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Mr. And Ms.

President University
1. Finalists must maintain their behavior during the event.
2. Finalists must follow every stage from the very beginning of

quarantine until the final night of Mr. And Ms. President University
3. Finalists must immers themselves in every event and/or class that
both committee and foundation have arranged. The Quarantine
Coordinator expects the finalist to report ahead of schedule if he or
she is not able to engage in any event and/or class with any reason.
4. Finalists will be penalized if they fail to realize that english is the
medium of instruction at the Mr. And Ms. President University 2017
5. Finalist must highly appreciate the value of panctuality. Moreover,
they must be amenable to the idea of being sanctioned by the
Quarantine Coordinator, if they fail to keep up the value.
6. The color of Finalists hair must be in natural calor.
7. Finalists are forbidden to smoke at any time. They must not consume
alcoholic drinks that are potential to weaken their consience; neither
can they have intercourse with any other person. The committee and
foundation have the full authority to disqulify the finalist(s) who fails
to obey this rule.
8. Finalists must deal with any act of violance at any time, either
verbally or physically. The committee and foundation have the full
authority to disqualify the finalist(s) who fails to obey this rule.
9. When attending classes, finalists are allowed to bring their gedget, as
long as it use for the quarantine needs, like record some notes, or do
the activity which relate to quarantine session. Finalists are not
allowed to use their gedget for chatting, playing, and any functions
outside quarantine needs.
10. When attending classes, finalists must be well groomed. Shorts and
sandals are indeed highly discouraged. T-shirt are accepted. During
all of classes, Misters must convey their leather shoes and Misses
must convey their high-heeled shoes.
11. Finalists are suggested to carry a bag containing mineral water,
stationaries, and a notebook during the quarantine. The committee
and foundation will not supply extras to any finalist.
12. Finalists must report to the committee and foundation if they are
under medication for any physical, neurological, psychological or

psychiatcric condition, which will impair their abilities to act as

candidates of Mr. and Ms. President University 2017.
13. During the quarantine, finalists are not recommanded to go home
outside the president University Student Housing on either the
weekdays or weekend. If the finalist(s) really has to go home due to
emergency circumstances and/or personal/internal issues, phase
kindly let the Quarantine Coordinator know in advance. Permission
will onlybe granted under negotiations. Play at your own risk term
is also recognized.
14. The committee and foundation, as well as the Quarantine
Coordinator will not offer any allowance in terms of meals, money,
etc. during the quarantine. All finalists needs amd expenses are
indeed their responsibilities.
15. The Mentors in Charge (MICs) have to full authority to control their
classes. Their authorities may include giving penalties to the
finalist(s) whom they consider disturbing the classes or breaking
common rules.
16. Disqualificatios will only be performed by the committee and
foundation. If the finalist(s) find it really tough to engage in certain
situations and thereby restricting them in emboying their values, they
can meet the Quarantine Coodinator personally.
17. Should there be any alternation in terms of schedules as well as
rules and regulations, there will be further notifications from the
committee, foundation, and the Quarantine Coordinator.

Cikarang, January


, 2017

On behalf of the committee and foundation

The Quarantine

Jessica Florencia
Finalist Mr. / Ms. President University 2016

Top 5

Mr. & Ms. President University 2016

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