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TopiclObjective: Point of View HOLT Chapter 4 Essantial Question: Vous do we ayer cot The poitk of view ina Soc ‘Questions: Notes: Wines dees Sue nocranee Seay shocyt ‘3 Point of View: @ Ang —_isteting te Skosy 7 Narrator: Q The QLcsq0 _teling tte SSAory tines ace ie Sree mos Comanon points oF View? The three most common points of view aro: DO Lacek- O Tnd-pecsan limited. 0 Wicd-gerson aenmiscvent In Latin, omnis means _G\\\ and sciens means —enwuag Wow Ge yoo Knows Mac, O® Sracy is, being Yord VA Ficsk-pacsy pane of vitul First-person Point of View: O When e_skocy is toby 2 clnniierae in the ekocy ©The narator uses first-person penouns:_“T_, nae, ee _ SA WY, WAL D.Things are looked at one way -the QOgcaat 's way. Seven @ Whoars bricg.| 2. Third-person Point of View: ¢ 3 OF View% Author's write about the characters using third-person pronouns - ee eon p01 When a aatcatos _ is NOT a character in the story wees neees DA story is seen through the eyes of Oe. character, but whan vac stony 1S Soci the characteris not tling the stoy as" 4o\d VA 1 Inthis G00 af cis, the narrator zooms in on the AMNcOrpIEson Liagis_ond_Ca9y of just one _C\ngCGCac Woaked gan Q. Third-person Limited Point of View: inthe story. G Thisain’ of sous helps us share that_claainthec's Chacon tothe stoy’s_ OVS 2 Eva Wa docs |G Thirdsperson Omniscient Point of View: TUE necrotic : ene ey O This is the g\\ Gosia etic (p20, Onuishagh You can think of the cinainien's narator as being Paink of Vitus CLO the ation, lokng down ont tke a_ca O Mis Qceatt ean et you euscyninabout ~Gte characters, ter moet private aos the_Q024s, and even thee Skure Summa: AML NIL WAL OURECERS AVES OF Goines O© Vidws THe Sioa Commen Oainy of Whew is CAND Sar -perron points of View. You will eno Saar We ssocy Vs Seahk-ptron loatowse Ane QecCaker Ve a cWrocerae An" AHL SNOT: Rather paid o Sohal YS WWied-parsan Wieed MTL “shocy we WoAihg Nog Wy can oMhChae Tou ML Rotator SOU UME WOOs WEE TL lose common poate OR Vid MS TWO “PATON OMAVSEMAN. Ty. nocrerer WAgws eviey ones, Wroughhe ond Cae \KAple Choice Srudent 2 lo cj oe ‘oint of View Quiz + Read each passage and identify the narrator’s point of view. 1. The Wizard of Oz by L Frank Baum “The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy's basket with them, so that si would not be hungry for a long time. Shé thought this was very kind and thoughtful ofthe Scarecrow, ‘but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor ereature picked up the nuts, Hi8 padded hands were so clumsy that hd dropped almost as many as hetput in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not mind how long it ook hinsto fill the baskct, for it enabled hit keep away from the fire, as i@ felt that a spark might get into hi@straw and burn him up.” 2) first-person ») second-person ©) third-person objective 4) third-person limited Oitise-verson omniscient 2. The Skull of Truth: A Magic Shop Book by Bruce Coville and Gary A. Lippincott “To his astonishment, Charlic found himself standing next to his bicycle, back where he had entered the swamp. That was bizarre and upsetting but not as bad as the realization that he was still holding the skull. He thought he had dropped it before he raced out the door. He certainly hadn't intended to steal the thing. He didn't even really want it!” 2) first-person b) second-person 6) third-person objective third-person limited _e) third-person omniscient 3. To Make French Toast: First, take out a skillet to cook and tum the stove on low. Second, ‘will melt the butter in the pan and stir it with a spatula, Third, beat the eggs. Fourth, lay the bread, white or wheat, on both sides in the eggs. Fifth, sit the bread on top of butter for 30 seconds and then tum over. Now yott have a slice of French toast, repeat 2) first-person @ second-person ©) third-person objective 4) third-person limited _e) third-person omniscient Sudo 3 Quiz 4. Cutious George and the Pizza by Margret Rey At the pizza place, Tony the baker was getting the pizzas ready for baking. He flattened out a ball of dough into a large pancake and tossed it in the air. He spread tomato sauce on it, sprinkled it with cheese, and shoved it in the oven. Then the telephone rang. “A fellow from the factory wants a large pizza delivered in a hurry," Tony's wife called. "OK, I'l get my coat," said Tony. a) first-person ) second-person ‘Oihird-person objective @) third-person limited _¢) third-person omniscient 5. To Killa Mocking Bird by Harper Lee 'Wé lived on the main residential street in town Atticus, Jem and ® plus Calpurnia our cook, Jem and found our father satisfactory: he played with w, read to us, and treated with courteous detachment... Our mother died when was two, so#mever felt her absence. ® first-person bd) second-person ©) third-person objective 4) third-person limited _e) third-person omniscient Part Il - Definitions Directions: Match the statements to the term: \Q 6. When the narrator tells "you" or "your" story % First-Person © __ 7. When the narrator tells the story of "he" or "she" and Second-Person reveals two or more characters' thoughts or feelings. X Third-Person Objec C_ 8. When the narrator tells the story of "he" or "she" and does not reveal any characters’ thoughts. OK Third-Person Limit Q._ 9. When the story is narrated from the perspective of "I" Third-Person Omni: __ 10. When the narrator tells the story of “he” or "she" and reveals one character's thoughts and feelings. Student 3 POV rewnke = {| \(c Nam ==. Date: 10 j 21 1 > WHO’S TELLING THE STORY? Read the following story written in third person about a parrot (based on our song called “The Parrot’). Then complete the exercise below. A beautiful parrot lived a carefree life in the jungle. She liked to listen to the humans talk, repeating ‘what she heard. One day, an evil trapper named Bert heard her talking, and thought, ‘I'm going to trap this bird and sell her.” He used a piece of delicious papaya to lure her. She wanted the fruit and came down to take a bite. She didn't see the trapper’s net until it was too late! Bert put the parrot in a cage. The parrot was very sad, and she tried using the words she learned to convince Bert to set her free: “Let me out,” she said. But Bert would not set her free. Then she got ‘an idea to chew on the lock of her cage. Just when she'd almost given up, she finally got the lock open. Bert grabbed his net and tried to catch her. But she squawked, “Bye, byel” and soon she was free in the big blue sky. ‘Now rewrite the story in the first person. Choose either the parrot's point of view or Bert the trapper's. Fa beshiGil ooecee \wed ci carebre Wein os jungle Die te Wein tp rhe unr, fall, cepeating what L reac One it an_evil Wapner aanwl Ree peard pe hiking and Sud 2 gong 10 hep this bed ane ¢U ne" le usal a picw of Qeclitiols Yapaga to lure me TL wanbd the Gait and hie own te fala _it- Tt didy} Se the Kappa s pet unity if was Ino Jeg / He ute ne in a Cage “The 2 was very Sad, aad Tine! yong the words T warped fo Convio jun 1 sof wo (yee: "Let me cut! See Said But Bo wut Dot Cor oe Sree » “hen got wie ida +p Chews en he lock elma iA Nios Maine DNS Aca ona aed ea he But_T_C4uawilerd Pagers and won Dua free Read over your writing, How does this new point of view change the story? 2 say ONKing 404 ice nol? Abour thre bird. Rerun e you Con bear her folate theut beiag Caught Jou aye mort see, to hey Cohn gc

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