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USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010

MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02 Page 2

The potential generation and deposition of dioxin on the Site is related to the on-Site burning of
DU with PCB oils from 1960 to 1967. Based on burn box operational information the estimated
mass of dioxin potentially generated at the Site ranged from 5 micrograms (µg) to 2,100 µg.
However, the area around this site was historically a heavily industrial area with manufacturing
facilities with many stacks thus there existed the potential for other sources of dioxin
concentrations in the area around the GSA Site. However, there also existed several larger
sources of dioxin concentrations in the area of the GSA Site. At the request of stakeholders, the
April 2010 Work Plan included soil sampling and analysis for dioxin.

The main objective of the dioxin sampling program was to determine if dioxins are present in Site
soils that are potentially attributable to former burn box operations.

Supplemental Site Investigation (May 2010)

A work plan was prepared in August 2009, which incorporated comments received from the
October 2008 public meeting and 30-day comment period. A revised work plan was issued to the
public on February 24, 2010 followed by a March 2, 2010 public meeting and comment period.
The final work plan was issued to the public on April 28, 2010 and included responses to
comments received on the work plan.

To address further delineation of PCBs in and around the former burn box, the April 2010 work
plan stipulated the collection of additional soil samples from three depth intervals (0-1’, 1-2’, and
2-3’) in two concentric rings (Inner and Outer) that extended beyond the 2007/2008 former burn
box sampling locations. Soil samples were collected using a hand auger and/or shovel from the
three depth intervals (unless refusal was encountered) at each of the Inner Ring (SS-205 through
SS-213) and Outer Ring (SS-214 through SS-221) soil sample locations (Figure 2). Additional
samples (SS-200 through SS-204) were collected within the hot spot area (referred to as the
Central Area) using a hand auger and/or shovel from the 0-1’ depth interval at locations where the
highest PCB concentrations were detected previously. MACTEC attempted to collect samples
from deeper intervals (1-2’ and 2-3’); however, we encountered refusal at depths greater than 1
foot below the ground surface. Sample locations are presented on Figure 2. Note that Figure 2
also presents the 2007 and 2008 soil sampling locations and Aroclor-1254 analytical results.
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MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02 Page 3

Materials including brick, concrete fragments, and debris-containing fill were encountered at
many sample locations making advancement of the sampling tool to and through the deeper
sample intervals (1-2’ and 2-3’) impossible. This condition, known as refusal, was encountered
at 16 of the proposed sampling locations and is identified on Figure 2 as “ref.” Therefore, further
refinement of the vertical extent of Aroclor-1254 contamination in the 0-3’ depth range was not
always achievable.

All collected Inner Ring and Outer Ring samples were analyzed for PCBs by United States
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 8082 and compared to the one milligram per
kilogram (1 mg/kg) Site screening level (Table 1).

Within the wetland area north of the former burn box, three surface soil samples (SS-222, SS-
223, and SS-224) were collected from the 0-0.5’ depth interval using a hand auger at locations
near the previous surface soil sampling location SS-132 (between sediment samples SD-004 and
SD-005). Wetland area soil sample locations are shown on Figure 2.

Two on-Site Sediment samples (SD-009 and SD-010) were collected using a hand auger from the
0-1’ depth interval at the southwest corner of Site, along the stream bank where Sawins Brook
enters the Site (Figure 3).

MACTEC conducted a data quality assessment of the PCB data collected during the May 2010
soil and sediment investigations. This was completed to ensure that the analytical data used in
support of our opinions are scientifically valid and defensible, and are of a level of precision and
accuracy commensurate with the data’s stated or intended uses. The data quality assessment was
conducted in accordance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and
Liability Act (CERCLA) and Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Compendium of Quality Assurance and Quality Control Requirements and Performance
Standards for Selected Analytical Methods Used in Support of Response Actions for the MCP
(BWSC-CAM) guidance.

The Department of Defense (DoD)-certified laboratory provided an analytical report certification

statement in each of the five PCB lab reports, and described the project-specific method
modifications, non-conformances, and observations in the project narrative section of each
analytical report. Laboratory narratives either indicate that required QA/QC was met, or
USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02 Page 4

sufficiently explained any non-conformances which were then evaluated to not negatively impact
the value of the data. Details of any known conditions or findings which may affect the validity
of the PCB analytical data are summarized in Appendix A and Table A-1. Copies of the
Certificates of Analysis for each laboratory report and the complete analytical reports (on CD) are
also included in Appendix A.

Based on this data quality assessments, 10 of the 52 soil and sediment samples for Aroclor-1254
are qualified as estimated (J) as shown in Table 1 and Figure 2. This PCB data from the May
2010 sampling program also meets the CERCLA and MassDEP CAM guidance to define the
nature and extent of contamination and can be used in the Site-specific risk assessment.

To address the potential presence of dioxins, the April 2010 work plan stipulated collection of
composite surface soil samples (0-0.5’) from four on-Site locations and one off-Site location
(Figure 4). The on-Site locations were positioned within the former burn box (SS-001), within
the Inner Ring (SS-002), within the Outer Ring (SS-003), and at one location away from the
former burn box (SS-004, sample identified as “Around Site”). The off-Site location (SS-005)
was collected from a background area located on the northwest side of the Site (Figure 4). This
background location was coordinated with the Town’s Licensed Site Professional (LSP) and
reviewed in the field with MassDEP. MassDEP also observed this composite sample collection
on May 11, 2010.

To create a dioxin composite sample, leaf litter was removed and a hand auger was used to collect
a surface soil (0-0.5’) subsample from five discrete points within the sample location. The five
discrete subsample points that comprise each dioxin surface soil sample (SS-001 through SS-005)
are shown on Figure 4. The five subsamples were placed into a large, clean stainless steel mixing
bowl, combined and thoroughly mixed with a clean, stainless steel spoon. An adequate volume
of homogenized sample was then transferred into a glass, labeled sample container. Samples
were submitted to Alpha Analytical and analyzed by Alpha’s contract laboratory, SGS
Environmental Services, Inc. (SGS) for dioxin by USEPA Method 8290. SGS is DoD certified to
perform dioxin analysis.

MACTEC performed a laboratory data completeness check of the dioxin analytical results
analyzed by USEPA Method 8290. The purpose of the completeness check was to identify
USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02 Page 5

limitations on the use of the data based on the stated objectives. Based on the data check, the
quality of data generated is acceptable and meets the dioxin objective as stated in this letter, and
can be used in the Site-specific risk assessment.

Nature and Extent – PCBs

As shown in Table 1, Aroclor-1254 was the only PCB congener detected in soil samples above
the 1 mg/kg Site screening level. Aroclor-1254 was detected in 31 of the 50 soil samples
collected at concentrations ranging from 0.11 mg/kg to 132 (dilution) mg/kg. Arcoclor-1254 was
not detected in samples SS-206, SS-208, SS-215, SS-216, or SS-217 (Table 1, Figure 2). Only
one soil sample collected from the 1-2’ depth interval (SS-220) showed Aroclor-1254 above the
Site screening level (1 mg/kg). Aroclor-1254 concentrations in all samples collected from the 2-
3’ depth interval were either below the Site screening level or not detected. Figure 2 summarizes
all of the PCB data collected between 2007 and 2010 soil samples.

All three surface soil samples collected from the wetland area north of the former burn box
showed concentrations of Aroclor-1254 at less than the 1 mg/kg Site screening level. No other
PCB Aroclors were detected in these three soil samples. This confirms that PCB contamination
does not extend into the wetlands, and that the lateral extent of PCB contamination is delineated
on the north and northwestern edge of the property.

Aroclor-1254 in surface soil is delineated to the west (SS-208 through SS-219) as evidenced by
concentrations below the 1 mg/kg Site screening level. Aroclor-1254 concentrations in samples
collected from the eastern side of the Site (SS-205 and SS-214) are above the 1 mg/kg Site
screening level (1.15 and 1.46 mg/kg respectively) and are generally consistent with findings
from previous investigations within these areas. Aroclor-1254 concentrations in soil samples
collected on the south side of the Site (SS-220 and SS-221) are generally above the 1 mg/kg Site
screening level (1.65J [8.92J Dup] and 1.64J mg/kg respectively) and consistent with findings
from previous investigations within this area.

Central Area samples (SS-200 through SS-204) collected to refine the vertical extent of PCB
contamination in the previously identified hot spot area, generally showed the highest
concentrations of Aroclor-1254 detected during this supplemental sampling event.
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The PCB congener Aroclor-1260 was detected in 10 of the 50 soil samples collected, of which 9
samples were collected from the 0-1’ depth interval. All detected concentrations of Aroclor-1260
were below the 1 mg/kg Site screening level and ranged from 0.06 to 0.67 mg/kg.

As shown in Figure 3, Aroclor-1254 and Aroclor-1260 concentrations in the two on-Site sediment
samples (SD-009 and SD-010) were below the Site screening level or not detected. No other
PCB Aroclors were detected in these two samples.

Soil and sediment PCB analytical results are presented in Table 1. Copies of the laboratory
analytical results are presented as Appendix A.

In summary, the results of the May 2010 supplemental PCB sampling have confirmed the
presence of PCB Aroclor-1254 in soils in the vicinity of the former burn box area at
concentrations greater than the Site screening level of 1 mg/kg. Surface soil PCB contamination
is delineated horizontally on the northern, western, and eastern side of the Site. However, due to
refusal conditions at many locations, further refinement of the vertical extent of Aroclor-1254
contamination in the hot spot area (Central Area) in the 0-3’ depth range was not achieved. In
addition, the results have confirmed that PCB contamination in soil does not extend into the
wetland area adjacent to the northern portion of the former burn box, and that PCBs in Sawins
Pond have not impacted on-Site sediment. Additionally, PCB soil sampling in the area of SS-
214, SS-220, and SS-221 (Figure 2) may be conducted during the design of the remedial
alternative for this area. These results will be incorporated into the Site-specific risk assessment.

Nature and Extent – Dioxin

Chlorinated dibenzodioxins (CDDs) and chlorinated dibenzofurans (CDFs) are a class of over
200 similar compounds (congeners) that typically occur together, and share common chemical-
physical attributes, chemical structure, and a common mechanism of toxicity. CDDs and CDFs
are often simply referred to as ‘dioxin’. Of the more than 200 congeners, a total of 15 have been
identified as being associated with the majority of toxicity. The analytical method used for dioxin
in soil at the Site quantifies the concentrations of total dioxins and furans according to structure,
as follows:

 Tetra CDD (TCDD)

 Penta CDD (PeCDD)
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 Hexa CDD (HxCDD)

 Hepta CDD (HpCDD)
 Octa CDD (OCDD)
 Tetra CDF (TCDF)
 Penta CDF (PeCDF)
 Hexa CDF (HxCDF)
 Hepta CDF (HpCDF)
 Octa CDF (OCDF)

In addition, the analytical method quantifies the concentrations of the 15 congeners that are
associated with the majority of toxicity:

 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD)
 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD)
 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD)
 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD)
 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD)
 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD)
 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (2,3,7,8-TCDF)
 1,2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF)
 2,3,4,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran (2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF)
 1,2,3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF)
 1,2,3,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF)
 1,2,3,7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDF)
 2,3,4,6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran (2,3,4,6,7,8-HxCDF)
 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF)
 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran (1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF)

Each of these congeners is associated with a common toxicological mechanism of action, but
each exerts a different potency for that mechanism. The World Health Organization has assigned
a Toxic Equivalency Factor (TEF) to each dioxin congener relative to the toxicity of
2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD), which is the most toxic congener. The TEF
is multiplied by its congener concentration to provide a 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalent concentration
USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010
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for each congener. The 2,3,7,8-TCDD equivalent concentrations for all congeners are then
summed to provide a Toxic Equivalency (TEQ) concentration for the mixture. The dioxin data
and TEQ concentrations for each sample are provided in Table 2. Sample locations are shown in
Figure 4.

The primary objective of the dioxin sampling at the Site was to determine if there has been a
release of dioxin that is attributable to the potential burning of PCBs at the former burn box area.
Therefore, the dioxin data were evaluated using two approaches: 1) comparison of total
dioxin/furan TEQs among the samples; and 2) comparison of the mixtures of congener groups
among the samples.

As shown in Table 2, TEQ concentrations ranked highest to lowest are: 1) Inner Ring around the
former burn box; 2) Background location; 3) Former burn box area; 4) Outer Ring around the
former burn box; and 5) Around Site (other areas of the site). These data indicate that except for
the Inner Ring around the former burn box, dioxin concentrations at the Site are consistent with
background. The rank order of two for the background is notable since it confirms that dioxins
and furans are present in the local area, as expected in an urban and industrial setting with heavy
automotive traffic congestion.

As indicated in Table 2, concentrations of total HpCDD, OCDD, HpCDF, and OCDF detected in
the samples collected at the site were consistent with each other. However, concentrations of
these congeners detected in the background sample were higher than concentrations detected in
samples collected at the Site. These congener families may be associated with industrial and
diesel emissions. USEPA has studied congener profiles for man-made sources of dioxins1, and
found that the noted congeners are emitted from certain types of municipal solid waste
incinerators. Further, this and another study by USEPA2 indicates that OCDD is typically
predominant in combustion of unleaded gasoline in cars, and of diesel fuel in trucks. Although

Cleverly, D.; Schaum, J.; Schweer, G.; Becker, J.; Winters, D. 1997. The congener profiles of
anthropogenic sources of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and chlorinated dibenzofurans in the United
States. Presentation at Dioxin ‘97, the 17th International Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and
Related Compounds, held August 25-29 in Indianapolis, IN, USA. Short paper in, Organohalogen
Compounds, Volume 32:430-435.
Ryan, Jeffrey V.; Gullett, Brian K. 2000. On-Road Emission Sampling of a Heavy-Duty Diesel Vehicle
for Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans, National Risk Management
Research Laboratory, Air Pollution Prevention and Control Division, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2000, 34, 4483-4489.
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the entire site area is subject to receiving emissions from industrial and vehicular sources, the
proximity of the background sample location to Arsenal Street appears to have resulted in higher
concentrations of these congener groups in the background sample. These congener groups are
associated with a low order of toxicity, so their relatively high concentration does not appreciably
contribute to the toxicity of the mixture. For example, the 9,660 pg/g of OCDD detected in the
background sample has a TEQ concentration of 2.9 pg/g. This TEQ is nearly equal to the TEQ of
2.1 pg/g for the 2,3,7,8-TCDD detected in the background sample.

The results of the dioxin analysis are presented as color charts for each sample location on Figure
4. The length of a color bar within a chart represents the total concentration for all compounds
within that congener group reported in the sample. The intent of the chart is to provide an
understanding of the makeup of each sample in terms of the most prevalent congener groups, to
facilitate sample comparison, and to show the pattern of dioxin found in the Site area versus near
the former burn box. A color key identifying the dioxin congener groups is presented at the
bottom right of Figure 4. Because the bulk of the observed OCDD, HpCDD, HpCDF, and OCDF
are likely to have originated from vehicles and incinerators, they were excluded from Figure 4 in
order to highlight the similarities and differences of other congener groups.

The patterns of dioxins and furans (i.e., total concentrations and concentrations relative to each
other) are similar for TCDD, PeCDD, and HxCDD at the site and the background, suggesting that
these three congener families likely represent local background.

The concentrations of TCDF, PeCDF, and HxCDF, however, reveal differences between the
samples. When the background is compared to ‘other areas of the site’ (Around Site) the
congener groups are similar, but when the congeners from the rings around the former burn box
are included, differences are seen. In particular, the three subject congener groups (i.e., TCDF,
PeCDF, and HxCDF) are elevated at the Former Burn Box, Inner Ring, and Outer Ring samples.
Furthermore, their concentrations decrease in the order of TCDF, PeCDF, and HxCDF (opposite
the distribution in the background sample). The highest concentrations of these three congeners
are at the Inner Ring around the former burn box.

The pattern and relative concentration of the three congeners coincide with that of the PCBs
detected around the former burn box. The highest PCB concentrations are found at the inner
dioxin sampling ring, and second and third highest PCB concentrations are at the Former Burn
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Box and Outer Ring, respectively, following the same pattern as the TCDF, PeCDF, and HxCDF
data discussed above.

The results of the dioxin sampling indicate that:

 With the exception of congeners believed to be derived from vehicles or incinerators, the
pattern of congener groups in the background compared to ‘other areas around the site’
(Around Site) are similar. The patterns also differ from the area around the former burn
 Except for TCDF, PeCDF, and HxCDF, the congener groups near the former burn box,
inner ring, and outer ring are similar, suggesting no apparent pattern of dioxin
contamination related to the burn box.
 TCDF, PeCDF, and HxCDF near the former burn box are higher than background, and
appear to coincide with the PCBs detected around the former burn box.

The results of the May 2010 sampling suggest that the nature and extent of dioxins in Site soil at
the Site is understood. No additional investigation on the Site is necessary for dioxin. This
dioxin data will be included within the Site risk assessment as discussed below.

Risk Assessment and Proposed Path Forward

A human health and ecological risk assessment will be completed to determine if response actions
are necessary for the Site. The technical approach that will be used to complete the risk
assessments are described below.

Human Health Risk Assessment

A review of the analytical data for the Site indicates that a PCB hot spot in soil 0 – 3 ft bgs exists
in the vicinity of the former burn area. The area of the PCB hot spot (defined as the area of soil
where PCBs were detected at more than 1 mg/kg) also encompasses the samples associated with
elevated nickel concentrations reported in previous sampling and the dioxin concentrations
associated with dioxin samples from the first, second, and a portion of the third ring around the
burn box.

The approach that will be used to complete the risk assessment is as follows:

 Three exposure areas will be evaluated: 1) PCB hot spot soil 0 – 3 ft bgs; 2) remainder of
Site soil 0 – 3 ft bgs (i.e., area of site outside of PCB hot spot); and 3) entire site soil 3 –
15 ft bgs. The Phase II CSA provided documentation that no other hot spots exist in soil
at the Site.
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 The soil data evaluated in the risk assessment will include:

o All of the soil data evaluated in the risk characterization presented in the Final
Phase II CSA (January 2004). Constituents that were identified in the CSA as
being consistent with background will not be included in the data evaluated in the
risk assessment. This approach will be adopted by the upcoming risk assessment
since it was approved by MassDEP in 2004 and conditions have not changed
since that time.
o All of the soil data from sampling performed between 2004 and present,
including data from sampling performed by GEI and MACTEC.
 Exposure point concentrations (EPCs) will be derived as follows:
o The lesser of the 95% upper confidence limit (UCL) or maximum detected
concentration will be used as the EPC. 95% UCLs will be calculated using the
latest version of USEPA’s ProUCL. EPCs will be calculated separately for each
of the three exposure areas.
o The dioxin TEQ reported for the second ring around the burn box will be used as
the dioxin EPC for the PCB hot spot (the dioxin TEQ in the second ring is higher
than in the first and third rings).
o The dioxin TEQ reported for the third ring around the burn box will be used as
the dioxin EPC for the remainder of the site; this provides a conservative
estimate of the dioxin TEQ for the area of the site that is outside of the PCB hot
spot area.
o Dioxin TEQs will be calculated using World Health Organization TEFs.
o The EPC for uranium will be the cleanup goal (derived concentration guideline
level) that was developed for the Site and approved by MassDEP. This EPC will
be used for all three exposure areas. Use of the cleanup goal as the EPC is
consistent with the methodology used in the Final Phase II CSA risk assessment
previously conducted in 2004, and represents a conservative approach since all
uranium at the Site was determined to be present at concentrations below the
cleanup goal.
 The intended future use of the Site is as a passive use park. The risk assessment will use
the MassDEP default exposure parameters for the Park Visitor, which are presented in
Table 3. These exposure parameters are considered to be protective for use of a site a
park, including use as a playground. The scenario considers young children (ages 1 to 8),
older children (ages 8 to 16) and adults (ages 16 to 31) to visit a park 3 times per week,
30 weeks per year, over a 30-year period. Exposure routes evaluated include incidental
ingestion of soil, dermal contact with soil, and inhalation of soil-derived dust.
 Dose-response values and relative absorption factors will be updated as necessary to
mirror the most recent sources of dose-response information (e.g., IRIS data base current
as of the date that the risk assessment is completed).
 Cancer risks will be calculated for each receptor sub-population, and then summed across
subpopulations to derive a cumulative receptor cancer risk for the park visitor scenario.
Hazard Index values will be calculated separately for each receptor subpopulation and
segregated according to critical effect. Risks for potential exposures to lead will be
evaluated using the USEPA Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) model.
Risks will be calculated separately for each of the three exposure areas.
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 Cumulative risks and hazard index values for each exposure area will be compared to the
NCP cumulative receptor risk limits of a non-cancer hazard index of 1 and a cancer risk
limit of 1x10-4. Exposure areas with risks that exceed these risk limits may be identified
as requiring a response action, and remedial action objectives (RAOs) for chemicals of
concern (COCs) for those exposure areas will be identified as constituents that pose a
cancer risk greater than 1x10-6 or a hazard index of 1.
 RAOs will be developed for the COCs based on Applicable Relevant and Appropriate
Requirements (ARARs) and risk-based concentrations calculated for the Park Visitor
scenario described herein.

Ecological Risk Assessment

The Stage II Environmental Risk Characterization (ERC) presented in the Final Phase II CSA
(January 2004) demonstrated there was no significant risk to the environment. However, the
finding of PCBs at elevated concentrations in soil around the burn area represents a new
condition at the Site. In addition, the growth of vegetation around the burn area provides a semi-
aquatic habitat. Consequently, an ecological risk assessment will be completed to evaluate risks
to the environment associated with the PCB hot spot (as defined above).

The principal method used in 2004 for the Phase II CSA Stage II ERC for evaluating risks to
semi-aquatic wildlife was a food chain evaluation and toxicity quotient based on estimated
dietary intakes of contaminants. Therefore, the ecological risk assessment will be performed by
using a food change evaluation and toxicity quotient methods, as follows:

 Risks to semi-aquatic wildlife will be evaluated using the analytical data and EPCs
for the PCB soil hot spot (i.e., data for PCBs, dioxins, metals) developed as described
previously in this memorandum.
 Food chain exposures to the representative indicator species evaluated for mallard,
great blue heron, and raccoon will be calculated using the methodology described in
the Stage II ERC and the EPCs described herein.
 Risks will be characterized via comparison of the hazard quotient for each substance
evaluated to a threshold hazard quotient of 1.

We look forward to reviewing these results with all of the stakeholders at an upcoming public
meeting and discussing the path forward to achieve the closure of this Site. Please feel free to
contact either Ellen Iorio, USACE Project Manager (978-318-8433) or me (781-213-5655) if you
have any questions regarding this supplemental site investigation summary.
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MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc.

Jay Peters David E. Heislein

Principal Risk Assessor Project Manager

Attachments: Tables 1 - 3
Figures 1 - 4
Appendix A – Laboratory Analytical Reports

cc: Ellen Iorio, USACE

Electronic and Hard Copy Distribution to Stakeholders
MACTEC Project File
[P:\3650100153 - WHG - Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\GSA-Supplemental_SI_063010.docx]
USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02

Table 1
Summary of PCB Analytical Results in Soil and Sediment ‐ May 2010
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

SD-0090012 SD-0100012 SS-2000012 SS-2010012 2010012Dup SS-2020012
Frequency of Range of Reporting Range of Detected Average of All 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010
Parameter Detection Limits for Non Detects Concentrations Samples 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft
PCBs (mg/Kg)
Aroclor-1016 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U
Aroclor-1221 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U
Aroclor-1232 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U
Aroclor-1242 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U
Aroclor-1248 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U
Aroclor-1254 32 / 52 0.0576 / 0.0797 0.0754 / 132 5.8251 0.0646 U 0.315 2.26 D 77.7 D 62.7 D 1.02 P
Aroclor-1260 11 / 52 0.0576 / 12.4 0.0586 / 0.667 0.314496154 0.114 0.0693 U 0.33 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.285
Aroclor-1262 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U
Aroclor-1268 0 / 51 0.0571 / 12.4 0.274416667 0.0646 U 0.0693 U 0.0651 U 5.95 DU 6.5 DU 0.0594 U

mg/Kg = milligram per kilogram

Bolded values exceed the 1 mg/Kg

screening value for PCBs.

D = analyzed at secondary dilution

U = not detected, value is the detection
J = value is estimated
P = Percent difference between
primary and confirmation results
exceeds 40%

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\
SO‐PCBs‐2010 val.xls, Results Page 1 of 5
Table 1
Summary of PCB Analytical Results in Soil and Sediment ‐ May 2010
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

SS-2030012 SS-2040012 SS-2050012 SS-2051224 SS-2060012 SS-2061224 SS-2070012 SS-2071224 SS-2072436 SS-2080012 SS-2081224 SS-2090012
5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/5/2010 5/5/2010 5/5/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/6/2010
Parameter 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 2-3 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft
PCBs (mg/Kg)
Aroclor-1016 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1221 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1232 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1242 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1248 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1254 0.824 P 132 D 1.15 0.712 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 1.01 1.04 0.508 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.276
Aroclor-1260 0.204 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.317 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1262 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U
Aroclor-1268 0.0571 U 12.4 DU 0.0606 U 0.0649 U 0.0725 U 0.0631 UJ 0.0641 U 0.0607 U 0.0608 U 0.0797 U 0.0691 U 0.0651 U

mg/Kg = milligram per kilogram

Bolded values exceed the 1 mg/Kg

screening value for PCBs.

D = analyzed at secondary dilution

U = not detected, value is the detection
J = value is estimated
P = Percent difference between
primary and confirmation results
exceeds 40%

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\
SO‐PCBs‐2010 val.xls, Results Page 2 of 5
Table 1
Summary of PCB Analytical Results in Soil and Sediment ‐ May 2010
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

SS-2091224 SS-2092436 SS-2100012 SS-2101224 SS-2102436 SS-2110012 SS-2111224 SS-2112436 SS-2120012 SS-2121224 SS-2122436 SS-2130012
5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010
Parameter 1-2 ft 2-3 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 2-3 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 2-3 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 2-3 ft 0-1 ft
PCBs (mg/Kg)
Aroclor-1016 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1221 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1232 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1242 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1248 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1254 0.0675 U 0.989 0.213 J 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.159 J 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.11 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.973
Aroclor-1260 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0814 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1262 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U
Aroclor-1268 0.0675 U 0.0655 U 0.0624 U 0.0659 U 0.0576 U 0.068 U 0.0599 U 0.0614 U 0.0622 U 0.0669 U 0.0585 U 0.0694 U

mg/Kg = milligram per kilogram

Bolded values exceed the 1 mg/Kg

screening value for PCBs.

D = analyzed at secondary dilution

U = not detected, value is the detection
J = value is estimated
P = Percent difference between
primary and confirmation results
exceeds 40%

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\
SO‐PCBs‐2010 val.xls, Results Page 3 of 5
Table 1
Summary of PCB Analytical Results in Soil and Sediment ‐ May 2010
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

Dup SS-2131224 SS-2132436 SS-2140012 SS-2141224 SS-2150012 SS-2160012 SS-2161224 SS-2170012 SS-2171224 SS-2180012 SS-2181224
5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/6/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/7/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010
Parameter 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 2-3 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft
PCBs (mg/Kg)
Aroclor-1016 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1221 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1232 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1242 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1248 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1254 0.587 J 0.0598 U 0.0754 1.46 D 0.504 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.148 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1260 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.33 0.119 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0586 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1262 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U
Aroclor-1268 0.0727 UJ 0.0598 U 0.0635 U 0.0621 U 0.0606 U 0.0673 UJ 0.0687 UJ 0.063 U 0.0655 U 0.0582 U 0.0581 U 0.0646 U

mg/Kg = milligram per kilogram

Bolded values exceed the 1 mg/Kg

screening value for PCBs.

D = analyzed at secondary dilution

U = not detected, value is the detection
J = value is estimated
P = Percent difference between
primary and confirmation results
exceeds 40%

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\
SO‐PCBs‐2010 val.xls, Results Page 4 of 5
Table 1
Summary of PCB Analytical Results in Soil and Sediment ‐ May 2010
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

SS-2190012 SS-2191224 SS-2200012 2200012Dup SS-2201224 SS-2210006 2210006Dup SS-2220006 SS-2230006 SS-2240006
5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010 5/10/2010
Parameter 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-1 ft 0-1 ft 1-2 ft 0-0.5 ft 0-0.5 ft 0-0.5 ft 0-0.5 ft 0-0.5 ft
PCBs (mg/Kg)
Aroclor-1016 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1221 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1232 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1242 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1248 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1254 0.232 0.0638 U 1.65 J 8.92 J 1.58 D 0.488 J 1.64 J 0.448 0.39 0.175
Aroclor-1260 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.188 J 0.667 J 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1262 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U
Aroclor-1268 0.0625 U 0.0638 U 0.0651 U 0.0616 U 0.0597 U 0.102 U R 0.0687 U 0.0839 U 0.0678 U

mg/Kg = milligram per kilogram Prepared by / Date: KJC 06/21/10

Checked by / Date: kask 06/21/10
Bolded values exceed the 1 mg/Kg
screening value for PCBs.

D = analyzed at secondary dilution

U = not detected, value is the detection
J = value is estimated
P = Percent difference between
primary and confirmation results
exceeds 40%

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\
SO‐PCBs‐2010 val.xls, Results Page 5 of 5
Table 2
Summary of Dioxin Analytical Results in Soil ‐ May 2010
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

Background Former Burn Pit Inner Ring Inner Ring Duplicate Outer Ring Around Site

SAMPLE ID    SS‐005 SS‐001 SS‐002 SS‐002 SS‐003 SS‐004
ANALYTE Units Result EMPC/ND Result EMPC/ND Result EMPC/ND Result EMPC/ND Result EMPC/ND Result EMPC/ND
2,3,7,8‐TCDD PG/G 2.06 EMPC 2.7 2.17 2.21 2.46 1.32
1,2,3,7,8‐PeCDD PG/G 13 EMPC 13.9 EMPC 11.1 EMPC 7.53 7.51 EMPC 5.49
1,2,3,4,7,8‐HxCDD PG/G 21.6 11.9 7.02 EMPC 4.57 5.54 4.97
1,2,3,6,7,8‐HxCDD PG/G 55.6 24.4 19.8 15.1 21.9 13
1,2,3,7,8,9‐HxCDD PG/G 48.9 18.4 14.6 9.81 15.2 9.09
1,2,3,4,6,7,8‐HpCDD PG/G 1220 210 224 173 229 179
OCDD PG/G 9660 797 1210 887 1250 1290
2,3,7,8‐TCDF PG/G EMPC 5.57 109 356 249 13.8 8.67
1,2,3,7,8‐PeCDF PG/G 3.92 27.2 69.7 56.8 20.6 5.43
2,3,4,7,8‐PeCDF PG/G 30.7 69.2 133 94.7 52.4 21.4
1,2,3,4,7,8‐HxCDF PG/G 18.1 45 108 62.9 24.3 16.4
1,2,3,6,7,8‐HxCDF PG/G 18.9 32.7 56.9 40.4 22.3 12.7
2,3,4,6,7,8‐HxCDF PG/G 29.9 41 52.8 35.3 27.2 14
1,2,3,7,8,9‐HxCDF PG/G ND 0.337 16 26.4 15.5 5.64 2.24
1,2,3,4,6,7,8‐HpCDF PG/G 287 149 220 159 113 136
1,2,3,4,7,8,9‐HpCDF PG/G 20.1 13.4 28.6 15.8 7.05 3.94
OCDF PG/G 790 113 239 189 138 158

Total TCDDs PG/G 27.6 91.5 69.1 51.2 60.4 54.5

Total PeCDDs PG/G 81.7 49.9 94.6 77.8 93.7 88.4
Total HxCDDs PG/G 357 249 166 136 184 134
Total HpCDDs PG/G 2930 467 501 364 465 399
OCDD PG/G 9660 797 1210 887 1250 1290
Total TCDFs PG/G 83.5 451 950 711 302 118
Total PeCDFs PG/G 137 372 571 436 285 125
Total HxCDFs PG/G 367 385 519 394 295 204
Total HpCDFs PG/G 803 261 406 299 214 242
OCDF PG/G 790 113 239 189 138 158

WHO‐2005 TEQ (ND=0) PG/G 62.1 55.4 113 78.9 43.8 19.6

WHO‐2005 TEQ (ND=½) PG/G 62.1 56.2 114 79.1 43.8 19.7

13C12‐2,3,7,8‐TCDD NG 1.8 1.8 1.77 1.55 1.52 1.58

13C12‐1,2,3,7,8‐PeCDD NG 1.69 1.4 1.64 1.61 1.54 1.58
13C12‐1,2,3,6,7,8‐HxCDD NG 1.67 1.58 1.7 1.94 1.82 1.88
13C12‐1,2,3,4,6,7,8‐HpCDD NG 1.8 1.88 1.75 1.6 1.52 1.58
13C12‐OCDD NG 3.41 3.81 3.2 2.81 2.51 2.82
13C12‐2,3,7,8‐TCDF NG 1.84 1.81 1.73 1.85 1.82 1.85
13C12‐1,2,3,7,8‐PeCDF NG 1.77 1.42 1.69 1.67 1.63 1.68
13C12‐1,2,3,6,7,8‐HxCDF NG 1.75 1.75 1.76 1.97 1.91 1.93
13C12‐1,2,3,4,6,7,8‐HpCDF NG 1.8 1.74 1.75 1.85 1.74 1.83
37Cl4‐2,3,7,8‐TCDD NG 0.416 0.454 0.39 0.386 0.379 0.39
13C12‐2,3,4,7,8‐PeCDF NG 0.388 0.306 0.371 0.394 0.375 0.378
13C12‐1,2,3,4,7,8‐HxCDD NG 0.428 0.621 0.415 0.347 0.372 0.362
13C12‐1,2,3,4,7,8‐HxCDF NG 0.403 0.376 0.379 0.396 0.377 0.367
13C12‐1,2,3,4,7,8,9‐HpCDF NG 0.401 0.418 0.388 0.361 0.362 0.359

EMPC = Estimate Maximum Possible Concentration (An EMPC is a worst‐case estimate of the concentration)
ND = Non‐detect Prepared by / Date: ARM 06/16/10
Checked by / Date: ARM 06/16/10

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\Table 2 ‐ GSA dioxin summary.xlsx Page 1 of 1
Table 3
Exposure Parameters ‐ Park Visitor
Watertown GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

Exposure Duration  Surface Area  Factor  Ingestion Rate  Exposure Time  Body Weight 
Receptor Population [a] Exposure Frequency (days/year) (years) (cm2/day) (mg/cm2) (mg/day) [b] (hour/day) (kg)
Young child  (1 ‐ 8) 90 (3 day/wk; 30 wks) 7 2431 0.35 100 2 17.0
Older / Adolescent (8 ‐ 15) 90 (3 day/wk; 30 wks) 7 4427 0.14 50 2 39.9
Adult (15 ‐ 31) 90 (3 day/wk; 30 wks) 16 5653 0.13 50 2 58.7
Subchronic (1 ‐ 2) 90 (3 day/wk over 30 wks total) 0.58 1670 0.35 100 2 10.7

[a] All exposure parameter values for ingestion and dermal contact pathways are MassDEP default values from the Park Visitor short 
     form (
[b] Used to evaluate dust inhalation exposures.  A particulate concentration in air of 32 ug/m³ (MassDEP, 1995) will be used for all receptors.
Prepared by: JHP 6/16/10
Checked by: KJC 6/16/10

P:\3650100153 ‐ WHG ‐ Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Tables\Table 3 ‐ HH risk ‐ park scenario parameters.xlsx Page 1 of 1
USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02

<Double-click here to enter title>

GSA Property
09/12/2008 1:41 PM
PDF: P:\COE-NAE\WT-GSA\GIS\Figures\Figure 1 - Site Location.pdf
Document: P:\COE-NAE\WT-GSA\GIS\Mapdocuments\GSA_8X11P.mxd

USGS Topo quad images obtained from Office of Figure 1

Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS),
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of
Site Location
Environmental Affairs
Former Watertown Arsenal
GSA Property Boundary
0 1,000 2,000
GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts

Prepared by BJR Checked by DEH



SS-222 Former Burn Box

0.45 *SD-005


SS-110 SS-123

0.5 ND

SS-223 A
" SS-116 SS-122

0.5 ND
G 0.39

" A


361 SS-121

" SS-131 ND

8 SS-200

SS-224 F
G "
A "
2.26 / ref / ref


0.18 14 A


SD-004 87 "
$ A


ND 5.1 "
X SS-118
15 0.07 J / ref / ref

SS-207 A

SS-208 1.01 / 1.04 / 0.51
0.6 SS-201
" SS-128
X "

77.7 (62.7 dup) / ref / ref

ND / ND / ref "
A SS-206

SS-135 SS-119

312 "
A 0.5 A
" 0.07 / 1.15 J / ref

SS-134 SS-202

SS-216 1.2 A
" SS-120
1.02 / ref / ref

0.07 J / ND / ref "
) 0.9

SS-112 "

SS-136 "
A 1.8
SS-209 SS-144

0.28 / ND / 0.99 SS-203 "

0.82 / ref / ref SS-143

1.15 / 0.71 / ref 2.3 "

) 1.46 / 0.50 / ref

SD-003 #
* "
) SS-137

26.1 "
ND / ND / ref A


" "
A SS-129
SS-210 A 1.5

0.21 J / ND / ND
X SS-130



SS-138 SS-142

SS-218 "
6.3 0.8
SD-002 "

0.6 0.15 / ND / ref

132 / ref / ref


0.16 J / ND / ND

SS-113 "

14 " SS-141

SS-139 0.5/1.5
SS-219 "

) 5.4
0.23 / ND / ref


* SD-001 "
A SS-213

0.97 (0.59 J dup) / ND / 0.08

X SS-140

0.11 / ND / ND



) "
) SS-221

SS-220 0.49 J (1.64 J dup) / ref / ref

1.65 J (8.92 J dup) / 1.58 / ref






Aroclor-1254 Concentrations in mg/kg Legend Figure 2


0-1 ft / 1-2 ft / 2-3 ft

A yellow symbol indicates a concentration of * Sediment Sample Location (0-1 feet)
# Aroclor-1254 Soil Sample Results
FWetland Soil Sample Location (0-6 inches)

ref = refusal Aroclor-1254 greater than 1 mg/kg. " Soil Sample Location (0-3 feet)

dup = duplicate sample 10 - Aroclor-1254 Concentration (mg/kg)

X Inner Ring Soil Sample Location (3 Sample Intervals 0-1 ft, 1-2 ft, 2-3 ft) ND - Aroclor-1254 Not Detected

A gray symbol indicates a concentration of

Former Watertown Arsenal
Aroclor-1254 less than 1 mg/kg.

0 25 50
) Outer Ring Soil Sample Location (3 Sample Intervals 0-1 ft, 1-2 ft, 2-3 ft)
" D Fence GSA Property

Watertown, Massachusetts
J - estimated value
Central Area Soil Sample Location (3 Sample Intervals 0-1 ft, 1-2 ft, 2-3 ft)

Prepared by BJR Checked by DEH

Document: P:\GIS\Projects\GSA-Watertown\Mapdocuments\GSA_11X17.mxd PDF: P:\3650100153 - WHG - Watertown GSA\3.0 Field and Site Characterization\3.8 GIS\Figure 2 - Aroclor-1254 Soil Sample Results.pdf 06/28/2010 9:17 AM bjroden
Tennis Courts
<Double-click here to enter title> SS-11
SS-14 A
" A
B-129 A
SW/SD-13 SS109
) D
SW/SD-12 " A B-113
) D
SD-010 B-115
A B-114
1254 - 0.32
) D
SD-009 1260 - ND SW/SD-01 A A B-112
1254 - ND
MW-007A A
1260 - 0.11
A B-20
) B-122
A SS-31 A
@ MW-009A SS106
B-123 A B-128 SS-28
A "
) D
" MW-101
D " A
B-126 A WC-10B
) SW/SD-02
B-101 WC-10A A
" @
" AA MW-011A @ B-111

B-124 B-127 " SS104

MW-201 A
A "
" A
na D D
lS D A B-104 D
A B-125 D
@ MW-008A
SW/SD-03 "

Notes: Legend Figure 3

All other Aroclors were non-detect. ) Sediment Sample Location (0-1 ft)
" PCB Aroclor Sediment Results
All concentrations in mg/kg. @ Monitoring Well
A Sawins Brook
A Soil Boring

¯ 0 50 100
) Surface Water and Sediment Sample
A Soil Sample
1254 - ND = Aroclor 1254 non detect
Former Watertown Arsenal
GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts
Prepared by BJR
Document: P:\GIS\Projects\GSA-Watertown\Mapdocuments\GSA_8X11_LS_rotated.mxd
Checked by DEH
PDF: P:\3650100153 - WHG - Watertown GSA\3.0 Field and Site Characterization\3.8 GIS\Figure 3 - PCB Aroclor Sediment Results.pdf 06/15/2010 10:13 AM bjroden
900 900 900 900
800 800 800 800
700 700 700 700
600 600 600 600
500 500 500 500



400 400 400 400 D
300 300 300 300 D
200 200 200 200
100 100 100 100

0 0 0 0

Background Outer Ring Inner Ring Burn Box



3 Former
Burn Box 4
4 2
4 rd

4 Bo
5 ug
e en

rl e


D D 800
lS D
t re
D D 600
D D 500

D D 400
D D 300
Around Site

Figure 4
Dioxin Soil Sample Results
1. Composite soil samples were collected from 0 - 6 inches. Each dioxin composite
Former Watertown Arsenal
sample consists discrete samples, denoted by the red circle.
2. Numbers indicate composite sample areas.
0 60 120
3. Number 4 is a combination of areas across the site. GSA Property
Watertown, Massachusetts
4. Units for graphs are in picogram/gram.
Prepared by BJR Checked by DEH
Document: P:\GIS\Projects\GSA-Watertown\Mapdocuments\GSA_11X17_LS_Rotated_GraphsREV.mxd PDF: P:\3650100153 - WHG - Watertown GSA\4.0 Project Deliverables\4.1 Reports\Supplemental RI\Figures\Figure 4 - Dioxin Soil Sample Results.pdf 06/28/2010 6:51 PM bjroden
USACE, Watertown GSA Site, Supplemental Soil Sampling Results June 30, 2010
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc. Project Number 3650-10-0153.02


Laboratory Analytical Reports

ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066


The following samples were received on May 05, 2010 for the analyses specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody

To achieve CAM compliance for MCP data, ESS Laboratory has performed and reviewed all QA/QC Requirements and
Performance Standards listed in each method. Holding times and preservation have also been reviewed. All CAM
requirements have been achieved unless noted in the project narrative.

Each method has been set-up in the laboratory to reach required MCP standards. The methods for aqueous VOA and Soil
Methanol VOA have known limitations for certain analytes. The regulatory standards may not be achieved due to these
limitations. In addition, for all methods, matrix interferences, dilutions, and %Solids may elevate method reporting limits
above regulatory standards. ESS Laboratory can provide, upon request, a Data Checker (regulatory standard comparison
spreadsheet) electronic deliverable which will highlight these exceedances.

Lab Number SampleName Matrix Analysis

1005066-01 SS-2070001 Soil 8082
1005066-02 SS-2070102 Soil 8082
1005066-03 SS-2070203 Soil 8082

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 2 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066


No unusual observations noted.

End of Project Narrative.


Definitions of Quality Control Parameters
Semivolatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Semivolatile Organics Surrogate Information
Volatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Volatile Organics Surrogate Information
EPH and VPH Alkane Lists

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 3 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066

MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form


This form provides certification for the following data set:

1005066-01 through 1005066-03

Sample Matricies: ( ) Ground Water ( x) Soil/Sediment ( ) Drinking Water ( ) Other:_______________

MCP SW-846 8260B ( ) 8151A ( ) 8330 ( ) 6010B ( ) 7470A/1A ( )
Methods Used 8270C ( ) 8081A ( ) VPH ( ) 6020 ( ) 9014M** ( )
8082 (x ) 8021B ( ) EPH ( ) 7000 S*** ( ) 7196A ( )
As specified in MADEP * List Release Tracking Number (RTN), if known.
Compendium of Analytical ** M-SW-846 9014 or MADEP Physiologically Available Cyanide (PAC) Method
Methods (Check all that apply) *** S - SW - 846 Methods 7000 Series - List individual method and analyte

An affirmative response to questions A, B, C and D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

A Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on Yes (x) No* ( )
the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set?

B Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included in this
report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that Yes (x) No* ( )
did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines?

C Does the data included in the report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty"
as described in Section 2.0 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the MADEP document CAM VII A, Yes (x) No* ( )
"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of
Analytical Data"?

D VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH and EPH method conducted without significant
modifications (see Section 11.3 of respective Methods)? Yes ( ) No* ( )

A response to questions E and F below required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

E Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specific methods achieved? Yes (x) No* ( )

F Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) reported? Yes (x) No* ( )
*All negative responses must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those
responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: ________________________________ Date: May 11, 2010

Printed Name: Laurel Stoddard Position: Laboratory Director

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 4 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Client Sample ID: SS-2070001 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005066-01
Date Sampled: 05/05/10 12:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 78 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 1.01 (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0641) 1 05/10/10 17:26 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 39 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 50 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 51 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 51 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 5 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Client Sample ID: SS-2070102 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005066-02
Date Sampled: 05/05/10 14:20 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 82 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 1.04 (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0607) 1 05/10/10 17:45 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 53 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 86 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 55 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 59 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 6 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Client Sample ID: SS-2070203 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005066-03
Date Sampled: 05/05/10 14:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 81 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.3 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 0.508 (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0608) 1 05/10/10 18:04 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 39 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 38 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 43 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 44 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 7 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE00721 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 8 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE00721 - 3540

Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 9 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE00721 - 3540

Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0141 mg/kg wet 0.02500 56 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0138 mg/kg wet 0.02500 55 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0139 mg/kg wet 0.02500 56 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0145 mg/kg wet 0.02500 58 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.243 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 49 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.237 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 47 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0138 mg/kg wet 0.02500 55 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0136 mg/kg wet 0.02500 54 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0127 mg/kg wet 0.02500 51 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0127 mg/kg wet 0.02500 51 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.331 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 66 40-140 31 50
Aroclor 1260 0.311 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 62 40-140 27 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0159 mg/kg wet 0.02500 64 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0157 mg/kg wet 0.02500 63 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0158 mg/kg wet 0.02500 63 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0156 mg/kg wet 0.02500 62 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 10 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066
Notes and Definitions

U Analyte included in the analysis, but not detected

ND Analyte NOT DETECTED above the detection limit (LOD for DoD Reports)
dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis
RPD Relative Percent Difference
MDL Method Detection Limit
MRL Method Reporting Limit
I/V Initial Volume
F/V Final Volume
§ Subcontracted analysis; see attached report
1 Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and/or internal standards eluting in that range.
2 Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range.
3 Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C10 aromatic range.
Avg Results reported as a mathematical average.
NR No Recovery
LOD Limit of Detection
[CALC] Calculated Analyte

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 11 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005066


Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)

A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert# 2864.01

Rhode Island Potable and Non Potable Water: LAI00179

Connecticut Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: PH-0750

Maine Potable and Non Potable Water: RI0002

Massachusetts Potable and Non Potable Water: M-RI002

New Hampshire (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non PotableWater, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 2424

New York (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 11313

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210

Maryland Potable Water: 301

South Carolina Volatile Organic Compounds in Potable Water: 78003

New Jersey Non Potable Water (RCRA), Solids and Hazardous Waste: RI002

Pensylvania Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 68-01752


A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert # 2864.01

Lead in Paint, Phthalates, Lead in Children's Metals Products (Including Jewelry)

CPSC ID# 1141

Lead Paint, Lead in Children's Metals Jewelry

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 12 of 14
Page 13 of 14
Page 14 of 14
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101


The following samples were received on May 06, 2010 for the analyses specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody

To achieve CAM compliance for MCP data, ESS Laboratory has performed and reviewed all QA/QC Requirements and
Performance Standards listed in each method. Holding times and preservation have also been reviewed. All CAM
requirements have been achieved unless noted in the project narrative.

Each method has been set-up in the laboratory to reach required MCP standards. The methods for aqueous VOA and Soil
Methanol VOA have known limitations for certain analytes. The regulatory standards may not be achieved due to these
limitations. In addition, for all methods, matrix interferences, dilutions, and %Solids may elevate method reporting limits
above regulatory standards. ESS Laboratory can provide, upon request, a Data Checker (regulatory standard comparison
spreadsheet) electronic deliverable which will highlight these exceedances.

Lab Number SampleName Matrix Analysis

1005101-01 SS-2120012 Soil 8082
1005101-02 SS-2121224 Soil 8082
1005101-03 SS-2122436 Soil 8082
1005101-04 SS-2110012 Soil 8082
1005101-05 SS-2111224 Soil 8082
1005101-06 SS-2112436 Soil 8082
1005101-07 SS-2100012 Soil 8082
1005101-08 SS-2101224 Soil 8082
1005101-09 SS-2102436 Soil 8082
1005101-10 SS-2090012 Soil 8082
1005101-11 SS-2091224 Soil 8082
1005101-12 SS-2092436 Soil 8082
1005101-13 SS-2130012 Soil 8082
1005101-14 SS-2130012 Dup Soil 8082
1005101-15 SS-2131224 Soil 8082
1005101-16 SS-2132436 Soil 8082

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101


8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

1005101-04 Percent difference between primary and confirmation results exceeds 40% (P).
Aroclor 1254
1005101-07 Percent difference between primary and confirmation results exceeds 40% (P).
Aroclor 1254
No other observations noted.

End of Project Narrative.


Definitions of Quality Control Parameters
Semivolatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Semivolatile Organics Surrogate Information
Volatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Volatile Organics Surrogate Information
EPH and VPH Alkane Lists

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 3 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101

MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form


This form provides certification for the following data set:

1005101-01 through 1005101-16

Sample Matricies: ( ) Ground Water (x ) Soil/Sediment ( ) Drinking Water ( ) Other:_______________

MCP SW-846 8260B ( ) 8151A ( ) 8330 ( ) 6010B ( ) 7470A/1A ( )
Methods Used 8270C ( ) 8081A ( ) VPH ( ) 6020 ( ) 9014M** ( )
8082 (x) 8021B ( ) EPH ( ) 7000 S*** ( ) 7196A ( )
As specified in MADEP * List Release Tracking Number (RTN), if known.
Compendium of Analytical ** M-SW-846 9014 or MADEP Physiologically Available Cyanide (PAC) Method
Methods (Check all that apply) *** S - SW - 846 Methods 7000 Series - List individual method and analyte

An affirmative response to questions A, B, C and D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

A Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on Yes (x) No* ( )
the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set?

B Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included in this
report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that Yes (x) No* ( )
did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines?

C Does the data included in the report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty"
as described in Section 2.0 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the MADEP document CAM VII A, Yes (x) No* ( )
"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of
Analytical Data"?

D VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH and EPH method conducted without significant
modifications (see Section 11.3 of respective Methods)? Yes ( ) No* ( )

A response to questions E and F below required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

E Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specific methods achieved? Yes ( ) No* (x)

F Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) reported? Yes (x) No* ( )
*All negative responses must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those
responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: ________________________________ Date: May 13, 2010

Printed Name: Laurel Stoddard Position: Laboratory Director

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 4 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2120012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-01
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 08:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 78 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.6 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 0.110 (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 0.0814 (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0622) 1 05/10/10 9:50 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 37 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 34 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 35 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 39 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 5 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2121224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-02
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 08:30 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 77 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.4 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0669) 1 05/10/10 10:09 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 100 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 100 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 49 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 48 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 6 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2122436 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-03
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 08:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 83 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.6 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0585) 1 05/10/10 10:28 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 59 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 82 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 63 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 70 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 7 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2110012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-04
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 09:10 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 77 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 P 0.159 (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0680) 1 05/10/10 10:47 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 72 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 87 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 68 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 8 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2111224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-05
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 09:50 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 81 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.6 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0599) 1 05/10/10 11:06 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 62 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 52 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 65 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 71 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 9 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2112436 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-06
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 10:15 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 79 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.6 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0614) 1 05/10/10 11:25 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 55 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 52 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 61 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 68 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 10 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2100012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-07
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 10:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 83 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.3 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 P 0.213 (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0624) 1 05/10/10 11:44 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 68 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 52 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 61 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 62 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 11 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2101224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-08
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 11:20 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 79 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.2 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0659) 1 05/10/10 12:03 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 31 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 30 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 38 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 39 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 12 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2102436 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-09
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 11:30 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 83 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0576) 1 05/10/10 12:22 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 49 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 43 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 53 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 59 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 13 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2090012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-10
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 13:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 76 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.2 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 0.276 (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0651) 1 05/10/10 12:41 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 62 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 56 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 75 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 14 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2091224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-11
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 13:30 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 78 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0675) 1 05/10/10 13:00 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 52 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 43 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 44 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 46 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 15 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2092436 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-12
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 14:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 76 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 0.989 (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0655) 1 05/10/10 13:19 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 55 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 52 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 61 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 65 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 16 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2130012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-13
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 14:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 75 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.2 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 0.973 (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0694) 1 05/10/10 15:32 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 57 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 51 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 64 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 17 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2130012 Dup ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-14
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 14:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 72 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 0.587 (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0727) 1 05/10/10 15:51 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 29 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 33 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 33 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 35 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 18 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2131224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-15
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 15:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 80 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/7/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0598) 1 05/10/10 16:10 CE00721

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 136 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 100 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 61 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 54 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 19 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Client Sample ID: SS-2132436 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005101-16
Date Sampled: 05/06/10 15:10 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 80 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.7 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1254 0.0754 (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0635) 1 05/13/10 14:26 CE01223

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 43 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 40 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 41 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 51 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 20 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE00721 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 21 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE00721 - 3540

Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 22 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE00721 - 3540

Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0141 mg/kg wet 0.02500 56 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0138 mg/kg wet 0.02500 55 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0139 mg/kg wet 0.02500 56 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0145 mg/kg wet 0.02500 58 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.243 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 49 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.237 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 47 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0138 mg/kg wet 0.02500 55 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0136 mg/kg wet 0.02500 54 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0127 mg/kg wet 0.02500 51 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0127 mg/kg wet 0.02500 51 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.331 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 66 40-140 31 50
Aroclor 1260 0.311 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 62 40-140 27 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0159 mg/kg wet 0.02500 64 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0157 mg/kg wet 0.02500 63 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0158 mg/kg wet 0.02500 63 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0156 mg/kg wet 0.02500 62 30-150

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 23 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 24 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0192 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0168 mg/kg wet 0.02500 67 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0170 mg/kg wet 0.02500 68 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 25 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0179 mg/kg wet 0.02500 71 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.422 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 84 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.386 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 77 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0202 mg/kg wet 0.02500 81 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0192 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0191 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0199 mg/kg wet 0.02500 80 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.427 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 85 40-140 1 50
Aroclor 1260 0.401 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 80 40-140 4 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0204 mg/kg wet 0.02500 82 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0196 mg/kg wet 0.02500 79 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0193 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0198 mg/kg wet 0.02500 79 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
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Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101
Notes and Definitions

U Analyte included in the analysis, but not detected

P Percent difference between primary and confirmation results exceeds 40% (P).
ND Analyte NOT DETECTED above the detection limit (LOD for DoD Reports)
dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis
RPD Relative Percent Difference
MDL Method Detection Limit
MRL Method Reporting Limit
I/V Initial Volume
F/V Final Volume
§ Subcontracted analysis; see attached report
1 Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and/or internal standards eluting in that range.
2 Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range.
3 Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C10 aromatic range.
Avg Results reported as a mathematical average.
NR No Recovery
LOD Limit of Detection
[CALC] Calculated Analyte

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
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Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005101


Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)

A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert# 2864.01

Rhode Island Potable and Non Potable Water: LAI00179

Connecticut Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: PH-0750

Maine Potable and Non Potable Water: RI0002

Massachusetts Potable and Non Potable Water: M-RI002

New Hampshire (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non PotableWater, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 2424

New York (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 11313

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210

Maryland Potable Water: 301

South Carolina Volatile Organic Compounds in Potable Water: 78003

New Jersey Non Potable Water (RCRA), Solids and Hazardous Waste: RI002

Pensylvania Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 68-01752


A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert # 2864.01

Lead in Paint, Phthalates, Lead in Children's Metals Products (Including Jewelry)

CPSC ID# 1141

Lead Paint, Lead in Children's Metals Jewelry

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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Page 29 of 33
Page 30 of 33
Page 31 of 33
Page 32 of 33
Page 33 of 33
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
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Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126


The following samples were received on May 07, 2010 for the analyses specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody

To achieve CAM compliance for MCP data, ESS Laboratory has performed and reviewed all QA/QC Requirements and
Performance Standards listed in each method. Holding times and preservation have also been reviewed. All CAM
requirements have been achieved unless noted in the project narrative.

Each method has been set-up in the laboratory to reach required MCP standards. The methods for aqueous VOA and Soil
Methanol VOA have known limitations for certain analytes. The regulatory standards may not be achieved due to these
limitations. In addition, for all methods, matrix interferences, dilutions, and %Solids may elevate method reporting limits
above regulatory standards. ESS Laboratory can provide, upon request, a Data Checker (regulatory standard comparison
spreadsheet) electronic deliverable which will highlight these exceedances.

Lab Number SampleName Matrix Analysis

1005126-04 SS-2080012 Soil 8082
1005126-05 SS-2081224 Soil 8082
1005126-06 SS-2061224 Soil 8082
1005126-07 SS-2060012 Soil 8082
1005126-10 SS-251224 Soil 8082
1005126-11 SS-2050012 Soil 8082

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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Page 2 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126


8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

1005126-06 Surrogate recovery(ies) below lower control limit (S-).
Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] (28% @ 30-150%)
No other observations noted.

End of Project Narrative.


Definitions of Quality Control Parameters
Semivolatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Semivolatile Organics Surrogate Information
Volatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Volatile Organics Surrogate Information
EPH and VPH Alkane Lists

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126

MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form


This form provides certification for the following data set:

1005126-04 through 1005126-11

Sample Matricies: ( ) Ground Water (x ) Soil/Sediment ( ) Drinking Water ( ) Other:_______________

MCP SW-846 8260B ( ) 8151A ( ) 8330 ( ) 6010B ( ) 7470A/1A ( )
Methods Used 8270C ( ) 8081A ( ) VPH ( ) 6020 ( ) 9014M** ( )
8082 (x) 8021B ( ) EPH ( ) 7000 S*** ( ) 7196A ( )
As specified in MADEP * List Release Tracking Number (RTN), if known.
Compendium of Analytical ** M-SW-846 9014 or MADEP Physiologically Available Cyanide (PAC) Method
Methods (Check all that apply) *** S - SW - 846 Methods 7000 Series - List individual method and analyte

An affirmative response to questions A, B, C and D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

A Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on Yes (x) No* ( )
the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set?

B Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included in this
report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that Yes (x) No* ( )
did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines?

C Does the data included in the report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty"
as described in Section 2.0 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the MADEP document CAM VII A, Yes (x) No* ( )
"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of
Analytical Data"?

D VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH and EPH method conducted without significant
modifications (see Section 11.3 of respective Methods)? Yes ( ) No* ( )

A response to questions E and F below required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

E Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specific methods achieved? Yes ( ) No* (x)

F Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) reported? Yes (x) No* ( )
*All negative responses must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those
responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: ________________________________ Date: May 14, 2010

Printed Name: Laurel Stoddard Position: Laboratory Director

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Client Sample ID: SS-2080012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005126-04
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 12:50 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 60 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1260 0.317 (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0797) 1 05/13/10 14:45 CE01223

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 80 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 104 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 78 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 82 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 5 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Client Sample ID: SS-2081224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005126-05
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 13:30 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 75 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.3 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/10/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0691) 1 05/12/10 4:31 CE01001

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 63 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 63 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 70 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 83 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 6 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Client Sample ID: SS-2061224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005126-06
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 11:20 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 80 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.8 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/10/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0631) 1 05/12/10 4:50 CE01001

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 31 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 28 % S- 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 35 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 40 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 7 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Client Sample ID: SS-2060012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005126-07
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 10:55 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 66 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/10/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0725) 1 05/12/10 5:09 CE01001

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 36 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 35 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 42 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 45 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 8 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Client Sample ID: SS-251224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005126-10
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 09:05 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 77 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/10/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1254 0.712 (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0649) 1 05/12/10 5:28 CE01001

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 43 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 39 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 53 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 50 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 9 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Client Sample ID: SS-2050012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005126-11
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 08:15 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 79 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/10/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1254 1.15 (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0606) 1 05/12/10 8:19 CE01001

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 52 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 44 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 65 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 62 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 10 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01001 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 11 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01001 - 3540

Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 12 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01001 - 3540

Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0173 mg/kg wet 0.02500 69 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0156 mg/kg wet 0.02500 62 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.00803 mg/kg wet 0.02500 32 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.00820 mg/kg wet 0.02500 33 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.439 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 88 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.415 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 83 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0213 mg/kg wet 0.02500 85 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0211 mg/kg wet 0.02500 84 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0209 mg/kg wet 0.02500 84 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0212 mg/kg wet 0.02500 85 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.407 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 81 40-140 7 50
Aroclor 1260 0.390 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 78 40-140 6 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0189 mg/kg wet 0.02500 75 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0190 mg/kg wet 0.02500 76 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0182 mg/kg wet 0.02500 73 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0188 mg/kg wet 0.02500 75 30-150

Matrix Spike Source: 1005126-10

Aroclor 1016 0.335 0.0621 mg/kg dry 0.6214 ND 54 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.357 0.0621 mg/kg dry 0.6214 ND 57 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0165 mg/kg dry 0.03107 53 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0105 mg/kg dry 0.03107 34 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0162 mg/kg dry 0.03107 52 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0147 mg/kg dry 0.03107 47 30-150

Matrix Spike Dup Source: 1005126-10

Aroclor 1016 0.440 0.0643 mg/kg dry 0.6429 ND 68 40-140 27 50
Aroclor 1260 0.405 0.0643 mg/kg dry 0.6429 ND 63 40-140 13 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0146 mg/kg dry 0.03215 45 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0119 mg/kg dry 0.03215 37 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0184 mg/kg dry 0.03215 57 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 13 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01001 - 3540

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0169 mg/kg dry 0.03215 53 30-150

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 14 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 15 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01223 - 3540

Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0192 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0168 mg/kg wet 0.02500 67 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0170 mg/kg wet 0.02500 68 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0179 mg/kg wet 0.02500 71 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.422 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 84 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.386 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 77 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0202 mg/kg wet 0.02500 81 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0192 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0191 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0199 mg/kg wet 0.02500 80 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.427 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 85 40-140 1 50
Aroclor 1260 0.401 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 80 40-140 4 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0204 mg/kg wet 0.02500 82 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0196 mg/kg wet 0.02500 79 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0193 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0198 mg/kg wet 0.02500 79 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 16 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126
Notes and Definitions

U Analyte included in the analysis, but not detected

S- Surrogate recovery(ies) below lower control limit (S-).
ND Analyte NOT DETECTED above the detection limit (LOD for DoD Reports)
dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis
RPD Relative Percent Difference
MDL Method Detection Limit
MRL Method Reporting Limit
I/V Initial Volume
F/V Final Volume
§ Subcontracted analysis; see attached report
1 Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and/or internal standards eluting in that range.
2 Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range.
3 Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C10 aromatic range.
Avg Results reported as a mathematical average.
NR No Recovery
LOD Limit of Detection
[CALC] Calculated Analyte

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 17 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005126


Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)

A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert# 2864.01

Rhode Island Potable and Non Potable Water: LAI00179

Connecticut Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: PH-0750

Maine Potable and Non Potable Water: RI0002

Massachusetts Potable and Non Potable Water: M-RI002

New Hampshire (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non PotableWater, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 2424

New York (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 11313

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210

Maryland Potable Water: 301

South Carolina Volatile Organic Compounds in Potable Water: 78003

New Jersey Non Potable Water (RCRA), Solids and Hazardous Waste: RI002

Pensylvania Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 68-01752


A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert # 2864.01

Lead in Paint, Phthalates, Lead in Children's Metals Products (Including Jewelry)

CPSC ID# 1141

Lead Paint, Lead in Children's Metals Jewelry

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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Page 18 of 23
Page 19 of 23
Page 20 of 23
Page 21 of 23
Page 22 of 23
Page 23 of 23
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135


The following samples were received on May 10, 2010 for the analyses specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody

To achieve CAM compliance for MCP data, ESS Laboratory has performed and reviewed all QA/QC Requirements and
Performance Standards listed in each method. Holding times and preservation have also been reviewed. All CAM
requirements have been achieved unless noted in the project narrative.

Each method has been set-up in the laboratory to reach required MCP standards. The methods for aqueous VOA and Soil
Methanol VOA have known limitations for certain analytes. The regulatory standards may not be achieved due to these
limitations. In addition, for all methods, matrix interferences, dilutions, and %Solids may elevate method reporting limits
above regulatory standards. ESS Laboratory can provide, upon request, a Data Checker (regulatory standard comparison
spreadsheet) electronic deliverable which will highlight these exceedances.

Lab Number SampleName Matrix Analysis

1005135-01 SS-2220006 Soil 8082
1005135-02 SS-2230006 Soil 8082
1005135-03 SS-2240006 Soil 8082
1005135-13 SD-0100012 Solid 8082
1005135-14 SD-0090012 Solid 8082

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 2 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135


No unusual observations noted.

End of Project Narrative.


Definitions of Quality Control Parameters
Semivolatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Semivolatile Organics Surrogate Information
Volatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Volatile Organics Surrogate Information
EPH and VPH Alkane Lists

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 3 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135

MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form


This form provides certification for the following data set:

1005135-01 through 1005135-14

Sample Matricies: ( ) Ground Water (x ) Soil/Sediment ( ) Drinking Water ( ) Other:_______________

MCP SW-846 8260B ( ) 8151A ( ) 8330 ( ) 6010B ( ) 7470A/1A ( )
Methods Used 8270C ( ) 8081A ( ) VPH ( ) 6020 ( ) 9014M** ( )
8082 (x) 8021B ( ) EPH ( ) 7000 S*** ( ) 7196A ( )
As specified in MADEP * List Release Tracking Number (RTN), if known.
Compendium of Analytical ** M-SW-846 9014 or MADEP Physiologically Available Cyanide (PAC) Method
Methods (Check all that apply) *** S - SW - 846 Methods 7000 Series - List individual method and analyte

An affirmative response to questions A, B, C and D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

A Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on Yes (x) No* ( )
the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set?

B Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included in this
report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that Yes (x) No* ( )
did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines?

C Does the data included in the report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty"
as described in Section 2.0 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the MADEP document CAM VII A, Yes (x) No* ( )
"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of
Analytical Data"?

D VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH and EPH method conducted without significant
modifications (see Section 11.3 of respective Methods)? Yes ( ) No* ( )

A response to questions E and F below required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

E Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specific methods achieved? Yes (x) No* ( )

F Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) reported? Yes (x) No* ( )
*All negative responses must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those
responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: ________________________________ Date: May 17, 2010

Printed Name: Laurel Stoddard Position: Laboratory Director

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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Page 4 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Client Sample ID: SS-2220006 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005135-01
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 08:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 71 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.5 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1254 0.448 (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0687) 1 05/14/10 9:39 CE01705

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 73 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 84 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 92 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 5 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Client Sample ID: SS-2230006 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005135-02
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 08:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 57 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1254 0.390 (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0839) 1 05/14/10 9:58 CE01705

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 75 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 70 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 85 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 91 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 6 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Client Sample ID: SS-2240006 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005135-03
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 09:20 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 72 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.5 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1254 0.175 (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0678) 1 05/14/10 10:17 CE01705

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 73 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 74 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 81 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 91 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Client Sample ID: SD-0100012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005135-13
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 09:40 Sample Matrix: Solid
Percent Solids: 76 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1254 0.315 (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0693) 1 05/14/10 10:36 CE01705

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 70 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 67 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 75 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 75 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 8 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Client Sample ID: SD-0090012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005135-14
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 09:30 Sample Matrix: Solid
Percent Solids: 81 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.1 Analyst: ML
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 5/12/10 16:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1260 0.114 (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0646) 1 05/14/10 10:55 CE01705

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 77 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 65 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 74 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 86 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 9 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01705 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 10 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01705 - 3540

Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 11 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01705 - 3540

Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0208 mg/kg wet 0.02500 83 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0211 mg/kg wet 0.02500 84 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0184 mg/kg wet 0.02500 73 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0200 mg/kg wet 0.02500 80 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.450 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 90 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.450 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 90 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0214 mg/kg wet 0.02500 86 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0221 mg/kg wet 0.02500 88 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0196 mg/kg wet 0.02500 78 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0202 mg/kg wet 0.02500 81 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.351 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 70 40-140 25 50
Aroclor 1260 0.349 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 70 40-140 25 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0165 mg/kg wet 0.02500 66 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0170 mg/kg wet 0.02500 68 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0154 mg/kg wet 0.02500 62 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0159 mg/kg wet 0.02500 64 30-150

Matrix Spike Source: 1005135-14

Aroclor 1016 0.519 0.0617 mg/kg dry 0.6173 ND 84 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.500 0.0617 mg/kg dry 0.6173 0.114 63 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0223 mg/kg dry 0.03086 72 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0226 mg/kg dry 0.03086 73 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0247 mg/kg dry 0.03086 80 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0295 mg/kg dry 0.03086 95 30-150

Matrix Spike Dup Source: 1005135-14

Aroclor 1016 0.568 0.0643 mg/kg dry 0.6430 ND 88 40-140 9 50
Aroclor 1260 0.530 0.0643 mg/kg dry 0.6430 0.114 65 40-140 6 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0236 mg/kg dry 0.03215 73 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0210 mg/kg dry 0.03215 65 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0261 mg/kg dry 0.03215 81 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 12 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CE01705 - 3540

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0277 mg/kg dry 0.03215 86 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 13 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135
Notes and Definitions

U Analyte included in the analysis, but not detected

ND Analyte NOT DETECTED above the detection limit (LOD for DoD Reports)
dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis
RPD Relative Percent Difference
MDL Method Detection Limit
MRL Method Reporting Limit
I/V Initial Volume
F/V Final Volume
§ Subcontracted analysis; see attached report
1 Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and/or internal standards eluting in that range.
2 Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range.
3 Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C10 aromatic range.
Avg Results reported as a mathematical average.
NR No Recovery
LOD Limit of Detection
[CALC] Calculated Analyte

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 14 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005135


Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)

A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert# 2864.01

Rhode Island Potable and Non Potable Water: LAI00179

Connecticut Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: PH-0750

Maine Potable and Non Potable Water: RI0002

Massachusetts Potable and Non Potable Water: M-RI002

New Hampshire (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non PotableWater, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 2424

New York (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 11313

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210

Maryland Potable Water: 301

South Carolina Volatile Organic Compounds in Potable Water: 78003

New Jersey Non Potable Water (RCRA), Solids and Hazardous Waste: RI002

Pensylvania Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 68-01752


A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert # 2864.01

Lead in Paint, Phthalates, Lead in Children's Metals Products (Including Jewelry)

CPSC ID# 1141

Lead Paint, Lead in Children's Metals Jewelry

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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Page 15 of 19
Page 16 of 19
Page 17 of 19
Page 18 of 19
Page 19 of 19
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407


The following samples were received on May 26, 2010 for the analyses specified on the enclosed Chain of Custody

To achieve CAM compliance for MCP data, ESS Laboratory has performed and reviewed all QA/QC Requirements and
Performance Standards listed in each method. Holding times and preservation have also been reviewed. All CAM
requirements have been achieved unless noted in the project narrative.

Each method has been set-up in the laboratory to reach required MCP standards. The methods for aqueous VOA and Soil
Methanol VOA have known limitations for certain analytes. The regulatory standards may not be achieved due to these
limitations. In addition, for all methods, matrix interferences, dilutions, and %Solids may elevate method reporting limits
above regulatory standards. ESS Laboratory can provide, upon request, a Data Checker (regulatory standard comparison
spreadsheet) electronic deliverable which will highlight these exceedances.

These samples were originally received on May 7, 2010 and May 10, 2010 as ESS Laboratory Work Order Numbers
1005126 and 1005135.

Lab Number SampleName Matrix Analysis

1005407-01 SS-2170012 Soil 8082
1005407-02 SS-2161224 Soil 8082
1005407-03 SS-2160012 Soil 8082
1005407-04 SS-2150012 Soil 8082
1005407-05 SS-2140012 Soil 8082
1005407-06 SS-2141224 Soil 8082
1005407-07 SS-2171224 Soil 8082
1005407-08 SS-2180012 Soil 8082
1005407-09 SS-2181224 Soil 8082
1005407-10 SS-2190012 Soil 8082
1005407-11 SS-2191224 Soil 8082
1005407-12 SS-2200012 Soil 8082
1005407-13 SS-2200012Dup Soil 8082
1005407-14 SS-2201224 Soil 8082
1005407-15 SS-2210006 Soil 8082
1005407-16 SS-2210006Dup Soil 8082
1005407-17 SS-2000012 Soil 8082
1005407-18 SS-2010012 Soil 8082
1005407-19 SS-2010012Dup Soil 8082
1005407-20 SS-2020012 Soil 8082
1005407-21 SS-2030012 Soil 8082
1005407-22 SS-2040012 Soil 8082

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 2 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407


8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

1005407-01 Surrogate recovery(ies) outside of criteria due to matrix (UCM/coelution is present) (SM).
Decachlorobiphenyl (791% @ 30-150%), Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] (841% @ 30-150%)
1005407-03 Surrogate recovery(ies) below lower control limit (S-).
Decachlorobiphenyl (29% @ 30-150%)
1005407-04 Surrogate recovery(ies) outside of criteria due to matrix (UCM/coelution is present) (SM).
Decachlorobiphenyl (23% @ 30-150%), Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] (25% @ 30-150%),
Tetrachloro-m-xylene (23% @ 30-150%)
1005407-18 Surrogate recovery(ies) diluted below the MRL (SD).
Decachlorobiphenyl (% @ 30-150%), Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] (% @ 30-150%), Tetrachloro-m-xylene
(% @ 30-150%), Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] (% @ 30-150%)
1005407-19 Surrogate recovery(ies) diluted below the MRL (SD).
Decachlorobiphenyl (% @ 30-150%), Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] (% @ 30-150%), Tetrachloro-m-xylene
(% @ 30-150%), Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] (% @ 30-150%)
1005407-20 Percent difference between primary and confirmation results exceeds 40% (P).
Aroclor 1254
1005407-21 Percent difference between primary and confirmation results exceeds 40% (P).
Aroclor 1254
1005407-22 Surrogate recovery(ies) diluted below the MRL (SD).
Decachlorobiphenyl (% @ 30-150%), Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] (% @ 30-150%), Tetrachloro-m-xylene
(% @ 30-150%), Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] (% @ 30-150%)
No other observations noted.

End of Project Narrative.


Definitions of Quality Control Parameters
Semivolatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Semivolatile Organics Surrogate Information
Volatile Organics Internal Standard Information
Volatile Organics Surrogate Information
EPH and VPH Alkane Lists

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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Page 3 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407

MADEP MCP Response Action Analytical Report Certification Form


This form provides certification for the following data set:

1005407-01 through 1005407-22

Sample Matricies: ( ) Ground Water (x ) Soil/Sediment ( ) Drinking Water ( ) Other:_______________

MCP SW-846 8260B ( ) 8151A ( ) 8330 ( ) 6010B ( ) 7470A/1A ( )
Methods Used 8270C ( ) 8081A ( ) VPH ( ) 6020 ( ) 9014M** ( )
8082 (x ) 8021B ( ) EPH ( ) 7000 S*** ( ) 7196A ( )
As specified in MADEP * List Release Tracking Number (RTN), if known.
Compendium of Analytical ** M-SW-846 9014 or MADEP Physiologically Available Cyanide (PAC) Method
Methods (Check all that apply) *** S - SW - 846 Methods 7000 Series - List individual method and analyte

An affirmative response to questions A, B, C and D is required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

A Were all samples received by the laboratory in a condition consistent with that described on Yes (x) No* ( )
the Chain-of-Custody documentation for the data set?

B Were all QA/QC procedures required for the specified analytical method(s) included in this
report followed, including the requirement to note and discuss in a narrative QC data that Yes (x) No* ( )
did not meet appropriate performance standards or guidelines?

C Does the data included in the report meet all the requirements for "Presumptive Certainty"
as described in Section 2.0 (a), (b), (c) and (d) of the MADEP document CAM VII A, Yes (x) No* ( )
"Quality Assurance and Quality Control Guidelines for the Acquisition and Reporting of
Analytical Data"?

D VPH and EPH methods only: Was the VPH and EPH method conducted without significant
modifications (see Section 11.3 of respective Methods)? Yes ( ) No* ( )

A response to questions E and F below required for "Presumptive Certainty" status

E Were all QC performance standards and recommendations for the specific methods achieved? Yes ( ) No* (x)

F Were results for all analyte-list compounds/elements for the specified method(s) reported? Yes (x) No* ( )
*All negative responses must be addressed in an attached Environmental Laboratory Case Narrative.

I, the undersigned, attest under the pains and penalties of perjury that, based upon my personal inquiry of those
responsible for obtaining the information, the material contained in this analytical report is, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, accurate and complete.

Signature: ________________________________ Date: June 07, 2010

Printed Name: Laurel Stoddard Position: Laboratory Director

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
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ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2170012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-01
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 14:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 76 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0655) 1 06/04/10 12:15 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 791 % SM 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 841 % SM 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 67 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 59 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 5 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2161224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-02
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 14:25 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 77 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.6 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0630) 1 06/04/10 12:35 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 68 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 68 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 74 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 6 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2160012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-03
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 13:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 75 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.4 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0687) 1 06/04/10 12:54 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 29 % S- 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 32 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 32 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 37 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 7 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2150012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-04
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 10:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 77 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.3 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0673) 1 06/04/10 13:13 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 23 % SM 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 25 % SM 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 23 % SM 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 32 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 8 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2140012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-05
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 09:20 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 79 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.4 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 1.46 (0.124) 2 06/04/10 14:50 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 0.330 (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0621) 1 06/04/10 13:32 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 67 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 79 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 68 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 76 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 9 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2141224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-06
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 09:40 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 79 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.9 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 0.504 (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 0.119 (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0606) 1 06/04/10 13:51 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 109 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 120 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 71 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 76 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 10 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2171224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-07
Date Sampled: 05/07/10 14:55 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 83 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.7 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0582) 1 06/04/10 14:10 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 59 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 62 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 58 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 57 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 11 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2180012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-08
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 10:30 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 86 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 0.148 (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 0.0586 (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0581) 1 06/04/10 14:31 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 67 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 76 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 65 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 73 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 12 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2181224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-09
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 10:50 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 81 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0646) 1 06/04/10 15:09 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 64 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 75 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 58 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 66 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 13 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2190012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-10
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 11:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 82 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.5 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 0.232 (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0625) 1 06/04/10 15:28 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 77 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 67 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 76 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 14 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2191224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-11
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 11:15 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 82 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0638) 1 06/04/10 15:47 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 76 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 66 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 73 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 15 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2200012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-12
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 11:35 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 80 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.2 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 1.65 (0.130) 2 06/04/10 15:22 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0651) 1 06/04/10 12:28 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 67 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 90 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 65 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 67 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 16 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2200012Dup ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-13
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 11:35 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 82 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.8 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 8.92 (0.616) 10 06/04/10 15:51 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0616) 1 06/04/10 12:57 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 75 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 90 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 69 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 73 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 17 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2201224 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-14
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 11:55 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 85 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.7 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/3/10 12:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1254 1.58 (0.119) 2 06/04/10 16:20 CF00301
Aroclor 1260 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0597) 1 06/04/10 13:26 CF00301

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 79 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 102 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 74 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 78 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 18 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2210006 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-15
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 13:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 49 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.1 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 0.488 (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 0.188 (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.102) 1 06/07/10 8:37 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 53 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 55 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 57 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 57 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 19 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2210006Dup ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-16
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 13:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 28 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.5 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 1.64 (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 0.667 (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.183) 1 06/07/10 8:57 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 64 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 74 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 70 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 72 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 20 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2000012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-17
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 13:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 76 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.2 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 2.26 (0.326) 5 06/07/10 11:10 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 0.330 (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0651) 1 06/07/10 9:16 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 80 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 91 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 83 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 85 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 21 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2010012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-18
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 14:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 82 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.5 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 77.7 (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (5.95) 100 06/07/10 12:27 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] % SD 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 22 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2010012Dup ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-19
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 14:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 74 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.8 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 62.7 (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (6.50) 100 06/07/10 12:46 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] % SD 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 23 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2020012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-20
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 14:30 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 81 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 20.8 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 P 1.02 (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 0.285 (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0594) 1 06/07/10 10:13 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 79 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 91 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 71 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 63 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 24 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2030012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-21
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 14:45 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 88 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.9 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 P 0.824 (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 0.204 (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (0.0571) 1 06/07/10 10:32 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 65 % 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 89 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 80 % 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 80 % 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 25 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Client Sample ID: SS-2040012 ESS Laboratory Sample ID: 1005407-22
Date Sampled: 05/10/10 15:00 Sample Matrix: Soil
Percent Solids: 82 Units: mg/kg dry
Initial Volume: 19.7 Analyst: SEP
Final Volume: 10 Prepared: 6/4/10 13:00
Extraction Method: 3540 Cleanup Method: 3665A

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Analyte Results (MRL) Limit DF Analyzed Sequence Batch

Aroclor 1016 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1221 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1232 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1242 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1248 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1254 132 (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1260 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1262 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401
Aroclor 1268 ND (12.4) 200 06/07/10 13:05 CF00401

%Recovery Qualifier Limits

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene % SD 30-150
Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] % SD 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 26 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CF00301 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 27 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CF00301 - 3540

Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 28 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CF00301 - 3540

Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0193 mg/kg wet 0.02500 77 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0226 mg/kg wet 0.02500 90 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0182 mg/kg wet 0.02500 73 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0206 mg/kg wet 0.02500 82 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.373 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 75 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.411 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 82 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0210 mg/kg wet 0.02500 84 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0249 mg/kg wet 0.02500 100 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0164 mg/kg wet 0.02500 65 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0207 mg/kg wet 0.02500 83 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.327 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 65 40-140 13 50
Aroclor 1260 0.337 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 67 40-140 20 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0169 mg/kg wet 0.02500 68 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0201 mg/kg wet 0.02500 80 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0140 mg/kg wet 0.02500 56 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0151 mg/kg wet 0.02500 60 30-150

Batch CF00401 - 3540

Aroclor 1016 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1016 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 29 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CF00401 - 3540

Aroclor 1221 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1221 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1232 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1242 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1248 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 30 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CF00401 - 3540

Aroclor 1254 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1254 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1260 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1262 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (1) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (2) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (3) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (4) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet
Aroclor 1268 (5) [2C] ND 0.0500 mg/kg wet

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0209 mg/kg wet 0.02500 84 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0238 mg/kg wet 0.02500 95 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0188 mg/kg wet 0.02500 75 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 31 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Quality Control Data
Spike Source %REC RPD
Analyte Result MRL Units Level Result %REC Limits RPD Limit Qualifier

8082 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Batch CF00401 - 3540

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0205 mg/kg wet 0.02500 82 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.385 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 77 40-140
Aroclor 1260 0.400 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 80 40-140

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0202 mg/kg wet 0.02500 81 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0233 mg/kg wet 0.02500 93 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0204 mg/kg wet 0.02500 81 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0210 mg/kg wet 0.02500 84 30-150

Aroclor 1016 0.378 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 76 40-140 2 50
Aroclor 1260 0.414 0.0500 mg/kg wet 0.5000 83 40-140 3 50

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl 0.0198 mg/kg wet 0.02500 79 30-150

Surrogate: Decachlorobiphenyl [2C] 0.0231 mg/kg wet 0.02500 92 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene 0.0174 mg/kg wet 0.02500 70 30-150

Surrogate: Tetrachloro-m-xylene [2C] 0.0181 mg/kg wet 0.02500 72 30-150

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 32 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407
Notes and Definitions

U Analyte included in the analysis, but not detected

SM Surrogate recovery(ies) outside of criteria due to matrix (UCM/coelution is present) (SM).
SD Surrogate recovery(ies) diluted below the MRL (SD).
S- Surrogate recovery(ies) below lower control limit (S-).
P Percent difference between primary and confirmation results exceeds 40% (P).
D Diluted.
ND Analyte NOT DETECTED above the detection limit (LOD for DoD Reports)
dry Sample results reported on a dry weight basis
RPD Relative Percent Difference
MDL Method Detection Limit
MRL Method Reporting Limit
I/V Initial Volume
F/V Final Volume
§ Subcontracted analysis; see attached report
1 Range result excludes concentrations of surrogates and/or internal standards eluting in that range.
2 Range result excludes concentrations of target analytes eluting in that range.
3 Range result excludes the concentration of the C9-C10 aromatic range.
Avg Results reported as a mathematical average.
NR No Recovery
LOD Limit of Detection
[CALC] Calculated Analyte

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
Page 33 of 42
ESS Laboratory BAL Laboratory
The Microbiology Division
Division of Thielsch Engineering, Inc. of Thielsch Engineering, Inc.


Client Name: MACTEC Engineering & Consulting, Inc.

Client Project ID: GSA - Watertown ESS Laboratory Work Order: 1005407


Department of Defense (DoD) Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP)

A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert# 2864.01

Rhode Island Potable and Non Potable Water: LAI00179

Connecticut Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: PH-0750

Maine Potable and Non Potable Water: RI0002

Massachusetts Potable and Non Potable Water: M-RI002

New Hampshire (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non PotableWater, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 2424

New York (NELAP accredited) Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 11313

United States Department of Agriculture Soil Permit: S-54210

Maryland Potable Water: 301

South Carolina Volatile Organic Compounds in Potable Water: 78003

New Jersey Potable (VOA) and Non Potable Water (RCRA), Solids and Hazardous Waste: RI002

Pensylvania Potable and Non Potable Water, Solid and Hazardous Waste: 68-01752


A2LA Accredited: Testing Cert # 2864.01

Lead in Paint, Phthalates, Lead in Children's Metals Products (Including Jewelry)

CPSC ID# 1141

Lead Paint, Lead in Children's Metals Jewelry

185 Frances Avenue, Cranston, RI 02910-2211 Tel: 401-461-7181 Fax: 401-461-4486
Dependability ♦ Quality ♦ Service
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Laboratory Job Number: L1006944


Report Submission

The analysis of Dioxin was subcontracted. A copy of the laboratory report is included as
an addendum.


06031012:38 Page 2 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-01 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 10:20

SS-0050006 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 3 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-02 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 11:00

SS-0010006 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 4 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-03 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 11:50

SS-0020006 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 3-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 5 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-04 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 11:50

SS-0020006 DUP Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 6 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-05 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 13:30

SS-0030006 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 7 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-06 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 14:30

SS-0040006 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 8 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-07 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 15:00

RB-001 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 9 of 11

MA:M-MA030 NH:2206 CT:PH-0141 ME:MA0030 RI:LAO00299 NY:11627 NJ:MA015

LA NELAC:03090 FL NELAC:E87814 PA:68-02089 Army:USACE

Laboratory Sample Number: L1006944-08 Date Collected: 11-MAY-2010 15:05

RB-002 Date Received : 11-MAY-2010
Sample Matrix: SOIL Date Reported : 03-JUN-2010

Condition of Sample: Satisfactory Field Prep: None

Number & Type of Containers: 1-Amber



Comments: Complete list of References and Glossary of Terms found in Addendum I

06031012:38 Page 10 of 11



REF Reference number in which test method may be found.
METHOD Method number by which analysis was performed.
ID Initials of the analyst.
ND Not detected in comparison to the reported detection limit.
NI Not Ignitable.
ug/cart Micrograms per Cartridge.
H The analysis of pH was performed beyond the regulatory-required holding
time of 15 minutes from the time of sample collection.


Alpha Analytical, Inc. performs services with reasonable care and diligence
normal to the analytical testing laboratory industry. In the event of an error, the
sole and exclusive responsibility of Alpha Analytical, Inc., shall be to re-perform
the work at it's own expense. In no event shall Alpha Analytical, Inc. be held
liable for any incidental consequential or special damages, including but not
limited to, damages in any way connected with the use of, interpretation of,
information or analysis provided by Alpha Analytical, Inc.

We strongly urge our clients to comply with EPA protocol regarding sample
volume, preservation, cooling, containers, sampling procedures, holding times
and splitting of samples in the field.


06031012:38 Page 11 of 11
Certificate/Approval Program Summary
Last revised May 20, 2010 – Mansfield Facility

The following list includes only those analytes/methods for which certification/approval is currently held.
For a complete listing of analytes for the referenced methods, please contact your Alpha Customer Service Representative.

Connecticut Department of Public Health Certificate/Lab ID: PH-0141.

Wastewater/Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: pH, Turbidity, Conductivity, Alkalinity, Aluminum,

Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead,
Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Molybdenum, Nickel, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Strontium,
Thallium, Tin, Vanadium, Zinc, Total Residue (Solids), Total Suspended Solids (non-filterable), Total Cyanide.
Organic Parameters: PCBs, Organochlorine Pesticides, Technical Chlordane, Toxaphene, Acid Extractables,
Benzidines, Phthalate Esters, Nitrosamines, Nitroaromatics & Isophorone, PAHs, Haloethers, Chlorinated
Hydrocarbons, Volatile Organics.)
Solid Waste/Soil (Inorganic Parameters: pH, Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Beryllium, Cadmium,
Calcium, Chromium, Hexavalent Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Iron, Lead, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury,
Molybdenum, Nickel, Potassium, Selenium, Silver, Sodium, Thallium, Vanadium, Zinc, Total Organic Carbon,
Total Cyanide, Corrosivity, TCLP 1311. Organic Parameters: PCBs, Organochlorine Pesticides, Technical
Chlordane, Toxaphene, Volatile Organics, Acid Extractables, Benzidines, Phthalates, Nitrosamines,
Nitroaromatics & Cyclic Ketones, PAHs, Haloethers, Chlorinated Hydrocarbons.)
Florida Department of Health Certificate/Lab ID: E87814. NELAP Accredited.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM2320B, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, EPA 245.1, EPA 150.1, EPA
160.2, SM2540D, EPA 335.2, SM2540G, EPA 180.1. Organic Parameters: EPA 625, 608.)
Solid & Chemical Materials (Inorganic Parameters: 6020, 7470, 7471, 9045, 9014. Organic Parameters: EPA
8260, 8270, 8082, 8081.)
Air & Emissions (EPA TO-15.)
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Certificate/Lab ID: 03090. NELAP Accredited.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 120.1, 150.1, 160.2, 180.1, 200.8, 245.1, 310.1, 335.2, 608,
625, 1631, 3010, 3015, 3020, 6020, 9010, 9014, 9040, SM2320B, 2510B, 2540D, 2540G, 4500CN-E, 4500H-B,
Organic Parameters: EPA 3510, 3580, 3630, 3640, 3660, 3665, 5030, 8015 (mod), 3570, 8081, 8082, 8260,
8270, )
Solid & Chemical Materials (Inorganic Parameters: 6020, 7196, 7470, 7471, 7474, 9010, 9014, 9040, 9045,
9060. Organic Parameters: EPA 8015 (mod), EPA 3570, 1311, 3050, 3051, 3060, 3580, 3630, 3640, 3660,
3665, 5035, 8081, 8082, 8260, 8270.)
Biological Tissue (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 6020. Organic Parameters: EPA 3570, 3510, 3610, 3630, 3640,
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Certificate/Lab ID: M-MA030.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: SM4500H+B. Organic Parameters: EPA 624.)
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Certificate/Lab ID: 2206. NELAP Accredited.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 200.8, 245.1, 1631E, 120.1, 150.1, 180.1, 310.1, 335.2, 160.2,
SM2540D, 2540G, 4500CN-E, 4500H+B, 2320B, 2510B. Organic Parameters: EPA 625, 608.)
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Certificate/Lab ID: MA015. NELAP Accredited.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: SW-846 1312, 3010, 3020A, 3015, 6020, SM2320B, EPA 200.8,
SM2540C, 2540D, 2540G, EPA 120.1, SM2510B, EPA 180.1, 245.1, 1631E, SW-846 9040B, 6020, 9010B,
9014 Organic Parameters: EPA 608, 625, SW-846 3510C, 3580A, 5030B, 3035L, 5035H, 3630C, 3640A,
3660B, 3665A, 8081A, 8082 8260B, 8270C)
Solid & Chemical Materials (Inorganic Parameters: SW-846 6020, 9010B, 9014, 1311, 1312, 3050B, 3051,
3060A, 7196A, 7470A, 7471A, 9045C, 9060. Organic Parameters: SW-846 3580A, 5030B, 3035L, 5035H,
3630C, 3640A, 3660B, 3665A, 8081A, 8082, 8260B, 8270C, 3570, 8015B.)
Atmospheric Organic Parameters (EPA TO-15)
Biological Tissue (Inorganic Parameters: SW-846 6020 Organic Parameters: SW-846 8270C, 3510C, 3570,
3610B, 3630C, 3640A)
New York Department of Health Certificate/Lab ID: 11627. NELAP Accredited.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 310.1, SM2320B, EPA 365.2, 160.1, EPA 160.2, SM2540D,
EPA 200.8, 6020, 1631E, 245.1, 335.2, 9014, 150.1, 9040B, 120.1, SM2510B, EPA 376.2, 180.1, 9010B.
Organic Parameters: EPA 624, 8260B, 8270C, 608, 8081A, 625, 8082, 3510C, 3511, 5030B.)
Solid & Hazardous Waste (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 9040B, 9045C, SW-846 Ch7 Sec 7.3, EPA 6020, 7196A,
7471A, 7474, 9014, 9040B, 9045C, 9010B. Organic Parameters: EPA 8260B, 8270C, 8081A, DRO 8015B,
8082, 1311, 3050B, 3580, 3050B, 3035, 3570, 3051, 5035, 5030B.)
Air & Emissions (EPA TO-15.)
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Certificate/Lab ID: 68-02089. NELAP Accredited.
Non-Potable Water (Organic Parameters: EPA 5030B, EPA 8260)
Rhode Island Department of Health Certificate/Lab ID: LAO00299. NELAP Accredited via LA-DEQ.
Refer to MA-DEP Certificate for Non-Potable Water.
Refer to LA-DEQ Certificate for Non-Potable Water.
Texas Commission of Environmental Quality Certificate/Lab ID: T104704419-08-TX. NELAP Accredited.
Solid & Chemical Materials (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 6020, 7470, 7471, 1311, 7196, 9014, 9040, 9045,
9060. Organic Parameters: EPA 8015, 8270, 8260, 8081, 8082.)
Air (Organic Parameters: EPA TO-15)
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Department of Defense Certificate/Lab ID: L2217.01.
Non-Potable Water (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 3005A,3020, 6020, 245.1, 245.7, 1631E, 7470A, 7474, 9014,
120.1, 9050A, 180.1, SM4500H-B, 2320B, 2510B, 2540D,9040. Organic Parameters: EPA 3510C, 5030B,
9010B, 624, 8260B, 8270C, 8270 Alk-PAH, 8082, 8081A, 8015 (SHC), 8015 (DRO).)

Solid & Hazardous Waste (Inorganic Parameters: EPA 1311, 1312,3051, 6020, 747A, 7474, 9045C,9060, SM
2540G, ASTM D422-63. Organic Parameters: EPA 3580, 3570, 3540C, 5035, 8260B, 8270C, 8270 Alk-PAH,
8082, 8081A, 8015 (SHC), 8015 (DRO).

Air & Emissions (EPA TO-15.)

Analytes Not Accredited by NELAP

Certification is not available by NELAP for the following analytes: 8270C: Biphenyl.
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