CH 5 Projectmaddieanddallas

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Stats Chapter 5 Project

My partner and I were given the topic of finding different probabilities using a
sample space of a euchre deck. A euchre deck consists of 24 cards total. There are four
9s, four 10s, four Js, four Qs, four Ks, and four As. As my partner and I found
different probabilities that were possible with our sample space, we also looked at some
detailed formulas.
First, my partner and I had to design a probability to represent Event A. We
chose to use the probability of pulling a 9 out of the deck on the first try. We discovered
that the probability of that happening was . To find this number we took the total
number of 9s in the deck and divided it by the total number of cards. This probability
also means that an individual has a 16% chance of pulling a 9 on the very first try.
Opposite of pulling a 9 is pulling the complement of a 9. This means that an individual
would try to pull a card from the deck that was not a 9. This probability is much greater
with a chance of this happening. I found this number by counting every card that is not
a 9 and dividing that number by the total amount of cards.
Next, my partner and I designed another scenario similar to Event A; this one
was called Event B. Instead of drawing a 9, we decided to find the probability of pulling
a red Q on the very first try. This probability was 1/12. We found this probability by
taking the total number of red Qs in the deck(2), and dividing it by the total number of
cards (24). This probability can be converted to 8.3%, representing the 8.3% chance of
pulling a red Q from the deck on first try. Different from pulling just a red Q would be to
pull everything but that. This is called the complement. The chances of this happening
are 11/12. My partner and I found this number by dividing the total number of cards
without the red Qs, by the total amount of cards in a euchre deck. There is a greater
chance of pulling every number besides a red Q on the first try, rather than pulling only
a only a red Q.
To make things more interesting, my partner and I found the probability of Event
A and Event B. When finding a probability that has two events acting together, it can be
labeled dependent or independent. A dependent event occurs when two individual
occur and have an effect on one another. An independent event labels two events that
occur and dont affect one another at all. My partner and I have two events that are
independent. My partner and I made this conclusion because after the first card is
drawn, it is placed back in the deck and does not affect the outcome of the second card
we pull. After identifying that our scenario is independent, my partner and I had to find
the probability that A and B can happen together. To find this number we took the
individual probabilities ( and 1/12) and multiplied them together. We new to use this
formula because when seeing an and probability, we know to multiply. We discovered
that the probability of event A and event B happening is 1/72. When comparing this

probability to the events individually, we notice that there is a greater chance of pulling
them separately, than pulling a 9 and then a red Q.
After finding the probability of Event A and B occurring together, my partner and I
found the probability of Event A or B. First, my partner and I had to come to the
conclusion of weather or not our scenario is mutually exclusive or not. For a scenario to
be mutually exclusive, the events that occur cannot occur together. Our two events are
mutually exclusive because we replace each card that we pull, and you can not pull a 9
or red Q in one pull. Next, my partner and I had to actually solve to find the probability of
A or B happening. In order to find this number, we had to add the two individual
probabilities together. We know to do this because any or probability is to be added.
We found that the probability of A or b happening is . This means that there is a better
chance of drawing a 9 and a red Q, than there is to draw a 9 and a red Q. If our events
were not mutually exclusive, our scenario would have overlap and our probability would
be different.
The multiplication rule of counting is when you multiply every possible event
together to try to discover the total possible outcomes and is used to find the number of
different ways an event can be done. An example is the number of possible outcomes
for having six flavors of ice cream and three different cones. The solution to this
example is there are six different kinds of ice cream that can be paired up with three
different cones. Your total number of options for ice cream is six, and your total number
for cones is three. Multiply six and three together and your total number for options is
A permutation is the different number of ways that a certain data set can be
arranged in order (n) a certain amount of time (r). In a permutation order does matter,
so it is used for arranging events in a specific order. The formula for a permutation is
(n!)/(n-r)! An example of a permutation is five contestants participate in a race. Three
contestants received a gold, silver, or bronze medal. To find the permutation, my
partner and I plugged in these numbers to the equation (5!)/(5-3)!. We received the
number 60. This means that there are 60 different ways to order these 5 people with 3
different awards.
A combination is a number of arrangements of different objects (n) with a certain
amount of time(r). In a combination the order does not matter. You use a combination
for choosing random data points without order making a difference. An example for this
is how many ways can you give three oreos to five people. The formula for a
combination is (n!)/r!(n-r)!. We plugged our numbers into this formula, (5)!/3!(5-3)!, and
we received the number 10. This means that there are 10 different ways for these
individuals to receive these oreos.

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