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What is meaning? Philosophy ponders this question without ever interrogating the meaning of "is".

presumption of static meaning and existence fundamentally misunderstands the interconnected nature of
the world and its constant changing or becoming.
Peta Mallins. Machinic Assemblages: Deleuze, Guattari and an Ethico-Aesthetics of Drug Use. Janus Head,
7(1), 84-104. 2004
However it isbody is multiple.
But, western metaphysics continually reaffirms the question of "is", creating distinct, static categories that
are then branded upon the world. I am me, you are you, two distinct, separate entities, always. This mode
of thought traps bodies within a singular subjectivity, preventing any becoming other.
Peta Mallins. Machinic Assemblages: Deleuze, Guattari and an Ethico-Aesthetics of Drug Use. Janus Head,
7(1), 84-104. 2004
The concept ofof each binary.
challenging the very nature of the frame of life introduces a pedagogy of radical critique, the only way to
account for the ever-changing nature of the world.
Alexander Livingston, "Avoiding Deliberative Democracy? Micropolitics, Manipulation, and the Public
Sphere", Philosophy and Rhetoric, Vol. 45, No. 3 (2012), pp. 269-294.
It is important claims to flourish.

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