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Problem 8.

Vertical Breakwater

A.Design Of Depth Water: d+ HHWL+Storm Surge + fluctuation = 4+2.3+0.3-0.1=6.5 m
B. Determine if Breaking Wave. From the task 1 yang sudah di kumpulkan sebelumnya we
get that the significant wave =2.97 m
C.Chose Several Condition

The best design Case F karena ice forces are control the design width of the structure and I
that case soil strength become critical condition
D. Geotechnical stability

E. Used Hs Sebagau Hdesign dengan menggunakan RSB

F. with replace sigma R and sigma s become

g. Bv required become 14 m using RBW des

H.thick ice 1.2 m

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