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[MAR 8210]

Students are required to prepare and submit an essay of at least 5000 words on one of the
two topics provided.
Students are encouraged to present their paper in dissertation format so that they become
accustomed to a reporting style that they would also be expected to use as professional
engineers in industry.
The deadline for the submission of the post-school assignment is 20th March, 2017.

Assignment Advice
1) The first page should include: a) the Number and Title of the Module,
b) the title of your chosen subject,
c) Your name and student number.
2) On the second page a Contents list would be useful in order to inform the reader at
the outset as to the structure of your paper.
3) Number the pages and structure your paper with headings, sections, bullet points, etc
as appropriate to produce a report rather than an essay.
4) Do some research through internet, and other available sources and use the results
to develop your chosen subject, support any points or arguments you wish to convey
and convince the reader of your understanding of the chosen subject. You may also
introduce photographs, diagrams and tables as appropriate. Remember to properly
acknowledge and reference any documents, technical papers and data etc. you utilise.
5) In addition to your research, draw on your personal knowledge and work experience
as appropriate to support your chosen subject and any points or arguments you wish
to make.
6) The guideline for content is that it should be of at least 5000 words. Higher word
content does not attract a penalty per se, and you may consider it essential to your
chosen subject. However, remember that you have a submission deadline and if you
write too much you may inadvertently be incorporating padding which may, for
example dilute the main points or arguments you wish to make.
7) Incorporate a Conclusions section to summarise your main points or arguments with
strong, punchy conclusions.
8) Incorporate a References section at the end of your paper to list the documents that
you have made use of in developing your report.

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[MAR 8210]
Choose any one (1) from the following topics
1. Ship structures are the bread-and-butter of classification societies. For over a
century, they were the authority on how ships structures should be designed,
constructed and surveyed. Provide your understanding of IMOs Goal-Based Ship
Construction Standards in SOLAS Chapter II-1, and on how the standards differ from
that of classification society rules. IMO also implemented in Chapter II-1
requirements for permanent means of access (PMA) and performance standards of
protective coating (PSPC), which historically had not existed in classification society
rules. Provide your view on why IMO chose to disregard historically established
classification societies standards on ship structures, and to adopt the goal-based
standards as well as PMA and PSPC? Give you view on how safety of ship structures
should be further improved in your lifetime by leveraging information technology
(such as sensor technologies, IIoT), condition-based maintenance, and learning from
other industries.
[100 marks]
2. MARPOL Annex VI regulates air pollution-prevention from shipping. Discuss the NOx
and SOx emissions post-2020 (when global sulphur limit is 0.5%), the available
options for their mitigation, and what you think may seem to be the best way
forward for ship owners (e.g. LNG as fuel, low sulphur distillate fuel, exhaust gas
cleaning system, or others, etc.). Discuss also CO2 emissions, the current regulatory
measures for their mitigation, the available technologies, and your view on what
shipping could do more, in design, or in operations, or both, or employing innovative
technologies, to further reduce CO2 emissions. Do you think the current regulatory
measures are sufficient to contribute to shippings proportionate share to limit
global warming to below 2C? Taking a step back and examine the whole issue of
preventing air pollution by NOx, SOx and CO2, which are all due to burning of fossil
fuels by ships, what do you think are the technologies (such as e.g. biofuels, carbon
capture and storage, sails,) that shipping should consider seriously to incorporate
into ships of the future to make shipping an environmentally and economically
sustainable means of transport.
[100 marks]


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