work and dedication be for no reason.
3. Required for projects using the National History Day theme only.
Explain how this project integrates the NHD theme Taking a Stand in [Chicago/IL] History into its argument.

Betty Friedan, the feminist and activist, spoke out for womens right and took a stand for women
despite the sexual discrimination. Writing the book Feminine Mystique and the founder of the
organization National Organization for Women, it made people to support the cause.

A. What historical question did you start off withand how did it change once you began doing your

We started our historical question as how did Betty Friedan influence abortion rights and the Civil Rights
Movement in Chicago?
B. What kinds of sources did you use as evidence to develop your argument (for example, letters,
photographs, government documents, interviews, etc.)?
We used Proquest for documents that talks about women rights. We also used the book Roe vs. Wade document.
C. Select one piece of evidence that you used and explain how it influenced your argument.

The Chicago conference, and particularly Betty Friedans speech, marked the public convergence of
the womens rights movement and the abortion rights movement. This Repeal 39 is the first
conference in which womens voices are going to be heard and heard strongly. We are in a new stage
here, in the whole unfinished sexual revolution in Americathe whole revolution of American women
toward full equality, full participation, human dignity and freedom in our society.
This quote has influenced our argument because it talks about how women are doing whatever they
can to get their voice heard so they can have the same amount of equality as men.
D. List libraries (other than school), museums, and other institutions that you visited to do your research.

We went to Harold Washington library to find more information on our topic.

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