Campus Hill Church of Seventh-Day Adventists: A Spirit Led Community of Faith!

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Ministries in Action

Welcome to a most important

date, an encounter with our
Lord and Savior. May todays
Sabbath School and Worship
Service fill your heart with joy,
spiritual vitality and passion for
souls. Have a blessed Sabbath.

Campus Hill Church

of Seventh-day Adventists
A Spirit~Led Community of Faith!
Sabbath, January 28, 2017

Breakfast 8:30 to 9:15a:

An authenticic Cuban lady is
responsible for todays early
m e a l . T h a n k y o u Hi l d a
Valenzuela Wendtland for
your spirit of service.

Sabbath School - 9:30a

C U B A . Pa s t o r a n d M r s .
Tu c ke r a r e t h e p r e s e n te r s .
The Quiet Hour Ministry
has been a powerful a gency
proclaiming the Good News in
Cuba. Next Sabbath the focus
will be PERU.!

DANIEL 10 will be examined by Pr. Julio. As a !

child of God, have you invited a friend or neighbor to
attend Daniels series? Next Sabbath, DANIEL 11.
Second Reading: Ruth Banks
from 16th St. Church; By
Profession of Faith, Debra
Anthony. First Reading:
Criss Carlson from Bellevue
Central Spanish, WA; Prerna
Pauliah to Berrien Spr. MI.;
Luis & Liliana Coldivar from
LL SpanishChurch.!
Finance Committee today at
5p; Board meeting today at 6p.
Both will take place in the
We s t Ro o m . S h o r t b u t
important agenda.


In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia, a

revelation was given to Daniel (who was called
Belteshazzar). Its message was true and it
concerned a great war, The understanding of the
message came to him in a vision.
Daniel 10:1

11057 Hill Drive, Loma Linda, CA 92354

909.796.0222 |

Church at Study

Church In Worship
11 to 12:30p

9:30 to 10:40a

The Church in Cuba has been severely tested for

years under a hosCle poliCcal regime. In spite of
the circumstances, the Good News has been
proclaimed to thousands
who have responded by
giving their lives to Jesus.
Approximately 33,500
members worship in 326
churches and 131 groups.
The Quiet Hour Ministry,
formerly guided by Pastor Bill and Mrs. Jackie
Tucker, is the agency God has used to bapCze 225
Cubans into Christ in the last 13 months. On an
annual basis large numbers of volunteers lled
with the Spirit of Christ y to the beauCful isle to
share messages of hope and future. Quiet Hours
mission trips to Cuba this year will take place in
May and November and are open to any who
wish to join. Campus Hill is very appreciaCve to
the Tuckers for their progress report. GraCtude is
extended to Hilda Valenzuela Wendtland (a
Cuban by birth and spirit), for the excellent
breakfast prepared just for you.


Adult Sabbath School Program

Welcome & Prayer

Josephine Perez
Special Feature CUBA Pr. Bill & Mrs. Jackie Tucker

Lessons Review

The Personality of the Holy Spirit

Josephine Perez

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Young Adults Shiphrah Fepuleai Rose Room
Cradle Roll
Krystl Lopez
Tiny Tots Dell Jean Van Fossen
Primary 1 Nancy Dobrota
Primary 2 Martha Ruggles, Alexis Marron
& Kiel Manzala
Juniors-Earliteens Jenny BapCst & Perry Ashilevi
Youth Andrae Chambers

Julio Tabuenca!

Welcome & Announcements


Angelica Prodan!


Aisha Wise & Family!


Jerey Shannon!

Childrens Song

Gage Shannon & Mariana Kebaso

Childrens Corner

Hilda Wendtland!


Don Benedicto!



Scripture Reading

Daniel 10:12

Scout Shannon!

Special Music

Give Me Jesus

Cal Baptist video!

Julio Tabuenca
Michael, a Mighty Prince (ch 10)!
Closing Hymn



A Mighty Fortress, (#506)!


Grace Umana


Angelica Prodan!


Decit as of Nov. 30
$ 54,586
Budget oering $117,924 (Hallelujah!)

$ 62,124
Surplus as of 12/31/16 $ 1,214


To Serve You
Julio Tabuenca Senior Pastor 909.771.4179
CrisCan Iordan Worship & Media 909.553.3996
Shiphrah Fepuleai Young Adults & Women 760.224.4404
Viana Vidales Youth & Children 760.670.6220
Gabriel Katrib VisitaPon 909.478.9707
Lourdes Gudmundsson Head Elder 951.522.5210
Judi Wright AdministraPve Assistant 909.796.0222
Sunset: January 28, 5:16p * February 4, 5:23p

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