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The film begins twenty years after the alien invasion occurred in 1996,
knowing that life exists in the universe and it is very possible that another
threat hit Earth in the future. Humanity managed to rescue a small amount
of alien technology, I use to hone their weapons, ships and fighter jets, to be
cautious in the face of this threat and defend the planet.
World governments came together to create a plan called Earth Defense
Space Defense (ESD) which serves as a warning system for Earth and as
main defense force using alien technology. Area 51 has become the
headquarters of the DSU.
In Africa, David Levison, Catherine Marceaux and Dikembe Umbutu, enters
an intact alien craft. Aboard the ship they discover that they had been
drilling a hole in the earth, the aliens had sent a distress signal and that
someone in space had answered them.
A spherical ship appears near the moon. ESD brings down the ship and the
pilot of the ESD Jake Morrison, picks Levison, Marceaux and Umbutu in a
space tug and leads to the remains of the downed ship, which recovered a
container. Suddenly an alien mothership of nearly 5000 kilometers wide hole
comes and destroys the planetary defenses of the earth, before approaching
the planet. Destroy Asian and European cities. Meanwhile, the mother ship
starts to perforaren the Pacific Ocean to extract heat from the Earth's core,
which will destroy the magnetic field in the process.
By the space tug at Area 51, Dr. Okun awake after spending twenty years in
coma, after an alien almost killed in 1996. He opens the container and an
artificial intelligence spherical shape is released, which tells them that its
mission is to evacuate survivors worlds conquered by aliens and are building
a resistance force, which fear the aliens. Meanwhile, former Whitmore
interrogates one of aliens prisoners. This reveals that the queen is on the
way, led invasion. They conclude that if they kill the queen, the invaders are
removed. A fleet of space fighters led by Captain Dylan Dubrow-Hiller,
launches a counterattack against the chamber of the queen, but are trapped
on the ship and almost eliminated the entire unit. Dylan, along with Jake and
his fellow pilots, Charlie Miller and Lao Rain, manage to escape robbing two
alien ships. The aliens kill President Elizabeth Landford, along with most of
his cabinet. Then the General Adams is set immediately as the new
President of the United States.
Knowing that the queen has noticed him, Artificial Intelligence sphere wants
to be destroyed to prevent the aliens discover their secrets. EDS forces hide
the sphere in a safe place and use a space tug with a copy of the sign of the
sphere as bait to lure the ship Queen into a trap with thermonuclear
warheads. Former President Whitmore is sacrificed destroying the ship with
a space tug with the nose cone. However the queen survives using an
energy shield in their biomechanical suit. Patricia, daughter of Whitmore
destroys the shield of the queen, allowing Dylan to kill her before had been
done in the area to find it. Patricia meets with her boyfriend Jake and his
friend Dylan, along with Miller and Lao. With the death of the Queen, the
Mothership stop drilling and away from Earth. Okun reveals that the sphere

has asked to lead the resistance to other worlds and has offered a new and
more advanced technology to prepare the assault the planet from aliens.

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