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inna 32 Et en VEREIN DEUTSCHER ‘Schwingungen VOL-RICHTLINIEN. INGENIEURE in Rohrleitungssystemen Vibrations in piping systems an, (Saas) ‘ont ery = 12a und Anwendngaberih, 2 atigetonde Nomen un Rehtinion 4 Scnuingungephinonane {02 Schwingengen ing von saoser Rotrarnang 4421 Duchsrime Roe on eck Turtlen) 43 Schwingungenintage von Doct ‘nd Flesihtiapen 444 Schwingungen ing von Drociguaones 45 Schwingungen ile vo Fremeeregonaeo 5 Sctmingungeberchrungen 5.1 Beschriang der Eero 1512 Drsttite und Psigchssige 5113 Drctgusacoes 5.1.4 Preemepngen 5.2 Pidayramice eee S21 Grmdagen $22 Modelidng 523 Recemerttes 524 Bgetise 5.5 Overt dite an das Programm Sakae S31 Gnidagen 532 Modeling 4 5 7 10 10 Contant Primary ase 1 Scope 2 Ascoclted standards and guidelines 3 Symbols 4 vibation phenomena 412 Vibetions euking om sey tte pipe fin 421 Pipes an ings with ‘hrophilow(arbalence) 4.2.2 Immersed pes ppe boundless ‘nea rex sbi). 4423 Vater 43 Vivato eng fom presre sager 464 Miratons euling fm peessne palais 4.3 Mlyatons suing fom exe 51 Description of ips exiaon Si: Sealy pipe ow 5.1.2 Presse sre and water hammers 5:13 Frese ptatont 52.1 Bas reps 522 Modelling 523 Cabling weibods 524 Rents Sacral analysis program 5.3 Seacraldyanics calclaons S31 Base pines 522 Modeling Vor. Gosoteshat ErivickungKonsrukton Verb vol 3842 B B a 6 2 2» 2 Pa 2 2 » "YOrHandbuchSehwingungsechnk 72.1 Beuneiung vonDrsksen «38 72.2 Beuneiang vnDeokpulsaiones 39 Schwinggeschindiphcien 60 12.4 Naberagsvernen 2 Bewrtng vo Roetunpscbvingunges «= 63 73 Spannngsbeareiing 6 75.1 Fest 6 733 Rie und Leck Vern ns 81 Minderang der Ergun 76 11 Matnaiten bel Scwinganges Infolge won stare Rak soming 6 {1.2 Matnahmen bei chwingsngen ‘nfolge von Drcttn nd Fusighoscligen 7” {81.3 Madnahnen be Scwingangea Inflge on Digusatiocn «80 £814 Matnshmen bi Schingtngea ‘nflge von Frenoregngen = «81 12 Mutation 2 Scheingunseedaeng InRobretungssstenen 8 S21 Versimmang. 8 522 Dumplane| & $823 Sondre. u ‘eit, " Vorbemerkungen oteetngstatil im Anbpetan werden in der ‘Regol mach dom Inside. dimen (Wad lctentesimmang). Ansclieed werdea de Roe Ietugsysemeim Ramen ene Sik. nd Bsn sprichpsanalyenachgewisen Im Allgemeine {floes Nachwsse rR se flr, ‘wohl in der Pas otal Scingongspabiene {l eaupectende Schiden ran sn n Repel: weien und le der aches anne Ek ‘ee hingowiesen wid Dynamic Helasungen Knen —n Ohetperng ‘i dn gchar aufetenensaichen Bees + GevaachFesigheiswesge), + enagn durch icon der plastschen Weeks fesigetogenze, + Vesgenduch Exicher der Zeit oder Dave fesigketsprenze (Emaeng) ‘ues thre Vefolgung kane dier en wesenchr ‘Beit aur Anagesicbret sin, Anders lt ‘ire peace Betachuns, amiss Ube vorsser 22.1 Assessment of pressure surges «8 722 Assessment of ress pulsains | 59 12:3 Guidance vale orperee 724 Approximate metals foe asesing pe was. 6 172 Stes assem 6 731 Sena 6 733 Crake a eats teak ‘haviour n 1 Reduction fesiation 6 SALE Mesures pplcbi to viens sling rom steady sae Pipe flow. 6 {1.2 Mesures spilt ions sing rem presse sures 1.13 Measures splcabl to ibtions revating rom pressure pletion, . #0 {14 esas ppicabl to ions esting om external excitations» 81 sysens. 5 1 Deanog 8 822 Damping. 6 5 " Preliminary note Inds pt coin ing component ee Ste emia of wll kes). The neatep for heck calesltons tobe made oe pipe ses 2 patos strand wens anim general tn ealion an lyase a ‘Spee act atin race iba bens ed the eoresponding damage ocer frequent end in eth ade of pacts a the peti erate reecce is mateo dynamic eects Dynanic ade - when overing the imlaneciy tet se opraiag aca ae te allowing Fouls, depending the type fling ease + fred bea eng are) + fare due w the paste aerating strength imi ing each + flue du the endrace lit eng reached (aig) “Tcing tse ods can trefore mae acme oon plat sey. A dead exaniation of them was po aves unecononic overs of + Angabe und Esitrung von Berechnngsnet- acc der Reitunpsyteme, + Angaben Ertrng Ym Mesvetsren 2 ‘arly on Rotictanpschwingengen, ‘+ Anmabe woo Meoden zur Bevertng_ von ‘Sehwingungen und schwangangsindereo Be nspacngen. + Neanung_ von Abifemainamen bei Sebi _mgsprobenen, ‘Was de Fentgheamahss der Rortngen be ‘sim, ib sie voregende VDERihini primi ‘ea Oberisk und verses uf i emehigigen, beanchenspeiacen Regelvrke. ili ir vor allen de Eman nd prin Regewerke Die von den schwingendenRobeeiungen angers ten Lnucingnges (huss Luft) 2 nich bane (VDE 3735. Der Anwendungterech(Geunpberech) uf ou + Baeriewctnk + Sehite Datel renin de einsnes Zeigen jewel ver fabenspenfacheSchwinguespbipomene at vores + to deseribe and explain calelation mead which sllow compreension of loads a which ae used for hekig the pipework systems + to deseribe and expan mening procedures for +t deride methods fr eating vibrant ad ‘raion indced recs + tospsiy remedial messes to apply inthe ve of iat problems As far sng checks of pipe re concere his “I gidtne rary provider an overview, refer cin te eleva code pracis applicable othe “arious brates of inst. Ou pame objective rei to make ease oben woking WI the ‘ocileodes of rac. ‘Thee vations excited by the vag pipes (ee dary srr sound) te lid under be fl reef VDI 3733). (tr cpe of plication cover ppewor pts tances of india plan consti + Powe enpoceag + Chemis petecemials, prot enginereg + Shipbiting| 1+ ter supply systems Processspeievitaion hesomens ae found a 2 Mitgettende Normen usd Rictinen/Associated standards and guidelines ‘VDI2062 Bla 1: 197601 (Shock sod ation soaon~ Caseptons sod recipes) \br2062 Bla? 197601 Schwingangisollenng~lslelemente (Shock ‘omponen ps of oat) vvprs7: 199607 Gerace bet Raitngen (Noise apps) ‘Vbr3833 Bla 1; 200312 Schwinganedinter~ Beg und Kenngroten Realsereng, Anwendung (Dynamic damper. ‘Tes, characterises, iplementin, applic ‘ion ‘VDI3#93 lat 2: 2006-04 Eotwucra ‘Sehmingangndinper ond Sebmngangtler — ‘Sehwinpanpstlgr und Sehwingunstigang Dy. ‘amis damper and dynamic vibatonaboebee — Dynamic vibration absorber apd oa wb ‘on abropos) ‘VDI3#99 Bla 1200-03 Satiagungen "Yoo Maschaes Allgemeine ‘Grundlagen nsroctions on messing and inet- retin the vibration of machines Gener pn Sls YDIVDEIGESA 235 Bist 2: 200601 [Experinentle Saktranaiye ~ Emplehlungen zur Duchthrung von Debuagsmesungea be hoten Tempeatuen (Expednental strc Salis = Resende rac fo highem- endure sin mesaerea) TA 3205 199-06 Koaponeneastzkonsationes mit nckine- glen Anschlssen - Teil: Seienmige Stan. dataeangen (Component sepprtsactaes ‘wits nensmeral conectons ~ Par 3: Series ‘rection sana ppt) FDBR-Richliaie Berehauns Yon Kites Totungen. Fachverband Danpiess Behe nd Reliuagstas eV, 1/987 AD 200-Mekba (in Geman oly) BO Berechnngioy200. SI Vewintace Berecnang aut Wechstben- sprchung, 1072000 2 Becchnang auf Wesbeansprchung 2 Formatzsichen Formel Benen inkit sich, Grote A Qeenchoi Fite ‘A Amplitude des Foie ste ‘pekrums @——Besctlaninans awe G Rice ™ © Diimpngsmai Nt) Ample = © Sehalpscwinigket 4 Dampfngskoeient NK) &astiutenod Nin Exec Nm F Katt N fF — Bitlsfbtr 1 J VekorderEnepedsite hy ‘Figeneequeardesunge- He ‘pt Syme fe Wintsabioceteqenr He G ——Gleemodl Scbabeadal Nin 8 Exdbeshlenigany mis 1H Gosmtentipe ae 1 pals N 1 Trageitsmoment « 1, Trsomtvighesoomeat F—Spansngsakior i Stephens Nm K— Plastizienngstibor ak Spamunpineniitior 1 gaze Zab 1.2.3 1 4H Steiigkie Ne & Zelskoe 1 A, saische Baap ak worse ASME Coe for Pres Piping B31 "ANSUASME BSL! Power Ppng, 198ml, Ad ends 1999, 2000 ANSUASME 1313 Chowical Past and Pero- eum Refine Pping, 1999 ASME Roles an Presse Vessel Code ‘Sevon XI ~ Riles for lnSerice Inspection of [Nate Power Pint Componens 1998 nc. Ad- ens 1999, 2000 APLSTD 618 Reciprocating Compressors fo Pero- Tea, Chemical ad Gas aus Sevier, Fourth ion, fone 1995 [APLSTD 674 Postive Displacement Pumps —Reci- Procating, Second Eo, Je 1998, 8 Symbols Symbol, Designation nit A Crosssecton) aca? A Ampliade te Fousee we Accson we Crk depth = Damping max Nam's) Ample ™ Speed of sound a Diameter = anping oon tows) Mocuiisofeasicty Nin Eseay Nu Fore N Vector ofthe excerfrees 8 Naural egueney ofthe He Vortex sedi fequensy He Pere pnanatosman BSS aamascanes Shear mods Nie Accson due to evity mit “Tox ently mht Input we Moment of inenia nt ‘Tersinal moment of ieria Ses fate C Stites mati Nim Pauieaton factor ' Swessimensy fate 1 Whole amber 1.2.3, 1 Sites Nim Time toe 1 Stic entalpy tie W— Widertadmome oye Koornaien tareich 2 Vektor der Abslusewegum ss y— NebtorderReanteneguas mt ¢Webtor der Lageaschie- ange 8 Proporinaiastioren hs 8) Delt Dilleeaz Andeung 1 9 Dampungsgnd 1 © Modsimatie a 6 lgemelzor ” %— Phnnwinke! i Y —Negungsvinkel era Robeetung 2 epemmbeiring 1 F——eabopenexpones L A Berner agin) 2 Relureibunghoetseat 1 AL Wellennge = Mase pro Fichriaeit kyla fi Tinsiehmasse ro gin Langeteinii Moses 20 tf ue Redbungsoetinien 1 Y ——Ainemiee Visit pice ein 2 Konlaiontcefrent 1 © Nomalsuanune Nm £ ——Sehubspanung Nie Neer Bete 1 2 EnegecKristegune is fy ——Eigesresequens desu Us sechmpten Stas weseche pureene gposaesce vor Seton mdulas Coors, Csan ‘estore bole motions ‘estar ofthe relive motiont eco supp Proporinaliy fits Det ference, change Damping aio Moda trix Phase ane ‘Axgle of nln of tepire Frequency ung Ihetope capone igen imaginary pr) Pipe icin count Wavelength Mac pr nit ofr “Torsional otto mass perunitfengt Mas loading per enit of length Confit fiction Kinemati viscosity Demy Corson cetcient Normal res Shear ates rfc, coffin Angular roquency of exer ‘Nl apse regueny ofthe ogame sem w Us te oa Sehwingungen ems machen apa. Neben ‘Sctmingunptenee werden Ser auch Schalnese tnd Retire ‘reigoett, de ie jedoch Bet ber brache werden, ‘Weta haben Zwephusensrmmngen durch Phir sexwechslwiseungen (Aosmpfong rw. Kone ‘Sin Pena Sehwingingen a verusachn, InFarmstche Abrweige, Reduenngen, rei ‘ge verzveigea sch Same, dese werden ‘Split, beschlung ode verge Jee Form: "Gk stinsofem ein ener Sbwingungseep 4422. Angestimts Rohr, fobrbdnde und Erauton(wirelssung) ‘on stn agente Roe oer Einbasten kon ‘en duch peace Wibelblosingen 7 Sein. angen angeregt werden. Dis Doi nsbesore ‘oor angstiimie Rohn! in Warman ther ach uneronte Robreitngssnhaute, wie 2.8. Tempenturmenfler oder Empat Dasensticke Estomint dibl2 lemired aloenden Wile hited umstien Keren. Auf ise Wes ‘en sich so gennnte Wirelsaen aus, dereaFlge Drack- tnd. Vlumenstonpustione in Sto ‘mangsmodism owe mechausce Sebwingungen es umstrmin Ropers ein en. 4423 Armaturen “Armature nt ene Abspenfnkton fren in de Rogelnur 2 Keinon Schvngengrancaunse, wel der ote Drckerian mit i as Dek ‘rer viwerdzne Schvngugseerle ering it. In Gegenstz dau sind. Regelarmaaren und Dracleduervente, bedi dite die Auten Sella, sekereSshwingursenepr wel te aul Grund der Duchsroming Yom verngon” QU Scien Tatsiensen und Watdalosungen in Die srmungsnduienen mechanischen. Sebi fungen von. Armatrenaaeilen Rinaeo auf hid urchin und dant selberete Sebi: ‘ingen error. Betant ft ses Phinonen EB, beim later on Sicserbelsvealen. {43 sehwingungeninfolg on Drucken tna Fssipetsechigen Drackste und Pasighetschlige werden durch ‘echindene Phnemene versace + stelle Schlhanclunger an Armatren + PanpenJGebisenstl + Pampenan- derbies + Phasenindeang (Verdanpfung und Kondenst ton) yore -11- iene known nthe form af iran. In ation {0 iational ene, here al lease of ound nergy and tonal hea ever, hie wil no be ferter eae inthe rset gle Funemore, a «consequence of pase change ef fact, wo pase owe orsportion condensin) ve the penal ores ations. In ftings hanes, dues, expansion) material flows split or te lt, sscelrted owed down ns esp ery pie ting bu aoa seer of lation. 4422. Fominmoree pipe, pipe boundies and Intrate vortex sheng) Piper and intra ings which re exposed exter sallow ean beexido vation by peridevrex ‘eding This pple in paisa eat-xchenger pe banks exposed tuners bul 1 femal pipe tings enielysurounded by flow (ect ag, temper eras or watenecton no e bnks, for exam). “Tis eu in vrcesdowneam of he bjs the fl tings soratly Inti ay s-alled "orton fom, nthe isn ma reso ‘ly prevsr and ow rae plains nthe Hom ing moti at io i chal vibeation of he ‘jest sounded bythe ow. ‘Vales ndings whose soe faneton sto clos off vil aul ni ree minor vibration excaton fine the lca pee lou eds he ibatons ‘erg elend om pres eat is 1. ‘In contastothis, conto valves ad pressure edue= ‘hn ales, ue he tas thy ave eid to pe fom, fe more perl generators wean ince te tothe ow posing through thei consid ‘sonesetons hy are the case of turbulence and “The Nowinfueed mechanical vibrations of ale omgonents can have feedback flct on the Mud id this giver excited vibrations. In bet tales for example, tis penomeon i koe 25 loping 43 Viaton reiting rom press srgee Presse rugs and gid hammes ae caused by ‘esos pheomen: + fst operating of vales + tur pumps cr owes + sarop or shat down pomp + pas hang (cvspraion and condensation) Dleichnalig oder umpc eregt wid, wer ‘chide sch dhe Charsure der Anworsch unga sove de azuwendnden Rechewetaen (val Abeta 5.33), Beis fr remem ind + BeviebcheFendenepuges ~ Astikung lace auf einem Schwingtunds- ‘ment rcenden Maschie af ene angesclor see ode duran abhi Reetng ~ Awwikung devon Maschinen unloer Pro- essen angeeten Scingungen ines Ge- ‘samigtiodesGesamipes dain b= syste Heres + Fremdenegungsn as Stn: ~ Awsihung von Erdbesen auf det segrin- dee RohtassnPipeles eer in Bawerkco bende Rodreystene, die ther dis Bat- werk ert werd (sie 2.8, DIN 4149 und KTA 2014) ‘eine Rofrystene, aie ther das Ba Die Anegnges kone pesdich, wasnt oder ‘ochch sin, wobel au instatonite Zastnde ei peveisten "und siocastsches Esepunsen ogi sin Wirken de Emepangn il au ds Robretngs ‘ystem ao ethan ie mo die Chaar dex hist. Wire sini,» Been Ge ti ter en rere Komponen, a ie Rob thon dos Getuades bw dex Komponen beer ser Fequenen, 5 Schwingungsberechnungen 51 Bechrebung der Eregungen 541 Stone Rohratmeng Bei einer Robrsrtmung ist mach Gre der Rey ldsah Re rete en cnweder eine laminae 8 ine truest St ‘angsoem erande, yore | -13- whole is exc etal or unevenly at al suport Points wil determine which ype of repose ie oo plies aswel sth calealion method Wlch ‘Shoal be employed Secon 3.3.3). Examples of eternal exciton a: + Operational eterna excision: =the eet of «machine sanding on resent foundation ona pipe coonected to & banged from it ~ te eet of the vibrations (excited Wy mae shines mao processes of a entre Bung frente framework on the pipework nse i = the eto of hip wbeons (esting rome fetpnes or motion of the se) om inboard pipe + Bema excitation resting from inset: = eet of earthquake on pipes founded ‘esl n the ground or on pipework ses ‘vthin ung stots whch ae ected vin the bulking struct (ee, oe example, DIN 4199 and KTA 20014) ‘vitin the ing which ae ected a te ‘ling srt ‘The excitations ante pero, tase or socas se wis nosey ses so beng pose the (sie of pedi and steht xan, he estos work dest on the pipework fem then they wil inade only the charters of the loafing eve itself, I hey work idecty — oe example, vita budge ler component —on ‘hopin then they wil hve aledy been vt ‘with the tamsmisson fonction of te baking ot ‘Staton the dominating bingo component e- (guciornd loetnesionns ew eee '5 Vibration calculations 5: Deception o types a exctaton 15141 Steady-state pipe low Indie cs of pipe ow depending on the mapsitde ofthe Reynolds number Re 2p Ree on cites «lamina a elt fw reine wil be resent te € D |p 7] ns 051 nxn he Ronaing Fo Sree cestrene pre we 6H a Die Geschwindahlt ¢ hing! vo de Stig ‘der Rompres ds Fas 2b Sie iste Foepfanangsgeschvidigt von Misen Deck nderange i dee Sumung snd wid desl such Schalgschvindigelt gna Fc Fisighite git 65 66 mi en etopenesponenten An Qoerschnitsindsrangen vie B. Formscke, Behe ole Armature werden de Drackwellen Je tach Grad der Flichenineringtelweie ode Volstndigrelektien. In Bdge mit konstaner Quecchnit asehen keine Reexioen, Robrede 2B. Ven) mit hice Vorsichen ls senuctwelle upd an einen alfenen Robrene (2.8 Bete) mi umgekaian Vorzicon als Un ‘edrckwelle efter Die Laut cine Drckwel> vr Enseingsoet bir solchen Reflexinststen hit Drake love rel on = og 64 ‘The spn depend onthe sis” “compress ‘by of the i the propagation elo at Sal presue changes inthe flow aod href ‘so refemed wo athe soni wea. Forgiven by of 65 ad fo gas by = 66 ? id te isentropic exponent Achanges in cou seton- has ings, aks or ‘ales =the pressre waves are pally com pletely flee, depending on te dese of change In ateu No vefectios occur in bends which have 8 Aa cose endof pipe a vale, for example) pos Sie pose wave tele, witht hanging te sign asa positive pressure wave wile at an open fie end (tank forename) itiseflcted sn nep- {aie wane wih cops ‘he ime pes wave takes 10 tel from ts lac of eg election plas f his Kind se fered asthe pressure wave tae tine rel on Ween srepeioquenaen mit slcen hyéauichen lgentogoemen rusammenteten, grt das Fuk system in Ronan. Dae! kate ie Pasa plitude so stark nsteigen dass su Beste tigungen des Anlagenberis komme, ine Obecistinmang von Enepeequenz it imechunschen Bgenfeqerzn der Robleitiog {einer Stuktresonsr (ene Abschnit 53). ‘ren Flge Scien am Ravetngsytem sa {ses Komponenter cn Sones Dractstten, dis das dyanishe Ven doe Stemungameduns i Robeinegseyen et ‘uicynamischen Berecbnangen nach Asch 3.2 a estse 5:4 Fromdecrgungen ie Wiungrwsite von Frenemegungen wind at dee Bewegunpsgleichung des Schwinger it eines Feceisgrad tel Fubpnkenegung deutch Bild 5-3, Diese let ait a= Wl vod onda Jem) 442 0@ (1-2) rale-D=0 GAD oder mit er Reltivoorinas y= x2 942.00, 9 +08, a) 12) 2 vos <7 Fe. s2iyeaue aes ‘When ect foqunies with hydraulic natu fe ‘ueniesof his knd met, the fast then ges Io resonance Hee pulsation amplitudes can m= creas sooh a extent hat operation of be iasale- tion afte. When ect ogres coincide with he mechan: fea ntl qos ofthe piste eae ‘erst rsanaos (se Seton $3) whose conse: {goence may be damage he piping yer ant "Th eee api to pt pletion at doe esr ses te dyeamic bbavou of the me ‘ium foming inthe piping system can ony be cape {ured by te Mu jumis calculations whic ae ‘described in Seton 32, 5:14 Eaten extatons “Tae ffest fetal eration clear revealed by the motion egtion of te rating mas with one Agee of fredom and with haw exeitaon (igore 53), Wen 03 = Ki and = dQ m) tise Fe20q (8-2) ¢aFe-2=0 GN) oc withthe relive soon y= r=2 J+20q 5 +ahy=2O=-09 612) non nnn a ps i 4 vornee -19- ee te (ozs at ora pitts Dj Fowkngtsm Aneta Prcegeinm ner Fae ean ale a cra = Secs ‘Sen sopuss spur an). —s a nee tafe ae aes aaepascepme Wonder ant See teres oy a ‘Umer der Vossen iscatoper Drckindrung ind de Enerpiegleihang dich de Zastndgle- ‘hung eset Fr kompestle Fae gi dann 2 monstne 616) ° ei Water nd andre schwac onesie Ft ‘en wid dle Kompessiblia blisters i Fort ‘ine Wertabelle a) on vrpensbn. Bei perodischen Drackpulsionpoblmen werden Im Allgemeinen de Zastansoben Dick pnd Vo- Jmeastom Q msc dee Setmungsgescvndg ‘itv Beate Ansgehend yon Masen- ud I pulsar durch eine Zastandslchong =, 18) bel der Index fr eenop set, ven diese CGrndgeichungen au ew pnanate Wellegl ung te. a de (519) # ae #0.0.29 2 eos Sle ktoaen mei der i Fequetbesehver {aben (eb Abucait $23 gla werden. Es fa. su drs zich nd etike Vee vou Druck ‘ed Votomenstom, ui Sustain (3) Durch Vetnpng der Bemegung des Fuster Bewegung dr se umgebeoee Suku kana deren \wetseletge Besassugin de Beechnung el ‘les Bindegled st de Acalbescleunigung der Swuktur, dein er Impulsbine des Fis bere sic wird. Anselle dee Inpalbanz(Gechang 514) en gokoppele Imp: vd Sehwingung slechangen der Suk: af BL BB wid g ape Seb Rep Alaa he 2» Diane ohlesigng a er Sr toa de Rang, vl AD 3.4 Die Anton er Drs wisngen Kinga rot er Tnptsong tcc ea wd Sut netsh Fb en sien Ent sda Drcelpte td deen Fremotatlt vn de Sihvingpcnel voisen 21 Assuming tate prose change is esto, the ergy estin i foplaced by the equation of se, Fovcompreale dst following wil hen bee constant 616) 1a the case of water and ake poy compeessibe ‘is, the compet pomally pected nthe fom a able of vee p10) on ‘With problems relating to pode pressure puss ‘in, these arable of pressure p nd ow rat Q ‘ac general considered instead of the ow veloc ‘On the bass of mse and momen tlanes, spleen ty a sate equation P= 09), 618) wher the tbc stands for secon tne bt 2p. 2 de 19) eee 619) fo. 2.8 620) Oe “Thay con be sve manly by mets of fee gomne-ange method (we Secon 523) From this ‘lee ed ow te. uistruture iteration (Ft) ‘By laking the meson ofthe Mad with te meow of ‘estcture which sumounds i emt ise ‘can belaput ode eaeuation. The conse lnk the axel aceernon ofthe urna wich Inclaed inthe momentum balance ofthe fi. ead ofthe manent balance (Equation 5.1), ruluneos momentum and vibaion equaons of the stare ae we 20 [o BBs} Bleck wuceainge a Bele Sep Rlestg ewan 0 an ‘he ail seoatn lls for te sen tna spi Sion 33. Dante ron ips wn al and Sct tlds ef ee ton Se Sotho mpd. Fo ile spc a aceon he pressure wave spect ais equnsy Stet when the bron sent ofthe fs Wikangsgné anzugsten DerPampenyp, das you sce Vern ds Antes desen Nene ‘ang sn ebenfalls bedi, ene snd fr allan der Dowsing betliten Komponcatn, wie Punpen ut oiakesilag Kopplangen id Anite bitaieten Voge de Mastnghetsmomeatesbabiin Dieaumerssen Vraen me Lang dr paren Diferentalglechangen (Gichagen (13). bis (6520) mse foigende Anfederonen ele: 1) Konstamte Ample, db bei Aonsasie Quee schnit elas Roblemeni dat chen a At ang aufepeiger Puls lek aus sumerschen (Ganden ide Amplitude nen. 1 konstane Pas, dh der Frequncint cies Pale dat ch be einer Atreiting im Spier ch durch as Lasngsrare verde (a es forme cine age Dslr ol Sich miet aur smerichn Grindenalchen ‘der austen ©) Stobepinge (Unsctigcten im Zeist) ‘thsn tom Losunpwersren im System (6 Tih Uberrapn werden Kine Bei den unecieichen zu Verflgng stebenden Rechevertaves wird gemell_ 2vschen Zl ‘ces und Freqencbefelcsveciven mesh den, Bei der Droskstodbensinung finden Zak konprblemen in de Roel de Anwendung ton Feqdenrcsvefaen swale it. Be den Zekerekhvertave zur Drcksosnayse wird ache uneschiscen owichen Fine DitfenaenVertiren (2B. MacComack Lar eno) end Casateciettenveaben. Zar Li sun der ches pentntn, Dflrentaicchunsen (Gieichengen (81) bs (16) komt sich das Rnge-Kut Schema zur Anvendin,nsbxondre fir iie bow, abe Schick. Gist werden die Dillreninleichungen et den ‘Zeibericeveraven in einen On /Zi-Gite, Je om Amend fag Mi der iches Dake: User st he ss CFL-Ksterom (ent mach Courant Fried Lew) auch i eiche Dae ‘Sera eset er ie Behn ‘v2 ar (+e) (522) Dat MacComc und. Lax Wendof.Nerfaen find Zwoacet-Veraen, Wind beim Mac Cornack-Verten ete Protcor-und ene Cos tarLsug jewels Ger enn ganen Zeke be worse 25 certs forthe torque andthe eficieney. The pup ‘ype the dic betvou of te dere ans om nal cacy it ls be enn consis. ‘ements of inet wl need to be deste fr ll Component volved ia te tas! movement — ‘ucts guided pumps, cubes and dee. 523 Calling matrod ‘The mumercal procedures wed to solve the paral iret equations (Equaons (3.13) w (520) me aise flowing requreents 5) cont ample in oer words, when pipe ‘een has cont eosin, sage ap leah ae mut not change spi for 1) canst pase ~ in eter word the feguency ‘one fa sarge itspreads inthe yer ms nt be changed by the problem-solving method Solas oro pti snaher waa alps Sar rmpsboald ot lten out oe bcue seeper fer manera eases) ©) the problem-solving method must be abet ans fer shook eastons (iscoatinaes in th Une oman ia the system eal). In the various competational methods which ae Uimedomain and equnsy-damia pocede. Ia Tgud-harme analyses, ie-doman procedures ae sed wile wih presse pulsation pobens it gr recedes Amongst tie domain procedures for lq- hammer Sitrece methods fr example MacCormack Lax ‘end apd ebaactersies metods In oder 0 solve the sbovemeatond diferental equations (Equons (13) (6.1) the Rupe Kut method Sao used epi for small er tarble sep In tbe caseof ine domain posers te differen tal eqtons ar solves within a placate pi De SStpeliedby the wer With ine discretization the (CAL citron (which san bbyevation of Courant Fedich-Le) swe lo defn the spatial, ‘retain athe elaion au aro(hd+e) 62 ‘The MacComack and Lax-Wendrff methods ae ‘tho rior nd carer sation nese ‘ue considered for an eis ine ep, with he a i i i i | erachet werden alls Robisongsbichit, die ich ze Krtmer oder Konponetea, 2B. Be- Ines, Purp, Vente Dern werden, Das Me- ‘km wird im Krimmer und Krome 2 ag Tet. Dah ese Ulekng nde de Srbmungs impls eine Ring Noch em Impulberbalugs- sus dieser nals as én Krier Ubeagea sweden Dara ei sch ine Ket auf dn fweiigen Konner: Fg 016 Py bab Fea (+ 2D Ana 629 ‘Weiterin wenden dich Wandeiung Kife af ie Ratrwand Gergen ‘Auf einem Rolvekungsabscnit ett durch Refngrveroste der Sroming in Drekabil ‘sey Eine diesem Dracabil enspechene Ket ris uf de Robrand (in Suomungschun) Uber Argon werden, ds oe, Fra =Aua 2S tide 25) ie Doergabe der ihre rr Weitervecarbeiung ‘lt slicherreie mit rel ntenshieichon Vir shit it der Linge Lid ge ds Stn Iyse-Propramm ubagshen Diese Kratt wind te ‘ilies mites Masenpuls Star ‘Modell des Lelungsaseites aneseat (abe Bild 8.3) AF = Fan Fun Fran (529) Im all cine stionsen Stung it de resai- rende Kraft ao den Rohungsabsctit gc at Wirt 2 Die Kile Fy und Fg wesen a de Kemer Massenpunite angst: an den Masenpunea ings des Leituapstnites werden ie Reba ste AF, Obetapen ede Bild 3.0, ‘ie Variant 2 ter de realstceren Epebie, ae Phaeolage de SchwingngenKerler wi Cdxgcgeden wink AuSeden. werden de ienarea Kate der Relveiung duct dis Beach dss Gesamuckes pan eweligea Kener besser simaten worsen -25— ‘What comes under consideration ae al piping se ‘ons hich fe bounde y Iwo elbows or compo nets suchas ans pumps, vies fr example Te edu defected nclw I andi elbow 2. This eleion causes a change of deo in the ow Imometum. According othe momentum conser ‘on lay hs moment must be wansfeed 1 the pip elbow. “This reas ina force onthe elbow in queton of FeseOst 01D Age Faeoit edhe 629 Fortes re hi ale tye ee ecto fp tion ch ow Wig sts pn opt hc ‘pings psn pe std ‘he pip wall nthe cecton of flow), fom which ‘shows iB ge [5 § kon a5 “Transfer of th ud forces for fuer processing normally cured ou using two diferet vata. ton 1 ‘The resuing Mid force AF forthe piping section eth the tenth npn te tact ali rogram. Ths force is applied, for example tte ‘ore of mass th trata model of te piping techn Gee Fuse 53 AF # Fea=Fea + Fes 625) In te case of steady-state fw, the suing force ‘on te ping Scion equa 20. rian? ‘Te feres Fs nd Fae ted tthe elbow mass points the fiona fore components AF ae eased tthe ms pois log the piping son (se Figure 56, aint 2 delves he more eli eas ice the ‘une positon of he vitae canbe epodiced Foe circ, tn ton te inal foes ne ‘pe ae beter sina by the at ta he ft '53 strdaurynamischo Bowchnungon 1531 Grundlagen Rohseiungen snd Zinder. dei algeme ‘en Fl Seblenchwingongn der Untangle {abl er Axiahellenl msuruesKSnoen Fur Roeuagsberechnangen werden in der Repl tr di Soodefe n= ane n= 1 beni bei Se ben der Kreisqueschl eaten Heb + Blegschwingungen Balinshvngungen) leet wird das Reb qu zt Langschse as- ssleak ra lm=beleig + Lngsehvingungen Stschvingunges) Hier rfolgen di Auslesungen fn Ring de Rofracse, dor Ronee debate. vex seh n= 0,m-=blichig + Trsinsschwingungen as Roly wird um de Lingabse verb, de ‘Achebe legen. SO ,m=bslehig ‘adiatehwngungen Dee Rotegoechit verlomt sich in cadler Fiche na Oye boii Bild 5.7 seit sacha de eiazlaen Bene tines, Bei Robreangsjstemen ween de Sorgcranien Bewegungsfraen im Allgemeine in einer Form aun Aasbmefillen, 2B. be speuilleaFornsticke oer bet Reetangen set ‘olen Durchnesers, kann auch Scalesschvin- ingen nhere Unfangsweleazal 2 2) Bede Fu Abshstrangen un Kosten ist es atch, Ah den oben genannten BevpanguSchwingongs) Toma mugeottneten Egeatequetaen des Eifel Baten der Linge mt blebgen Randbosingsn ‘egeschwingungen she Stubmachgiebihetund Drcapheits Beroul-Balen) Die hte getequen xpi si es 1(&y OE fut den Imagini A der geen an Table 1 Der af tie Bench es Rois, seine Masenolgung pro Langeei ei Werden Schuboachaebahs GA, nd Bioge Deb {tight ji berelachg (Timomenko-Balen) 50 lustig ine element sung mehr angehen om voree -27- 1.3 Structural dynam eaeuations 51 Basie principles pes cylindric sel which in th pene cse ‘a patos vbton withthe ceomferen ‘rive umber nan withthe axial wave nmberm [sara only he speci cases=Oand = ee pred fer piping nes, weet clr eton + lexural vibrations beam vations) ere he pipe spaced unsere) tthe lone + Longin vibrations sr vitrations) ere the displacement ake place nthe dzcton ‘of he pipe ai the pipe seton Becomes anger cratoner n=O sm= any valve + Torsonal vibrations ‘The pipe becomes eised aout he longing sth sae emai botaontal. n=O, any vale + Racal ibraons “The pipe coneseton deforms in ail de many valve Figure 5:7 shows the individ forms of moto. In {seer the sbove-mestoo! forme fron cat fo combination in piping ystems. In exceptional sc, sch at spec fins or wha pipes have a very are dane, foe exams, ven sell io Te of shigher circumferential wave mmber 22) may be of imporane. Fox making estimates for checking purpose ii ef o know the ata equences Which ae a> ‘ocd wit th stove meoned forms of motion {Simon forth gl pe bm of ang wi, ty Boundary eondtons Fleura vibration without sear exbility 0 + ‘aon ner; Bemeal beam) ‘The eth aural equency is ae rom GE ihe many pf esa en “uble 1, The face ithe eral ight of he ie rt mas loan per nit of ent fa LBS 29) Usher Neil 110A, and bendigotatioa ier Sa fig ae inched (Timoshenko beam), wl BO Tongette pessible oie an elementary Slt. nit deny Weta ach Tbelle 5.2. Der Fakor EA Int dle Debastiiht des abe, wide sine -Massenbeegung ro Lange Table 2. rte dos etretabos (ngs auneen woise2 29 vi th wales from Table $2. Facto EA isthe extensional pity ofthe pp, one again is mass Toning per ni feet, “ble 524 aes ofa oad foal bration) Tr ie —— — ‘Torsonschwingungen ‘Tersonal vibrations Die te Bigenioqenz eiesch aus af) (FE tar NE # tt en gle ten alle wie den Titgatngugt Hie yee ts er Rab ro anges Gy eT cog Radilschvingungen Di igenfequen der Raiabchwingng ei sich 11 Ae ox tint der misere Robes, i Wandee ss Rois und de Mase po Fine Ratobet ote. 1532 Modetaong 5321 Grindeite Die sakturynaninche Berchnung eines Robes Jed gewansciten Ort des Stems tein eer. Retest at Hil ees mtbematichen ‘Models abgebidet Das nathematsche Modell rss de EigeoshtenBesien, df ds Zi er spevieles Rolltungsaalypeyograni oder ein Allgemeies Finite Elemente Metiole(FEM-)Po ‘in cingser. Ensen den Mogichiten 10% a dle SRSS-Metode the. asi negungenin de ed Haupihrngen con- fallesherungewcie al sttich nabs se ‘tat werden Kone sn di bei inearea Systemes fon nich fir de Sssemasivorten gl, Kann dle Rombinaton dcr Reasons mage der det ie: nuichtungen ebenfalls merge nach Gr 'SRSS Meth eae, emab Ryn RR 655) Roce Grain infge Bmepung ita, jr vos a1 A conripations ak Equation (4) is now nly one, owever, an approximation since mo as relstionsip exe Repeding is appoins Eve soperoston of modal dupacmen, acceler ‘Gos an ston feces yield a ove eacton {Cxpscted aie) varios ponies reste of Src we sal ea wids jot two mest para SRSS method (Square Rost of the Sum of the Sune) a [SR «s Wee a eatin eng fm can oe az nl iio cgemcie oun wana genes isomer titi nin {ite cay ner song (tay shen noe oe alo Sh gen {QC mad (Conte Que Canton) Be ee JD DAR en 63) whe alton cefckent y epening oe Togeny oe 8 JOH * rue Oris eset —Haveseel + sso) TheCQC method stb mae acute meta which ‘ven when mata! equecier aloe gether st ‘opis ress bish areca to realty. Woes the regency sea i> 10% megs it the SSS eed, Since for the pupowe of apoximation te exc ‘hws ithe de pip diets can also be {kena stticly independent and in nw sys ‘ert wil so hen al forty sponses, the combat ofthe recone renting fom te ths ection directions an be mde sho 3p Proimaton hy he SRSS method, hs Ryan d+ RoR 55) Rose tl ection resins om excision in, + Braeden Der Eafe kann durch Wahl eines af der siche- rea Sete legenden dysamischen Lastalios (DLE eft werden. Lg cia Spelium des DLE vee so st der Manav im Bereich is 221086 um de malgeondeFlgatoquens 2 secwenden {agereplel und Lagerbung ‘Nichlincareigenschatea Kone de fen ude _wungenenScingungen ees Systems weseich telasen um Verein td 2 Kole injedem Fall inch enesberugrvsse neste ‘Berechnung rasa (gl Absit 5.341) Um de ‘Auawitungen der bel Roblltings widen Nichlneatatea ~ Lael und Lageweibune — tester heweren m3 Rinnen, wenn nachflgend + Laperpie und ree Schwingngs9 + Lageribag und fie Stinsungen + Progressive Federenlii und hamonisch e sseuneneSchwingungen abel ist sch das Weselche — der ins au {ae Frequenmeralon nde Enegiedination Bet Reibvrgnges~ bri ereanen, wenn ie Nic neat nberungsese um den Aten le se i ie Berlkacigung woo Lagerspien ft in der Rego global 2x cine Enlasung es ystems, lok tone aher ach Beanspradungsedbangcn au en des mstalchen Enegiverzis peaks i. tne gat, 5:52 Legere und rie Senwingungan Die Bewegugsleichung dis Systems mit ene Frahstigad von Bild 8.9 huet mesh @=mE+kG-2=F) (56) abe isin Bild 9 dr ifs Fl i ae rogresiveilneareKenline —dagesll Mi fede Vrahvens der Harms Balance "Sta ih i Keni arsine sets ene os der Ample abinpge Enaktighe. e Taichen den biden Weren nd +f gt ‘eh Abscait $-322,Panit() Stllense). Die Berechoung fet fir en all e blinearea Kenic Fi ORK HCmy-siteaye 57) voiee = The inflence canbe inde by sling a dy sie lad ast (DLE) which ies on the sale ‘def spaceam ofthe DLF is avalble, the ek vale inthe ange upto 10% around te ‘ecient frequency should bused 1.28 Intuaness of nontnesrtios: gape and ‘ton n suppor consretone Nowvlacar popes can exe a conse inl econ the ee and faced ibewions of sytem T Calton for beter underaaodig td also 8 heck Seton 5.341) In ede to el improne Svaiton ofthe eects of the nop ineaies which ‘ne most important in piping tes ~ nae, ep td ton we wl ok at em in more dtl be tow + gaps and ee vibrations + fcon ni fe vations + progressive sping characters ed harmoically Forced vibrations ‘The essa aspect — he atuence on faqueney be avira ener dissipation in tonal processes ~canaleny be ecotizedi th none iap- otinuly ners he working pin Taking gas into consideration lly ress in ses eatin forthe ptr ltl but ineeases in sues cn stl cca ely. In virtual al eases, fiction a a fiver tet rally doe he ad onl dpation fen 5.52 Gaps and re wratons Thecgutn of mation of he stm wih one epee oflicedomin Figure 8936 mish Cems rkGr-raFD 650) Here Figure 5.9 shows he simplest es for poprsive bear characte With te aid ofthe Bamonictalnce method the Charsceric can be lnc theres a ian sess dependent on the amplitde and tanping beeen he wo values and hf also Section 53.22(6)"anaber Forte cs ofthe bilinear haar calelaton yields ORR Asia (557) Die Ricki Feng ch wien der Pose Aes Haene m Fy 5) darter erick At Reu-slen®) 661) Die Richng des wey, konstanen Tens hing ue ‘om Vorschen der Geshu der Mase oh Dasr Term sowie Ge vende Sight beim (Obergang Haft a Reng (gl. Asch 3352) imacten ds Stem jezt natin Die Rebirat eth eine Hstrese das Rela wit alsoals ‘spas Element edi Seingang owe aba “unga, dase Sera nic et in der Lage Sin le Haram heen, 50 lit det Koo {aK gechlonen i die ipeeguen wid wiesr ch de Seiight f+ Wess. De Dapeng edie Sch a ie des Syste sels (Damping ote insihieh des Dimpungsrehansous' ist sch Sach we in vorgen Absit, ach ds Syste Ligerebung nerangsves nears, nde ie ‘dnspntv Reloerrge AE decines viken Ent lingers chest wi De enegsche Balance ‘see it ae mo lo eine amliudenbingig Diptinglonstne, Die dip Ribena Zale nsec be der von der Hysteesckve amschlsseen Fiche ‘Wide Hastng ncn herwunde. verse dee Hyserese und es He nr poche Sytem “nung dig De Ample de fen Sebi ge, aloe von den Arfngsbodingungea, Ten also munich wrk ab and lingen a, nach Reach im Lage lana aos finds 6a) 15354 Progressive Foertonine und hamenscherswungene Sehwingungen Die Aswwikange ie nichlnesren Stiga al {ie bamonsc eerwangence Seuingungen (Ver- plerngxorkon list sich a besten a eines ‘sor gedinpin Schwinger il nem Peel [pad und propreniverFedsenainie macvoli- fen, Die Bewepungsgichun et. meds Hk O+ EP =Feos(a) 63) Die hamonische Balance li als Ensatzteighet Froude) ou und es epic sigh nach kur Recbaang mit =i mikwnto= d/(k-m) oe vores -45— “Te etliene Fy ding the pe of aesin i ex. rowed as Fy=(e+ x esate bebe in ear mane” Onc he aio is bee oerom, forte ellence wehave FynkoxeFanbore Fe Hsien) 661) “Te dieton ofthe secon, contin ern depends aly athe ign of evel others Bath his tem and ao the chin tiffs atthe ston from adbsion to fon (Section 5.3.52) now take the system none The ional areas hoop «hysteresis the soot th fects sa tispnive semen tthe ation axe cua he Din where sytem cer ae no longer capable of ‘rereoming the sion force, then the ont wll ‘Rin cloves th aural gona wl Be oe gin deteina bythe sls ky The ang ‘alto tt ofthese lf mpg constant). As ads the damping mechani, even the system ‘vt ton can be aproximativey linearized in Siar manor te pein eto, the dsp ‘ve fictional ene SE" being exe ost of ‘Spialent vara damper Th ener sane es ae ox nother words an mpl depen! damping con at The dtd tonal energy ihe umerstor here coespnst there cnclwe ye yess ‘ve. If he dbesion ino oneome the yee _Ssapeurs and only he sytem danying dis il ie. “Tee ampli ofthe fe atone = depending om the nl cots ~ tas op stony tis and then die ay sw, lowing tol rp cosa ng inh oppo fad (nds SE way MEO Mish 6 a) 55.4 Progressive sping characteristic nd harmonica forced vibrations “Tne tects of 00s snes on harmony foro ibraton (magietion facto) canbe ue drsod best nn viccusly damped eller with tne depres offer ae progressive spring har- tees The equation of tos aks his or miedeetieege)=ramiay (5%) Tetamone bn ye Fort(1e3 ee) 89 equivalent sito a fling ub claaon wih Cae Prk and 0 dm) Bin weiteres wesntiches Merk sictinaer Syneme unter amaninler Emepung te Tas ‘Se, daw dieses rin der Bregertequnz Score, sone das mastalch here Haro fhe (Obenchwngungen n_2, Sbharmonicne (Umersctvingsgen in) unt be 2 and me Ese becroqenzen ach Kositonscbwingungen Sufeton Kionen (Dat cg. Belpiel Koae des ‘ogen der Linerserung nt ete) Ganz ale ten sind et ichinere Syste satire Schwingengen mit Frequenam pic iin cin Iteigenraionsen Ves 20 den Ene suena sen 54 Rechenprogramme sit ein pate Zaha Marks veghure oer Simonsen Programe it denes Aube de + iddynamik + Seoktrdyamik (perio Robeiugsqo [pam ade alpen FEM rogram) + Beanspeachungsanlyse glist werden omen, Forichitiche Programm: ‘stem eriavben die Borkticiguns der Fld ‘Stu Ineraton sebe Abchnit 2 1- Hrs Temi eineine Programm bower sondern Ke tein ngepeben Werden de bel dr Aus ies ‘Programs Bede habe, In Tabelle 5.5 sind inne Kiteren~ pgiet tach werchicden Tesnen~aissmmengel “abel 55. Aswahktren r Recherpeanee vorse -47- Ancterimpoae featureof no tnear syste ‘er aoa extant nt ht eyo ‘ly spond inthe exer eqdency 2b the ad homally higher amon harmonic n-,sbbar ‘monic (ubtamancs in), and inte ese of 0 rma exit equencies combination baronies 1 wll can ocr his iso he ease with he above ‘example def linearization). Very general. nthe ‘See of ontinee yes, saben) bests ae owe with equencienwich wil have any = ‘ona tatonsip othe exces eguesies, 4 Programs ‘Trea large number of programs cher arable ‘othe markt or wine ad wed win comps, ‘wih which problems ot + i dynamics + seacural dynamics (pci pipe amalysis pro ‘ams or gerl FEM propa) + sees analysis an fe soled. Advanced program systems enable fikrctre ioscan tobe take Into coun (see Seton 5.2: Our present concem is no © alt indir progras here, bat rather pro ‘de tien wbich maybe tefl hen ding hich program ous topster numberof extra — roping eleva features under deen aspects of ‘ble 5 Selection cra or ea programs ec \oeang [Samosa user "leafed iy rr on) Puy ck ot [ia [Geir or eon Iowans |ocmnceuaonnmsane ‘ara secon ame ema — arr a Scie [Scr |mpamecnin ef mtr wow ek cre |"fosona cnmg te ‘da din borcectbnkenVepinge wie 8. Cree ved Shien won Armies ode hers yen von pevoincen Vopsngen valine fs sin. Ween mus pete sea ss fie Gescbvindighet der Efassung (Zetonstnte es tsunpsysoms und ce Messkete bax. Ab- teat be dialer Sgnltastng so geai t, se auch schnell Vorpinge mit hineicbenderGe- igi augezichet wenn. 112 Druckaunehmer (Senioron) ie Mesung des Drie inde Robes eet in der Regel mit statschen Dickenson (Mino. ‘ten Dear Bschcnnder uyrans aber fin, ic dm staachen Dc Ueragae ind, wer fen ofits dynamische Dracsenaren af lew Tass pereletirich he peoresit) ings ice Semone en den Vel das de Eatind- Tikit amabagig vor sacben Dek in dee ofeeiung ist und dani est Kleine Desk ‘ecwankangn, Wiese 2B. der Ak work ‘ben noch uel werd toate. Dabe hiaas ‘nen Deucarsoen aac det indly-Peinip ‘ler it Debougsnesssvefen (DMS) beste ‘roster be: det sf le Rob app ‘2st DMS zum Eimata. Zs den Anfordeangen a2 Drvskanfichnr sce DINSS53, Der Froqensberich, der 1m der Senate eck! werden ole ep bel uiljmamichen Unestchangen rr Bechebung woe Reta schwingangen in der Reel vschen I unl 1000 Hz 15:13 tasssalenpan und hptikation Die Anzahl un Anordoung er Seasorn nebo Ger Roileting muss 0 peal werden, ds de ‘Awe der Drackavankangen in dom 22 Umerochenden Feguensarh ees hesche. ben werden ann Hie stmbsondre dara 22 ‘chtn, dts be ine Verse sf eine stone Wel in einem Rotvituapysiem de Sensren fic in Kanes dr Drackpstonen moat sid ‘Weterin mus durch de Anorung dex Senoren Slcbergeatlt sia dass ch Abewelgee, Que ‘etmiauhegingen ode Raleungsvercinigungen te Situation in allen nresernden Rota ‘Scien beckon ween ka. Die Dracafncmer werden durch povente Adsp- ‘eran Messutzen inser, wobe de Lange des Messtutzees Gableitngsvandung is 2am Ab- chloe dex Stent) einen atten Resonator ‘ese de bel enspecbende egg in Reso- sanz geben Kann Das daach entender worse =~ “Te dustionof the measrerent period soul se lected shat processes to be deserbed och as the opening or claing of aves fr example os cea cjles inthe case of protic processes, cul be ‘eeeded completely. Furermore it mst Be eased atthe spol of coring (he time const of he ‘au acqlston system and the measrng cain or the soning te nthe cae fig gol scan. ing chose soc sway ha eve at evens Sil ees ith icon cee. 1612 Pressure leu devices (sensors) ‘The pressure in the pg ne is sully mesued vs ‘ng stt resi sensors (manometer) ios how ‘er tthe premue cations persons on thou pete whichate of parle escriton ofthe id dams, dynamie presse Sessarsworig onthe ez principle piezo cectc piezo) az quent wed, The advantage ‘thes esas that thee ety independent fof the state pressure in he pple and hs means thateven smal pressure Mdctatos, sich as ocr inthe accu, for example, can il be resid In ‘don, reser sensors working on te don Pipe ae also wie. ns ae press tances ‘yup with sin gop stain poe moored ‘Stel nthe pipe wall For nformation on he = ‘gerents applicable pesie pick-up devices, SS DIN 7555 “The quency range which shuld be covered bythe sensor ia the eae of fuh-dypamis analyses ‘Sag a deseo pipe wan, ually be twee aod 1000 Ha 1612 Measuring point plan ene application ‘The uber and oesios of the sensory wii the ling ena be selected such thatthe propagton of rewire fluctuation can be unambignusy de ered forthe frequen) ange to be ives Special ateaion spl be gene to ensong ‘the enor ae ot mounted at presse paton tse if hres any sspcion of standing wave in the piping stom. Furano, the postonng of ‘he sensors mus be coniguedin sucha wa tht lowing bashes, cos-sectiontansons and pe ‘estiton the staton ca be described nal pp Ing sections which ao meres nthe analysis “Te presi pickup devices aisle on intro {pen ors with he i of etal ape hee the length of he surument ze (rom he pe ‘allo heen of hepa) dese an este ‘ear wicheas gosiorsonance inthe eest th ‘cerespoingexcaton occuring. The nie ths 2 Mesa ervngeneScingangen “ie ese Messing ist de Being und Bee tg dr watvend des Bei sutenenSehwin Sins weenorichn Enegnpsneni ‘no, Duns nc le lewmnen Botting nat wen ‘As den Mesiegsiscn Some de Robstane ‘Rhvinpmgcn mach Seon Crate gua fae Ge Eregungaeciansnen bib und die Beangachngen boner wee Suess af determined and combined The neta ‘Stnmengeins: Det Imendacinachwels hc geson- prensa verifieton mtb cad oat separately 50 ‘Getz ven um ah ie Ufangspunangen 28 Sstobeabletoinloe te ccumferenal sess ‘tien wall + algemcinepimire Mentrnspaningen + Biegespanmingen + Iotle Menten. si Bepspannangen len Gegensa dar sind Setndiapecngen ae ner verte Sfunnngen 1 chaakeriseren, die ‘hr den ewelgen Quest Wien. Im Alpe ten werden se ch bende Wane foe des Rollers oer scl x Rofl selst heroreruen Sekandispanun- fea Klann sich ch Dereon de 0.25 oe TeDeimgenze durch Bettende Verormung ab- en: Wetere Bip fr sce Blasungen so [egerangsetingmgen oder uch Zvingongen i- foe behindrerSytemdchng,unersieiches Dehimeriates inole vrsctidener Wiens angsicefieten oer infolge lotr Stighica ‘ngeomecacea Unsecihcte, Unundhet ine ‘eo Oberdack nd Gebinestang Spansagspiven sd de Spgs, de ch ‘Abn det Pie od Sehundrpentngee ve der (Cesamtspanng verbleben Es handel sch herbs ‘um Bisa ude ncinezea Ase oo Tepe ‘uspanunger an guomerschen Unsetgheten flor too tasesen Tempestunpenangen sie Keespusnunge, Die Bepenzung de Spannunsspizencinschielch alle primi tn sere Sponges rom tiederklncen Breck du i Weary In der FBR Richie weren ff Niche chungen geal uch die de verschiedenen Spr ‘nngltepren burst nde mpsiigen Vere. fseasoechansmenabgesicbet werden. Die i den {icchngen vervedeen Gen nd Fates Jim Anscusdefnen bem, agepbe, + Vergeichsipanungen as Hauppindeasin Body 095-1 My oa Ww oy 53, 010) + Verpichsspnnangen as Huot nd Zatz mason In der FDBR-Richinie werden die Laten sus Rotvctmpwchvingngen al Zuatzpeimias- ‘eg withen und dren Grae sch ach pl ‘chur Vefomaung voll ete le, 2B. daa tmuche Lastn aut Schalvergsagen oder Auch Dod 75-1 My vs 025-1. Me oy 7 2 ou + genal iy mewn sess Oy + Reng ses + cal embran nd bending ree 1a cams, seondayssss at be crated 1 linet stud sss wich afet he rss ‘conn quer, In ater hy ae cane by ther ‘alexguton bing prevesed du tote pipe supp ‘eign or wiin he pipe component inet Aes ex fsedig he 0.2% of 1 teal ses, secondary Suess canbe bee deo permanent deformation ‘ccoing Forte examples of dso hs ind ae ‘ope restans reve ent resin rom pre ‘ested ste expansion, diferent tense beaour ‘sling om diferent cots feral ex ‘So a reling from lel rigs in pooner Scones no-altyn the ese of mea ‘rewr ansetlensnt of ang Sirs peaks ae he sess components which renin fre ima and oso sss have ee de ‘Sica io theta ses, These ae, for example the toner componeats of temperature stein goo teical dacotuies o of taint tengratne ‘tos nd lo ocaled noth sess, {imiion ofthe ses peak nln al primary tnd second sess feted in he Tower eee rang by saineyee argue carves. rien ng se cconaecs icon pace mini skoneds eect Sacre SSeS SIN at estat = "eee fo in a Ts Ww + ee om a ri so pti omy et foes parr narreents oS oars % SS_ 010) 075-1 Me ogg aay, Rawr. Ryan sone aa eee eee Deasaeeepeatmcaate oo en pe rein paeeoet eects amen eee teenemenes seatoa asic near ee eee Scereeenieeerenel Se ae Sseaata eae! Bee otal ie Ss eee eee cee! igs tele woes tr a er tect se sees el oe oe Seas Se a neers Sennen ————— ences eee cette eer eaten teense eee seemereamane Po Catprectend der Kategorie es Lasals (50) snd Skteetfakoren nuwor, “abl 78 Wert fr dn Flor ‘S.=nin { Baar, Roozas ‘comin as Sy=min (S350 Aton sues facts may be found in he FOBR {ulsline or in oer leva ces of practise or the parse of eluting the reference suesses iad ig be above eatin, safety factors fave been defined in te codes and the ested in ‘Teble 75. The vaace given here apy to led and raed sel urber values for example, fo at inn copper sndaluinun loys and even pat trl be found inthe codes of practi. Ateton should be psd © materia specif infor tion and lo othe reference aes i the treep rage inthe coves in guetion! fe US. codes of pets ANSUASME B31 and [I forpomer sation and process eniscrng p> ing te penile steaee a given ex ‘ng esr dependence om emperre o aSou8 he load cases to be comsiered are extremely im probable cases or cnet which re ante cer jst one = in other word, s-aled cae of emer 20 or fate conations, sch aca the emis ses canbe rested the ally fc {or rece By way of example we guts Bethe ‘ales from KTA 321.2 which specify 185 for ‘crereny conto and 2, for ale cond Se Hore we be Sas the tren lees ale the more complicated analytical meted of FEM is sd for detenining the steses pests yes ‘sana of sess rests for ech csesecoon 10+ ‘eroutsuesses of the vos cago, inearization ‘ver oe crosestcton should be cred ot. In his ‘vay membrane and bending sess ar bane and Safer ates shouldbe assigned in accordance with ‘he crear ofthe od ease ee bow) “le 73. Value rh co \eateye rote esgen von Bailes fen Die Aueging von atten gegen dese Belangen wed une den ‘Begin Emadungsanalyeo und Beuicbsestket _isammengefast. Grands sing be dee Ee ‘ingranaye fr ein Robrengsysem deh vet ‘ehledene Belatangaren sounder (0) nendrveeleung des «+ Ateund Abfaen des Syseas + Laschvankungen being durch de bree erage + Delt being darch Aun Abia oe Unscilin von Punpen schnell Amature stellorsinge + price Drocschwanlangen as 2B, Drak Palsationen (2) Tempecambastng deh 1 Ane und Abfarea des Sys + Lasschvankangen in Foie tansemerBeasn- (@)Belsunge der Roileunges duc Kafe vad ‘Moment as + Drckatien| + batch adage irtionen eulebs- schvingungen) ar Vermeidong von Konsertviten ist 20 Kien, Blech aueten ler ob wine geucate Bewertung ‘er joeligen Spunsungsae vgesommen wer ‘ena, Es werden sli Wort der Verges Spannungschwingbete in Abbngighet won det Ansdastwectsezahl~beostigh Ensechende ‘Were nde,AD-Meskat S152, KTAS2019 und KTA32112 sowie ASMBIANS! 331.1 und B33, For gchmaige rks Bel tung Tiegen in der Repel Nesters ot Iles der Reastang indo Allgemein sia. rende Versuch 21 autwandy. Als Basis fr Zac Sapds-und Emdngsberactunge denen die Ak umulacosegeln von Pages Mie und Roba son 16: 175 yy =Dy 2D, 21 as) Durnin D, ie Laswectsclamtng be Sits a1) abet Anza dee in der Berctnanganayiren rock and Temperament einer be- sommen Amlide e Besneprachang vo1see 71 ets which can ane thee loud coved by the ‘ems fatigue anal and faigu suena fatigue ‘uly fora ppg stom dsincton shuld be ‘rn between ts diferent inde of loa (4) aera pres lalag by + star and st down the sytem + Toad stations arising fom plan operating + protean cated by sing or stopping pumps, panp changeover, fast operation ik ‘aves + reid ressore stains ang fom pres re pltions, for example (2) Exposure to bigh tempers du 1 + sap and sba-down these + od stations eto tne ods (6) Sesssin piping do forces and moment as Ing tom presse surges * sition due wo plan pean (operon ie eats) 1 order to prevent conseravies, elrifcation Swhther 2 seprate evasion of he vraus Sees fompoaes canbe made, Peruse vals of te fefrence esrang required asa function of the Incpeat cracking Stes ees number. The core- sponding valoes maybe fond for example in [18 [AD Merit § 1 2, KTA32012 and KTAS2I0.2 ‘wells ASMB/ANSI BSL. and B13. For sendy ‘etic ads, material sas are sally aa. I nly on statistically. simulation experiments ae fseerlly to compen. Asa bss fr creep ad fe fue ales, the damage accumulation mes of Paimgren Miner and Ronson canbe sed [16; 17 Dyy=DyeD,21 as) In tis D, the loatyseaigue dysw a6 1 mumber of pressure and temperate cycles ‘alyedin th clesltion fora peices Im AD'S2 it ln Nachweseabren bescvicben, ds i Wectelbearspruchnge durch medic, ‘Tenperurdileezen under durch zstaiche {are Kee vd Moment erick. Inder KTA Repel wenden flee Vrawen der ‘misingsinalyte vorgeche Eizeeen snd er TA 2112, Abschied 8 uence): 1) Vereinfacter Nachwels der Sieber gegen Er nung Beschrnkang, der Spionangschwingrten ach Hie ond Latah 1 Elance Engrs Agumulon von Escpingsran, vrs ett die Vergléchsgnmangschvingreie ‘ler primiten und sekenienSpannangen er {ctrtet den Wer von 3 Sch ©) Verinfacte elt place Ermidungsant ye Bie uner 6) pesanne Spaneungaerense duit Sbencten werden, ween de Velen unpscvingvet de pemites ud sendin Spannungn falge macs Lsten ege- alien wid Der Einfls dr Pastifrang ann src dea so genamieePasiiterngsaior Ke bevdeksiigt werden, Zs i ache sen, dss en Vesagen inflgeforschretender Deformation sat 1 Allgemeine classcplsiehe mbngsa- ys Mit dem wicklichen Weksoersen (ls ‘shpat muss geacitwerden, dass Kine fonschetnde Deformation soe. 7122 Risso und LeckvorSnich -Verhaten Ia af Grund tlre Einwing oder auf Grind tea Ermudang cin Anise Hie Robins ‘uch entann, sok dase Riss wt be ‘Sten achfolgend estrus Botgunge or ‘chr: Darter biaus kan ein Abinglgeit ‘on Wersoftastand (Zabgie bei Bevis rt, Beanschingszusan Ristfen- 2 Wand Gekeeverins und Risglomevie 20 Lekagen ‘der nem ptalichen Vesa In Fo cnes Br hes kommen, Zar Otepafng unter welhen Be “imgungen Leckage oder en Bric 20 ear ist, ‘Jann ds so gens Lck--Bruch- ei an sewendet nee Fur de Beuseiung des Resoructrite ind de Keoninis der Rispeomerie des Westie tens der Beansrachang unc dr mit Jem weiren Teuiclchen Einsaz vrpehenen (spears) [Cnwechelalnorwenig Dat gehen 2B. Be smsprchungen fnflge 6 As- und. Abschatens voree -73- In AD-S2.8 verison mth is decried which tke it scout he sorting oa ring fo Internal rere, tonperatie flees ara ‘ated Raat pation damper plates (27) Whee piston pumps ae used te piping eave Should aow wat el exter equences are With Sled planing, plping sections with he sae hy ‘eauicor mechanical nara eqpecies an he be voided, IF two or four branching pies wich dono con any ves Mow ging ough them a allo he ‘hme length and incller figs, aoe close © thc other ier (ne Figute 82) the exons ‘i oper lo organ pp fet). Fr tisseason,bypaslines ranching off amine ‘ould be desigood with diferent legis Now the ress pss of siltancosyaivig aves wll, ot oow beaded a ech oer. ‘Asa geen mi, completely symmeicamange= ‘ments of piping secon oad at al posible be oie in aching ewok {414 Measures applicable to vibrations eeuting ‘tom exema sections External exciton works om cutie onthe piping seein amg an pr ese: do nt wsaly stand in ict elation with the ‘ie sysem ef batare indie scares whieh ey ‘Suen ce ag paren us 82, sing Hn Ptroungvenznn (Ok sore Fs. 82 Opinion ppm ba mn eel) {02 Madnahmen zu Sehsngungsrecuirung Fotvetangeeystemen 1823 Veratinmung Bel Resonanzzstinien kam durch Versimang es Rleiungssysems, dh dreh Vechicbong Yon desenEigentequnzen, eine erebie Beat ‘prchungsvernindcung erie werden. Die Vee Sima erfagtvrzgswese dich Veancenung Ses Haleangskoazepl i rch Andean Ys 1, Steioke nde Binding de Ha teange. Bel ier Vranderng des Haernpson- {ept rSchwingensrdorng snd glesheip the Anforderanges des staan Betis 20 b= ‘Geiclgen, wie B. de Lastall Wuredchnun len Sonera sllen Stotlenen dat Se sen Ietnebsbedingten Ingen Venetstungen, 2B. Warmedehnangen, einen nemenswerten Wider stand engegen und witken bi ynaischenLasen Als fos Lager Anfba und Modelierang sche Ab ‘cinit $3.22, Sobbremsen eden wegen rere hanichen Aafilhet und Ives Warungsbedrs ‘anchnend dich Dispfingsslemente (gl Ab- ‘etn 6.22) ene 1822 Damptong Die GeiGe der Schwingungsampliule binge fnucheiend won der Dinpng ab (igh AD ‘hit 5.3.3), Ee were Refuierng on Sct ‘gngco in Roheangsystenen kan dre zs lehe Dinpngsrabhmen eri werden. iipe Halerungsbauele, wiezB, tosbremsen, Reblagee ‘tnd Konstantin ees impli ce Dinphng [Ns eviete Dinplugsmatosbne Aonsnen vo ugeive vikowe Dampferin Frage Eine speziele Form dsr Dimpfongsclemene sind she so genannten Viskomps, ie sei einigen Jab fen fist asic rum Ena Homen. Sie (rede vor ale ach aur ander vn Bete ‘Svngungen eiagsett Subsche Lasten kanes ‘on viskosenKevetungsdinper sich afgenom- nen weren, Viskosedimpfer tetchen as einem Dampers hse nee ochiskoseaDimpfangsmediun und tine Dimpfestempel, Der tempo tacit in ss infeed a uo st dbo in lene Be ten oneal den Genes fe bevegich Alle ‘echt Freeride werden itt behing. Dif ‘She Dimpng ecorderike Kraft wi uf Grand ton Seherung und Veorargung i Dimpfings ‘mem era Die Hoe dex Dampfong hig im ‘Wiesetichen vor verwendsen Medium ab, wobel der Tempera und se Bassons ge ‘nat Herseleangaten za boxhen snd. vorme 182 Measures for reducing vibrations in piping ‘rates 1821 turing nthe cae of se of renune, coniderbl e- hon nsx can be scived by dtu he ip- ing symem ~ i other words, by sling stra ffogencies. The prefered ning approach is mo the pie suppor concep noe words, 1 change the locaton, ses andor esti dies ‘in ofthe supp. Mdiieaton of he appr con cept in rer to reduce ibeatons us at he sme Sie take eto acount regents of steal)= sn option, sch se lading cave of tera ‘epson for cramp, Sauber re a speci ae: {hey mals no ressnce worth menonng 0 sow ‘placements of opeional gin (och thermal ‘xpnsie) and a the cate of dynamic lad at a fred st For conatcton ad deling se Soe tion 53.22. On count ath mechnial alee Iity an tr sienance eee, saute ring nresingy raced by damping lene (ef. Sexton 822). 22 Damping ‘The magnitude ofthe vibration amplitde depends seiively onthe damping (ef, Sexton $3.3). fr the reduction of batons in piping systems can be achieved by implementing addtional damping. Some ‘oper of support auch ae sues, eto spn constant angers ~ by the ery ature increase ‘he damping, In seing pie saping elements, pce chace willbe viscous dampers. (One seca typeof tee damping elements re the socalled Vieodamper wich ste now fer Sone ‘yrs een ned mst xls. They area pa ‘Ste ode canot he abso hy vsoous dampers lnpinng Viscous danpes consist of a damper bows, phy viscous damping medum and ¢ damper Pinger The plunge smameried i the damper se ‘om and can move wii he hosing inal ce Paes Il si degrees of feo are ot impeded. ‘The fre requ for damping is pneaed i he ‘ping edi deo boar and placement The Imagitde of the energy absorption tically de Pes om he medio wed, Here the manufrs {nformation earn hema infece andere lit sould be ote Rohrystens ~ mol, de inolge der Reavbe- ‘segang rm Haupt ke Ampiten i er Eapenciagg di. Die Grundlagen zum Tigtgsphioonen und 2 “Tiger Asp en 73. VDI3H33 Blt 2. Far den epiminen gdingin Tiger late de ‘aslepunparmel ac Bid 8.4 a a Eipciequenz dest= ppt Tigers itgebende Eigen. ‘gen des Robmysems a Danpurgstoeizeat des ‘Ties jamin, Vets Tigers sealer Mass der mlgedenden Ege schvingng des Roby Ll fe) Dingsgad des Ties Der igual wich er re de ser ‘ue, Fur atelchende Wien sind Tiger massen von = 005s 00 au empfedlen + ute Tiger Bet sak inaonien Belacungen beat ie Mogi, deh Aluabren zwischen Hap ‘nd Zoster das Haye 2 bee, wdeich st da ein Revels, dre AR tod des Haopsystens gr dd Aka 5 ‘ues daw he Arie den Hatter ‘Snr werden Aral ta er Rn atch gencinen Fest phen Alive Repelung/Tigug stim Beri des An febaus scr dle Austlne, im Hightech ‘ed nme sen Zoku eh Bedstng en smn yo whic asa et ofits movement eave othe min este, amps heaps in his pei eon ‘The fuiameatls ofthe absoon phenomenon td of abrer deve wil e ound VDI SESS afr exaple Fete opinzed amped absorber, the design for uae corespnding Figure ae: a an Tea w= Bo—05 0 a Where (p= JET mata angular feguency ‘tthe decoupled suber (oy = fig7mg Sonat "ata anular Freeney a he pipe 3 a amping cote! of the theo poeren ‘io of sbsbermsand 2am) damping aio of he ad- rover “The sb lft inns with te mas of be sear For adequate eects, absavber muses of i= 0.05 010 a commended. ‘Wih ake non-state loads te possi iy exits ing he ain system y isang tna system, Whit segue i con! loge ‘which ieopates the ampieof hema 5 Teminaize the apes ofthe maser, tert the acu can even Work aga & ae point ‘Thr isn dob ht in plat eginceringscive regulan/tsonton the exception tt hi tes sppcton toad hve more portance Pa.04 Provence sna ten nde pes ak SehaturBibogrphy ™ oo ton N: Ub tn So Won ‘ec’ eranrhen A oe ‘dans co ‘Mi Agnes ie ete Bee ‘erie icge Ba pet 3 “OO aes emo ne wih axe ne Fo eG ep ‘eho: A id gi oe Mando {eRe Pa fl ane ee ine Tc AS; i Secs aso Gratin Saesteas mn Berane ertece ne Se San gah nent ee ee Snot emis Soe Bere tga cm ot Pe er tae: Serica niente aes Shia pemaeemers Seen oars tee ain ‘Fic Sanches wey Se 1 a oe voissa = 47- 1 a: a so cP "Ba ge ee 14 i tests as Wi ihe (Aa Phi Sion Wea: Ae ‘Socata tn ee Eos o heater ‘Eve enh 180 30-50 20 Rl, De Sa i le tet Scat ta en pce Soo cee ie ae Sicha ietpeaeeanee ss oo he te ae Scion on a me Sox 1 men en ot Sei om a eee Seek berets moet nate ore eves bas toa ities aca (Ke date "is iii Race Sree Spe

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