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Sagun, Samuel

Salazar, Cheska
Torres, Jameya
ENG 101
TTh7:30-9:00 AM l Ms. Medoza
Cause and Effect: Poverty

There are many factors that aid the prevalence of poverty. 2Firstly, it is

difficult to assess these causes because the word poverty can be very subjective
and difficult to define. 3In attempting to define what poverty is, one would suggest
having a lack of income and resources not consistent with the requirements of the
poverty line.

Education has long been a problem in society, because the lack of this

essential tool of survival doesnt allow for growth of any sort. 5It is a known fact
that the risk of poverty usually decreases as people get more schooling.


education can be either a cause of poverty or an effect. 7Young people who drop out
of school may be poor because they lack the required skills needed to get good
jobs, therefore adding to a system that forces them to only be able to live in lowincome, economically starving areas.


Another effect of lack of education is the increase in crime rate. 9Why is


In news report nowadays, teenagers are the main suspects of the crimes.

But there is one reason behind that subjected matter and of course that is the

lack of education.


If all teenagers will not be taught of true lessons, crime rate will

increase not only yearly but daily.

Increase of crime rate if also caused by unemployment.



See, when people

dont have jobs to feed their family and money to buy their basic needs their last
resort to live is to steal and basically do anything just to survive for the day.
thing then now leads to hunger.




Unemployment obviously causes hunger because

without a job what money would you use to feed your family or yourself?


Lastly, the cause of hunger would lead back to population growth.



the population increases there isnt going to be enough jobs for everyone, there
isnt going to be enough food for anyone.


This is why poverty increases day by

day because as growth increases the poverty rate also increases as well.

Cause and Effect: Poverty

(Causal Chain Organization)


Lack of Education Increase in crime rate

Increase in crime rate Unemployment
Unemployment Hunger
Hunger Population Growth

Torres, Jameya Theresa A.

ENG 101
TTh 7:30-9:00 AM l Ms. Mendoza
How relevant English is to your course?

English is one of the widely spoken languages around the world. 2For an
architecture student, English language fluency is important both in studies and

Architecture is one of the largest fields of study and many of the works of
research and academics are recorded in English. 4Without fluency in English,
architecture students may find it difficult to understand the concept being conveyed
by the authors. 5Also, many modules in architecture require writing academic
reports. 6Hence, a good fluency and grasp of English language is necessary.

In a student's social life, English language is most important. 8It helps to

build strong relationship and better understanding among fellow students and

In today's world, employers seek graduates with sound communication

skills, along with technical engineering knowledge thats why its really helpful to
have English subjects in our curriculum not only will it help us learn English but also
to helps us cultivate our skills in writing paragraphs which will later be helpful in
writing concepts of our designs and to help communicate to our clients in the near

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