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Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing.

ISSN 0973-6093 Volume 6, Number 1 (2015), pp. 1-6

Research India Publications

Dynamics In A Fractional Order Prey - Predator

A. George Maria Selvam1, R.Janagaraj2 and D. Abraham Vianny3
Sacred Heart College, Tirupattur - 635 601, S.India
Government College of Engineering, Bargur-635 104, S.India.
The Kavery Engineering College, Mecheri-636 453, S.India

The dynamical behavior of a non-linear Fractional order Prey Predator
model is investigated in this paper. The equilibrium points are computed and
stability of the equilibrium points are analyzed. The phase portraits are
obtained for different sets of parameter values. Numerical simulations are
performed and they exhibit rich dynamics of the fractional model.
Keywords: Fractional order, differential equations, Prey Predator system,


The origin of fractional calculus can be traced back to a letter dated 30thSeptember,
1695 written by L Hopital to Leibniz asking him about a particular notation he had
used in his publications for the nth-derivative of the linear function
posed the question to Leibniz, what would the result be if
. Leibnizs response
was Anapparent paradox, from which one day useful consequences will be drawn.
Most of the mathematical theory applicable to the study of fractional calculus was
developed priorto the turn of the 20th- century. In 1996, Kolowankar reformulated
again, the Riemann- Liouville fractional derivative in order to differentiate no-where
differentiable fractal functions. A fractional order dynamical system has become an
interesting topic of research and fractional calculus has emerged as one of the most
important interdisciplinary subjects in Mathematics, Physics, Biology and
Engineering. Many mathematical problems in science and engineering are represented
by fractional differential equations.

Fractional Derivatives and Integrals

In this section, we present important definitions of fractional calculus which arise
asnatural generalization of results from calculus [3, 5, 6].

A. George Maria Selvam

Definition 1
The Riemann - Liouville fractional Integral of order

is defined as

Definition 2
The Riemann - Liouville fractional derivative is defined as

Definition 3
The Caputo fractional derivative is defined as


is an integer,
- order derivative of is
and are integers such that
, then ,

- order derivative of


Using Eulers Gamma Function, the above expression can be written as

Recently, fractional calculus was introduced to the stability analysis of nonlinear

systems. The following lemmas are useful in the discussion of dynamical properties
of the fractional order predator - prey system.
Lemma 4
[2, 8] The following linear commensurate fractional - order autonomous system
is asymptotically stable if and only if

is satisfied for all eigenvalues

ofmatrix A. Also, this system is stable if and only if

is satisfied for all
of matrix A,and those critical eigenvalues which satisfy
have geometric multiplicity one, where 0
Lemma 5
[2, 8]The fixed points of the following linear commensurate fractional order
autonomous system:

Dynamics In A Fractional Order Prey - Predator Interactions

is asymptotically stable if all eigenvalues

of the Jacobian matrix evaluate at

the fixed points satisfy

, where 0
continuousnonlinear vector functions, and the fixed points of this nonlinear
commensurate fractional order system are calculate by solving equation

Model Description
Interactions of different species may take many forms such as competition, predation,
parasitism and mutualism. One of the most important interactions is the predator-prey
relationship. Many researchers studied predator - prey systems. Especially stability
analyses of predator - prey systems are investigated. The Lotka-Volterra equations are
a pair of first order differential equations used to describe the dynamics of interactions
of two species. In 1926 Volterra came up with a model to describe the evolution of
predator and prey fish populations in the Adriatic Sea. They were proposed
independently by Alfred J. Lotka in 1925 [1,7]. The equations are
Recent years have witnessed rapid development in the field of application of
fractional calculus in biology, economics and engineering [5]. Several authors
formulated fractional order systems and analyzed the dynamical and qualitative
behavior of the systems [4, 9, 10, 11]. Following this trend, in this paper, we propose
a system of fractional order prey-predator model. The stability of equilibrium points is
studied. Numerical solutions and simulations of this model are provided. We assume
the fractional order modification of the model in [1] as follows:

where the parameters

are positive and

are fractional orders.

Existence of Equilibrium Points and Numerical Solutions

Numerical solution of the fractional - order Prey - Predator system is given as


is the simulation time,

, and
is the initial conditions. To evaluate the equilibrium points, let us

A. George Maria Selvam

The fractional order system has three equilibria

(axial) and
. The equilibrium point
is interior (and
positive) which corresponds to the existence of both prey and predator species

The Jacobian matrix of the system (1) for equilibrium

From(2), Jacobian matrix for



and the eigenvalues of matrix

The characteristic equation of the linearized system (1) at the equilibrium
point is
Jacobian matrix for


The characteristic equation of the linearized system (1) at the equilibrium point
The eigen values of matrix
phase portrait of the predator prey system with


. We present the
, see Fig-1.

Figure 1: Phase diagram of Prey-Predator model

Dynamics In A Fractional Order Prey - Predator Interactions

Example 1
Let us consider the parameter values r = 1.95; a = 1.4; b = 0.7; c = 0.8 and the
derivative order
. For these parameter the corresponding eigenvalues
, which satisfy conditions
. It
means the system (1) is stable, Fig-2.
Jacobian matrix for

Here Trace of

and Det of

. The eigen values of matrix

Figure 2: Time plot and Phase diagram of Equilibrium point


for the system (1)

Example 2
Let us consider the parameters with values r = 0.393; a = 0.11; b = 1.71; c = 0.21
and the derivative order
. For these parameter the corresponding
eigenvalues are
for , which satisfy conditions
. It means the system (1) is stable, see Fig-3. Also The characteristic equation of
the linearized system (1) at the equilibrium point

A. George Maria Selvam

Figure 3: Time plot and Phase diagram of Equilibrium point

for thesystem (1)

In this paper, we proposed a fractional order prey-predator model and studied the
stability of nonlinear fractional-order dynamic system. We provided numerical
simulation sexhibiting dynamical behavior and stability around equilibria of the







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