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TCS IT Wiz Coimbatore Prelims 2016 Questions and

By Amal Augustine | November 13, 2016
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The TCS IT Wiz Coimbatore Prelims 2016 was conducted on 23rd August 2016 at PSG College of
Arts and Science auditorium.The title went to GKD and the runners up were St.Judes Kotagiri.Here
we are presenting the prelims of the TCS IT Wiz Coimbatore Prelims

1.Originally created by a company named Lifescape. The name is a blend of is a blend of the name
of Spanish painter Pablo Picasso, the phrase mi casa. Google its then owner decided to
discontinue it in 2015. What am I talking about?
2.Kevin Gilbertson is credited with introducing what to us, useful to compress things.
3.First tweet by ?
4.Bangalore Tiger is a book written by Steve Hamm about which company?
5.X is the practice of offering people the right to freely distribute copies and modified versions of a
work with the stipulation that the same rights be preserved in derivative works down the line.We all
have heard the chiral version of this word. What is X?
6.Daniel Lewin Co-founded which company, famous in the world of IT?
7.LYF series of Smartphones is a brand from which famous business Conglomerate?
8.Which famous Multi-National Mass Media Company is the owner of the Tech-Blog Techcrunch?
9.The term X was coined by Televoice International for introduction of the first US wide service in
1980 which they offerred. Although VMI trademarked the term, it eventually became a generic term
used for referring to virtually all automated voice services employing a telephone.What is X?
Ans:Voice mail
10.Old logo of which web browser ?
*Image omitted due to its copyright protected
Ans:UC Browser
11.How do we better known Alexander Telephone and Telegraph, among the very first in the world to
provide telegraph services, founded by Alexander Graham bell himself?
12.Xs first products and services included the OmniTRACS satellite locating and messaging service,
used by long-haul trucking companies, developed from a product called Omninet owned by Parviz
Nazarian and Neil Kadisha, and specialized integrated circuits for digital radio communications such
as a Viterbi decoder and now it is one of the leading processor makers for smartphone companies.It
was initially founded by Cornell and MIT alumnus and UC San Diego professor Irwin M. Jacobs,
USC, MIT alumnus Andrew Viterbi, Harvey White, Adelia Coffman, Andrew Cohen, Klein Gilhousen
and Franklin Antonio.

13.Which company launched Smart Belt called Welt ?

Ans:Welt corporation

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