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Enterprise Hero Demo

Last updated: October 2015

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2015 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Before You Begin............................................................................................................................................................ 7
Demo home page and login........................................................................................................................................ 7
Demo Core Requirements/Assumptions...................................................................................................................... 7
First-time Post-Install Steps......................................................................................................................................... 7
Pre-demo Setup Steps................................................................................................................................................ 7
Outlook 2016 + Exchange....................................................................................................................................... 8
OWA+ Exchange...................................................................................................................................................... 8
Word 2016............................................................................................................................................................... 8
OneNote app for Windows 10 and Office Lens for Windows Phone..........................................................................9
SharePoint+ Excel 2016 + Power BI...................................................................................................................... 10
Add tasks to Northwind Traders timeline............................................................................................................... 10
Open Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales Analysis spreadsheet......................................................................10
PowerPoint 2016 Creation...................................................................................................................................... 11
Yammer................................................................................................................................................................. 11
OneDrive for Business + Office Online.................................................................................................................. 11
Delve and Office Graph......................................................................................................................................... 12
Visio 2016.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
PowerPoint 2016 Presentation............................................................................................................................... 12
Skype for Business and Windows Phone app......................................................................................................... 12
Project 2016.......................................................................................................................................................... 13
eDiscovery (SharePoint + Exchange).................................................................................................................... 14
Office 365 Video.................................................................................................................................................... 14
MOD Hero Demo Script................................................................................................................................................ 15
Scenario.................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Scope........................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
Intended Audience.................................................................................................................................................... 15
Length....................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Demo Steps................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Outlook 2016 + Exchange........................................................................................................................................ 16
OWA+ Exchange....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Word 2016................................................................................................................................................................ 24
OneNote app for Windows 10 and Office Lens for Windows Phone...........................................................................28
SharePoint+ Excel 2016 + Power BI......................................................................................................................... 31
PowerPoint 2016 Creation......................................................................................................................................... 40
Yammer..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
OneDrive for Business+ Office Online...................................................................................................................... 45
Delve and Office Graph............................................................................................................................................. 48
Visio 2016................................................................................................................................................................. 50
PowerPoint 2016 Presentation.................................................................................................................................. 52
Skype for Business and Windows Phone app............................................................................................................ 53
Project 2016.............................................................................................................................................................. 57
eDiscovery (SharePoint+ Exchange)......................................................................................................................... 59
Office 365 Video....................................................................................................................................................... 61
Reset Instructions........................................................................................................................................................ 66
Outlook + Exchange................................................................................................................................................. 66
OWA + Exchange...................................................................................................................................................... 66
SharePoint+ Excel+ Power BI................................................................................................................................... 66
PowerPoint Creation.................................................................................................................................................. 67
Yammer..................................................................................................................................................................... 67
OneDrive for Business + Office Online..................................................................................................................... 67
Delve and Office Graph............................................................................................................................................. 68
PowerPoint Presentation........................................................................................................................................... 68
Skype for Business and Windows Phone app............................................................................................................ 68

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
eDiscovery (SharePoint + Exchange)........................................................................................................................ 68
Post-Install Steps.......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Prepare the demo equipment................................................................................................................................... 69
Install the Office 365 Demo Content...................................................................................................................... 69
Install Office 2016 from tenant.............................................................................................................................. 69
Run MOD Client Setup Tool (Windows 10).............................................................................................................. 70
Add Local User Accounts to Windows 10 Machine................................................................................................. 71
Outlook + Exchange................................................................................................................................................. 71
OWA+ Exchange....................................................................................................................................................... 72
Word......................................................................................................................................................................... 73
OneNote app for Windows 10 and Office Lens for Windows Phone...........................................................................74
Install and log into OneNote app........................................................................................................................... 74
Unpack OneNote Notebook.................................................................................................................................... 75
Download PDF file.................................................................................................................................................. 75
SharePoint+ Excel+ Power BI................................................................................................................................... 76
Pin workbooks to Excel Recent list......................................................................................................................... 76
Prepare 3D Maps in Excel for KatieJ....................................................................................................................... 76
Install Silverlight, if needed................................................................................................................................... 77
PowerPoint Creation.................................................................................................................................................. 77
Yammer..................................................................................................................................................................... 78
Set Trusted Sites.................................................................................................................................................... 78
Configure Yammer app part on Northwind Team Site............................................................................................ 78
OneDrive for Business + Office Online..................................................................................................................... 79
Delve and Office Graph............................................................................................................................................. 79
Visio.......................................................................................................................................................................... 80
Install Visio Professional........................................................................................................................................ 80
Add Sales Pipeline to Sites Im Following............................................................................................................... 80
PowerPoint Presentation........................................................................................................................................... 80

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
Skype for Business.................................................................................................................................................... 81
Prepare Skype for Business for KatieJ.................................................................................................................... 81
Prepare Skype Windows Phone app for GarthF...................................................................................................... 81
Project....................................................................................................................................................................... 82
Install Project Professional..................................................................................................................................... 82
Reassign Jill Frank to Anne Wallace........................................................................................................................ 82
Sync the project file to SharePoint......................................................................................................................... 83
eDiscovery................................................................................................................................................................ 84
Office 365 Video....................................................................................................................................................... 84

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Before You Begin

Demo home page and login
For convenience, you may wish to store the URLs and login credentials in a Notepad session.

Office 365 tenant: https://<tenant>



Password: pass@word1



Password: pass@word1



Password: pass@word1

Demo Core Requirements/Assumptions

Delivered with:

Windows 10 tablet + keyboard/stylus or touch-enabled laptop

Office 2016, non-preview

Connected to Office 365 E3 trial tenant pre-populated with content through Demo Content Tool

Windows Phone 8.1 or newer

First-time Post-Install Steps

If this is the first time you are using the demo environment, complete the at the end of this document.

Pre-demo Setup Steps

If you havent completed the first time Post Install Steps yet, do so now before completing these Pre-demo Setup
Outlook 2016 + Exchange
Set Up Katie Jordan

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.

Demo Guide
On the demo machine, log into Outlook 2016 as Katie Jordan.

Enterprise Hero Demo

To collapse the Outlook 2016 ribbon, in lower right corner of ribbon, click Collapse the Ribbon.

Set Up Alex Darrow


Start an InPrivate session of Microsoft Edge and navigate to


In top navigation, tap Sign in and log in as (Pass@word123).


Minimize the browser.

You are now ready to complete the Outlook + Exchange Demo.

OWA+ Exchange

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.


In Edge, log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.

You are now ready to complete the OWA + Exchange Demo.

Word 2016
Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
Set Pick up where you left off bookmark
1. In Edge, navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<tenant>
2. To open Northwind Proposal.docx in Word, tap the ellipses () beside the document, and then tap Edit.
3. If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
4. In Northwind Proposal, scroll to the final page and place cursor at beginning of paragraph that starts with
With Northwind support, Contoso.
5. Type a space.
6. Wait a few seconds while Word sets the Resume Reading spot. A bookmark icon will display in right vertical
scroll bar.
7. Once Resume Reading is set, close the document.
8. Close the document, save changes, but DO NOT Check in the document; otherwise you will be asked to check
it out during the demo.

Demo Guide
Open Contoso Product Innovation.pdf in Microsoft Reader.

Enterprise Hero Demo

1. On the demo machine, navigate to the root of your tenant: https://<tenant>

2. On the page, under Documents tap DemoDocs folder.
3. In the Demo Docs folder, download the Contoso Product Innovation.PDF to demo machine desktop.
4. Long press Contoso Product Innovation.pdf, tap Open with, and then tap Word 2016.
5. If prompted to convert the PDF, tap OK.
The file is now pinned to Words Recent list.
6. Close the file without saving changes.
7. Long press Contoso Product Innovation.pdf, tap Open with, and then tap Reader.
8. Leave it open for the demo.
You are now ready to complete the Word demo steps.
OneNote app for Windows 10 and
Office Lens for Windows Phone
Log into OneNote app
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Tap Start, type One, and from the results list select OneNote Trusted Windows Store app.
3. In the OneNote app, ensure Katie Jordans notebook is opened to the History tab.
4. Click through tabs to sync them.
Setup Office Lens on Windows phone
Log into Office Lens with Katie Jordans Microsoft Account.
You will need a printed document to demonstrate Office Lens.
Log into OneDrive in Katie Jordans Microsoft Account
1. On the Windows 10 demo machine, open Edge and navigate to
2. Log in using Katie Jordans Microsoft account credentials.
3. Minimize Edge.
You are now ready to perform the OneNote app demo.

Demo Guide
SharePoint+ Excel 2016 + Power BI

Enterprise Hero Demo

Add tasks to Northwind Traders timeline

You may need to add some tasks to the timeline on the Northwind Traders home page.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Katie Jordan profile.

In Edge, navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<Tenant>

In left navigation, tap Tasks.

Beside a task, tap the ellipsis () and in the panel tap Add to Timeline.

Do this for two or three more tasks.

Open Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales Analysis spreadsheet

1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Edge and log into the Northwind Traders team site as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<Tenant>
3. Open Excel 2016 client, and from the Recent list, tap Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales
4. If prompted to check out the file, tap Check Out.
5. Minimize Excel.
6. Keep Edge maximized.
You are now ready to perform the SharePoint + Excel + BI demo steps.
PowerPoint 2016 Creation
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Start PowerPoint 2016 and from the Recent list, tap the Northwind presentation.
3. If Protected View warning displays, tap Enable Editing.
You are now ready to perform the PowerPoint Creation demo steps.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Internet Explorer and log into the Yammer network as Katie Jordan.
3. In Internet Explorer, open a new tab and log into the Northwind Traders team site as Katie Jordan
URL: https://<Tenant>
4. Confirm the Yammer feed on the Northwind Traders home page populates correctly.
5. Close the tab with Yammer network open.
You are now ready to perform the Yammer demo steps.
OneDrive for Business + Office Online
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Edge and log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.
3. In upper right of Edge, tap More Actions (ellipsis ), and then tap New InPrivate window.
4. In the new InPrivate browser, log into the Office 365 tenant as Sara Davis.
5. Minimize SaraDs Edge session.
You are now ready to perform the OneDrive for Business + Office Online demo steps.
Delve and Office Graph
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Edge and log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.
You are now ready to perform the Delve and Office Graph demo steps.
Visio 2016
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Microsoft Edge and log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.
3. From App Launcher, tap Sites.
You are now ready to perform the Visio demo steps.


Demo Guide
PowerPoint 2016 Presentation

Enterprise Hero Demo

1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Start PowerPoint and from the Recent list, tap the Northwind presentation.
3. Make sure the tablet is connected to a projector using a VGA dongle or WiDi receiver and in duplicate mode
for the entire demo.
You are now ready to perform the PowerPoint Presentation demo steps.
Skype for Business and Windows Phone app
Log Buddy into Skype for Business
1. On a separate machine, not the demo machine, open Skype for Business.
2. From Tools, tap Options.
3. In Options left navigation, tap Personal.
4. In Sign-in address text box, type a buddy personas name, such as Alexd@<Tenant>,
and then tap OK.
5. In the Skype for Business dialog regarding changes taking effect after signing out, click OK.
6. From File, tap Sign Out.
7. In the Sign In dialog, make sure your buddys name is in the Sign-in address text box.
8. Tap Sign In, and in the Password text box type pass@word1, and the tap Sign In.
Open Northwind presentation
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Edge and log into the Northwind Traders team site as Katie Jordan
URL: https://<Tenant>
3. In left navigation, tap Documents.
4. To open the Northwind presentation in PowerPoint, tap the ellipsis () beside the file, and then tap Edit.
5. If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
6. Minimize PowerPoint.
7. Close Internet Explorer.
You are now ready to perform the Skype for Business + Office Online demo steps.

Demo Guide
Project 2016

Enterprise Hero Demo

1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Sara Davis profile.
2. Open Internet Explorer and log into your Office 365 tenant as Sara Davis.
3. Log onto the SharePoint Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan project site.

https://<Tenant> Sales Team Master Plan

You are now ready to perform the Project demo steps.

eDiscovery (SharePoint + Exchange)
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Sara Davis profile.
2. Open Microsoft Edge and log into the Legal Discovery Center as Sara Davis.
NOTE: eDiscovery is also called the Legal Discovery Center in the demo tenant.
URL: https://<tenant>
You are now ready to perform the eDiscovery demo steps.
Office 365 Video
1. Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.
2. Open Edge and log into the Office 365 Video as admin.


User Name: admin@<Tenant>



3. Open a new inPrivate Edge session and log into the Office 365 Video as Dorena Paschke.


User Name: dorenap@<Tenant>



4. Minimize Dorenas Edge session.

You are now ready to perform the Office 365 Video demo steps.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

MOD Hero Demo Script

Katie Jordan works in sales for Contoso, managing various corporate accounts like Northwind Traders. This demo
gives the audience a day-in-the-life look at how Office 365 and Office 2016 client applications help make Katie more
effective and return value to her enterprise organization.

This demo shows the breadth of the Office 365 and Office 2016 clients at a higher level than the individual deep dive
demos. The demo highlights the value propositions of each work stream and is meant to be available and used in a
modularized fashion to focus on the specific areas you want to demonstrate.

Intended Audience
Business Decision Makers

This demo is estimated to require 30 minutes.
Each module is 5-10 minutes in length.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Demo Steps
Outlook 2016 + Exchange

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Like many people, the first thing Katie Jordan wants to

do when she gets to the office in the morning is check
her email. She logs into her Windows 10 tablet.

1 Start with Outlook 2016 displayed and logged in as

Katie Jordan.

The first thing youll notice is that Katies Outlook is

streamlined and focused. This is because Outlook and
all of the other Office applications, including Project and
Visio are redesigned to focus more on the content,
and not the chrome, or additional graphics and
navigational elements. However, all of the buttons and
functionalities are there when Katie needs them she
can just expand the ribbon and take the action she
needs. The ribbon will hide itself when she isnt using it. 2 In the Outlook ribbon, tap Home to expand
This idea of making content readily available when
Katie needs it, but not distracting her when shes
reading her email, applies throughout Outlook and
Office. For example, instead of pinning calendar and
contacts to the right side of Outlook, we now make it
available as a peek. Katie can pause on the word
Calendar and get a peek into upcoming events, and
even tap around to different days or months. Or, she
can long press People and release, and then tap Show
the peek, to see her favorite contacts and quickly
initiate a search. Katie can get rich information about
her Calendar and People without ever leaving her inbox,
and without taking up space when she doesnt need
them. This is particularly important for devices where

3 To hide the ribbon, tap away.

4 In lower left, move the cursor and pause on the
Calendar icon.
5 Tap between days, and then tap to another month.
6 Long press People and release, and then tap Show
the peek.

7 Pause on various emails to see Quick Actions


Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

screen space is at a premium.

Outlook also allows Katie to take Quick Actions on her
emails with one click or tap. This helps her address
email more quickly, and can be particularly valuable if
Katie is coming back from vacation or a long day of
meetings. These quick actions appear as Katie pauses
on the email, and let her do things like apply flags and
even delete. So, if Katie can tell by the subject line that
this email isnt important like this low importance
email about sports statistics she can just delete it
without ever having to open it
Along with being able to take quick action and having
less clutter on her screen, Katie often starts composing
a lot of emails before sending them. For example, she
received this email from Finance asking her about
expense reports. The Outlook inline reply feature lets
Katie compose and save her response right in the
reading pane, without having to open a new window!
She can type yes. If she opens another email before
sending, the improved conversation view in Outlook will
keep that draft as part of the conversation she replied
to. So, the next time Katie comes back to it, her draft is
where she left off she doesnt have to search for it in
the Drafts folder. She can just pick up where she left off,
and send it out when shes ready.
This next email in Katies inbox is from her manager
Sara Davis, asking to meet about the progress with
Northwind Traders, the customer Katies team is
managing. These buttons above the email body are
actually apps, which display in Outlook based on the
email content. These apps are part of the Office model,
where any web developer can become an Office
developer and easily create apps using HTML5 and
JavaScript. Web developers only have to write the app
once for it to work in the rich Office clients and the


8 Pause on the Sports Statistics email from Belinda

Newman, and then tap the Quick Action to delete
the email.


Tap the Expense Reports email from Pavel

Bansky, and then in the Reading Pane, tap
Respond, and tap Reply All.


Type yes.


Tap any other email.


Note [Draft] in Expense Report email.


Tap back to Expense Report email.


Note you can resume composing the email.


Tap Project update? email.



Note the mail app buttons in the grey box above

email text.

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

corresponding Office Online Apps. Apps now exist for all

of the different Office applications Outlook, Word,
Excel, and Project and products like SharePoint as
Companies can shop for apps in the Office marketplace,
and create their own custom applications in-house, for
Tap Suggested Meetings mail app.
example an expense reporting app. And, IT
Note the highlighted text in the email body that
administrators can control which apps employees or
this mail app.
groups use.
Point out event details pulled out by the app.
Katies email shows two apps. The Suggested
Meetings app displays because text in the email
Note event details in calendar form.
suggests a meeting. The app detected the words and
Tap the Bing Maps app.
loaded a button so Katie can easily add the
Note the highlighted address in the email body
appointment to her calendar without leaving her inbox. 14.
that triggered this mail app.
It even fills in some of the meetings information
automatically, like the subject and date it detected.
Tap and hold any point in the map, then move
finger to drag map around.
The Bing Maps app has detected the address in the
email and gives Katie a map of the location but its
Pinch map with two fingers to zoom in, move
rich interactive web content. She can drag the map
fingers apart to zoom out.
around, zoom in and out, etc. Anyone can build a
Back in Katies Inbox, tap Please Forward
variety of apps with this model, making it easier than
patent document email from Garth Fort.
ever for people like Katie to get more done without
In the ribbon, or Quick Actions, tap to Forward
leaving her inbox or the Office application shes using.
the message.
Data Loss Prevention (DLP)
In the To: field, type
Next Katie sees an email from her colleague Garth
In the message body, type Please review
asking her to forward a patent document to the
Contoso patent document.
inventor Alex. Contoso just patented a new banking app
that can be used across different platforms. Patents are
highly confidential documents and so to protect this
patent information, Contoso IT admins have created
policies around sharing them using Data Loss
From Policy Tip header, tap Show details.
Prevention (DLP) document fingerprinting of a sample
patent document. This document fingerprint will detect
if someone tries to send this patent or a similar

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

document, and allows Exchange to take corresponding

policy action.
Since Alex is outside Katies company and this
document is sensitive, as she composes the email Katie
notices the Policy tip at the top which warns that this
message contains sensitive information. Policy Tips are
part of the Data Loss Prevention (DLP) features in
Exchange, which inform people about company policies
and help prevent them from accidentally sending
information where it shouldnt go. Katie can hover here
to get more information and see exactly what type of
content is in question. In this case, the attachment
contains patent information that matches a Contoso
patent fingerprint defined by a DLP policy.


Tap Override.

Type business justification in text box recipient
is on inventor list.

Send the email.

The company policy still allows people to send

messages like this. Katie can still send this message,
but she will have to provide a business justification and
override the companys default policy. This action will of
course be audited, and captured in one or more later
reports. Also, since the recipients external email may
not have RMS enabled, a rule automatically encrypts
the message using the Office 365 Message encryption
Navigate to In Private browsing tab.
service. This helps Katie get her work done and still
follow company policies.
Tap darrow.alex-Yahoo Mail tab.
DLP is available on Outlook and OWA, across a wide
Tap email from Katie Jordan.
variety of devices.
At the bottom of the message, tap Download.
Tap Save.
Now lets switch over to Alex Darrow, the inventor.
Tap Open.
Alex logs in to his personal Yahoo account to view the
In Password text box, type Pass@word123.
message from Katie. When he opens the email, he can
Tap Sign In and View Your Encrypted
see the message is encrypted using Office 365 Message 32.
Alex follows the instructions in the message to open it.

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

Authentication is performed against the Microsoft

account or organizational account. Alex can indicate the
Yahoo account already has a Microsoft account
associated with it, so it gets authenticated.
Katie has now experienced the comprehensive and
easy-to-use Data Loss Prevention solution in Office 365.
This solution provides security and compliance to a
variety of sensitive information types and documents,
while also providing end user education.

OWA+ Exchange

Speaker Script

Tap Steps


1 From the Office 365 App launcher, tap Mail.

Many of us need to manage a flood of new email every 2 Scroll Katies inbox to show the number of recent
day. The power of Office Graph in Office 365 is available
to help. Here is Katie Jordans inbox, and like many of
3 Point out some with business relevance and others
us, she has a large number of recent emails. Some of
that may not.
these messages are relevant, and require her to
respond or take action immediately. Others can wait,
but she should keep them in her Inbox for follow-up.
Then she has messages that have less relevance to her
everyday work, and continue to jam up her Inbox. It
usually takes her considerable time to manually sort
4 In the left navigation under Folders, tap More, and
through these messages and to separate them from the
then tap Clutter.
ones that require her attention.
5 Explore the Clutter folder contents and show what
Fortunately, Clutter for Office 365 can do a lot of this
kinds of messages are marked as clutter: for
work for her. With Clutter enabled, less relevant mail
example, party announcements, sporting
automatically moves to the Clutter folder, leaving the
events, stocks, etc.
Inbox cleaner and saving time.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

These messages exist in Clutter because Office Graph

determined that they are less relevant to Katies daily
work, either by her actions with similar messages or by
specific training steps.

6 Select any message in the Clutter folder.

After reviewing items in the Clutter folder, its time to

clean up. The message header in the Clutter folder has
some convenient shortcuts for common actions like
deleting or removing from clutter.

8 Tap out.

7 Long press the message, release and show the

options available: Delete, Mark as unread (or
read) and Mark as not clutter.

Clutter does not work by just following a set of simple

rules or filters; it learns from Katies actions. Katie can
explicitly train Clutter by marking Inbox items as clutter
or removing items from the Clutter folder.
She can mark a less relevant Inbox message as clutter.
This moves the message to the Clutter folder and will
9 In left navigation, tap Inbox.
begin to train Clutter to consider similar messages in
the future as clutter.
10Long press Potluck Party Recipe message from
Belinda Newman, release, then tap Move, and
Clutter works for Katie in all of her email clients then show Clutter.
Outlook desktop, OWA, and mobile clients. It learns her
11Tap out.
work style in any of these clients, and emails in the
Clutter folder are accessible from everywhere too.
Clutter is also completely in Katies control. It is an optin feature and is an individual choice to make her more
productive, similar to making the decision to use
conversations. At any time, she can turn it on when
shes ready, or elect to stop using it. Katie can re-start
Clutter at any time if she chooses to do so.
Document Collaboration
When people send files as attachments, they are often
looking to collaborate with others and get feedback. Up
until now, this has been a cumbersome process. For
example, when a colleague sends Katie an email with
an attached document, Katie must first download the
document to make her edits. Once shes finished

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

editing the document, she then needs to reattach the

file to a new email before sending it back. This requires
multiple steps and context switches, which are
distracting and time-consuming. Using Document
Collaboration in Exchange, Katie is able to edit a
document straight from Outlook on the web and attach
this edited document to an email response in just a few
Katie has an email regarding the Northwind Traders
Proposal from Alex. When she taps the attachment in
the message, she can see the contents of the document
in context (or side-by-side) with the email message.
No more flipping back and forth between windows to
get all the information she needs. Katie can perform all
the standard messaging actions (reply, forward, and so
on) right from within this view.
When Katies ready to edit the attachment and send
comments back, she no longer needs to download the
attachment, make changes, rename the file, and then
reattach the updated file. She can now do all of this
without leaving this side-by-side view. Katie just taps
Edit and reply, right above the attachment and
message. A draft reply all message is created for her
to store this new edited version of the attachment. A
new editable copy of the attachment she received is
created and renamed with her name at the end of the
filename. This way, Katie can differentiate the new copy
of the file from the original one. This new copy of the
attachment is live, and any changes she makes are
automatically saved. Once finished with her changes,
she can simply type a response in the email and tap
For this message, Katie sees a request to sign the
document. Earlier, signing this document would have
been a painful process for Katie. But, with the

12Tap the Northwind Traders Proposal message

from Alex Darrow.
13Tap the Northwind Traders Proposal.docx
attachment in the message.
14Note the side-by-side experience.
15Scroll the proposal document in Word Online.

16Below Office 365 ribbon, tap Edit and reply.

17Note how the attachment updates.

18Type a response and show the Send button.

19At the top of the Outlook message, tap Discard.
20In the Discard message dialog, tap Discard.
21In the same Northwind Traders Proposal
message, tap the DocuSign tab.
22Note the different signing options.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

DocuSign app for Outlook, this is a breeze.

23Tap Only Me.

Using DocuSign for Outlook, a free app that is available

in the Office Store, Katie and her colleagues can now
participate in workflow processes where electronic
signatures are required. In the same Northwind proposal
message Katie was just editing, note the tab that is
available for DocuSign. When Katie taps that tab, she
can specify who will be signing the document: only me,
only others, or me and others.

24If displayed, tap Continue.

In this case, Katie is the lone signatory, so she can

simply drag an electronic signature to the appropriate
location in the document and tap Adopt and Sign.

29In the You successfully DocuSigned dialog, tap

Return to DocuSign for Outlook.

It is that simple!

25Scroll to the end of document.

26In the DocuSign left navigation, tap Signature, and
then drag this signature to the Signature
(Contoso) line.
27Tap Adopt and Sign.
28At the bottom right, tap Finish.

30Tap Save to OneDrive.

31Tap Continue to OneDrive.

When she is done signing, the document is
32In the OneDrive for Business browser tab that
automatically saved to her DocuSign account. She can
opens, pause on the new proposal PDF document.
download the signed document or send the signed
document as an attachment in a reply message. She
can also download the document or Save to OneDrive
for Business, where signed documents are stored in a
DocuSign Documents folder. Here, the document
has been saved for her records as a PDF file.
Various time-saving collaboration features are now
available within Office 365 suite. These features tie all
products and services together in a seamless way, to
make lives of professionals like Katie simpler.

Word 2016


Demo Guide
Speaker Script
Katie heads off to some meetings, grabbing her
Windows tablet with her to get some work done while
shes on the go.
The first thing Katie wants to do is review the customer
contract her team has been working on. So she opens
Word. The first thing youll notice is that Katies Start
Place in Word, which is available in all Office authoring
apps. We know that about two-thirds of the time people
open an existing document. Also, if they start working
on a new document, in most instances they look for
some guidance in sample files or templates. So, rather
than starting with a blank document, we make it all
easier with the start screen, which shows Katies
recently opened documents and her templates. These
help Katie get working more quickly, especially on a
touch device.
The next thing youll notice is that Word welcomes Katie
by name. This is important with Office available as a
service, people like Katie now log into Office, using
either personal credentials a Microsoft account
connected to an Outlook or Hotmail email account or
corporate credentials like an Office 365 corporate
account connected to SharePoint. All of their settings
and content follow them wherever they log in, even if
its a computer theyve never used before. Katie is
logged in with her work credentials and can see the
recent documents list, the templates, and even options
to change the theme and features like dictionaries
customized for Katies work profile. This really is Katies
personal Office experience, tailored to her from the very
beginning when she logs in.
In the Recent documents list, Katie has a Northwind
Proposal available from SharePoint that she wants to
review. Shell tap to open it and receives a bookmark
indicating: Welcome back! Pick up where you left

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

1 On the demo machine, open Word 2016.

2 Note new Start Place.

3 Note Recent documents list.

4 Note Templates list.

5 In the top right, note Katie Jordan logged in.

6 Tap Office Theme and note available themes.

7 In the Recent list, note the Northwind Proposal

8 Tap to open Northwind Proposal document.
9 Note and tap Welcome back! Pick up where you
left off. bookmark when it displays.

Demo Guide
Speaker Script
off. This is because not only does Word remember all
of Katies settings based on her login profile, it also
remembers where she last was in her documents, even
if she was working on another device. She can just tap
the bookmark, and Word will bring her right back to
where she left off.
Here, Katie sees a comment hint, which indicates that
one of her colleagues has made a comment about this
section. Word keeps Katies document clean and
distraction-free by minimizing the comment to a hint
unless Katie taps to see a request to insert some data
from a PDF the colleague sent her previously. Since
Word has rich comments with replies, Katie and her
colleagues can provide feedback in a more natural,
social fashion, and Katie can just respond sure. And,
since Word integrates photos, presence, and rich
contact information like anywhere else in Office, Katie
can easily see more details or initiate communications
with the person, in the context of what shes working

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

10Tap bookmark to return to previous section.

11On the left, note the red line indicating a comment
12Tap comment hint to show it.
13Note colleagues request to add a table from a PDF

14In the comment, tap reply button, type sure.

NOTE: If you perform this portion of the demo,
complete the one time Post Install Steps to replace the
current comment with one from Sara Davis.
15Tap colleagues photo to show contact card.
16Tap arrow to expand contact card.
17Tap away to close contact card.
18Tap to close comment.
19Tap to close comment hint UI.

Ever have that Word moment when you know what you
want to do, but dont quite remember how to do it.
How do I apply double spacing? How do I make this
page horizontal? How do I add a table? Nothing to be
embarrassed about. Weve all been there and wished
for an easier way to accomplish something in our
Tell Me, available in Word, PowerPoint, and Excel,
serves up the commands you need and all you have to

20In top navigation, tap Tell me what you want to

21Type add a table.

Demo Guide
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Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

do is type what you want to do.

22Tap Add Table.

Tell Me understands what youre trying to accomplish

and helps you do it faster. So if Im trying to insert a
table, Tell Me knows the feature Im looking for and
brings everything I need to my fingertips, including all
the controls needed to add a table or a table of

23Under Add Table, note Table of Contents.

Clicking Smart Lookup in Word shows contextual

information from the web. When youre creating a
proposal on electronic devices and you want more
detail, on lets say home theaters, useful information
will show up right next to your document.

25In the right pane, under Insights, tap Got it, if


Over here is the PDF with the data Katies colleague is

asking her to include. Now, Katie could select all, copy
the data, and then go to Word, where she could paste it
in. But this strips all the formatting from the original,
and Katie would have to reformat it herself just to get it
to look like it did in the original document. Instead,
Word allows Katie to open that PDF directly in Word! It
keeps all the original formatting, so Katie can just drag
to copy the text she wants, copy it, and paste it in the
document shes working on with her colleagues. Katie
can just complete the process between apps, without
getting hung up in formatting and compatibility issues.

24Highlight home theatre text, and from Review tab,

in the Insights group, tap Smart Lookup.

26In Windows taskbar, tap Adobe icon to maximize

the 2013 Contoso products.pdf file.
27Tap to the left of Television Feature Comparison
text to see touch handle
28Drag touch handle to bottom right of the table to
select the table
29Tap Edit, and then tap Copy.
30In taskbar, tap Word icon.
31In the ribbon, tap Home, then tap Paste, and then
tap Keep Source Formatting.
32Note loss of PDF formatting.
33Press Ctrl + Z to undo change.
34In the ribbon, tap File, and then tap Open.
35From Recent list, tap Contoso Product
36If prompted to convert the PDF, tap OK.
37Use text handles to select the table again.
38Long press selected text, release, and then tap
39Return to Northwind Proposal doc.

Demo Guide
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Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
40Tap to place cursor.

Now that her document is getting close to final, Katie

wants to go ahead and review it with its final content in
an easy-to-consume way on her tablet. Word has always
been a great authoring tool for Katie, but especially in a
situation like this when shes on a tablet or another
consumption-focused device, Word has a Read mode
that Katie can turn on by tapping this button in the
status bar. Read mode makes it easy for Katie to go
through the rest of this document in a way that is
optimized for touch and formats the text in pleasing
columns based on the size of her screen. She can swipe
from page to page, and if she comes to a detailed table
or diagram like the one she just inserted from the PDF,
she can just tap on it to zoom in. This enables her to
focus on the details. When shes done looking at the
table and wants to keep reading, she can tap away and
avoid having it take up too much space on the page.
She can even tap these arrows to minimize sections
that shes done reading again, all optimized for a
great touch-based reading experience.

41Tap Home, and then tap Paste.

42In the lower right of the Word status bar, tap Read
Mode (


43Swipe from page to page.

44Return to table pasted from PDF.
45Double tap lower right of table to zoom in.
46Tap the magnifying glass to zoom in further.
47Tap outside table to return to Read Mode.
48Tap a twisty arrow to minimize a section.

OneNote app for Windows 10 and

Office Lens for Windows Phone

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Like many people, note taking is one key activity Katie

In Windows 10, start the OneNote app.
Jordan wants to perform on a mobile device like her
NOTE: You may see words Trusted Windows Store
tablet. So, Katie can open a special touch-optimized and
app indicating the app.
immersive version of OneNote, reimagined for

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

Like all Windows immersive applications, OneNote was
designed from the ground up to provide the richness of
functionality that people have come to expect from a
mouse and keyboard, while also supporting gestures
that feel natural with touch and a stylus. Once more,
the top priority is the immersive content experience,
and therefore the OneNote app prioritizes full screen
content view and contextual controls, over navigational
menus and the ribbon.


Note that content on Project Background

(section) History (page) takes up full screen.


In upper left, tap Show Navigation (hamburger



Tap back into History page.


Tap to other pages/sections.


Tap to return to Project Background (section)

History (page).


In the title, double-tap 35 and drag to select 35

years of sights and sound.

So, this means that OneNote lets Katie use gestures like
swiping in from the top to see other notebook sections
and pages. She can then tap to go into that content.
If Katie wants to edit the title, she can double-tap the
text and use special touch handles to drag the cursor
and select the text she wants. From the Home tab she
can bold the text or get more text formatting options
like changing the font size or the color.


Tap Home, and then tap Bold.

On Home tab, beside Underline icon, tap Font
Formatting down arrow.


Change the font size.

In ribbon, on home tab, tap right arrow beside
Font Color, and then select red color.
Katie wants to take notes on the document being
discussed in an upcoming meeting, while keeping it
digitally in the context and organization of the rest of
her notes. Katie can insert a PDF printout right here
into her notebook. This is particularly useful during
meetings, where after discussion on important
documents, somebody needs to capture that content
quickly along with any other meeting notes before
leaving the room.
Note taking and touch interaction isnt just about touch
using the finger. Microsoft has done a lot of great work
over the years with pen and ink, and together with

To place the cursor, tap below 35 years of
sights and sound.
Tap Insert, then tap File, and then tap Insert
PDF Printout.
Navigate to the Contoso Product
Innovation.pdf file.

Tap Open.


Pick up the stylus.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

finger-based multi-touch, OneNote can take advantage

of inking to give Katie a well-rounded note taking
experience. She can just pick up her stylus and scribble
a few notes in her notebook if she needs to, just as
naturally as she could using a pen and paper notebook.
But, in this case, her notes will get synced back to
SharePoint, just like the rest of her rich meeting notes
and OneNote content.


Write Looks good on the PDF.

While life is much easier in the all-digital and easily

organized world of OneNote, most of the world is still
physical. Imagine Katie had the same PDF we just
inserted in OneNote but as a handout in paper form.
With the convert to Word and PowerPoint documents
from Office Lens, you can now bridge the physical and
digital worlds to make quick changes to this paper
document. Office Lens converts a simple picture of the
document magically into an editable Word document
saved to the cloud.


On a Windows Phone, open Office Lens.

Hold the phone camera over the printed
document (flat, non-wrinkled).
Tap the bottom camera icon when the full sheet
of paper glows on the edges.
In the top right menu, tap the Crop icon ( ), and
then drag the circle handles around a portion of the

Tap the checkmark icon to accept the change.

Tap save icon.

Title the saved OneNote Contoso Product
Under Also Create in OneDrive, select PDF,
Word, PowerPoint.
Katie can open this document back on her PC, tablet, or
any device so that necessary changes can be made to
the document coming out of the meeting. She can then
share the changes with other stakeholders. Here, Katie
just makes a quick change to the scale of partnership
with Northwind so she can get them back a revised
contract language quickly.

Tap done (checkmark icon).

Under Recent, beside the Word icon, tap Tap to
Note that the document renders in OneDrive
online rather than Word mobile.
On the Windows 10 tablet, maximize Edge,
opened to OneDrive in Katie Jordans Microsoft

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
Tap Documents, and then tap Office Lens

Tap Contoso Product Edits.

OPTIONAL: In Word Online top navigation, tap
Edit Document, and then tap edit in Word Online.
OPTIONAL: Change the final word of the second
paragraph from worldwide to nationally.

SharePoint+ Excel 2016 + Power BI

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Katie Jordan is at her desk and ready to use her

Windows 10 tablet docked with mouse and keyboard to
prepare a sales pitch for her customer Northwind


On the Northwind Traders project team site in

SharePoint, Katie can see how her team is tracking their
tasks using SharePoint project integration. The rich
timeline shows upcoming milestones such as tasks
happening today and she can even interact with the
timeline to change a milestone around. And, when she
clicks a task, she can see exactly who on the team is
assigned to each task.
To prepare for todays meeting with Northwind, Katie
wants to update this Excel file with some data her
colleagues have collected about the customers
marketing spend. Shes opened the workbook before
from SharePoint, so when she starts Excel she sees the

Show Edge with Northwind Traders team site

already opened.


In left navigation, tap Tasks.


Note a task on the timeline.


Drag a milestone to another date.


Tap a task and in the resulting panel, note the

Assigned To field.
In left navigation, tap Documents.
Note Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales
Maximize Excel.
NOTE: Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales


Demo Guide
Speaker Script
file in her Recent list. Katie will now use some Excel
features to better visualize this customer data and get
more insights from the data than ever before.
The Snapshot sheet has some raw data thats a bit
hard to parse. We know that people like Katie often get
data in raw formats in Excel, whether theyve copied it
from the web or imported it from some other database
system which stores and associates data in hard-tovisualize ways. In order to create charts or manipulate
the data, Katie used to have to re-key the data in
individual columns, use a complex parsing formula, or
use a complicated macro. But, with Excel, all Katie has
to do is start typing the data in the format she wants,
and the Flash Fill feature in Excel will recognize the
pattern shes trying to complete and do the work for
And its not just about single words, either. Excel will
recognize more complicated patterns, like Digital
Marketing in cell E6. Flash Fill saves Katie tons of time
and lets her focus on what she wants to do with the
data and on the customer insights shell get not filling
or parsing out the data itself.
With the data quickly pulled out and formatted, Katie
now wants to visualize the data, but isnt sure what the
best formatting, graph, or table is for this type of data.
Instead of selecting the data and creating new charts or
tables one-at-a-time, she can use Excels Quick
Analysis feature to get live previews of what different
data visualizations will look like. In this case, maybe
data bars are the best, or this column chart.

Or maybe a pivot table is the best way to roll up the

data. Katie gets a preview of what a pivot table view of

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
Analysis should already be loaded. If not, open it
from Recent list.

Tap Snapshot sheet, if not already selected.


In column B, note messy data.


In D4, type John and press Enter.


In D5, begin typing Jenny and note filled-in text.


Press Enter to accept suggested fill.


In E4, type Events and press Enter.


In E5, begin typing Advertising.


Press Enter to accept suggested fill.


In E6, note Digital Marketing.

In columns C, D, and E, drag to select rows 423.
Note Quick Analysis icon that appears at the
lower right of the selected cells.

Tap to open Quick Analysis.


Under Formatting, hover over Data Bars.


Hover over the Icon Set.


Tap Charts.


Hover over first Clustered Column chart.


Tap Tables.


Hover over the Table icon.


Hover over the second PivotTable.


Note the preview.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

this data would look like, all without even needing to

know what a pivot table is! So you see, the Quick
Analysis feature lets Katie focus more on the best way
to present data about her customer and get the
necessary insights from it, instead of spending valuable
time focusing on how to set it up.


Tap the second PivotTable icon.


Note the Pivot Table, now in a new sheet.

Pareto Chart

New Chart Types for Excel 2016

In the workbook, switch back to the SNAPSHOT

Excel 2016 offers some new charting options that can

save Katie a lot of time when analyzing data.


Select cells C3:C23.

Copy the cells and paste to the right of
One of these is the Pareto Chart, which is useful when
Category. You will create a new column Amount2.
you want to analyze what each category contributes to
Select cells E4:F23 (the cells containing data).
a total. In this case, Katie is looking into categories of
Tap the Insert tab.
spending on marketing for Northwind. Which are the top 35.
spending categories, and how much do they contribute 36.
In the Ribbon, in the Charts group, tap the downto the total?
arrow next to the statistical chart button

In the Histogram group, tap the Pareto chart.

In the Pareto chart, we can see that the top three

categories comprise about 80% of the marketing spend.

Note the cumulative spending across the top
categories: Public Relations, Advertising, Events, and
so on.

Select cells D3:D23.

On the Home tab, in the Editing group, tap Sort
& Filter, and then tap sort A to Z.

Demo Guide
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Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

Select cells D4:F23.


Tap the Insert tab.


In the Ribbon, in the Charts group, tap the down-

Another useful chart type is the Tree Map. These is a

arrow next to the Hierarchy chart icon
and tap
type of hierarchy chart used to show how parts of a
data collection relate to the whole, or when several
Enlarge the chart for clarity if needed.
columns form a hierarchy of data. This example shows
Double-tap any of the tiles with names e.g. Sally.
how different people contribute to the marketing spend, 45.
and the categories in which they spend.
In the Format Data Point pane, select Banner,
and then close the pane.

Optional: Delete the Legend.

Note the relative contributions to marketing
spend by employee.
In the workbook, switch to the Expense Trends

In cell C25, enter 8/1 and press ENTER.


In cell D25, enter 9/1 and press ENTER.

Select cells C25:D25 and drag right to fill entries
for October, November, and December. You will see
1-Aug, 1-Sep, etc.
In this example, Katie sees that Sally spent the most on
marketing, followed by John, Jenny, Paul, and Bill. Sally
spent nearly half of her budget on Public Relations (see
the two PR sections in her area).
Next, we will create a forecasting sheet with some
historical time-based data.
NOTE: In order to create an accurate forecast, the time
based data must be in even increments.
Katie will use sample data showing marketing expenses


Select cells C24:G25.


In the Data tab, tap Forecast Sheet.

In the Forecast End field of the Preview, tap the
calendar icon, scroll to May 2016 (5 months past the
end of the actual data), and tap 5/1/2016.
Expand Options and note the options available
for creating the forecast.
In the preview, note the predicted trend and
confidence interval (default is 95%).

Tap Create, switch to the new sheet and show

Demo Guide
Speaker Script
per month. When she creates a forecast, a new
worksheet is created with a table of the historical and
predicted values and a chart showing the predictions.
You can create a forecast for any number of time
periods past the end of the actual data. In this case,
Katie will create a forecast using 5 months of actual
data, projected out another 5 months past the end of
the data set.

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
the forecast graph and table.

In the workbook, tap Sales Analysis sheet.


Note Global Sales Report Power View report.

In this case, though the data for the past 5 months are
variable, the forecast calls for about a 40% increase in
spending over the next 5 months. The 95% confidence
limits range from a lower limit of approximately flat
spending, while the upper limit forecasts a substantial
spending increase. This is valuable information she will
use for her next budget review.
Power View
This spreadsheet also has some Northwind sales data,
which Katie wants to use to generate some deeper
insights on their worldwide sales demographics before
and even during the meeting.
Power View in Excel Professional Plus provides
information workers like Katie with a powerful way to
create rich, interactive, beautiful dashboards on top of
Excel data. Just like Flash Fill and Quick Analysis
features help every day Excel users get from data to
insights quicker, Power View democratizes deeper data
analysis. With PowerView, people spend less time
formatting data and more time getting visual insights
and digging into business questions.

In the ribbon, tap PowerPivot tab, and then in
Data Model group, tap Manage.

Tap Sales tab, and then tap Products tab.

In the ribbon, tap Home tab, and in the View
group, tap Diagram View.
Close PowerPivot window and return to Sales
Analysis sheet.
In Power View Fields, make sure ALL is

These dashboards query data models defined by

PowerPivot. If we tap the PowerPivot tab, and then tap 66.
Manage, we can actually see that data model and view 67.
the relationships between pieces of customer and sales

Expand Products, and check Category.

Expand Sales, and check GrossMargin.
Note Category/GrossMargin % table.

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

data here.

In the Ribbon, on the Design tab, in Switch
Visualization group, tap Bar Chart, and then tap
These Power View sheets really are easy to set up. Katie
Stacked Bar.
can easily replace the GrossMargin visualization with a
Resize bar chart to take up full white space.
a new visualization. In the Power View Fields list,
shell just check the categories she wants to pivot the
In GrossMargin by Category, hover over
visualization on in this case Product Categories and
Cameras & Camcorders to see values.
Sales by Gross Margin. A basic tabular view of this data
Tap the blue bar for Cameras & Camcorders to
gets created, but if Katie wants a different visualization, 72.
apply cross filter.
she can just tab to select a Stacked Bar chart, for
example. Its that easy!
Note filtering that appears in other views.
Now that weve inserted the visualizations we want, the
Power View sheet is highly interactive and presentable
for all skill levels. For example, Katie can hover over this
data bar to see the Cameras & Camcorders values.
She can also do cross filtering in the different visuals by
selecting a category and seeing the other views update
based on that filter.


This timeline view can let Katie see how different

categories perform by company over time, and she can
pop it out to see it in a larger view. She can tap to play
the timeline to see how sales amounts evolved over
time, or she can tap along the timeline to get just a
static view of a specific point in time. She can even
apply that cross filtering by category within the timeline

In the key, tap Cameras & Camcorders to
apply the filter to the timeline view.

The Filters View is like a cross between slicers and

Tap the blue bar again to turn off filter.

In the SalesQuantity, SalesAmount, and
Margin by Brand, and Category view, tap the Pop
out icon ( ).

Press the play button.


Under the timeline, tap June.


Tap again to turn off the filter.


Tap the Pop in icon (


In the ribbon, tap Power View tab.


Tap to view Field List and Filters Area.


In Power View Fields, tap All.


Expand Products.


Drag Brand into the filters pane.


Check next to Fabrikam to apply filter.


Note the filter effect on Power View sheet.


In Excel, tap File, and then tap Open.


From the Recent list, tap European Expansion.



Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Excel pivot table filters. Katie can select a Power View

Field and simply drag it over to the Filters Area, and
she can see the Power View fields update based on her
filter. So you see, Power View makes it simple for Katie
to configure her views of Northwinds sales data as
necessary, so she can more quickly generate key
business questions and drive insights on her own or
when she is presenting to a customer.

If prompted to edit the workbook, tap Edit
On the Income per Person tab, tap on any cell
within the table to launch the Workbook Queries
pane on the right side.
In the ribbon, tap Insert, then from Tour group,
tap 3D Map, and then tap Open 3D Maps.
Tap on the only tour saved called European
Expansion to launch 3D Maps.
In the Power Map left pane, call out the three
Tap on scene1. Pinch and zoom to show that the
map is interactive and fluid.

Tap scene3.

In the right field, tap Add Layer to begin adding
Internet Speed data to the map.
3D Maps is a great example of Excels data
visualization capabilities. Katie wants to present the
latest data she has collected to support Northwinds
possible expansion into Europe. Instead of presenting
the data in rows and columns, Katie uses 3D Maps to
bring geospatial services from Bing right into the Excel
experience enabling powerful visualizations that really
come to life on her Windows touch device.
In order to make an informed decision, Katie has
gathered relevant EU country data on per capita
income, mobile subscriptions, internet subscriptions,
and internet speed from public data sources using
another Excel add-in called Power Query.

In the far right field, under Layer 4, from
Location tap Add Field, and then select City.

Repeat to add Country to the field list.

Under Height, tap Add Field, and then
select download_kps.


Under Data, tap Heat Map icon.


Zoom in to show the heat map.


In the ribbon, in Tour group, tap Play Tour.


Minimize Excel.

In Edge, navigate to Power BI by tapping
App Launcher, then tapping Sites, and then in
Sites Im following tap the Power BI tile.

Katie now goes on to visualize this data by simply going

to the Insert tab and tapping 3D Map in the Tour
group. The European Expansion map has three
scenes, like slides, in the tour to tell a story about

In the embedded view, read the Yammer
feed from Sara Davis.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

where Northwind should expand their operations in



Katie wants to add one more visualization to this last

scene showing internet speeds, which could be a good
indicator of potential uptake of online offerings. To do
this, she adds a layer.

In the upper left, tap the Power BI tile.

108. Navigate to the upper right corner of the Power

BI page.
109. Tap the magnifying glass Ask with Power BI

Hide the About this Data tab if it opens.

In the question bar type Profit by
Category. Notice the bar chart that displays.

She selects location-based data, city and country in this

case. Immediately, we see the data points from the
workbook show up on the map, where Power Map
recognizes the columns of data that are geospatial. Now
all she needs is to select download speed to see the
data populate on the map. Katie switches from columns
to heat map to see both visualizations clearly and to
compare them. We are now ready to play the tour in
order to share our insights gained from using Power

Append: Profit by Category and
Country. Notice the chart changes to a map
In the warning bar, tap Enable Content.
Hide filters for more screen real estate if needed.

When Katie taps Play Tour, her customers and

colleagues are instantly taken into a cinematic and
interactive slideshow of insights.
Excel is a more powerful business intelligence tool for
all skill levels of information worker, with Power BI for
Office 365.
Katie remembers that her manager has asked her to
investigate which products and countries Contoso
should consider for store expansion. As Katie logs in to
the Contoso Global collaboration site, she notices the
Yammer post from her manager, Sara Davis where she
made the request.
To investigate, Katie wants to look up what products are
doing well at Contoso, and where they are successful.
Katie uses the power of natural language query in

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

Power BI Q&A, for quick investigation on Contosos

products and scout for new opportunities. There is no
need for Katie to enter complex search queries
Q&A selects a map view for Katie based on the
underlying data type.
She can see that Audio & Visual is doing well, but
where? By simply adding country to the query, Q&A
renders the new insights in the chart that makes the
most sense, in this case a map chart.
Katie can quickly observe that the U.S. is the largest
market, but is also saturated with stores, while Europe
seems like the best fit for Contosos new store
Power BI gives you the capabilities for quick
investigation analysis as well as deliver professional
reports based on the newly discovered insights.
NOTE: For the Power BI deep dive demo, refer to>Resources->Demo guides
and documents> Power BI. You must have enabled
Power BI add-on in the tenant to do this demo.

PowerPoint 2016 Creation

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

PowerPoint is making it easier than ever for people like

Katie to create sophisticated and professional
presentations. Maintaining alignment, which is a mark
of professional design, is easy and intuitive with Smart

1 In Northwind presentation, tap to Slide 9.

1 Tap the text Contoso Reuses and Recycles 55%
of Parts.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Guides. And with tools like Merge Shapes, Katie can get
creative and support her message with effective

2 On the slide, note the unformatted TV shape.

icon using Merge Shapes, which allows her to take

two or more shapes, and union, subtract, combine,
intersect or fragment them into new custom shapes. In
this case, the benefit is that the new icon is a shape in
itself, which means she can easily apply the PowerPoint
Shape Styles for a polished look.

7 Tap on the slide canvas and, using the track pad,

drag to select the entire set of shapes making up the

3 Tap the outer TV screen rectangle.

4 Press and hold Shift, and then tap the middle TV

On slide 9, Katie has a diagram that supports a specific
number she wants to call attention to the 55% of parts
5 Under Format, in the Insert Shapes group, tap
being recycled in the fine print beside #4. She can
Merge Shapes ( ), and then from the drop down,
easily emphasize the data with an infographic that
select Subtract.
shows, visually, the impact of this number.
6 Tap out of the shapes to de-select.
To keep things in context, Katie can create a small TV

8 On the Format tab, in the Insert Shapes group, tap

Merge Shapes, and then from the drop down select

To create the icon, Katie starts by drawing the various

elements and placing them in position. She then
subtracts shapes to create outlines, and unions the
remaining shapes to create a new one.
9 With newly single shape still selected, under Format,
in the Shape Styles group, tap the more arrow to
expand the style gallery.

10At the bottom left, select the orange shape style

(Intense Effect Orange, Accent 1).
With the TV icon prepared, she can place it next to the
others. As you can see, the improved Smart Guides
pop into action when the shapes are in alignment,
guiding Katie to intuitively place the icons in
professional alignment. You can see that alignment
guides pop not only at the top and bottom, but also to
indicate the equal distance between the third and

11Drag the newly-orange TV shape towards empty

space near other 8 TV icons.
12Using Smart Guides, align top right corner of the
big TV shape with the smaller TVs using Smart

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Enterprise Hero Demo

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Tap Steps

second icons, and the second and first icons. That

simply takes the guesswork out of design. Katies
diagram indicating the 55% number is now ready to go.

13Note the Smart Guides.

14Using Smart Guides, resize the big TV shape to
match others.

Now, Katie is ready to share out her deck and get any
last changes from her manager Sara before the pitch to
Northwind later today. The file is already stored on the
SharePoint team site, so Katie and her team can
collaborate on the same version without passing
multiple updated copies back and forth by email. In
previous versions of PowerPoint and SharePoint, to add
her manager, Katie would have to go to SharePoint,
select the file, use the ribbon to access the permissions
page, and assign permissions for her manager to edit
this document.
Now, Katie can stay in context, in the app and the
document shes working on, and share with her
manager through SharePoint directly in the
Backstage. In the Share tab, Katie can see Invite
People as one of many simplified sharing options she
has. And, using this feature, she can type her
managers name, resolve it against the company
directory, decide the level of permissions in this case,
edit and then press Share to submit those changes.
Katies manager Sara will receive an email notifying her
that this presentation has been shared with her, and
provide her a link to go directly to the doc to review and
edit as necessary. So, rather than working on the
document in Word, managing the permissions on
SharePoint, and then sending the email in Outlook,
Katie can do it all with a couple of taps right where she
is. The simplicity of sharing with Office helps keep Katie
and her manager focused on collaborating, rather than
borders between applications, storage, and permissions

15Tap File to access Backstage.

16Tap Share.
17Tap Share with People.
18On far right, in Invite People text box, type SaraD,
and from the dropdown, select Sara Davis.
19Tap Can edit and note options.
20OPTIONAL: In the message field, type Here is the
21OPTIONAL: Tap Share.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo


Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Katie Jordan has been working on files in the Northwind

Account team site on SharePoint. She wants to let her
team know about her updates in the Sales team
activity feed. She will draft a Yammer post, asking for
feedback from her team.

1 In Edge, show the Northwind Traders home page,

and in the Yammer web part, scroll through the
Sales team feed.

This activity feed is actually pulling in the Sales team

activity feed to the Team Site from her companys
Yammer network.
If we tap Katies name, we can go to the Yammer site
and take a look at the Yammer experience all up for
Katie and her colleagues at Contoso.
Yammer is the best-in-class Enterprise Social service
that users love. Its unique adoption model appeals
directly to end users like Katie and makes it easy for
organizations like Contoso to become social instantly
removing one of the biggest barriers to success with
Enterprise Social. Katie or anybody else at Contoso can
get started with their email and a password. And when
an organizations IT department is ready to manage the
enterprise social strategy more centrally, there are a
number of IT controls they can put in place.
Front and center on Yammer is Katies activity feed,
which is a rich microblog that helps her keep track of
what her colleagues are doing and get instant feedback
on running conversations, documents, and projects
shes working on. Katie can like comments, post
replies, and create hash tags or Topics so that
discussions are instantly discoverable to create rich
social linking. Katie can also start an @mention in a
reply, to flag a post and point to a particular person in
her Yammer network. Companies can even integrate

1 In Write a reply text box, type I just updated the

Northwind documents, please feel free to
review!, and then tap Post.
2 In the top post, tap Katie Jordan link to go to
Yammer (already logged in).
3 In upper left, tap Home icon, and then above the
activity feed, select All, if not selected.

4 Point out Yammer activity feed.

5 Under Garths post, tap like.
6 Reply to Garths post, and type Great!, then add
the tag #marketing and type CC @AlexD.
7 Tap Post.

8 Scroll back to the top of the page.


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Speaker Script

Tap Steps

this with Active Directory.

9 Under Groups, point out the Sales group.

The groups on the left are a great way for Katie to

have scoped social interaction, about certain topics, or
with certain coworkers, in the same way she can with
her entire companys activity feed. Heres the Sales
group whose activity feed Katie saw embedded in the
Team Site.

10In left navigation, tap Home.

Following is a foundational capability in Yammer, and

it helps Katie narrow whats most interesting to her. But
the great thing about Yammer is how it suggests
groups that are relevant for Katie to follow. This makes
it very discoverable and easy for Katie to create a rich
social tapestry with ease. She can follow or join a group
with just a tap!

11On the right, note Suggested Groups.

12Choose a Suggested Group, and then tap Join.
13Note the green Join notification.
14In lower left navigation, tap settings (gear icon), and
then tap Create a New Network.
15Give it a Network Name like Northwind-<tenant>
Group (where <tenant> is your custom demo

Yammer also makes it easy to set up external

16Tap Create Network.
networks, so that Katie and her coworkers can
collaborate outside the company in the same way they 17Note the green Create notification.
communicate with each other. This is a great way for
18In new network feed, post: welcome to the new
Katie and her team to work with the Northwind Traders
group!, and then tap Post.
account representatives. To set up the external Yammer
network, Katie can tap here, check if her desired
networks name is available, decide if she wants it to be
open to all, and create it. Its that easy! And as soon as
the group is created, Katie can begin inviting members
and interacting with them seamlessly.
In summary, Yammer is a great place for Katie to
manage and share documents and information, and to
discover new people, sites, tags, and documents.
Yammer helps her be more productive in an easy and
social manner.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

OneDrive for Business+ Office Online

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

More than ever before, SharePoint is the place Katie

Jordan can go to follow the content, people, and sites
important to her, which helps her be more productive in
sharing ideas, working together, and staying in sync
with whats happening across the organization.
OneDrive for Business gives Katie access to her
documents online and offline. OneDrive for Business
has pulled frequently accessed tasks to simple controls
available on all pages in OneDrive.


Note list of documents.

Using the Sync simple control, Katie can instantly

synchronize document changes and updates to and
from her OneDrive for Business or Team Sites with a
desktop folder, so its easy for her to organize the
content thats important to her.


Note simple controls (New, Upload, Sync).


Tap the Sync simple control.


Tap Sync now.


If questioned about switching apps, tap Yes.

In your Office 365 tenant, in upper left tap App

Launcher, and then tap OneDrive.

The system will connect to the server, which may

take a moment.

In OneDrive, Katie has access to the Files she create,

modified, and content shared with her. She also has
access to DocuSign content and Notebooks.
Katie knows that she is going to collaborate with Sara
on this document, so she shares the document right
from OneDrive for business, which will automatically
send an email to Sara with a link to the document.


If prompted for Which library do you want to

sync? Select the default, and then tap Sync Now.


If prompted for a Sign in, use Katie Jordans



When you see Your files are syncing as we

speak, tap Show my files.

Note OneDrive folder that opens from Windows
Close Windows Explorer and return to OneDrive
page in Office 365.

Katie can go ahead and open the document in Word


Select a document.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

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Tap Steps

Online to review. and make edits, or open in the rich

Word client if she wants.

Note more controls (Share, Download, Delete,
Copy to, Move to, Rename, Details).

Katie needs help preparing her document, so she

reaches out to her manager, Sara Davis.

Beside the selected document, tap the ellipsis
(), and in the content panel, tap Share.


In Enter names or email addresses text box,
type SaraD, then select Sara Davis from the drop
down, and then press Share.

NOTE: If the document is checked out, this will prevent

co-authoring. It must be checked in first.

To open a document in Word Online, tap Open
in Word Online.

Word Online allows Sara and Katie to collaborate at the 17.

In Word Online top navigation, tap Edit
same time on the document. This feature is called realDocument and note options.
time co-authoring. Co-authoring allows multiple authors
Tap Edit in Word Online.
to edit online simultaneously, saving time and
simplifying the content creation and review process.
In SaraDs Browser Session
Note that only people with whom you have shared your
document can participate in co-authoring. Since Katie
Maximize SaraDs Inprivate Browsing
has already shared the document, Sara logs into Office
Session opened to the Office 365 tenant home
365 and begins to edit the document in Word Online.

From App Launcher, tap OneDrive.

In the OneDrive left navigation, tap Shared
with me.
Tap the file recently shared by Katie. which will
open the document.
Tap Edit Document, and choose Edit in Word
NOTE: Some documents in Katies OneDrive are
protected by Information Rights Management and
may not open correctly online.

Type a sentence and leave your cursor in place.

In KatieJs Browser Session


Demo Guide
Speaker Script
On the upper right side of the document, under Katies
name, notice who is also editing the document..

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
Switch KatieJs window and within the
document, you will see a flag icon. Hover over the
flag icon to see who is editing the document.
On the top right bar of the document, you will
also see a list of people who are online editing.

Close Saras Internet Explorer window.

In Katies browser session, tap to return to
OneDrive for Business tab.

Katie can follow all of her tasks on SharePoint, and this

personal Task View helps with project management by
Tap Katies photo.
aggregating all of Katies different assigned tasks across
In upper left, tap App Launcher, and then tap
Office, including different SharePoint sites, Outlook, and 30.
Project. Its another great example of how the
integrated Office experience helps save Katie time by
Note various tasks.
showing all her tasks in one place. She can focus on
what is due soon, not on the different siloes in which
she has tasks.
Katie can also see all of the SharePoint sites shes
following here in one place, so she can quickly access
the projects shes working on, or company sites with
key information. And, she can always add new sites
using the follow icon at the top of any site she comes
across and wants to add to the list. Following her
favorites within SharePoint makes these sites available
to Katie wherever shes logged into SharePoint, so she
no longer has to worry about whether shes using a
computer with her favorite sites pinned in the browser
itself. Following them through SharePoint makes them
easily accessible from any machine she can log onto.


From App Launcher, tap Sites.

Note the Sites Im following and the
Suggested sites to follow sections.

Delve and Office Graph


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Note: Delve experience will be fully realized in your

tenant 2 days (approx.) after you receive your Hero
demo tenant.

1 In your tenant, from App Launcher, tap Delve.

Every day the volume of information Katie encounters

continues to grow and as it does, Office Graph works
behind the scenes to connect all the dots, mapping the
relationships between people and content. These
connections provide the power behind Delve, an Office
365 app that cuts through the noise to show Katie
exactly what she needs, when she needs it.

2 Note the content cards.

3 Scan the content cards and show the location links
for various documents: A colleagues OneDrive,
Document Center, a sub site or site collection

Delve displays each piece of content using an intuitive

card based interface. Each card includes comments,
likes, views, and tags to help Katie understand why that 4 On a Word document content card, note the
item may be important to her work.
following features: Content type ( For e.g. Word),
Content link, Send in Email, Share.
Each card is dynamic too. Look at this document card,
for example, which launches online so Katie can edit the 5
file, share it, and even discuss changes with her
colleagues. All within the cloud.
If Katie wants to share this document with her
colleague, she can easily do so from the browser using
Office Online where the document opens.

Tap the card to launch the content in Office Online.

In the navigation of the document, tap Share.
In Enter names, email addresses, or Everyone
text box, type GarthF, and then from the auto
complete list, select Garth Fort, and then tap

And a quick search helps Katie zero in on exactly what

she needs.

8 Close Word Online browser tab and return to Delve

home page.

Katie works with a number of people. Delve helps Katie

connect with her colleagues, their activities and their
content. The People section in the left navigation are
her colleagues. By visiting their Delve page, Katie is
able to discover more about her colleagues. For
instance, she can see their activities and others that
they are connected to. Katie can also see their public
profile information such as contact info, org chart, skills,
personal Blog and more.

9 In left navigation, in the search box, type Sales.

10On the Search text box, tap x to return to Delve
11In the left navigation under the People heading, tap
Robin Counts.
12At the top, notice the links of various methods of
communicating with Robin (via Messaging, Voice, or
49Robin's Activity page shows what she has been

Demo Guide
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Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
working on and has shared.
50Tap Profile to see Robin's profile information.

Delve Boards help to organize content. Boards are

open to everyone in your organization. Documents can
be added to and removed from boards. Delve honors
security - if you don't have access to a document, you
will not see the document in the board. Users can
choose to Follow or Unfollow a board.

51In the left navigation, tap Me.

52In the left navigation, under the Boards heading,
click Marketing Campaigns.
53Notice the documents under this board.
54To add a new document to the board, tap Home in
the left navigation.
55Find a content card that does not yet belong to a
board. It will have Add to Board in the contact
56Click Add to Board. Start typing marketing to see
names of existing boards.

Visio 2016

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

One of the many sites that Katie Jordan is following is

this Pipeline Management site, where she and all of
her sales team can track the sales pipeline for Contoso.
Believe it or not this is a Visio based BI dashboard,
published here in SharePoint Online in Office 365, using
Visio Services.

1 On the Sites Im following page, tap Pipeline

Management link.
2 Point out Visio-based BI dashboard.
3 Select the Raw Leads 33,098 shape.
4 Tap Shape Info to display the shape data window.

What makes this Visio dashboard particularly actionable 5 Point out the shape data (You might need to extend
is that the Visio diagram is connected to the latest data
the resulting shape data window to show all the
from backend data sources. Visio supports multiple data
fields and data.)
sources, from simple Excel files to SharePoint lists to
6 Tap Open in Visio.
applications such as SAP.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

In this diagram, Katie wants her team to focus on some

specific data. Visio now supports a rich set of modern
office art effects that help you create highly
professional diagrams rapidly. Katie opens the diagram
in the Visio client so she can use one of these effects to
help make this metric stand out. In this case, shell
apply a red glow around the shape to make it really
stand out, so everybody else can immediately focus on

7 In the bottom right side of the diagram, select the

shape 186.
8 Long press shape and release.
9 From the menu, tap down arrow, and then tap
Format Shape.
10Select Effects (
with max glow.

), then tap Glow to select a preset

11Select Color and change to red.

12Reduce Transparency to 20%.
13Increase the size to 90pt.
14Close the Format Shape pane.

Visio and Visio services also support a powerful set of

collaboration features such as co-authoring and
commenting on shapes. These comments can be
reviewed by others reviewing the diagram via the
Visio client or through the browser. As Katie looks at this
diagram, she does not see any detail around how often
the data is refreshed, so she right-taps on this shape
and adds a comment to it. Katie can also tap to see all
the comments in this Visio diagram, including the one
she just entered. Since Lync integrates with Visio and
Visio services, when Katie hovers over a name or photo,
she can see the same contact card she sees
everywhere else in Office, including presence
information and one-tap communication options.

15Long press the shape Raw Leads 33,098, release

and from the menu tap the down arrow, and then tap
Add Comment.
16Type comment: What is the data refresh rate?
17In the ribbon, tap Review, tap Comments Pane,
and then select Comments Pane.

18Hover over Katies photo to see her contact card

with one-tap communications options.
19OPTIONAL: Tap save to save to SharePoint.

Satisfied that her updates and comments will help drive

action on her team, Katie can publish the updated file
back to SharePoint Online with a single tap, so everyone
else can immediately focus on it.

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

So, you can see how teams can use Visio and Visio
services in many powerful ways to collaborate and
derive key insights about their business.

PowerPoint 2016 Presentation

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Northwind Trader executives are visiting Contoso to

hear a proposal from Katie Jordan and her account
team. Katie has brought her Windows 10 tablet to the
meeting to present the proposal. We anticipate more
people will want to do likewise, as wireless display
technology becomes more widely available.

1 In the top left of the PowerPoint Northwind

presentation , in Quick Access toolbar, tap Start
from Beginning (F5).

Katie launches her presentation in Slide Show.

PowerPoint automatically detects the external projector
screen and extends the image of the full slide for the
customer to see there. But, with PowerPoint on her
Windows 10 tablet, Katie gets a special touch-optimized
Presenter View on her personal screen she can use to
easily control the presentation in a more natural way.
She can swipe to advance the slides, or use her fingers
to zoom into a detailed diagram, or pinch to zoom back
to regular size. The customer cant see it, but she can
also pinch to zoom out and see all the slides in
thumbnails in the Slide Navigator, so she could simply
tap to jump ahead or back a number of slides without
interrupting the presentation.

*If not connected to projector: tap bottom left of

presentation slide, tap the ellipsis (), then tap Show
Presenter View.

Katie can also tap the Pen and laser pointer tools to
use a stylus as a laser pointer, and she can use ink to
mark up the slides if there is feedback from the

12Use stylus to move laser pointer around.

2 Note presentation on secondary screen.

3 Hold up tablet to show off Presenter View.

4 Swipe across current slide.

5 Pinch to zoom in on current slide.
6 Move the view around.
7 Pinch to zoom out to normal slide size.
8 Pinch to zoom out to Slide Navigator.
9 Tap to jump to another slide.
10Tap pen.
11Tap Laser Pointer.
13Tap laser pointer icon.

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Enterprise Hero Demo

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Tap Steps

customer during her presentation. Katie can save these

notes when she ends the presentation so she has them
when she goes back to edit the presentation later.

14Tap Pen.

If I switch the screens, you can see the Presenter

View that Katie used. Katie can see the current slide,
the upcoming slide, as well as her notes, which she can
use her fingers and touch to resize as necessary. She
has access to information about her presentation, like
the current time and a timer for how long shes been
presenting. And of course, you can see some icons for
those touch-friendly controls Katie used to seamlessly
control her slides.

15Use stylus to hand-write some notes.

16Tap Pen.
17Tap Arrow Options, and then tap Automatic.
18At top of Presenter View, tap Display Settings.
19Tap Swap Presenter View and Slide Show.
20Note the areas of Presenter View as you discuss

This presenter view is great because it gives Katie more

control, allowing her to focus less on the logistics of her
presentation, and more on the message shes trying to
deliver, all with the ease of using just a tablet in her

Skype for Business and Windows Phone app

Speaker Script
During a customer presentation, Northwind has a
technical question about a Contoso product. Katie
Jordan needs help answering the question.
Using the power of presence and the improved Skype
for Business desktop client, Katie can scan her buddy
list, which she has organized by groups, to see who in
her team is online and available to help her out.

Tap Steps

1 In Skype for Business, tap photo of primary demo

buddy already online.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Optional: Do a skill search to find the subject-matter

expert in the organization and initiate contact in that

2 Tap the contact card (


Just like everywhere else in Office, Katies contacts in

her buddy list here in Lync are rich objects, and Katie
can see their full contact card with integrated
presence, as well as one-tap or click communication
options like instant messaging, voice, and video calling.
Either from the card, or right here in her buddy list,
Katie can start an instant message conversation with
a single tap, so she can see if she can get a real-time
response to Northwinds question.

3 Note communication options (instant message,

phone call, video call, email).

If Katie wants to have a more interactive conversation

with her colleague, or an actual face-to-face
experience, she can easily escalate this conversation to
a voice or a high-definition video call, with just one
more tap of these icons here. Adding video also will let
her colleague interact with the customer directly, so
shell go ahead and launch the call.

7 Note video icon.

*Optional: perform multiparty video demo:

If Katie wants to have a more collaborative session, she
can easily go ahead and add others to the video call.
She can simply drag and drop them into the
conversation to invite them to the call, and they could
accept with a single tap. For example, she could invite
the entire team to the call and see who might accept.
And just like that, Katie has launched a multi-party, HD
video conference! Seeing all of her colleagues together,
live, makes this meeting much more impactful than a
traditional conference call, since Katie can really
interact with everybody almost as seamlessly as if they
were in the room with her. But, thanks to the Skype
Meeting experience, her colleagues could be halfway

4 Tap the instant message (

) icon.

5 Type Can you answer a customer question?, and

then press Enter.
*Demo buddy response: Lets add video!
6 Note phone icon.
8 Tap video icon, and then tap, Start My Video.
*Demo buddy can initiate video, in which case demo
presenter just needs to accept video invite from demo
*Optional: perform multiparty video demo:
9 Tap and drag other contacts from Lync buddy list into
the video call (choose among: AlexD, GarthF,
MollyD, SaraD, and SaraD).
*Demo buddy could also drag the others in quickly
using mouse and multi-select in Skype, while presenter
just notes addition of video feeds.

*End optional multi-party video portion


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

around the world or just another building away.

10Tap Present icon.

*End optional multi-party video portion

11Note Present Desktop.

And this Skype Meeting isnt just limited to voice and

video, either. Katie can easily add content to help her
share and collaborate with her colleagues most
effectively. The Present icon gives Katie the option to
present her desktop, or start a shared whiteboard
session. She can even add a personal or shared notetaking pane, and those notes will sync to her personal
OneNote page, or a team OneNote page synchronized
through SharePoint, and be available after the meeting
is over.

12Tap More, and note Whiteboard icon.

13Tap Present icon again, and then tap Shared Notes.
14Tap Present icon again and note My Notes.
15Note Shared Notes icon.
16Tap Present.
17Tap Present PowerPoint Files.
18Tap cancel.
19In taskbar, tap PowerPoint icon to go to the
Northwind presentation.

Of course, Katie can also add a PowerPoint to present to 20In the ribbon, on the Slideshow tab, in the Start
the meeting attendees through Skype. Tapping Present
Slide Show group, click Present Online, and then
PowerPoint Files lets her browse her computer to
click Skype for Business.
choose a file to add.
21Tap the active Skype Meeting, and then tap OK.
If she already has a presentation open in PowerPoint,
22Note uploading peek.
she can skip the browsing in Skype and add it right from
within PowerPoint. She can go into the ribbon and select 23In the Skype meeting, tap arrows to advance slides
and see transitions a couple of times.
the Present Online option. This PowerPoint and Skype
feature will identify any active or upcoming Skype
24In bottom right of Skype meeting screen, tap Pick a
Meetings, and give Katie the one-tap or click option to
Layout icon.
present her PowerPoint to the meeting attendees. This
25Tap Speaker View.
seamless experience is just another example of how
26Tap Pick a Layout icon.
Office breaks down the borders between applications,
and lets Katie focus more on the workflow she wants to 27Tap Gallery View.
complete. In this example, the meeting is more
28Tap the Pick a Layout icon.
impactful and enables richer collaboration between
Katie and her colleagues.
29Tap the Presentation View icon.
In addition to adding content to her Skype Meeting,
Katie can also transition her experience between
different views depending on what makes the most
sense at any given time during the meeting. If seeing

30On the Windows 10 demo machine, start the Project

my screen app.
31On the Windows phone, if prompted to Allow screen

Demo Guide
Speaker Script
the current speaker is most important, she can select
that option which will maximize the video feed for
whoever is the active speaker at a given time. Or, when
the conversation between attendees is most important,
she can select the gallery view, which shows a standing
row with 5 simultaneous HD video streams based on the
5 most active speakers, and a seated row with HD
photos for the rest. At any time, she can pin the video
of one or more contacts to ensure theyre in the
standing row of the video gallery, or pop out the gallery
view itself. Or, if the content is most important, she
could select presentation view so that the PowerPoint
would take up her whole screen, in this case.

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps
projection, tap yes.
32When Katie shares her presentation, The sharer
wants to start presenting message may appear at
the top of the phone screen.
NOTE: You may have to slide the Skype screens left or
right to see the presentation.
33If TAP TO JOIN displays, tap to join.

We have seen the power of Skype for Business. But

Skype caters beautifully to mobile scenarios also. While
Katie was presenting, Garth who is her colleague is
logged into Skype on a Windows Phone. He can very
easily view the contents of Katies presentation on his
mobile phone and participate in the meeting despite
being away from his desk.
As you can see, this was just a spontaneous meeting,
and yet Katie has all the capabilities of a scheduled
Skype Meeting at her disposal, and the seamless
integration of a number of Office applications coming
together really helps make her meetings more impactful
than ever before.

Project 2016

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Sara Davis is responsible for managing the Contoso

sales organization. This includes tracking the sales

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

pipeline status in Visio, managing the sales resources

like Katie Jordan and her colleagues, and understanding
exactly how Contosos sales initiatives are being
To better understand how her colleagues are allocated
for working across all of Contosos customer accounts,
Sara can use Microsoft Project Professional 2016s
reporting capabilities. She opens the master project for
all Contoso Sales Teams from SharePoint. You can see
on the timeline that all team projects roll under this

1 In Windows 10, start Project 2016, which opens

directly to Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan.
2 At the top, note the Timeline.

3 In row 5, hover over Katie Jordan name.

People are rich objects here in Project just like across all
the other Office products, so Sara can see information
for her team members and follow up with them using
4 Note hover card and communications options.
the same contact card and one-tap communication
options she sees everywhere else.
5 At the bottom of Project, tap Team Planner icon (
Sara can also re-allocate the team resources if
necessary using Team Planner.
6 Note resource allocation.
And, she can run reports that give her the necessary
first glimpse on how her team is doing. In addition to an 7 Hover over a work item and note details.
overview report, she can track the work Burn down
8 At the bottom of Project, tap Report icon ( ).
charts across all projects, and see remaining and
completed work for individual projects. She can also get 9 In the ribbon, on the Report tab, in the View
Reports group, tap Dashboards, and then tap
per-resource details on resource availability and
Work Overview.
If Saras sales department is using SharePoint in
addition to Project client, she can get even more
advanced capabilities for prioritizing and managing
projects and resources.
For example, Sara can view completed and incomplete
tasks for all her projects, right here in SharePoint.
Sara can even mark a task complete from within

11Scroll to the bottom of the Work Overview.

12Switch to Edge with the tab for the SharePoint
project site Consolidated Sales Team Master
Plan open.
13Show the timeline and other home page features for
a SharePoint project site.
14In the left navigation, tap Tasks.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps


15On the Tasks toolbar, tap the ellipsis (), and then
tap My Tasks.

The next time this project is opened in Project client

from the SharePoint site, any changes made in
SharePoint will be synced to Project.
In SharePoint, team members have access to a shared
documents folder, OneNote online, and a calendar for
the project.
By sharing the site, Sara can give more visibility to her
management, so she no longer needs to send status
emails every week and can focus on other priorities.

16Scroll down to an incomplete task and tap the

checkbox beside the task to mark it complete.
17In the top navigation, tap the List tab.
18Show Open with Project.
19In the left navigation, point out Notebook (OneNote
library), Documents (shared documents folder), and
calendar for the project.

Finally, if Contoso has Project Online, Sara can manage

all her projects in an online version of Project Server.
The project can thereafter be managed entirely in
Project Online, or be opened in Project desktop (Project
Professional) to access more advanced features of the
client. Project Online tenant is now available as an addon from

eDiscovery (SharePoint+ Exchange)

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Sara Davis, a Contoso sales manager, wants to get a

sense of exactly what communications and
documentation has been generated during the
Northwind Account management process. She has been
asked by the HR department to conduct this audit, and
delegated the permissions by the organization to do
this type of search.
Office has revolutionized the way organizations like

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Contoso can retain and discover data not only from

Exchange, but SharePoint, Skype, and file shares,
thanks to In-Place preservation and eDiscovery
technology. All of the data will remain in-place, where it
was created, so emails stay in Exchange, documents
stay in SharePoint, and so on. But people like Sara, who
have been delegated permissions using Role-Based
Access Controls, can use a federated dashboard here in
SharePoint to conduct eDiscovery searches across all
the data from these different applications, in a single
integrated and user-friendly interface.

1 In Edge, note the eDiscovery page already opened.

Sara wants to do a search specifically on any data

across the organization pertaining to Northwind. She
can create a new search by tapping new item under
Search and Export. She can give the search a name, say
Northwind Audit, and then she can modify the query
scope to specify the mailboxes, SharePoint sites,
document libraries, and file shares to include in this
search. For mailboxes, she could add the entire
organization, or she can specifically add Katies mailbox
and maybe those folks on the Northwind Team
distribution group. Since Skype instant message
conversations are now stored in Exchange, theyll
automatically be included when searching these
mailboxes. Then, for sites, Sara can add the URL for the
Team Site. Now, shell type Northwind in the free-text
filter box, to scope the search results just to those items
in the mailboxes and sites related to the customer
Northwind. Then shell tap search.

4 Note Search and Export section.

2 In eDiscovery left navigation, tap Northwind

3 Note Identify and Hold section.

5 Under Search and Export, tap new item.

6 On the Query: New Item page, in the Name box,
type Northwind Audit.
7 In the Query section, under Author/Sender, tap
Advanced Query Options.
8 Under Exchange, note KatieJ mailbox, Northwind
Traders distribution group sources already there.
9 Under SharePoint note Northwind Traders Team
Site URL that is already present.
10Tap Cancel.
11In the Query box, type Northwind, and then tap
12Under Sources, review the number of items found.
13On the Exchange tab, review the list of discovered

The system will now search across emails and instant

messages in Exchange, documents stored in
14Tap any item to preview it in a new tab using Outlook
SharePoint, and any file shares we added, based on the
on the web.
sources and keywords specified. When its complete, we 15Close the newly opened tab.
can see some metrics on how many different items
16In the eDiscovery Exchange tab left navigation,
were found from each of the sources, and down here,
we can actually see a list of results from both

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

Exchange and SharePoint. We can also see a preview

note Message Type refiners.
of the Exchange results using Outlook Web App, and
17Tap the SharePoint tab.
we could also apply filters to scope the results further.
We can do the same with the SharePoint results, say by 18In left navigation, note refiners.
file type, and we can preview those results using the
19Tap any Word result to open a preview in the Office
rich Office client applications.
Just like that, Sara has the audit results she needs to
report back to HR on Contosos progress with
Northwind. Shes been able to focus on the results she
needs to provide, not the process she needs to use to
provide them.
So you see, the cross-product discovery capabilities in
Office make it much easier for organizations to preserve
and discover content across the communications and
collaboration stack, saving time and simplifying what
has traditionally been an expensive and lengthy process
for organizations like Contoso.

Office 365 Video

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

Dorena visits Contosos Office 365 Video portal to view

the companys latest news, gather technical
information, and find training information. She can
easily access the portal from the App Launcher.

1 On the Contoso home page, in upper left tap App

Launcher ( ), and then tap Video.
URL: https://<Tenant>

The Office 365 Video home page offers Dorena access

to Contosos latest trending and relevant videos and
The Spotlight section at the top highlights the most
timely or important videos. Spotlight videos are
managed by Video Admins.

Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

Trending videos personalize and recommend relevant

content to Dorena. These are the trending videos that
her colleagues in Contoso have downloaded frequently.
Businesses can now tune the home page to promote
videos that are more relevant and to remove stale
Office 365 Video updates Trending Videos on a 24 hour
cycle looking across 14 days of video viewing to show
what is trending during that time.
Popular content that is relevant in a certain timeframe
is promoted alongside content that is historically
The Contoso home page also displays Spotlight
Channels, which are the companys managed,
authoritative videos.

Tap Channels in top navigation.


Tap Executive Corner.

Custom channels like these help direct visitors to

content thats grouped by topic, such as training info,
help desk details or messages from company
Tapping into a channel shows all videos on that channel.
Dorena again sees Spotlight Videos at the top. These
are managed by the channel owner.
Dorena can see all the videos in the channel and
various ways to filter on date and popularity.


Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

To watch a video, just click or tap.

Office 365 Video is using adaptive streaming, the same
kind of technology used for the 2012 and 2014
Olympics and NBC Sports where it measures the
bandwidth and detects the device to vary the output
video stream, so if your bandwidth is low on a smaller
device itll give you a lower quality video and if your
bandwidth goes up on a larger device, youll get a
higher quality video.
On the Executive Corner page, tap Next Year Vision
Office 365 Video serves up the right video at the right
in the spotlight videos area and play the video.
time to the right device. The video portal owner doesnt
have to worry about what video format to use, or what
size to use for the video. All of this is taken care of for
you by the integrated, enterprise-grade Azure Media
On the video playback page, Dorena can also see when
the video was added to the channel and other videos
that she may also like, which is tuned to the Office
Graph so that recommendations are driven by people
you work with and other content interested in.
Dorena can reuse this video in other places by working
with the Embed code. She can copy the code and add
to the Sales and Marketing page. And this is what the
Snippet looks like.

Note Added date, View information and You may also

Id also like to note here that each uploaded video gets

crawled and is discoverable in Search and will appear
in Delve.
Dorena can easily discover videos using enterprise
search. A dedicated search experience in the video
portal presents only video results.


What if Dorena searches outside the video portal? Will

she see videos? Yes she will, but the videos are mixed in

On the Office 365 Video top navigation bar, tap Embed


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

with the other content that meets the search criteria.


In upper left, tap the Search icon (

So, weve seen the advantages the video portal offers

visitors. We want visitors to focus on the content, while
administrators focus on how that content is displayed
and who has viewing rights and the ability to upload to
certain channels.


In Search box, type Office 365, and then press Enter.


Maximize browser session logged in as Admin.


In upper right, tap Portal Settings.


Because Office 365 Video is integrated with Windows

Azure Media Services, you can leverage the power of
the cloud to bring world-class video streaming to your
organization with minimal setup on your part. This
nextGen portal is simple, fast, and mobile.
Now, Ill be the video portal owner.
I can access the Portal settings directly on the home
Behind the scenes, video managers can easily set the
Video admin permissions for the home page,
leveraging the same Active Directory powering
authentication in all areas of Office 365. This same
governance model enables admins to manage
permissions for each channel. Channels are easy to
create and assign delegated owner(s)or channel
adminswho can then manage their own content and
specific set of permissions.

On the Manage Video Portal page, note Video admins
title and that they can manage Home page in text.
Note Channel admins and that they can create


Demo Guide
Speaker Script

Enterprise Hero Demo

Tap Steps

The Spotlight tab allows admins to showcase the top

priority information Contoso wants to share with
employees or the latest breaking news.

Admins can choose videos and channels to Spotlight

on the Office 365 Video portal home page. Admins can
spotlight up to four videos and three channels on the
portal home page
In left navigation of Manage Video Portal, tap
Channel admins can create channels, and each channel 44.
can be managed separately by one or more people who
have edit permission for the channel.


Under Spotlight videos, tap a video.

In the resulting dialog box, select a video, and then tap
Starting a new channel is as easy as tapping the New
Channel link and giving it a name and color.

Under Spotlight channels, tap the first drop down
and note available channels in list, and then tap
Executive Corner.

If I need to upload some videos. I can do this by using

Upload or by dragging and dropping the file(s) into


Tap Save.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Speaker Script

Tap Steps

the upload area of a channel. Not only can I drag one

video and drop into the library, but I can also drag and
drop multiple videos at once.


In upper left, tap Home to view changes.


In Office 365 Video top navigation, tap Channels.


In top right, tap New Channel.


Tap Cancel.


In the channels listing, tap Executive Corner channel.

Weve seen how to create a channel and add videos.

Lets step through managing other features of a
Here, the admin can customize the tile name and color
and delete the channel.

In the upper right of Executive Corner channel page,
tap Upload.

The admin can also define three levels of permissions

for who can manage videos and change channel
settings (Owners), add, change, or remove videos
(Editors), and who can view videos (Viewers).

If Build your channel dialog displays, tap Get

The Admin can also set up video spotlights to push

forward the videos visitors should see first in the

In the upper right of the Executive Corner video
channel page, tap Channel Settings.

Tap Executive Corner tile to close the video upload

On the Manage video channel page, on the General
tab, note Channel name, Channel color, and Delete

In the left navigation, tap permissions.


In the left navigation, tap spotlight.


On the Spotlight videos page, tap Spotlight 1.


Tap a video to spotlight, and then tap OK.


If desired, set another Spotlight video.


Tap Save when finished.


In upper left, tap back to channel (


) icon.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Reset Instructions
Outlook + Exchange

In Outlook, move the Sports Statistics email from the Deleted folder to Inbox.

Remove the Project Update event from calendar.

Delete any Draft email messages.

OWA + Exchange
Delete PDF file in OneDrive folder.

SharePoint+ Excel+ Power BI


Close all workbooks without saving.

Discard Check Out of any files.

PowerPoint Creation
Close Northwind presentation without saving changes. Do not check in the file.


Log into Yammer as Katie Jordan.

Delete Katie Jordan Reply to Garth message.

Unlike Garths message.

Unjoin Suggested Group

Delete Created Network.

OneDrive for Business + Office Online


Open Internet Explorer and log into your Office 365 tenant as Sara Davis.

4. From App Launcher, tap OneDrive.

5. In the OneDrive left navigation, tap Shared with me.

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
6. Tap the Northwind proposal (or the file recently shared by Katie), which will open the document.
7. Tap Edit Document, and choose Edit in Word Online.
8. Remove SaraDs sentence in the document.
9. Close Internet Explorer.
10.Open Internet Explorer and log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.
11.Tap App Launcher, and then tap OneDrive.
12.Beside the document you shared with Sara in the demo, tap the ellipses (), and then tap Share.
13.Stop sharing with Sara.
14.Close Internet Explorer.

Delve and Office Graph

Stop sharing the Word document you shared with Garth during the demo.

PowerPoint Presentation
Close Northwind presentation, discarding all changes. Do not save the file.

Skype for Business and Windows Phone app


Close Skype for Business meeting on demo machine and secondary machine.

15.On demo machine, close Northwind presentation, discarding all changes. Do not save the file.

eDiscovery (SharePoint + Exchange)

Close eDiscovery center without saving changes.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Post-Install Steps
Prepare the demo equipment
Before you perform any portion of the MOD Hero demo, you will need to complete the following steps once to
prepare your demo machine(s).

Get your demo device: Windows 10 tablet + keyboard/stylus or touch-enabled laptop.

Install the Office 365 Demo Content

1. Visit and log in with your appropriate Microsoft credentials.
2. In top navigation, tap Get Demo, and follow instructions from there to Create a new demo environment,
selecting Standard Office 365 Demo Content when prompted to Select Office Demo Content.
NOTE: The provisioning tool may take up to 24 hours to complete. When finished, you will receive an email to
let you know that provisioning has completed.
Install Office 2016 from tenant
This demo was created and tested using Office 2016.
You can install Office 2016 from the demo tenant.

On the demo machine, navigate to and sign in as Katie Jordan.

1. In upper right, under Settings (gear icon), tap Office 365 settings.
2. Under Software, tap Install and manage software.
3. Under Try the next version of Office, select your preferred Language and Version settings, and then tap
4. Follow directions to install Office.
Run MOD Client Setup Tool (Windows 10)
The MOD Client Setup Tool automates most of the Hero Demo client configuration steps necessary to deliver a MOD

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
Your Office 365 demo tenant must finish installing before you can complete this portion of the Post
Install Steps. Wait for your Provisioning Complete email before running the Client Setup Tool.
1. On your demo machine, visit and log in with your Microsoft
2. In top navigation, tap Resources.
3. Scroll down to Client Setup Tool section, tap MOD Client Setup Tool (Windows 10) and follow steps for
The Client Setup Tool does the following on the demo machine:

Adds three Users to the machine and sets up profiles


Default Office 365 Persona

Katie Jordan

Default Exchange Persona

Sara Davis

Default SharePoint Persona

Garth Fort

Downloads and sets up the following:


Adobe Acrobat Reader

MS Visual C++ Redistributable

Power Map for Excel

Power Query for Excel

Project My Screen


Completes the following tasks:


Installs Microsoft Project 2016 and Visio 2016.

Creates MOD Demo Documents folder on desktop and adds demo documents.

Configures Outlook profiles.

Configures Skype.

Pins document shortcuts to the taskbar.

Sets user profile pictures.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo


Configures Internet explorer with Trusted Sites, favorites, and homepage.

Add Local User Accounts to Windows 10 Machine

If the MOD Client Setup Tool does not properly add Katiej, Sarad, or Garthf accounts to the machine:

Tap Start and in the Search box type add user.

At the top of the search results list, tap Add, edit, or remove other users.

In Accounts dialog, tap Add someone else to this PC.

At bottom of sign in dialog, tap I dont have this persons sign-in information.

At bottom of Lets create your account dialog, tap Add a user without a Microsoft account.

Add Katiejs credentials as follows:

User name: Katie Jordan
Password and in Confirm the password: pass@word1
Password hint: All demo passwords.

16.Tap Next.
17.After the account is added, tap the account name, and then tap Change account type.
18.From Account type, select Administrator, then tap OK.
19.Complete the above steps for Garth Fort and Sara Davis.
You are now ready to complete any demo specific post-install steps.

Outlook + Exchange
You will need to create an Outlook account for Katie Jordan on the demo machine.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Katie Jordan profile.

20.Start Outlook 2016 client.

21.If this is the first time starting Outlook 2016, follow any set up instructions.
22.Enter the following Email Account information:
Your Name:

Katie Jordan

E-mail Address:



Demo Guide
23.In Retype Password text box, type pass@word1, and then tap Next.
24.Follow remaining instructions to finish adding Katie Jordans profile to Outlook.
Katie Jordans email will load when Outlook 2016 finishes opening.
You are now ready to complete the Outlook + Exchange Pre-demo Steps.

OWA+ Exchange
You need to install the DocuSign app in Outlook on the web.

In Edge, log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.

25.From the Office 365 App launcher, tap Mail.

26.In upper right of Outlook, tap Settings (gear icon), and then tap Manage add-ins.
27.Tap New (plus sign icon), and then tap Add from the Office Store.
28.In the search box, type DocuSign, and then press Enter.
29.Tap the link for DocuSign for Outlook.
30.On the DocuSign for Outlook page, tap Add.
31.In the Add an add-in from the Office Store dialog, tap Install.
32.When confirmation that Youve added an add-in for Outlook displays, tap Ok.
33.To return to Katies inbox, in Office 365 top navigation, tap Outlook.
34.Tap the Northwind Traders Proposal message from Alex.
35.Tap the DocuSign tab.
36.Tap Get Started.
37.Tap Log in with Office 365.
38.If displayed, in the window listing permission needs tap OK.
39.In the DocuSign dialog, tap Accept.
40.On the Login successful dialog, tap Return to DocuSign for Outlook.
41.If prompted to close this tab, tap Yes.
42.If Congratulations displays, tap Continue.
You are now ready to complete the OWA + Exchange pre-demo setup steps.

Enterprise Hero Demo

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Pin files to Word Recent list
You will need to pin 3 or 4 documents to the Word Recent list.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Katie Jordan profile.

43.In Edge, log into the Northwind Traders team site as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<Tenant>
44.To pin Northwind Proposal to the Recent list, tap the ellipses () beside the document, and then tap Edit.
45.NOTE: The Northwind Proposal document may be on the second page of the Documents library.
46.If prompted for Sign in, use Katie Jordan credentials.
47.If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
48.Once opened, close the document.
49.Follow above steps to open two or three more documents in Word and add them to the Recent list.
Change Northwind Proposal comment to Sara Davis
If you want to demonstrate accessing a persons contact card from a Word comment, you will need to remove the
comment in the Northwind Proposal document and replace with a comment made by Sara Davis.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Sara Davis profile.

Navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Sara Davis:
URL: https://<Tenant> Documents/

50.To open the Northwind Proposal document in Word, tap the ellipses () beside the document, and then tap
51.If Protected view warning displays, tap Enable Editing.
52.If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
53.Scroll to the bottom of the document.
54.Long press the last comment, release, and then tap Delete Comment.
55.Delete the last comment.
56.Tap at end of paragraph, and from Review tab, in Comments group, tap New Comment.
57.Type the following in the comment:
Id love to see the feature comparison table here. I believe it was sent around as a PDF.

Demo Guide
58.Save the file and check it in.

Enterprise Hero Demo

You are now ready to complete the Word pre-demo Setup Steps.

OneNote app for Windows 10 and

Office Lens for Windows Phone
Install and log into OneNote app
Install the OneNote app from the Microsoft Store, if it is not already installed in Windows 10.
If this is the first time you are running the OneNote app, you may need to sign into the app with a Microsoft account.
If so and you do not have one, navigate to and follow directions
to create a Microsoft account.
1. Tap to open OneNote, then tap through opening screens.
2. If asked to Pick an account to sign in with, tap Personal Microsoft account, and sign in with Katie
Jordans Office 365 account.
3. Follow directions to complete the sign in process.
4. If not prompted to Pick an account:
a. When OneNote app opens, in upper left, from Show Navigation (hamburger icon) and at bottom of
menu, tap Settings.
b. In Settings, tap Accounts.
c. In Accounts, tap Add account.
d. In Choose an account, tap Work or school account.
e. Sign in with Katie Jordans Office 365 account.
Unpack OneNote Notebook

In Edge, navigate to the demo tenant root site at https://<tenant> and log in as Katie

5. In the Documents library, click DemoDocs folder, and then download Katie Jordans notebook to your
6. Open File Explorer and on the Desktop, navigate to the downloaded notebook.

Demo Guide
7. Double-tap to open Katie Jordans notebook.

Enterprise Hero Demo

8. In Unpack Notebook dialog, tap Create.

This will unpack the OneNote file and sync it to Katie Jordans Office 365 account OneDrive.
Download PDF file

In Edge, navigate to the demo tenant root site at http://<tenant> and log in as Katie

9. In the Documents library, click DemoDocs folder, and then download the Contoso Product
Innmovation.pdf file to your machine.
You are now ready to perform the OneNote app pre-demo setup steps.

SharePoint+ Excel+ Power BI

Pin workbooks to Excel Recent list
You will need to pin 3 or 4 Excel workbooks to the Excel Recent list.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Katie Jordan profile.

59.In Edge, navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<Tenant>
60.To open Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales Analysis workbook in Excel, in the Documents library
web part, tap the ellipses () beside the file, then tap Edit.
61.If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
62.Close Excel without saving.
NOTE: Keep Northwind Marketing Spend and Sales Analysis workbook checked out so you are not asked
to check out the file during the demo.
63.Close Excel.
64.Complete above steps to open 2 or 3 more workbooks in Excel.
Prepare 3D Maps in Excel for KatieJ
Follow these steps to ensure the 3D Maps is installed and enabled:

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
1 In Edge, navigate to the demo tenant root and log in as Katie Jordan: http://<tenant>
65.In the Documents library, click DemoDocs folder, and then double-tap European Expansion to open the
file and add to the Excel Recent list.
66.If Protected View warning displays, click Enable Editing.
67.If Security Warning displays, tap Enable Content.
68.If Read-only message displays, tap Edit Workbook.
69.In the European Expansion workbook, in the ribbon, tap Insert, and in the Tours group, confirm 3D Map
icon is available.
70.If Map icon does not appear:
a. In the upper left, tap File, and then tap Options.
b. In Excel Options left navigation, tap Add-ins.
c. At the bottom of the window, from the Manage drop down menu, tap COM Add-ins, and then tap Go.
d. Select Microsoft Power Map for Excel, and then tap OK.
71.Close European Expansion workbook and save changes.
Install Silverlight, if needed
Silverlight is needed to properly display Power View in Excel.

Navigate to and follow directions to

install Silverlight onto your system.

You are now ready to complete the SharePoint+ Excel+ Power BI pre-demo Setup Steps.

PowerPoint Creation
You will need to pin 3 or 4 PowerPoint presentations to the PowerPoint Recent list.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with the Katie Jordan profile.

72.In Edge, navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<Tenant>
73.To open the Northwind presentation in PowerPoint, tap the ellipses () beside the file, and then tap Edit.
74.If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
75.Close PowerPoint without saving.

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
NOTE: Keep Northwind presentation checked out so you are not asked to check out the file during the demo.
76.Complete above steps to add other presentations to the Recent list. Do not check out these files.
You are now ready to perform the PowerPoint Creation pre-demo setup steps.

Set Trusted Sites
Complete these steps to Enable protected mode and set Trusted Sites before proceeding:

On the demo machine, tap Start and type Internet Options.

77.From Search Results, tap Internet Options.

78.In Internet Properties dialog, on the Security tab, tap on Local intranet.
79.Under Security level for this zone, select the check box Enable protected mode and Apply.
80.Tap Trusted Sites, and then tap Sites.
81.Ensure Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone box is checked.
82.Add the following URLs, one at a time, into the Add this website to the zone text box, and then tap Add:




83.Tap Close, and then tap OK to close Internet Options.

Configure Yammer app part on Northwind Team Site

In Internet Explorer, navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Admin.
URL: https://<Tenant>

84.In another tab, navigate to Yammer at

85.If prompted for log in, use Katie Jordans credentials, otherwise in upper right tap Log in, and then enter
Katies credentials.
86.In the Yammer left navigation, under Groups, tap Sales.

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
87.In the browser URL bar, copy the feedID number after the = sign at the end of the URL.
88.Navigate to the Northwind Traders tab.
89.In the Yammer feed part, if present, tap Sign in to Yammer. If prompted for credentials, use
KatieJ@<tenant> (pass@word1). In the popup tap Allow.
90.Inside the Yammer feed webpart, tap Group feed, and enter the following:

Your tenants name

NOTE: On the Yammer tab note the URL, For example:<Tenant>
Group ID:

Paste the Group feedID number copied in step 5.

91.Tap Save.
You are now ready to complete the Yammer pre-demo setup steps.

OneDrive for Business + Office Online


Log into the Windows 10 demo machine as Katie Jordan.

10.Open Internet Explorer and log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.
11.In your Office 365 tenant, in upper left tap App Launcher, and then tap OneDrive.
12.Note documents.
13.Note simple controls (New, Upload, Sync, Share).
14.Tap Sync simple control.
15.Tap Sync now.
16.If questioned about switching apps, tap Yes.
The system will connect to the server, which may take a moment.
17.If prompted to install OneDrive for Business sync app, tap Install and follow directions to set up the app.
You are now ready to complete OneDrive for Business + Office Online pre-demo setup steps.

Delve and Office Graph

Currently no post install steps are needed for Delve and Office Graph.
You are now ready to complete Delve and Office Graph pre-demo setup steps.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo


Log into the Windows 10 demo machine as Katie Jordan.

Install Visio Professional

If Client Setup Tool did not successfully install Visio 2016 on the demo machine, you can install from
Add Sales Pipeline to Sites Im Following

Open Edge and log into your Office 365 tenant as Katie Jordan.

From App Launcher, tap Sites.

Under Sites Im following, if Pipeline Management is not listed, complete the following steps.
a. Navigate to the Sales Pipeline page at
b. In the top navigation of the Sales Pipeline site, tap Follow.

You are now ready to complete Visio pre-demo setup steps.

PowerPoint Presentation
You will need to pin some PowerPoint presentation to the PowerPoint Recent list.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine as Katie Jordan.

92.On your tenant, navigate to the Northwind Traders team site and log in as Katie Jordan.
URL: https://<Tenant>
93.In left navigation, tap Documents.
94.To open the Northwind presentation in PowerPoint, tap the ellipses () beside the file, and then tap Edit.
95.If Check out Required displays, tap Check Out.
96.Close PowerPoint without saving.
NOTE: Keep Northwind presentation checked out so you are not asked to check out the file during the presentation.
You are now ready to complete PowerPoint Presentation pre-demo setup steps.


Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Skype for Business

Prepare Skype for Business for KatieJ

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine as Katie Jordan.

18.Start Skype for Business 2016.

NOTE: If prompted to step through the intro or skip now, step through the intro or you will be prompted again
during the demo.
19.Log in with Katie Jordan credentials.
20.Confirm her photo displays correctly.
21.In Skype for Business, in Find someone text box, type AlexD, and then right-tap his name and select Add
to Favorites.
22.Do the same for GarthF, MollyD, and SaraD.

If people photos are not showing in Skype, then log in as that user whose photo is not yet showing up.
Leave them signed in for a few moments until their photo appears.

Make sure at least one, but preferably all four of the Favorites in your Lync buddy list are online before
your demo begins.

Prepare Skype Windows Phone app for GarthF


Sign into a Windows Phone.

97.Download Skype for Business app from the Store.

98.Login to the Skype for Business windows phone app as Garth Fort.
99.Connect your Windows Phone to your tablet using a USB cable.

On your Windows 10 tablet, download and open Project My Screen App.




Tap on Yes when asked to Allow screen projection on your phone.


To toggle from you full screen view on the tablet, press F. You can close the app from this view.

You are now ready to complete Skype for Business pre-demo setup steps.

Demo Guide

Enterprise Hero Demo

Install Project Professional
If Client Setup Tool did not successfully install Project 2016 on the demo machine, you can install from
Reassign Jill Frank to Anne Wallace
A resource named Jill Frank is assigned to tasks, but does not exist in the SharePoint list of users. This misalignment
will generate a sync error when setting up the project file, so you will need to replace Jill with Anne Wallace.

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Sara Davis profile.

23.Open Microsoft Edge and log into the Pipeline Management team site as Sara Davis.
URL: https://<Tenant>
24.In PipeLine Management left navigation, tap Documents.
25.In the Documents library, beside Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan tap the ellipsis (), and then tap
26.In ribbon, tap Resource, then in Assignment group, tap Assign Resources.
27.Double-tap Jill Frank.
28.In Resource Information dialog, in Resource name text box, replace Jill Frank with Anne Wallace and in
the Email text box, replace with
29.Tap OK to close Resource Information dialog.
30.Tap Close to close Assign Resources.
Sync the project file to SharePoint

Log into the Windows 10 demo machine with Sara Davis profile.

31.Open Microsoft Edge and log into the Pipeline Management team site as Sara Davis.
URL: https://<Tenant>
32.In the PipeLine Management left navigation, tap Documents.
33.In the Documents library, tap ellipsis () for Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan, and then tap Edit.

Demo Guide
Enterprise Hero Demo
34.In Project Professional, with the Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan open, tap the File tab, and then
tap Save As.
35.If not selected, tap Sync with SharePoint.
36.In the right pane, complete fields as follows:
Sync with:

New SharePoint site

Project Name:

Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan

Confirm Site address:


NOTE: You may need to add /sites/contoso. Do not add a trailing / after Contoso. Project Professional will
append the document name to the URL with the appropriate backslash.
37.Tap Save.
38.Wait for the sync to complete. The Sync with Tasks List window will show progress. This may take 5-10
After successfully syncing, Project will show the title as Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan-Tasks to
reflect that the project file has been saved to the project sites Site Assets library.
39.Return to the browser. You should see a new SharePoint project site synced to the project. If not:
a. Navigate to https://<tenant>
b. In upper right, tap Settings, and then tap Site contents.
c. Under Subsites, tap Consolidated Sales Team Master Plan link.
d. Confirm the site opens and shows a Project Summary (timeline, tasks, etc.).
You are now ready to complete Project pre-demo setup steps.


Log into the Windows 10 demo machine as Sara Davis.


Open Edge and log into the Legal Discovery Center as Sara Davis.

NOTE: eDiscovery is also called the Legal Discovery Center in the demo tenant.
URL: https://<tenant>

In eDiscovery left navigation tap Northwind Traders.


Under eDiscovery Sets, tap Northwind Hold.


Demo Guide
On the Northwind Hold page, beside Sources, tap Add & Manage Sources.

Enterprise Hero Demo

Under Mailboxes, in the text box, type Katiej, and then tap Check Mailbox <Need Screenshot here>

In the second text box, type Northwind Traders, and then tap Check Mailbox.


Optional: Add another demo persona to the third text box.


Optional: In the Locations text box, add a SharePoint site.


When finished adding mailboxes and locations, tap OK.


On the Northwind Hold page, in the Filter text box, type Northwind, and then tap Get Statistics.

NOTE: The first time this query runs may take some time.

Under In-Place Hold section, select Enable In-Place Hold, and then tap Save.


The screen will return you to the Northwind case home page.

You are now ready to complete the eDiscovery pre-demo setup steps.

Office 365 Video

Currently no post install steps are needed for Office 365 Video.
You are now ready to complete the Office 365 Video pre-demo setup steps.


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