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Being Kind Inside of a Quite Person

Goodmorning and thank you everyone for being here today,
His name was Romeo Santos, we call him Timi because it is
short for tito Mio but since he has so many niece and nephew
and many people calling him in that name, it began to be his
nickname. He was our uncle or should I say our kind, loving,
and industrious uncle.
He grew up with his family in a place in Manila called Pasig. He
is the 2nd to the youngest in the family that build by his parents
named Auria and Nicasio. He has four sisters and three brothers
but one of his sister died because of a certain disease and one
brother died in an accident.
All his niece, nephew and all the people he was close to is so
lucky to share such a great moment with him everyday in our
lives. You can call him anytime to fixed your water spout, your
bulb, your broken cabinet and even when something get stock in
your kitchen sink. He can do all that with no pay. And that is
one of many good reasons why people loves him very much.

We saw him dead sitting on a platform. Before it happens, we

didn t know that he has a disease or anything because he
doesnt tell us anything about that. We just know that in
everyday we see him we know that he is always happy. In the
morning before he die, he cook breakfast for me even if I did not
ask for him to do that and I remember what I said to him that
morning. I said Yes naman may pagkain agad, mukhang
sinisipag ka ata ngayon Timi. And he replied to me with a big
smile and said Syempre, paglilinisin kita ng bahay eh.And I
replied him with Bakit? and he just replied me again with a
big smile and said, Marami kasing pupunta ditto mamayang
gabi.. After that, in the afternoon, he told me to clean the house
and I said to him ayoko, tinatamad ako.I never thought that it
will be our conversation, I know that hes asking me to clean the
house because he knew that hes gonna die. We knew that he
know he has a desease but he refuse to tell us so well not get
worried about him. We didnt know that he has a disease so we
cant do anything to heal him and make him feel better.
After our last goodbye to him. Many things have changed beside
from the world has lost such a great man, we also lost such a
great and wonderful UNCLE. We cant change it so all we have
to do is to treasure our moments together, and to remember and
love him eternally. We miss him so much and we love him very
much. THANK YOU for everything youve done to us. UNTIL

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