Typinator Tutorial

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Short Typinator Tutorial

Now that you have Typinator installed, we suggest that you try
the following simple steps to see how Typinator works. You will
find a copy of this tutorial document on your desktop. If you
prefer to skip the tutorial for now, you can open it later from the
This tutorial uses the demo abbreviations that were installed
when you launched Typinator for the first time. It assumes that
these demo abbreviations are still there.
Each step of the tutorial ends with a line "Try it here". To test the
snippets, set the insertion point at the end of this line and follow
the instructions.
Note: If you are running an unregistered copy of Typinator, you
can test it in TextEdit as long and as often as you wish. When
you use Typinator in other applications, it will display a
registration reminder after a couple of expansions.

Step 1: Text Snippet

Type "typurl". Note that the abbreviation is in all lower-case
letters. As soon as you type the last letter, Typinator replaces the
abbreviation with the URL of the Typinator web page.
Try it here

Step 2: Date Snippet

Type "dt" (again in all lower case). Typinator will insert the
current date in the form year-month-day.
You can also try this in the Finder: Create a new folder and
rename it to "dt".
Try it here

Step 3: Picture Snippet

Type "typicon", and Typinator will insert its icon.

Try it here

Step 4: Formatted Text

Type "wbr", and Typinator inserts the phrase "with best regards"
as formatted text in multiple fonts.
Also try "Wbr" (with a capital "W"), and you'll see that Typinator
inserts "With ".
Try it here

Step 5: AutoCorrections
To test Typinator with a large set of autocorrections, click the
Predefined Sets symbol in the toolbar:

Check the languages you work with and click Add. For this
tutorial, add one of the items "AutoCorrection (US English)" or
"AutoCorrection (British English)".
Now try to make a few typical typing errors, such as "yuo", "itis"
and "recieve", and Typinator will automatically correct them.
Also try typing "Itis great!" or "Yuo will recieve", and you
will see that Typinator correctly keeps the capital first letter.
Note that some of these autocorrections are defined as whole
words, so they do not accidentally trigger when you write
another word that starts with the same letters. These
autocorrections will therefore take place only when the next
typed character is a space, comma, period, etc.
Try it here

End of Tutorial
That's it so far. You should now have an impression what
Typinator can do for you. Now it's time to explore Typinator on
your own. If you have any question, click the Help button in the
bottom-left corner of the Typinator window to access the User's


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